How to use getImgElFromArgs method in Appium Base Driver

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Source:driver.js Github


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...274 }275 // If we don't have this command, it must not be implemented276 // If the target element is ImageElement, we must try to call `ImageElement.execute` which exist following lines277 // since ImageElement supports few commands by itself278 const imgElId = getImgElFromArgs(args);279 if (!this[cmd] && !imgElId) {280 throw new errors.NotYetImplementedError();281 }282 let unexpectedShutdownListener;283 const commandExecutor = async () => imgElId284 ? await ImageElement.execute(this, cmd, imgElId, ...args)285 : await B.race([286 this[cmd](...args),287 new B((resolve, reject) => {288 unexpectedShutdownListener = reject;289 this.eventEmitter.on(ON_UNEXPECTED_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, unexpectedShutdownListener);290 })291 ]).finally(() => {292 if (unexpectedShutdownListener) {...

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Source:image-element-specs.js Github


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...236describe('getImgElFromArgs', function () {237 it('should return the image element id from json obj in args', function () {238 const imgEl = `${IMAGE_ELEMENT_PREFIX}foo`;239 const args = [1, 'foo', imgEl];240 getImgElFromArgs(args).should.eql(imgEl);241 });242 it('should not return anything if image element id not in args', function () {243 const args = [1, 'foo'];244 _.isUndefined(getImgElFromArgs(args));245 });246 it('should not find image element id in anything but prefix', function () {247 const notImgEl = `foo${IMAGE_ELEMENT_PREFIX}`;248 const args = [1, 'foo', notImgEl];249 _.isUndefined(getImgElFromArgs(args));250 });...

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Source:image-element.js Github


