How to use getNameFromRoot method in Cypress

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Source:config.js Github


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...102 settings.readEnv(projectRoot).then(validateFile('cypress.env.json')),103 ])104 .spread((settings, envFile) => {105 return set({106 projectName: getNameFromRoot(projectRoot),107 projectRoot,108 config: lodash_1.default.cloneDeep(settings),109 envFile: lodash_1.default.cloneDeep(envFile),110 options,111 });112 });113}114exports.get = get;115function set(obj = {}) {116 debug('setting config object');117 let { projectRoot, projectName, config, envFile, options } = obj;118 /​/​ just force config to be an object so we dont have to do as much119 /​/​ work in our tests120 if (config == null) {121 config = {};122 }123 debug('config is %o', config);124 /​/​ flatten the object's properties into the master config object125 config.envFile = envFile;126 config.projectRoot = projectRoot;127 config.projectName = projectName;128 return mergeDefaults(config, options);129}130exports.set = set;131function mergeDefaults(config = {}, options = {}) {132 var _a, _b;133 const resolved = {};134 config.rawJson = lodash_1.default.cloneDeep(config);135 lodash_1.default.extend(config, lodash_1.default.pick(options, 'configFile', 'morgan', 'isTextTerminal', 'socketId', 'report', 'browsers'));136 debug('merged config with options, got %o', config);137 lodash_1.default138 .chain(config_1.default.allowed(options))139 .omit('env')140 .omit('browsers')141 .each((val, key) => {142 resolved[key] = 'cli';143 config[key] = val;144 }).value();145 let url = config.baseUrl;146 if (url) {147 /​/​ replace multiple slashes at the end of string to single slash148 /​/​ so http:/​/​localhost/​/​/​ will be http:/​/​localhost/​149 /​/​ https:/​/​​48rvt150 config.baseUrl = url.replace(/​\/​\/​+$/​, '/​');151 }152 const defaultsForRuntime = config_1.default.getDefaultValues(options);153 lodash_1.default.defaultsDeep(config, defaultsForRuntime);154 /​/​ split out our own app wide env from user env variables155 /​/​ and delete envFile156 config.env = parseEnv(config, options.env, resolved);157 config.cypressEnv = process.env.CYPRESS_INTERNAL_ENV;158 debug('using CYPRESS_INTERNAL_ENV %s', config.cypressEnv);159 if (!isValidCypressInternalEnvValue(config.cypressEnv)) {160 errors_1.default.throw('INVALID_CYPRESS_INTERNAL_ENV', config.cypressEnv);161 }162 delete config.envFile;163 /​/​ when headless164 if (config.isTextTerminal && !process.env.CYPRESS_INTERNAL_FORCE_FILEWATCH) {165 /​/​ dont ever watch for file changes166 config.watchForFileChanges = false;167 /​/​ and forcibly reset numTestsKeptInMemory168 /​/​ to zero169 config.numTestsKeptInMemory = 0;170 }171 config = setResolvedConfigValues(config, defaultsForRuntime, resolved);172 if (config.port) {173 config = setUrls(config);174 }175 config = setAbsolutePaths(config);176 config = setParentTestsPaths(config);177 config = (0, exports.setNodeBinary)(config, (_a = options.args) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.userNodePath, (_b = options.args) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.userNodeVersion);178 /​/​ validate config again here so that we catch configuration errors coming179 /​/​ from the CLI overrides or env var overrides180 config_1.default.validate(lodash_1.default.omit(config, 'browsers'), (errMsg) => {181 return errors_1.default.throw('CONFIG_VALIDATION_ERROR', errMsg);182 });183 config_1.default.validateNoBreakingConfig(config, errors_1.default.warning, errors_1.default.throw);184 return setSupportFileAndFolder(config, defaultsForRuntime)185 .then((obj) => (0, exports.setPluginsFile)(obj, defaultsForRuntime))186 .then(setScaffoldPaths);187}188exports.mergeDefaults = mergeDefaults;189function setResolvedConfigValues(config, defaults, resolved) {190 const obj = lodash_1.default.clone(config);191 obj.resolved = resolveConfigValues(config, defaults, resolved);192 debug('resolved config is %o', obj.resolved.browsers);193 return obj;194}195exports.setResolvedConfigValues = setResolvedConfigValues;196/​/​ Given an object "resolvedObj" and a list of overrides in "obj"197/​/​ marks all properties from "obj" inside "resolvedObj" using198/​/​ {value: