How to use print_summary method in stestr

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...40# Mac specific41cmd = os.popen('which sw_vers 2>/​dev/​null')42bin_swvers = ( PRINT OKAY/​WARN/​FAIL BANNER =============================44def print_summary(colour, text_string, endl):45 colour_tag = ""46 if (colour == bcolors.OKBLUE or colour == bcolors.OKGREEN):47 colour_tag = "[OKAY]"48 elif (colour == bcolors.WARNING):49 colour_tag = "[WARN]"50 elif (colour == bcolors.FAIL):51 colour_tag = "[FAIL]"52 print(INDENT + text_string.ljust(47) + colour + colour_tag + bcolors.ENDC + endl)53#================================= TESTS BASIC ===========================================54def test_basic():55 global results56 global is_rhel57 global is_mac58 print("\n\nTesting task basic...")59#Supported OS60 good_os = False61 is_rhel = False62 is_mac = False63 rel_os = ""64 rel_ver = ""65 if os.path.isfile("/​etc/​os-release") == True:66 fil = open("/​etc/​os-release", "r")67 text = fil.close()69 lines = text.split("\n")70 i = 071 while i < len(lines):72 words = lines[i].split("=")73 if words[0] == "ID":74 rel_os = words[1].strip("\"")75 elif words[0] == "VERSION_ID":76 rel_ver = words[1].strip("\"").split(".")[0]77 i = i + 178 elif os.path.isfile("/​etc/​redhat-release") == True:79 fil = open("/​etc/​redhat-release", "r")80 name = (".")[0].lower()81 fil.close()82 rel_ver = name.rsplit(" ", 1)[1]83 rel_os = name.split(" ")[0]84 elif os.path.isfile(bin_swvers) == True:85 cmd = os.popen('%s 2>&1' % bin_swvers)86 lines ="\n")87 i = 088 while i < len(lines):89 words = lines[i].split(":")90 if words[0].lower() == "productname":91 name = words[1].strip()92 elif words[0].lower() == "productversion":93 rel_ver = words[1].strip().split(".")[1]94 i = i + 195 rel_os = name.lower().split()[0]96#OS checking: We support Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, CentOS, Scientific Linux, macOS (client)97 if (rel_os == 'debian'):98 good_os = (rel_ver == '8' or rel_ver == '9')99 elif (rel_os == 'ubuntu'):100 good_os = (rel_ver == '12' or rel_ver == '14' or rel_ver == '16')101 elif (rel_os == 'redhat' or rel_os == 'rhel' or rel_os == 'centos' or rel_os == 'scientific'):102 is_rhel = True103 good_os = (rel_ver == '6' or rel_ver == '7')104 elif (rel_os == 'mac'):105 is_mac = True106 good_os = (rel_ver == '11' or rel_ver == '12' or rel_ver == '13')107 if good_os == True:108 print_summary(bcolors.OKGREEN, "Supported OS...", "")109 else:110 print_summary(bcolors.WARNING, "Supported OS...", "")111 results = results + INDENT + "Supported OS:\n You are not running a supported OS. Moonshot may not work as indicated in the documentation.\n"112#Check for prerequisites (like dig etc)113 fail_basic_req = (bin_hostname == "" or bin_dig == "" or bin_grep == "" or bin_echo == "")114 if (not is_mac):115 if (is_rhel):116 if (fail_basic_req or bin_yum == "" or bin_rpm == ""):117 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "Some prerequisites couldn\'t be found.", "")118 results = results + INDENT + "Prerequisites for this test:\n One or more prerequisites for this test couldn\'t be found. Please check that dig, hostname, grep, echo, yum and rpm are installed.\n"119 return120 else:121 if (fail_basic_req or bin_aptcache == "" or bin_aptget == "" or bin_aptkey == "" or bin_dpkg == ""):122 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "Some prerequisites couldn\'t be found.", "")123 results = results + INDENT + "Prerequisites for this test:\n One or more prerequisites for this test couldn\'t be found. Please check that dig, hostname, grep, echo, apt-get, apt-key, apt-cache and dpkg are installed.\n"124 return125#Hostname is FQDN126 cmd = os.popen("%s -f" % bin_hostname)127 fqdn1 = ( cmd = os.popen("%s %s +short" % (bin_dig, fqdn1))129 address = ( if len(address) == 0:131 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "Hostname is FQDN...", "")132 results = results + INDENT + "Hostname is FQDN:\n Your server\'s hostname ("+fqdn1+") is not fully resolvable. This is required in order to prevent certain classes of attack.\n"133 else: 134 cmd = os.popen("%s -x %s +short" % (bin_dig, address))135 fqdn2 = ( if fqdn1 + "." == fqdn2:137 print_summary(bcolors.OKGREEN, "Hostname is FQDN...", "")138 else:139 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "Hostname is FQDN...", "")140 results = results + INDENT + "Hostname is FQDN:\n Your server\'s IP address " + address + " is not resolvable to '" + fqdn1 + "' instead script got '" + fqdn2.strip('.') + "'. This is required in order to prevent certain classes of attack.