How to use fileDescriptions method in stryker-parent

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Source:file_describer.js Github


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1function FileDescriber() {2 if(!(this instanceof FileDescriber)) {3 return new FileDescriber();4 };5 this.path = require('path');6 this.fs = require('fs');7 this.findAndDescribeJavaFiles = function(dir) {8 var fileDescriptions = [];9 var filePaths = new require(__dirname + "/file_finder.js")().fromDir(dir, ".java", []);10 var classes = [];11 for (var i = 0; i < filePaths.length; i++) {12 var fileDescription = this.createFileDescription(filePaths[i]);13 classes.push({name : fileDescription.className, package : fileDescription.package});14 fileDescriptions.push(fileDescription);15 }16 for (var i = 0; i < fileDescriptions.length; i++) {17 fileDescriptions[i].associatedClasses = this.getAssociatedClasses(fileDescriptions[i].filePath, fileDescriptions[i].package, classes);18 }19 for (var i = 0; i < fileDescriptions.length; i++) {20 var fileDescription = fileDescriptions[i];21 if(fileDescription.isDao) {22 var daoInfo = fileDescription.daoInfo;23 if(daoInfo.model.dto && daoInfo.model.domain) {24 this.associateDomainAndDto(fileDescriptions, fileDescription.className, daoInfo.model.domain, daoInfo.model.dto);25 }26 }27 }28 for (var i = 0; i < fileDescriptions.length; i++) {29 this.findBroadcastReceiverDeclarations(fileDescriptions[i]);30 }31 var allBroadcastReceivers = this.getAllBroadcastReceivers(fileDescriptions);32 for (var i = 0; i < fileDescriptions.length; i++) {33 this.findBroadcastReceiverUsages(allBroadcastReceivers, fileDescriptions[i]);34 }35 return fileDescriptions;36 };37 this.getAllBroadcastReceivers = function(fileDescriptions) {38 var allBroadcastReceivers = [];39 for (var i = 0; i < fileDescriptions.length; i++) {40 var fd = fileDescriptions[i];41 if(fd.isBroadcastReceiver) {42 allBroadcastReceivers.push({package : fd.package, name: fd.className});43 }44 for(j = 0; j < fd.broadcastReceiverInfo.declared.length; j++) {45 allBroadcastReceivers.push(fd.broadcastReceiverInfo.declared[j]);46 }47 }48 return allBroadcastReceivers;49 };50 this.findBroadcastReceiverUsages = function(allBroadcastReceivers, fileDescription) {51 if(!fileDescription.broadcastReceiverInfo) {52 fileDescription.broadcastReceiverInfo = new BroadcastReceiverInfo();53 }54 var contents = this.fs.readFileSync(fileDescription.filePath).toString();55 if(fileDescription.className != "AccessMedicationVm"){56 return;57 }58 for(var x = 0; x < allBroadcastReceivers.length; x++) {59 var broadcastReceiver = allBroadcastReceivers[x];60 if(contents.indexOf(broadcastReceiver.package) != -1) {61 var lines = contents.split(/\r?\n/);62 for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {63 if(lines[i].indexOf( != -1) {64 if(!this.getDeclaredBroadcastReceiver(fileDescription, lines[i])) {65 fileDescription.broadcastReceiverInfo.used.push(broadcastReceiver);66 }67 }68 }69 }70 }71 };72 this.findBroadcastReceiverDeclarations = function(fileDescription) {73 if(!fileDescription.broadcastReceiverInfo) {74 fileDescription.broadcastReceiverInfo = new BroadcastReceiverInfo();75 }76 var contents = this.fs.readFileSync(fileDescription.filePath).toString();77 var lines = contents.split(/\r?