How to use Bluebird.all method in Cypress

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Source:inventory.js Github


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...66 beforeEach(function () {67 /**68 * Start with 1000 units of all products69 */70 return Bluebird.all([71 operationCtrl.registerEntry(PRODUCT_1_0, 1000),72 operationCtrl.registerEntry(PRODUCT_1_1, 1000),73 operationCtrl.registerEntry(PRODUCT_1_2, 700),74 operationCtrl.registerEntry(PRODUCT_1_2, 300),75 ])76 .then((operations) => {77 var entry1 = aux.mockData.entryShipments[0];78 var entry2 = aux.mockData.entryShipments[1];79 var exit1 = aux.mockData.exitShipments[0];80 var exit2 = aux.mockData.exitShipments[1];81 var allocations = Bluebird.all([82 allocationCtrl.allocateExit(exit1, PRODUCT_1_0, -200),83 allocationCtrl.allocateExit(exit2, PRODUCT_1_0, -300),84 allocationCtrl.allocateEntry(entry1, PRODUCT_1_0, 400),85 allocationCtrl.allocateEntry(entry1, PRODUCT_1_2, 500),86 allocationCtrl.allocateEntry(entry2, PRODUCT_1_0, 400),87 ]);88 var cancellations = Bluebird.all([89 // cancel one operation90 operationCtrl.cancel(operations[3], 'TestCancel'),91 ]);92 return Bluebird.all([allocations, cancellations]);93 })94 .then((results) => {95 var allocations = results[0];96 var cancellations = results[1];97 return Bluebird.all([98 allocationCtrl.effectivateExit(allocations[0], -150),99 allocationCtrl.effectivateExit(allocations[1], -300),100 allocationCtrl.effectivateEntry(allocations[2], 350),101 ]);102 })103 .catch(aux.logError);104 });105 it('log-result', function () {106 // return inventoryCtrl.summary().then((summary) => {107 // console.log(summary);108 // });109 110 return inventoryCtrl.shipmentSummary(aux.mockData.entryShipments[0])111 .then((summary) => {112 console.log(summary);113 });114 });115 });116 describe.skip('playground-perf', function () {117 function _insertMockDb() {118 /**119 * Start with 1000 units of all products120 */121 return Bluebird.all([122 operationCtrl.registerEntry(PRODUCT_1_0, 1000),123 operationCtrl.registerEntry(PRODUCT_1_1, 1000),124 operationCtrl.registerEntry(PRODUCT_1_2, 700),125 operationCtrl.registerEntry(PRODUCT_1_2, 300),126 ])127 .then((operations) => {128 var entry1 = aux.mockData.entryShipments[0];129 var entry2 = aux.mockData.entryShipments[1];130 var exit1 = aux.mockData.exitShipments[0];131 var exit2 = aux.mockData.exitShipments[1];132 var allocations = Bluebird.all([133 allocationCtrl.allocateExit(exit1, PRODUCT_1_0, -200),134 allocationCtrl.allocateExit(exit2, PRODUCT_1_0, -300),135 allocationCtrl.allocateEntry(entry1, PRODUCT_1_0, 400),136 allocationCtrl.allocateEntry(entry2, PRODUCT_1_0, 400),137 ]);138 var cancellations = Bluebird.all([139 // cancel one operation140 operationCtrl.cancel(operations[3], 'TestCancel'),141 ]);142 return Bluebird.all([allocations, cancellations]);143 })144 .then((results) => {145 var allocations = results[0];146 var cancellations = results[1];147 return Bluebird.all([148 allocationCtrl.effectivateExit(allocations[0], -150),149 allocationCtrl.effectivateExit(allocations[1], -300),150 allocationCtrl.effectivateEntry(allocations[2], 350),151 ]);152 });153 }154 beforeEach(function () {155 this.timeout(10 * 60 * 1000);156 return