How to use ensureCellCount method in Cucumber-gherkin

Best JavaScript code snippet using cucumber-gherkin


Source:gherkin.js Github


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...117 location: getLocation(token),118 cells: getCells(token)119 };120 });121 ensureCellCount(rows);122 return rows;123 }124 function ensureCellCount(rows) {125 if(rows.length == 0) return;126 var cellCount = rows[0].cells.length;127 rows.forEach(function (row) {128 if (row.cells.length != cellCount) {129 throw Errors.AstBuilderException.create("inconsistent cell count within the table", row.location);130 }131 });132 }133 function transformNode(node) {134 switch(node.ruleType) {135 case 'Step':136 var stepLine = node.getToken('StepLine');137 var stepArgument = node.getSingle('DataTable') || node.getSingle('DocString') || undefined;138 return {...

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Source:gherkin_document_builder.js Github


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...73 location: getLocation(token),74 cells: getCells(token)75 };76 });77 ensureCellCount(rows);78 return rows;79 }80 function ensureCellCount(rows) {81 if (rows.length === 0) return;82 var cellCount = rows[0].cells.length;83 rows.forEach(function (row) {84 if (row.cells.length !== cellCount) {85 throw Errors.GherkinDocumentBuilderException.create("inconsistent cell count within the table", row.location);86 }87 });88 }89 function transformNode(node) {90 switch (node.ruleType) {91 case 'Step':92 var stepLine = node.getToken('StepLine');93 var dataTable = node.getSingle('DataTable')94 var docString = node.getSingle('DocString')...

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Source:ast_builder.js Github


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...72 location: getLocation(token),73 cells: getCells(token)74 };75 });76 ensureCellCount(rows);77 return rows;78 }79 function ensureCellCount(rows) {80 if(rows.length == 0) return;81 var cellCount = rows[0].cells.length;82 rows.forEach(function (row) {83 if (row.cells.length != cellCount) {84 throw Errors.AstBuilderException.create("inconsistent cell count within the table", row.location);85 }86 });87 }88 function transformNode(node) {89 switch(node.ruleType) {90 case 'Step':91 var stepLine = node.getToken('StepLine');92 var stepArgument = node.getSingle('DataTable') || node.getSingle('DocString') || undefined;93 return {...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');2var fs = require('fs');3var content = fs.readFileSync('test.feature', 'utf8');4var document = gherkin.parse(content);5gherkin.ensureCellCount(document, 1);6console.log(;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var gherkin = require('gherkin');2var parser = new gherkin.Parser();3var path = require('path');4var fs = require('fs');5var featurePath = path.join(__dirname, 'features', 'test.feature');6var featureSource = fs.readFileSync(featurePath, 'utf8');7var feature = parser.parse(featureSource);8var ensureCellCount = function (table) {9 var max = 0;10 table.raw().forEach(function (row) {11 max = Math.max(max, row.length);12 });13 table.raw().forEach(function (row) {14 while (row.length < max) {15 row.push("");16 }17 });18};19ensureCellCount(feature.feature.children[0].examples[0].tableBody);20console.log(feature.feature.children[0].examples[0].tableBody.raw());

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {ensureCellCount} = require('cucumber-gherkin');2const {Given, When, Then} = require('cucumber');3const assert = require('assert');4Given('I have a {int} cell', function (int) {5 ensureCellCount(int);6});7When('I add {int} cells', function (int) {8 ensureCellCount(int);9});10Then('I have a {int} cell', function (int) {11 ensureCellCount(int);12});13const {defineSupportCode} = require('cucumber');14const {Given, When, Then} = require('cucumber');15const assert = require('assert');16defineSupportCode(function({Given, When, Then}) {17 Given('I have a {int} cell', function (int) {18 assert.equal(int, 1);19 });20 When('I add {int} cells', function (int) {21 assert.equal(int, 2);22 });23 Then('I have a {int} cell', function (int) {24 assert.equal(int, 3);25 });26});27const {defineSupportCode} = require('cucumber');28const {Given, When, Then} = require('cucumber');29const assert = require('assert');30defineSupportCode(function({Given, When, Then}) {31 Given('I have a {int} cell', function (int) {32 assert.equal(int, 1);33 });34 When('I add {int} cells', function (int) {35 assert.equal(int, 2);36 });37 Then('I have a {int} cell', function (int) {38 assert.equal(int, 3);39 });40});41const {defineSupportCode} = require('cucumber');42const {Given, When, Then} = require('cucumber');43const assert = require('assert');44defineSupportCode(function({Given, When, Then}) {45 Given('I have a {int} cell', function (int) {46 assert.equal(int, 1);47 });48 When('I add {int} cells', function (int) {49 assert.equal(int, 2);50 });51 Then('I have a {int} cell', function (int) {52 assert.equal(int,

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');2 "And I have 2 cucumbers";3gherkin.parse(feature, function(err, feature) {4 if (err) { throw new Error(err); }5 console.log("Number of cells: " + feature.cells.length);6 feature.ensureCellCount(4, 4);7});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');2var fs = require('fs');3var feature = fs.readFileSync('test.feature', 'utf8');4gherkin.parse(feature, function (err, feature) {5 if (err) {6 throw err;7 }8 var table = feature.scenarios[0].steps[0].rows;9 var headerRow = table[0];10 var headerColumns = headerRow.cells.length;11 for (var i = 1; i < table.length; i++) {12 var row = table[i];13 row.ensureCellCount(headerColumns);14 }15});16var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');17var fs = require('fs');18var feature = fs.readFileSync('test.feature', 'utf8');19gherkin.parse(feature, function (err, feature) {20 if (err) {21 throw err;22 }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Then(/​^I should see a table with (\d+) cells$/​, function(cellCount) {2 .then(function() {3 return this.ensureCellCount(cellCount);4 })5 .then(function() {6 return this;7 });8});

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Cucumber Tutorial:

LambdaTest offers a detailed Cucumber testing tutorial, explaining its features, importance, best practices, and more to help you get started with running your automation testing scripts.

Cucumber Tutorial Chapters:

Here are the detailed Cucumber testing chapters to help you get started:

  • Importance of Cucumber - Learn why Cucumber is important in Selenium automation testing during the development phase to identify bugs and errors.
  • Setting Up Cucumber in Eclipse and IntelliJ - Learn how to set up Cucumber in Eclipse and IntelliJ.
  • Running First Cucumber.js Test Script - After successfully setting up your Cucumber in Eclipse or IntelliJ, this chapter will help you get started with Selenium Cucumber testing in no time.
  • Annotations in Cucumber - To handle multiple feature files and the multiple scenarios in each file, you need to use functionality to execute these scenarios. This chapter will help you learn about a handful of Cucumber annotations ranging from tags, Cucumber hooks, and more to ease the maintenance of the framework.
  • Automation Testing With Cucumber And Nightwatch JS - Learn how to build a robust BDD framework setup for performing Selenium automation testing by integrating Cucumber into the Nightwatch.js framework.
  • Automation Testing With Selenium, Cucumber & TestNG - Learn how to perform Selenium automation testing by integrating Cucumber with the TestNG framework.
  • Integrate Cucumber With Jenkins - By using Cucumber with Jenkins integration, you can schedule test case executions remotely and take advantage of the benefits of Jenkins. Learn how to integrate Cucumber with Jenkins with this detailed chapter.
  • Cucumber Best Practices For Selenium Automation - Take a deep dive into the advanced use cases, such as creating a feature file, separating feature files, and more for Cucumber testing.

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