How to use mutant method in stryker-parent

Best JavaScript code snippet using stryker-parent


Source:Leaflet.GoogleMutant.js Github


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1// Based on GridLayer like , but using MutationObserver instead of jQuery345// 🍂class GridLayer.GoogleMutant6// 🍂extends GridLayer7L.GridLayer.GoogleMutant = L.GridLayer.extend({8 options: {9 minZoom: 0,10 maxZoom: 23,11 tileSize: 256,12 subdomains: 'abc',13 errorTileUrl: '',14 attribution: '', // The mutant container will add its own attribution anyways.15 opacity: 1,16 continuousWorld: false,17 noWrap: false,18 // 🍂option type: String = 'roadmap'19 // Google's map type. Valid values are 'roadmap', 'satellite' or 'terrain'. 'hybrid' is not really supported.20 type: 'roadmap',21 maxNativeZoom: 2122 },2324 initialize: function (options) {25, options);2627 this._ready = !! && !! && !!;2829 this._GAPIPromise = this._ready ? Promise.resolve( : new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {30 var checkCounter = 0;31 var intervalId = null;32 intervalId = setInterval(function () {33 if (checkCounter >= 10) {34 clearInterval(intervalId);35 return reject(new Error(' not found after 10 attempts'));36 }37 if (!! && !! && !! {38 clearInterval(intervalId);39 return resolve(;40 }41 checkCounter++;42 }, 500);43 });4445 // Couple data structures indexed by tile key46 this._tileCallbacks = {}; // Callbacks for promises for tiles that are expected47 this._freshTiles = {}; // Tiles from the mutant which haven't been requested yet4849 this._imagesPerTile = (this.options.type === 'hybrid') ? 2 : 1;5051 this._boundOnMutatedImage = this._onMutatedImage.bind(this);52 },5354 onAdd: function (map) {55, map);56 this._initMutantContainer();5758 this._GAPIPromise.then(function () {59 this._ready = true;60 this._map = map;6162 this._initMutant();6364 map.on('viewreset', this._reset, this);65 if (this.options.updateWhenIdle) {66 map.on('moveend', this._update, this);67 } else {68 map.on('move', this._update, this);69 }70 map.on('zoomend', this._handleZoomAnim, this);71 map.on('resize', this._resize, this);7273 //handle layer being added to a map for which there are no Google tiles at the given zoom74 google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(this._mutant, 'idle', function () {75 this._checkZoomLevels();76 this._mutantIsReady = true;77 }.bind(this));7879 //20px instead of 1em to avoid a slight overlap with google's attribution80 = '20px';81 = '20px';8283 this._reset();84 this._update();8586 if (this._subLayers) {87 //restore previously added google layers88 for (var layerName in this._subLayers) {89 this._subLayers[layerName].setMap(this._mutant);90 }91 }92 }.bind(this));93 },9495 onRemove: function (map) {96, map);97 this._observer.disconnect();98 map._container.removeChild(this._mutantContainer);99100 google.maps.event.clearListeners(map, 'idle');101 google.maps.event.clearListeners(this._mutant, 'idle');102'viewreset', this._reset, this);103'move', this._update, this);104'moveend', this._update, this);105'zoomend', this._handleZoomAnim, this);106'resize', this._resize, this);107108 if (map._controlCorners) {109 = '0em';110 = '0em';111 }112 },113114 getAttribution: function () {115 return this.options.attribution;116 },117118 setElementSize: function (e, size) {119 = size.x + 'px';120 = size.y + 'px';121 },122123124 addGoogleLayer: function (googleLayerName, options) {125 if (!this._subLayers) this._subLayers = {};126 return this._GAPIPromise.then(function () {127 var Constructor = google.maps[googleLayerName];128 var googleLayer = new Constructor(options);129 googleLayer.setMap(this._mutant);130 this._subLayers[googleLayerName] = googleLayer;131 return googleLayer;132 }.bind(this));133 },134135 removeGoogleLayer: function (googleLayerName) {136 var googleLayer = this._subLayers && this._subLayers[googleLayerName];137 if (!googleLayer) return;138139 googleLayer.setMap(null);140 delete this._subLayers[googleLayerName];141 },142143144 _initMutantContainer: function () {145 if (!this._mutantContainer) {146 this._mutantContainer = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-google-mutant leaflet-top leaflet-left');147 = '_MutantContainer_' + L.Util.stamp(this._mutantContainer);148 = '800'; //leaflet map pane at 400, controls at 1000149 = 'none';150 151;152153 }154 this._map.getContainer().appendChild(this._mutantContainer);155156 this.setOpacity(this.options.opacity);157 this.setElementSize(this._mutantContainer, this._map.getSize());158159 this._attachObserver(this._mutantContainer);160 },161162 _initMutant: function () {163 if (!this._ready || !this._mutantContainer) return;164165 if (this._mutant) {166 // reuse old _mutant, just make sure it has the correct size167 this._resize();168 return;169 }170171 this._mutantCenter = new google.maps.LatLng(0, 0);172173 var map = new google.maps.Map(this._mutantContainer, {174 center: this._mutantCenter,175 zoom: 0,176 tilt: 0,177 mapTypeId: this.options.type,178 disableDefaultUI: true,179 keyboardShortcuts: false,180 draggable: false,181 disableDoubleClickZoom: true,182 scrollwheel: false,183 streetViewControl: false,184 styles: this.options.styles || {},185 backgroundColor: 'transparent'186 });187188 this._mutant = map;189190 google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(map, 'idle', function () {191 var nodes = this._mutantContainer.querySelectorAll('a');192 for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {193 nodes[i].style.pointerEvents = 'auto';194 }195 }.bind(this));196197 // 🍂event spawned198 // Fired when the mutant has been created.199'spawned', {mapObject: map});200 },201202 _attachObserver: function _attachObserver (node) {203// console.log('Gonna observe', node);204205 if (!this._observer)206 this._observer = new MutationObserver(this._onMutations.bind(this));207208 // pass in the target node, as well as the observer options209 this._observer.observe(node, { childList: true, subtree: true });210211 // if we are reusing an old _mutantContainer, we must manually detect212 // all existing tiles in it213 node.querySelectorAll('img'),215 this._boundOnMutatedImage216 );217 },218219 _onMutations: function _onMutations (mutations) {220 for (var i = 0; i < mutations.length; ++i) {221 var mutation = mutations[i];222 for (var j = 0; j < mutation.addedNodes.length; ++j) {223 var node = mutation.addedNodes[j];224225 if (node instanceof HTMLImageElement) {226 this._onMutatedImage(node);227 } else if (node instanceof HTMLElement) {228 node.querySelectorAll('img'),230 this._boundOnMutatedImage231 );232233 // Check for, and remove, the "Google Maps can't load correctly" div.234 // You *are* loading correctly, you dumbwit.235 if ( === 'white') {236 L.DomUtil.remove(node);237 }238 239 // Check for, and remove, the "For development purposes only" divs on the aerial/hybrid tiles.240 if (node.textContent.indexOf('For development purposes only') === 0) {241 L.DomUtil.remove(node);242 }243 244 // Check for, and remove, the "Sorry, we have no imagery here"245 // empty <div>s. The [style*="text-align: center"] selector246 // avoids matching the attribution notice.247 // This empty div doesn't have a reference to the tile248 // coordinates, so it's not possible to mark the tile as249 // failed.250 node.querySelectorAll('div[draggable=false][style*="text-align: center"]'),252 L.DomUtil.remove253 );254 }255 }256 }257 },258259 // Only images which 'src' attrib match this will be considered for moving around.260 // Looks like some kind of string-based protobuf, maybe??261 // Only the roads (and terrain, and vector-based stuff) match this pattern262 _roadRegexp: /!1i(\d+)!2i(\d+)!3i(\d+)!