Best JavaScript code snippet using stryker-parent
1import { expect } from 'chai';2import { types } from '@babel/core';3import generate from '@babel/generator';4import { normalizeWhitespaces } from '@stryker-mutator/util';5import { statementMutantPlacer } from '../../../src/mutant-placers/statement-mutant-placer';6import { findNodePath, parseJS } from '../../helpers/syntax-test-helpers';7import { Mutant } from '../../../src/mutant';8import { createMutant } from '../../helpers/factories';9describe('statementMutantPlacer', () => {10 it('should have the correct name', () => {11 expect('statementMutantPlacer');12 });13 describe(, () => {14 it('should be false for anything but a statement', () => {15 [16 findNodePath(parseJS('foo + bar'), (p) => p.isBinaryExpression()),17 findNodePath(parseJS('foo = bar'), (p) => p.isAssignmentExpression()),18 findNodePath(parseJS(''), (p) => p.isCallExpression()),19 ].forEach((node) => {20 expect(statementMutantPlacer.canPlace(node)).false;21 });22 });23 it('should be able to place a mutant in a statement', () => {24 // Arrange25 const ast = parseJS('const foo = a + b');26 const statement = findNodePath(ast, (p) => p.isVariableDeclaration());27 // Act28 const actual = statementMutantPlacer.canPlace(statement);29 // Assert30 expect(actual).true;31 });32 });33 describe(, () => {34 function arrangeSingleMutant() {35 const ast = parseJS('const foo = a + b');36 const statement = findNodePath<types.VariableDeclaration>(ast, (p) => p.isVariableDeclaration());37 const nodeToMutate = findNodePath<types.BinaryExpression>(ast, (p) => p.isBinaryExpression());38 const mutant = new Mutant('1', 'file.js', nodeToMutate.node, {39 replacement: types.binaryExpression('>>>', types.identifier('bar'), types.identifier('baz')),40 mutatorName: 'fooMutator',41 });42 const appliedMutants = new Map([[mutant, mutant.applied(statement.node)]]);43 return { statement, appliedMutants, ast };44 }45 it('should be able to place a mutant in a statement', () => {46 // Arrange47 const { statement, appliedMutants, ast } = arrangeSingleMutant();48 // Act49, appliedMutants);50 const actualCode = normalizeWhitespaces(generate(ast).code);51 // Assert52 expect(actualCode).contains(normalizeWhitespaces('if (stryMutAct_9fa48("1")) { const foo = bar >>> baz; } else '));53 });54 it('should keep block statements in tact', () => {55 // Arrange56 const ast = parseJS('function add(a, b) { return a + b; }');57 const statement = findNodePath<types.BlockStatement>(ast, (p) => p.isBlockStatement());58 const originalNodePath = findNodePath<types.BinaryExpression>(ast, (p) => p.isBinaryExpression());59 const mutant = createMutant({60 original: originalNodePath.node,61 replacement: types.binaryExpression('>>>', types.identifier('a'), types.identifier('b')),62 });63 const appliedMutants = new Map([[mutant, mutant.applied(statement.node)]]);64 // Act65, appliedMutants);66 const actualCode = normalizeWhitespaces(generate(ast).code);67 // Assert68 expect(actualCode).matches(/function\s*add\s*\(a,\s*b\)\s*{.*}/);69 });70 it('should place the original code as alternative (inside `else`)', () => {71 const { ast, appliedMutants, statement } = arrangeSingleMutant();72, appliedMutants);73 const actualCode = normalizeWhitespaces(generate(ast).code);74 expect(actualCode).matches(/else\s*{.*const foo = a \+ b;\s*\}/);75 });76 it('should add mutant coverage syntax', () => {77 const { ast, appliedMutants, statement } = arrangeSingleMutant();78, appliedMutants);79 const actualCode = normalizeWhitespaces(generate(ast).code);80 expect(actualCode).matches(/else\s*{\s*stryCov_9fa48\("1"\)/);81 });82 it('should be able to place multiple mutants', () => {83 // Arrange84 const ast = parseJS('const foo = a + b');85 const statement = findNodePath<types.VariableDeclaration>(ast, (p) => p.isVariableDeclaration());86 const binaryExpression = findNodePath<types.BinaryExpression>(ast, (p) => p.isBinaryExpression());87 const fooIdentifier = findNodePath<types.Identifier>(ast, (p) => p.isIdentifier());88 const mutants = [89 new Mutant('52', 'file.js', binaryExpression.node, {90 replacement: types.binaryExpression('>>>', types.identifier('bar'), types.identifier('baz')),91 mutatorName: 'fooMutator',92 }),93 new Mutant('659', 'file.js', fooIdentifier.node, {94 replacement: types.identifier('bar'),95 mutatorName: 'fooMutator',96 }),97 ];98 const appliedMutants = new Map<Mutant, types.Statement>();99 appliedMutants.set(mutants[0], mutants[0].applied(statement.node));100 appliedMutants.set(mutants[1], mutants[1].applied(statement.node));101 // Act102, appliedMutants);103 const actualCode = normalizeWhitespaces(generate(ast).code);104 // Assert105 expect(actualCode).contains(106 normalizeWhitespaces(`if (stryMutAct_9fa48("659")) {107 const bar = a + b;108 } else if (stryMutAct_9fa48("52")) {109 const foo = bar >>> baz;110 } else {111 stryCov_9fa48("52", "659")`)112 );113 });114 });...