Array(400).fill(0).reduce((lastPromise, item, index) => {157 return lastPromise.then(() => {158 console.log('inserted ' + index);159 return _insertMockDb();160 });161 }, Bluebird.resolve())162 .catch(aux.logError);163 });164 // 200 - 16165 // 300 - 21166 // 400 - 25167 it('log-result', function () {168 var start = return inventoryCtrl.summary().then((summary) => {170 console.log(summary);171 var end =;172 console.log(end - start);173 });174 });175 });176 // describe.skip('#productAvailability(productModel, productExpiry, quantityUnit, targetDate)', function () {177 // var productExpiry = moment().add(2, 'day').toDate();178 // var product;179 // beforeEach(function () {180 // product = {181 // model: ASSETS.productModel,182 // expiry: productExpiry,183 // measureUnit: 'kg'184 // };185 // // create some operations so that the product may be considered in stock186 // return Bluebird.all([187 // ASSETS.cebola.operation.registerEntry(188 // ASSETS.entryShipment,189 // product,190 // 30191 // ),192 // ASSETS.cebola.operation.registerEntry(193 // ASSETS.entryShipment,194 // product,195 // 50196 // ),197 // ])198 // .then((operations) => {199 // return Bluebird.all([200 // // exit 30201 // allocationCtrl.allocateExit(202 // ASSETS.exitShipment,203 // product,204 // -30205 // ),206 // // enter 50207 // allocationCtrl.allocateEntry(208 // ASSETS.entryShipment,209 // product,210 // 50211 // ),212 // ]);213 // })214 // .catch(aux.logError);215 // });216 // it('should check amount in stock and deduce exit allocations', function () {217 // return inventoryCtrl.productAvailability(218 // product,219 // // before the entry allocation220 // moment().add(1, 'hour').toDate()221 // )222 // .then((available) => {223 // // should count all in stock minus amount allocated for exit224 // available.should.eql(50);225 // });226 // });227 // it('should take into account entry allocations up to the targetDate', function () {228 // return inventoryCtrl.productAvailability(229 // product,230 // // after the entry allocation231 // moment().add(5, 'weeks').toDate()232 // )233 // .then((available) => {234 // // should count all in stock minus amount allocated for exit235 // // plus amount allocated for entry prior to the targetDate236 // available.should.eql(100);237 // });238 // });239 // });240 // describe('#summary(targetDate, query, filter)', function () {241 // var productExpiry = moment().add(2, 'day').toDate();242 // var product;243 // beforeEach(function () {244 // product = {245 // model: ASSETS.productModel,246 // expiry: productExpiry,247 // measureUnit: 'kg',248 // };249 // // create some operations so that the product may be considered in stock250 // return Bluebird.all([251 // ASSETS.cebola.operation.registerEntry(252 // ASSETS.entryShipment,253 // product,254 // 30255 // ),256 // ASSETS.cebola.operation.registerEntry(257 // ASSETS.entryShipment,258 // product,259 // 50260 // ),261 // ])262 // .then((operations) => {263 // return Bluebird.all([264 // // exit 30265 // allocationCtrl.allocateExit(266 // ASSETS.exitShipment,267 // product,268 // -30269 // ),270 // // enter 50271 // allocationCtrl.allocateEntry(272 // ASSETS.entryShipment,273 // product,274 // 50275 // ),276 // ]);277 // })...