/,263264 // On the other hand, raster imagery matches this other pattern265 _satRegexp: /x=(\d+)&y=(\d+)&z=(\d+)/,266267 // On small viewports, when zooming in/out, a static image is requested268 // This will not be moved around, just removed from the DOM.269 _staticRegExp: /StaticMapService\.GetMapImage/,270271 _onMutatedImage: function _onMutatedImage (imgNode) {272// if (imgNode.src) {273// console.log('caught mutated image: ', imgNode.src);274// }275276 var coords;277 var match = imgNode.src.match(this._roadRegexp);278 var sublayer = 0;279280 if (match) {281 coords = {282 z: match[1],283 x: match[2],284 y: match[3]285 };286 if (this._imagesPerTile > 1) { 287 = 1;288 sublayer = 1;289 }290 } else {291 match = imgNode.src.match(this._satRegexp);292 if (match) {293 coords = {294 x: match[1],295 y: match[2],296 z: match[3]297 };298 }299// = 0;300 sublayer = 0;301 }302303 if (coords) {304 var tileKey = this._tileCoordsToKey(coords);305 = 'absolute';306 = 'hidden';307308 var key = tileKey + '/' + sublayer;309 // console.log('mutation for tile', key)310 //store img so it can also be used in subsequent tile requests311 this._freshTiles[key] = imgNode;312313 if (key in this._tileCallbacks && this._tileCallbacks[key]) {314// console.log('Fullfilling callback ', key);315 //fullfill most recent tileCallback because there maybe callbacks that will never get a 316 //corresponding mutation (because map moved to quickly...)317 this._tileCallbacks[key].pop()(imgNode); 318 if (!this._tileCallbacks[key].length) { delete this._tileCallbacks[key]; }319 } else {320 if (this._tiles[tileKey]) {321 //we already have a tile in this position (mutation is probably a google layer being added)322 //replace it323 var c = this._tiles[tileKey].el;324 var oldImg = (sublayer === 0) ? c.firstChild : c.firstChild.nextSibling;325 var cloneImgNode = this._clone(imgNode);326 c.replaceChild(cloneImgNode, oldImg);327 }328 }329 } else if (imgNode.src.match(this._staticRegExp)) {330 = 'hidden';331 }332 },333334335 createTile: function (coords, done) {336 var key = this._tileCoordsToKey(coords);337338 var tileContainer = L.DomUtil.create('div');339 tileContainer.dataset.pending = this._imagesPerTile;340 done = done.bind(this, null, tileContainer);341342 for (var i = 0; i < this._imagesPerTile; i++) {343 var key2 = key + '/' + i;344 if (key2 in this._freshTiles) {345 var imgNode = this._freshTiles[key2];346 tileContainer.appendChild(this._clone(imgNode));347 tileContainer.dataset.pending--;348// console.log('Got ', key2, ' from _freshTiles');349 } else {350 this._tileCallbacks[key2] = this._tileCallbacks[key2] || [];351 this._tileCallbacks[key2].push( (function (c/*, k2*/) {352 return function (imgNode) {353 c.appendChild(this._clone(imgNode));354 c.dataset.pending--;355 if (!parseInt(c.dataset.pending)) { done(); }356// console.log('Sent ', k2, ' to _tileCallbacks, still ', c.dataset.pending, ' images to go');357 }.bind(this);358 }.bind(this))(tileContainer/*, key2*/) );359 }360 }361362 if (!parseInt(tileContainer.dataset.pending)) {363 L.Util.requestAnimFrame(done);364 }365 return tileContainer;366 },367368 _clone: function (imgNode) {369 var clonedImgNode = imgNode.cloneNode(true);370 = 'visible';371 return clonedImgNode;372 },373374 _checkZoomLevels: function () {375 //setting the zoom level on the Google map may result in a different zoom level than the one requested376 //(it won't go beyond the level for which they have data).377 var zoomLevel = this._map.getZoom();378 var gMapZoomLevel = this._mutant.getZoom();379 if (!zoomLevel || !gMapZoomLevel) return;380381382 if ((gMapZoomLevel !