How to use Orderer class of org.junit.runner.manipulation package

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...12import org.junit.runner.Description;13import org.junit.runner.Runner;14import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Filter;15import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Filterable;16import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Orderer;17import org.junit.runner.manipulation.InvalidOrderingException;18import org.junit.runner.manipulation.NoTestsRemainException;19import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Orderable;20import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Sortable;21import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Sorter;22import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;23import org.junit.runner.notification.RunNotifier;24public class JUnit38ClassRunner extends Runner implements Filterable, Orderable {25 private static final class OldTestClassAdaptingListener implements26 TestListener {27 private final RunNotifier notifier;28 private OldTestClassAdaptingListener(RunNotifier notifier) {29 this.notifier = notifier;30 }31 public void endTest(Test test) {32 notifier.fireTestFinished(asDescription(test));33 }34 public void startTest(Test test) {35 notifier.fireTestStarted(asDescription(test));36 }37 // Implement junit.framework.TestListener38 public void addError(Test test, Throwable e) {39 Failure failure = new Failure(asDescription(test), e);40 notifier.fireTestFailure(failure);41 }42 private Description asDescription(Test test) {43 if (test instanceof Describable) {44 Describable facade = (Describable) test;45 return facade.getDescription();46 }47 return Description.createTestDescription(getEffectiveClass(test), getName(test));48 }49 private Class<? extends Test> getEffectiveClass(Test test) {50 return test.getClass();51 }52 private String getName(Test test) {53 if (test instanceof TestCase) {54 return ((TestCase) test).getName();55 } else {56 return test.toString();57 }58 }59 public void addFailure(Test test, AssertionFailedError t) {60 addError(test, t);61 }62 }63 private volatile Test test;64 public JUnit38ClassRunner(Class<?> klass) {65 this(new TestSuite(klass.asSubclass(TestCase.class)));66 }67 public JUnit38ClassRunner(Test test) {68 super();69 setTest(test);70 }71 @Override72 public void run(RunNotifier notifier) {73 TestResult result = new TestResult();74 result.addListener(createAdaptingListener(notifier));75 getTest().run(result);76 }77 public TestListener createAdaptingListener(final RunNotifier notifier) {78 return new OldTestClassAdaptingListener(notifier);79 }80 @Override81 public Description getDescription() {82 return makeDescription(getTest());83 }84 private static Description makeDescription(Test test) {85 if (test instanceof TestCase) {86 TestCase tc = (TestCase) test;87 return Description.createTestDescription(tc.getClass(), tc.getName(),88 getAnnotations(tc));89 } else if (test instanceof TestSuite) {90 TestSuite ts = (TestSuite) test;91 String name = ts.getName() == null ? createSuiteDescription(ts) : ts.getName();92 Description description = Description.createSuiteDescription(name);93 int n = ts.testCount();94 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {95 Description made = makeDescription(ts.testAt(i));96 description.addChild(made);97 }98 return description;99 } else if (test instanceof Describable) {100 Describable adapter = (Describable) test;101 return adapter.getDescription();102 } else if (test instanceof TestDecorator) {103 TestDecorator decorator = (TestDecorator) test;104 return makeDescription(decorator.getTest());105 } else {106 // This is the best we can do in this case107 return Description.createSuiteDescription(test.getClass());108 }109 }110 /**111 * Get the annotations associated with given TestCase.112 * @param test the TestCase.113 */114 private static Annotation[] getAnnotations(TestCase test) {115 try {116 Method m = test.getClass().getMethod(test.getName());117 return m.getDeclaredAnnotations();118 } catch (SecurityException e) {119 } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {120 }121 return new Annotation[0];122 }123 private static String createSuiteDescription(TestSuite ts) {124 int count = ts.countTestCases();125 String example = count == 0 ? "" : String.format(" [example: %s]", ts.testAt(0));126 return String.format("TestSuite with %s tests%s", count, example);127 }128 public void filter(Filter filter) throws NoTestsRemainException {129 if (getTest() instanceof Filterable) {130 Filterable adapter = (Filterable) getTest();131 adapter.filter(filter);132 } else if (getTest() instanceof TestSuite) {133 TestSuite suite = (TestSuite) getTest();134 TestSuite filtered = new TestSuite(suite.getName());135 int n = suite.testCount();136 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {137 Test test = suite.testAt(i);138 if (filter.shouldRun(makeDescription(test))) {139 filtered.addTest(test);140 }141 }142 setTest(filtered);143 if (filtered.testCount() == 0) {144 throw new NoTestsRemainException();145 }146 }147 }148 public void sort(Sorter sorter) {149 if (getTest() instanceof Sortable) {150 Sortable adapter = (Sortable) getTest();151 adapter.sort(sorter);152 }153 }154 /**155 * {@inheritDoc}156 *157 * @since 4.13158 */159 public void order(Orderer orderer) throws InvalidOrderingException {160 if (getTest() instanceof Orderable) {161 Orderable adapter = (Orderable) getTest();162 adapter.order(orderer);163 }164 }165 private void setTest(Test test) {166 this.test = test;167 }168 private Test getTest() {169 return test;170 }171}...

