How to use getId method of class

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...160 this.regularly = new Regularly("Local Node: " + externalUri);161 regularly.submit(currentSessions::cleanUp, Duration.ofSeconds(30), Duration.ofSeconds(30));162 regularly.submit(tempFileSystems::cleanUp, Duration.ofSeconds(30), Duration.ofSeconds(30));163 bus.addListener(NodeAddedEvent.listener(nodeId -> {164 if (getId().equals(nodeId)) {165 // Lets avoid to create more than one "Regularly" when the Node registers again.166 if (!heartBeatStarted.getAndSet(true)) {167 regularly.submit(168 () -> NodeHeartBeatEvent(getStatus())), heartbeatPeriod, heartbeatPeriod);169 }170 }171 }));172 bus.addListener(SessionClosedEvent.listener(id -> {173 try {174 this.stop(id);175 } catch (NoSuchSessionException ignore) {176 }177 if (this.isDraining()) {178 int done = pendingSessions.decrementAndGet();179 if (done <= 0) {180"Firing node drain complete message");181 NodeDrainComplete(this.getId()));182 }183 }184 }));185 new JMXHelper().register(this);186 }187 public static Builder builder(188 Tracer tracer,189 EventBus bus,190 URI uri,191 URI gridUri,192 Secret registrationSecret) {193 return new Builder(tracer, bus, uri, gridUri, registrationSecret);194 }195 @Override196 public boolean isReady() {197 return bus.isReady();198 }199 @VisibleForTesting200 @ManagedAttribute(name = "CurrentSessions")201 public int getCurrentSessionCount() {202 // It seems wildly unlikely we'll overflow an int203 return Math.toIntExact(currentSessions.size());204 }205 @ManagedAttribute(name = "MaxSessions")206 public int getMaxSessionCount() {207 return maxSessionCount;208 }209 @ManagedAttribute(name = "Status")210 public Availability getAvailability() {211 return isDraining() ? DRAINING : UP;212 }213 @ManagedAttribute(name = "TotalSlots")214 public int getTotalSlots() {215 return factories.size();216 }217 @ManagedAttribute(name = "UsedSlots")218 public long getUsedSlots() {219 return -> !sessionSlot.isAvailable()).count();220 }221 @ManagedAttribute(name = "Load")222 public float getLoad() {223 long inUse = -> !sessionSlot.isAvailable()).count();224 return inUse / (float) maxSessionCount * 100f;225 }226 @ManagedAttribute(name = "RemoteNodeUri")227 public URI getExternalUri() {228 return this.getUri();229 }230 @ManagedAttribute(name = "GridUri")231 public URI getGridUri() {232 return this.gridUri;233 }234 @ManagedAttribute(name = "NodeId")235 public String getNodeId() {236 return getId().toString();237 }238 @Override239 public boolean isSupporting(Capabilities capabilities) {240 return factories.parallelStream().anyMatch(factory -> factory.test(capabilities));241 }242 @Override243 public Either<WebDriverException, CreateSessionResponse> newSession(CreateSessionRequest sessionRequest) {244 Require.nonNull("Session request", sessionRequest);245 try (Span span = tracer.getCurrentContext().createSpan("node.new_session")) {246 Map<String, EventAttributeValue> attributeMap = new HashMap<>();247 attributeMap248 .put(AttributeKey.LOGGER_CLASS.getKey(), EventAttribute.setValue(getClass().getName()));249 attributeMap.put("session.request.capabilities",250 EventAttribute.setValue(sessionRequest.getDesiredCapabilities().toString()));251 attributeMap.put("session.request.downstreamdialect",252 EventAttribute.setValue(sessionRequest.getDownstreamDialects().toString()));253 int currentSessionCount = getCurrentSessionCount();254 span.setAttribute("current.session.count", currentSessionCount);255 attributeMap.put("current.session.count", EventAttribute.setValue(currentSessionCount));256 if (getCurrentSessionCount() >= maxSessionCount) {257 span.setAttribute("error", true);258 span.setStatus(Status.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED);259 attributeMap.put("max.session.count", EventAttribute.setValue(maxSessionCount));260 span.addEvent("Max session count reached", attributeMap);261 return Either.left(new RetrySessionRequestException("Max session count reached."));262 }263 if (isDraining()) {264 span.setStatus(Status.UNAVAILABLE.withDescription("The node is draining. Cannot accept new sessions."));265 return Either.left(266 new RetrySessionRequestException("The node is draining. Cannot accept new sessions."));267 }268 // Identify possible slots to use as quickly as possible to enable concurrent session starting269 SessionSlot slotToUse = null;270 synchronized (factories) {271 for (SessionSlot factory : factories) {272 if (!factory.isAvailable() || !factory.test(sessionRequest.getDesiredCapabilities())) {273 continue;274 }275 factory.reserve();276 slotToUse = factory;277 break;278 }279 }280 if (slotToUse == null) {281 span.setAttribute("error", true);282 span.setStatus(Status.NOT_FOUND);283 span.addEvent("No slot matched the requested capabilities. ", attributeMap);284 return Either.left(285 new RetrySessionRequestException("No slot matched the requested capabilities."));286 }287 Either<WebDriverException, ActiveSession> possibleSession = slotToUse.apply(sessionRequest);288 if (possibleSession.isRight()) {289 ActiveSession session = possibleSession.right();290 currentSessions.put(session.getId(), slotToUse);291 SessionId sessionId = session.getId();292 Capabilities caps = session.getCapabilities();293 SESSION_ID.accept(span, sessionId);294 CAPABILITIES.accept(span, caps);295 String downstream = session.getDownstreamDialect().toString();296 String upstream = session.getUpstreamDialect().toString();297 String sessionUri = session.getUri().toString();298 span.setAttribute(AttributeKey.DOWNSTREAM_DIALECT.getKey(), downstream);299 span.setAttribute(AttributeKey.UPSTREAM_DIALECT.getKey(), upstream);300 span.setAttribute(AttributeKey.SESSION_URI.getKey(), sessionUri);301 // The session we return has to look like it came from the node, since we might be dealing302 // with a webdriver implementation that only accepts connections from localhost303 Session externalSession = createExternalSession(304 session,305 externalUri,306 