How to use clearCurrentSessionData method in Cypress

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1/​/​/​ <reference types="cypress" /​> = true3Cypress.config('isInteractive', true)4Cypress.config('experimentalSessionSupport', true)5const expectCurrentSessionData = (obj) => {6 cy.then(() => {7 return Cypress.session.getCurrentSessionData()8 .then((result) => {9 expect( => || [])10 expect(result.localStorage).deep.members(obj.localStorage || [])11 expect(result.sessionStorage).deep.members(obj.sessionStorage || [])12 })13 })14}15before(() => {16 if (top.doNotClearSessions) {17 top.doNotClearSessions = false18 return19 }20 cy.wrap(Cypress.session.clearAllSavedSessions())21})22const sessionUser = (name = 'user0') => {23 console.log('session User')24 return cy.session(name, () => {25 console.log('cyvisit')26 cy.visit(`https:/​/​localhost:4466/​cross_origin_iframe/​${name}`)27 cy.window().then((win) => {28 win.localStorage.username = name29 })30 })31}32describe('cross origin automations', function () {33 it('get storage', () => {34 cy.visit('https:/​/​localhost:4466/​cross_origin_iframe/​foo')35 .then(() => {36 localStorage.key1 = 'val1'37 })38 .then(() => Cypress.session.getStorage({ origin: ['https:/​/​', 'current_origin'] }))39 .then((result) => {40 expect(result).deep.eq({41 localStorage: [42 { origin: 'https:/​/​localhost:4466', value: { key1: 'val1' } },43 { origin: 'https:/​/​', value: { name: 'foo' } },44 ],45 sessionStorage: [],46 })47 })48 })49 it('get storage w/​ sessionStorage', () => {50 cy.visit('https:/​/​localhost:4466/​cross_origin_iframe/​foo')51 .then(() => {52 localStorage.key1 = 'val'53 sessionStorage.key1 = 'val'54 })55 .then(() => Cypress.session.getStorage({ origin: ['https:/​/​', 'current_origin'] }))56 .then((result) => {57 expect(result).deep.eq({58 localStorage: [59 { origin: 'https:/​/​localhost:4466', value: { key1: 'val' } },60 { origin: 'https:/​/​', value: { name: 'foo' } },61 ],62 sessionStorage: [63 { origin: 'https:/​/​localhost:4466', value: { key1: 'val' } },64 ],65 })66 })67 })68 it('set storage', () => {69 cy.visit('https:/​/​localhost:4466/​cross_origin_iframe/​foo')70 .then(() => {71 localStorage.key1 = 'val1'72 })73 .then(() => Cypress.session.setStorage({ localStorage: [{ value: { key2: 'val2' } }] }))74 .then(() => {75 expect(window.localStorage.key2).eq('val2')76 })77 .then(() => {78 return Cypress.session.setStorage({79 localStorage: [80 /​/​ set localStorage on different origin81 { origin: 'https:/​/​', value: { key2: 'val' }, clear: true },82 /​/​ set localStorage on current origin83 { value: { key3: 'val' }, clear: true },84 ],85 })86 })87 .then(() => Cypress.session.getStorage({ origin: ['current_url', 'https:/​/​'] }))88 .then((result) => {89 expect(result).deep.eq({90 localStorage: [91 { origin: 'https:/​/​localhost:4466', value: { key3: 'val' } },92 { origin: 'https:/​/​', value: { key2: 'val' } },93 ],94 sessionStorage: [],95 })96 })97 })98 it('get localStorage from all origins', () => {99 cy.visit('https:/​/​localhost:4466/​cross_origin_iframe/​foo')100 .then(() => {101 localStorage.key1 = 'val1'102 })103 .then(() => Cypress.session.getStorage({ origin: '*' }))104 .then((result) => {105 expect(result.localStorage).deep.eq([{ origin: 'https:/​/​localhost:4466', value: { key1: 'val1' } }, { origin: 'https:/​/​', value: { name: 'foo' } }])106 })107 })108 it('only gets localStorage from origins visited in test', () => {109 cy.visit('https:/​/​localhost:4466/​form')110 .then(() => {111 localStorage.key1 = 'val1'112 })113 .then(() => Cypress.session.getStorage({ origin: '*' }))114 .then((result) => {115 expect(result.localStorage).deep.eq([{ origin: 'https:/​/​localhost:4466', value: { key1: 'val1' } }])116 })117 })118})119describe('args', () => {120 it('accepts string or object as id', () => {121 cy.session('some-name', () => {})122 cy.session({ name: 'some-name', zkey: 'val' }, () => {})123 })124 it('uses sorted stringify and rejects duplicate registrations', (done) => {125 cy.on('fail', (err) => {126 expect(err.message).contain('previously used name')127 expect(err.message).contain('{"key":"val"')128 done()129 })130 cy.session({ name: 'bob', key: 'val' }, () => {131 /​/​ foo132 })133 cy.session({ key: 'val', name: 'bob' }, () => {134 /​/​ bar135 })136 })137})138describe('with a blank session', () => {139 beforeEach(() => {140 cy.session('sess1',141 () => {142 /​/​ blank session. no cookies, no LS143 })144 })145 it('t1', () => {146 cy.visit('https:/​/​localhost:4466/​cross_origin_iframe/​foo')147 cy.contains('cross_origin_iframe')148 expectCurrentSessionData({149 cookies: ['/​set-localStorage/​foo', '/​cross_origin_iframe/​foo'],150 localStorage: [151 { origin: 'https:/​/​', value: { name: 'foo' } },152 ],153 })154 })155 it('t2', () => {156 cy.visit('https:/​/​localhost:4466/​form')157 cy.contains('form')158 expectCurrentSessionData({159 cookies: ['/​form'],160 })161 })162})163describe('clears session data beforeEach test even with no session', () => {164 it('t1', () => {165 cy.visit('https:/​/​localhost:4466/​cross_origin_iframe/​foo')166 cy.contains('cross_origin_iframe')167 expectCurrentSessionData({168 cookies: ['/​set-localStorage/​foo', '/​cross_origin_iframe/​foo'],169 localStorage: [170 { origin: 'https:/​/​', value: { name: 'foo' } },171 ],172 })173 })174 it('t2', () => {175 cy.visit('https:/​/​localhost:4466/​form')176 cy.contains('form')177 expectCurrentSessionData({178 cookies: ['/​form'],179 })180 })181})182describe('navigates to about:blank between tests and shows warning about session lifecycle', () => {183 cy.state('foo', true)184 it('t1', () => {185 /​/​ only warns after initial blank page186 /​/​ unfortunately this fails when run alongside other tests187 /​/​ cy.contains('experimentalSessionSupport').should('not.exist')188 cy.contains('default blank page')189 cy.visit('https:/​/​localhost:4466/​cross_origin_iframe/​foo')190 cy.contains('cross_origin_iframe')191 })192 it('t2', () => {193 cy.contains('Because experimentalSessionSupport')194 cy.contains('default blank page')195 })196})197describe('navigates to special about:blank after session', () => {198 beforeEach(() => {199 cy.session('user', () => {200 cy.visit('https:/​/​localhost:4466/​cross_origin_iframe/​user')201 cy.window().then((win) => {202 win.localStorage.username = 'user'203 })204 })205 })206 it('t1', () => {207 cy.contains('session')208 cy.contains('blank page')209 cy.visit('https:/​/​localhost:4466/​cross_origin_iframe/​foo')210 cy.contains('cross_origin_iframe')211 })212 it('t2', () => {213 cy.contains('cy.session')214 cy.contains('blank page')215 })216})217describe('save/​restore session with cookies and localStorage', () => {218 const stub = Cypress.sinon.stub()219 beforeEach(() => {220 cy.session('cookies-session', () => {221 stub()222 cy.visit('https:/​/​localhost:4466/​cross_origin_iframe/​cookies')223 })224 })225 it('t1', () => {226 cy.visit('https:/​/​localhost:4466/​form')227 cy.contains('form')228 expectCurrentSessionData({229 cookies: ['/​set-localStorage/​cookies', '/​cross_origin_iframe/​cookies', '/​form'],230 localStorage: [231 { origin: 'https:/​/​', value: { name: 'cookies' } },232 ],233 })234 })235 it('t2', () => {236 expectCurrentSessionData({237 cookies: ['/​set-localStorage/​cookies', '/​cross_origin_iframe/​cookies'],238 localStorage: [239 { origin: 'https:/​/​', value: { name: 'cookies' } },240 ],241 })242 })243 after(() => {244 expect(stub).calledOnce245 /​/​ should have only initialized the session once246 /​/​ TODO: add a test for when server state exists and session steps are never called247 /​/​ expect(stub).calledOnce248 })249})250describe('multiple sessions in test', () => {251 it('switch session during test', () => {252 sessionUser('alice')253 cy.url().should('eq', 'about:blank')254 cy.visit('https:/​/​localhost:4466/​form')255 expectCurrentSessionData({256 cookies: ['/​set-localStorage/​alice', '/​cross_origin_iframe/​alice', '/​form'],257 localStorage: [258 { origin: 'https:/​/​', value: { name: 'alice' } },259 { origin: 'https:/​/​localhost:4466', value: { username: 'alice' } },260 ],261 })262 sessionUser('bob')263 cy.url().should('eq', 'about:blank')264 expectCurrentSessionData({265 cookies: ['/​set-localStorage/​bob', '/​cross_origin_iframe/​bob'],266 localStorage: [267 { origin: 'https:/​/​', value: { name: 'bob' } },268 { origin: 'https:/​/​localhost:4466', value: { username: 'bob' } },269 ],270 })271 })272})273describe('multiple sessions in test - can switch without redefining', () => {274 it('switch session during test', () => {275 const clearSpy = cy.spy(Cypress.session, 'clearCurrentSessionData')276 sessionUser('bob')277 sessionUser('alice')278 cy.url().should('eq', 'about:blank')279 cy.visit('https:/​/​localhost:4466/​form')280 expectCurrentSessionData({281 cookies: ['/​set-localStorage/​alice', '/​cross_origin_iframe/​alice', '/​form'],282 localStorage: [283 { origin: 'https:/​/​', value: { name: 'alice' } },284 { origin: 'https:/​/​localhost:4466', value: { username: 'alice' } },285 ],286 })287 cy.then(() => {288 expect(clearSpy).calledTwice289 })290 sessionUser('bob')291 cy.then(() => {292 expect(clearSpy).calledThrice293 })294 cy.url().should('eq', 'about:blank')295 expectCurrentSessionData({296 cookies: ['/​set-localStorage/​bob', '/​cross_origin_iframe/​bob'],297 localStorage: [298 { origin: 'https:/​/​', value: { name: 'bob' } },299 { origin: 'https:/​/​localhost:4466', value: { username: 'bob' } },300 ],301 })302 })303})304function SuiteWithValidateFn (id, fn) {305 const setup = Cypress.sinon.stub().callsFake(() => {306 cy.log('setup')307 })308 const validate = Cypress.sinon.stub().callsFake(() => {309 Cypress.log({310 name: 'log',311 message: 'validate',312 type: 'parent',313 })314 /​/​ expect(cy.state('window').location.href).eq('about:blank')315 return fn(validate.callCount)316 })317 let numPageLoads = 0318 beforeEach(() => {319 cy.on('log:added', (attr) => {320 if ( === 'page load') {321 numPageLoads++322 }323 })324 cy.session(id, setup, {325 validate,326 })327 cy.log('outside session')328 })329 it('t1', () => {330 cy.url().should('eq', 'about:blank')331 expect(setup).calledOnce332 expect(validate).calledOnce333 /​/​ (1,2) about:blank before & after session creation334 /​/​ (3) after validate runs335 expect(numPageLoads, 'number of page loads').eq(3)336 })337 it('t2', () => {338 cy.url().should('eq', 'about:blank')339 expect(setup).calledTwice340 expect(validate).calledThrice341 /​/​ (4) about:blank before session rehydrating342 /​/​ (5,6) about:blank before & after setup function343 /​/​ (7) about:blank after 2nd validate runs344 expect(numPageLoads, 'number of page loads').eq(7)345 })346}347describe('options.validate reruns steps when returning false', () => {348 SuiteWithValidateFn('validate_return_false', (callCount) => {349 return callCount !