How to use TwitterButton method in Jest

Best JavaScript code snippet using jest


Source:wikiParser.js Github


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1var monthsList = {2 1: "January",3 2: "February",4 3: "March",5 4: "April",6 5: "May",7 6: "June",8 7: "July",9 8: "August",10 9: "September",11 10: "October",12 11: "November",13 12: "December"14};1516var singleParserRegex = /=== ?[A-Z]\w+ ?===/;1718var rangedParserRegex = /=== [A-Z]\w+(&ndash;|\–)[A-Z]\w+ ===/;1920// Callback for Wikipedia.21function getWiki(wikiObject) {22 var article = getWikiDateEvent(wikiObject);2324 var modalTitle = document.getElementById("ModalCenterTitle");25 modalTitle.innerHTML = monthsList[month] + " " + day + ", " + year;2627 var modalBody = document.getElementsByClassName("modal-body")[0];28 modalBody.innerHTML = article;2930 article = article.replace(" ", "%20"); 3132 var twitterButton = document.querySelector(".twitter-share-button");33 if(twitterButton == null)34 twitterButton = document.createElement("a");3536 twitterButton.setAttribute("class", "twitter-share-button");37 twitterButton.setAttribute("href", ""+38 monthsList[month] + " " + day + ", " +39 year + article + "%20&button_hashtag=timeTravel");40 twitterButton.setAttribute("data-size", "large");41 twitterButton.innerHTML = '<img src="images/twitter_share.png" width="80" height="40" ></img>';4243 var modalFooter = document.querySelector(".modal-footer");44 modalFooter.appendChild(twitterButton);45}4647function getWikiDateEvent(wikiObject) {48 var wikiPages = wikiObject.query.pages;49 var wikiResponse = wikiPages[Object.keys(wikiPages)[0]].revisions[0]["*"]50 var birthStartIndex = ?Births ?(===?)/);51 wikiResponse = wikiResponse.slice(0, birthStartIndex);5253 // Parser Single Regex /===[A-Z]\w+===/54 // Parser Mix Regex /=== [A-Z]\w+ndash;[A-Z]\w+===/5556 //var isSingleParser =[A-Z]\w+===/);57 var isMixParser =;58 var dateInfo = ""5960 console.log(wikiResponse);61 if(isMixParser == -1){62 var monthEvents = parserSingle(wikiResponse);63 dateInfo = getDateInfo(monthEvents, monthsList[month], day);64 } else {65 var monthEvents = parserRange(wikiResponse);66 dateInfo = getDateInfo(monthEvents, monthsList[month], day);67 }6869 return dateInfo;70}71// Returns an array containing Month with Events.72// getDateInfo function can help for further parsing.73function parserSingle(wikiResponse){74 var firstMonthIndex =;75 var responseToSplit = wikiResponse.substr(firstMonthIndex, wikiResponse.length);76 var tidyMonthEvents = responseToSplit.split("===", 25);7778 // Prepare an Array with key [Month] value [Content]79 var monthEvents = new Array();80 for(var i = 0; i < tidyMonthEvents.length; i+=2){81 if(tidyMonthEvents[i] == ""){82 i+=1;83 }84 var months = tidyMonthEvents[i].trim();85 var content = tidyMonthEvents[i+1];86 monthEvents[months] = content;87 }88 return monthEvents;89}9091// TODO: Define events for months in a range ex: Jan-Apr you also need to add february and march,92// because they may have events93function parserRange(wikiResponse){94 9596 console.log(wikiResponse);97 // &ndash; is the base character for this parser to work.98 var firstMonthIndex =;99 var responseToSplit = wikiResponse.substr(firstMonthIndex, wikiResponse.length);100 var tidyMonthEvents = responseToSplit.split("===", 25);101 console.log(tidyMonthEvents);102103 // Prepare an Array with key [Month] value [Content]104 var monthEvents = new Array();105 106 for(var i = 0; i < tidyMonthEvents.length; i+=2){107 if(tidyMonthEvents[i] == ""){108 i+=1;109 }110 var splitTo = "&ndash;";111 if(tidyMonthEvents[i].indexOf("&ndash;") == -1){112 splitTo = "–";113 }114 var months = tidyMonthEvents[i].trim().split(splitTo);115 var rangeFirstMonth = getObjKeyByVal(monthsList, months[0], 1);116 var rangeLastMonth = getObjKeyByVal(monthsList, months[1], 1);117118 months = objectSliceByIndex(monthsList, rangeFirstMonth, rangeLastMonth);119 var content = tidyMonthEvents[i+1];120121 for (prop in months) {122 monthEvents[months[prop]] = content;123 }124 }125126 return monthEvents;127}128129// Return the Article with the month and day specified.130function getDateInfo(monthEvents, month, day) {131 if(!(month in monthEvents)){132 return "Nothing happened in this month.";133 }134 var monthExist = monthEvents[month].search(month + " " + day + "]");135 if(monthExist < 0){136 return "Nothing has happened at this date!";137 }138139 var monthEventsArray = monthEvents[month].replace(/[&\/\\#,+()$~%.'":?<>{}\[\]]/g, '')140 .replace(/\* ?[A-Z]\w+ \d{1,2}(?!\w)/g, "~$&");141142 monthEventsArray = monthEventsArray.split("~*");143 var article = "";144145 for(var i = 1; i < monthEventsArray.length; i++)146 {147 var item = monthEventsArray[i];148 if( + " " + day) != -1){149 article = item;150 break;151 }152 }153154 dashIndex = article.indexOf(";");155 if(dashIndex == -1){156 dashIndex = article.indexOf("–");157 } if(dashIndex == -1) {158 dashIndex = article.indexOf("\n");159 }160161 if(dashIndex != -1) {162 article = article.slice(dashIndex+1, article.length);163 }164 article = article.replace(/[&\/\\#,+()$~%.'":*?<>{}\[\]]/g, '');165 console.log(article[10]);166 return article;167}168169function escapeRegExp(string) {170 return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); // $& means the whole matched string171}172173function getObjKeyByVal(obj, val, offset=0) {174 var index = offset;175 for (var value in obj){176 if (obj[value] === val) {177 return index;178 }179 index++;180 }181 return false;182}183184function objectSliceByIndex(obj, start, end) {185 var slicedObj = {};186 for(var i = start; i <= end; i++) {187 slicedObj[i] = obj[i];188 }189 return slicedObj; ...