slotToUse.isSupportingCdp() || caps.getCapability("se:cdp") != null);307 return Either.right(new CreateSessionResponse(308 externalSession,309 getEncoder(session.getDownstreamDialect()).apply(externalSession)));310 } else {311 slotToUse.release();312 span.setAttribute("error", true);313 span.addEvent("Unable to create session with the driver", attributeMap);314 return Either.left(possibleSession.left());315 }316 }317 }318 @Override319 public boolean isSessionOwner(SessionId id) {320 Require.nonNull("Session ID", id);321 return currentSessions.getIfPresent(id) != null;322 }323 @Override324 public Session getSession(SessionId id) throws NoSuchSessionException {325 Require.nonNull("Session ID", id);326 SessionSlot slot = currentSessions.getIfPresent(id);327 if (slot == null) {328 throw new NoSuchSessionException("Cannot find session with id: " + id);329 }330 return createExternalSession(slot.getSession(), externalUri, slot.isSupportingCdp());331 }332 @Override333 public TemporaryFilesystem getTemporaryFilesystem(SessionId id) throws IOException {334 try {335 return tempFileSystems.get(id, () -> TemporaryFilesystem.getTmpFsBasedOn(336 TemporaryFilesystem.getDefaultTmpFS().createTempDir("session", id.toString())));337 } catch (ExecutionException e) {338 throw new IOException(e);339 }340 }341 @Override342 public HttpResponse executeWebDriverCommand(HttpRequest req) {343 // True enough to be good enough344 SessionId id = getSessionId(req.getUri()).map(SessionId::new)345 .orElseThrow(() -> new NoSuchSessionException("Cannot find session: " + req));346 SessionSlot slot = currentSessions.getIfPresent(id);347 if (slot == null) {348 throw new NoSuchSessionException("Cannot find session with id: " + id);349 }350 HttpResponse toReturn = slot.execute(req);351 if (req.getMethod() == DELETE && req.getUri().equals("/session/" + id)) {352 stop(id);353 }354 return toReturn;355 }356 @Override357 public HttpResponse uploadFile(HttpRequest req, SessionId id) {358 Map<String, Object> incoming = JSON.toType(string(req), Json.MAP_TYPE);359 File tempDir;360 try {361 TemporaryFilesystem tempfs = getTemporaryFilesystem(id);362 tempDir = tempfs.createTempDir("upload", "file");363 Zip.unzip((String) incoming.get("file"), tempDir);364 } catch (IOException e) {365 throw new UncheckedIOException(e);366 }367 // Select the first file368 File[] allFiles = tempDir.listFiles();369 if (allFiles == null) {370 throw new WebDriverException(371 String.format("Cannot access temporary directory for uploaded files %s", tempDir));372 }373 if (allFiles.length != 1) {374 throw new WebDriverException(375 String.format("Expected there to be only 1 file. There were: %s", allFiles.length));376 }377 ImmutableMap<String, Object> result = ImmutableMap.of(378 "value", allFiles[0].getAbsolutePath());379 return new HttpResponse().setContent(asJson(result));380 }381 @Override382 public void stop(SessionId id) throws NoSuchSessionException {383 Require.nonNull("Session ID", id);384 SessionSlot slot = currentSessions.getIfPresent(id);385 if (slot == null) {386 throw new NoSuchSessionException("Cannot find session with id: " + id);387 }388 killSession(slot);389 tempFileSystems.invalidate(id);390 }391 private Session createExternalSession(ActiveSession other, URI externalUri, boolean isSupportingCdp) {392 Capabilities toUse = ImmutableCapabilities.copyOf(other.getCapabilities());393 // Rewrite the se:options if necessary to send the cdp url back394 if (isSupportingCdp) {395 String cdpPath = String.format("/session/%s/se/cdp", other.getId());396 toUse = new PersistentCapabilities(toUse).setCapability("se:cdp", rewrite(cdpPath));397 }398 return new Session(other.getId(), externalUri, other.getStereotype(), toUse,;399 }400 private URI rewrite(String path) {401 try {402 return new URI(403 "ws",404 gridUri.getUserInfo(),405 gridUri.getHost(),406 gridUri.getPort(),407 path,408 null,409 null);410 } catch (URISyntaxException e) {411 throw new RuntimeException(e);412 }413 }414 private void killSession(SessionSlot slot) {415 currentSessions.invalidate(slot.getSession().getId());416 // Attempt to stop the session417 if (!slot.isAvailable()) {418 slot.stop();419 }420 }421 @Override422 public NodeStatus getStatus() {423 Set<Slot> slots = .map(slot -> {425 Instant lastStarted = Instant.EPOCH;426 Optional<Session> session = Optional.empty();427 if (!slot.isAvailable()) {428 ActiveSession activeSession = slot.getSession();429 if (activeSession != null) {430 lastStarted = activeSession.getStartTime();431 session = Optional.of(432 new Session(433 activeSession.getId(),434 activeSession.getUri(),435 slot.getStereotype(),436 activeSession.getCapabilities(),437 activeSession.getStartTime()));438 }439 }440 return new Slot(441 new SlotId(getId(), slot.getId()),442 slot.getStereotype(),443 lastStarted,444 session);445 })446 .collect(toImmutableSet());447 return new NodeStatus(448 getId(),449 externalUri,450 maxSessionCount,451 slots,452 isDraining() ? DRAINING : UP,453 heartbeatPeriod,454 getNodeVersion(),455 getOsInfo());456 }457 @Override458 public HealthCheck getHealthCheck() {459 return healthCheck;460 }461 @Override462 public void drain() {463 NodeDrainStarted(getId()));464 draining = true;465 int currentSessionCount = getCurrentSessionCount();466 if (currentSessionCount == 0) {467"Firing node drain complete message");468 NodeDrainComplete(getId()));469 } else {470 pendingSessions.set(currentSessionCount);471 }472 }473 private Map<String, Object> toJson() {474 return ImmutableMap.of(475 "id", getId(),476 "uri", externalUri,477 "maxSessions", maxSessionCount,478 "draining", isDraining(),479 "capabilities", .map(SessionSlot::getStereotype)481 .collect(Collectors.toSet()));482 }483 public static class Builder {484 private final Tracer tracer;485 private final EventBus bus;486 private final URI uri;487 private final URI gridUri;488 private final Secret registrationSecret;489 private final ImmutableList.Builder<SessionSlot> factories;...