\n"141#Moonshot repository configuration142 if (not is_mac):143 if (is_rhel == True):144 cmd = os.popen('%s -q list all "moonshot-gss-eap" 2>&1' % bin_yum)145 else:146 cmd = os.popen('%s search -n "moonshot-gss-eap"' % bin_aptcache)147 cmd_result = if (cmd_result.lower().find('moonshot-gss-eap') >= 0):149 print_summary(bcolors.OKGREEN, "Moonshot repositories configured...", "")150 else:151 print_summary(bcolors.WARNING, "Moonshot repositories configured...", "")152 results = results + INDENT + "Moonshot repositories configured:\n The Moonshot repositories do not appear to exist on this system. You will not be able to upgrade Moonshot using your distribution\'s package manager.\n"153#Moonshot Signing Key154 if (not is_mac):155 if (is_rhel == True):156 cmd = os.popen("%s %s" % (bin_rpm, " -q gpg-pubkey --qf '%{version} %{summary}\n'"))157 else:158 cmd = os.popen('%s --keyring /​etc/​apt/​trusted.gpg list' % bin_aptkey)159 cmd = key1 = False161 key2 = False162 words=re.split(r'[ \t\n/​]+', cmd.upper())163 i = 0164 while i < len(words):165 if words[i] == "5B8179FD":166 key1 = True167 elif words[i] == "CEA67BB6":168 key2 = True169 i = i + 1170 if (key1 == True or key2 == True):171 print_summary(bcolors.OKGREEN, "Moonshot Signing Key...", "")172 else:173 print_summary(bcolors.WARNING, "Moonshot Signing Key...", "")174 results = results + INDENT + "Moonshot Signing Key:\n The Moonshot repository key is not installed, you will have difficulty updating packages.\n"175#Current Moonshot software176 if (not is_mac):177 if (is_rhel == True):178 cmd = os.popen('%s --assumeno install moonshot-gss-eap 2>&1' % bin_yum)179 else:180 cmd = os.popen('%s --assume-no install moonshot-gss-eap' % bin_aptget)181 cmd = if (cmd.find("0 newly installed") >= 0) or (cmd.find("0 to newly install") >= 0) or (cmd.find("already the newest version") >= 0) \183 or (cmd.find("already installed and latest version") >= 0) or ((cmd.find("Nothing to do") >= 0) and (cmd.find("Error: Nothing to do") < 0)):184 print_summary(bcolors.OKGREEN, "Moonshot current version...", "\n\n")185 else:186 print_summary(bcolors.WARNING, "Moonshot current version...", "\n\n")187 results = results + INDENT + "Moonshot current version:\n You are not running the latest version of the Moonshot software.\n"188#================================= TESTS RP ===========================================189def test_rp():190 global results191 global is_mac192 test_basic()193 print("Testing task rp...")194#Not supported on macOS195 if (is_mac):196 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "Configuration not supported on macOS", "")197 results = results + INDENT + "Configuration not supported on macOS:\n macOS is currently only supported in a client configuration.\n"198 return199#/​etc/​radsec.conf200 if os.path.isfile("/​etc/​radsec.conf") == True:201 print_summary(bcolors.OKGREEN, "radsec.conf...", "\n\n")202 else:203 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "radsec.conf...", "\n\n")204 results = results + INDENT + "radsec.conf:\n /​etc/​radsec.conf could not be found - you may not be able to communicate with your rp-proxy.\n"205#================================= TESTS RP-PROXY ===========================================206def test_rp_proxy():207 global results208 test_rp()209 print("Testing task rp-proxy...")210#Not supported on macOS211 if (is_mac):212 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "Configuration not supported on macOS", "")213 results = results + INDENT + "Configuration not supported on macOS:\n macOS is currently only supported in a client configuration.\n"214 return215#APC216 sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)217 result = sock.connect_ex(('', 2083))218 if result == 0:219 print_summary(bcolors.OKGREEN, "APC...", "")220 else:221 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "APC...", "")222 results = results + INDENT + "APC:\n does not seem to be accessible. Please check the servers network connection, and see for any downtime or maintenance issues.\n"223#Trust Router224 sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)225 result = sock.connect_ex(('', 12309))226 if result == 0:227 print_summary(bcolors.OKGREEN, "Trust Router...", "")228 else:229 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "Trust Router...", "")230 results = results + INDENT + "Trust Router:\n does not seem to be accessible. Please check the servers network connection, and see for any downtime or maintenance issues.\n"231#flatstore-users232 root = False233 freerad = False234 trustrouter = False235 if os.path.isfile("/​etc/​moonshot/​flatstore-users") == True:236 fil = open("/​etc/​moonshot/​flatstore-users", "r")237 for line in fil:238 if line.strip() == "root":239 root = True240 elif line.strip() == "trustrouter":241 trustrouter = True242 elif (line.strip() == "freerad" or line.strip() == "radiusd"):243 freerad = True244 fil.close()245 if root == True and freerad == True and trustrouter == True:246 print_summary(bcolors.OKGREEN, "Flatstore-users...", "")247 else:248 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "Flatstore-users...", "")249 results = results + INDENT + "Flatstore-users:\n /​etc/​moonshot/​flatstore-users could not be found, or does not contain all the user accounts it needs to. You may be unable to authenticate to the trust router.