\n/);78 for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {79 var l = lines[i];80 var declaredBroadcastReceiver = this.getDeclaredBroadcastReceiver(fileDescription, lines[i]);81 if(declaredBroadcastReceiver) {82 fileDescription.broadcastReceiverInfo.declared.push(declaredBroadcastReceiver);83 }84 }85 };86 this.getDeclaredBroadcastReceiver = function(fileDescription, line) {87 var l = line;88 var declaredBroadcastReceiver = null;89 var finds = {type : {90 index : -1,91 str : " BroadcastReceiver "92 },93 instantiation : {94 index : -1,95 str : " = new BroadcastReceiver() {"96 }97 };98 finds.type.index = l.indexOf(finds.type.str);99 finds.instantiation.index = l.indexOf(finds.instantiation.str);100 if(finds.type.index != -1 && finds.instantiation.index != -1){101 var brname = l.substring(finds.type.index + finds.type.str.length, finds.instantiation.index).trim();102 declaredBroadcastReceiver = {package: fileDescription.package + "." + fileDescription.className, name: brname};103 }104 return declaredBroadcastReceiver;105 };106 this.associateDomainAndDto = function(fileDescriptions, dao, domain, dto) {107 for (var i = 0; i < fileDescriptions.length; i++) {108 if(!fileDescriptions[i].daoAssociations) {109 fileDescriptions[i].daoAssociations = {hasAssociations: false, daos:[], dtos:[], domains:[]};110 }111 if(fileDescriptions[i].className == dao) {112 fileDescriptions[i].daoAssociations.hasAssociations = true;113 fileDescriptions[i];114 fileDescriptions[i].daoAssociations.dtos.push(dto);115 }116 if(fileDescriptions[i].className == domain) {117 fileDescriptions[i].daoAssociations.hasAssociations = true;118 fileDescriptions[i].daoAssociations.daos.push(dao);119 fileDescriptions[i].daoAssociations.dtos.push(dto);120 }121 if(fileDescriptions[i].className == dto) {122 fileDescriptions[i].daoAssociations.hasAssociations = true;123 fileDescriptions[i].daoAssociations.daos.push(dao);124 fileDescriptions[i];125 }126 fileDescriptions[i].daoAssociations.daos = fileDescriptions[i].daoAssociations.daos.getUnique()127 fileDescriptions[i].daoAssociations.dtos = fileDescriptions[i].daoAssociations.dtos.getUnique()128 fileDescriptions[i] = fileDescriptions[i] if(fileDescriptions[i].daoAssociations.hasAssociations) {130// console.log(fileDescriptions[i].className, fileDescriptions[i].daoAssociations);131// }132 }133 };134 this.createFileDescription = function(filePath) {135 var fileDescription = {};136 var contents = this.fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString();137 fileDescription.filePath = filePath;138 fileDescription.fileName = this.getFileName(filePath);139 fileDescription.className = this.getClassName(filePath);140 fileDescription.package = this.getPackage(contents);141 fileDescription.isActivity = this.isActivity(fileDescription.className);142 fileDescription.isVm = this.isVm(fileDescription.className);143 fileDescription.isWorkflow = this.isWorkflow(fileDescription.className);144 fileDescription.isDao = this.isDao(fileDescription.className);145 fileDescription.isDomain = this.isDomain(fileDescription.fileName, fileDescription.filePath);146 fileDescription.isDto = this.isDto(fileDescription.className);147 fileDescription.isBroadcastReceiver = this.isBroadcastReceiver(contents, fileDescription.className);148 fileDescription.constructorInfo = this.getConstructorInfo(fileDescription.className, contents);149 if(fileDescription.isDao){150 fileDescription.daoInfo = this.getDaoInfo(fileDescription.className, contents);151 };152 return fileDescription;153 };154 this.getPackage = function(contents) {155 var package = null;156 var lines = contents.split(/\r?\n/);157 if(lines[0] && lines[0].indexOf("package") != -1) {158 package = lines[0].replace("package", "").replace(";", "").trim();159 }160 return package;161 };162 this.getFileName = function(filePath) {163 return this.path.basename(filePath);164 };165 this.getClassName = function(filePath) {166 return this.getFileName(filePath).replace(".java", "");167 };168 this.isActivity = function(className) {169 return this.endsWith(className, "Activity");170 };171 this.isVm = function(className) {172 return this.endsWith(className, "Vm");173 };174 this.isBroadcastReceiver = function(contents, className) {175 var lines = contents.split(/\r?