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Source:test_bluebird_v3.x.x.js Github


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...9 (inspection.pending(): bool);10});11// $FlowExpectedError12new Bluebird();13Bluebird.all([14 new Bluebird(() => {}),15]);[1], (x: number) => new Bluebird(() => {})).all();[1]), (x: number) => new Bluebird(() => {})).all();18Bluebird.reject('test');19Bluebird.all([20 121]);22Bluebird.all(Promise.resolve([23 new Bluebird(() => {}),24]));25function mapper(x: number): Promise<number> {26 return Bluebird.resolve(x);27}28let mapResult: Promise<number[]> =[1], mapper);29let mapSeriesResult: Promise<number[]> = Bluebird.mapSeries([1], mapper);30Bluebird.resolve([1,2,3]).then(function(arr: [1,2,3]) {31 let l = arr.length;32 // $FlowExpectedError Property not found in Array33 arr.then(r => r);34});35let response = fetch('/').then(r => r.text())36Bluebird.resolve(response).then(function(responseBody: string) {37 let length: number = responseBody.length;38 // $FlowExpectedError Property not found in string39 responseBody.then(r => r);40});41Bluebird.all([1, Bluebird.resolve(1), Promise.resolve(1)]).then(function(r: Array<number>) { });42Bluebird.all(['hello', Bluebird.resolve('world'), Promise.resolve('!')]).then(function(r: Array<string>) { });43Bluebird.join(1, Bluebird.resolve(2), function (a, b) { return a + b }).then(function (s) { return s + 1 })44Bluebird.join(45 1,46 Bluebird.resolve(2),47 Promise.resolve(3),48 function (a, b) { return a + b }).then(function (s) { return s + 1 })49Bluebird.join(1, Bluebird.resolve(2),50 function (a, b) { return Bluebird.resolve(a + b) }).then(function (s) { return s + 1 })51// $FlowExpectedError52Bluebird.all([1, Bluebird.resolve(1), Promise.resolve(1)]).then(function(r: Array<string>) { });53function foo(a: number, b: string) {54 throw new Error('oh no');55}56let fooPromise = Bluebird.method(foo);57fooPromise(1, 'b').catch(function(e) {58 let m: string = e.message;59});60fooPromise(1, 'b').catch(Error, function(e: Error) {61 let m: string = e.message;62});63// $FlowExpectedError64fooPromise(1, 'b').catch(Error, function(e: NetworkError) {65 let m: string = e.message;66 let c: number = e.code;...

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Source:yaxis.test.js Github


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...31 expect(r.output.list[0]._global.yaxes)'array');32 });33 });34 it('puts odd numbers of the left, even on the right, by default', () => {35 return Bluebird.all([36 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 1]).then((r) => {37 expect(r.output.list[0]._global.yaxes[0].position).to.equal('left');38 }),39 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 2]).then((r) => {40 expect(r.output.list[0]._global.yaxes[1].position).to.equal('right');41 }),42 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 3]).then((r) => {43 expect(r.output.list[0]._global.yaxes[2].position).to.equal('left');44 }),45 ]);46 });47 it('it lets you override default positions', () => {48 return Bluebird.all([49 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 1, null, null, 'right']).then((r) => {50 expect(r.output.list[0]._global.yaxes[0].position).to.equal('right');51 }),52 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 2, null, null, 'right']).then((r) => {53 expect(r.output.list[0]._global.yaxes[1].position).to.equal('right');54 }),55 ]);56 });57 it('sets the minimum (default: no min)', () => {58 return Bluebird.all([59 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 1, null]).then((r) => {60 expect(r.output.list[0]._global.yaxes[0].min).to.equal(null);61 }),62 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 2, 10]).then((r) => {63 expect(r.output.list[0]._global.yaxes[1].min).to.equal(10);64 }),65 ]);66 });67 it('sets the max (default: no max)', () => {68 return Bluebird.all([69 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 1, null]).then((r) => {70 expect(r.output.list[0]._global.yaxes[0].max).to.equal(undefined);71 }),72 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 2, null, 10]).then((r) => {73 expect(r.output.list[0]._global.yaxes[1].max).to.equal(10);74 }),75 ]);76 });77 it('sets the units (default: no unit', () => {78 return Bluebird.all([79 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 1, null, null, null, null, null, null]).then((r) => {80 expect(r.output.list[0]._global.yaxes[0].units).to.equal(undefined);81 }),82 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 2, null, null, null, null, null, 'bits']).then((r) => {83 expect(r.output.list[0]._global.yaxes[1].units)'object');84 }),85 ]);86 });87 it('throws an error if currency is not three letter code', () => {88 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 1, null, null, null, null, null, 'currency:abcde']).catch((e) => {89 expect(e);90 });91 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 1, null, null, null, null, null, 'currency:12']).catch((e) => {92 expect(e);...

