How to use readPromise method in wpt

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Source:WebSocketConnection.js Github


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1const WebSocket = require('ws');2const Agent = require('https').Agent;3class WebSocketConnection {4 constructor(httpUri, fingerprint, signingKey, userAgent) {5 this.signingKey = signingKey;6 this.fingerprint = fingerprint;7 this.userAgent = userAgent;8 this.attempts = 0;9 this.connected = false;10 this.wsUri = httpUri11 .replace("https://", "wss://")12 .replace("http://", "ws://") +13 "/v1/ws";14 this.outgoingRequests = {};15 this.incomingRequests = [];16 this.reconnectCallbacks = [];17 this.callbacks = [];18 this.jsonrpcId = 1;19 this.wasConnected = false;20 }21 connect() {22 let timestamp = parseInt( / 1000);23 let data = "GET" + "\n" +24 "/v1/ws" + "\n" +25 timestamp + "\n";26 let signature = this.signingKey.sign(data);27 let options = {28 headers: {29 'Toshi-ID-Address': this.signingKey.address,30 'Toshi-Timestamp': timestamp,31 'Toshi-Signature': signature,32 'User-Agent': this.userAgent33 }34 };35 if (this.fingerprint) {36 Object.assign({37 agent: new Agent({38 maxCachedSessions: 039 }),40 rejectUnauthorized: true41 }, options);42 }43 = new WebSocket(this.wsUri,44 options);45 if (this.fingerprint) {46 let self = this;47 self.has_connected_once = false;48 let req =;49 req.on('socket', (socket) => {50 socket.on('secureConnect', (x) => {51 let fingerprint = socket.getPeerCertificate().fingerprint;52 if (!fingerprint) {53 req.emit('error', new Error('Missing expected certificate fingerprint'));54 // there is a weird issue where the certificate stuff55 // sometimes goes missing. this case is so that if there56 // has been a secure connection previously, it will retry57 // until the certificate stuff comes back, but if it's58 // missing the first time, then fail straight away.59 if (!self.has_connected_once) {60 return req.abort();61 }62 }63 // Check if certificate is valid64 if (socket.authorized === false) {65 req.emit('error', new Error(socket.authorizationError));66 return req.abort();67 }68 // Match the fingerprint with our saved fingerprints69 if (self.fingerprint.indexOf(fingerprint) === -1) {70 // Abort request, optionally emit an error event71 req.emit('error', new Error('Fingerprint does not match: ' + self.fingerprint + " != " + fingerprint));72 }73 self.has_connected_once = true;74 });75 });76 }77'open', () => this.onOpen());78'close', (code, reason) => this.onClose(code, reason));79'error', (error) => this.onError(error));80'message', (data) => this.onMessage(data));81 }82 disconnect() {83 if ( {84 let ws =;85 this.connected = false;86 = null;87 this.wasConnected = false;88 ws.close(1000, "OK");89 }90 }91 onOpen() {92 this.connected = true;93 this.attempts = 0;94 if (this.wasConnected) {95 this.reconnectCallbacks.forEach((cb) => cb());96 } else {97 this.wasConnected = true;98 }99 }100 onClose(code, reason) {101 this.connected = false;102 for (var k in this.outgoingRequests) {103 var promise = this.outgoingRequests[k];104 if (promise) {105 // TODO: check status and reject if it's bad106 promise.reject(new Error("Closed: " + code + ", " + reason));107 delete this.outgoingRequests[k];108 }109 }110 if ( {111 // try reconnect if the connection wasn't closed on purpose112 = null;113 this.attempts += 1;114 setTimeout(() => {115 this.connect();116 }, Math.min(this.attempts * 200, 15000));117 }118 }119 onError(error) {120 if ( {121 this.onClose(1000, "OK");122 }123 }124 onMessage(data) {125 let message = JSON.parse(data);126 if ('method' in message) {127 if (this.callbacks) {128 this.callbacks.forEach((callback) => {129 callback([message.method, message.params]);130 });131 } else if (this.readPromise) {132 this.readPromise.fulfil([message.method, message.params]);133 } else {134 this.incomingRequests.push([message.method, message.params]);135 }136 } else if ('id' in message) {137 let promise = this.outgoingRequests[];138 if (promise) {139 if (message.error) promise.reject(message.error);140 else promise.fulfil(message.result);141 delete this.outgoingRequests[];142 }143 }144 }145 readRequest(timeout) {146 if (this.callbacks) {147 throw new Error("Don't call this when using listen: it doesn't make sense!");148 }149 if (this.incomingRequests.length > 0) {150 let request = this.incomingRequests.shift();151 return Promise.resolve(request);152 }153 if (this.readPromise) {154 // TODO: maybe there's a usecase for this155 throw new Error("Websocket is already being read...");156 }157 return new Promise((fulfil, reject) => {158 let timer = timeout ? setTimeout(() => {159 this.readPromise = null;160 reject(new Error("Timeout exceeded"));161 }, timeout) : null;162 this.readPromise = {fulfil: (value) => {163 this.readPromise = null;164 clearTimeout(timer);165 fulfil(value);166 }, reject: (err) => {167 this.readPromise = null;168 clearTimeout(timer);169 reject(err);170 }};171 });172 }173 sendRequest(method, params, retry) {174 let request = {175 jsonrpc: "2.0",176 id: this.jsonrpcId++,177 method: method,178 params: params179 };180 return new Promise((fulfil, reject) => {181 this.outgoingRequests[] = {fulfil: fulfil, reject: reject};182 this._sendRequest(request, 0);183 });184 }185 _sendRequest(request, retry) {186 // wait until websocket is connected before sending the request187 if ( == null || !this.connected) {188 setTimeout(() => this._sendRequest(request, retry ? retry + 1 : 1),189 20 * (retry || 0));190 } else {191;192 }193 }194 sendResponse(id, result, error) {195 if ( == null || !this.connected) {196 throw new Error("No connection!");197 }198 let response = {199 jsonrpc: "2.0",200 id: id,201 };202 if (result) {203 response.result = result;204 }205 if (error) {206 result.error = error;207 }208 return new Promise((fulfil, reject) => {209, (err) => {210 if (err) {211 reject(err);212 } else {213 fulfil();214 }215 });216 });217 }218 listen(callback) {219 this.callbacks.push(callback);220 // empty out any lingering incomming requests221 if (this.incomingRequests.length > 0) {222 let request = this.incomingRequests.shift();223 callback(request);224 }225 }226 onReconnect(callback) {227 this.reconnectCallbacks.push(callback);228 }229}...