== 2350 })351})352describe('options.validate reruns steps when resolving false', () => {353 SuiteWithValidateFn('validate_resolve_false', (callCount) => {354 return Promise.resolve(callCount !== 2)355 })356})357describe('options.validate reruns steps when rejecting', () => {358 SuiteWithValidateFn('validate_reject', (callCount) => {359 if (callCount === 2) {360 return Promise.reject(new Error('rejected validate'))361 }362 })363})364describe('options.validate reruns steps when throwing', () => {365 SuiteWithValidateFn('validate_reject', (callCount) => {366 if (callCount === 2) {367 throw new Error('validate error')368 }369 })370})371describe('options.validate reruns steps when resolving false in cypress command', () => {372 SuiteWithValidateFn('validate_resolve_false_command_1', (callCount) => {373 if (callCount === 2) {374 /​/​ cy.wait(10000)375 }376 cy.request('https:/​/​​redirect').then((res) => {377 return callCount !== 2378 })379 })380})381describe('options.validate reruns steps when resolving false in cypress chainer', () => {382 SuiteWithValidateFn('validate_resolve_false_command_2', (callCount) => {383 cy.wrap('validate wrap 1')384 cy.wrap('validate wrap 2').then(() => {385 return callCount !== 2386 })387 })388})389describe('options.validate reruns steps when failing cypress command', () => {390 SuiteWithValidateFn('validate_fail_command_1', (callCount) => {391 cy.wrap('validate wrap 1')392 cy.wrap('validate wrap 2').then(() => {393 return callCount !== 2394 })395 if ([1, 3].includes(callCount)) return396 cy.get('h1', { timeout: 100 }).should('contain', 'does not exist')397 cy.get('h1').should('contain', 'hi')398 })399})400describe('options.validate reruns steps when failing cy.request', () => {401 SuiteWithValidateFn('validate_fail_command_2', (callCount) => {402 const status = callCount === 2 ? 500 : 200403 cy.request(`https:/​/​​status/​${status}`)404 })405})406describe('options.validate failing test', () => {407 it('test fails when options.validate after setup fails command', (done) => {408 cy.on('fail', (err) => {409 expect(err.message).contain('foo')410 expect(err.message).contain('in a session validate hook')411 expect(err.message).not.contain('not from Cypress')412 expect(err.codeFrame).exist413 done()414 })415 cy.session('user_validate_fails_after_setup_1', () => {416 cy.log('setup')417 }, {418 validate () {419 cy.wrap('foo', { timeout: 30 }).should('eq', 'bar')420 },421 })422 })423 it('test fails when options.validate after setup throws', (done) => {424 cy.on('fail', (err) => {425 expect(err.message).contain('in a session validate hook')426 expect(err.message).not.contain('not from Cypress')427 expect(err.codeFrame).exist428 done()429 })430 cy.session('user_validate_fails_after_setup_2', () => {431 cy.log('setup')432 }, {433 validate () {434 throw new Error('validate error')435 },436 })437 })438 it('test fails when options.validate after setup rejects', (done) => {439 cy.on('fail', (err) => {440 expect(err.message).contain('validate error')441 expect(err.message).contain('in a session validate hook')442 expect(err.message).not.contain('not from Cypress')443 expect(err.codeFrame).exist444 done()445 })446 cy.session('user_validate_fails_after_setup_3', () => {447 cy.log('setup')448 }, {449 validate () {450 return Promise.reject(new Error('validate error'))451 },452 })453 })454 it('test fails when options.validate after setup returns false', (done) => {455 