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...6import org.junit.runner.Request;7import org.junit.runner.Runner;8import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Filter;9import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Filterable;10import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Orderer;11import org.junit.runner.manipulation.InvalidOrderingException;12import org.junit.runner.manipulation.NoTestsRemainException;13import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Orderable;14import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Sorter;15/**16 * The JUnit4TestAdapter enables running JUnit-4-style tests using a JUnit-3-style test runner.17 *18 * <p> To use it, add the following to a test class:19 * <pre>20 public static Test suite() {21 return new JUnit4TestAdapter(<em>YourJUnit4TestClass</em>.class);22 }23</pre>24 */25public class JUnit4TestAdapter implements Test, Filterable, Orderable, Describable {26 private final Class<?> fNewTestClass;27 private final Runner fRunner;28 private final JUnit4TestAdapterCache fCache;29 public JUnit4TestAdapter(Class<?> newTestClass) {30 this(newTestClass, JUnit4TestAdapterCache.getDefault());31 }32 public JUnit4TestAdapter(final Class<?> newTestClass, JUnit4TestAdapterCache cache) {33 fCache = cache;34 fNewTestClass = newTestClass;35 fRunner = Request.classWithoutSuiteMethod(newTestClass).getRunner();36 }37 public int countTestCases() {38 return fRunner.testCount();39 }40 public void run(TestResult result) {41, this));42 }43 // reflective interface for Eclipse44 public List<Test> getTests() {45 return fCache.asTestList(getDescription());46 }47 // reflective interface for Eclipse48 public Class<?> getTestClass() {49 return fNewTestClass;50 }51 public Description getDescription() {52 Description description = fRunner.getDescription();53 return removeIgnored(description);54 }55 private Description removeIgnored(Description description) {56 if (isIgnored(description)) {57 return Description.EMPTY;58 }59 Description result = description.childlessCopy();60 for (Description each : description.getChildren()) {61 Description child = removeIgnored(each);62 if (!child.isEmpty()) {63 result.addChild(child);64 }65 }66 return result;67 }68 private boolean isIgnored(Description description) {69 return description.getAnnotation(Ignore.class) != null;70 }71 @Override72 public String toString() {73 return fNewTestClass.getName();74 }75 public void filter(Filter filter) throws NoTestsRemainException {76 filter.apply(fRunner);77 }78 public void sort(Sorter sorter) {79 sorter.apply(fRunner);80 }81 /**82 * {@inheritDoc}83 *84 * @since 4.1385 */86 public void order(Orderer orderer) throws InvalidOrderingException {87 orderer.apply(fRunner);88 }89}...