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1import _ from 'lodash';2import { errors } from '../..';3import LRU from 'lru-cache';4import { IMAGE_ELEMENT_PREFIX } from '../constants';5import log from './logger';6import { util } from 'appium-support';7const MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 40; // 40mb8const TAP_DURATION_MS = 125;9const IMAGE_EL_TAP_STRATEGY_W3C = 'w3cActions';10const IMAGE_EL_TAP_STRATEGY_MJSONWP = 'touchActions';11const IMAGE_TAP_STRATEGIES = [12 IMAGE_EL_TAP_STRATEGY_MJSONWP,13 IMAGE_EL_TAP_STRATEGY_W3C14];15const DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_IMAGE_SCALE = 1.0;16/**17 * @typedef {Object} Rect18 * @property {int} x - x-coordinate of top-left corner19 * @property {int} y - y-coordinate of top-left corner20 * @property {int} width - width of rect21 * @property {int} height - height of rect22 */23/**24 * @typedef {Object} Dimension25 * @property {int} width - width of rect26 * @property {int} height - height of rect27 */28/**29 * @typedef {Object} Position30 * @property {int} x - x coordinate31 * @property {int} y - y coordinate32 */33/**34 * Representation of an "image element", which is simply a set of coordinates35 * and methods that can be used on that set of coordinates via the driver36 */37class ImageElement {38 /**39 * @param {string} b64Template - the base64-encoded image which was used to40 * find this ImageElement41 * @param {Rect} rect - bounds of matched image element42 * @param {number} score The similarity score as a float number in range [0.0, 1.0].43 * 1.0 is the highest score (means both images are totally equal).44 * @param {?string} b64Result - the base64-encoded image which has matched marks.45 * Defaults to null.46 *47 * @returns {ImageElement}48 */49 constructor (b64Template, rect, score, b64Result = null) {50 this.template = b64Template;51 this.rect = rect;52 = `${IMAGE_ELEMENT_PREFIX}${util.uuidV4()}`;53 this.b64MatchedImage = b64Result;54 this.score = score;55 }56 /**57 * @returns {Dimension} - dimension of element58 */59 get size () {60 return {width: this.rect.width, height: this.rect.height};61 }62 /**63 * @returns {Position} - coordinates of top-left corner of element64 */65 get location () {66 return {x: this.rect.x, y: this.rect.y};67 }68 /**69 * @returns {Position} - coordinates of center of element70 */71 get center () {72 return {73 x: this.rect.x + this.rect.width / 2,74 y: this.rect.y + this.rect.height / 2,75 };76 }77 /**78 * @returns {?string} - the base64-encoded image which has matched marks79 */80 get matchedImage () {81 return this.b64MatchedImage;82 }83 /**84 * @param {string} protocolKey - the protocol-specific JSON key for85 * a WebElement86 *87 * @returns {WebElement} - this image element as a WebElement88 */89 asElement (protocolKey) {90 return {[protocolKey]:};91 }92 /**93 * @param {ImageElement} other - an ImageElement to compare with this one94 *95 * @returns {boolean} - whether the other element and this one have the same96 * properties97 */98 equals (other) {99 return this.rect.x === other.rect.x &&100 this.rect.y === other.rect.y &&101 this.rect.width === other.rect.width &&102 this.rect.height === other.rect.height;103 }104 /**105 * Use a driver to tap the screen at the center of this ImageElement's106 * position107 *108 * @param {BaseDriver} driver - driver for calling actions with109 */110 async click (driver) {111 // before we click we need to make sure the element is actually still there112 // where we expect it to be113 let newImgEl;114 const {115 autoUpdateImageElementPosition: updatePos,116 checkForImageElementStaleness,117 imageElementTapStrategy,118 } = driver.settings.getSettings();119 // validate tap strategy120 if (!IMAGE_TAP_STRATEGIES.includes(imageElementTapStrategy)) {121 throw new Error(`Incorrect imageElementTapStrategy setting ` +122 `'${imageElementTapStrategy}'. Must be one of ` +123 JSON.stringify(IMAGE_TAP_STRATEGIES));124 }125 if (checkForImageElementStaleness || updatePos) {126'Checking image element for staleness before clicking');127 try {128 newImgEl = await driver.findByImage(this.template, {129 shouldCheckStaleness: true,130 // Set ignoreDefaultImageTemplateScale because this.template is device screenshot based image131 // managed inside Appium after finidng image by template which managed by a user132 ignoreDefaultImageTemplateScale: true133 });134 } catch (err) {135 throw new errors.StaleElementReferenceError();136 }137 if (!this.equals(newImgEl)) {138 log.warn(`When trying to click on an image element, the image changed ` +139 `position from where it was originally found. It is now at ` +140 `${JSON.stringify(newImgEl.rect)} and was originally at ` +141 `${JSON.stringify(this.rect)}.`);142 if (updatePos) {143 log.warn('Click will proceed at new coordinates');144 this.rect = _.clone(newImgEl.rect);145 } else {146 log.warn('Click will take place at original coordinates. If you ' +147 'would like Appium to automatically click the new ' +148 "coordinates, set the 'autoUpdateImageElementPosition' " +149 'setting to true');150 }151 }152 }153 const {x, y} =;154`Will tap on image element at coordinate [${x}, ${y}]`);155 if (imageElementTapStrategy === IMAGE_EL_TAP_STRATEGY_W3C) {156 // set up a W3C action to click on the image by position157'Will tap using W3C actions');158 const action = {159 type: 'pointer',160 id: 'mouse',161 parameters: {pointerType: 'touch'},162 actions: [163 {type: 'pointerMove', x, y, duration: 0},164 {type: 'pointerDown', button: 0},165 {type: 'pause', duration: TAP_DURATION_MS},166 {type: 'pointerUp', button: 0},167 ]168 };169 // check if the driver has the appropriate performActions method170 if (driver.performActions) {171 return await driver.performActions([action]);172 }173 // if not, warn and fall back to the other method174 log.warn('Driver does not seem to implement W3C actions, falling back ' +175 'to TouchActions');176 }177 // if the w3c strategy was not requested, do the only other option (mjsonwp178 // touch actions)179'Will tap using MJSONWP TouchActions');180 const action = {181 action: 'tap',182 options: {x, y}183 };184 if (driver.performTouch) {185 return await driver.performTouch([action]);186 }187 throw new Error("Driver did not implement the 'performTouch' command. " +188 'For drivers to support finding image elements, they ' +189 "should support 'performTouch' and 'performActions'");190 }191 /**192 * Handle various Appium commands that involve an image element193 *194 * @param {BaseDriver} driver - the driver to use for commands195 * @param {string} cmd - the name of the driver command196 * @param {string} imgElId - the id of the ImageElement to work with197 * @param {Array} args - Rest of arguments for executeScripts198 *199 * @returns {Object} - the result of running a command200 */201 static async execute (driver, cmd, imgElId, ...args) {202 if (!driver._imgElCache.has(imgElId)) {203 throw new errors.NoSuchElementError();204 }205 const imgEl = driver._imgElCache.get(imgElId);206 switch (cmd) {207 case 'click':208 return await;209 case 'elementDisplayed':210 return true;211 case 'getSize':212 return imgEl.size;213 case 'getLocation':214 case 'getLocationInView':215 return imgEl.location;216 case 'getElementRect':217 return imgEl.rect;218 case 'getAttribute':219 // /session/:sessionId/element/:elementId/attribute/:name220 // /session/:sessionId/element/:elementId/attribute/visual should retun the visual data221 // e.g. ["content-desc","appium-image-element-xxxxx","xxxxx"], ["visual","appium-image-element-xxxxx","xxxxx"]222 switch (args[0]) {223 case 'visual':224 return imgEl.matchedImage;225 case 'score':226 return imgEl.score;227 default:228 throw new errors.NotYetImplementedError();229 }230 default: throw new errors.NotYetImplementedError();231 }232 }233}234function makeImageElementCache (max = MAX_CACHE_SIZE) {235 return new LRU({236 max,237 length: (el) => el.template.length,238 });239}240function getImgElFromArgs (args) {241 for (let arg of args) {242 if (_.isString(arg) && arg.startsWith(IMAGE_ELEMENT_PREFIX)) {243 return arg;244 }245 }246}247export {248 ImageElement, getImgElFromArgs, makeImageElementCache,249 IMAGE_EL_TAP_STRATEGY_MJSONWP, IMAGE_EL_TAP_STRATEGY_W3C,250 DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_IMAGE_SCALE...