cy.on('fail', (err) => {456 expect(err.message).contain('returned false')457 expect(err.message).contain('in a session validate hook')458 expect(err.message).not.contain('not from Cypress')459 expect(err.codeFrame).exist460 done()461 })462 cy.session('user_validate_fails_after_setup_4', () => {463 cy.log('setup')464 }, {465 validate () {466 return false467 },468 })469 })470 it('test fails when options.validate after setup resolves false', (done) => {471 cy.on('fail', (err) => {472 expect(err.message).contain('callback resolved false')473 expect(err.message).contain('in a session validate hook')474 expect(err.message).not.contain('not from Cypress')475 expect(err.codeFrame).exist476 done()477 })478 cy.session('user_validate_fails_after_setup_5', () => {479 cy.log('setup')480 }, {481 validate () {482 return Promise.resolve(false)483 },484 })485 })486 /​/​ TODO: cy.validate that will fail, hook into event, soft-reload inside and test everything is halted487 /​/​ Look at other tests for cancellation488 /​/​ make error collapsible by default489 it('test fails when options.validate after setup returns Chainer<false>', (done) => {490 cy.on('fail', (err) => {491 expect(err.message).contain('callback resolved false')492 expect(err.message).contain('in a session validate hook')493 expect(err.message).not.contain('not from Cypress')494 done()495 })496 cy.session('user_validate_fails_after_setup', () => {497 cy.log('setup')498 }, {499 validate () {500 return cy.wrap(false)501 },502 })503 })504})505describe('can wait for login redirect automatically', () => {506 it('t1', () => {507 cy.session('redirect-login', () => {508 cy.visit('https:/​/​localhost:4466/​form')509 cy.get('[name="delay"]').type('100{enter}')510 /​/​ not needed since cypress will pause command queue during the redirect511 /​/​ cy.url().should('include', '/​home')512 })513 expectCurrentSessionData({514 cookies: ['/​form', '/​home'],515 })516 })517})518describe('can wait for a js redirect with an assertion', () => {519 it('t1', () => {520 cy.session('redirect-login', () => {521 cy.visit('https:/​/​localhost:4466/​form')522 cy.get('[name="delay"]').type('100{enter}')523 /​/​ cy.url().should('include', '/​home')524 })525 expectCurrentSessionData({526 cookies: ['/​form', '/​home'],527 })528 })529})530describe('same session name, different options, multiple tests', () => {531 it('t1', () => {532 cy.session('bob', () => {533 localStorage.bob = '1'534 })535 .then(() => {536 expect(localStorage.bob).eq('1')537 })538 })539 it('t2', () => {540 cy.session('bob', () => {541 localStorage.bob = '2'542 })543 .then(() => {544 expect(localStorage.bob).eq('2')545 })546 })547})548/​/​ NOTE: flake. unskip when we fix it549describe.skip('consoleProps', () => {550 let log = null551 beforeEach(() => {552 cy.on('log:added', (__, _log) => {553 if (_log.get('name') === 'session') {554 log = _log555 }556 })557 cy.session('session_consoleProps', () => {558 cy.visit('https:/​/​localhost:4466/​cross_origin_iframe/​foo')559 })560 })561 it('t1', () => {562 const renderedConsoleProps = Cypress._.omit(log.get('consoleProps')(), 'Snapshot')563 renderedConsoleProps.table = => v())564 expect(renderedConsoleProps).deep.eq({565 Command: 'session',566 id: 'session_consoleProps',567 table: [568 {569 'name': '🍪 Cookies - localhost (1)',570 'data': [571 {572 'name': '/​cross_origin_iframe/​foo',573 'value': 'value',574 'path': '/​',575 'domain': 'localhost',576 'secure': true,577 'httpOnly': false,578 'sameSite': 'no_restriction',579 },580 ],581 },582 {583 'name': '🍪 Cookies - (1)',584 