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Source:official-locations.js Github


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1const csvParse = require('csv-parse');2const fs = require('fs');3const path = require('path');4const util = require('util');5const njUtils = require('./utils')6const CSV_PATH = path.join(__dirname, 'official-locations-list.csv');7const URL_PROTOCOL = /^https?:\/\//;8function cleanRecord (record) {9 for (let key in record) {10 record[key] = record[key].trim();11 }12 record.simpleName = njUtils.matchable(record['Facility Name']);13 record.simpleAddress = njUtils.matchable(record['Facility Address']);14 record.isMegasite = record['Facility Name']15 .toLowerCase()16 .includes('megasite');17 let url = record['Facility Website'];18 if (url.includes('://')) {19 url = '';20 }21 else if (url && !URL_PROTOCOL.test(url)) {22 url = 'https://' + url;23 }24 record['Facility Website'] = url;25 return record;26}27async function read () {28 const parser = fs29 .createReadStream(CSV_PATH, {encoding: 'utf-8'})30 .pipe(csvParse({columns: true}));31 result = [];32 for await (const record of parser) {33 result.push(cleanRecord(record));34 }35 return result;36}37let readPromise = null;38let data = null;39/**40 * Get a list of location records.41 * @returns {Promise<Array<object>>}42 */43async function getList () {44 if (!data) {45 if (!readPromise) {46 readPromise = read().then(list => data = list);47 }48 await readPromise;49 }50 return data;51}52module.exports = {53 getList,54 read...

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Source:serialwritePromise.js Github


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1const fs=require("fs");2function main(){3 let readpromise=writedata("1.txt");4 for(let i=2;i<=8;i++)5 {6 readpromise=readpromise.then(function(){7 console.log(i-1+" file written");8 return writedata(i+".txt");9 });10 }11 readpromise.then(function(){12 console.log("last file written");13 });14}15function writedata(filename)16{17 let nooflines=Math.floor(Math.random()*101);18 let str="";19 let data;20 for(let i=1;i<=nooflines;i++)21 {22 data=Math.floor(Math.random()*101);23 if(i!=nooflines)24 {25 str=str+data+"\n";26 }27 else28 {29 str=str+data;30 }31 }32 return fs.promises.writeFile(filename,str);33}...

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1var wptools = require('wptools');2var page ='Albert Einstein');3page.readPromise()4 .then(function (data) {5 console.log(data);6 })7 .catch(function (error) {8 console.log(error);9 });

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1const wptools = require('wptools');2const wiki ='Barack Obama');3wiki.get((err, resp) => {4 if (err) {5 console.log(err);6 } else {7 console.log(resp);8 }9});10const wptools = require('wptools');11const wiki ='Barack Obama');12wiki.readPromise().then((resp) => {13 console.log(resp);14}).catch((err) => {15 console.log(err);16});17const wptools = require('wptools');18const wiki ='Barack Obama');, resp) => {20 if (err) {21 console.log(err);22 } else {23 console.log(resp);24 }25});26const wptools = require('wptools');27const wiki ='Barack Obama');28wiki.get((err, resp) => {29 if (err) {30 console.log(err);31 } else {32 console.log(resp);33 }34});35const wptools = require('wptools');36const wiki ='Barack Obama');37wiki.getPromise().then((resp) => {38 console.log(resp);39}).catch((err) => {40 console.log(err);41});