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Source:yaxis.js Github


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...31 expect(r.output.list[0]._global.yaxes)'array');32 });33 });34 it('puts odd numbers of the left, even on the right, by default', () => {35 return Bluebird.all([36 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 1]).then(r => {37 expect(r.output.list[0]._global.yaxes[0].position).to.equal('left');38 }),39 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 2]).then(r => {40 expect(r.output.list[0]._global.yaxes[1].position).to.equal('right');41 }),42 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 3]).then(r => {43 expect(r.output.list[0]._global.yaxes[2].position).to.equal('left');44 }),45 ]);46 });47 it('it lets you override default positions', () => {48 return Bluebird.all([49 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 1, null, null, 'right']).then(r => {50 expect(r.output.list[0]._global.yaxes[0].position).to.equal('right');51 }),52 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 2, null, null, 'right']).then(r => {53 expect(r.output.list[0]._global.yaxes[1].position).to.equal('right');54 }),55 ]);56 });57 it('sets the minimum (default: no min)', () => {58 return Bluebird.all([59 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 1, null]).then(r => {60 expect(r.output.list[0]._global.yaxes[0].min).to.equal(null);61 }),62 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 2, 10]).then(r => {63 expect(r.output.list[0]._global.yaxes[1].min).to.equal(10);64 }),65 ]);66 });67 it('sets the max (default: no max)', () => {68 return Bluebird.all([69 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 1, null]).then(r => {70 expect(r.output.list[0]._global.yaxes[0].max).to.equal(undefined);71 }),72 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 2, null, 10]).then(r => {73 expect(r.output.list[0]._global.yaxes[1].max).to.equal(10);74 }),75 ]);76 });77 it('sets the units (default: no unit', () => {78 return Bluebird.all([79 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 1, null, null, null, null, null, null]).then(r => {80 expect(r.output.list[0]._global.yaxes[0].units).to.equal(undefined);81 }),82 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 2, null, null, null, null, null, 'bits']).then(r => {83 expect(r.output.list[0]._global.yaxes[1].units)'object');84 }),85 ]);86 });87 it('throws an error if currency is not three letter code', () => {88 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 1, null, null, null, null, null, 'currency:abcde']).catch(e => {89 expect(e);90 });91 invoke(fn, [seriesList, 1, null, null, null, null, null, 'currency:12']).catch(e => {92 expect(e);...

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Source:declarationEmitPromise.js Github


