How to use driver.logTypes method in Appium Xcuitest Driver

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-xcuitest-driver


Source:calc-app-2-specs.js Github


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...37 })​status: 13/​)38 .nodeify(done);39 });40 it('should be able to get syslog log type', function (done) {41 driver.logTypes().then(function (logTypes) {42 logTypes.should.include('syslog');43 logTypes.should.include('crashlog');44 logTypes.should.not.include('logcat');45 }).nodeify(done);46 });47 /​/​ TODO: Fails on sauce, investigate48 it('should be able to get syslog logs @skip-ios6 @skip-ios8 @skip-ci', function (done) {49 driver50 .setImplicitWaitTimeout(4000)51 .elementByName('SumLabelz')52​status: 7/​)53 .log('syslog').then(function (logs) {54;55 logs[0].message.should.not.include("\n");...

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Source:special-caps-specs.js Github


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1"use strict";2var env = require('../​../​../​../​helpers/​env.js'),3 _ = require('underscore'),4 setup = require("../​../​../​common/​setup-base.js"),5 webviewHelper = require("../​../​../​../​helpers/​webview.js"),6 loadWebView = webviewHelper.loadWebView,7 desired = require('./​desired.js'),8 ChaiAsserter = require('../​../​../​../​helpers/​asserter.js').ChaiAsserter;9describe('safari - webview - special capabilities @skip-ios6', function () {10 describe('phishing warning', function () {11 var driver;12 var specialCaps = _.clone(desired);13 specialCaps.safariIgnoreFraudWarning = true;14 setup(this, specialCaps, {'no-reset': true}).then(function (d) { driver = d; });15 beforeEach(function (done) {16 loadWebView(specialCaps, driver).nodeify(done);17 });18 /​/​ iOS8 currently does not disable the phishing warning for foo:bar@ type19 /​/​ addresses, even when running the sim manually20 /​/​ TODO: find another way to trigger the phishing warning that IS disabled21 /​/​ by the pref on iOS822 it('should not display a phishing warning with safariIgnoreFraudWarning @skip-chrome @skip-ios8', function (done) {23 var titleToBecomeRight = new ChaiAsserter(function (driver) {24 return driver25 .title()26 .should.eventually.contain("I am another page title");27 });28 driver29 .get(env.PHISHING_END_POINT + 'guinea-pig2.html')30 .waitFor(titleToBecomeRight, 10000, 500)31 .nodeify(done);32 });33 });34 describe('performance logs', function () {35 var driver;36 var specialCaps = _.clone(desired);37 specialCaps.loggingPrefs = {performance: 'ALL'};38 setup(this, specialCaps, {'no-reset': true}).then(function (d) { driver = d; });39 beforeEach(function (done) {40 loadWebView(specialCaps, driver).nodeify(done);41 });42 it('should fetch performance logs', function (done) {43 driver44 .logTypes()45 .should.eventually.include('performance')46 .log('performance')47 .nodeify(done);49 });50 });...

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Source:api-specs.js Github


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...13 .elementByLinkText("Action Bar").should.eventually.exist14 .nodeify(done);15 });16 it('should be able to get logcat log type', function (done) {17 driver.logTypes().should.eventually.include('logcat')18 .nodeify(done);19 });20 it('should be able to get logcat logs', function (done) {21 driver.log('logcat').then(function (logs) {22;23 logs[0].message.should.not.include("\n");24 logs[0].level.should.equal("ALL");25 logs[0].timestamp.should.exist;26 }).nodeify(done);27 });28 it('should be able to proxy errors', function (done) {29 driver30 .elementByCss("foobar") .nodeify(done);...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var chai = require('chai');3var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');4chai.use(chaiAsPromised);5var expect = chai.expect;6var assert = chai.assert;7var should = chai.should();8var driver;9var serverConfig = {10};11var desiredCaps = {12};13driver = wd.promiseChainRemote(serverConfig);14driver.init(desiredCaps)15 .then(function() {16 return driver.logTypes();17 })18 .then(function(logTypes) {19 console.log(logTypes);20 })21 .fin(function() {22 return driver.quit();23 })24 .done();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wdio = require("webdriverio");2const opts = {3 capabilities: {4 }5};6async function main() {7 const client = await wdio.remote(opts);8 const logTypes = await client.logTypes();9 console.log(logTypes);10}11main();12from appium import webdriver13desired_caps = {}14print(log_types)15const wdio = require("webdriverio");16const opts = {17 capabilities: {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wdio = require("webdriverio");2const opts = { 3 capabilities: {4 }5};6async function main() {7 const client = await wdio.remote(opts);8 const logTypes = await client.logTypes();9 console.log(logTypes);10}11main();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wd = require('wd');2const chai = require('chai');3const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');4chai.use(chaiAsPromised);5chai.should();6const PORT = 4723;7const HOST = 'localhost';8async function test() {9 let driver = wd.promiseChainRemote(URL);10 await driver.init({11 });12 let logTypes = await driver.logTypes();13 console.log(logTypes);14 await driver.quit();15}16test();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wdio = require('webdriverio');2const assert = require('assert');3const opts = {4 capabilities: {5 }6};7const client = wdio.remote(opts);8(async function () {9 try {10 await client.init();11 await client.pause(5000);12 const logTypes = await client.logTypes();13 console.log('logTypes = ' + logTypes);14 await client.deleteSession();15 } catch (err) {16 console.error(err);17 }18})();19const wdio = require('webdriverio');20const assert = require('assert');21const opts = {22 capabilities: {23 }24};25const client = wdio.remote(opts);26(async function () {27 try {28 await client.init();29 await client.pause(5000);30 const logs = await client.log('syslog');31 console.log('logs = ' + JSON.stringify(logs));32 await client.deleteSession();33 } catch (err) {34 console.error(err);35 }36})();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('Test Appium Xcuitest driver logTypes method', function() {2 it('should get log types', function() {3 driver.logTypes()4 .then(function(logTypes) {5 console.log("Log types: " + logTypes);6 })7 .catch(function(err) {8 console.log("Error: " + err);9 });10 });11});12describe('Test Appium Xcuitest driver log method', function() {13 it('should get logs', function() {14 driver.log("syslog")15 .then(function(logs) {16 console.log("Logs: " + logs);17 })18 .catch(function(err) {19 console.log("Error: " + err);20 });21 });22});23describe('Test Appium Xcuitest driver deviceTime method', function() {24 it('should get device time', function() {25 driver.deviceTime()26 .then(function(time) {27 console.log("Device time: " + time);28 })29 .catch(function(err) {

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