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...212 assertEquals(1, getStereotypes(nodeStatus).get(CAPS).intValue());213 // Craft a status that makes it look like the node is busy, and post it on the bus.214 NodeStatus status = node.getStatus();215 NodeStatus crafted = new NodeStatus(216 status.getId(),217 status.getUri(),218 status.getMaxSessionCount(),219 ImmutableSet.of(220 new Slot(221 new SlotId(status.getId(), UUID.randomUUID()),222 CAPS,223,224 Optional.of(new Session(225 new SessionId(UUID.randomUUID()), sessionUri, CAPS, CAPS,,226 UP,227 Duration.ofSeconds(10),228 status.getVersion(),229 status.getOsInfo());230 NodeStatusEvent(crafted));231 // We claimed the only slot is filled. Life is good.232 wait.until(obj -> !distributor.getStatus().hasCapacity());233 }234 private Map<Capabilities, Integer> getStereotypes(NodeStatus status) {235 Map<Capabilities, Integer> stereotypes = new HashMap<>();236 for (Slot slot : status.getSlots()) {237 int count = stereotypes.getOrDefault(slot.getStereotype(), 0);238 count++;239 stereotypes.put(slot.getStereotype(), count);240 }241 return ImmutableMap.copyOf(stereotypes);242 }243 static class CustomNode extends Node {244 private final EventBus bus;245 private final Function<Capabilities, Session> factory;246 private Session running;247 protected CustomNode(248 EventBus bus,249 NodeId nodeId,250 URI uri,251 Function<Capabilities, Session> factory) {252 super(DefaultTestTracer.createTracer(), nodeId, uri, registrationSecret);253 this.bus = bus;254 this.factory = Objects.requireNonNull(factory);255 }256 @Override257 public boolean isReady() {258 return true;259 }260 @Override261 public Either<WebDriverException, CreateSessionResponse> newSession(CreateSessionRequest sessionRequest) {262 Objects.requireNonNull(sessionRequest);263 if (running != null) {264 return Either.left(new SessionNotCreatedException("Session already exists"));265 }266 Session session = factory.apply(sessionRequest.getDesiredCapabilities());267 running = session;268 return Either.right(269 new CreateSessionResponse(270 session,271 CapabilityResponseEncoder.getEncoder(W3C).apply(session)));272 }273 @Override274 public HttpResponse executeWebDriverCommand(HttpRequest req) {275 throw new UnsupportedOperationException("executeWebDriverCommand");276 }277 @Override278 public HttpResponse uploadFile(HttpRequest req, SessionId id) {279 throw new UnsupportedOperationException("uploadFile");280 }281 @Override282 public Session getSession(SessionId id) throws NoSuchSessionException {283 if (running == null || !running.getId().equals(id)) {284 throw new NoSuchSessionException();285 }286 return running;287 }288 @Override289 public void stop(SessionId id) throws NoSuchSessionException {290 getSession(id);291 running = null;292 SessionClosedEvent(id));293 }294 @Override295 public boolean isSessionOwner(SessionId id) {296 return running != null && running.getId().equals(id);297 }298 @Override299 public boolean isSupporting(Capabilities capabilities) {300 return Objects.equals("cake", capabilities.getCapability("cheese"));301 }302 @Override303 public NodeStatus getStatus() {304 Session sess = null;305 if (running != null) {306 try {307 sess = new Session(308 running.getId(),309 new URI("http://localhost:14568"),310 CAPS,311 running.getCapabilities(),312;313 } catch (URISyntaxException e) {314 throw new RuntimeException(e);315 }316 }317 return new NodeStatus(318 getId(),319 getUri(),320 1,321 ImmutableSet.of(322 new Slot(323 new SlotId(getId(), UUID.randomUUID()),324 CAPS,325,326 Optional.ofNullable(sess))),327 UP,328 Duration.ofSeconds(10),329 getNodeVersion(),330 getOsInfo());331 }332 @Override333 public HealthCheck getHealthCheck() {334 return () -> new HealthCheck.Result(UP, "tl;dr");335 }336 @Override337 public void drain() {...

