How to use createSizingPropertyGroup method in wpt

Best JavaScript code snippet using wpt


Source:test-box-properties.js Github


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1"use strict";2(function(exports) {3 const sheet = document.head.appendChild(document.createElement("style"));4 // Specify size for outer <div> to avoid unconstrained-size warnings5 // when writing-mode of the inner test <div> is vertical-*6 const wrapper = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));7 = "width:100px; height: 100px;";8 const testElement = wrapper.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));9 = testElement.className = "test";10 // Values to use while testing11 const testValues = {12 "length": ["1px", "2px", "3px", "4px", "5px"],13 "color": ["rgb(1, 1, 1)", "rgb(2, 2, 2)", "rgb(3, 3, 3)", "rgb(4, 4, 4)", "rgb(5, 5, 5)"],14 "border-style": ["solid", "dashed", "dotted", "double", "groove"],15 };16 // Six unique overall writing modes for property-mapping purposes.17 const writingModes = [18 {19 styles: [20 {"writing-mode": "horizontal-tb", "direction": "ltr"},21 ],22 blockStart: "top", blockEnd: "bottom", inlineStart: "left", inlineEnd: "right",23 block: "vertical", inline: "horizontal" },24 {25 styles: [26 {"writing-mode": "horizontal-tb", "direction": "rtl"},27 ],28 blockStart: "top", blockEnd: "bottom", inlineStart: "right", inlineEnd: "left",29 block: "vertical", inline: "horizontal" },30 {31 styles: [32 {"writing-mode": "vertical-rl", "direction": "rtl"},33 {"writing-mode": "sideways-rl", "direction": "rtl"},34 ],35 blockStart: "right", blockEnd: "left", inlineStart: "bottom", inlineEnd: "top",36 block: "horizontal", inline: "vertical" },37 {38 styles: [39 {"writing-mode": "vertical-rl", "direction": "ltr"},40 {"writing-mode": "sideways-rl", "direction": "ltr"},41 ],42 blockStart: "right", blockEnd: "left", inlineStart: "top", inlineEnd: "bottom",43 block: "horizontal", inline: "vertical" },44 {45 styles: [46 {"writing-mode": "vertical-lr", "direction": "rtl"},47 {"writing-mode": "sideways-lr", "direction": "ltr"},48 ],49 blockStart: "left", blockEnd: "right", inlineStart: "bottom", inlineEnd: "top",50 block: "horizontal", inline: "vertical" },51 {52 styles: [53 {"writing-mode": "vertical-lr", "direction": "ltr"},54 {"writing-mode": "sideways-lr", "direction": "rtl"},55 ],56 blockStart: "left", blockEnd: "right", inlineStart: "top", inlineEnd: "bottom",57 block: "horizontal", inline: "vertical" },58 ];59 function testCSSValues(testName, style, expectedValues) {60 for (const [property, value] of expectedValues) {61 assert_equals(style.getPropertyValue(property), value, `${testName}, ${property}`);62 }63 }64 function testComputedValues(testName, rules, expectedValues) {65 sheet.textContent = rules;66 const cs = getComputedStyle(testElement);67 testCSSValues(testName, cs, expectedValues);68 sheet.textContent = "";69 }70 function makeDeclaration(object = {}, replacement = "*") {71 let decl = "";72 for (const [property, value] of Object.entries(object)) {73 decl += `${property.replace("*", replacement)}: ${value}; `;74 }75 return decl;76 }77 /**78 * Creates a group of physical and logical box properties, such as79 *80 * { physical: {81 * left: "margin-left", right: "margin-right",82 * top: "margin-top", bottom: "margin-bottom",83 * }, logical: {84 * inlineStart: "margin-inline-start", inlineEnd: "margin-inline-end",85 * blockStart: "margin-block-start", blockEnd: "margin-block-end",86 * }, type: "length", prerequisites: "...", property: "'margin-*'" }87 *88 * @param {string} property89 * A string representing the property names, like "margin-*".90 * @param {Object} descriptor91 * @param {string} descriptor.type92 * Describes the kind of values accepted by the property, like "length".93 * Must be a key from the `testValues` object.94 * @param {Object={}} descriptor.prerequisites95 * Represents property declarations that are needed by `property` to work.96 * For example, border-width properties require a border style.97 */98 exports.createBoxPropertyGroup = function(property, descriptor) {99 const logical = {};100 const physical = {};101 for (const logicalSide of ["inline-start", "inline-end", "block-start", "block-end"]) {102 const camelCase = logicalSide.replace(/-(.)/g, (match, $1) => $1.toUpperCase());103 logical[camelCase] = property.replace("*", logicalSide);104 }105 const isInset = property === "inset-*";106 let prerequisites = "";107 for (const physicalSide of ["left", "right", "top", "bottom"]) {108 physical[physicalSide] = isInset ? physicalSide : property.replace("*", physicalSide);109 prerequisites += makeDeclaration(descriptor.prerequisites, physicalSide);110 }111 return {name, logical, physical, type: descriptor.type, prerequisites, property};112 };113 /**114 * Creates a group of physical and logical sizing properties.115 *116 * @param {string} prefix117 * One of "", "max-" or "min-".118 */119 exports.createSizingPropertyGroup = function(prefix) {120 return {121 logical: {122 inline: `${prefix}inline-size`,123 block: `${prefix}block-size`,124 },125 physical: {126 horizontal: `${prefix}width`,127 vertical: `${prefix}height`,128 },129 type: "length",130 prerequisites: makeDeclaration({display: "block"}),131 property: (prefix ? prefix.slice(0, -1) + " " : "") + "sizing",132 };133 };134 /**135 * Tests a grup of logical and physical properties in different writing modes.136 *137 * @param {Object} group138 * An object returned by createBoxPropertyGroup or createSizingPropertyGroup.139 */140 exports.runTests = function(group) {141 const values = testValues[group.type];142 const logicals = Object.values(group.logical);143 const physicals = Object.values(group.physical);144 test(function() {145 const expected = [];146 for (const [i, logicalProp] of logicals.entries()) {147, values[i]);148 expected.push([logicalProp, values[i]]);149 }150 testCSSValues("logical properties in inline style",, expected);151 = "";152 }, `Test that logical ${} properties are supported.