\n"250 251#Trust Identity for FreeRADIUS252 if (is_rhel == True):253 cmd = os.popen('%s ~radiusd' % bin_echo)254 else:255 cmd = os.popen('%s ~freerad' % bin_echo)256 raduserhome = if (raduserhome == '~radiusd' or raduserhome == '~freerad'):258 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "Trust Identity (FreeRADIUS)...", "\n\n")259 results = results + INDENT + "Trust Identity (FreeRADIUS):\n FreeRADIUS does not appear to be installed, or no home directory for the FreeRADIUS user could be found. You will not be able to authenticate to the trust router.\n"260 elif os.path.isfile(raduserhome + '/​.local/​share/​moonshot-ui/​identities.txt') == True:261 print_summary(bcolors.OKGREEN, "Trust Identity (FreeRADIUS)...", "\n\n")262 else:263 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "Trust Identity (FreeRADIUS)...", "\n\n")264 results = results + INDENT + "Trust Identity (FreeRADIUS):\n No trust identity could be found for the FreeRADIUS user account. You will not be able to authenticate to the trust router.\n"265#================================= TESTS IDP ===========================================266def test_idp():267 global results268 global is_rhel269 test_rp()270 print("Testing task idp...")271#Not supported on macOS272 if (is_mac):273 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "Configuration not supported on macOS", "")274 results = results + INDENT + "Configuration not supported on macOS:\n macOS is currently only supported in a client configuration.\n"275 return276#Port 2083277 sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)278 result = sock.connect_ex(('localhost', 2083))279 if result == 0:280 print_summary(bcolors.OKGREEN, "Port 2083...", "")281 else:282 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "Port 2083...", "")283 results = results + INDENT + "Port 2083:\n Port 2083 appears to be closed. RP's will not be able to initiate connections to your IDP.\n"284#Port 12309285 sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)286 result = sock.connect_ex(('localhost', 12309))287 if result == 0:288 print_summary(bcolors.OKGREEN, "Port 12309...", "")289 else:290 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "Port 12309...", "")291 results = results + INDENT + "Port 12309:\n Port 12309 appears to be closed. The trust router will not be able to initiate connections to your IDP.\n"292#flatstore-users293 root = False294 freerad = False295 trustrouter = False296 if os.path.isfile("/​etc/​moonshot/​flatstore-users") == True:297 fil = open("/​etc/​moonshot/​flatstore-users", "r")298 for line in fil:299 if line.strip() == "root":300 root = True301 elif line.strip() == "trustrouter":302 trustrouter = True303 elif (line.strip() == "freerad" or line.strip() == "radiusd"):304 freerad = True305 fil.close()306 if root == True and freerad == True and trustrouter == True:307 print_summary(bcolors.OKGREEN, "Flatstore-users...", "")308 else:309 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "Flatstore-users...", "")310 results = results + INDENT + "Flatstore-users:\n /​etc/​moonshot/​flatstore-users could not be found, or does not contain all the user accounts it needs to. You may be unable to authenticate to the trust router.\n"311 312#Trust Identity for FreeRADIUS313 if (is_rhel == True):314 cmd = os.popen('%s ~radiusd' % bin_echo)315 else:316 cmd = os.popen('%s ~freerad' % bin_echo)317 raduserhome = if (raduserhome == '~radiusd' or raduserhome == '~freerad'):319 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "Trust Identity (FreeRADIUS)...", "")320 results = results + INDENT + "Trust Identity (FreeRADIUS):\n FreeRADIUS does not appear to be installed, or no home directory for the FreeRADIUS user could be found. You will not be able to authenticate to the trust router.\n"321 elif os.path.isfile(raduserhome + '/​.local/​share/​moonshot-ui/​identities.txt') == True:322 print_summary(bcolors.OKGREEN, "Trust Identity (FreeRADIUS)...", "")323 else:324 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "Trust Identity (FreeRADIUS)...", "")325 results = results + INDENT + "Trust Identity (FreeRADIUS):\n No trust identity could be found for the FreeRADIUS user account. You will not be able to authenticate to the trust router.\n"326#Trust Identity for TIDS327 cmd = os.popen('%s ~trustrouter' % bin_echo)328 trustrouterhome = if (trustrouterhome == '~trustrouter'):330 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "Trust Identity (Trust Router)...", "\n\n")331 results = results + INDENT + "Trust Identity (Trust Router):\n There either is no trustrouter user or no home directory for the trustrouter user could be found. You will not be able to authenticate to the trust router.