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...154"Encoded response: " + JSON.toJson(ImmutableMap.of(155 "value", ImmutableMap.of(156 "sessionId", sessionId,157 "capabilities", capabilities))));158 NodeDrainStarted(getId()));159 return Optional.of(160 new CreateSessionResponse(161 getSession(sessionId),162 JSON.toJson(ImmutableMap.of(163 "value", ImmutableMap.of(164 "sessionId", sessionId,165 "capabilities", capabilities))).getBytes(UTF_8)));166 }167 private HttpClient extractHttpClient(RemoteWebDriver driver) {168 CommandExecutor executor = driver.getCommandExecutor();169 try {170 Field client = null;171 Class<?> current = executor.getClass();172 while (client == null && (current != null || Object.class.equals(current))) {173 client = findClientField(current);174 current = current.getSuperclass();175 }176 if (client == null) {177 throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to find client field in " + executor.getClass());178 }179 if (!HttpClient.class.isAssignableFrom(client.getType())) {180 throw new IllegalStateException("Client field is not assignable to http client");181 }182 client.setAccessible(true);183 return (HttpClient) client.get(executor);184 } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {185 throw new IllegalStateException(e);186 }187 }188 private Field findClientField(Class<?> clazz) {189 try {190 return clazz.getDeclaredField("client");191 } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {192 return null;193 }194 }195 private Capabilities rewriteCapabilities(RemoteWebDriver driver) {196 // Rewrite the se:options if necessary197 Object rawSeleniumOptions = driver.getCapabilities().getCapability("se:options");198 if (rawSeleniumOptions == null || rawSeleniumOptions instanceof Map) {199 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> original = (Map<String, Object>) rawSeleniumOptions;200 Map<String, Object> updated = new TreeMap<>(original == null ? new HashMap<>() : original);201 String cdpPath = String.format("/session/%s/se/cdp", driver.getSessionId());202 updated.put("cdp", rewrite(cdpPath));203 return new PersistentCapabilities(driver.getCapabilities()).setCapability("se:options", updated);204 }205 return ImmutableCapabilities.copyOf(driver.getCapabilities());206 }207 private URI rewrite(String path) {208 try {209 return new URI(210 gridUri.getScheme(),211 gridUri.getUserInfo(),212 gridUri.getHost(),213 gridUri.getPort(),214 path,215 null,216 null);217 } catch (URISyntaxException e) {218 throw new RuntimeException(e);219 }220 }221 @Override222 public HttpResponse executeWebDriverCommand(HttpRequest req) {223"Executing " + req);224 HttpResponse res = client.execute(req);225 if (DELETE.equals(req.getMethod()) && req.getUri().equals("/session/" + sessionId)) {226 // Ensure the response is sent before we viciously kill the node227 new Thread(228 () -> {229 try {230 Thread.sleep(500);231 } catch (InterruptedException e) {232 Thread.currentThread().interrupt();233 throw new RuntimeException(e);234 }235"Stopping session: " + sessionId);236 stop(sessionId);237 },238 "Node clean up: " + getId())239 .start();240 }241 return res;242 }243 @Override244 public Session getSession(SessionId id) throws NoSuchSessionException {245 if (!isSessionOwner(id)) {246 throw new NoSuchSessionException("Unable to find session with id: " + id);247 }248 return new Session(249 sessionId,250 getUri(),251 stereotype,252 capabilities,253 sessionStart); }254 @Override255 public HttpResponse uploadFile(HttpRequest req, SessionId id) {256 return null;257 }258 @Override259 public void stop(SessionId id) throws NoSuchSessionException {260"Stop has been called: " + id);261 Require.nonNull("Session ID", id);262 if (!isSessionOwner(id)) {263 throw new NoSuchSessionException("Unable to find session " + id);264 }265"Quitting session " + id);266 try {267 driver.quit();268 } catch (Exception e) {269 // It's possible that the driver has already quit.270 }271 SessionClosedEvent(id));272"Firing node drain complete message");273 NodeDrainComplete(getId()));274 }275 @Override276 public boolean isSessionOwner(SessionId id) {277 return driver != null && sessionId.equals(id);278 }279 @Override280 public boolean isSupporting(Capabilities capabilities) {281 return driverInfo.isSupporting(capabilities);282 }283 @Override284 public NodeStatus getStatus() {285 return new NodeStatus(286 getId(),287 getUri(),288 1,289 ImmutableSet.of(290 new Slot(291 new SlotId(getId(), slotId),292 stereotype,293 Instant.EPOCH,294 driver == null ?295 Optional.empty() :296 Optional.of(new Session(sessionId, getUri(), stereotype, capabilities,,297 isDraining() ? DRAINING : UP);298 }299 @Override300 public void drain() {301 NodeDrainStarted(getId()));302 draining = true;303 }304 @Override305 public HealthCheck getHealthCheck() {306 return () -> new HealthCheck.Result(isDraining() ? DRAINING : UP, "Everything is fine");307 }308 @Override309 public boolean isReady() {310 return events.isReady();311 }312}...