'data': [585 {586 'name': '/​set-localStorage/​foo',587 'value': 'value',588 'path': '/​',589 'domain': '',590 'secure': true,591 'httpOnly': false,592 'sameSite': 'no_restriction',593 },594 ],595 },596 {597 'name': '📁 Storage - (1)',598 'data': [599 {600 'key': 'name',601 'value': 'foo',602 },603 ],604 },605 ],606 })607 })608})609/​/​ because browsers prevent an https page from embedding http domains, we filter out610/​/​ insecure origins (contexts) when top is a secure context when we clear cross origin session data611/​/​ the first test in each suite visits insecure origin with sessionSupport OFF so data is not cleared612/​/​ on test:before:run, which allows the next run to switch top back to a secure context613/​/​ and finally we turn sessionSupport back ON for the 3rd tests, which will now try to clear insecure614/​/​ data.615describe('ignores setting insecure context data when on secure context', () => {616 describe('no cross origin secure origins, nothing to clear', () => {617 it('sets insecure content', { experimentalSessionSupport: false }, () => {618 cy.visit('http:/​/​​form')619 })620 let logSpy621 it('nothing to clear - 1/​2', { experimentalSessionSupport: false }, () => {622 cy.visit('https:/​/​localhost:4466/​form')623 .then(() => {624 logSpy = Cypress.sinon.spy(Cypress, 'log')625 })626 })627 it('nothing to clear - 2/​2', { experimentalSessionSupport: true }, () => {628 top.logSpy = logSpy629 expect(Cypress._.find(logSpy.args, (v) => v[0].name === 'warning')).to.not.exist630 })631 })632 describe('only secure origins cleared', () => {633 it('sets insecure content', { experimentalSessionSupport: false }, () => {634 cy.visit('http:/​/​​form')635 })636 let logSpy637 it('switches to secure context - clears only secure context data - 1/​2', { experimentalSessionSupport: false }, () => {638 cy.visit('https:/​/​localhost:4466/​cross_origin_iframe/​foo')639 .then(() => {640 logSpy = Cypress.sinon.spy(Cypress, 'log')641 })642 })643 it('clears only secure context data - 2/​2', { experimentalSessionSupport: true }, () => {644 top.logSpy = logSpy645 expect(Cypress._.find(logSpy.args, (v) => v[0].name === 'warning')).to.not.exist646 })647 })648})649describe('errors', () => {650 it('throws error when experimentalSessionSupport not enabled', { experimentalSessionSupport: false }, (done) => {651 cy.on('fail', ({ message }) => {652 expect(message).contain('You must enable')653 done()654 })655 cy.session('sessions-not-enabled')656 })657 it('throws if session has not been defined during current test', (done) => {658 cy.on('fail', (err) => {659 expect(err.message)660 .contain('session')661 .contain('No session is defined with')662 .contain('**bob**')663 expect(err.docsUrl).eq('https:/​/​​session')664 expect(err.codeFrame.frame, 'has accurate codeframe').contain('session')665 done()666 })667 cy.session('bob')668 })669 it('throws if multiple session calls with same name but different options', (done) => {670 cy.on('fail', (err) => {671 expect(err.message)672 expect(err.message).contain('previously used name')673 .contain('**duplicate-session**')674 expect(err.docsUrl).eq('https:/​/​​session')675 expect(err.codeFrame.frame, 'has accurate codeframe').contain('session')676 done()677 })678 cy.session('duplicate-session', () => {679 /​/​ function content680 = 'value'681 })682 cy.session('duplicate-session', () => {683 /​/​ different function content684 window.localStorage.two = 'value'685 })686 expectCurrentSessionData({687 localStorage: [{ origin: 'https:/​/​localhost:4466', value: { two: 'value' } }],688 })689 })...

