How to use toMap method of org.openqa.selenium.virtualauthenticator.VirtualAuthenticatorOptions class

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...502 }503 @Override504 public VirtualAuthenticator addVirtualAuthenticator(VirtualAuthenticatorOptions options) {505 String authenticatorId = (String)506 execute(DriverCommand.ADD_VIRTUAL_AUTHENTICATOR, options.toMap()).getValue();507 return new RemoteVirtualAuthenticator(authenticatorId);508 }509 @Override510 public void removeVirtualAuthenticator(VirtualAuthenticator authenticator) {511 execute(DriverCommand.REMOVE_VIRTUAL_AUTHENTICATOR,512 ImmutableMap.of("authenticatorId", authenticator.getId()));513 }514 /**515 * Override this to be notified at key points in the execution of a command.516 *517 * @param sessionId the session id.518 * @param commandName the command that is being executed.519 * @param toLog any data that might be interesting.520 * @param when verb tense of "Execute" to prefix message521 */522 protected void log(SessionId sessionId, String commandName, Object toLog, When when) {523 if (!logger.isLoggable(level)) {524 return;525 }526 String text = String.valueOf(toLog);527 if (commandName.equals(DriverCommand.EXECUTE_SCRIPT)528 || commandName.equals(DriverCommand.EXECUTE_ASYNC_SCRIPT)) {529 if (text.length() > 100 && Boolean.getBoolean("webdriver.remote.shorten_log_messages")) {530 text = text.substring(0, 100) + "...";531 }532 }533 switch(when) {534 case BEFORE:535 logger.log(level, "Executing: " + commandName + " " + text);536 break;537 case AFTER:538 logger.log(level, "Executed: " + text);539 break;540 case EXCEPTION:541 logger.log(level, "Exception: " + text);542 break;543 default:544 logger.log(level, text);545 break;546 }547 }548 public FileDetector getFileDetector() {549 return fileDetector;550 }551 protected class RemoteWebDriverOptions implements Options {552 @Override553 @Beta554 public Logs logs() {555 return remoteLogs;556 }557 @Override558 public void addCookie(Cookie cookie) {559 cookie.validate();560 execute(DriverCommand.ADD_COOKIE(cookie));561 }562 @Override563 public void deleteCookieNamed(String name) {564 execute(DriverCommand.DELETE_COOKIE(name));565 }566 @Override567 public void deleteCookie(Cookie cookie) {568 deleteCookieNamed(cookie.getName());569 }570 @Override571 public void deleteAllCookies() {572 execute(DriverCommand.DELETE_ALL_COOKIES);573 }574 @Override575 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"})576 public Set<Cookie> getCookies() {577 Object returned = execute(DriverCommand.GET_ALL_COOKIES).getValue();578 Set<Cookie> toReturn = new HashSet<>();579 if (!(returned instanceof Collection)) {580 return toReturn;581 }582 ((Collection<?>) returned).stream()583 .map(o -> (Map<String, Object>) o)584 .map(rawCookie -> {585 // JSON object keys are defined in586 // Cookie.Builder builder =588 new Cookie.Builder((String) rawCookie.get("name"), (String) rawCookie.get("value"))589 .path((String) rawCookie.get("path"))590 .domain((String) rawCookie.get("domain"))591 .isSecure(rawCookie.containsKey("secure") && (Boolean) rawCookie.get("secure"))592 .isHttpOnly(593 rawCookie.containsKey("httpOnly") && (Boolean) rawCookie.get("httpOnly"))594 .sameSite((String) rawCookie.get("sameSite"));595 Number expiryNum = (Number) rawCookie.get("expiry");596 builder.expiresOn(expiryNum == null ? null : new Date(SECONDS.toMillis(expiryNum.longValue())));597 return;598 })599 .forEach(toReturn::add);600 return toReturn;601 }602 @Override603 public Cookie getCookieNamed(String name) {604 Set<Cookie> allCookies = getCookies();605 for (Cookie cookie : allCookies) {606 if (cookie.getName().equals(name)) {607 return cookie;608 }609 }610 return null;611 }612 @Override613 public Timeouts timeouts() {614 return new RemoteTimeouts();615 }616 @Override617 public ImeHandler ime() {618 return new RemoteInputMethodManager();619 }620 @Override621 @Beta622 