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...70 Iterator<NodeStatus> iterator = nodes.iterator();71 while (iterator.hasNext()) {72 NodeStatus next =;73 // If the ID is the same, we're re-adding a node. If the URI is the same a node probably restarted74 if (next.getId().equals(node.getId()) || next.getUri().equals(node.getUri())) {75"Re-adding node with id %s and URI %s.", node.getId(), node.getUri()));76 iterator.remove();77 }78 }79 }80 // Nodes are initially added in the "down" state until something changes their availability81 nodes(DOWN).add(node);82 } finally {83 writeLock.unlock();84 }85 return this;86 }87 public GridModel refresh(NodeStatus status) {88 Require.nonNull("Node status", status);89 Lock writeLock = lock.writeLock();90 writeLock.lock();91 try {92 AvailabilityAndNode availabilityAndNode = findNode(status.getId());93 if (availabilityAndNode == null) {94 return this;95 }96 // if the node was marked as "down", keep it down until a healthcheck passes:97 // just because the node can hit the event bus doesn't mean it's reachable98 if (DOWN.equals(availabilityAndNode.availability)) {99 nodes(DOWN).remove(availabilityAndNode.status);100 nodes(DOWN).add(status);101 return this;102 }103 // But do trust the node if it tells us it's draining104 nodes(availabilityAndNode.availability).remove(availabilityAndNode.status);105 nodes(status.getAvailability()).add(status);106 return this;107 } finally {108 writeLock.unlock();109 }110 }111 public GridModel remove(NodeId id) {112 Require.nonNull("Node ID", id);113 Lock writeLock = lock.writeLock();114 writeLock.lock();115 try {116 AvailabilityAndNode availabilityAndNode = findNode(id);117 if (availabilityAndNode == null) {118 return this;119 }120 nodes(availabilityAndNode.availability).remove(availabilityAndNode.status);121 return this;122 } finally {123 writeLock.unlock();124 }125 }126 public Availability setAvailability(NodeId id, Availability availability) {127 Require.nonNull("Node ID", id);128 Require.nonNull("Availability", availability);129 Lock writeLock = lock.writeLock();130 writeLock.lock();131 try {132 AvailabilityAndNode availabilityAndNode = findNode(id);133 if (availabilityAndNode == null) {134 return DOWN;135 }136 if (availability.equals(availabilityAndNode.availability)) {137 return availability;138 }139 nodes(availabilityAndNode.availability).remove(availabilityAndNode.status);140 nodes(availability).add(availabilityAndNode.status);141 "Switching node %s (uri: %s) from %s to %s",143 id,144 availabilityAndNode.status.getUri(),145 availabilityAndNode.availability,146 availability));147 return availabilityAndNode.availability;148 } finally {149 writeLock.unlock();150 }151 }152 public boolean reserve(SlotId slotId) {153 Lock writeLock = lock.writeLock();154 writeLock.lock();155 try {156 AvailabilityAndNode node = findNode(slotId.getOwningNodeId());157 if (node == null) {158 LOG.warning(String.format("Asked to reserve slot on node %s, but unable to find node", slotId.getOwningNodeId()));159 return false;160 }161 if (!UP.equals(node.availability)) {162 LOG.warning(String.format(163 "Asked to reserve a slot on node %s, but not is %s",164 slotId.getOwningNodeId(),165 node.availability));166 return false;167 }168 Optional<Slot> maybeSlot = node.status.getSlots().stream()169 .filter(slot -> slotId.equals(slot.getId()))170 .findFirst();171 if (!maybeSlot.isPresent()) {172 LOG.warning(String.format(173 "Asked to reserve slot on node %s, but no slot with id %s found",174 node.status.getId(),175 slotId));176 return false;177 }178 reserve(node.status, maybeSlot.get());179 return true;180 } finally {181 writeLock.unlock();182 }183 }184 public Set<NodeStatus> getSnapshot() {185 Lock readLock = this.lock.readLock();186 readLock.lock();187 try {188 ImmutableSet.Builder<NodeStatus> snapshot = ImmutableSet.builder();189 for (Map.Entry<Availability, Set<NodeStatus>> entry : nodes.entrySet()) {190 entry.getValue().stream()191 .map(status -> rewrite(status, entry.getKey()))192 .forEach(snapshot::add);193 }194 return;195 } finally {196 readLock.unlock();197 }198 }199 private Set<NodeStatus> nodes(Availability availability) {200 return nodes.computeIfAbsent(availability, ignored -> new HashSet<>());201 }202 private AvailabilityAndNode findNode(NodeId id) {203 for (Map.Entry<Availability, Set<NodeStatus>> entry : nodes.entrySet()) {204 for (NodeStatus nodeStatus : entry.getValue()) {205 if (id.equals(nodeStatus.getId())) {206 return new AvailabilityAndNode(entry.getKey(), nodeStatus);207 }208 }209 }210 return null;211 }212 private NodeStatus rewrite(NodeStatus status, Availability availability) {213 return new NodeStatus(214 status.getId(),215 status.getUri(),216 status.getMaxSessionCount(),217 status.getSlots(),218 availability);219 }220 private void release(SessionId id) {221 if (id == null) {222 return;223 }224 Lock writeLock = lock.writeLock();225 writeLock.lock();226 try {227 for (Map.Entry<Availability, Set<NodeStatus>> entry : nodes.entrySet()) {228 for (NodeStatus node : entry.getValue()) {229 for (Slot slot : node.getSlots()) {230 if (!slot.getSession().isPresent()) {231 continue;232 }233 if (id.equals(slot.getSession().get().getId())) {234 Slot released = new Slot(235 slot.getId(),236 slot.getStereotype(),237 slot.getLastStarted(),238 Optional.empty());239 amend(entry.getKey(), node, released);240 return;241 }242 }243 }244 }245 } finally {246 writeLock.unlock();247 }248 }249 private void reserve(NodeStatus status, Slot slot) {250 Instant now =;251 Slot reserved = new Slot(252 slot.getId(),253 slot.getStereotype(),254 now,255 Optional.of(new Session(256 RESERVED,257 status.getUri(),258 slot.getStereotype(),259 slot.getStereotype(),260 now)));261 amend(UP, status, reserved);262 }263 public void setSession(SlotId slotId, Session session) {264 Require.nonNull("Slot ID", slotId);265 AvailabilityAndNode node = findNode(slotId.getOwningNodeId());266 if (node == null) {267 LOG.warning("Grid model and reality have diverged. Unable to find node " + slotId.getOwningNodeId());268 return;269 }270 Optional<Slot> maybeSlot = node.status.getSlots().stream()271 .filter(slot -> slotId.equals(slot.getId()))272 .findFirst();273 if (!maybeSlot.isPresent()) {274 LOG.warning("Grid model and reality have diverged. Unable to find slot " + slotId);275 return;276 }277 Slot slot = maybeSlot.get();278 Optional<Session> maybeSession = slot.getSession();279 if (!maybeSession.isPresent()) {280 LOG.warning("Grid model and reality have diverged. Slot is not reserved. " + slotId);281 return;282 }283 Session current = maybeSession.get();284 if (!RESERVED.equals(current.getId())) {285 LOG.warning("Gid model and reality have diverged. Slot has session and is not reserved. " + slotId);286 return;287 }288 Slot updated = new Slot(289 slot.getId(),290 slot.getStereotype(),291 session == null ? slot.getLastStarted() : session.getStartTime(),292 Optional.ofNullable(session));293 amend(node.availability, node.status, updated);294 }295 private void amend(Availability availability, NodeStatus status, Slot slot) {296 Set<Slot> newSlots = new HashSet<>(status.getSlots());297 newSlots.removeIf(s -> s.getId().equals(slot.getId()));298 newSlots.add(slot);299 nodes(availability).remove(status);300 nodes(availability).add(new NodeStatus(301 status.getId(),302 status.getUri(),303 status.getMaxSessionCount(),304 newSlots,305 status.getAvailability()));306 }307 private static class AvailabilityAndNode {308 public final Availability availability;309 public final NodeStatus status;310 public AvailabilityAndNode(Availability availability, NodeStatus status) {311 this.availability = availability;312 this.status = status;313 }314 }315}...