1'use strict'2const logger = require('../logger/logger')(module)3const nconf = require('../config/conf.js').nconf4const fs = require('fs')5const toString = require('stream-to-string')6const readline = require('readline')7const request = require('request-promise-native')8nconf.defaults({9"datasourceurl":"http://localhost:8080",10"minDepth": 2,11"maxDepth": 6,12"functionSet":{13 "+":{14 "arity":215 },16 "-":{17 "arity":218 },19 "*":{20 "arity":221 },22 "/":{23 "arity":224 },25 "if<=":{26 "arity":427 }28 29 },30 "variables":["distancediff","weightdiff","goingdiff"],31 "dependantvariable":"speeddiff",32 "proportions":{33 "functions": 0.5,34 "constants": 0.25,35 "variables": 0.2536 },37 "constants": {38 "nconstants" : 1000,39 "min": -10.0,40 "max": 10.041 },42 "constantsSet":[],43 "populationsize": 100,44 "datafileurl":"../data/test-100.json",45 "maxSpeedIncrease":0.40340390203403914,46 "maxSpeedDecrease":-0.2880974917179366,47 "epochs": 100,48 'nelite': 5,49 "crossoverrate":0.9,50 "tournamentsize": 5,51 "pointmutationrate":0.05,52})53const GPnode = require('../GPNode/GPnode.js').GPnode54const gpa = require('./gpalgorithm')55const batchsize = nconf.get("batchsize")56const dependantvariable = nconf.get("dependantvariable")57const epochs = nconf.get("epochs")58const populationsize = nconf.get('populationsize')59const nelite = nconf.get('nelite')60const crossoverRate = nconf.get('crossoverrate')61const tournamentSize = nconf.get('tournamentsize')62nconf.set('constantsSet',gpa.generateConstants(nconf.get('constants').nconstants))63const getDataBatch = async(batchSize) => {64 let url = nconf.get("datasourceurl")+"/data"65 if (typeof batchSize != 'undefined'){66 url = nconf.get("datasourceurl")+"/data?n=" + batchSize67 }68 const promise = new Promise((resolve,reject) => {69 request(url)70 .then(data => {71 //console.log("obs: " + JSON.stringify(data))72 resolve(data)73 })74 })75 //const data = await getBatch(batchSize)76 let data = await promise77 // console.log(data)78 return JSON.parse(data)79}80const learnStep = (epoch) => {81 console.log("#Epoch: " + epoch)82 console.log(JSON.stringify(population[0] console.log("#" + population[0].rule.toStrArr())84 //prepare the population for the next generation85 let newPopulation = new Array(populationsize)86 //copy elite members87 for(let i=0; i<nelite; i++){88 newPopulation[i]=population[i]89 }90 //replace poulation members91 for(let i = nelite; i<populationsize; i++){92 if(Math.random() < crossoverRate){ //crossover this member of the population93 let parent1 = gpa.getTournamentWinner(gpa.getTournament(population,tournamentSize))94 let parent2 = gpa.getTournamentWinner(gpa.getTournament(population,tournamentSize))95 let index1 = parent1.rule.selectIndex()96 let index2 = parent2.rule.selectIndex()97 let offspring = GPnode.crossover(parent1.rule, parent2.rule, index1, index2)98 let newPopulationMember = {99 rule:offspring,100 stats:{101 cumulativeError:0,102 nobservations:0,103 fitness:Number.MAX_VALUE104 }105 }106 newPopulation[i] = newPopulationMember107 }108 else{ //mutate109 let tournamentWinner = gpa.getTournamentWinner(gpa.getTournament(population,tournamentSize))110 let crossoverMutateIndex = tournamentWinner.rule.selectIndex()111 let cmDepth = nconf.get('minDepth') +Math.floor(Math.random() * (nconf.get('maxDepth')-nconf.get('minDepth')))112 let mutated = GPnode.subtreeMutate(tournamentWinner.rule, crossoverMutateIndex,cmDepth)113 let mutatedArray = mutated.toArray()114 for(let j=0;j<mutatedArray.length;j++){115 let nodeToMutate=mutatedArray[j]116 let rnd=Math.random()117 //console.log("rnd: "+ rnd)118 if(rnd > nconf.get('pointmutationrate')){119 // + 'point mutate it');120 GPnode.pointMutate(nodeToMutate) //mutates in situ121 }122 else{123 // + 'do not point mutate it');124 }125 }126 let newPopMember={127 rule:mutated,128 stats:{129 cumulativeError:0,130 nobservations:0,131 fitness:Number.MAX_VALUE132 }133 }134 newPopulation[i]=newPopMember;135 }136 }137 population = newPopulation138 getDataBatch(batchsize)139 .then(databatch => {140 population = gpa.evaluatePopulation(population, databatch, true, dependantvariable)141 population = gpa.sortPopulation(population)142 if(epoch < epochs){143 learnStep(epoch + 1)144 }145 else{ //print out final result146 console.log("#Epoch: " + epoch)147 console.log(JSON.stringify(population[0] console.log("#" + population[0].rule.toStrArr())149 }150 })151 152}153let population = gpa.generatePopulation(nconf.get('populationsize'))154getDataBatch(batchsize)155.then(databatch => {156 population = gpa.evaluatePopulation(population, databatch, true, dependantvariable)157 population = gpa.sortPopulation(population)158 learnStep(0)...