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1//// [declarationEmitPromise.ts]2export class bluebird<T> {3 static all: Array<bluebird<any>>;4}5export async function runSampleWorks<A, B, C, D, E>(6 a: bluebird<A>, b?: bluebird<B>, c?: bluebird<C>, d?: bluebird<D>, e?: bluebird<E>) {7 let result = await (bluebird.all as any)([a, b, c, d, e].filter(el => !!el));8 let func = <T>(f: (a: A, b?: B, c?: C, d?: D, e?: E) => T): T =>9 f.apply(this, result);10 let rfunc: typeof func & {} = func as any; // <- This is the only difference11 return rfunc12}13export async function runSampleBreaks<A, B, C, D, E>(14 a: bluebird<A>, b?: bluebird<B>, c?: bluebird<C>, d?: bluebird<D>, e?: bluebird<E>) {15 let result = await (bluebird.all as any)([a, b, c, d, e].filter(el => !!el));16 let func = <T>(f: (a: A, b?: B, c?: C, d?: D, e?: E) => T): T =>17 f.apply(this, result);18 let rfunc: typeof func = func as any; // <- This is the only difference19 return rfunc20}2122//// [declarationEmitPromise.js]23"use strict";24var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {25 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {26 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } }27 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }28 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }29 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());30 });31};32Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });33class bluebird {34}35exports.bluebird = bluebird;36function runSampleWorks(a, b, c, d, e) {37 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {38 let result = yield bluebird.all([a, b, c, d, e].filter(el => !!el));39 let func = (f) => f.apply(this, result);40 let rfunc = func; // <- This is the only difference41 return rfunc;42 });43}44exports.runSampleWorks = runSampleWorks;45function runSampleBreaks(a, b, c, d, e) {46 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {47 let result = yield bluebird.all([a, b, c, d, e].filter(el => !!el));48 let func = (f) => f.apply(this, result);49 let rfunc = func; // <- This is the only difference50 return rfunc;51 });52}53exports.runSampleBreaks = runSampleBreaks;545556//// [declarationEmitPromise.d.ts]57export declare class bluebird<T> {58 static all: Array<bluebird<any>>;59}60export declare function runSampleWorks<A, B, C, D, E>(a: bluebird<A>, b?: bluebird<B>, c?: bluebird<C>, d?: bluebird<D>, e?: bluebird<E>): Promise<(<T>(f: (a: A, b?: B, c?: C, d?: D, e?: E) => T) => T) & {}>; ...

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Source:promise-all-with-static-array.js Github


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...66 'Promise.all([1, 2, 3])',67 {68 code: `69 const Bluebird = require('bluebird')70 Bluebird.all([1, 2, 3])71 `,72 parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 6, sourceType: 'module' },73 },74 ],75 invalid: [76 {77 code: 'Promise.all([1, 2, 3, ...x])',78 parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 6, sourceType: 'module' },79 errors: [{ message: 'Expected Promise.all() to have a parameter of a static array.', }]80 },81 {82 code: 'Promise.all(x)',83 parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 6, sourceType: 'module' },84 errors: [{ message: 'Expected Promise.all() to have a parameter of a static array.', }]85 },86 {87 code: `88 const Bluebird = require('bluebird')89 Bluebird.all([1, 2, 3, ...x])90 `,91 parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 6, sourceType: 'module' },92 errors: [{ message: 'Expected Bluebird.all() to have a parameter of a static array.', }]93 },94 {95 code: `96 const Bluebird = require('bluebird')97 Bluebird.all(x)98 `,99 parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 6, sourceType: 'module' },100 errors: [{ message: 'Expected Bluebird.all() to have a parameter of a static array.', }]101 },102 ]103 }...

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Source:document.js Github


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...23}24export function build(plump, options = {}) {25 return fake(plump)26 .then((doc) => {27 return Bluebird.all(common.randomSet(options.profileCount, common.getRandomInt(1, 3)).map((pId) => {28 return doc.$add('participants', pId, { perm: 3 });29 }))30 .then(() => {31 return Bluebird.all(common.randomSet(options.communityCount, common.getRandomInt(1, 3)).map((pId) => {32 return doc.$add('communities', pId, { perm: 2 });33 }));34 }).then(() => {35 const replyCount = Math.min(common.getRandomPareto(2), 15);36 return Bluebird.all(new Array(replyCount).fill(0).map(() => {37 return fake(plump, { type: 'comment', reply_parents: [doc.$id] });38 }));39 }).then((replies) => {40 replies.push(doc);41 return Bluebird.all( => {42 return Bluebird.all(['likes', 'agrees', 'disagrees', 'sympathizes', 'explains'].map((reactionType) => {43 const reactCount = Math.min(common.getRandomPareto(2.3), 3);44 return Bluebird.all(common.randomSet(options.profileCount, reactCount).map((pId) => {45 return d.$add(reactionType, pId);46 }));47 }));48 }));49 }).then(() => doc);50 });...