\n"332 elif os.path.isfile(trustrouterhome + '/​.local/​share/​moonshot-ui/​identities.txt') == True:333 print_summary(bcolors.OKGREEN, "Trust Identity (Trust Router)...", "\n\n")334 else:335 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "Trust Identity (Trust Router)...", "\n\n")336 results = results + INDENT + "Trust Identity (Trust Router):\n No trust identity could be found for the trustrouter user account. You will not be able to authenticate to the trust router.\n"337#================================= TESTS CLIENT ===========================================338def test_client():339 global results340 global is_rhel341 global is_mac342 test_basic()343 print("Testing task client...")344#gss/​mech345 s1 = False346 s2 = False347 if (is_rhel or is_mac):348 gss_mech = '/​etc/​gss/​mech'349 else:350 gss_mech = '/​etc/​gss/​mech.d/​moonshot-gss-eap.conf'351 if os.path.isfile(gss_mech) == True:352 mode = oct(stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(gss_mech)[stat.ST_MODE]))353 if mode.strip() == "0644":354 string1 = ['eap-aes128', '', ''] 355 string2 = ['eap-aes256', '', '']356 fil = open(gss_mech,"r")357 for line in fil:358 words=re.split(r'[ \t]+', line.strip())359 # The length of the list must be 3 (mechanism name, mechanism oid, mechanism binary)360 if (len(words)>2):361 if (not s1):362 s1 = (string1[0] in words[0]) and (string1[1] in words[1]) and (string1[2] in words[2])363 if (not s2):364 s2 = (string2[0] in words[0]) and (string2[1] in words[1]) and (string2[2] in words[2])365 fil.close()366 367 if (s1 == True and s2 == True):368 print_summary(bcolors.OKGREEN, "gss/​mech...", "\n\n")369 else:370 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "gss/​mech...", "\n\n")371 results = results + INDENT + "gss/​mech:\n The Moonshot mech file is missing or incomplete. will not be loaded.\n"372#================================= TESTS SSH-CLIENT ===========================================373def test_ssh_client():374 global results375 global is_mac376 test_client()377 print("Testing task ssh-client...")378 cmd = os.popen('which ssh 2>/​dev/​null')379 cmd = ( is_ssh_installed = (len(cmd) > 0)381 if (is_ssh_installed == False):382 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "Task ssh-client...", "\n\n")383 results = results + INDENT + "Task ssh-client:\n You must have OpenSSH installed before attempting this test.\n"384 else:385#GSSAPIAuthentication must be enabled386 num = 0387 cmd = os.popen("%s %s" % (bin_grep, " GSSAPIAuthentication /​etc/​ssh/​ssh_config |grep -v \#"))388 cmd = ( if len(cmd) > 0:390 lines = cmd.split('\n')391 for line in lines:392 if (line.lower() == 'gssapiauthentication yes'):393 num = num + 1394 if num > 0:395 print_summary(bcolors.OKGREEN, "GSSAPIAuthentication enabled...", "")396 else:397 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "GSSAPIAuthentication enabled...", "")398 results = results + INDENT + "GSSAPIAuthentication enabled:\n GSSAPIAuthentication must be enabled for Moonshot to function when using SSH.\n"399 else:400 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "GSSAPIAuthentication enabled...", "")401 results = results + INDENT + "GSSAPIAuthentication enabled:\n GSSAPIAuthentication must be enabled for Moonshot to function when using SSH.\n"402#GSSAPIKeyExchange (should be) enabled403 if (not is_mac):404 num = 0405 cmd = os.popen("%s %s" % (bin_grep, " GSSAPIKeyExchange /​etc/​ssh/​ssh_config |grep -v \#"))406 cmd = ( if len(cmd) > 0:408 lines = cmd.split('\n')409 for line in lines:410 if (line.lower() == 'gssapikeyexchange yes'):411 num = num + 1412 if num > 0:413 print_summary(bcolors.OKGREEN, "GSSAPIKeyExchange enabled...", "\n\n")414 else:415 print_summary(bcolors.WARNING, "GSSAPIKeyExchange enabled...", "\n\n")416 results = results + INDENT + "GSSAPIKeyExchange enabled:\n GSSAPIKeyExchange should be enabled for Moonshot to function correctly when using SSH.\n"417 else:418 print_summary(bcolors.WARNING, "GSSAPIKeyExchange enabled...", "\n\n")419 results = results + INDENT + "GSSAPIKeyExchange enabled:\n GSSAPIKeyExchange should be enabled for Moonshot to function correctly when using SSH.\n"420#================================= TESTS SSH-SERVER ===========================================421def test_ssh_server():422 global results423 test_rp()424 print("Testing task ssh-server...")425#Not supported on macOS426 if (is_mac):427 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "Configuration not supported on macOS", "")428 results = results + INDENT + "Configuration not supported on macOS:\n macOS is currently only supported in a client configuration.\n"429 return430 cmd = os.popen('/​usr/​sbin/​sshd -V 2>&1 |grep OpenSSH')431 cmd = ( is_openssh_installed = (len(cmd) > 0)433 if (is_openssh_installed == False):434 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "Task ssh-server...", "\n\n")435 results = results + INDENT + "Task ssh-server:\n You must have OpenSSH installed before attempting this test.