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Source:twitter-client.js Github


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1/* eslint-env browser */2/* global $ */3"use strict";4var formField = require("../ui/utils/form-field.js"),5 twitterUsername;6module.exports = function(core) {7 // Twitter integration8 core.on("conf-show", function(tabs, next) {9 var $div = $("<div>"),10 results =,11 twitter = results.params.twitter;12 if (!twitter) {13 twitter = {};14 }15 twitterUsername = twitter.username;16 var $twitterTags = formField("Hashtags", "multientry", "twitter-hashtags", twitter.tags),17 $twitterButton = $("<a>").addClass("button twitter").attr("id", "twitter-account"),18 $twitterAccount = formField("", "", "twitter-text", $twitterButton),19 $twitterMsg = formField("", "info", "twitter-message-text", ""),20 $twitterString = $twitterMsg.find("#twitter-message-text"),21 updateFields = function() {22 if (twitterUsername) {23 $twitterButton.removeClass("twitter-signed-out");24 $twitterButton.addClass("twitter-signed-in");25 $twitterButton.text("Remove account");26 $twitterAccount.find(".settings-label").text("Signed in as " + twitterUsername);27 $twitterString.empty();28 } else {29 $twitterButton.removeClass("twitter-signed-in");30 $twitterButton.addClass("twitter-signed-out");31 $twitterButton.text("Sign in to Twitter");32 $twitterAccount.find(".settings-label").text("Not signed in");33 $twitterString.text("Please sign in to Twitter to watch hashtags");34 }35 };36 $twitterButton.on("click", function() {37 // do stuff here!38 if ($twitterButton.hasClass("twitter-signed-out")) {39"../r/twitter/login", "mywin", "left=20,top=20,width=500,height=500,toolbar=1,resizable=0");40 } else if ($twitterButton.hasClass("twitter-signed-in")) {41 twitterUsername = null;42 updateFields();43 }44 });45 $(window).on("message", function(e) {46 var suffix = "", data,47 isOrigin = e.originalEvent.origin.indexOf(suffix, e.originalEvent.origin.length - suffix.length) !== -1;48 data =;49 try {50 data = JSON.parse(;51 } catch (err) {52 return;53 }54 if (!isOrigin || !data.twitter ) { return; }55 twitterUsername = data.twitter.username;56 updateFields();57 });58 updateFields();59 $div.append(60 $twitterTags,61 $twitterAccount,62 $twitterMsg63 );64 tabs.twitter = {65 text: "Twitter integration",66 html: $div67 };68 next();69 }, 600);70 core.on("conf-save", function(room, next) {71 var tags = $("#twitter-hashtags").multientry("items", true).join(" ");72 room.params.twitter = {};73 if (tags || twitterUsername) {74 room.params.twitter = {75 tags: tags,76 username: twitterUsername77 };78 }79 next();80 }, 500);...