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1import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Orderer;2import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Sorter;3import org.junit.runner.notification.RunNotifier;4import org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner;5import org.junit.runners.model.InitializationError;6public class JUnit4Runner extends BlockJUnit4ClassRunner {7 public JUnit4Runner(Class<?> klass) throws InitializationError {8 super(klass);9 }10 public void run(RunNotifier notifier) {11 Orderer orderer = new Orderer() {12 public void orderTests(Orderer.OrderRequest orderRequest) throws Exception {13 orderRequest.sortWith(new Comparator<FrameworkMethod>() {14 public int compare(FrameworkMethod o1, FrameworkMethod o2) {15 return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName());16 }17 });18 }19 };20 Sorter sorter = new Sorter(orderer);21 sorter.apply(this);22;23 }24}25import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Orderer;26import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Sorter;27import org.junit.runners.model.InitializationError;28import org.junit.runners.model.RunnerBuilder;29import java.util.Comparator;30public class JUnit4Runner extends org.junit.runners.JUnit4 {31 public JUnit4Runner(Class<?> klass, RunnerBuilder builder) throws InitializationError {32 super(klass, builder);33 Orderer orderer = new Orderer() {34 public void orderTests(Orderer.OrderRequest orderRequest) throws Exception {35 orderRequest.sortWith(new Comparator<FrameworkMethod>() {36 public int compare(FrameworkMethod o1, FrameworkMethod o2) {37 return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName());38 }39 });40 }41 };42 Sorter sorter = new Sorter(orderer);43 sorter.apply(this);44 }45}46import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Orderer;47import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Sorter;48import org.junit.runners.model.InitializationError;49import org.junit.runners.model.RunnerBuilder;50import java.util.Comparator;51public class JUnit4Runner extends org.junit.runners.JUnit4 {52 public JUnit4Runner(Class<?> klass, RunnerBuilder builder) throws InitializationError {53 super(klass, builder);

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1import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Orderer;2import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Sortable;3import org.junit.runners.model.InitializationError;4import org.junit.runners.model.RunnerBuilder;5public class OrderedRunner extends BlockJUnit4ClassRunner implements Sortable {6 public OrderedRunner(Class<?> klass) throws InitializationError {7 super(klass);8 }9 public OrderedRunner(Class<?> klass, RunnerBuilder builder) throws InitializationError {10 super(klass, builder);11 }12 public void sort(Sorter sorter) {13 sorter.apply(this);14 }15 protected List<FrameworkMethod> computeTestMethods() {16 return new Orderer().order(super.computeTestMethods());17 }18}19@RunWith(OrderedRunner.class)20public class TestClass {21 public void test1() {22 System.out.println("test1");23 }24 public void test2() {25 System.out.println("test2");26 }27}28@FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING)29public class TestClass {30 public void test1() {31 System.out.println("test1");32 }33 public void test2() {34 System.out.println("test2");35 }36}37@FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.JVM)38public class TestClass {39 public void test1() {40 System.out.println("test1");41 }42 public void test2() {43 System.out.println("test2");44 }45}46@FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.DEFAULT)47public class TestClass {48 public void test1() {49 System.out.println("test1");50 }51 public void test2() {52 System.out.println("test2");53 }54}55@FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.ORDER_ASCENDING)56public class TestClass {57 public void test1() {58 System.out.println("test1");59 }