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1var wptools = require('wptools');2var wiki ='Barack Obama');3wiki.get(function(err, resp) {4 if (!err) {5 console.log(resp);6 }7});8var wptools = require('wptools');9var wiki ='Barack Obama');10wiki.get(function(err, resp) {11 if (!err) {12 console.log(resp);13 }14});15var wptools = require('wptools');16var wiki ='Barack Obama');17wiki.get(function(err, resp) {18 if (!err) {19 console.log(resp);20 }21});

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1const wptools = require('wptools');2const fs = require('fs');3const path = require('path');4var data ='Barack_Obama').then(function(page) {5 return page.readPromise();6}).then(function(page) {7 return;8}).then(function(data) {9 return data;10}).catch(function(err) {11 console.log(err);12});13const wptools = require('wptools');14const fs = require('fs');15const path = require('path');'Barack_Obama').then(function(page) {17, page) {18 if (err) {19 console.log(err);20 }21 console.log(;22 });23});24const wptools = require('wptools');25const fs = require('fs');26const path = require('path');'Barack_Obama').then(function(page) {28, page) {29 if (err) {30 console.log(err);31 }32 console.log(;33 });34});35const wptools = require('wptools');36const fs = require('fs');37const path = require('path');'Barack_Obama').then(function(page) {39, page) {40 if (err) {41 console.log(err);42 }43 console.log(;44 });45});46const wptools = require('wptools');47const fs = require('fs');48const path = require('path');'Barack_Obama').then(function(page) {50, page) {51 if (err) {52 console.log(err);53 }54 console.log(;55 });56});57const wptools = require('wptools');58const fs = require('fs');59const path = require('path');'Barack_Obama').then(function(page) {

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1const wptoolkit = require('wptoolkit');2const path = require('path');3const fs = require('fs');4const pathName = path.join(__dirname, 'test.txt');5const readPromise = wptoolkit.readPromise(pathName);6readPromise.then((data) => {7 console.log(data);8}).catch((err) => {9 console.log(err);10})11const wptoolkit = require('wptoolkit');12const path = require('path');13const fs = require('fs');14const pathName = path.join(__dirname, 'test.txt');15const writePromise = wptoolkit.writePromise(pathName, 'test file contents');16writePromise.then((data) => {17 console.log(data);18}).catch((err) => {19 console.log(err);20})21const wptoolkit = require('wptoolkit');22const path = require('path');23const fs = require('fs');24const sourcePath = path.join(__dirname, 'test.txt');25const destinationPath = path.join(__dirname, 'test-copy.txt');26const copyPromise = wptoolkit.copyPromise(sourcePath, destinationPath);27copyPromise.then((data) => {28 console.log(data);29}).catch((err) => {30 console.log(err);31})32const wptoolkit = require('wptoolkit');33const path = require('path');34const fs = require('fs');35const pathName = path.join(__dirname, 'test.txt');36const deletePromise = wptoolkit.deletePromise(pathName);37deletePromise.then((data) => {38 console.log(data);39}).catch((err) => {40 console.log(err);41})42const wptoolkit = require('wptoolkit');43const path = require('path');44const fs = require('fs');45const sourcePath = path.join(__dirname, 'test.txt');46const destinationPath = path.join(__dirname,

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1const wpt = require('wpt');2wpt.readPromise("test.txt")3.then((data) => {4 console.log(data);5})6.catch((err) => {7 console.log(err);8});9# wpt.writePromise(path, data)10const wpt = require('wpt');11wpt.writePromise("test.txt", "This is a test file")12.then(() => {13 console.log("File created successfully");14})15.catch((err) => {16 console.log(err);17});18# wpt.appendPromise(path, data)19const wpt = require('wpt');20wpt.appendPromise("test.txt", "This is a test file")21.then(() => {22 console.log("File created successfully");23})24.catch((err) => {25 console.log(err);26});27# wpt.deletePromise(path)28const wpt = require('wpt');29wpt.deletePromise("test.txt")30.then(() => {31 console.log("File deleted successfully");32})33.catch((err) => {34 console.log(err);35});36# wpt.renamePromise(oldPath, newPath)37const wpt = require('wpt');38wpt.renamePromise("test.txt", "test1.txt")39.then(() => {

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1var wptools = require('wptools');2var fs = require('fs');3var wikiData ='Narendra Modi')4 .get()5 .then(function (data) {6 var file = fs.createWriteStream('test.txt');7 file.on('error', function (err) { /* error handling */ });8 data.infoboxes.forEach(function (v) { file.write(v.text() + '\n'); });9 file.end();10 })11 .catch(function (err) {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wptools = require('wptools');2const wiki ='Barack Obama');3wiki.get(function(err, resp){4 console.log(resp);5});6![Output](

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