public Window window() {623 return new RemoteWindow();624 }625 protected class RemoteInputMethodManager implements WebDriver.ImeHandler {626 @Override627 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")628 public List<String> getAvailableEngines() {629 Response response = execute(DriverCommand.IME_GET_AVAILABLE_ENGINES);630 return (List<String>) response.getValue();631 }632 @Override633 public String getActiveEngine() {634 Response response = execute(DriverCommand.IME_GET_ACTIVE_ENGINE);635 return (String) response.getValue();636 }637 @Override638 public boolean isActivated() {639 Response response = execute(DriverCommand.IME_IS_ACTIVATED);640 return (Boolean) response.getValue();641 }642 @Override643 public void deactivate() {644 execute(DriverCommand.IME_DEACTIVATE);645 }646 @Override647 public void activateEngine(String engine) {648 execute(DriverCommand.IME_ACTIVATE_ENGINE(engine));649 }650 } // RemoteInputMethodManager class651 protected class RemoteTimeouts implements Timeouts {652 @Override653 public Timeouts implicitlyWait(long time, TimeUnit unit) {654 execute(DriverCommand.SET_IMPLICIT_WAIT_TIMEOUT(time, unit));655 return this;656 }657 @Override658 public Timeouts setScriptTimeout(long time, TimeUnit unit) {659 execute(DriverCommand.SET_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT(time, unit));660 return this;661 }662 @Override663 public Timeouts pageLoadTimeout(long time, TimeUnit unit) {664 execute(DriverCommand.SET_PAGE_LOAD_TIMEOUT(time, unit));665 return this;666 }667 } // timeouts class.668 @Beta669 protected class RemoteWindow implements Window {670 @Override671 public void setSize(Dimension targetSize) {672 execute(DriverCommand.SET_CURRENT_WINDOW_SIZE(targetSize));673 }674 @Override675 public void setPosition(Point targetPosition) {676 execute(DriverCommand.SET_CURRENT_WINDOW_POSITION(targetPosition));677 }678 @Override679 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"})680 public Dimension getSize() {681 Response response = execute(DriverCommand.GET_CURRENT_WINDOW_SIZE);682 Map<String, Object> rawSize = (Map<String, Object>) response.getValue();683 int width = ((Number) rawSize.get("width")).intValue();684 int height = ((Number) rawSize.get("height")).intValue();685 return new Dimension(width, height);686 }687 Map<String, Object> rawPoint;688 @Override689 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")690 public Point getPosition() {691 Response response = execute(DriverCommand.GET_CURRENT_WINDOW_POSITION());692 rawPoint = (Map<String, Object>) response.getValue();693 int x = ((Number) rawPoint.get("x")).intValue();694 int y = ((Number) rawPoint.get("y")).intValue();695 return new Point(x, y);696 }697 @Override698 public void maximize() {699 execute(DriverCommand.MAXIMIZE_CURRENT_WINDOW);700 }701 @Override702 public void minimize() {703 execute(DriverCommand.MINIMIZE_CURRENT_WINDOW);704 }705 @Override706 public void fullscreen() {707 execute(DriverCommand.FULLSCREEN_CURRENT_WINDOW);708 }709 }710 }711 private class RemoteNavigation implements Navigation {712 @Override713 public void back() {714 execute(DriverCommand.GO_BACK);715 }716 @Override717 public void forward() {718 execute(DriverCommand.GO_FORWARD);719 }720 @Override721 public void to(String url) {722 get(url);723 }724 @Override725 public void to(URL url) {726 get(String.valueOf(url));727 }728 @Override729 public void refresh() {730 execute(DriverCommand.REFRESH);731 }732 }733 protected class RemoteTargetLocator implements TargetLocator {734 @Override735 public WebDriver frame(int frameIndex) {736 execute(DriverCommand.SWITCH_TO_FRAME(frameIndex));737 return RemoteWebDriver.this;738 }739 @Override740 public WebDriver frame(String frameName) {741 String name = frameName.replaceAll("(['\"\\\\#.:;,!?