1import forEach from 'lodash/forEach';2import invariant from 'invariant';3import iterateField from '../helpers/iterate-field';4import mergeWith from 'lodash/mergeWith';5/* eslint-disable consistent-return */6function mergeCustomizer (objVal, srcVal) {7 if (objVal && objVal.constructor === Array) {8 return srcVal;9 }10}11/* eslint-enable consistent-return */12// The store is responsible for holding and managing data13export default class DB {14 constructor () {15 // Local database16 // composed of data nodes, e.g.17 // {18 // 56d0583eb0dc646f07b05cf2: {...},19 // 568fc7d152e76bc604a74520: {...}20 // }21 this.db = {};22 }23 mergeChanges (changes) {24 mergeWith(this.db, changes, mergeCustomizer);25 }26 removeNode (id) {27 this.db[id] && delete this.db[id];28 }29 // XXX UNDOCUMENTED && UNTESTED30 performUserMutate ({nodeId, type, field}, nodes) {31 invariant(nodeId, 'Relate: mutate does not have a nodeId defined');32 invariant(type, 'Relate: mutate does not have a type defined');33 invariant(field, 'Relate: mutate does not have a field defined');34 let result = [];35 const nodeToMutate = this.db[nodeId];36 if (nodeToMutate) {37 iterateField(field, nodeToMutate, (dataField, parent, lastField) => {38 // add nodes to data field39 const nodeToMutateNodes = dataField.get();40 const nodesArr = nodes.constructor === Array ? nodes : [nodes];41 parent[lastField] = [...nodeToMutateNodes, ...nodesArr];42 result = [nodeId];43 });44 }45 return result;46 }47 getData (data, fragment) {48 const result = {};49 forEach(fragment, (frag, propertyName) => {50 let dataValue = data[propertyName];51 if (dataValue === undefined) dataValue = null;52 if (typeof frag === 'object' && dataValue) {53 const isList = dataValue && dataValue.constructor === Array;54 const isId = typeof dataValue !== 'object' && this.db[dataValue];55 if (isList) {56 const list = [];57 forEach(dataValue, (piece) => {58 const isPieceId = typeof piece !== 'object' && this.db[piece];59 list.push(this.getData(isPieceId ? this.db[piece] : piece, frag));60 });61 result[propertyName] = list;62 } else if (isId) {63 result[propertyName] = this.getData(this.db[dataValue], frag);64 } else {65 result[propertyName] = this.getData(dataValue, frag);66 }67 } else {68 result[propertyName] = dataValue;69 }70 });71 return result;72 }73 getNode (id) {74 return this.db[id];75 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1const nodeToMutate = require('stryker-parent').nodeToMutate;2const myNode = nodeToMutate();3const nodeToMutate = require('stryker-child').nodeToMutate;4const myNode = nodeToMutate();5module.exports = function(config) {6 config.set({7 });8};9module.exports = function(config) {10 config.set({11 });12};13module.exports = function(config) {14 config.set({15 });16};
Using AI Code Generation
1const path = require('path');2const { NodeMutator } = require('stryker-parent');3class MyMutator extends NodeMutator {4 constructor(name) {5 super(name);6 }7 mutate(node) {8 if (node.type === 'Literal' && typeof node.value === 'string') {9 return [this.nodeToMutate(node)];10 }11 }12}13module.exports = MyMutator;14module.exports = function(config) {15 config.set({16 mutator: {17 path.resolve(__dirname, 'test.js')18 }19 });20};
Using AI Code Generation
1var stryker = require('stryker-parent');2var nodeToMutate = stryker.nodeToMutate;3var fs = require('fs');4var codeToMutate = fs.readFileSync('test.js', 'utf8');5var node = nodeToMutate(codeToMutate, 1, 2);6console.log(node);7var foo = function () {8 return 1;9};10var bar = function () {11 return 2;12};13module.exports = {14};15If I want to mutate the line return 1; , how do I get the AST node of that line? I tried the following code:16var stryker = require('stryker-parent');17var nodeToMutate = stryker.nodeToMutate;18var fs = require('fs');19var codeToMutate = fs.readFileSync('test.js', 'utf8');20var node = nodeToMutate(codeToMutate, 1, 2);21console.log(node);22Node {23 loc: Location { start: [Object], end: [Object] },24 body: [ Node { type: 'VariableDeclaration', start: 0, end: 2, loc: [Object], range: [Object], declarations: [Array], kind: 'var' } ],25 sourceType: 'script' }26I would expect to get the node of the line return 1; . How can I achieve this?27var stryker = require('stryker-parent');28var nodeToMutate = stryker.nodeToMutate;29var fs = require('fs');30var codeToMutate = fs.readFileSync('test.js', 'utf8');