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1import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Orderer;2import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Ordering;3import org.junit.runner.Description;4import org.junit.runner.Runner;5import org.junit.runners.model.InitializationError;6import org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner;7import org.junit.runners.model.RunnerBuilder;8import java.util.Comparator;9import java.util.List;10import;11public class CustomRunner extends BlockJUnit4ClassRunner {12 public CustomRunner(Class<?> klass) throws InitializationError {13 super(klass);14 }15 public CustomRunner(Class<?> klass, RunnerBuilder builder) throws InitializationError {16 super(klass, builder);17 }18 protected List<Runner> getChildren() {19 List<Runner> children = super.getChildren();20 return -> runner.getDescription().getDisplayName())).collect(Collectors.toList());21 }22}23public class TestClass {24 public void test1() {25 System.out.println("Test1");26 }27 public void test2() {28 System.out.println("Test2");29 }30 public void test3() {31 System.out.println("Test3");32 }33 public void test4() {34 System.out.println("Test4");35 }36 public void test5() {37 System.out.println("Test5");38 }39}40public class TestClass2 {41 public void test1() {42 System.out.println("Test1");43 }44 public void test2() {45 System.out.println("Test2");46 }47 public void test3() {48 System.out.println("Test3");49 }50 public void test4() {51 System.out.println("Test4");52 }53 public void test5() {54 System.out.println("Test5");55 }56}57public class TestClass3 {58 public void test1() {59 System.out.println("Test1");60 }61 public void test2() {62 System.out.println("Test2");63 }64 public void test3() {65 System.out.println("Test3

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1import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Orderer;2import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Sorter;3import org.junit.runners.model.InitializationError;4import org.junit.runners.model.RunnerBuilder;5public class OrderedRunner extends BlockJUnit4ClassRunner {6 public OrderedRunner(Class<?> klass, RunnerBuilder builder) throws InitializationError {7 super(klass);8 Orderer orderer = new Orderer() {9 public void apply(Object test, Description description) throws NoTestsRemainException {10 }11 };12 Sorter sorter = new Sorter(orderer);13 sorter.apply(this);14 }15}16OK (2 tests)

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1package org.junit.runner;2import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Filter;3import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Orderer;4import org.junit.runner.notification.RunListener;5import org.junit.runner.notification.RunNotifier;6import org.junit.runner.Result;7import org.junit.runner.Description;8import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;9public abstract class Runner {10}11public abstract class Request {12}13public class Filter {14}15public class Orderer {16}17public class Description {

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1import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Orderer;2import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Sorter;3import org.junit.runners.model.InitializationError;4import org.junit.runners.model.RunnerBuilder;5public class OrderedRunner extends BlockJUnit4ClassRunner {6 public OrderedRunner(Class<?> klass, RunnerBuilder builder) throws InitializationError {7 super(klass);8 setScheduler(new RunnerScheduler() {9 public void schedule(Runnable childStatement) {10;11 }12 public void finished() {13 }14 });15 }16 protected void sortChild(MethodSorter sorter) {17 Orderer orderer = new Orderer() {18 public void apply(Object testClass) {19 }20 };21 Sorter sorter = new Sorter(orderer);22 sorter.apply(this);23 }24}25@RunWith(OrderedRunner.class)26public class OrderedTests {27 public void test1() {28 System.out.println("test1");29 }30 public void test2() {31 System.out.println("test2");32 }33 public void test3() {34 System.out.println("test3");35 }36}37@FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING)38public class OrderedTests {39 public void test1() {40 System.out.println("test1");41 }42 public void test2() {43 System.out.println("test2");44 }45 public void test3() {46 System.out.println("test3");47 }48}49@FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.JVM)50public class OrderedTests {51 public void test3() {52 System.out.println("test3");53 }