\n/);176 var isBroadcastReceiver = false;177 for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {178 if(lines[i].indexOf("public class " + className + " extends BroadcastReceiver") != -1) {179 isBroadcastReceiver = true;180 break;181 }182 }183 return isBroadcastReceiver;184 };185 this.isDao = function(className) {186 return this.endsWith(className, "Dao");187 };188 this.isWorkflow = function(className) {189 return this.endsWith(className, "Workflow");190 };191 this.isDomain = function(fileName, filePath) {192 return this.endsWith(filePath.replace("/" + fileName, ""), "domain");193 };194 this.isDto = function(className) {195 return this.endsWith(className, "Dto");196 };197 this.endsWith = function(str, suffix) {198 return str && suffix && str.substr(-1*suffix.length) == suffix;199 };200 this.getConstructorInfo = function(className, contents) {201 var constructorInfo = this.getBasicConstructorInfo(className, contents);202 constructorInfo.parameterClasses = [];203 if(constructorInfo.hasConstructor) {204 for(var i = 0; i < constructorInfo.definitions.length; i++) {205 var c = constructorInfo.definitions[i];206 c = c.substr(c.indexOf("("))207 c = c.replace(")", "");208 var params = c.split(",");209 for(var j = 0; j < params.length; j++) {210 var split = params[j].split(' ');211 if(split && split[0]){212 constructorInfo.parameterClasses.push(split[0]);213 }214 }215 }216 }217 //console.log(className, "[", constructorInfo, "]");218 return constructorInfo;219 };220 this.getDaoInfo = function(className, contents) {221 var daoInfo = {model: {domain: null, dto: null}};222 var genericDao = "GenericDao<";223 if(contents.indexOf(genericDao) != -1) {224 var str = contents.substr(contents.indexOf(genericDao) + genericDao.length);225 str = str.substring(0, str.indexOf(">"));226 if(str) {227 var classes = str.split(",");228 daoInfo.model.domain = classes[0] ? classes[0].trim() : "";229 daoInfo.model.dto = classes[1] ? classes[1].trim() : "";230 }231 }232 //console.log("\n", className, "\n[", JSON.stringify(daoInfo), "]");233 return daoInfo;234 };235 this.getBasicConstructorInfo = function(className, contents) {236 var lines = contents.split(/\r?\n/);237 var inConstructor = false;238 var constructorInfo = {hasConstructor : false, definitions : []};239 var constructor = "";240 for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {241 if(!inConstructor) {242 if(lines[i].indexOf(className + "(") != -1 && lines[i].indexOf("new") == -1) {243 inConstructor = true;244 constructorInfo.hasConstructor = true;245 constructor = "";246 }247 }248 if(inConstructor) {249 var line = lines[i].trim().replace(/\r?\n/, "");250 if(line.length > 0) {251 constructor += line;252 }253 if(constructor.split("(").length === constructor.split(")").length) {254 inConstructor = false;255 var I = constructor.indexOf(")");256 constructor = constructor.substring(0, I+1);257 constructorInfo.definitions.push(constructor);258 }259 }260 }261 return constructorInfo;262 };263 this.getAssociatedClasses = function(filePath, package, allClasses) {264 var associatedClasses = [];265 var contents = this.fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString();266 var lines = contents.split(/\r?\n/);267 var inComment = false;268 for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {269 var line = lines[i];270 if(line.trim().substr(0, 2) == "/*") {271 inComment = true;272 }273 if(inComment && line.trim().substr(0, 2) == "*/"){274 inComment = false;275 }276 if(!inComment && line.trim().substr(0, 2) != "//") {277 for(var j = 0; j < allClasses.length; j++) {278 var className = allClasses[j].name;279 var classPackage = allClasses[j].package;280 if(line.indexOf(className) != -1) {281 associatedClasses.push(classPackage + "." + className);282 }283 }284 }285 }286 return associatedClasses.getUnique();287 };288 function BroadcastReceiverInfo() {289 this.declared = [];290 this.used = [];291 };292}...