obj.val, from: "plugin"}199function setPluginResolvedOn(resolvedObj, obj) {200 return lodash_1.default.each(obj, (val, key) => {201 if (lodash_1.default.isObject(val) && !lodash_1.default.isArray(val) && resolvedObj[key]) {202 /​/​ recurse setting overrides203 /​/​ inside of objected204 return setPluginResolvedOn(resolvedObj[key], val);205 }206 const valueFrom = {207 value: val,208 from: 'plugin',209 };210 resolvedObj[key] = valueFrom;211 });212}213exports.setPluginResolvedOn = setPluginResolvedOn;214function updateWithPluginValues(cfg, overrides) {215 if (!overrides) {216 overrides = {};217 }218 debug('updateWithPluginValues %o', { cfg, overrides });219 /​/​ make sure every option returned from the plugins file220 /​/​ passes our validation functions221 config_1.default.validate(overrides, (errMsg) => {222 if (cfg.pluginsFile && cfg.projectRoot) {223 const relativePluginsPath = path_1.default.relative(cfg.projectRoot, cfg.pluginsFile);224 return errors_1.default.throw('PLUGINS_CONFIG_VALIDATION_ERROR', relativePluginsPath, errMsg);225 }226 return errors_1.default.throw('CONFIG_VALIDATION_ERROR', errMsg);227 });228 let originalResolvedBrowsers = cfg && cfg.resolved && cfg.resolved.browsers && lodash_1.default.cloneDeep(cfg.resolved.browsers);229 if (!originalResolvedBrowsers) {230 /​/​ have something to resolve with if plugins return nothing231 originalResolvedBrowsers = {232 value: cfg.browsers,233 from: 'default',234 };235 }236 const diffs = (0, return_deep_diff_1.default)(cfg, overrides, true);237 debug('config diffs %o', diffs);238 const userBrowserList = diffs && diffs.browsers && lodash_1.default.cloneDeep(diffs.browsers);239 if (userBrowserList) {240 debug('user browser list %o', userBrowserList);241 }242 /​/​ for each override go through243 /​/​ and change the resolved values of cfg244 /​/​ to point to the plugin245 if (diffs) {246 debug('resolved config before diffs %o', cfg.resolved);247 setPluginResolvedOn(cfg.resolved, diffs);248 debug('resolved config object %o', cfg.resolved);249 }250 /​/​ merge cfg into overrides251 const merged = lodash_1.default.defaultsDeep(diffs, cfg);252 debug('merged config object %o', merged);253 /​/​ the above _.defaultsDeep combines arrays,254 /​/​ if diffs.browsers = [1] and cfg.browsers = [1, 2]255 /​/​ then the merged result merged.browsers = [1, 2]256 /​/​ which is NOT what we want257 if (Array.isArray(userBrowserList) && userBrowserList.length) {258 merged.browsers = userBrowserList;259 merged.resolved.browsers.value = userBrowserList;260 }261 if (overrides.browsers === null) {262 /​/​ null breaks everything when merging lists263 debug('replacing null browsers with original list %o', originalResolvedBrowsers);264 merged.browsers = cfg.browsers;265 if (originalResolvedBrowsers) {266 merged.resolved.browsers = originalResolvedBrowsers;267 }268 }269 debug('merged plugins config %o', merged);270 return merged;271}272exports.updateWithPluginValues = updateWithPluginValues;273/​/​ combines the default configuration object with values specified in the274/​/​ configuration file like "cypress.json". Values in configuration file275/​/​ overwrite the defaults.276function resolveConfigValues(config, defaults, resolved = {}) {277 /​/​ pick out only known configuration keys278 return lodash_1.default279 .chain(config)280 .pick(config_1.default.getPublicConfigKeys())281 .mapValues((val, key) => {282 let r;283 const source = (s) => {284 return {285 value: val,286 from: s,287 };288 };289 r = resolved[key];290 if (r) {291 if (lodash_1.default.isObject(r)) {292 return r;293 }294 return source(r);295 }296 if (!(!lodash_1.default.isEqual(config[key], defaults[key]) && key !== 'browsers')) {297 /​/​ "browsers" list is special, since it is dynamic by default298 /​/​ and can only be overwritten via plugins file299 return source('default');300 }301 return source('config');302 }).value();303}304exports.resolveConfigValues = resolveConfigValues;305/​/​ instead of the built-in Node process, specify a path to 3rd party Node306const setNodeBinary = (obj, userNodePath, userNodeVersion) => {307 /​/​ if execPath isn't found we weren't executed from the CLI and should used the bundled node version.308 if (userNodePath && userNodeVersion && obj.nodeVersion !