How to use _hold_event method in Lemoncheesecake

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1# Copyright L.P.Klyne 2013 2# Licenced under 3 clause BSD licence 3#4#5# Generic On-Off timer6#7# Andy Harris --- 24th September 20108#9#10# <eventInterface module='EventHandlers.LightTimer' name='LightTimer' >11# <presence type='' source='webbrick/36/DO/6' key="state" invert="true"/>12# <duration type='' source='family_bathroom_on_time' /> 13# <enable type='' source='family_bathroom_on' /> 14# <hold type='' source='webbrick/36/DO/4' key="state" invert="true" /> 15# 16# <eventtype type="" >17# <eventsource source="family/bathroom/timer">18# <event>19# <params>20# <testEq name="dayphase" value='*:dark' />21# <testEq name="occupancy" value='home,away' />22# <testEq name="hold" value="0" />23# </params>24# <newEvent type='internal' source='familybath/lights/tryon' >25# <copy_other_data/>26# </newEvent>27# </event>28# </eventsource>29# </eventtype>30# </eventInterface>31import logging32from EventLib.Event import Event33from EventLib.Status import StatusVal34from EventLib.SyncDeferred import makeDeferred35from EventHandlers.BaseHandler import BaseHandler36from EventHandlers.Utils import *37# make logging global to module.38_log = None39CONFIG_TYPE = ""40class Timer( BaseHandler ):41 """42 Timer class that subscribes to events and generates timer events43 """44 45 def __init__ (self, localRouter):46 super(Timer,self).__init__(localRouter)47 global _log48 _log = self._log # make global49 self._debug = True # 50 self._counter = 0 # Will be used for counting51 self._timer_event = None52 self._light_state_event = None53 self._timer_evt_type = ''54 self._timer_evt_source = self._log.name55 self._duration = 12056 self._duration_event = None57 self._enable = True58 self._enable_event = None59 self._hold = 060 self._hold_event = None61 self._presence = -1 # -1: Unknown 0: No Presence 1: Presence Detected62 self._p_presence = -2 # -1: Unknown 0: No Presence 1: Presence Detected -2: Initial63 self._light_state = -1 # -1: Unknown 0: Off 1: On -2: Initial64 self._p_light_state = -2 # -1: Unknown 0: Off 1: On65 self._threshold = 50.0 # default to mid point66 67 self._occupancy = "Home" # a default value68 self._isDark = 0 # a default value69 self._dayphasetext = "Unknown" # a default value70 def start(self):71 self._log.debug( 'start' )72 self._localRouter.subscribe( self._subscribeTime, self, '' )73 self._localRouter.subscribe( self._subscribeTime, self, '' )74 self._localRouter.subscribe( self._subscribeTime, self, '' )75 self._localRouter.subscribe( self._subscribeTime, self, '', 'time/second' )76 #77 # Subscribe to the presence, enable and hold event type78 #79 self._localRouter.subscribe( self._subscribeTime, self, self._presence_event['type'] )80 if self._enable_event :81 self._localRouter.subscribe( self._subscribeTime, self, self._enable_event['type'] )82 if self._duration_event :83 self._localRouter.subscribe( self._subscribeTime, self, self._duration_event['type'] )84 if self._hold_event :85 self._localRouter.subscribe( self._subscribeTime, self, self._hold_event['type'] )86 if self._light_state_event :87 self._localRouter.subscribe( self._subscribeTime, self, self._light_state_event['type'] )88 self.subscribeAll()89 def stop(self):90 self._log.debug( 'stop' )91 if self._debug:92 self._log.debug ("--------- Variables Were ----------------")93 self._log.debug ("MyType %s" % str(self._timer_evt_type)) 94 self._log.debug ("MySource %s" % str(self._timer_evt_source)) 95 self._log.debug ("Enabled %s" % str(self._enable)) 96 self._log.debug ("Duration %s" % str(self._duration)) 97 self._log.debug ("Occupancy %s" % str(self._occupancy)) 98 self._log.debug ("DayPhase %s" % str(self._dayphasetext)) 99 self._log.debug ("Dark %s" % str(self._isDark)) 