== zoomLevel) || //zoom levels are out of sync, Google doesn't have data383 (gMapZoomLevel > this.options.maxNativeZoom)) { //at current location, Google does have data (contrary to maxNativeZoom)384 //Update maxNativeZoom385 this._setMaxNativeZoom(gMapZoomLevel);386 }387 },388389 _setMaxNativeZoom: function (zoomLevel) {390 if (zoomLevel != this.options.maxNativeZoom) {391 this.options.maxNativeZoom = zoomLevel;392 this._resetView();393 }394 },395396 _reset: function () {397 this._initContainer();398 },399400 _update: function () {401 // zoom level check needs to happen before super's implementation (tile addition/creation)402 // otherwise tiles may be missed if maxNativeZoom is not yet correctly determined403 if (this._mutant) {404 var center = this._map.getCenter();405 var _center = new google.maps.LatLng(, center.lng);406407 this._mutant.setCenter(_center);408 var zoom = this._map.getZoom();409 var fractionalLevel = zoom !== Math.round(zoom);410 var mutantZoom = this._mutant.getZoom();411412 //ignore fractional zoom levels413 if (!fractionalLevel && (zoom != mutantZoom)) {414 this._mutant.setZoom(zoom);415 416 if (this._mutantIsReady) this._checkZoomLevels();417 //else zoom level check will be done later by 'idle' handler418 }419 }420421;422 },423424 _resize: function () {425 var size = this._map.getSize();426 if ( === size.x &&427 === size.y)428 return;429 this.setElementSize(this._mutantContainer, size);430 if (!this._mutant) return;431 google.maps.event.trigger(this._mutant, 'resize');432 },433434 _handleZoomAnim: function () {435 if (!this._mutant) return;436 var center = this._map.getCenter();437 var _center = new google.maps.LatLng(, center.lng);438439 this._mutant.setCenter(_center);440 this._mutant.setZoom(Math.round(this._map.getZoom()));441 const gZoom = this._mutant.getZoom();442443 for (let key of Object.keys(this._freshTiles)) {444 const tileZoom = key.split(':')[2];445 if (gZoom != tileZoom) {446 delete this._freshTiles[key]; 447 }448 }449 },450451 // Agressively prune _freshtiles when a tile with the same key is removed,452 // this prevents a problem where Leaflet keeps a loaded tile longer than453 // GMaps, so that GMaps makes two requests but Leaflet only consumes one,454 // polluting _freshTiles with stale data.455 _removeTile: function (key) {456 if (!this._mutant) return;457458 //give time for animations to finish before checking it tile should be pruned459 setTimeout(this._pruneTile.bind(this, key), 1000);460461462 return, key);463 },464465 _getLargeGMapBound: function (googleBounds) {466 const sw = googleBounds.getSouthWest();467 const ne = googleBounds.getNorthEast();468 const swLat =;469 const swLng = sw.lng();470 const neLat =;471 const neLng = ne.lng();472 const latDelta = Math.abs(neLat - swLat);473 const lngDelta = Math.abs(neLng - swLng);474 return L.latLngBounds([[swLat - latDelta, swLng - lngDelta], [neLat + latDelta, neLng + lngDelta]]);475 },476477 _pruneTile: function (key) {478 var gZoom = this._mutant.getZoom();479 var tileZoom = key.split(':')[2];480 const googleBounds = this._mutant.getBounds();481 const gMapBounds = this._getLargeGMapBound(googleBounds);482 for (var i=0; i<this._imagesPerTile; i++) {483 var key2 = key + '/' + i;484 if (key2 in this._freshTiles) { 485 var tileBounds = this._map && this._keyToBounds(key);486 var stillVisible = this._map && tileBounds.overlaps(gMapBounds) && (tileZoom == gZoom);487488 if (!stillVisible) delete this._freshTiles[key2];489// console.log('Prunning of ', key, (!stillVisible))490 }491 }492 }493});494495496// 🍂factory gridLayer.googleMutant(options)497// Returns a new `GridLayer.GoogleMutant` given its options498L.gridLayer.googleMutant = function (options) {499 return new L.GridLayer.GoogleMutant(options); ...