`);153 for (const writingMode of writingModes) {154 for (const style of writingMode.styles) {155 const writingModeDecl = makeDeclaration(style);156 const associated = {};157 for (const [logicalSide, logicalProp] of Object.entries(group.logical)) {158 const physicalProp = group.physical[writingMode[logicalSide]];159 associated[logicalProp] = physicalProp;160 associated[physicalProp] = logicalProp;161 }162 // Test that logical properties are converted to their physical163 // equivalent correctly when all in the group are present on a single164 // declaration, with no overwriting of previous properties and165 // no physical properties present. We put the writing mode properties166 // on a separate declaration to test that the computed values of these167 // properties are used, rather than those on the same declaration.168 test(function() {169 let decl = group.prerequisites;170 const expected = [];171 for (const [i, logicalProp] of logicals.entries()) {172 decl += `${logicalProp}: ${values[i]}; `;173 expected.push([logicalProp, values[i]]);174 expected.push([associated[logicalProp], values[i]]);175 }176 testComputedValues("logical properties on one declaration, writing " +177 `mode properties on another, '${writingModeDecl}'`,178 `.test { ${writingModeDecl} } .test { ${decl} }`,179 expected);180 }, `Test that logical ${} properties share computed values `181 + `with their physical associates, with '${writingModeDecl}'.`);182 // Test that logical and physical properties are cascaded together,183 // honoring their relative order on a single declaration184 // (a) with a single logical property after the physical ones185 // (b) with a single physical property after the logical ones186 test(function() {187 for (const lastIsLogical of [true, false]) {188 const lasts = lastIsLogical ? logicals : physicals;189 const others = lastIsLogical ? physicals : logicals;190 for (const lastProp of lasts) {191 let decl = writingModeDecl + group.prerequisites;192 const expected = [];193 for (const [i, prop] of others.entries()) {194 decl += `${prop}: ${values[i]}; `;195 const valueIdx = associated[prop] === lastProp ? others.length : i;196 expected.push([prop, values[valueIdx]]);197 expected.push([associated[prop], values[valueIdx]]);198 }199 decl += `${lastProp}: ${values[others.length]}; `;200 testComputedValues(`'${lastProp}' last on single declaration, '${writingModeDecl}'`,201 `.test { ${decl} }`,202 expected);203 }204 }205 }, `Test that ${} properties honor order of appearance when both `206 + `logical and physical associates are declared, with '${writingModeDecl}'.`);207 // Test that logical and physical properties are cascaded properly when208 // on different declarations209 // (a) with a logical property in the high specificity rule210 // (b) with a physical property in the high specificity rule211 test(function() {212 for (const highIsLogical of [true, false]) {213 let lowDecl = writingModeDecl + group.prerequisites;214 const high = highIsLogical ? logicals : physicals;215 const others = highIsLogical ? physicals : logicals;216 for (const [i, prop] of others.entries()) {217 lowDecl += `${prop}: ${values[i]}; `;218 }219 for (const highProp of high) {220 const highDecl = `${highProp}: ${values[others.length]}; `;221 const expected = [];222 for (const [i, prop] of others.entries()) {223 const valueIdx = associated[prop] === highProp ? others.length : i;224 expected.push([prop, values[valueIdx]]);225 expected.push([associated[prop], values[valueIdx]]);226 }227 testComputedValues(`'${highProp}', two declarations, '${writingModeDecl}'`,228 `#test { ${highDecl} } .test { ${lowDecl} }`,229 expected);230 }231 }232 }, `Test that ${} properties honor selector specificty when both `233 + `logical and physical associates are declared, with '${writingModeDecl}'.`);234 }235 }236 };...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wpt = new WebPageTest('');2var data = {3};4wpt.createSizingPropertyGroup(data, function(err, data) {5 if(err) {6 console.log(err);7 }8 console.log(data);9});10WebPageTest.prototype.createSizingPropertyGroup = function(data, callback) {11 var self = this;12 self.postRequest('createSizingPropertyGroup', data, callback);13};14WebPageTest.prototype.postRequest = function(command, data, callback) {15 var self = this;16 var postData = JSON.stringify(data);17 var options = {18 headers: {19 }20 };21 var req = http.request(options, function(res) {22 res.setEncoding('utf8');23 res.on('data', function (chunk) {24 callback(null, chunk);25 });26 });27 req.on('error', function(e) {28 callback(e);29 });30 req.write(postData);31 req.end();32};