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Source:map.js Github


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1const util = require("./util");2module.exports = (Bluebird) => {3 = (x, mapper, opts) => Bluebird.resolve(x).map(mapper, opts);4 = async function(mapper, {concurrency} = {}) {5 const values = await Bluebird.all(await this);6 if(!concurrency) {7 return await Bluebird.all(;8 }9 const throttled = util.throttle(mapper, Number(concurrency), Bluebird);10 return await Bluebird.all(;11 };...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('My First Test', function() {2 it('Does not do much!', function() {3 cy.contains('type').click()4 cy.url().should('include', '/commands/actions')5 cy.get('.action-email')6 .type('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { all } = require('cypress/types/bluebird');2describe('My First Test', () => {3 it('Does not do much!', () => {4 expect(true).to.equal(true)5 })6})7describe('My First Test', () => {8 it('Does not do much!', () => {9 expect(true).to.equal(true)10 })11})12describe('My Second Test', () => {13 it('Does not do much!', () => {14 expect(true).to.equal(true)15 })16})17describe('My Third Test', () => {18 it('Does not do much!', () => {19 expect(true).to.equal(true)20 })21})22describe('My Fourth Test', () => {23 it('Does not do much!', () => {24 expect(true).to.equal(true)25 })26})27describe('My Fifth Test', () => {28 it('Does not do much!', () => {29 expect(true).to.equal(true)30 })31})32describe('My Sixth Test', () => {33 it('Does not do much!', () => {34 expect(true).to.equal(true)35 })36})37describe('My Seventh Test', () => {38 it('Does not do much!', () => {39 expect(true).to.equal(true)40 })41})42describe('My Eighth Test', () => {43 it('Does not do much!', () => {44 expect(true).to.equal(true)45 })46})47describe('My Ninth Test', () => {48 it('Does not do much!', () => {49 expect(true).to.equal(true)50 })51})52describe('My Tenth Test', () => {53 it('Does not do much!', () => {54 expect(true).to.equal

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1Cypress.Commands.add('all', (promiseArray) => {2 return new Cypress.Promise((resolve, reject) => {3 const results = [];4 let remaining = promiseArray.length;5 if (remaining === 0) {6 resolve(results);7 } else {8 promiseArray.forEach((promise, index) => {9 Cypress.Promise.resolve(promise)10 .then((result) => {11 results[index] = result;12 remaining -= 1;13 if (remaining === 0) {14 resolve(results);15 }16 })17 .catch((err) => {18 reject(err);19 });20 });21 }22 });23});24Cypress.Commands.add('each', (array, iterator) => {25 return new Cypress.Promise((resolve, reject) => {26 let index = 0;27 const iterate = () => {28 if (index < array.length) {29 const result = iterator(array[index], index, array);30 if (result && typeof result.then === 'function') {31 .then(() => {32 index += 1;33 iterate();34 })35 .catch((err) => {36 reject(err);37 });38 } else {39 index += 1;40 iterate();41 }42 } else {43 resolve();44 }45 };46 iterate();47 });48});49Cypress.Commands.add('map', (array, iterator) => {50 return new Cypress.Promise((resolve, reject) => {51 const results = [];52 let remaining = array.length;53 if (remaining === 0) {54 resolve(results);55 } else {56 array.forEach((value, index) => {57 const result = iterator(value, index, array);58 if (result && typeof result.then === 'function') {59 .then((mappedValue) => {60 results[index] = mappedValue;61 remaining -= 1;62 if (remaining === 0) {63 resolve(results);64 }65 })66 .catch((err) => {67 reject(err);68 });69 } else {70 results[index] = result;71 remaining -= 1;72 if (remaining === 0) {73 resolve(results);74 }75 }76 });77 }78 });79});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.Commands.add('all', (promises) => {2 return new Cypress.Promise((resolve, reject) => {3 Promise.all(promises).then(resolve, reject);4 });5});6Cypress.Commands.add('test', (promises) => {7 cy.all(promises).then((results) => {8 console.log(results);9 });10});11Cypress.Commands.add('test', (promises) => {12 Cypress.Promise.all(promises).then((results) => {13 console.log(results);14 });15});16Cypress.Commands.add('test', (promises) => {17 Promise.all(promises).then((results) => {18 console.log(results);19 });20});21Cypress.Commands.add('test', (promises) => {22 Cypress.Promise.all(promises).then((results) => {23 console.log(results);24 });25});26Cypress.Commands.add('test', (promises) => {27 Promise.all(promises).then((results) => {28 console.log(results);29 });30});31Cypress.Commands.add('test', (promises) => {32 Cypress.Promise.all(promises).then((results) => {33 console.log(results);34 });35});36Cypress.Commands.add('test', (promises) => {37 Promise.all(promises).then((results) => {38 console.log(results);39 });40});41Cypress.Commands.add('test', (promises) => {42 Cypress.Promise.all(promises).then((results) => {43 console.log(results);44 });45});46Cypress.Commands.add('test', (promises) => {47 Promise.all(promises).then((results) => {48 console.log(results);49 });50});51Cypress.Commands.add('test', (promises) => {52 Cypress.Promise.all(promises).then((results) => {53 console.log(results);54 });55});56Cypress.Commands.add('test', (promises) => {57 Promise.all(promises).then