== 'bundled') {309 obj.resolvedNodePath = userNodePath;310 obj.resolvedNodeVersion = userNodeVersion;311 return obj;312 }313 obj.resolvedNodeVersion = process.versions.node;314 return obj;315};316exports.setNodeBinary = setNodeBinary;317function setScaffoldPaths(obj) {318 obj = lodash_1.default.clone(obj);319 debug('set scaffold paths');320 return scaffold_1.default.fileTree(obj)321 .then((fileTree) => {322 debug('got file tree');323 obj.scaffoldedFiles = fileTree;324 return obj;325 });326}327exports.setScaffoldPaths = setScaffoldPaths;328/​/​ async function329function setSupportFileAndFolder(obj, defaults) {330 if (!obj.supportFile) {331 return bluebird_1.default.resolve(obj);332 }333 obj = lodash_1.default.clone(obj);334 /​/​ TODO move this logic to find support file into util/​path_helpers335 const sf = obj.supportFile;336 debug(`setting support file ${sf}`);337 debug(`for project root ${obj.projectRoot}`);338 return bluebird_1.default339 .try(() => {340 /​/​ resolve full path with extension341 obj.supportFile = exports.utils.resolveModule(sf);342 return debug('resolved support file %s', obj.supportFile);343 }).then(() => {344 if (!path_helpers_1.default.checkIfResolveChangedRootFolder(obj.supportFile, sf)) {345 return;346 }347 debug('require.resolve switched support folder from %s to %s', sf, obj.supportFile);348 /​/​ this means the path was probably symlinked, like349 /​/​ /​tmp/​foo -> /​private/​tmp/​foo350 /​/​ which can confuse the rest of the code351 /​/​ switch it back to "normal" file352 obj.supportFile = path_1.default.join(sf, path_1.default.basename(obj.supportFile));353 return fs_1.fs.pathExists(obj.supportFile)354 .then((found) => {355 if (!found) {356 errors_1.default.throw('SUPPORT_FILE_NOT_FOUND', obj.supportFile, obj.configFile || defaults.configFile);357 }358 return debug('switching to found file %s', obj.supportFile);359 });360 }).catch({ code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' }, () => {361 debug('support JS module %s does not load', sf);362 const loadingDefaultSupportFile = sf === path_1.default.resolve(obj.projectRoot, defaults.supportFile);363 return exports.utils.discoverModuleFile({364 filename: sf,365 isDefault: loadingDefaultSupportFile,366 projectRoot: obj.projectRoot,367 })368 .then((result) => {369 if (result === null) {370 const configFile = obj.configFile || defaults.configFile;371 return errors_1.default.throw('SUPPORT_FILE_NOT_FOUND', path_1.default.resolve(obj.projectRoot, sf), configFile);372 }373 debug('setting support file to %o', { result });374 obj.supportFile = result;375 return obj;376 });377 })378 .then(() => {379 if (obj.supportFile) {380 /​/​ set config.supportFolder to its directory381 obj.supportFolder = path_1.default.dirname(obj.supportFile);382 debug(`set support folder ${obj.supportFolder}`);383 }384 return obj;385 });386}387exports.setSupportFileAndFolder = setSupportFileAndFolder;388/​/​ set pluginsFile to an absolute path with the following rules:389/​/​ - do nothing if pluginsFile is falsey390/​/​ - look up the absolute path via node, so 'cypress/​plugins' can resolve391/​/​ to 'cypress/​plugins/​index.js' or 'cypress/​plugins/​'392/​/​ - if not found393/​/​ * and the pluginsFile is set to the default394/​/​ - and the path to the pluginsFile directory exists395/​/​ * assume the user doesn't need a pluginsFile, set it to false396/​/​ so it's ignored down the pipeline397/​/​ - and the path to the pluginsFile directory does not exist398/​/​ * set it to cypress/​plugins/​index.js, it will get scaffolded399/​/​ * and the pluginsFile is NOT set to the default400/​/​ - throw an error, because it should be there if the user401/​/​ explicitly set it402exports.setPluginsFile = bluebird_1.default.method((obj, defaults) => {403 if (!obj.pluginsFile) {404 return obj;405 }406 obj = lodash_1.default.clone(obj);407 const { pluginsFile, } = obj;408 debug(`setting plugins file ${pluginsFile}`);409 debug(`for project root ${obj.projectRoot}`);410 return bluebird_1.default411 .try(() => {412 /​/​ resolve full path with extension413 obj.pluginsFile = exports.utils.resolveModule(pluginsFile);414 return debug(`set pluginsFile to ${obj.pluginsFile}`);415 }).catch({ code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' }, () => {416 debug('plugins module does not exist %o', { pluginsFile });417 const isLoadingDefaultPluginsFile = pluginsFile === path_1.default.resolve(obj.projectRoot, defaults.pluginsFile);418 return exports.utils.discoverModuleFile({419 filename: pluginsFile,420 isDefault: isLoadingDefaultPluginsFile,421 projectRoot: obj.projectRoot,422 })423 .then((result) => {424 if (result === null) {425 return errors_1.default.throw('PLUGINS_FILE_ERROR', path_1.default.resolve(obj.projectRoot, pluginsFile));426 }427 debug('setting plugins file to %o', { result });428 obj.pluginsFile = result;429 return obj;430 });431 }).return(obj);432});433function setParentTestsPaths(obj) {434 /​/​ projectRoot: "/​path/​to/​project"435 /​/​ integrationFolder: "/​path/​to/​project/​cypress/​integration"436 /​/​ componentFolder: "/​path/​to/​project/​cypress/​components"437 /​/​ parentTestsFolder: "/​path/​to/​project/​cypress"438 /​/​ parentTestsFolderDisplay: "project/​cypress"439 obj = lodash_1.default.clone(obj);440 const ptfd = (obj.parentTestsFolder = path_1.default.dirname(obj.integrationFolder));441 const prd = path_1.default.dirname(obj.projectRoot != null ? obj.projectRoot : '');442 obj.parentTestsFolderDisplay = path_1.default.relative(prd, ptfd);443 return obj;444}445exports.setParentTestsPaths = setParentTestsPaths;446function setAbsolutePaths(obj) {447 let pr;448 obj = lodash_1.default.clone(obj);449 /​/​ if we have a projectRoot450 pr = obj.projectRoot;451 if (pr) {452 /​/​ reset fileServerFolder to be absolute453 /​/​ obj.fileServerFolder = path.resolve(pr, obj.fileServerFolder)454 /​/​ and do the same for all the rest455 lodash_1.default.extend(obj, convertRelativeToAbsolutePaths(pr, obj));456 }457 return obj;458}459exports.setAbsolutePaths = setAbsolutePaths;460function setUrls(obj) {461 obj = lodash_1.default.clone(obj);462 /​/​ TODO: rename this to be proxyServer463 const proxyUrl = `http:/​/​localhost:${obj.port}`;464 const rootUrl = obj.baseUrl ?465 (0, origin_1.default)(obj.baseUrl)466 :467 proxyUrl;468 lodash_1.default.extend(obj, {469 proxyUrl,470 browserUrl: rootUrl + obj.clientRoute,471 reporterUrl: rootUrl + obj.reporterRoute,472 xhrUrl: obj.namespace + obj.xhrRoute,473 });474 return obj;475}476exports.setUrls = setUrls;477function parseEnv(cfg, envCLI, resolved = {}) {478 const envVars = (resolved.env = {});479 const resolveFrom = (from, obj = {}) => {480 return lodash_1.default.each(obj, (val, key) => {481 return envVars[key] = {482 value: val,483 from,484 };485 });486 };487 const envCfg = cfg.env != null ? cfg.env : {};488 const envFile = cfg.envFile != null ? cfg.envFile : {};489 let envProc = (0, config_2.getProcessEnvVars)(process.env) || {};490 envCLI = envCLI != null ? envCLI : {};491 const configFromEnv = lodash_1.default.reduce(envProc, (memo, val, key) => {492 let cfgKey;493 cfgKey = config_1.default.matchesConfigKey(key);494 if (cfgKey) {495 /​/​ only change the value if it hasn't been496 /​/​ set by the CLI. override default + config497 if (resolved[cfgKey] !== 'cli') {498 cfg[cfgKey] = val;499 resolved[cfgKey] = {500 value: val,501 from: 'env',502 };503 }504 memo.push(key);505 }506 return memo;507 }, []);508 envProc = lodash_1.default.chain(envProc)509 .omit(configFromEnv)510 .mapValues(hideSpecialVals)511 .value();512 resolveFrom('config', envCfg);513 resolveFrom('envFile', envFile);514 resolveFrom('env', envProc);515 resolveFrom('cli', envCLI);516 /​/​ envCfg is from cypress.json517 /​/​ envFile is from cypress.env.json518 /​/​ envProc is from process env vars519 /​/​ envCLI is from CLI arguments520 return lodash_1.default.extend(envCfg, envFile, envProc, envCLI);521}522exports.parseEnv = parseEnv;523function getResolvedRuntimeConfig(config, runtimeConfig) {524 const resolvedRuntimeFields = lodash_1.default.mapValues(runtimeConfig, (v) => ({ value: v, from: 'runtime' }));525 return Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, config), runtimeConfig), { resolved: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, config.resolved), resolvedRuntimeFields) });526}527exports.getResolvedRuntimeConfig = getResolvedRuntimeConfig;528function getNameFromRoot(root = '') {529 return path_1.default.basename(root);530}...

