How to use getIndefiniteArticle method in Testcafe

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Source:service.js Github


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...163 const quot = quotation_marks ? '"' : '',164 name = this.settings.get('name');165 return name166 ? quot + name + quot167 : ((include_article || '') && this.getIndefiniteArticle(capitalized) + ' ') + this.getFriendlyType(!include_article);168 }169 getFriendlyType (capitalized = true) {170 const type = this.constructor.friendly_type || this.type;171 return capitalized172 ? type173 : type.toLowerCase();174 }175 getIndefiniteArticle (capitalized = true) {176 return capitalized177 ? this.constructor.indefinite_article178 : this.constructor.indefinite_article.toLowerCase();179 }180 getFriendlyEventName (event) {181 const event_strings = this.constructor.event_strings;182 if (event_strings && event_strings[event] && typeof event_strings[event].getFriendlyName === 'function') {183 return event_strings[event] } else {185 return event;186 }187 }188 getEventDescription (event, event_data) {189 const event_strings = this.constructor.event_strings;190 if (event_strings && event_strings[event] && typeof event_strings[event].getDescription === 'function') {191 return event_strings[event], event_data);192 }193 }194 getEventHtmlDescription (event, event_data, attachment) {195 const event_strings = this.constructor.event_strings;196 if (event_strings && event_strings[event] && typeof event_strings[event].getHtmlDescription === 'function') {197 return event_strings[event], event_data, attachment);198 } else {199 const plain_text_description = this.getEventDescription(event, event_data);200 if (!plain_text_description) {201 return;202 }203 // Fall back to plain text description wraped in <p>.204 return '<p>' + plain_text_description + '</p>';205 }206 }207 getEventAttachment (event, event_data) {208 const event_strings = this.constructor.event_strings;209 if (event_strings && event_strings[event] && typeof event_strings[event].getAttachment === 'function') {210 return event_strings[event], event_data);211 }212 }213 serialize () {214 return {215 id:,216 type: this.type,217 ...this.settings.serialize()218 };219 }220 dbSerialize () {221 return this.serialize();222 }223 clientSerialize () {224 return {225 ...this.serialize(),226 device_id: this.device_id,227 state: {...this.state},228 strings: {229 friendly_type: this.getFriendlyType(),230 indefinite_article: this.getIndefiniteArticle()231 },232 event_definitions: [...this.constructor.event_definitions.entries()].map(([event, definition]) => ([233 event,234 {label: definition.label}235 ])),236 action_definitions: [...this.constructor.action_definitions.entries()].map(([action, definition]) => ([237 action,238 {label: definition.label}239 ])),240 automator_supported: this.constructor.event_definitions.size > 0 || this.constructor.action_definitions.size > 0241 };242 }243 destroy () {244;...

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Source:util.js Github


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...52 });53 // This should use map :v)54 let resultList = [];55 for (let ele in finalCounts) {56 let indef = getIndefiniteArticle(ele);57 let indefString = indef + (indef ? ' ' : '');58 let result = finalCounts[ele] > 1 ? finalCounts[ele] + ' ' + pluralize(ele) : indefString + ele;59 resultList.push(result);60 }61 return resultList;62};63exports.addReactions = function (message, reactionsArray) {64 if (!reactionsArray) return Promise.resolve();65 return reactionsArray.reduce((prev, reaction) => prev.then(() => message.react(reaction)), Promise.resolve());66};67exports.getVsText = function (vs) {68 let lbreak = '------------';69 return lbreak + '\nOur heroes!\n**vs**\n' + vs + '!\n' + lbreak;70};...