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1Cypress.Commands.add('promiseAll', (promises) => {2 return cy.window().then((win) => {3 return win.Promise.all(promises);4 });5});6Cypress.Commands.add('promiseAll', (promises) => {7 return cy.window().then((win) => {8 return win.Promise.all(promises);9 });10});11Cypress.Commands.add('promiseAll', (promises) => {12 return cy.window().then((win) => {13 return win.Promise.all(promises);14 });15});16Cypress.Commands.add('promiseAll', (promises) => {17 return cy.window().then((win) => {18 return win.Promise.all(promises);19 });20});21Cypress.Commands.add('promiseAll', (promises) => {22 return cy.window().then((win) => {23 return win.Promise.all(promises);24 });25});26Cypress.Commands.add('promiseAll', (promises) => {27 return cy.window().then((win) => {28 return win.Promise.all(promises);29 });30});31Cypress.Commands.add('promiseAll', (promises) => {32 return cy.window().then((win) => {33 return win.Promise.all(promises);34 });35});36Cypress.Commands.add('promiseAll', (promises) => {37 return cy.window().then((win) => {38 return win.Promise.all(promises);39 });40});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe("Test Suite", function() {2 it("Test Case", function() {3 cy.get("input[name=q]").type("cypress").should("have.value", "cypress");4 cy.get("input[name=btnK]").click();5 const promise1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {6 setTimeout(() => {7 cy.get("body").then($body => {8 if ($body.find("div.g").length > 0) {9 resolve("Promise 1 resolved");10 } else {11 reject("Promise 1 rejected");12 }13 });14 }, 1000);15 });16 const promise2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {17 setTimeout(() => {18 cy.get("body").then($body => {19 if ($body.find("div.g").length > 0) {20 resolve("Promise 2 resolved");21 } else {22 reject("Promise 2 rejected");23 }24 });25 }, 2000);26 });27 const promise3 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {28 setTimeout(() => {29 cy.get("body").then($body => {30 if ($body.find("div.g").length > 0) {31 resolve("Promise 3 resolved");32 } else {33 reject("Promise 3 rejected");34 }35 });36 }, 3000);37 });38 cy.wrap(Promise.all([promise1, promise2, promise3])).then(39 values => {40 console.log(values);41 },42 reason => {43 console.log(reason);44 }45 );46 });47});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {expect} from 'chai';2describe('Bluebird.all', () => {3 it('should run all promises', () => {4 cy.wrap(Promise.resolve('foo'))5 .then((promiseResult) => {6 return Promise.all([Promise.resolve(promiseResult), Promise.resolve('bar')]);7 })8 .then((promiseResult) => {9 expect(promiseResult).to.deep.equal(['foo', 'bar']);10 });11 });12});13describe('Bluebird.all', () => {14 it('should run all promises', () => {15 cy.wrap(Promise.resolve('foo'))16 .then((promiseResult) => {17 return Promise.all([Promise.resolve(promiseResult), Promise.resolve('bar')]);18 })19 .then((promiseResult) => {20 expect(promiseResult).to.deep.equal(['foo', 'bar']);21 });22 });23});24describe('Bluebird.all', () => {25 it('should run all promises', () => {26 cy.wrap(Promise.resolve('foo'))27 .then((promiseResult) => {28 return Promise.all([Promise.resolve(promiseResult), Promise.resolve('bar')]);29 })30 .then((promiseResult) => {31 expect(promiseResult).to.deep.equal(['foo', 'bar']);32 });33 });34});35describe('Bluebird.all', () => {36 it('should run all promises', () => {37 cy.wrap(Promise.resolve('foo'))38 .then((promiseResult) => {39 return Promise.all([Promise.resolve(promiseResult), Promise.resolve('bar')]);40 })41 .then((promiseResult) => {42 expect(promiseResult).to.deep.equal(['foo', 'bar']);43 });44 });45});46describe('Bluebird.all', () => {47 it('should run all promises', () => {48 cy.wrap(Promise.resolve('foo'))49 .then((promiseResult) => {50 return Promise.all([Promise.resolve(promiseResult), Promise.resolve('bar')]);51 })52 .then((promiseResult) => {53 expect(promiseResult).to.deep.equal(['foo', 'bar']);54 });55 });56});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { default: axios } = require("axios");2const { default: Bluebird } = require("bluebird");3const { response } = require("express");4describe("API Tests", () => {5 it("Get data from API", () => {6 Bluebird.all([promise1, promise2, promise3]).then((response) => {7 expect(response[0].status).to.eq(200);8 expect(response[1].status).to.eq(200);9 expect(response[2].status).to.eq(200);10 });11 });12});13{14 "env": {15 }16}17const { default: axios } = require("axios");18const { default: Bluebird } = require("bluebird");19const { response } = require("express");20describe("API Tests", () => {21 it("Get data from API", () => {22 const promise1 = axios.get(Cypress.env("apiUrl"));23 const promise2 = axios.get(C