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Source:name.js Github


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...13function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }14/​*15 * Gets the name of the node or component for the SINGLE item16 */​17function getNameFromRoot(root) {18 /​/​ shallow19 if (root.unrendered) {20 var type = root.unrendered.type;21 return || type;22 }23 var inst = (0, _instance2.default)(root);24 if (inst) {25 return inst._tag;26 }27 /​/​ direct node28 if (typeof root.type === 'string') {29 return root.type;30 }31 return typeof === 'function' ? : '(anonymous)';32}33/​*34 * Can take any sort of wrapper. A single node, a component,35 * multiple nodes, multiple components.36 *37 * examples of outputs:38 * - "Fixture"39 * - "input"40 * - "(anonymous)"41 * - "Fixture, 2 "span" nodes found"42 * - "Fixture, 2 mixed nodes found"43 */​44function getNameFromArbitraryWrapper(wrapper) {45 var nodeCount = wrapper.nodes.length;46 switch (nodeCount) {47 case 0:48 {49 return '[empty set]';50 }51 case 1:52 {53 return getNameFromRoot(wrapper);54 }55 default:56 {57 var _ret = function () {58 var nodeTypeMap = {};59 /​/​ determine if we have a mixed list of nodes or not60 wrapper.nodes.forEach(function (node) {61 var name = getNameFromRoot(node);62 nodeTypeMap[name] = (nodeTypeMap[name] || 0) + 1;63 });64 var nodeTypeList = Object.keys(nodeTypeMap);65 var nodeTypes = nodeTypeList.length === 1 ? nodeTypeList[0] : 'mixed';66 var root = getNameFromRoot(wrapper.root);67 return {68 v: root + ', ' + nodeCount + ' ' + nodeTypes + ' nodes found'69 };70 }();71 if ((typeof _ret === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(_ret)) === "object") return _ret.v;72 }73 }74}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('My First Test', function() {2 it('Does not do much!', function() {3 cy.contains('type').click()4 cy.url().should('include', '/​commands/​actions')5 cy.get('.action-email')6 .type('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err, runnable) => {2 })3 describe('My First Test', function() {4 it('Does not do much!', function() {5 cy.get('input[name="q"]').type('Hello World')6 cy.get('input[name="q"]').type('{enter}')7 cy.url().should('include', 'helloworld')8 })9 })10 describe('My Second Test', function() {11 it('Does not do much!', function() {12 cy.get('input[name="q"]').type('Hello World')13 cy.get('input[name="q"]').type('{enter}')14 cy.url().should('include', 'helloworld')15 })16 })17 describe('My Third Test', function() {18 it('Does not do much!', function() {19 cy.get('input[name="q"]').type('Hello World')20 cy.get('input[name="q"]').type('{enter}')21 cy.url().should('include', 'helloworld')22 })23 })24 describe('My Fourth Test', function() {25 it('Does not do much!', function() {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('Test', () => {2 it('Test', () => {3 cy.get('input[name="q"]').type('Cypress')4 cy.get('input[name="btnK"]').click()5 console.log($element[0].getAttribute('href'))6 console.log(cy.getNameFromRoot($element[0]))7 })8 })9})10Cypress.Commands.add('getNameFromRoot', (element) => {11 while (parent) {12 if ( {13 name = `#${} > ` + name14 } else if (parent.className) {15 name = `.${parent.className.split(' ').join('.')} > ` + name16 } else if (parent.localName) {17 name = `${parent.localName} > ` + name18 }19 }20})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1cy.getNameFromRoot('name').then((name) => {2 expect(name).to.equal('John Doe');3});4Cypress.Commands.add('getNameFromRoot', (name) => {5 cy.root().then((root) => {6 return root[0].name;7 });8});9Your name to display (optional):10Your name to display (optional):11cy.root().then((root) => {12 return root[0].name;13});14Your name to display (optional):