Using AI Code Generation
1const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');2const nodeToMutate = strykerParent.nodeToMutate;3const node = nodeToMutate();4const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');5const nodeToMutate = strykerParent.nodeToMutate;6const node = nodeToMutate();7const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');8const nodeToMutate = strykerParent.nodeToMutate;9const node = nodeToMutate();10const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');11const nodeToMutate = strykerParent.nodeToMutate;12const node = nodeToMutate();13const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');14const nodeToMutate = strykerParent.nodeToMutate;15const node = nodeToMutate();16const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');17const nodeToMutate = strykerParent.nodeToMutate;18const node = nodeToMutate();19const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');20const nodeToMutate = strykerParent.nodeToMutate;21const node = nodeToMutate();22const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');23const nodeToMutate = strykerParent.nodeToMutate;24const node = nodeToMutate();
Using AI Code Generation
1var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');2var nodeToMutate = strykerParent.nodeToMutate;3var node = nodeToMutate('test.js', 1, 1);4console.log(node.type);5var node = nodeToMutate('test.js', 1, 10);6console.log(node.type);7var node = nodeToMutate('test.js', 1, 10);8console.log(node.type);9var node = nodeToMutate('test.js', 2, 2);10console.log(node.type);11var node = nodeToMutate('test.js', 3, 1);12console.log(node.type);13var node = nodeToMutate('test.js', 3, 10);14console.log(node.type);15var node = nodeToMutate('test.js', 3, 20);16console.log(node.type);17var node = nodeToMutate('test.js', 4, 2);18console.log(node.type);19var node = nodeToMutate('test.js', 4, 11);20console.log(node.type);21var node = nodeToMutate('test.js', 4, 20);22console.log(node.type);23var node = nodeToMutate('test.js', 5, 1);24console.log(node.type);25var node = nodeToMutate('test.js', 5, 10);26console.log(node.type);27var node = nodeToMutate('test.js', 5, 19);28console.log(node.type);29var node = nodeToMutate('test.js', 5, 28);30console.log(node.type);31var node = nodeToMutate('test.js', 5, 37);32console.log(node.type);33var node = nodeToMutate('test.js', 6, 1);34console.log(node.type);35var node = nodeToMutate('test.js', 6, 10);36console.log(node.type);
Using AI Code Generation
1var nodeToMutate = require('stryker-parent').nodeToMutate;2var mutate = nodeToMutate('test.js');3mutate('a + b', function (mutated) {4 console.log(mutated);5});6var nodeToMutate = require('stryker-parent').nodeToMutate;7var mutate = nodeToMutate('test.js');8mutate('a + b', function (mutated) {9 console.log(mutated);10});11var nodeToMutate = require('stryker-parent').nodeToMutate;12var mutate = nodeToMutate('test.js');13mutate('a + b', function (mutated) {14 console.log(mutated);15});16var nodeToMutate = require('stryker-parent').nodeToMutate;17var mutate = nodeToMutate('test.js');18mutate('a + b', function (mutated) {19 console.log(mutated);20});21var nodeToMutate = require('stryker-parent').nodeToMutate;22var mutate = nodeToMutate('test.js');23mutate('a + b', function (mutated) {24 console.log(mutated);25});26var nodeToMutate = require('stryker-parent').nodeToMutate;27var mutate = nodeToMutate('test.js');28mutate('a + b', function (mutated) {29 console.log(mutated);30});
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