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...118 Require.nonNull("Node", status);119 Lock writeLock = lock.writeLock();120 writeLock.lock();121 try {122 if (nodes.containsKey(status.getId())) {123 return;124 }125 Set<Capabilities> capabilities = status.getSlots().stream()126 .map(Slot::getStereotype)127 .map(ImmutableCapabilities::copyOf)128 .collect(toImmutableSet());129 // A new node! Add this as a remote node, since we've not called add130 RemoteNode remoteNode = new RemoteNode(131 tracer,132 clientFactory,133 status.getId(),134 status.getUri(),135 registrationSecret,136 capabilities);137 add(remoteNode);138 } finally {139 writeLock.unlock();140 }141 }142 @Override143 public LocalDistributor add(Node node) {144 Require.nonNull("Node", node);145"Added node %s at %s.", node.getId(), node.getUri()));146 nodes.put(node.getId(), node);147 model.add(node.getStatus());148 // Extract the health check149 Runnable runnableHealthCheck = asRunnableHealthCheck(node);150 allChecks.put(node.getId(), runnableHealthCheck);151 hostChecker.submit(runnableHealthCheck, Duration.ofMinutes(5), Duration.ofSeconds(30));152 NodeAddedEvent(node.getId()));153 return this;154 }155 private Runnable asRunnableHealthCheck(Node node) {156 HealthCheck healthCheck = node.getHealthCheck();157 NodeId id = node.getId();158 return () -> {159 HealthCheck.Result result;160 try {161 result = healthCheck.check();162 } catch (Exception e) {163 LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to process node " + id, e);164 result = new HealthCheck.Result(DOWN, "Unable to run healthcheck. Assuming down");165 }166 Lock writeLock = lock.writeLock();167 writeLock.lock();168 try {169 model.setAvailability(id, result.getAvailability());170 } finally {171 writeLock.unlock();...