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Using AI Code Generation


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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wpt = new WebPageTest();2var group = wpt.createSizingPropertyGroup();3group.setSizingProperty("width", 100);4group.setSizingProperty("height", 100);5group.setSizingProperty("width", 200);6group.setSizingProperty("height", 200);7group.setSizingProperty("width", 300);8group.setSizingProperty("height", 300);9group.setSizingProperty("width", 400);10group.setSizingProperty("height", 400);11group.setSizingProperty("width", 500);12group.setSizingProperty("height", 500);13group.setSizingProperty("width", 600);14group.setSizingProperty("height", 600);15group.setSizingProperty("width", 700);16group.setSizingProperty("height", 700);17group.setSizingProperty("width", 800);18group.setSizingProperty("height", 800);19group.setSizingProperty("width", 900);20group.setSizingProperty("height", 900);21group.setSizingProperty("width", 1000);22group.setSizingProperty("height", 1000);23group.setSizingProperty("width", 1100);24group.setSizingProperty("height", 1100);25group.setSizingProperty("width", 1200);26group.setSizingProperty("height", 1200);27group.setSizingProperty("width", 1300);28group.setSizingProperty("height", 1300);29group.setSizingProperty("width", 1400);30group.setSizingProperty("height", 1400);31group.setSizingProperty("width", 1500);32group.setSizingProperty("height", 1500);33group.setSizingProperty("width", 1600);34group.setSizingProperty("height", 1600);35group.setSizingProperty("width", 1700);36group.setSizingProperty("height", 1700);37group.setSizingProperty("width", 1800);38group.setSizingProperty("height", 1800);39group.setSizingProperty("width", 1900);40group.setSizingProperty("height", 1900);41group.setSizingProperty("width", 2000);42group.setSizingProperty("height", 2000);43group.setSizingProperty("width", 2100);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wpt = new ActiveXObject("WPT.WPT");2var sizingPropertyGroup = wpt.createSizingPropertyGroup();3sizingPropertyGroup.add("test1","test1");4sizingPropertyGroup.add("test2","test2");5sizingPropertyGroup.add("test3","test3");6sizingPropertyGroup.add("test4","test4");7sizingPropertyGroup.add("test5","test5");8sizingPropertyGroup.add("test6","test6");9sizingPropertyGroup.add("test7","test7");10sizingPropertyGroup.add("test8","test8");11sizingPropertyGroup.add("test9","test9");12sizingPropertyGroup.add("test10","test10");13sizingPropertyGroup.add("test11","test11");14sizingPropertyGroup.add("test12","test12");15sizingPropertyGroup.add("test13","test13");16sizingPropertyGroup.add("test14","test14");17sizingPropertyGroup.add("test15","test15");18sizingPropertyGroup.add("test16","test16");19sizingPropertyGroup.add("test17","test17");20sizingPropertyGroup.add("test18","test18");21sizingPropertyGroup.add("test19","test19");22sizingPropertyGroup.add("test20","test20");23sizingPropertyGroup.add("test21","test21");24sizingPropertyGroup.add("test22","test22");25sizingPropertyGroup.add("test23","test23");26sizingPropertyGroup.add("test24","test24");27sizingPropertyGroup.add("test25","test25");28sizingPropertyGroup.add("test26","test26");29sizingPropertyGroup.add("test27","test27");30sizingPropertyGroup.add("test28","test28");31sizingPropertyGroup.add("test29","test29");32sizingPropertyGroup.add("test30","test30");33sizingPropertyGroup.add("test31","test31");34sizingPropertyGroup.add("test32","test32");35sizingPropertyGroup.add("test33","test33");36sizingPropertyGroup.add("test34","test34");37sizingPropertyGroup.add("test35","test35");38sizingPropertyGroup.add("test36","test36");39sizingPropertyGroup.add("test37","test37");40sizingPropertyGroup.add("test38","test38");41sizingPropertyGroup.add("test39","test39");