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Source:mutations.test.js Github


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1import { mutantGenerator } from "@/mutations";2describe("get mutations", () => {3 it("it generates single layer deep mutations", () => {4 const { getMutation } = mutantGenerator();5 expect(getMutation("user")).toBe("X_SET_USER");6 });7 it("it generates shallow nested mutations", () => {8 const { getMutation } = mutantGenerator();9 expect(getMutation("active", "users")).toBe("users/X_SET_ACTIVE");10 });11 it("it generates arbitrarily nested deep mutations", () => {12 const { getMutation } = mutantGenerator();13 expect(getMutation("active", "users/other/great")).toBe(14 "users/other/great/X_SET_ACTIVE"15 );16 });17 it("Without a key, it throws", () => {18 const { getMutation } = mutantGenerator();19 expect(_ => getMutation()).toThrow();20 });21});22describe("it creates mutations based on the supplied state", () => {23 it("it allows for arbitrary prefixes", () => {24 const { createMutant } = mutantGenerator({25 mutationPrefix: "RANDOM_PREFIX"26 });27 const original = { state: { name: "Reed" } };28 expect(Object.keys(createMutant(original).mutations)).toEqual([29 "RANDOM_PREFIX_NAME"30 ]);31 });32 it("it generates mutations for the base state", () => {33 const { createMutant } = mutantGenerator();34 const original = { state: { name: "Reed" } };35 const generated = {36 state: { name: "Reed" },37 mutations: { X_SET_NAME: () => {} }38 };39 expect(createMutant(original).state).toEqual(generated.state);40 expect(Object.keys(createMutant(original).mutations)).toEqual(41 Object.keys(generated.mutations)42 );43 expect(Object.keys(createMutant(original).mutations)).toEqual([44 "X_SET_NAME"45 ]);46 });47 it("it merges mutations for the base state", () => {48 const { createMutant } = mutantGenerator();49 const original = {50 state: { name: "Reed" },51 mutations: {52 EXPAND_NAME: state => ( += ` ${}`)53 }54 };55 const generated = {56 state: { name: "Reed" },57 mutations: {58 EXPAND_NAME: state => ( += ` ${}`),59 X_SET_NAME: () => {}60 }61 };62 expect(createMutant(original).state).toEqual(generated.state);63 expect(Object.keys(createMutant(original).mutations)).toEqual(64 Object.keys(generated.mutations)65 );66 expect(Object.keys(createMutant(original).mutations)).toEqual([67 "EXPAND_NAME",68 "X_SET_NAME"69 ]);70 });71 it("it generates mutations for nested modules", () => {72 const { createMutant } = mutantGenerator();73 const original = {74 modules: {75 names: {76 state: { first: "Reed" }77 }78 }79 };80 const generated = {81 modules: {82 names: {83 state: { first: "Reed" },84 mutations: { X_SET_FIRST: () => {} }85 }86 }87 };88 expect(createMutant(original).modules.names.state).toEqual(89 generated.modules.names.state90 );91 expect(Object.keys(createMutant(original).modules.names.mutations)).toEqual(92 Object.keys(generated.modules.names.mutations)93 );94 expect(95 Object.keys(createMutant(original).modules.names.mutations)96 ).toEqual(["X_SET_FIRST"]);97 });98 it("generates mutations for super duper nested modules", () => {99 const { createMutant } = mutantGenerator();100 const original = {101 modules: {102 a: {103 modules: {104 b: {105 modules: { c: { modules: { d: { state: { silly: true } } } } }106 }107 }108 }109 }110 };111 expect(112 Object.keys(113 createMutant(original).modules.a.modules.b.modules.c.modules.d.mutations114 )115 ).toEqual(["X_SET_SILLY"]);116 });...