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1import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Orderer;2import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters.OrderAnnotation;3import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters;4import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters;5import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;6import org.junit.runner.Description;7import org.junit.runner.Description;8import org.junit.runner.Description;9import org.junit.runner.Description;10import org.junit.runner.Description;11import org.junit.runner.Description;12import org.junit.runner.Description;13import org.junit.runner.Description;14import org.junit.runner.Description;15import org.junit.runner.Description;16import org.junit.runner.Description;17import org.junit.runner.Description;18import org.junit.runner.Description;19import org.junit.runner.Description;20import org.junit.runner.Description;21import org.junit.runner.Description;22import org.junit.runner.Description;23import org.junit.runner.Description;24import org.junit.runner.Description;25import org.junit.runner.Description;26import org.junit.runner.Description;27import org.junit.runner.Description;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Orderer;2import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Sorter;3import org.junit.runners.model.InitializationError;4import org.junit.runners.Suite;5import org.junit.runners.model.RunnerBuilder;6public class OrderedTestRunner extends Suite {7 public OrderedTestRunner(Class<?> klass, RunnerBuilder builder) throws InitializationError {8 super(klass, builder);9 Orderer orderer = new Orderer() {10 public void apply(Object testClass, Sorter sorter) {11 sorter.apply(testClass);12 }13 };14 this.sort(orderer);15 }16}17@FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING)18public class OrderTest {19 public void test1() {20 System.out.println("test1");21 }22 public void test2() {23 System.out.println("test2");24 }25 public void test3() {26 System.out.println("test3");27 }28}

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1for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100000; ++i)2{3 for (unsigned j = 0; j < arraySize; ++j)4 {5 if (data[j] >= 128)6 sum += data[j];7 }8}9
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1==32551== Branches: 656,645,130 ( 656,609,208 cond + 35,922 ind)2==32551== Mispredicts: 169,556 ( 169,095 cond + 461 ind)3==32551== Mispred rate: 0.0% ( 0.0% + 1.2% )4
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1for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; ++i)2{3 // Use array[i]4}5
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JUnit Tutorial:

LambdaTest also has a detailed JUnit tutorial explaining its features, importance, advanced use cases, best practices, and more to help you get started with running your automation testing scripts.

JUnit Tutorial Chapters:

Here are the detailed JUnit testing chapters to help you get started:

  • Importance of Unit testing - Learn why Unit testing is essential during the development phase to identify bugs and errors.
  • Top Java Unit testing frameworks - Here are the upcoming JUnit automation testing frameworks that you can use in 2023 to boost your unit testing.
  • What is the JUnit framework
  • Why is JUnit testing important - Learn the importance and numerous benefits of using the JUnit testing framework.
  • Features of JUnit - Learn about the numerous features of JUnit and why developers prefer it.
  • JUnit 5 vs. JUnit 4: Differences - Here is a complete comparison between JUnit 5 and JUnit 4 testing frameworks.
  • Setting up the JUnit environment - Learn how to set up your JUnit testing environment.
  • Getting started with JUnit testing - After successfully setting up your JUnit environment, this chapter will help you get started with JUnit testing in no time.
  • Parallel testing with JUnit - Parallel Testing can be used to reduce test execution time and improve test efficiency. Learn how to perform parallel testing with JUnit.
  • Annotations in JUnit - When writing automation scripts with JUnit, we can use JUnit annotations to specify the type of methods in our test code. This helps us identify those methods when we run JUnit tests using Selenium WebDriver. Learn in detail what annotations are in JUnit.
  • Assertions in JUnit - Assertions are used to validate or test that the result of an action/functionality is the same as expected. Learn in detail what assertions are and how to use them while performing JUnit testing.
  • Parameterization in JUnit - Parameterized Test enables you to run the same automated test scripts with different variables. By collecting data on each method's test parameters, you can minimize time spent on writing tests. Learn how to use parameterization in JUnit.
  • Nested Tests In JUnit 5 - A nested class is a non-static class contained within another class in a hierarchical structure. It can share the state and setup of the outer class. Learn about nested annotations in JUnit 5 with examples.
  • Best practices for JUnit testing - Learn about the best practices, such as always testing key methods and classes, integrating JUnit tests with your build, and more to get the best possible results.
  • Advanced Use Cases for JUnit testing - Take a deep dive into the advanced use cases, such as how to run JUnit tests in Jupiter, how to use JUnit 5 Mockito for Unit testing, and more for JUnit testing.

JUnit Certification:

You can also check out our JUnit certification if you wish to take your career in Selenium automation testing with JUnit to the next level.

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