\n"436 else:437 openssh = (((cmd.split()[0]).split('_')[1]).split('p')[0]).split('.')438 needs_privsepoff = (int(openssh[0]) < 6) or (int(openssh[0]) == 6 and int(openssh[1]) < 6)439#GSSAPIAuthentication enabled440 num = 0441 cmd = os.popen("%s %s" % (bin_grep, " GSSAPIAuthentication /​etc/​ssh/​sshd_config |grep -v \#"))442 cmd = ( if len(cmd) > 0:444 lines = cmd.split('\n')445 for line in lines:446 if (line.lower() == 'gssapiauthentication yes'):447 num = num + 1448 if num > 0:449 print_summary(bcolors.OKGREEN, "GSSAPIAuthentication enabled...", "")450 else:451 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "GSSAPIAuthentication enabled...", "")452 results = results + INDENT + "GSSAPIAuthentication enabled:\n GSSAPIAuthentication must be enabled for Moonshot to function when using SSH.\n"453 else:454 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "GSSAPIAuthentication enabled...", "")455 results = results + INDENT + "GSSAPIAuthentication enabled:\n GSSAPIAuthentication must be enabled for Moonshot to function when using SSH.\n"456#GSSAPIKeyExchange enabled457 num = 0458 cmd = os.popen("%s %s" % (bin_grep, " GSSAPIKeyExchange /​etc/​ssh/​sshd_config |grep -v \#"))459 cmd = ( if len(cmd) > 0:461 lines = cmd.split('\n')462 for line in lines:463 if (line.lower() == 'gssapikeyexchange yes'):464 num = num + 1465 if num > 0:466 print_summary(bcolors.OKGREEN, "GSSAPIKeyExchange enabled...", "")467 else:468 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "GSSAPIKeyExchange enabled...", "")469 results = results + INDENT + " enabled:\n GSSAPIKeyExchange must be enabled for Moonshot to function correctly when using SSH.\n"470 else:471 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "GSSAPIKeyExchange enabled...", "")472 results = results + INDENT + "GSSAPIKeyExchange enabled:\n GSSAPIKeyExchange must be enabled for Moonshot to function correctly when using SSH.\n"473#UsePrivilegeSeparation disabled474 if (needs_privsepoff == True):475 num = 0476 cmd = os.popen("%s %s" % (bin_grep, " UsePrivilegeSeparation /​etc/​ssh/​sshd_config |grep -v \#"))477 cmd = ( if len(cmd) > 0:479 lines = cmd.split('\n')480 for line in lines:481 if (line.lower() == 'useprivilegeseparation no'):482 num = num + 1483 if num > 0:484 print_summary(bcolors.OKGREEN, "Privilege separation...", "\n\n")485 else:486 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "Privilege separation...", "\n\n")487 results = results + INDENT + "Privilege separation:\n Moonshot currently requires that OpenSSH server has privilege separation disabled.\n\n"488 else:489 print_summary(bcolors.FAIL, "Privilege separation...", "")490 results = results + INDENT + "Privilege separation:\n Moonshot currently requires that OpenSSH server has privilege separation disabled.\n\n"491 else:492 print("\n")493#================================= MAIN ===========================================494size = len(sys.argv)495if size < 2 :496 print("\n\nUsage: moonshot-readiness [task] [task]...\n\n Available tasks:\n help\n minimal (default)\n client\n rp\n rp-proxy\n idp\n ssh-client\n ssh-server\n\n")497else:498 i = 1499 while i < size:500 if (sys.argv[i]).strip() == 'help':501 print "\n\nUsage: moonshot-readiness [task] [task]...\n\n Available tasks:\n help\n minimal (default)\n client\n rp\n rp-proxy\n idp-proxy\n ssh-client\n ssh-server\n\n ¦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------¦\n ¦ TASK ¦ DEPENDENCY ¦ DESCRIPTION ¦\n ¦-----------------¦--------------¦------------------------------------------------------------------------------¦\n ¦ basic ¦ none ¦ Basic set of test, required for Moonshot to function at all in any capacity ¦\n ¦ client ¦ basic ¦ Fundamental tests required for Moonshot to function as a client ¦\n ¦ rp ¦ basic ¦ Fundamental tests required for Moonshot to function as an RP ¦\n ¦ rp-proxy ¦ rp ¦ Tests required for Moonshot to function as a RadSec RP ¦\n ¦ idp ¦ rp ¦ Tests to verify if FreeRADIUS is correctly configured ¦\n ¦ openssh-client ¦ client ¦ Tests to verify if the openssh-client is correctly configured ¦\n ¦ openssh-rp ¦ rp ¦ Tests to verify if the openssh-server is correctly configured ¦\n ¦ httpd-client ¦ client ¦ Tests to verify if mod-auth-gssapi is correctly configured ¦\n ¦ httpd-rp ¦ rp ¦ Tests to verify if mod-auth-gssapi is correctly configured ¦\n ¦-----------------¦--------------¦------------------------------------------------------------------------------¦\n\n\nSome tests require root privileges to be made.\nSome tests require the following tools:\n augeas (installing with apt-get install augeas-tools)\n dig (installing with apt-get install dnsutils)\n hostname (installing with apt-get install hostname)\n\n"502 sys.exit()503 elif (sys.argv[i]).strip() == 'minimal':...