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Source:sentenceClassifier.js Github


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...22 }23 });24 } 25 26 getIndefiniteArticle(startsWith) {27 const n=(new Set(['a','e','i','o','u'])).has(startsWith) ? 'n' : '';28 return `a${n} `; 29 }30 hasDeterminer(phrase) {31 return phrase.startsWith('an ') | phrase.startsWith('a ') | phrase.startsWith('the ') |32 phrase.startsWith('An ') | phrase.startsWith('A ') | phrase.startsWith('The ');33 }34 stripDeterminer(phrase) {35 let a = phrase.split(' ');36 let determiner = a.shift();37 let noun = a.join(' ');38 if (!noun) {39 noun = determiner;40 determiner = null;41 }42 return {noun, determiner};43 }44 questionHandler() { 45 let noun = this.sentence.replace(/what is /i, '').replace(/what is /i, '').replace(/\?/, '');46 let determiner;47 let indefiniteArticle = '';48 let query;49 if (this.hasDeterminer(noun)) {50 ({noun, determiner} = this.stripDeterminer(noun));51 indefiniteArticle = this.getIndefiniteArticle(noun[0]);52 } 53 query = `MATCH (s:Lemma {name: '${noun}', pos:'n'})-[r]->(n:Synset)` +54 ` RETURN n AS node LIMIT ${this.limit}` +55 ` UNION ALL MATCH (s:Subject {id: '${noun}', pos:'n'})` +56 ` RETURN s AS node LIMIT ${this.limit}`;57 58 return {noun, query, indefiniteArticle, determiner};59 }60 61 async statementHandler() {62 // Need to determine a strategy for adding new facts. If a lemma already exists we63 // currently add it again with a new id,64 console.log('The sentence is a statement');65 let segments = this.sentence.split('is an');66 if (segments.length === 1) segments = this.sentence.split('is a');67 let noun = segments[0].trim();68 let indefiniteArticle = '';69 let determiner;70 if (this.hasDeterminer(noun)) {71 ({noun, determiner} = this.stripDeterminer(noun)); 72 }73 74 noun = noun.replace(/ /, '_');75 const predicate = segments[1].trim().replace(/\.$/, '');76 const article = this.getIndefiniteArticle(predicate[0]);77 const definition = `${article}${predicate}`;78 79 if (determiner) {80 const existingSynsets = `MATCH (s:Synset) WHERE STARTS WITH '${noun}.' RETURN COLLECT(right(, 2));`;81 const SynsetRecords = await this.database.runQuery(existingSynsets);82 const ids = SynsetRecords[0]._fields[0].sort();83 let nextId = '.01';84 85 if(ids.length > 0) {86 nextId = (parseInt(ids[ids.length-1]) + 1).toString().padStart(2,'0');87 }88 89 const existingLemma = `MATCH (n:Lemma {id: '${noun}.n'} ) RETURN n`;90 const records = await this.database.runQuery(existingLemma);...

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...61 if (!results) return null;62 if (!results[2]) return '';63 return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, ' '));64}65function getIndefiniteArticle(descriptor) {66 if (['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'].includes(descriptor[0].toLowerCase())){67 return 'an'68 }69 return 'a'70}71function makeString({descriptor, type, role, hat}) {72 return `<span>You are ${getIndefiniteArticle(descriptor)} <strong>${descriptor} ${type.type}</strong> with the ability to <strong>${type.ability}</strong>. You're the <strong>${role}</strong> of the party${hat ? `, and have been known to wear a <strong>${hat}</strong>.` : '.'}</span>`73}74const description = document.getElementById('description')75description.innerHTML = makeString(makeBear())76const btcBtn = document.getElementById('btc')77const ctbBtn = document.getElementById('ctb')78const bearStat = document.getElementById('bearStat')79const criminalStat = document.getElementById('criminalStat')80let bearCount = STAT_STARTING_VALUE81let criminalCount = STAT_STARTING_VALUE82bearStat.innerHTML = bearCount83criminalStat.innerHTML = criminalCount84btcBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {85 if (bearCount <= 0 || criminalCount >= 6) {86 return...

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Source:type-assertions.js Github


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...84 actualMsg = type.getActualValueMsg(value, actualType);85 if (i === 0)86 expectedTypeMsg +=;87 else88 expectedTypeMsg += (i === last ? ' or ' + getIndefiniteArticle( + ' ' : ', ') +;89 });90 if (!pass) {91 throw callsiteName ?92 new APIError(callsiteName, RUNTIME_ERRORS.invalidValueType, what, expectedTypeMsg, actualMsg) :93 new GeneralError(RUNTIME_ERRORS.invalidValueType, what, expectedTypeMsg, actualMsg);94 }...