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Source:file-types.ts Github


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1/*2 * Adding a file involves:3 * update the FileTypes enum to include your new file + human readable name4 * update the FileDescription object to have a description for your new file5 *6 * From there you'll want to add an interface for your new file (file-interfaces.ts) and then add it7 * to whatever reports will require it (report-types.ts).8 * 9 */10export const DBNAME = 'reportFileStore'11//remember to add file descripiton for every new file type12export enum FileTypes {13 STUDENT_REPORTING_DATA_EXPORT = 'Student Reporting Data Export',14 ES_GRADES_EXTRACT = 'Cumulative Grades Export',15 ASSIGNMENTS_SLOW_LOAD = 'All Assignments and Grades Extract',16 TEACHER_CATEGORIES_TPL = 'CPS Teacher Categories and Average Mode',17 TOTAL_STUDENTS_SPED_INSTRUCTION = 'Total Students Special Education Instruction Details',18 NWEA= 'NWEA Raw Scores Report',19 ATTENDENCE = '% Students Present, Not Present, Excused, or Tardy',20 KRONOS_DATA = 'Kronos Data',21 STUDENT_INFO = 'Student Search List Report',22 HS_THRESHOLD = 'HS Threshold Report',23 STUDENT_SCHEDULE = 'Student Schedules (Sheet)',24 MCLASS_STUDENT_SUMMARY = 'Student Summary',25 SCHEDULE_INFO = 'Schedule Info',26 GRADE_VALIDATION = 'CPS Grade Validation Export',27 JIJI = 'Jiji Sheet',28}29/*30Interface for accessing the different kinds of files used by the report.31Stores one list of file parses for each fileType in the FileTypes enum.32*/33export interface FileList {34 [fileType: string]: RawFileParse[]35}36/*37 fileType: one from the FileTypes enum38 fileName: unique file name of this file type guaranteed by getUniqueFileName39 parseResult: output from the papaParse parse of input file40*/41export interface RawFileParse {42 fileType: string43 fileName: string44 parseResult: ParseResult | null45}46/*47 continer for output from a papaParse parse48*/49export interface ParseResult {50 data: any51 errors: any[]52 meta: any53}54//link is to google doc instructions for downloading that type of file55export interface FileDescripiton {56 description: string57 link?: string58}59export const FileDescriptions: {[fileType: string]: FileDescripiton} = {}60FileDescriptions[FileTypes.ES_GRADES_EXTRACT] = {61 description: 'Located in Grade Input section of the Aspen School view Grades tab',62 link: ''63 }64FileDescriptions[FileTypes.ASSIGNMENTS_SLOW_LOAD] = {65 description: 'Located in Grade Input section of the Aspen School view Grades tab',66 link: ''67 }68FileDescriptions[FileTypes.TEACHER_CATEGORIES_TPL] = {69 description: 'Located in the Reports dropdown of the Aspen School view Grades tab',70 link: ''71 }72FileDescriptions[FileTypes.TOTAL_STUDENTS_SPED_INSTRUCTION] = {73 description: 'Dashboard, school IEP.',74 link: ''75 }76FileDescriptions[FileTypes.NWEA] = {77 description: 'Dashboard reports, NWEA CDF and Participation',78 link: ''79 }80FileDescriptions[FileTypes.ATTENDENCE] = {81 description: 'Dashboard attendance, Att Detail, bottom heatmap',82 link: ''83 }84FileDescriptions[FileTypes.KRONOS_DATA] = {85 description: 'Comes from Kronos',86 }87FileDescriptions[FileTypes.STUDENT_INFO] = {88 description: 'Dashboard Student search list report',89 link: ''90 }91FileDescriptions[FileTypes.HS_THRESHOLD] = {92 description: 'Located in Grade Input section of the Aspen School view Grades tab',93 //link: ''94}95FileDescriptions[FileTypes.STUDENT_SCHEDULE] = {96 description: 'Located in Reports section of the Aspen School view Schedule tab',97 link: ''98}99FileDescriptions[FileTypes.MCLASS_STUDENT_SUMMARY] = {100 description: 'MClass Student Summary',101}102FileDescriptions[FileTypes.SCHEDULE_INFO] = {103 description: ''104}105FileDescriptions[FileTypes.JIJI] = {106 description: ''107}108FileDescriptions[FileTypes.GRADE_VALIDATION] = {109 description: ''110}111FileDescriptions[FileTypes.STUDENT_REPORTING_DATA_EXPORT] = {112 description:''...