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1# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.2#3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.5# You may obtain a copy of the License at6#7# http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.08#9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and13# limitations under the License.14# ==============================================================================15"""Contains helper functions for creating summaries.16This module contains various helper functions for quickly and easily adding17tensorflow summaries. These allow users to print summary values18automatically as they are computed and add prefixes to collections of summaries.19Example usage:20 import tensorflow as tf21 slim = tf.contrib.slim22 slim.summaries.add_histogram_summaries(slim.variables.get_model_variables())23 slim.summaries.add_scalar_summary(total_loss, 'Total Loss')24 slim.summaries.add_scalar_summary(learning_rate, 'Learning Rate')25 slim.summaries.add_histogram_summaries(my_tensors)26 slim.summaries.add_zero_fraction_summaries(my_tensors)27"""28from __future__ import absolute_import29from __future__ import division30from __future__ import print_function31from tensorflow.python.framework import ops32from tensorflow.python.ops import logging_ops33from tensorflow.python.ops import nn_impl as nn34from tensorflow.python.summary import summary35def _get_summary_name(tensor, name=None, prefix=None, postfix=None):36 """Produces the summary name given.37 Args:38 tensor: A variable or op `Tensor`.39 name: The optional name for the summary.40 prefix: An optional prefix for the summary name.41 postfix: An optional postfix for the summary name.42 Returns:43 a summary name.44 """45 if not name:46 name = tensor.op.name47 if prefix:48 name = prefix + '/​' + name49 if postfix:50 name = name + '/​' + postfix51 return name52def add_histogram_summary(tensor, name=None, prefix=None):53 """Adds a histogram summary for the given tensor.54 Args:55 tensor: A variable or op tensor.56 name: The optional name for the summary.57 prefix: An optional prefix for the summary names.58 Returns:59 A scalar `Tensor` of type `string` whose contents are the serialized60 `Summary` protocol buffer.61 """62 return summary.histogram(63 _get_summary_name(tensor, name, prefix), tensor)64def add_image_summary(tensor, name=None, prefix=None, print_summary=False):65 """Adds an image summary for the given tensor.66 Args:67 tensor: a variable or op tensor with shape [batch,height,width,channels]68 name: the optional name for the summary.69 prefix: An optional prefix for the summary names.70 print_summary: If `True`, the summary is printed to stdout when the summary71 is computed.72 Returns:73 An image `Tensor` of type `string` whose contents are the serialized74 `Summary` protocol buffer.75 """76 summary_name = _get_summary_name(tensor, name, prefix)77 # If print_summary, then we need to make sure that this call doesn't add the78 # non-printing op to the collection. We'll add it to the collection later.79 collections = [] if print_summary else None80 op = summary.image(81 name=summary_name, tensor=tensor, collections=collections)82 if print_summary:83 op = logging_ops.Print(op, [tensor], summary_name)84 ops.add_to_collection(ops.GraphKeys.SUMMARIES, op)85 return op86def add_scalar_summary(tensor, name=None, prefix=None, print_summary=False):87 """Adds a scalar summary for the given tensor.88 Args:89 tensor: a variable or op tensor.90 name: the optional name for the summary.91 prefix: An optional prefix for the summary names.92 print_summary: If `True`, the summary is printed to stdout when the summary93 is computed.94 Returns:95 A scalar `Tensor` of type `string` whose contents are the serialized96 `Summary` protocol buffer.97 """98 collections = [] if print_summary else None99 summary_name = _get_summary_name(tensor, name, prefix)100 # If print_summary, then we need to make sure that this call doesn't add the101 # non-printing op to the collection. We'll add it to the collection later.102 op = summary.scalar(103 name=summary_name, tensor=tensor, collections=collections)104 if print_summary:105 op = logging_ops.Print(op, [tensor], summary_name)106 ops.add_to_collection(ops.GraphKeys.SUMMARIES, op)107 return op108def add_zero_fraction_summary(tensor, name=None, prefix=None,109 print_summary=False):110 """Adds a summary for the percentage of zero values in the given tensor.111 Args:112 tensor: a variable or op tensor.113 name: the optional name for the summary.114 prefix: An optional