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...60 private Set<Slot> slots;61 private int maxSessionCount;62 public Host(EventBus bus, Node node) {63 this.node = Require.nonNull("Node", node);64 this.nodeId = node.getId();65 this.uri = node.getUri();66 this.status = DOWN;67 this.slots = ImmutableSet.of();68 HealthCheck healthCheck = node.getHealthCheck();69 this.performHealthCheck = () -> {70 HealthCheck.Result result = healthCheck.check();71 Availability current = result.isAlive() ? UP : DOWN;72 Availability previous = setHostStatus(current);73 //If the node has been set to maintenance mode, set the status here as draining74 if (node.isDraining() || previous == DRAINING) {75 // We want to continue to allow the node to drain.76 setHostStatus(DRAINING);77 return;78 }79 if (current != previous) {80 "Changing status of node %s from %s to %s. Reason: %s",82 node.getId(),83 previous,84 current,85 result.getMessage()));86 }87 };88 bus.addListener(SESSION_CLOSED, event -> {89 SessionId id = event.getData(SessionId.class);90 this.slots.forEach(slot -> slot.onEnd(id));91 });92 update(node.getStatus());93 }94 public void update(NodeStatus status) {95 Require.nonNull("Node status", status);96 Lock writeLock = lock.writeLock();97 writeLock.lock();98 try {99 this.slots = status.getSlots().stream()100 .map(slot -> new Slot(node, slot.getStereotype(), slot.getSession().isPresent() ? ACTIVE : AVAILABLE))101 .collect(toImmutableSet());102 // By definition, we can never have more sessions than we have slots available103 this.maxSessionCount = Math.min(this.slots.size(), status.getMaxSessionCount());104 } finally {105 writeLock.unlock();106 }107 }108 public NodeId getId() {109 return nodeId;110 }111 public DistributorStatus.NodeSummary asSummary() {112 Map<Capabilities, Integer> stereotypes = new HashMap<>();113 Map<Capabilities, Integer> used = new HashMap<>();114 Set<Session> activeSessions = new HashSet<>();115 slots.forEach(slot -> {116 stereotypes.compute(slot.getStereotype(), (key, curr) -> curr == null ? 1 : curr + 1);117 if (slot.getStatus() != AVAILABLE) {118 used.compute(slot.getStereotype(), (key, curr) -> curr == null ? 1 : curr + 1);119 activeSessions.add(slot.getCurrentSession());120 }121 });122 return new DistributorStatus.NodeSummary(...

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...79 status.getOsInfo().get("arch"),80 status.getOsInfo().get("name"),81 status.getOsInfo().get("version"));82 toReturn.add(new Node(83 status.getId(),84 status.getUri(),85 status.getAvailability(),86 status.getMaxSessionCount(),87 status.getSlots().size(),88 stereotypes,89 sessions,90 status.getVersion(),91 osInfo));92 }93 return;94 }95 public int getNodeCount() {96 return distributorStatus.get().getNodes().size();97 }98 public int getSessionCount() {99 return distributorStatus.get().getNodes().stream()100 .map(NodeStatus::getSlots)101 .flatMap(Collection::stream)102 .filter(slot -> slot.getSession().isPresent())103 .mapToInt(slot -> 1)104 .sum();105 }106 public int getTotalSlots() {107 return distributorStatus.get().getNodes().stream()108 .mapToInt(status -> status.getSlots().size())109 .sum();110 }111 public int getMaxSession() {112 return distributorStatus.get().getNodes().stream()113 .mapToInt(NodeStatus::getMaxSessionCount)114 .sum();115 }116 public int getSessionQueueSize() {117 return queueInfoList.size();118 }119 public List<String> getSessionQueueRequests() {120 // TODO: The Grid UI expects there to be a single capability per new session request, which is not correct121 return .map(set -> set.isEmpty() ? new ImmutableCapabilities() : set.iterator().next())123 .map(JSON::toJson)124 .collect(Collectors.toList());125 }126 public List<Session> getSessions() {127 List<Session> sessions = new ArrayList<>();128 for (NodeStatus status : distributorStatus.get().getNodes()) {129 for (Slot slot : status.getSlots()) {130 if (slot.getSession().isPresent()) {131 session = slot.getSession().get();132 sessions.add(133 new org.openqa.selenium.grid.graphql.Session(134 session.getId().toString(),135 session.getCapabilities(),136 session.getStartTime(),137 session.getUri(),138 status.getId().toString(),139 status.getUri(),140 slot)141 );142 }143 }144 }145 return sessions;146 }147}...