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Source:MutantDisplay.js Github


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1import React from 'react';2import './styles/App.css';3import './styles/MutantDisplay.css';4import KeyboardBackspace from '@material-ui/icons/KeyboardBackspace';5import MutantTable from './MutantTable';6import MutantCode from './MutantCode';7import SwitchesGroup from './SwitchesGroup';8import MutantKillers from './MutantKillers';9import MutantSummary from './MutantSummary';10import Download from '@axetroy/react-download';11/* Component that handles the displaying of mutants and the logic to navigate12 * around the mutant interface13 */14class MutantDisplay extends React.Component {15 constructor(props) {16 super(props);17 this.state = {18 currentMutant: null19 };20 }21 returnToTable() {22 this.setState({ currentMutant: null });23 }24 mutantClickHandler(row) {25 this.setState({ currentMutant: row });26 }27 updateMutantHandler(mutant) {28 this.props.updateMutantHandler(this.state.currentMutant, mutant);29 }30 render() {31 if (this.state.currentMutant !== null) {32 const mutant_obj = this.props.mutants[this.state.currentMutant];33 return (34 <div className="topLevel">35 <KeyboardBackspace className="back-button" onClick={this.returnToTable.bind(this)}/>36 <br />37 <h3>{mutant_obj.mutant_name}</h3>38 <MutantCode mutant={mutant_obj} />39 <SwitchesGroup mutant={mutant_obj}40 updateSwitchHandler={this.updateMutantHandler.bind(this)} />41 <MutantKillers killers={mutant_obj.killers} />42 </div>43 );44 } else if (this.props.mutants.length > 0) {45 return (46 <div className="topLevel">47 <div id="save-file">48 <button>49 <Download file="mutation_data.json"50 content={JSON.stringify(this.props.mutants)}>51 Save Mutation Data52 </Download>53 </button>54 </div>55 <div id="summary">56 <MutantSummary mutants={this.props.mutants} />57 </div>58 <MutantTable mutants={this.props.mutants}59 mutantClickHandler={this.mutantClickHandler.bind(this)} />60 </div>61 );62 } else {63 return null;64 }65 };66}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1module.exports = function(config) {2 config.set({3 htmlReporter: {4 }5 });6};7{8}9"use strict";10Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {11});12exports.default = undefined;13var _classCallCheck2 = require("babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck");14var _classCallCheck3 = _interopRequireDefault(_classCallCheck2);15var _createClass2 = require("babel-runtime/helpers/createClass");16var _createClass3 = _interopRequireDefault(_createClass2);17function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }18var index = function () {19 function index() {20 (0, _classCallCheck3.default)(this, index);21 }22 (0, _createClass3.default)(index, [{23 value: function add(a, b) {24 return a + b + 1;25 }26 }]);27 return index;28}();29exports.default = index;30"use strict";31var _index = require("./index");32var _index2 = _interopRequireDefault(_index);33function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }34describe("index", function () {35 it("should add 2 numbers", function () {36 var index = new _index2.default();37 var result = index.add(1, 2);38 expect(result).toBe(4);39 });40});41"use strict";42var _index = require("./index");

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const mutant = require('stryker-parent/mutant');2mutant('test', () => {3 return 1;4});5const mutant = require('stryker-parent/mutant');6mutant('test', () => {7 return 1;8});9const mutant = require('stryker-parent/mutant');10mutant('test', () => {11 return 1;12});13const mutant = require('stryker-parent/mutant');14mutant('test', () => {15 return 1;16});17const mutant = require('stryker-parent/mutant');18mutant('test', () => {19 return 1;20});21const mutant = require('stryker-parent/mutant');22mutant('test', () => {23 return 1;24});25const mutant = require('stryker-parent/mutant');26mutant('test', () => {27 return 1;28});29const mutant = require('stryker-parent/mutant');30mutant('test', () => {31 return 1;32});33const mutant = require('stryker-parent/mutant');34mutant('test', () => {35 return 1;36});37const mutant = require('stryker-parent/mutant');38mutant('test', () => {39 return 1;40});41const mutant = require('stryker-parent/mutant');42mutant('test', () => {43 return 1;44});45const mutant = require('stryker-parent/mutant');46mutant('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mutant = require('stryker-parent').mutant;2mutant('mutant', 'mutant');3var mutant = require('stryker-parent').mutant;4mutant('mutant', 'mutant');5var mutant = require('stryker-parent').mutant;6mutant('mutant', 'mutant');7var mutant = require('stryker-parent').mutant;8mutant('mutant', 'mutant');9var mutant = require('stryker-parent').mutant;10mutant('mutant', 'mutant');11var mutant = require('stryker-parent').mutant;12mutant('mutant', 'mutant');13var mutant = require('stryker-parent').mutant;14mutant('mutant', 'mutant');15var mutant = require('stryker-parent').mutant;16mutant('mutant', 'mutant');17var mutant = require('stryker-parent').mutant;18mutant('mutant', 'mutant');19var mutant = require('stryker-parent').mutant;20mutant('mutant', 'mutant');21var mutant = require('stryker-parent').mutant;22mutant('mutant', 'mutant');23var mutant = require('stryker-parent').mutant;24mutant('mutant', 'mutant');25var mutant = require('stryker-parent').mutant;26mutant('mutant', 'mutant');27var mutant = require('stryker-parent').mutant;28mutant('mutant', 'mutant');29var mutant = require('stryker-parent').mutant;30mutant('mutant', 'mutant');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mutant = require("stryker-parent").mutant;2mutant("test", function (a, b) {3 return a + b;4});5var mutant = require("stryker-parent").mutant;6mutant("test", function (a, b) {7 return a + b;8});9var mutant = require("stryker-parent").mutant;10mutant("test", function (a, b) {11 return a + b;12});13var mutant = require("stryker-parent").mutant;14mutant("test", function (a, b) {15 return a + b;16});17var mutant = require("stryker-parent").mutant;18mutant("test", function (a, b) {19 return a + b;20});21var mutant = require("stryker-parent").mutant;22mutant("test", function (a, b) {23 return a + b;24});25var mutant = require("stryker-parent").mutant;26mutant("test", function (a, b) {27 return a + b;28});29var mutant = require("stryker-parent").mutant;30mutant("test", function (a, b) {31 return a + b;32});33var mutant = require("stryker-parent").mutant;34mutant("test", function (a, b) {35 return a + b;36});37var mutant = require("stryker-parent").mutant;38mutant("test", function (a, b) {39 return a + b;40});41var mutant = require("stryker-parent").mutant;42mutant("test", function (a, b) {43 return a + b;44});45var mutant = require("stryker-parent").mutant;46mutant("test", function (a, b) {47 return a + b;48});49var mutant = require("stryker-parent").mutant;50mutant("test", function (a, b) {51 return a + b;52});53var mutant = require("stryker-parent").mutant;54mutant("test", function

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { mutant } from "stryker-parent";2mutant("test.js", 1, function () {3 console.log("mutated code");4});5import { mutant } from "stryker-parent";6mutant("test.js", 2, function () {7 console.log("mutated code");8});9import { mutant } from "stryker-parent";10mutant("test.js", 3, function () {11 console.log("mutated code");12});13import { mutant } from "stryker-parent";14mutant("test.js", 4, function () {15 console.log("mutated code");16});17import { mutant } from "stryker-parent";18mutant("test.js", 5, function () {19 console.log("mutated code");20});21import { mutant } from "stryker-parent";22mutant("test.js", 6, function () {23 console.log("mutated code");24});25import { mutant } from "stryker-parent";26mutant("test.js", 7, function () {27 console.log("mutated code");28});29import { mutant } from "stryker-parent";30mutant("test.js", 8, function () {31 console.log("mutated code");32});33import { mutant } from "stryker-parent";34mutant("test.js", 9, function () {35 console.log("mutated code");36});37import { mutant } from "stryker-parent";38mutant("test.js", 10, function () {39 console.log("mutated code");40});41import { mutant } from "stryker-parent

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const mutant = require('stryker-parent').mutant;2mutant('test.js', 1, function () {3 console.log('hello');4});5const mutant = require('stryker-parent').mutant;6mutant('test.js', 1, function () {7 console.log('hello');8});9const mutant = require('stryker-parent').mutant;10mutant('test.js', 1, function () {11 console.log('hello');12});13const mutant = require('stryker-parent').mutant;14mutant('test.js', 1, function () {15 console.log('hello');16});17const mutant = require('stryker-parent').mutant;18mutant('test.js', 1, function () {19 console.log('hello');20});21const mutant = require('stryker-parent').mutant;22mutant('test.js', 1, function () {23 console.log('hello');24});25const mutant = require('stryker-parent').mutant;26mutant('test.js', 1, function () {27 console.log('hello');28});29const mutant = require('stryker-parent').mutant;30mutant('test.js', 1, function () {31 console.log('hello');32});33const mutant = require('stryker-parent').mutant;34mutant('test.js', 1, function () {35 console.log('hello');36});

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