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Source:sentenceClassifier.test.js Github


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...17});18test('Returns indefinite article for first letter of word', () => {19 const aWord = 'car';20 const anWord = 'apple';21 expect(classified.getIndefiniteArticle(aWord[0])).toBe('a ');22 expect(classified.getIndefiniteArticle(anWord[0])).toBe('an ');23});24test('Returns 1 if phrase has a determiner', () => {25 const aPhrase = 'a car';26 const thePhrase = 'the car';27 expect(classified.hasDeterminer(aPhrase)).toBe(1);28 expect(classified.hasDeterminer(thePhrase)).toBe(1);29});30test('Returns 0 if phrase does not have a determiner', () => {31 const phrase = 'car';32 expect(classified.hasDeterminer(phrase)).toBe(0);33});34test('Strips determiner from phrase', () => {35 const phrase = 'a car';36 const expected = { determiner: 'a', noun: 'car' };...

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Source:LangEnglish.js Github


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1// sources2// - () {4 var English = {5 getIndefiniteArticle: function (word) {6 var l_word = word.toLowerCase();7 8 // Specific start of words that should be preceeded by 'an'9 var alt_cases = ["honest", "hour", "hono"];10 for (var i in alt_cases) {11 if (l_word.indexOf(alt_cases[i]) == 0)12 return "an";13 }14 15 // Single letter word which should be preceeded by 'an'16 if (l_word.length == 1) {17 if ("aedhilmnorsx".indexOf(l_word) >= 0)18 return "an";19 else20 return "a";21 }22 23 // Capital words which should likely be preceeded by 'an'24 if (word.match(/(?!FJO|[HLMNS]Y.|RY[EO]|SQU|(F[LR]?|[HL]|MN?|N|RH?|S[CHKLMNPTVW]?|X(YL)?)[AEIOU])[FHLMNRSX][A-Z]/)) {25 return "an";26 }27 28 // Special cases where a word that begins with a vowel should be preceeded by 'a'29 regexes = [/^e[uw]/, /^onc?e\b/, /^uni([^nmd]|mo)/, /^u[bcfhjkqrst][aeiou]/]30 for (var i in regexes) {31 if (l_word.match(regexes[i]))32 return "a"33 }34 35 // Special capital words (UK, UN)36 if (word.match(/^U[NK][AIEO]/)) {37 return "a";38 }39 else if (word == word.toUpperCase()) {40 if ("aedhilmnorsx".indexOf(l_word[0]) >= 0)41 return "an";42 else43 return "a";44 }45 46 // Basic method of words that begin with a vowel being preceeded by 'an'47 if ("aeiou".indexOf(l_word[0]) >= 0)48 return "an";49 50 // Instances where y follwed by specific letters is preceeded by 'an'51 if (l_word.match(/^y(b[lor]|cl[ea]|fere|gg|p[ios]|rou|tt)/))52 return "an";53 54 return "a";55 },56 };57 return English;...

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Source:Text.js Github


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...19 return string;20 },21 22 getArticle: function (s) {23 return this.language.getIndefiniteArticle(s);24 },25 26 pluralify: function (s) {27 if (s.endsWith("roach")) {28 return s + "es";29 } else if (s[s.length - 1] !== "s") {30 return s + "s";31 } else {32 return s;33 }34 },35 36 depluralify: function (s) {37 if (s[s.length - 1] === "s") {...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { getIndefiniteArticle } from 'testcafe';2test('My first test', async t => {3 const article = await getIndefiniteArticle('a');4 console.log(article);5});6import { getIndefiniteArticle } from 'testcafe';7test('My first test', async t => {8 const article = await getIndefiniteArticle('a');9 console.log(article);10});11import { getIndefiniteArticle } from 'testcafe';12test('My first test', async t => {13 const article = await getIndefiniteArticle('a');14 console.log(article);15});16import { getIndefiniteArticle } from 'testcafe';17test('My first test', async t => {18 const article = await getIndefiniteArticle('a');19 console.log(article);20});21import { getIndefiniteArticle } from 'testcafe';22test('My first test', async t => {23 const article = await getIndefiniteArticle('a');24 console.log(article);25});26import { getIndefiniteArticle } from 'testcafe';27test('My first test', async t => {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { getIndefiniteArticle } from 'testcafe';2test('My test', async t => {3 .typeText('#developer-name', getIndefiniteArticle('test'));4});5import { getIndefiniteArticle } from 'testcafe';6test('My test', async t => {7 .typeText('#developer-name', getIndefiniteArticle('test'));8});