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...41 SessionInSlot currentSession = findSession(sessionId, nodeStatuses);42 if (currentSession != null) {43 session = currentSession.session;44 return new org.openqa.selenium.grid.graphql.Session(45 session.getId().toString(),46 session.getCapabilities(),47 session.getStartTime(),48 session.getUri(),49 currentSession.node.getId().toString(),50 currentSession.node.getUri(),51 currentSession.slot);52 } else {53 throw new SessionNotFoundException("No ongoing session found with the requested session id.",54 sessionId);55 }56 }57 private SessionInSlot findSession(String sessionId, Set<NodeStatus> nodeStatuses) {58 for (NodeStatus status : nodeStatuses) {59 for (Slot slot : status.getSlots()) {60 Optional<> session = slot.getSession();61 if (session.isPresent() && sessionId.equals(session.get().getId().toString())) {62 return new SessionInSlot(session.get(), status, slot);63 }64 }65 }66 return null;67 }68 private static class SessionInSlot {69 private final session;70 private final NodeStatus node;71 private final Slot slot;72 SessionInSlot( session, NodeStatus node, Slot slot) {73 this.session = session;74 this.node = node;75 this.slot = slot;...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import;2Slot slot = new Slot();3String slotId = slot.getId();4import;5Slot slot = new Slot();6String slotUri = slot.getUri();7import;8Slot slot = new Slot();9String slotUri = slot.getUri();10import;11Slot slot = new Slot();12String slotUri = slot.getUri();13import;14Slot slot = new Slot();15String slotUri = slot.getUri();16import;17Slot slot = new Slot();18String slotUri = slot.getUri();19import;20Slot slot = new Slot();21String slotUri = slot.getUri();22import;23Slot slot = new Slot();24String slotUri = slot.getUri();25import;26Slot slot = new Slot();27String slotUri = slot.getUri();28import;29Slot slot = new Slot();30String slotUri = slot.getUri();31import;32Slot slot = new Slot();33String slotUri = slot.getUri();

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1String slotId = slot.getId();2System.out.println(slotId);3String slotUri = slot.getUri();4System.out.println(slotUri);5Capabilities slotCapabilities = slot.getCapabilities();6System.out.println(slotCapabilities);7Instant slotStartTime = slot.getStartTime();8System.out.println(slotStartTime);9Instant slotEndTime = slot.getEndTime();10System.out.println(slotEndTime);11Duration slotInactivityTimeout = slot.getInactivityTimeout();12System.out.println(slotInactivityTimeout);13Instant slotCreationTime = slot.getCreationTime();14System.out.println(slotCreationTime);15Map<String, String> slotMetadata = slot.getMetadata();16System.out.println(slotMetadata);17Distributor slotDistributor = slot.getDistributor();18System.out.println(slotDistributor);19String slotDistributorId = slot.getDistributorId();20System.out.println(slotDistributorId);21String slotDistributorUri = slot.getDistributorUri();22System.out.println(slotDistributorUri);23Map<String, String> slotDistributorMetadata = slot.getDistributorMetadata();24System.out.println(slotDistributorMetadata);

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1import;2import;3SlotId slotId = new SlotId("slotId");4Slot slot = new Slot(slotId, "slotUri", "slotStatus");5slotId = slot.getId();6System.out.println("Slot id is: " + slotId);

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Selenium 4 Tutorial:

LambdaTest’s Selenium 4 tutorial is covering every aspects of Selenium 4 testing with examples and best practices. Here you will learn basics, such as how to upgrade from Selenium 3 to Selenium 4, to some advanced concepts, such as Relative locators and Selenium Grid 4 for Distributed testing. Also will learn new features of Selenium 4, such as capturing screenshots of specific elements, opening a new tab or window on the browser, and new protocol adoptions.


  1. Upgrading From Selenium 3 To Selenium 4?: In this chapter, learn in detail how to update Selenium 3 to Selenium 4 for Java binding. Also, learn how to upgrade while using different build tools such as Maven or Gradle and get comprehensive guidance for upgrading Selenium.

  2. What’s New In Selenium 4 & What’s Being Deprecated? : Get all information about new implementations in Selenium 4, such as W3S protocol adaption, Optimized Selenium Grid, and Enhanced Selenium IDE. Also, learn what is deprecated for Selenium 4, such as DesiredCapabilites and FindsBy methods, etc.

  3. Selenium 4 With Python: Selenium supports all major languages, such as Python, C#, Ruby, and JavaScript. In this chapter, learn how to install Selenium 4 for Python and the features of Python in Selenium 4, such as Relative locators, Browser manipulation, and Chrom DevTool protocol.

  4. Selenium 4 Is Now W3C Compliant: JSON Wireframe protocol is retiring from Selenium 4, and they are adopting W3C protocol to learn in detail about the advantages and impact of these changes.

  5. How To Use Selenium 4 Relative Locator? : Selenium 4 came with new features such as Relative Locators that allow constructing locators with reference and easily located constructors nearby. Get to know its different use cases with examples.

  6. Selenium Grid 4 Tutorial For Distributed Testing: Selenium Grid 4 allows you to perform tests over different browsers, OS, and device combinations. It also enables parallel execution browser testing, reads up on various features of Selenium Grid 4 and how to download it, and runs a test on Selenium Grid 4 with best practices.

  7. Selenium Video Tutorials: Binge on video tutorials on Selenium by industry experts to get step-by-step direction from automating basic to complex test scenarios with Selenium.

Selenium 101 certifications:

LambdaTest also provides certification for Selenium testing to accelerate your career in Selenium automation testing.

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