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Source:storyProgess.js Github


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1var storyCounter = 0;2function storyProgressFunction(event){3 if(storyCounter < enemyCharacter[questionCounter].prestory.length - 1){4 storyCounter += 1;5 displayStory(enemyCharacter[questionCounter].prestory[storyCounter][0]);6 }else{7 storyCounter = 0;8 if(enemyCharacter[questionCounter].enemy){9 initialEnemyHealth();10 }11 if(questionCounter === 0){12 enemyCharacter[0].enemyBackgroundMusicChange();13 }if(questionCounter < 10){14 changeQuestion(encounterArray[questionCounter][0], encounterArray[questionCounter][1], encounterArray[questionCounter][2], encounterArray[questionCounter][3], encounterArray[questionCounter][4]);15 }else{16 youWin();17 }18 }19}20function displayStory(storyText){21 var textField = document.getElementsByClassName('textField')[0];22 while (textField.hasChildNodes()) {23 textField.removeChild(textField.lastChild);24 };25 var speakingField = document.createElement('h2');26 textField.appendChild(speakingField);27 var promptField = document.createElement('p');28 promptField.innerText = storyText;29 textField.appendChild(promptField);30 var unList = document.createElement('ul');31 textField.appendChild(unList);32 var choiceOne = document.createElement('li');33 choiceOne.innerText = 'Continue';34 choiceOne.setAttribute('id', 'continueButton');35 textField.appendChild(choiceOne);36 choiceOne.addEventListener('click', storyProgressFunction);37}38function youWin(){39 var textField = document.getElementsByClassName('textField')[0];40 while (textField.hasChildNodes()) {41 textField.removeChild(textField.lastChild);42 };43 var speakingField = document.createElement('h2');44 var totalScore = (userCharacter.str + userCharacter.agil + + userCharacter.hp) * 1000;45 speakingField.innerText = + '\'s score was: ' + totalScore;46 textField.appendChild(speakingField);47 var promptField = document.createElement('p');48 promptField.innerText = 'You Won!';49 promptField.setAttribute('class', 'gameOver');50 promptField.addEventListener('click', resetGame);51 textField.appendChild(promptField);52 var twitterDiv = document.createElement('div');53 twitterDiv.setAttribute('class', 'finalScoreTwitter');54 var twitterButton = document.createElement('a');55 twitterButton.setAttribute('class', 'twitter-share-button');56 twitterButton.setAttribute('href', '');57 twitterButton.setAttribute('data-size', 'large');58 var twitterMessage = 'I just escaped @GhostownGame! I got ' + totalScore + ' points! Can you survive? Try at.';59 twitterButton.setAttribute('data-text', twitterMessage);60 twitterButton.setAttribute('data-url', '');61 twitterButton.setAttribute('data-hashtags', 'gamedev, indiedev, ghostown');62 twitterButton.setAttribute('data-related', 'twitterapi, ghostowngame');63 twitterButton.innerText = 'Post a Tweet!';64 twitterDiv.appendChild(twitterButton);65 textField.appendChild(twitterDiv);66 twttr.widgets.load();...