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Source:plugin.js Github


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...51 }52 async handle (next, driver, cmdName, ...args) {53 // if we have a command that involves an image element id, attempt to find the image element54 // and execute the command on it55 const imgElId = getImgElFromArgs(args);56 if (imgElId) {57 if (!this.finder.imgElCache.has(imgElId)) {58 throw new errors.NoSuchElementError();59 }60 const imgEl = this.finder.imgElCache.get(imgElId);61 return await ImageElement.execute(driver, imgEl, cmdName, ...args);62 }63 // otherwise just do the normal thing64 return await next();65 }66}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');2const {getImgElFromArgs} = BaseDriver.prototype;3const args = {4};5const imgEl = getImgElFromArgs(args);6console.log(imgEl);7const XCUITestDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');8const {getImgElFromArgs} = XCUITestDriver.prototype;9const args = {10};11const imgEl = getImgElFromArgs(args);12console.log(imgEl);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');2const args = {3};4const imgEl = BaseDriver.getImgElFromArgs(args);5console.log(imgEl);6{ ELEMENT: 'someId' }7const BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');8const args = {9};10const imgEl = BaseDriver.getImgElFromArgs(args);11console.log(imgEl);12{ ELEMENT: 'someId' }13const BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');14const args = {15};16const imgEl = BaseDriver.getImgElFromArgs(args);17console.log(imgEl);18{ ELEMENT: 'someId' }19const BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');20const args = {21};22const imgEl = BaseDriver.getImgElFromArgs(args);23console.log(imgEl);24{ ELEMENT: 'someId' }25const BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');26const args = {27};28const imgEl = BaseDriver.getImgElFromArgs(args);29console.log(imgEl);30{ ELEMENT: 'someId' }31const BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');32const args = {33};34const imgEl = BaseDriver.getImgElFromArgs(args);35console.log(imgEl);36{ ELEMENT: 'someId' }37const BaseDriver = require('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');2var appiumBaseDriver = new AppiumBaseDriver();3var args = ["imgEl", "imgEl2", "imgEl3"];4var imgEl = appiumBaseDriver.getImgElFromArgs(args);5console.log(imgEl);6{ IMAGE: 'imgEl' }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');2var args = {3};4var imageEl = BaseDriver.getImgElFromArgs(args);5console.log(imageEl);6var BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');7var args = {8};9var imageEl = BaseDriver.getImgElFromArgs(args);10console.log(imageEl);11var BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');12var args = {13};14var imageEl = BaseDriver.getImgElFromArgs(args);15console.log(imageEl);16var BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');17var args = {18};19var imageEl = BaseDriver.getImgElFromArgs(args);20console.log(imageEl);21var BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');22var args = {23};24var imageEl = BaseDriver.getImgElFromArgs(args);25console.log(imageEl);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { BaseDriver } from 'appium-base-driver';2import { getImgElFromArgs, getImgElFromElementId, getImgElFromElement } from 'appium-base-driver/build/lib/image-element';3const driver = new BaseDriver();4const args = {5}6const imgElFromArgs = getImgElFromArgs(args);7const elementId = 'elementId';8const imgElFromElementId = getImgElFromElementId(driver, elementId);9const element = {10}11const imgElFromElement = getImgElFromElement(driver, element);12const elementId = 'elementId';13const imgElFromElementId = getImgElFromElementId(driver, elementId);14const element = {15}16const imgElFromElement = getImgElFromElement(driver, element);17const elementId = 'elementId';18const imgElFromElementId = getImgElFromElementId(driver, elementId);19const element = {20}21const imgElFromElement = getImgElFromElement(driver, element

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');2var args = {3};4var imgEl = AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.getImgElFromArgs(args);5console.log(imgEl);6var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');7var args = {8};9var imgEl = AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.getImgElFromArgs(args);10console.log(imgEl);11var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');12var args = {13};14var imgEl = AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.getImgElFromArgs(args);15console.log(imgEl);16var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');17var args = {18};19var imgEl = AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.getImgElFromArgs(args);20console.log(imgEl);21var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');22var args = {23};24var imgEl = AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.getImgElFromArgs(args);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { getImgElFromArgs } = require('appium-base-driver').imageUtils;2const element = getImgElFromArgs(args);3const image = await element.takeScreenshot();4const { getImgElFromArgs } = require('appium-base-driver').imageUtils;5const element = getImgElFromArgs(args);6const image = await element.takeScreenshot();7const { getImgElFromArgs } = require('appium-base-driver').imageUtils;8const element = getImgElFromArgs(args);9const image = await element.takeScreenshot();10const { getImgElFromArgs } = require('appium-base-driver').imageUtils;11const element = getImgElFromArgs(args);12const image = await element.takeScreenshot();13const { getImgElFromArgs } = require('appium-base-driver').imageUtils;14const element = getImgElFromArgs(args);15const image = await element.takeScreenshot();16const { getImgElFromArgs } = require('appium-base-driver').imageUtils;17const element = getImgElFromArgs(args);18const image = await element.takeScreenshot();19const { getImgElFromArgs } = require('

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