How to use check_buses method in avocado

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...36for i in fm_list[1:]:37 lcm = lcm*i//gcd(lcm, i)38print(lcm)39max_bus = buses.index(max(buses))40def check_buses(buses, ts0):41 new_ts = [(ts0 // x[1]) * x[1] + (x[0] // x[1])*x[1] + x[1] - x[0] for x in buses]42 new_ts[0] = new_ts[0] - buses[0][1]43 check = new_ts[0]44 if new_ts.count(check) == len(new_ts):45 return True, buses46 else:47 return False, buses48stop = False49ts0 = fm_list[max_bus] - buses2[max_bus][0]50increment = buses2[0][1]*buses2[max_bus][1]51i = 052while not stop:53 i += 154 ts0 += increment55 stop, bs = check_buses(buses2, ts0)56 if i % 100000 == 0:57 pass58 #print(ts0)59print(ts0)60i = 261ch = True62while ch:63 if i % 20000 == 0: print(i)64 ts0 = buses2[max_bus][1]*i - buses2[max_bus][0]65 ch, lastb = check_buses(buses2, ts0)66 i += 167print(ts0)68"""...

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...9import os10import sys11from fps_sandbox.osu.check_layout import prepare_layout_data12from jaeger import FPS13async def check_buses(data):14 fps = await FPS.create()15 n_bus = {ii: [0, 0, 0, 0] for ii in range(1, 7)}16 for pid in fps.positioners:17 iface, bus = fps[pid].get_bus()18 iface += 119 n_bus[iface][bus - 1] += 120 for sextant in sorted(n_bus):21 for ibus, bus in enumerate(n_bus[sextant]):22 print(f"Sextant {sextant}, bus {ibus+1}: {n_bus[sextant][ibus]}.")23 for pid in fps.positioners:24 p_data = data.loc[pid]25 iface, bus = fps[pid].get_bus()26 if p_data.Sextant != iface + 1:27 print(f"Positioner {pid}. Mismatch layout (sextant, bus) "28 f"({p_data.Sextant}, {p_data.CAN}) with measured "29 f"({iface+1}, {bus}).")30 elif p_data.CAN != bus:31 print(f"Positioner {pid}. Mismatch layout (sextant, bus) "32 f"({p_data.Sextant}, {p_data.CAN}) with measured "33 f"({iface+1}, {bus}).")34if __name__ == "__main__":35 if len(sys.argv) > 1:36 data_file = sys.argv[1]37 else:38 data_file = os.path.join(39 os.path.dirname(__file__),40 "../data/SloanFPS_Assignments_2021Oct22.csv",41 )...

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1def makeminutes(time):2 h, m = time.split(':')3 return int(h)*60+int(m)4def check_buses(n, m, lines):5 cntbuses = [0]*(n+1)6 busbalance = [0]*(n+1)7 events = []8 overnight = 09 for line in lines:10 cdep, deptime, carr, arrtime = line.split()11 cdep = int(cdep)12 carr = int(carr)13 deptime = makeminutes(deptime)14 arrtime = makeminutes(arrtime)15 if arrtime < deptime:16 overnight += 117 busbalance[cdep] -= 118 busbalance[carr] += 119 events.append((deptime, 1, cdep))20 events.append((arrtime, -1, carr))21 disbalance = False22 for i in range(n+1):23 if busbalance[i] != 0:24 disbalance = True25 if disbalance:26 return '-1'27 events.sort()28 for event in events:29 if event[1] == -1:30 cntbuses[event[2]] += 131 else:32 if cntbuses[event[2]] > 0:33 cntbuses[event[2]] -= 134 ans = 035 for i in range(n+1):36 ans += cntbuses[i]37 return str(ans+overnight)38with open('input.txt') as file:39 lines = file.readlines()40 n, m = map(int, lines[0].split())41with open('output.txt', 'w') as file:...

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