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Source:index.js Github


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1/* eslint-disable */2import React from 'react';3import TwitterButton from './TwitterButton';4const demoCode = `5 import React from 'react';6 import GradientButton from './GradientButton';7 8 const Demo = () => (9 <>10 <GradientButton>Cool</GradientButton>11 <GradientButton chubby>Chubby</GradientButton>12 </>13 )14 15 export default Demo;16`;17TwitterButton.Demo = () => (18 <>19 <TwitterButton color={'primary'} variant={'contained'}>20 Normal21 </TwitterButton>22 <TwitterButton color={'primary'} variant={'contained'} size={'large'}>23 Large Button24 </TwitterButton>25 <TwitterButton variant={'outlined'} color={'primary'}>26 Normal27 </TwitterButton>28 <TwitterButton variant={'outlined'} color={'primary'} size={'large'}>29 Large Button30 </TwitterButton>31 </>32);33const twitterCode = `34 import React from 'react';35 import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';36 import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';37 38 const useStyles = makeStyles(({ shadows, palette }) => ({39 root: {40 borderRadius: 100,41 minHeight: 30,42 padding: '0 1em',43 },44 label: {45 textTransform: 'none',46 fontSize: 15,47 fontWeight: 700,48 },49 outlined: {50 padding: '0 1em',51 },52 outlinedPrimary: {53 borderColor: 'rgb(29, 161, 242)',54 color: 'rgb(29, 161, 242)',55 '&:hover': {56 borderColor: 'rgb(29, 161, 242)',57 color: 'rgb(29, 161, 242)',58 backgroundColor: 'rgb(29, 161, 242, 0.1)',59 },60 },61 contained: {62 minHeight: 30,63 boxShadow: shadows[0],64 '&$focusVisible': {65 boxShadow: shadows[0],66 },67 '&:active': {68 boxShadow: shadows[0],69 },70 '&$disabled': {71 boxShadow: shadows[0],72 },73 },74 containedPrimary: {75 backgroundColor: 'rgb(29, 161, 242)',76 color: palette.common.white,77 '&:hover': {78 backgroundColor: 'rgb(29, 145, 218)',79 // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity80 '@media (hover: none)': {81 backgroundColor: 'rgb(29, 145, 218)',82 },83 },84 },85 sizeLarge: {86 padding: '0 1em',87 minHeight: 39,88 },89 }));90 91 const TwitterButton = ({ ...props }) => {92 const classes = useStyles();93 return <Button classes={classes} {...props} />;94 };95 96 export default TwitterButton;97`; = {99 name: 'Twitter Button',100 description: 'Tweet',101 links: [102 { label: 'Code Sandbox', url: '' },103 { label: 'Full API', url: '' },104 ],105 files: [106 {107 label: 'Demo.js',108 code: demoCode,109 },110 {111 label: 'TwitterButton.js',112 code: twitterCode,113 },114 ],115 libraries: [],116 dependencies: ['@material-ui/core'],117};118TwitterButton.codeSandbox = '';...

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Source:twitterButtonDoc.js Github


