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Learn GitLab in 3 Hours | GitLab Complete Tutorial For Beginners

Learn GitLab in 3 Hours | GitLab Complete Tutorial For Beginners


  • Introduction to GitLab CI | What is GitLab CI
  • Introduction To GitLab Interface
  • What Is GitLab Workflow
  • How To Use GitLab Flow In GitLab Project
  • What Is GitLab Pipeline? | How To Create GitLab Pipeline
  • How To Migrate From Jenkins Pipeline To GitLab CI
  • What is GitLab Registry? | GitLab Pipeline
  • Learn GitLab in 3 Hours | GitLab Complete Tutorial For Beginners

About The Video

In this Complete GitLab CI Tutorial, Moss(@tech_with_moss), an expert in DevOps and CI/CD tools, deep dives into Git commands, navigates you through GitLab Interface, and helps creating a GitLab pipeline in detail.

Video Chapters

0:00:00 - Introduction

0:02:43 - What is GitLab?

0:03:08 - What is Difference Between Git and GitLab?

0:03:39 - Why use GitLab?

0:04:06 - Basic Commands of GitLab

0:38:16 - The GitLab Interface

1:16:57 - GitLab Flow in Practice

1:55:39 - CI/CD in GitLab

2:32:29 - Migrating to GitLab CI/CD

3:11:01 - GitLab Pipelines

3:26:03 - Conclusion

Key Topics Covered

Introduction: Typically, the beginning of a video introduces the main topic or question that will be addressed.

Main Content: This section often breaks down into subtopics or related themes, providing detailed explanations, examples, or discussions.

Conclusion: Towards the end, videos usually summarize the key points covered and may include a call to action or final thoughts.


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