+<>=~*^$|%&@`{}\\-/\\[\\]\\(\\)])", "\\\\$1");742 List<WebElement> frameElements = RemoteWebDriver.this.findElements(743 By.cssSelector("frame[name='" + name + "'],iframe[name='" + name + "']"));744 if (frameElements.size() == 0) {745 frameElements = RemoteWebDriver.this.findElements(746 By.cssSelector("frame#" + name + ",iframe#" + name));747 }748 if (frameElements.size() == 0) {749 throw new NoSuchFrameException("No frame element found by name or id " + frameName);750 }751 return frame(frameElements.get(0));752 }753 @Override754 public WebDriver frame(WebElement frameElement) {755 Object elementAsJson = new WebElementToJsonConverter().apply(frameElement);756 execute(DriverCommand.SWITCH_TO_FRAME(elementAsJson));757 return RemoteWebDriver.this;758 }759 @Override760 public WebDriver parentFrame() {761 execute(DriverCommand.SWITCH_TO_PARENT_FRAME);762 return RemoteWebDriver.this;763 }764 @Override765 public WebDriver window(String windowHandleOrName) {766 try {767 execute(DriverCommand.SWITCH_TO_WINDOW(windowHandleOrName));768 return RemoteWebDriver.this;769 } catch (NoSuchWindowException nsw) {770 // simulate search by name771 String original = getWindowHandle();772 for (String handle : getWindowHandles()) {773 switchTo().window(handle);774 if (windowHandleOrName.equals(executeScript("return"))) {775 return RemoteWebDriver.this; // found by name776 }777 }778 switchTo().window(original);779 throw nsw;780 }781 }782 @Override783 public WebDriver newWindow(WindowType typeHint) {784 String original = getWindowHandle();785 try {786 Response response = execute(DriverCommand.SWITCH_TO_NEW_WINDOW(typeHint));787 String newWindowHandle = ((Map<String, Object>) response.getValue()).get("handle").toString();788 switchTo().window(newWindowHandle);789 return RemoteWebDriver.this;790 } catch (WebDriverException ex) {791 switchTo().window(original);792 throw ex;793 }794 }795 @Override796 public WebDriver defaultContent() {797 execute(DriverCommand.SWITCH_TO_FRAME(null));798 return RemoteWebDriver.this;799 }800 @Override801 public WebElement activeElement() {802 Response response = execute(DriverCommand.GET_ACTIVE_ELEMENT);803 return (WebElement) response.getValue();804 }805 @Override806 public Alert alert() {807 execute(DriverCommand.GET_ALERT_TEXT);808 return new RemoteAlert();809 }810 }811 private class RemoteAlert implements Alert {812 public RemoteAlert() {813 }814 @Override815 public void dismiss() {816 execute(DriverCommand.DISMISS_ALERT);817 }818 @Override819 public void accept() {820 execute(DriverCommand.ACCEPT_ALERT);821 }822 @Override823 public String getText() {824 return (String) execute(DriverCommand.GET_ALERT_TEXT).getValue();825 }826 /**827 * @param keysToSend character sequence to send to the alert828 *829 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if keysToSend is null830 */831 @Override832 public void sendKeys(String keysToSend) {833 if(keysToSend==null) {834 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Keys to send should be a not null CharSequence");835 }836 execute(DriverCommand.SET_ALERT_VALUE(keysToSend));837 }838 }839 private class RemoteVirtualAuthenticator implements VirtualAuthenticator {840 private final String id;841 public RemoteVirtualAuthenticator(final String id) {842 = Require.nonNull("Id", id);843 }844 @Override845 public String getId() {846 return id;847 }848 @Override849 public void addCredential(Credential credential) {850 execute(DriverCommand.ADD_CREDENTIAL,851 new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object>()852 .putAll(credential.toMap())853 .put("authenticatorId", id)854 .build());855 }856 @Override857 public List<Credential> getCredentials() {858 List<Map<String, Object>> response = (List<Map<String, Object>>)859 execute(DriverCommand.GET_CREDENTIALS, ImmutableMap.of("authenticatorId", id)).getValue();860 return;861 }862 @Override863 public void removeCredential(byte[] credentialId) {864 removeCredential(Base64.getUrlEncoder().encodeToString(credentialId));865 }866 @Override...