100 self._log.debug ("Presence %s" % str(self._presence)) 101 self._log.debug ("Light_State %s" % str(self._light_state)) 102 self._log.debug ("-----------------------------------------")103 self._localRouter.unsubscribe( self, '' )104 self._localRouter.unsubscribe( self, '' )105 self._localRouter.unsubscribe( self, '' )106 self._localRouter.unsubscribe( self, self._presence_event['type'] )107 self._localRouter.unsubscribe( self, '', 'time/second' )108 if self._enable_event :109 self._localRouter.unsubscribe( self, self._enable_event['type'] )110 if self._duration_event :111 self._localRouter.unsubscribe( self, self._duration_event['type'] )112 if self._hold_event :113 self._localRouter.unsubscribe( self, self._hold_event['type'] )114 if self._light_state_event :115 self._localRouter.unsubscribe( self, self._light_state_event['type'] )116 self.unSubscribeAll()117 def configure( self, cfgDict ):118 from string import upper119 super(Timer,self).configure(cfgDict)120 self._log.debug(cfgDict)121 if cfgDict.has_key('presence'):122 self._presence_event = cfgDict['presence']123 if self._presence_event.has_key('invert'):124 if upper(self._presence_event['invert']) not in ("TRUE","1"):125 del self._presence_event['invert'] # remove the key for a non true or 1 value126 else:127 _log.error( 'No presence event defined for Timer')128 if cfgDict.has_key('light_state'):129 self._light_state_event = cfgDict['light_state']130 if self._light_state_event.has_key('invert'):131 if upper(self._light_state_event['invert']) not in ("TRUE","1"):132 del self._light_state_event['invert'] # remove the key for a non true or 1 value133 if self._light_state_event.has_key('threshold'):134 self._threshold = float(self._light_state_event['threshold'])135 if cfgDict.has_key('enable'):136 self._enable_event = cfgDict['enable']137 138 if cfgDict.has_key('duration'):139 self._duration_event = cfgDict['duration']140 if cfgDict.has_key('hold'):141 self._hold_event = cfgDict['hold']142 if self._hold_event.has_key('invert'):143 if upper(self._hold_event['invert']) not in ("TRUE","1"):144 del self._hold_event['invert'] # remove the key for a non true or 1 value145 if cfgDict.has_key('eventtype'):146 if cfgDict['eventtype'].has_key('type'):147 self._timer_evt_type = cfgDict['eventtype']['type']148 149 if cfgDict['eventtype'].has_key('eventsource'):150 if cfgDict['eventtype']['eventsource'].has_key('source'):151 self._timer_evt_source = cfgDict['eventtype']['eventsource']['source']152 153 if self._debug:154 self._log.debug ("--------- Config Debug ----------------")155 self._log.debug ("presence event %s" % str(self._presence_event)) 156 self._log.debug ("duration event %s" % str(self._duration_event)) 157 self._log.debug ("enable event %s" % str(self._enable_event))158 self._log.debug ("hold event %s" % str(self._hold_event))159 self._log.debug ("light_state event %s" % str(self._light_state_event))160 self._log.debug ("---------------------------------------")161 def doActions( self, actions, inEvent ):162 if actions:163 for action in actions:164 # logged in BaseHandler.sendEvent165 self._log.debug( 'Generate event %s' % ( action ) )166 self.sendEvent( makeNewEvent( action, inEvent, None ) )167 168 def configureActions( self, cfgDict ):169 self._log.debug("configureActions %s" % (cfgDict) )170 result = None171 if cfgDict.has_key("newEvent"):172 if isinstance( cfgDict["newEvent"], list ):173 result = cfgDict["newEvent"]174 else:175 result = list()176 result.append(cfgDict["newEvent"])177 self._log.debug("configureActions %s" % (result) )178 return result179 def indexTimer(self):180 if self._timer_event :181 #182 # An event exists therefore index the counter183 #184 self._counter += 1185 if (self._counter >= self._duration):186 self.sendTimerEvent()187 def