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Perform Cross Browser Testing on Cloud with Cypress & LambdaTest | Cypress Tutorial | Part XIII

Perform Cross Browser Testing on Cloud with Cypress & LambdaTest | Cypress Tutorial | Part XIII


  • Introduction to Cypress Testing
  • Cypress GET and FIND Command Hacks
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  • What Are Cypress Hooks?
  • What Are Cypress Fixtures?
  • What Are Cypress Custom Commands?
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  • What Are Cypress Actions? | GitHub Actions
  • Perform Cross Browser Testing on Cloud with Cypress & LambdaTest
  • Learn Cypress in 3 Hours | Full Cypress Tutorial

About The Video

This video is a part of our Cypress Testing Tutorial series for beginners. In this video, Chris DeSilva (@desilvadev) showcases how to leverage cloud-based cross browser testing platforms like LambdaTest to scale browser testing with Cypress using the LambdaTest Cypress Command Line Interface. You will also learn how to run multiple tests in parallel and analyze the overall performance through the LambdaTest dashboard. By the end of this video tutorial, you will know how to run Cypress parallel tests on the LambdaTest platform.

Video Chapters

0:00 Introduction to LambdaTest Cypress CLI tutorial

0:14 Learning Goals

1:39 Installing LambdaTest CLI in local machine

1:58 Creating LambdaTest config file

4:46 Taking a look at LambdaTest Dashboard

10:21 Exploring two ways to execute test in parallel testing with LambdaTest Platform

12:37 Understanding “timeline” and “Analytics” section in LambdaTest Platform

13:53 Conclusion of Session

Key Topics Covered

Setting Up LambdaTest CLI and Config: The video starts by guiding viewers through the process of setting up the LambdaTest command-line interface on their local machine. This setup is crucial for integrating local test environments with the LambdaTest platform.

Running Tests on LambdaTest Platform: It demonstrates how to run tests on the LambdaTest platform, utilizing the previously set up CLI and configuration files. This part is essential for understanding how to execute automated tests in the cloud environment provided by LambdaTest.

Dashboard Overview: An in-depth look at the LambdaTest dashboard is provided, showcasing its capabilities to monitor and analyze the performance of tests. The dashboard is a central place for accessing test results, logs, and other relevant metrics that help in evaluating the test outcomes.

Parallel Test Configuration: A significant portion of the video is dedicated to explaining how to configure tests to run in parallel. Running tests in parallel is a key feature that saves time by executing multiple tests simultaneously rather than sequentially.

Practical Demonstration: Throughout the video, practical examples are used to illustrate how to implement the discussed features. These examples include creating a secondary test file to demonstrate parallel testing and modifying the cypress.json file to point tests to the correct base URL.

Troubleshooting Common Issues: The video also touches on troubleshooting common issues, such as tests failing due to incorrect base URL settings. It shows how to update the cypress.json file to ensure tests run against the intended web application.

LambdaTest Platform Features: The video highlights several LambdaTest platform features, such as the ability to run tests on different browsers and operating systems, and the ease of integration with Cypress tests.

Analytics and Logs: A look into the analytics and logs available on the LambdaTest dashboard, which provide detailed insights into test executions, including pass/fail status, execution time, and specific test failures.

Parallel Tests Execution Benefits: The benefits of running tests in parallel are discussed, including how it can significantly reduce the total test execution time. The video explains how to adjust parallel execution settings directly in the LambdaTest configuration file or via command-line arguments.

LambdaTest Plans and Parallel Test Limits: The video concludes by mentioning that the number of tests that can be run in parallel is dependent on the LambdaTest plan subscribed to by the user. It briefly touches on how different plans offer different limits on parallel test executions.

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