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1Cypress.on('window:before:load', (win) => {2 win.sessionStorage.clear();3});4Cypress.on('window:before:load', (win) => {5 win.sessionStorage.clear();6});7Cypress.on('window:before:load', (win) => {8 win.sessionStorage.clear();9});10Cypress.on('window:before:load', (win) => {11 win.sessionStorage.clear();12});13Cypress.on('window:before:load', (win) => {14 win.sessionStorage.clear();15});16Cypress.on('window:before:load', (win) => {17 win.sessionStorage.clear();18});19Cypress.on('window:before:load', (win) => {20 win.sessionStorage.clear();21});22Cypress.on('window:before:load', (win) => {23 win.sessionStorage.clear();24});25Cypress.on('window:before:load', (win) => {26 win.sessionStorage.clear();27});28Cypress.on('window:before:load', (win) => {29 win.sessionStorage.clear();30});31Cypress.on('window:before:load', (win) => {32 win.sessionStorage.clear();33});34Cypress.on('window:before:load', (win) => {35 win.sessionStorage.clear();36});37Cypress.on('window:before:load', (win) => {38 win.sessionStorage.clear();39});40Cypress.on('window:before:load', (win) => {41 win.sessionStorage.clear();42});

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1Cypress.Commands.add('clearCurrentSessionData', () => {2 cy.window().then((win) => {3 win.sessionStorage.clear();4 });5});6import '@cypress/​code-coverage/​support';7import '@cypress/​skip-test/​support';8import 'cypress-iframe';9import 'cypress-axe';10import 'cypress-file-upload';11import 'cypress-localstorage-commands';12import 'cypress-react-selector';13import 'cypress-wait-until';14import 'cypress-xpath';15import './​commands';16import './​test';17import './​commands';18import './​test';19Cypress.Commands.add('clearCurrentSessionData', () => {20 cy.window().then((win) => {21 win.sessionStorage.clear();22 });23});

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1describe('Clear the current session data', () => {2 it('Clear the current session data', () => {3 cy.clearCurrentSessionData();4 });5});6describe('Clear the session data', () => {7 it('Clear the session data', () => {8 cy.clearSessionData();9 });10});11describe('Clear the local storage', () => {12 it('Clear the local storage', () => {13 cy.clearLocalStorage();14 });15});16describe('Clear the cookies', () => {17 it('Clear the cookies', () => {18 cy.clearCookies();19 });20});21describe('Clear the local storage', () => {22 it('Clear the local storage', () => {23 cy.clearLocalStorage();24 });25});26describe('Clear the cookies', () => {27 it('Clear the cookies', () => {28 cy.clearCookies();29 });30});31describe('Clear the local storage', () => {32 it('Clear the local storage', () => {33 cy.clearLocalStorage();34 });35});36describe('Clear the cookies', () => {37 it('Clear the cookies', () => {38 cy.clearCookies();39 });40});41describe('Clear the local storage', () => {42 it('Clear the local storage', () => {43 cy.clearLocalStorage();44 });45});46describe('Clear the cookies', () => {47 it('Clear the cookies', () => {48 cy.clearCookies();49 });50});51describe('Clear the local storage', () => {52 it('Clear the local storage', () => {53 cy.clearLocalStorage();54 });55});56describe('Clear the cookies', () => {57 it('Clear the cookies', () => {58 cy.clearCookies();59 });60});61describe('Clear the local storage', () => {62 it('Clear the local storage', () => {63 cy.clearLocalStorage();64 });65});

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1 .clearCurrentSessionData()2 .then(() => {3 cy.visit('/​login')4 })5Cypress.on('window:before:load', (win) => {6 win.sessionStorage.clear()7})

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Cypress Tutorial

Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.


  1. What is Cypress? -
  2. Why Cypress? - Learn why Cypress might be a good choice for testing your web applications.
  3. Features of Cypress Testing - Learn about features that make Cypress a powerful and flexible tool for testing web applications.
  4. Cypress Drawbacks - Although Cypress has many strengths, it has a few limitations that you should be aware of.
  5. Cypress Architecture - Learn more about Cypress architecture and how it is designed to be run directly in the browser, i.e., it does not have any additional servers.
  6. Browsers Supported by Cypress - Cypress is built on top of the Electron browser, supporting all modern web browsers. Learn browsers that support Cypress.
  7. Selenium vs Cypress: A Detailed Comparison - Compare and explore some key differences in terms of their design and features.
  8. Cypress Learning: Best Practices - Take a deep dive into some of the best practices you should use to avoid anti-patterns in your automation tests.
  9. How To Run Cypress Tests on LambdaTest? - Set up a LambdaTest account, and now you are all set to learn how to run Cypress tests.


You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.


Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.

Run Cypress automation tests on LambdaTest cloud grid

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