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Using AI Code Generation


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1cy.getNameFromRoot('rootName').then((root) => {2})3Cypress.Commands.add('getNameFromRoot', (rootName) => {4 return cy.window().then((window) => {5 return window[`${rootName}`];6 });7});8cy.getDataFromRoot('rootName', 'dataName').then((data) => {9})10Cypress.Commands.add('getDataFromRoot', (rootName, dataName) => {11 return cy.window().then((window) => {12 return window[`${rootName}`][`${dataName}`];13 });14});15cy.getMethodFromRoot('rootName', 'methodName').then((method) => {16})17Cypress.Commands.add('getMethodFromRoot', (rootName, methodName) => {18 return cy.window().then((window) => {19 return window[`${rootName}`][`${methodName}`];20 });21});22cy.getFunctionFromRoot('rootName', 'functionName').then((func) => {23})24Cypress.Commands.add('getFunctionFromRoot', (rootName, functionName) => {25 return cy.window().then((window) => {26 return window[`${rootName}`][`${functionName}`];27 });28});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('Testing the root element', () => {2 it('Gets the name of the root element', () => {3 cy.get('html').then($html => {4 console.log($html[0].name)5 })6 })7})8describe('Testing the root element', () => {9 it('Gets the name of the root element', () => {10 cy.get('html').then($html => {11 console.log($html[0].name)12 })13 })14})15describe('Testing the root element', () => {16 it('Gets the name of the root element', () => {17 cy.get('html').then($html => {18 console.log($html[0].name)19 })20 })21})22describe('Testing the root element', () => {23 it('Gets the name of the root element', () => {24 cy.get('html').then($html => {25 console.log($html[0].name)26 })27 })28})29describe('Testing the root element', () => {30 it('Gets the name of the root element',

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Cypress Tutorial

Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.


  1. What is Cypress? -
  2. Why Cypress? - Learn why Cypress might be a good choice for testing your web applications.
  3. Features of Cypress Testing - Learn about features that make Cypress a powerful and flexible tool for testing web applications.
  4. Cypress Drawbacks - Although Cypress has many strengths, it has a few limitations that you should be aware of.
  5. Cypress Architecture - Learn more about Cypress architecture and how it is designed to be run directly in the browser, i.e., it does not have any additional servers.
  6. Browsers Supported by Cypress - Cypress is built on top of the Electron browser, supporting all modern web browsers. Learn browsers that support Cypress.
  7. Selenium vs Cypress: A Detailed Comparison - Compare and explore some key differences in terms of their design and features.
  8. Cypress Learning: Best Practices - Take a deep dive into some of the best practices you should use to avoid anti-patterns in your automation tests.
  9. How To Run Cypress Tests on LambdaTest? - Set up a LambdaTest account, and now you are all set to learn how to run Cypress tests.


You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.


Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.

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