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Source:readImageDICOMFileSeries.js Github


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1const WebworkerPromise = require('webworker-promise')2const PromiseFileReader = require('promise-file-reader')3const config = require('./itkConfig.js')4const worker = new window.Worker(config.webWorkersPath + '/ImageIOWorker.js')5const promiseWorker = new WebworkerPromise(worker)6const readImageDICOMFileSeries = (fileList) => {7 const fetchFileDescriptions = Array.from(fileList, function (file) {8 return PromiseFileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(file).then(function (arrayBuffer) {9 const fileDescription = { name:, type: file.type, data: arrayBuffer }10 return fileDescription11 })12 })13 return Promise.all(fetchFileDescriptions).then(function (fileDescriptions) {14 const transferables = => {15 return description.data16 })17 return promiseWorker.postMessage({ operation: 'readDICOMImageSeries', fileDescriptions: fileDescriptions, config: config },18 transferables)19 })20}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {fileDescriptions} = require('stryker-parent');2const files = fileDescriptions();3console.log(files);4const {fileDescriptions} = require('stryker-parent');5const files = fileDescriptions();6console.log(files);7const {fileDescriptions} = require('stryker-parent');8const files = fileDescriptions();9console.log(files);10const {fileDescriptions} = require('stryker-parent');11const files = fileDescriptions();12console.log(files);13const {fileDescriptions} = require('stryker-parent');14const files = fileDescriptions();15console.log(files);16const {fileDescriptions} = require('stryker-parent');17const files = fileDescriptions();18console.log(files);19const {fileDescriptions} = require('stryker-parent');20const files = fileDescriptions();21console.log(files);22const {fileDescriptions} = require('stryker-parent');23const files = fileDescriptions();24console.log(files);25const {fileDescriptions} = require('stryker-parent');26const files = fileDescriptions();27console.log(files);28const {fileDescriptions} = require('stryker-parent');29const files = fileDescriptions();30console.log(files);31const {fileDescriptions} = require('stryker-parent');32const files = fileDescriptions();33console.log(files);34const {fileDescriptions} = require('stryker-parent');35const files = fileDescriptions();36console.log(files);37const {fileDescriptions} = require

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');2const fileDescriptions = strykerParent.fileDescriptions;3const file = fileDescriptions('test.js');4console.log(file);5const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');6const fileDescriptions = strykerParent.fileDescriptions;7const file = fileDescriptions('src/index.js');8console.log(file);9const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');10const fileDescriptions = strykerParent.fileDescriptions;11const file = fileDescriptions('src/index.js', { mutate: false });12console.log(file);13const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');14const fileDescriptions = strykerParent.fileDescriptions;15const file = fileDescriptions('src/index.js', { mutate: true });16console.log(file);17const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');18const fileDescriptions = strykerParent.fileDescriptions;19const file = fileDescriptions('src/index.js', { mutate: false, included: false });20console.log(file);21const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');22const fileDescriptions = strykerParent.fileDescriptions;23const file = fileDescriptions('src/index.js', { mutate: true, included: false });24console.log(file);25const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var fileDescriptions = require('stryker-parent').fileDescriptions;2var files = fileDescriptions(['a', 'b', 'c']);3console.log(files);4module.exports = {5 fileDescriptions: function (files) {6 return files;7 }8};9{10}11{12 "dependencies": {13 }14}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fileDescriptions = require('stryker-parent').fileDescriptions;2console.log(fileDescriptions);3const fileDescriptions = require('stryker-parent').fileDescriptions;4console.log(fileDescriptions);5const fileDescriptions = require('stryker-parent').fileDescriptions;6console.log(fileDescriptions);

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