setTimerEvent(self):188 self._log.debug ("Setting Timer Event ....")189 self._timer_event = Event(self._timer_evt_type,self._timer_evt_source, {'hold': self._hold, 'occupancy': self._occupancy, 'isDark': self._isDark, 'dayphase': self._dayphasetext, 'presence': self._presence, 'light_state': self._light_state} ) 190 self._counter = 0 # reset191 def sendTimerEvent(self):192 self._log.debug ("Sending Timer Event ....")193 self._timer_event = Event(self._timer_evt_type,self._timer_evt_source, {'hold': self._hold, 'occupancy': self._occupancy, 'isDark': self._isDark, 'dayphase': self._dayphasetext, 'presence': self._presence, 'light_state': self._light_state} ) 194 self.sendEvent( self._timer_event)195 self._timer_event = None # reset196 def doHandleConfig( self, inEvent ):197 from string import upper198 src = inEvent.getSource()199 #self._log.debug ("Found Event: %s" % str(inEvent))200 #self._log.debug ("Handle Config Event SRC %s" % str(src))201 #202 # Now see if this matches anything we need203 #204 if self._enable_event:205 if self._enable_event['type'] == CONFIG_TYPE:206 if self._enable_event['source'] == src:207 en = inEvent.getPayload()['val']208 if en == "1":209 self._enable = True210 if upper(en) == "TRUE":211 self._enable = True212 else:213 self._enable = False214 if self._duration_event['type'] == CONFIG_TYPE:215 if self._duration_event['source'] == src:216 self._duration = int(inEvent.getPayload()['val'])217 218 if src == 'occupants/home':219 self._occupancy = int(inEvent.getPayload()['val']) 220 def doHandleHold( self, inEvent ):221 #222 # What sense is Hold in223 #224 lstate = int(inEvent.getPayload()['state'])225 if self._hold_event.has_key('invert'):226 self._log.debug ("Handle invert for hold: %s" % inEvent.getPayload()['state'])227 if lstate == 1:228 self._hold = 0229 else:230 self._hold = 1231 else:232 if lstate == 1:233 self._hold = 1234 else:235 self._hold = 0236 self._log.debug ("hold set to: %s" % self._hold)237 238 def doHandleLightState( self, inEvent ):239 self._log.debug ("Found Event for Light_State: %s" % str(inEvent))240 #241 # light_state may come in from a DO,AO or AI242 # these need to be treated slightly differently243 #244 # PREPROCESS to derive lstate245 if inEvent.getType() == '' :246 # digital Output247 lstate = inEvent.getPayload()['state']248 elif (inEvent.getType() == '') or (inEvent.getType() == ''):249 # Analogue In or Out 250 lval = inEvent.getPayload()['val']251 if float(lval) >= self._threshold :252 lstate = 1253 else:254 lstate = 0255 else:256 # not a state we recognise257 self._log.error ("Wrong Event Type for light_state: %s" % str(inEvent))258 259 if self._light_state_event.has_key('invert'):260 if lstate == 1:261 doit = False262 self._light_state = 0263 else:264 doit = True265 self._light_state = 1266 else:267 if lstate == 1:268 doit = True269 self._light_state = 1270 else:271 doit = False272 self._light_state = 0273 if doit: 274 if not self._hold:275 if self._enable:276 if not (self._p_light_state == self._light_state) :277 self._log.debug ("Setting Timer due to light_state" )278 self.setTimerEvent()279 self._p_light_state = self._light_state280 def doHandlePresence( self, inEvent ):281 lstate = int(inEvent.getPayload()['state'])282 self._log.debug ("Found Event for Presence: %s previous %s" % (lstate, self._p_presence) )283 if self._presence_event.has_key('invert'):284 self._log.debug ("Processing Presence for invert")285 if lstate == 1:286 doit = False287 self._presence = 0288 else:289 doit = True290 self._presence = 1291 else:292 if lstate == 1:293 doit = True294 self._presence = 1295 else:296 doit = False297 self._presence = 0298 self._log.debug ("Process Presence: %s Previous %s Hold %s Enable %s" % (self._presence, self._p_presence, self._hold, self._enable) )299 if doit: 300 if not