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const cypress = require('cypress')2Promise.all([,,,,,,,,,]).then((results) => {14console.log(results)15})16Promise.all([,,,,,,,,,]).spread((...results) => {28console.log(results)29})30Promise.all([,,,,,,,,,]).map((result) => {42console.log(result)43})44Promise.all([,,,,,,,,,]).map((result) => {56console.log(result)57})58Promise.all([,,,,,,,,,]).map((result) =>

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Cypress Tutorial

Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.


  1. What is Cypress? -
  2. Why Cypress? - Learn why Cypress might be a good choice for testing your web applications.
  3. Features of Cypress Testing - Learn about features that make Cypress a powerful and flexible tool for testing web applications.
  4. Cypress Drawbacks - Although Cypress has many strengths, it has a few limitations that you should be aware of.
  5. Cypress Architecture - Learn more about Cypress architecture and how it is designed to be run directly in the browser, i.e., it does not have any additional servers.
  6. Browsers Supported by Cypress - Cypress is built on top of the Electron browser, supporting all modern web browsers. Learn browsers that support Cypress.
  7. Selenium vs Cypress: A Detailed Comparison - Compare and explore some key differences in terms of their design and features.
  8. Cypress Learning: Best Practices - Take a deep dive into some of the best practices you should use to avoid anti-patterns in your automation tests.
  9. How To Run Cypress Tests on LambdaTest? - Set up a LambdaTest account, and now you are all set to learn how to run Cypress tests.


You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.


Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.

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