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1import { Selector } from 'testcafe';2test('My first test', async t => {3 const article = await Selector('span').getIndefiniteArticle();4 await t.expect(article).eql('an');5});6import { Selector } from 'testcafe';7test('My first test', async t => {8 const article = await Selector('span').getIndefiniteArticle();9 await t.expect(article).eql('an');10});

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1import { getIndefiniteArticle } from 'testcafe';2test('My Test', async t => {3 const article = getIndefiniteArticle('cat');4 await t.expect(article).eql('a');5});6import { getIndefiniteArticle } from 'testcafe';7test('My Test', async t => {8 const article = getIndefiniteArticle('cat');9 await t.expect(article).eql('a');10});11import { getIndefiniteArticle } from 'testcafe';12test('My Test', async t => {13 const article = getIndefiniteArticle('cat');14 await t.expect(article).eql('a');15});16import { getIndefiniteArticle } from 'testcafe';17test('My Test', async t => {18 const article = getIndefiniteArticle('cat');19 await t.expect(article).eql('a');20});21import { getIndefiniteArticle } from 'testcafe';22test('My Test', async t => {23 const article = getIndefiniteArticle('cat');24 await t.expect(article).eql('a');25});26import { getIndefiniteArticle } from 'testcafe';27test('My Test', async t => {28 const article = getIndefiniteArticle('cat');29 await t.expect(article).eql('a');30});31import { getIndefinite

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { Selector } from 'testcafe';2test('Test', async t => {3 .typeText('#developer-name', getIndefiniteArticle('test'))4 .click('#submit-button');5});6function getIndefiniteArticle(word) {7 if (word[0] == 'a' || word[0] == 'e' || word[0] == 'i' || word[0] == 'o' || word[0] == 'u') {8 return 'an ' + word;9 }10 else {11 return 'a ' + word;12 }13}14import { Selector, getIndefiniteArticle } from 'testcafe';15SyntaxError: Unexpected token import16Your name to display (optional):17Your name to display (optional):18import { Selector } from 'testcafe';19import { getIndefiniteArticle } from './module.js';20test('Test', async t => {21 .typeText('#developer-name', getIndefiniteArticle('test'))22 .click('#submit-button');23});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {Selector} from 'testcafe';2test('My test', async t => {3 const article = Selector('article');4 const articleText = await article.getIndefiniteArticle();5 console.log(articleText);6});7import {Selector} from 'testcafe';8test('My test', async t => {9 const article = Selector('article');10 const articleText = await article.getIndefiniteArticle();11 console.log(articleText);12});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { Selector } from 'testcafe';2const getArticle = Selector(getIndefiniteArticle);3test('My Test', async t => {4 await t.expect(getArticle('a', 'an', 'the').exists).ok();5});6function getIndefiniteArticle(text) {7 const firstLetter = text[0].toLowerCase();8 const vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'];9 const isVowel = vowels.indexOf(firstLetter) !== -1;10 return isVowel ? 'an' : 'a';11}12import { Selector } from 'testcafe';13class Page {14 constructor () {15 this.nameInput = Selector('input').withAttribute('data-testid', 'name-input');16 this.importantFeaturesLabels = Selector('legend').withExactText('Which features are important to you:').parent().child('p').child('label');17 this.sliderLabel = Selector('label').withAttribute('data-testid', 'complexity-label');18 this.submitButton = Selector('button').withAttribute('data-testid', 'submit-button');19 }20}21export default new Page();22import page from './page-model';

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