self._hold:301 if self._enable:302 if not (self._presence == self._p_presence):303 self._log.debug ("Setting Timer due to Presence" )304 self.setTimerEvent()305 self._p_presence = self._presence306 def doHandleDayPhase( self, inEvent ):307 src = inEvent.getSource()308 #self._log.debug ("Found Event: %s" % str(inEvent))309 #self._log.debug ("Handle DayPhase Event SRC %s" % str(src))310 if src == 'time/dayphaseext':311 self._dayphasetext = inEvent.getPayload()['dayphasetext']312 def doHandleDark( self, inEvent ):313 src = inEvent.getSource()314 #self._log.debug ("Found Event: %s" % str(inEvent))315 #self._log.debug ("Handle Dark Event SRC %s" % str(src))316 if src == 'time/isDark':317 self._isDark = inEvent.getPayload()['state']318 def doHandleEvent( self, handler, inEvent ):319 320 if inEvent.getType() == '':321 self.doHandleConfig( inEvent )322 return makeDeferred(StatusVal.OK) 323 324 elif inEvent.getType() == '':325 self.doHandleDayPhase( inEvent ) 326 return makeDeferred(StatusVal.OK) 327 328 elif inEvent.getType() == '':329 self.doHandleDark( inEvent )330 return makeDeferred(StatusVal.OK) 331 332 elif inEvent.getType() == "":333 self.indexTimer()334 return makeDeferred(StatusVal.OK)335 elif inEvent.getType() == self._presence_event['type'] and inEvent.getSource() == self._presence_event['source']:336 self.doHandlePresence( inEvent )337 return makeDeferred(StatusVal.OK) 338 339 elif self._hold_event and inEvent.getType() == self._hold_event['type'] and inEvent.getSource() == self._hold_event['source']:340 self.doHandleHold( inEvent )341 return makeDeferred(StatusVal.OK) 342 elif self._light_state_event and inEvent.getType() == self._light_state_event['type'] and inEvent.getSource() == self._light_state_event['source']:343 self.doHandleLightState( inEvent )344 return makeDeferred(StatusVal.OK) 345 else: 346 return super(Timer,self).doHandleEvent( handler, inEvent)...

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...60 return self._local.cursor61 @cursor.setter62 def cursor(self, cursor):63 self._local.cursor = cursor64 def _hold_event(self, event):65 self.cursor.pending_events.append(event)66 def _flush_pending_events(self):67 for event in self.cursor.pending_events:68 del self.cursor.pending_events[:]70 def _discard_pending_event_if_any(self, event_class):71 if self.cursor.pending_events and isinstance(self.cursor.pending_events[-1], event_class):72 self.cursor.pending_events.pop()73 return True74 else:75 return False76 def _discard_or_fire_event(self, event_class, event):77 discarded = self._discard_pending_event_if_any(event_class)78 if not discarded:79 def _mark_location_as_failed(self, location):81 self._failures.add(location)82 def is_successful(self, location=None):83 if location:84 return location not in self._failures85 else:86 return len(self._failures) == 087 def start_step(self, description):88 self._end_step_if_any()89 self.cursor.step = description90 self._hold_event(91 events.StepStartEvent(self.cursor.location, description, _get_thread_id())92 )93 set_step = start_step94 def end_step(self):95 assert self.cursor.step, "There is no started step"96 self._discard_or_fire_event(97 events.StepStartEvent, events.StepEndEvent(self.cursor.location, self.cursor.step, _get_thread_id())98 )99 self.cursor.step = None100 def _end_step_if_any(self):101 if self.cursor.step:102 self.end_step()103 def _log(self, level, content):104 self._flush_pending_events()105 if level == Log.LEVEL_ERROR:106 self._mark_location_as_failed(self.cursor.location)107 events.LogEvent(self.cursor.location, self.cursor.step, _get_thread_id(), level, content)109 )110 def log_debug(self, content):111 return self._log(Log.LEVEL_DEBUG, content)112 def log_info(self, content):113 return self._log(Log.LEVEL_INFO, content)114 def log_warning(self, content):115 