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wpt = new WebPageTest();2var result = wpt.createSizingPropertyGroup("Test Group");3if (result) {4 alert("Group created successfully");5} else {6 alert("Failed to create group");7}8WPT.createSizingPropertyGroup(groupName)9var wpt = new WebPageTest();10var result = wpt.createSizingPropertyGroup("Test Group");11if (result) {12 alert("Group created successfully");13} else {14 alert("Failed to create group");15}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var myTextFrame = app.activeDocument.pages[0].textFrames[0];2var myPropertyGroup = myTextFrame.createSizingPropertyGroup("myPropertyGroup");3alert(;4var myTextFrame = app.activeDocument.pages[0].textFrames[0];5var myPropertyGroup = myTextFrame.createSizingPropertyGroup("myPropertyGroup");6alert(;7var myTextFrame = app.activeDocument.pages[0].textFrames[0];8var myPropertyGroup = myTextFrame.createSizingPropertyGroup("myPropertyGroup");9alert(;10var myTextFrame = app.activeDocument.pages[0].textFrames[0];11var myPropertyGroup = myTextFrame.createSizingPropertyGroup("myPropertyGroup");12alert(;13var myTextFrame = app.activeDocument.pages[0].textFrames[0];14var myPropertyGroup = myTextFrame.createSizingPropertyGroup("myPropertyGroup");15alert(;16var myTextFrame = app.activeDocument.pages[0].textFrames[0];17var myPropertyGroup = myTextFrame.createSizingPropertyGroup("myPropertyGroup");18alert(;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wptools = require("wptools");2var wp = new wptools.WPTools();3var props = wp.createSizingPropertyGroup(120, 300, 150, 150);4console.log("props: " + JSON.stringify(props));5props: {"top":120,"left":300,"width":150,"height":150}6var wptools = require("wptools");7var wp = new wptools.WPTools();8var props = wp.createSizingPropertyGroup(120, 300, 150, 150);9var comp = wp.createComponent("MyComponent", "Button", props);10console.log("comp: " + JSON.stringify(comp));11comp: {"name":"MyComponent","type":"Button","top":120,"left":300,"width":150,"height":150}12var wptools = require("wptools");13var wp = new wptools.WPTools();14var props = wp.createSizingPropertyGroup(0, 0, 0, 0);15var comp = wp.createComponent("MyComponent", "Button", props);16console.log("comp: " + JSON.stringify(comp

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var wpt = new WebPageTest('');3var location = 'Dulles:Chrome';4var runs = 1;5var timeout = 30;6var data = {7};8var propertyGroup = wpt.createSizingPropertyGroup();9propertyGroup.set('label', 'My Label');10propertyGroup.set('sizing', '1024x768');11wpt.runTest(url, data, function(err, data) {12 if (err) {13 console.log(err);14 } else {15 console.log(data);16 }17});18wpt.getPropertyGroup('sizing', function(err, data) {19 if (err) {20 console.log(err);21 } else {22 console.log(data);23 }24});25var wpt = require('webpagetest');26var wpt = new WebPageTest('');27var location = 'Dulles:Chrome';28var runs = 1;29var timeout = 30;30var data = {31};32var propertyGroup = wpt.createCustomPropertyGroup();33propertyGroup.set('label', 'My Label');34propertyGroup.set('sizing', '1024x768');35propertyGroup.set('userAgent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/38.0.2125.104 Safari/537.36');36wpt.runTest(url, data, function(err, data) {37 if (err) {38 console.log(err);39 } else {40 console.log(data);41 }42});43wpt.getPropertyGroup('custom', function(err, data) {44 if (err) {45 console.log(err);46 } else {47 console.log(data

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Using AI Code Generation


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1function test()2{3 var wpt = app.activeDocument.warpingPlugin;4 var doc = app.activeDocument;5 var layer = doc.activeLayer;6 var layerBounds = layer.bounds;7 var layerWidth = layerBounds[2] - layerBounds[0];8 var layerHeight = layerBounds[3] - layerBounds[1];9 var width = 100;10 var height = 100;11 var sizingPropertyGroup = wpt.createSizingPropertyGroup(layer);12 var sizingPropertyGroupItem = sizingPropertyGroup.createSizingPropertyGroupItem(layerWidth, layerHeight, width, height);13 var sizingPropertyGroupItemValue = sizingPropertyGroupItem.createSizingPropertyGroupItemValue(layerWidth, layerHeight, width, height);14 alert(sizingPropertyGroupItemValue.getText());15}16test();

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