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1/* eslint-disable */2import React from 'react';3import TwitterButton from 'components/buttons/TwitterButton';4const demoCode = `5 import React from 'react';6 import GradientButton from './GradientButton';7 8 const Demo = () => (9 <>10 <GradientButton>Cool</GradientButton>11 <GradientButton chubby>Chubby</GradientButton>12 </>13 )14 15 export default Demo;16`;17TwitterButton.Demo = () => (18 <>19 <TwitterButton color={'primary'} variant={'contained'}>20 Normal21 </TwitterButton>22 <TwitterButton color={'primary'} variant={'contained'} size={'large'}>23 Large Button24 </TwitterButton>25 <TwitterButton variant={'outlined'} color={'primary'}>26 Normal27 </TwitterButton>28 <TwitterButton variant={'outlined'} color={'primary'} size={'large'}>29 Large Button30 </TwitterButton>31 </>32);33const twitterCode = `34 import React from 'react';35 import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';36 import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';37 38 const useStyles = makeStyles(({ shadows, palette }) => ({39 root: {40 borderRadius: 100,41 minHeight: 30,42 padding: '0 1em',43 },44 label: {45 textTransform: 'none',46 fontSize: 15,47 fontWeight: 700,48 },49 outlined: {50 padding: '0 1em',51 },52 outlinedPrimary: {53 borderColor: 'rgb(29, 161, 242)',54 color: 'rgb(29, 161, 242)',55 '&:hover': {56 borderColor: 'rgb(29, 161, 242)',57 color: 'rgb(29, 161, 242)',58 backgroundColor: 'rgb(29, 161, 242, 0.1)',59 },60 },61 contained: {62 minHeight: 30,63 boxShadow: shadows[0],64 '&:active': {65 boxShadow: shadows[0],66 },67 },68 containedPrimary: {69 backgroundColor: 'rgb(29, 161, 242)',70 color: palette.common.white,71 '&:hover': {72 backgroundColor: 'rgb(29, 145, 218)',73 // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity74 '@media (hover: none)': {75 backgroundColor: 'rgb(29, 145, 218)',76 },77 },78 },79 sizeLarge: {80 padding: '0 1em',81 minHeight: 39,82 },83 }));84 85 const TwitterButton = props => {86 const classes = useStyles(props);87 return <Button {...props} classes={classes} />;88 };89 90 export default TwitterButton;91`; = {93 name: 'Twitter Button',94 description: 'Tweet',95 links: [96 { label: 'Code Sandbox', url: '' },97 { label: 'Button API', url: '' },98 {99 label: 'Styling',100 url: '',101 },102 ],103 files: [104 {105 label: 'Demo.js',106 code: demoCode,107 },108 {109 label: 'TwitterButton.js',110 code: twitterCode,111 },112 ],113 libraries: [],114 dependencies: ['@material-ui/core'],115};116TwitterButton.codeSandbox = '';...

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Source:social_login_button_spec.js Github


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1// Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Nathan Sobo and Max Brunsfeld. This file is2// licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See3// the COPYRIGHT file.4describe("Views.Components.SocialLoginButton", function() {5 var facebookButton, twitterButton, fb;6 beforeEach(function() {7 fb = window.FB;8 window.FB = undefined;9 renderLayout();10 facebookButton =;11 twitterButton =;12 });13 afterEach(function() {14 window.FB = fb;15 });16 it("assigns the class based on the service name", function() {17 expect(facebookButton).toHaveClass('facebook');18 expect(twitterButton).toHaveClass('twitter');19 expect(facebookButton).toHaveClass('disabled');20 expect(twitterButton).toHaveClass('disabled');21 });22 describe("#attach", function() {23 it("shows the spinner and says Loading (Service)", function() {24 expect(facebookButton.text()).toBe("Loading Facebook");25 expect(twitterButton.text()).toBe("Loading Twitter");26 expect(facebookButton.spinner).toBeVisible();27 expect(twitterButton.spinner).toBeVisible();28 });29 });30 describe("when the service javascript is loaded", function() {31 it("hides the spinner, removes the .disabled class and says 'Sign In With (Service)'", function() {32 Application.facebookInitialized();33 expect(facebookButton.text()).toBe("Sign In With Facebook");34 expect(facebookButton.spinner).toBeHidden();35 expect(facebookButton).not.toHaveClass('disabled');36 Application.twitterInitialized();37 expect(twitterButton.text()).toBe("Sign In With Twitter");38 expect(twitterButton.spinner).toBeHidden();39 expect(twitterButton).not.toHaveClass('disabled');40 });41 });...