return self._log(Log.LEVEL_WARN, content)116 def log_error(self, content):117 return self._log(Log.LEVEL_ERROR, content)118 def log_check(self, description, is_successful, details):119 self._flush_pending_events()120 if is_successful is False:121 self._mark_location_as_failed(self.cursor.location)122 self.cursor.location, self.cursor.step, _get_thread_id(), description, is_successful, details124 ))125 def log_url(self, url, description):126 self._flush_pending_events()127 events.LogUrlEvent(self.cursor.location, self.cursor.step, _get_thread_id(), url, description)129 )130 @contextmanager131 def prepare_attachment(self, filename, description, as_image=False):132 with self._attachment_lock:133 attachment_filename = "%04d_%s" % (self._attachment_count + 1, filename)134 self._attachment_count += 1135 if not os.path.exists(self._attachments_dir):136 os.mkdir(self._attachments_dir)137 yield os.path.join(self._attachments_dir, attachment_filename)138 self._flush_pending_events()139 self.cursor.location, self.cursor.step, _get_thread_id(),141 "%s/%s" % (_ATTACHMENTS_DIR, attachment_filename), description, as_image142 ))143 def start_test_session(self):144 def end_test_session(self):146 def start_test_session_setup(self):148 self.cursor = _Cursor(ReportLocation.in_test_session_setup())149 self._hold_event(events.TestSessionSetupStartEvent())150 def end_test_session_setup(self):151 self._end_step_if_any()152 self._discard_or_fire_event(events.TestSessionSetupStartEvent, events.TestSessionSetupEndEvent())153 def start_test_session_teardown(self):154 self.cursor = _Cursor(ReportLocation.in_test_session_teardown())155 self._hold_event(events.TestSessionTeardownStartEvent())156 def end_test_session_teardown(self):157 self._end_step_if_any()158 self._discard_or_fire_event(events.TestSessionTeardownStartEvent, events.TestSessionTeardownEndEvent())159 def start_suite(self, suite):160 def end_suite(self, suite):162 def start_suite_setup(self, suite):164 self.cursor = _Cursor(ReportLocation.in_suite_setup(suite))165 self._hold_event(events.SuiteSetupStartEvent(suite))166 def end_suite_setup(self, suite):167 self._end_step_if_any()168 self._discard_or_fire_event(events.SuiteSetupStartEvent, events.SuiteSetupEndEvent(suite))169 def start_suite_teardown(self, suite):170 self.cursor = _Cursor(ReportLocation.in_suite_teardown(suite))171 self._hold_event(events.SuiteTeardownStartEvent(suite))172 def end_suite_teardown(self, suite):173 self._end_step_if_any()174 self._discard_or_fire_event(events.SuiteTeardownStartEvent, events.SuiteTeardownEndEvent(suite))175 def start_test(self, test):176 self.cursor = _Cursor(ReportLocation.in_test(test))178 def end_test(self, test):179 self._end_step_if_any()180 def skip_test(self, test, reason):182, reason))183 self._mark_location_as_failed(ReportLocation.in_test(test))184 def disable_test(self, test, reason):185, reason))...

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...29 self.bind(30 on_press=self._set_hold_event,31 on_release=self._unset_hold_event,32 )33 def _set_hold_event(self, *args):34 self._hold_event = Clock.schedule_once(35 lambda event: self.reset(vibrate=True),36 0.537 )38 def _unset_hold_event(self, *args):39 Clock.unschedule(self._hold_event)40 def _init_time(self, complete=True):41 # Warmup isn't typically used between rounds.42 if complete:43 self.warmup_time = self.config.warmup_duration44 self.round_number = 145 self.on_round_number(None, 1)46 self.recovery_time = self.config.recovery_duration47 # Round time comes last so its duration is displayed on the clock.48 self.round_time = self.config.round_duration49 def _start_ticking(self):50 self._update_ticker = Clock.schedule_interval(51 lambda ev: self.update(), 152 )...

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