prefix for the summary names.115 print_summary: If `True`, the summary is printed to stdout when the summary116 is computed.117 Returns:118 A scalar `Tensor` of type `string` whose contents are the serialized119 `Summary` protocol buffer.120 """121 name = _get_summary_name(tensor, name, prefix, 'Fraction_of_Zero_Values')122 tensor = nn.zero_fraction(tensor)123 return add_scalar_summary(tensor, name, print_summary=print_summary)124def add_histogram_summaries(tensors, prefix=None):125 """Adds a histogram summary for each of the given tensors.126 Args:127 tensors: A list of variable or op tensors.128 prefix: An optional prefix for the summary names.129 Returns:130 A list of scalar `Tensors` of type `string` whose contents are the131 serialized `Summary` protocol buffer.132 """133 summary_ops = []134 for tensor in tensors:135 summary_ops.append(add_histogram_summary(tensor, prefix=prefix))136 return summary_ops137def add_image_summaries(tensors, prefix=None):138 """Adds an image summary for each of the given tensors.139 Args:140 tensors: A list of variable or op tensors.141 prefix: An optional prefix for the summary names.142 Returns:143 A list of scalar `Tensors` of type `string` whose contents are the144 serialized `Summary` protocol buffer.145 """146 summary_ops = []147 for tensor in tensors:148 summary_ops.append(add_image_summary(tensor, prefix=prefix))149 return summary_ops150def add_scalar_summaries(tensors, prefix=None, print_summary=False):151 """Adds a scalar summary for each of the given tensors.152 Args:153 tensors: a list of variable or op tensors.154 prefix: An optional prefix for the summary names.155 print_summary: If `True`, the summary is printed to stdout when the summary156 is computed.157 Returns:158 A list of scalar `Tensors` of type `string` whose contents are the159 serialized `Summary` protocol buffer.160 """161 summary_ops = []162 for tensor in tensors:163 summary_ops.append(add_scalar_summary(tensor, prefix=prefix,164 print_summary=print_summary))165 return summary_ops166def add_zero_fraction_summaries(tensors, prefix=None):167 """Adds a scalar zero-fraction summary for each of the given tensors.168 Args:169 tensors: a list of variable or op tensors.170 prefix: An optional prefix for the summary names.171 Returns:172 A list of scalar `Tensors` of type `string` whose contents are the173 serialized `Summary` protocol buffer.174 """175 summary_ops = []176 for tensor in tensors:177 summary_ops.append(add_zero_fraction_summary(tensor, prefix=prefix))...

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1import json2from GanModelBase import GanModelBase3from VaeModelBase import VaeModelBase4from AeModelBase import AeModelBase5from LabeledGan import LabeledGan6from Encoder import Encoder7from Decoder import Decoder8from KLEncoder import KLEncoder9from DualEncoder import DualEncoder10from ImgToImgDecoder import ImgToImgDecoder11from Img2ImgGan import Img2ImgGan12from Database import numpy_dataloader, supervised_numpy_dataloader13def load_model(file, cuda):14 with open(file) as f:15 config = json.load(f)16 model_type = config['model_type']17 if model_type == 'wgan-gp':18 model = build_standard_wgan_gp(config, cuda)19 elif model_type == 'ae':20 model = build_standard_ae(config, cuda)21 elif model_type == 'vae':22 model = build_standard_vae(config, cuda)23 elif model_type == 'labeled_gan':24 model = build_labeled_gan(config, cuda)25 elif model_type == 'encoder':26 model = Encoder(config)27 elif model_type == 'kl-encoder':28 model = KLEncoder(config)29 elif model_type == 'decoder':30 model = Decoder(config)31 elif model_type == 'dual-encoder':32 model = DualEncoder(config)33 elif model_type == 'img2img-decoder':34 model = ImgToImgDecoder(config)35 elif model_type == 'img2img-gan':36 model = build_img2img_gan(config, cuda)37 else:38 assert False, f"Unknown model type '{model_type}'!"39 if cuda:40 model.cuda()41 return model42def build_standard_wgan_gp(config, cuda):43 generator = load_model(config['generator'], cuda)44 discriminator = load_model(config['discriminator'], cuda)45 batch_size = config['batch_size']46 dataset = config['dataset']47 dataloader = numpy_dataloader(dataset, batch_size, cuda)48 print_summary = config['print_summary'] if 'print_summary' in config else False49 gan = GanModelBase(dataloader, generator, discriminator, summary=print_summary)50 gan.batch_size = batch_size51 gan.gradient_updates = config['gradient_updates'] if 'gradient_updates' in config else 152 gan.save_snapshot_rate = config['save_snapshot_rate'] if 'save_snapshot_rate' in config else 10053 