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...49 private final boolean isUserVerified;50 private final Map<String, Object> map;51 private Options(VirtualAuthenticatorOptions options) {52 this.options = options;53 = options.toMap();54 this.protocol = protocolFromMap(map);55 this.transport = transportFromMap(map);56 this.hasResidentKey = (Boolean) map.get("hasResidentKey");57 this.hasUserVerification = (Boolean) map.get("hasUserVerification");58 this.isUserConsenting = (Boolean) map.get("isUserConsenting");59 this.isUserVerified = (Boolean) map.get("isUserVerified");60 }61 public VirtualAuthenticatorOptions.Protocol getProtocol() {62 return protocol;63 }64 public VirtualAuthenticatorOptions.Transport getTransport() {65 return transport;66 }67 public boolean hasResidentKey() {...

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...71 public VirtualAuthenticatorOptions setIsUserVerified(boolean isUserVerified) {72 this.isUserVerified = isUserVerified;73 return this;74 }75 public Map<String, Object> toMap() {76 Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();77 map.put("protocol",;78 map.put("transport",;79 map.put("hasResidentKey", hasResidentKey);80 map.put("hasUserVerification", hasUserVerification);81 map.put("isUserConsenting", isUserConsenting);82 map.put("isUserVerified", isUserVerified);83 return Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);84 }85}...

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1Map<String, Object> optionsMap = options.toMap();2Map<String, Object> optionsMap = options.toMap();3Map<String, Object> optionsMap = options.toMap();4Map<String, Object> optionsMap = options.toMap();5Map<String, Object> optionsMap = options.toMap();6Map<String, Object> optionsMap = options.toMap();7Map<String, Object> optionsMap = options.toMap();8Map<String, Object> optionsMap = options.toMap();9Map<String, Object> optionsMap = options.toMap();10Map<String, Object> optionsMap = options.toMap();11Map<String, Object> optionsMap = options.toMap();12Map<String, Object> optionsMap = options.toMap();

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Selenium 4 Tutorial:

LambdaTest’s Selenium 4 tutorial is covering every aspects of Selenium 4 testing with examples and best practices. Here you will learn basics, such as how to upgrade from Selenium 3 to Selenium 4, to some advanced concepts, such as Relative locators and Selenium Grid 4 for Distributed testing. Also will learn new features of Selenium 4, such as capturing screenshots of specific elements, opening a new tab or window on the browser, and new protocol adoptions.


  1. Upgrading From Selenium 3 To Selenium 4?: In this chapter, learn in detail how to update Selenium 3 to Selenium 4 for Java binding. Also, learn how to upgrade while using different build tools such as Maven or Gradle and get comprehensive guidance for upgrading Selenium.

  2. What’s New In Selenium 4 & What’s Being Deprecated? : Get all information about new implementations in Selenium 4, such as W3S protocol adaption, Optimized Selenium Grid, and Enhanced Selenium IDE. Also, learn what is deprecated for Selenium 4, such as DesiredCapabilites and FindsBy methods, etc.

  3. Selenium 4 With Python: Selenium supports all major languages, such as Python, C#, Ruby, and JavaScript. In this chapter, learn how to install Selenium 4 for Python and the features of Python in Selenium 4, such as Relative locators, Browser manipulation, and Chrom DevTool protocol.

  4. Selenium 4 Is Now W3C Compliant: JSON Wireframe protocol is retiring from Selenium 4, and they are adopting W3C protocol to learn in detail about the advantages and impact of these changes.

  5. How To Use Selenium 4 Relative Locator? : Selenium 4 came with new features such as Relative Locators that allow constructing locators with reference and easily located constructors nearby. Get to know its different use cases with examples.

  6. Selenium Grid 4 Tutorial For Distributed Testing: Selenium Grid 4 allows you to perform tests over different browsers, OS, and device combinations. It also enables parallel execution browser testing, reads up on various features of Selenium Grid 4 and how to download it, and runs a test on Selenium Grid 4 with best practices.

  7. Selenium Video Tutorials: Binge on video tutorials on Selenium by industry experts to get step-by-step direction from automating basic to complex test scenarios with Selenium.

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