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Source:Sidebar.js Github


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1// @flow strict2import React from "react";3import { useSiteMetadata } from "../../hooks";4import TwitterButton from "../TwitterButton/TwitterButton";5import Author from "./Author";6import Contacts from "./Contacts";7import Menu from "./Menu";8import styles from "./Sidebar.module.scss";9type Props = {10 isIndex?: boolean,11};12const Sidebar = ({ isIndex }: Props) => {13 const { author, copyright, menu } = useSiteMetadata();14 return (15 <div className={styles["sidebar"]}>16 <div className={styles["sidebar__inner"]}>17 <Author author={author} isIndex={isIndex} />18 <Menu menu={menu} />19 <Contacts contacts={author.contacts} />20 <TwitterButton />21 </div>22 </div>23 );24};...

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Source:Footer.js Github


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1import React from 'react';2import TwitterButton from './../TwitterButton/TwitterButton.js';3const Footer = ({year}) => (4 <footer className="footer container">5 <p>6 ©{year} <a href=""></a> - Christophe Rosset<br/>7 <TwitterButton/>8 </p>9 </footer>10);11Footer.propTypes = {12 year: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired13};...

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Jest Testing Tutorial

LambdaTest’s Jest Testing Tutorial covers step-by-step guides around Jest with code examples to help you be proficient with the Jest framework. The Jest tutorial has chapters to help you learn right from the basics of Jest framework to code-based tutorials around testing react apps with Jest, perform snapshot testing, import ES modules and more.


  1. What is Jest Framework
  2. Advantages of Jest - Jest has 3,898,000 GitHub repositories, as mentioned on its official website. Learn what makes Jest special and why Jest has gained popularity among the testing and developer community.
  3. Jest Installation - All the prerequisites and set up steps needed to help you start Jest automation testing.
  4. Using Jest with NodeJS Project - Learn how to leverage Jest framework to automate testing using a NodeJS Project.
  5. Writing First Test for Jest Framework - Get started with code-based tutorial to help you write and execute your first Jest framework testing script.
  6. Jest Vocabulary - Learn the industry renowned and official jargons of the Jest framework by digging deep into the Jest vocabulary.
  7. Unit Testing with Jest - Step-by-step tutorial to help you execute unit testing with Jest framework.
  8. Jest Basics - Learn about the most pivotal and basic features which makes Jest special.
  9. Jest Parameterized Tests - Avoid code duplication and fasten automation testing with Jest using parameterized tests. Parameterization allows you to trigger the same test scenario over different test configurations by incorporating parameters.
  10. Jest Matchers - Enforce assertions better with the help of matchers. Matchers help you compare the actual output with the expected one. Here is an example to see if the object is acquired from the correct class or not. -

|<p>it('check_object_of_Car', () => {</p><p> expect(newCar()).toBeInstanceOf(Car);</p><p> });</p>| | :- |

  1. Jest Hooks: Setup and Teardown - Learn how to set up conditions which needs to be followed by the test execution and incorporate a tear down function to free resources after the execution is complete.
  2. Jest Code Coverage - Unsure there is no code left unchecked in your application. Jest gives a specific flag called --coverage to help you generate code coverage.
  3. HTML Report Generation - Learn how to create a comprehensive HTML report based on your Jest test execution.
  4. Testing React app using Jest Framework - Learn how to test your react web-application with Jest framework in this detailed Jest tutorial.
  5. Test using LambdaTest cloud Selenium Grid - Run your Jest testing script over LambdaTest cloud-based platform and leverage parallel testing to help trim down your test execution time.
  6. Snapshot Testing for React Front Ends - Capture screenshots of your react based web-application and compare them automatically for visual anomalies with the help of Jest tutorial.
  7. Bonus: Import ES modules with Jest - ES modules are also known as ECMAScript modules. Learn how to best use them by importing in your Jest testing scripts.
  8. Jest vs Mocha vs Jasmine - Learn the key differences between the most popular JavaScript-based testing frameworks i.e. Jest, Mocha, and Jasmine.
  9. Jest FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions) - Explore the most commonly asked questions around Jest framework, with their answers.

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