gan.save_model_rate = config['save_model_rate'] if 'save_model_rate' in config else 100054 gan.swap_buffer = config['swap_buffer'] if 'swap_buffer' in config else 51255 gan.swap_chance = config['swap_chance'] if 'swap_chance' in config else 0.556 gan.critic_updates = config['critic_updates'] if 'critic_updates' in config else 557 gan.gradient_penalty_lambda = config['gradient_penalty_lambda'] if 'gradient_penalty_lambda' in config else 1058 return gan59def build_img2img_gan(config, cuda):60 generator = load_model(config['generator'], cuda)61 discriminator = load_model(config['discriminator'], cuda)62 batch_size = config['batch_size']63 dataloader_input = numpy_dataloader(config['dataset_inputs'], batch_size, cuda)64 dataloader_output = numpy_dataloader(config['dataset_outputs'], batch_size, cuda)65 print_summary = config['print_summary'] if 'print_summary' in config else False66 gan = Img2ImgGan(dataloader_input, dataloader_output, generator, discriminator, summary=print_summary)67 gan.batch_size = batch_size68 gan.gradient_updates = config['gradient_updates'] if 'gradient_updates' in config else 169 gan.save_snapshot_rate = config['save_snapshot_rate'] if 'save_snapshot_rate' in config else 10070 gan.save_model_rate = config['save_model_rate'] if 'save_model_rate' in config else 100071 gan.swap_buffer = config['swap_buffer'] if 'swap_buffer' in config else 51272 gan.swap_chance = config['swap_chance'] if 'swap_chance' in config else 0.573 gan.critic_updates = config['critic_updates'] if 'critic_updates' in config else 574 gan.gradient_penalty_lambda = config['gradient_penalty_lambda'] if 'gradient_penalty_lambda' in config else 1075 return gan76def build_standard_ae(config, cuda):77 encoder = load_model(config['encoder'], cuda)78 decoder = load_model(config['decoder'], cuda)79 batch_size = config['batch_size']80 dataset = config['dataset']81 dataloader = numpy_dataloader(dataset, batch_size, cuda)82 print_summary = config['print_summary'] if 'print_summary' in config else False83 ae = AeModelBase(dataloader, encoder, decoder, summary=print_summary)84 ae.batch_size = batch_size85 ae.gradient_updates = config['gradient_updates'] if 'gradient_updates' in config else 186 ae.save_snapshot_rate = config['save_snapshot_rate'] if 'save_snapshot_rate' in config else 10087 ae.save_model_rate = config['save_model_rate'] if 'save_model_rate' in config else 100088 return ae89def build_labeled_gan(config, cuda):90 generator = load_model(config['generator'], cuda)91 discriminator = load_model(config['discriminator'], cuda)92 batch_size = config['batch_size']93 dataset_samples = config['dataset_samples']94 dataset_labels = config['dataset_labels']95 dataloader = supervised_numpy_dataloader(dataset_samples, dataset_labels, batch_size, cuda)96 print_summary = config['print_summary'] if 'print_summary' in config else False97 gan = LabeledGan(dataloader, generator, discriminator, summary=print_summary)98 gan.batch_size = batch_size99 gan.gradient_updates = config['gradient_updates'] if 'gradient_updates' in config else 1100 gan.save_snapshot_rate = config['save_snapshot_rate'] if 'save_snapshot_rate' in config else 100101 gan.save_model_rate = config['save_model_rate'] if 'save_model_rate' in config else 1000102 gan.swap_buffer = config['swap_buffer'] if 'swap_buffer' in config else 512103 gan.swap_chance = config['swap_chance'] if 'swap_chance' in config else 0.5104 gan.critic_updates = config['critic_updates'] if 'critic_updates' in config else 5105 gan.gradient_penalty_lambda = config['gradient_penalty_lambda'] if 'gradient_penalty_lambda' in config else 10106 return gan107def build_standard_vae(config, cuda):108 encoder = load_model(config['encoder'], cuda)109 decoder = load_model(config['decoder'], cuda)110 batch_size = config['batch_size']111 dataset = config['dataset']112 dataloader = numpy_dataloader(dataset, batch_size, cuda)113 print_summary = config['print_summary'] if 'print_summary' in config else False114 vae = VaeModelBase(dataloader, encoder, decoder, summary=print_summary)115 vae.batch_size = batch_size116 vae.gradient_updates = config['gradient_updates'] if 'gradient_updates' in config else 1117 vae.save_snapshot_rate = config['save_snapshot_rate'] if 'save_snapshot_rate' in config else 100118 vae.save_model_rate = config['save_model_rate'] if 'save_model_rate' in config else 1000119 vae.kld_weight = config['kld_weight'] if 'kld_weight' in config else 1120 vae.logcosh_alpha = config['logcosh_alpha'] if 'logcosh_alpha' in config else 10...

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