Best JavaScript code snippet using jest
1const test = require('ava');2const {main} = require('../../src/install');3const {fakeStream, fakeSpawn, fakePkg, fakePrompt} = require('./utils');4const defaultMaxSize = 10000;5test('install just a single package and fail', async t => {6 const stream = fakeStream();7 const spawn = fakeSpawn();8 try {9 await main({10 argv: {_: ['lodash@4.12.0']},11 stream,12 spawn,13 defaultMaxSize,14 readPkg: fakePkg15 });16 throw new Error('Did not fail as spawned');17 } catch (err) {18, 'Install was canceled.');19 stream.getContent(),21 `â¹ Applying a size limit of 9.77KB from default22- Fetching stats for package lodash@4.12.023â Could not install for following reasons:24â lodash@4.12.0: size over threshold (63.65KB > 9.77KB)25â global constraint is respected26`27 );28 }29});30test('install just a single package and succeed', async t => {31 const stream = fakeStream();32 const spawn = fakeSpawn();33 //34 await main({35 argv: {_: ['bytes@3.0.0']},36 stream,37 spawn,38 defaultMaxSize,39 readPkg: fakePkg40 });41 stream.getContent(),43 `â¹ Applying a size limit of 9.77KB from default44- Fetching stats for package bytes@3.0.045â¹ Proceed to installation of package bytes@3.0.046`47 );48, 'npm');49 t.deepEqual(spawn.invokedArgs, ['install', 'bytes@3.0.0']);50});51test('install just a single package and just warn', async t => {52 const stream = fakeStream();53 const spawn = fakeSpawn();54 await main({55 argv: {_: ['lodash@4.12.0'], w: true, warn: true, 'save-dev': true},56 stream,57 spawn,58 defaultMaxSize,59 readPkg: fakePkg60 });61 stream.getContent(),63 `â¹ Applying a size limit of 9.77KB from default64- Fetching stats for package lodash@4.12.065â Proceed to installation of packages lodash@4.12.0 despite following warnings:66â lodash@4.12.0: size over threshold (63.65KB > 9.77KB)67`68 );69, 'npm');70 t.deepEqual(spawn.invokedArgs, ['install', 'lodash@4.12.0', '--save-dev']);71});72test('ask to install a package and accept', async t => {73 const stream = fakeStream();74 const spawn = fakeSpawn();75 const prompt = fakePrompt();76 await main({77 argv: {_: ['lodash@4.12.0'], i: true, interactive: true},78 stream,79 spawn,80 prompt,81 defaultMaxSize,82 readPkg: fakePkg83 });84 stream.getContent(),86 `â¹ Applying a size limit of 9.77KB from default87- Fetching stats for package lodash@4.12.088â Packages lodash@4.12.0 raised following warnings:89â lodash@4.12.0: size over threshold (63.65KB > 9.77KB)90â Proceeding with installation as you requested91`92 );93, 'npm');94 t.deepEqual(spawn.invokedArgs, ['install', 'lodash@4.12.0']);95});96test('ask to install a package and deny', async t => {97 const stream = fakeStream();98 const spawn = fakeSpawn();99 const prompt = fakePrompt(false);100 await main({101 argv: {_: ['lodash@4.12.0'], i: true, interactive: true},102 stream,103 spawn,104 prompt,105 defaultMaxSize,106 readPkg: fakePkg107 });108 stream.getContent(),110 `â¹ Applying a size limit of 9.77KB from default111- Fetching stats for package lodash@4.12.0112â Packages lodash@4.12.0 raised following warnings:113â lodash@4.12.0: size over threshold (63.65KB > 9.77KB)114â Installation is canceled on your demand115`116 );117, undefined);118});119test('try to install package that does not exist', async t => {120 const stream = fakeStream();121 const spawn = fakeSpawn();122 try {123 await main({124 argv: {_: ['no-sorry-but-i-do-not-exist']},125 stream,126 spawn,127 defaultMaxSize,128 readPkg: fakePkg129 });130 throw new Error('Exception was not triggered');131 } catch (err) {132 err.message,134 "no-sorry-but-i-do-not-exist: The package you were looking for doesn't exist."135 );136 }137});138test('install just a single package on empty package with global config and succeed', async t => {139 const stream = fakeStream();140 const spawn = fakeSpawn();141 await main({142 argv: {_: ['bytes@3.0.0']},143 stream,144 spawn,145 defaultMaxSize,146 readPkg: () => ({147 dependencies: {},148 'bundle-phobia': {149 'max-size': '20kB',150 'max-overall-size': '50kB'151 }152 })153 });154 stream.getContent(),156 `â¹ Applying a size limit of 20KB from package-config and overall size limit of 50KB from package-config157- Fetching stats for package bytes@3.0.0158â¹ Proceed to installation of package bytes@3.0.0159`160 );161, 'npm');162 t.deepEqual(spawn.invokedArgs, ['install', 'bytes@3.0.0']);...
...6const xclap = require("xclap");7const pkgFile = Path.resolve("package.json");8let pkgData;9require("electrode-archetype-njs-module-dev")(xclap);10function readPkg() {11 if (!pkgData) {12 pkgData = Fs.readFileSync(pkgFile);13 }14 return pkgData;15}16function replaceLine(file, oldLine, newLine) {17 const data = Fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8").split("\n");18 let found = 0;19 const newData = => {20 if (x === oldLine) {21 found++;22 return newLine;23 }24 return x;25 });26 if (found !== 1) {27 throw new Error(`Replace file ${file} found ${found} old lines [${oldLine}]`);28 }29 Fs.writeFileSync(file, newData.join("\n"));30}31xclap.load("nvm", {32 prepack: {33 task: () => {34 const data = readPkg();35 const pkg = JSON.parse(data);36 pkg.scripts = { preinstall: pkg.scripts.preinstall };37 delete pkg.dependencies;38 delete;39 delete pkg.devDependencies;40 mkdirp.sync(Path.resolve(".tmp"));41 Fs.writeFileSync(Path.resolve(".tmp/package.json"), data);42 Fs.writeFileSync(pkgFile, `${JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2)}\n`);43 }44 },45 postpack: {46 task: () => {47 Fs.writeFileSync(pkgFile, readPkg());48 }49 },50 ".prepare": [".clean-dist", "nvm/bundle", "~$git diff --quiet", "nvm/prepack"],51 release: {52 desc: "Release a new version to npm. package.json must be updated.",53 task: ["nvm/.prepare", "nvm/publish"],54 finally: ["nvm/postpack"]55 },56 ".clean-dist"() {57 const dist = Path.resolve("dist");58 rimraf.sync(dist);59 mkdirp.sync(dist);60 },61 bundle: "webpack",62 publish: "npm publish",63 version: {64 desc: "Bump version for release",65 dep: ["bundle", "~$git diff --quiet"],66 task() {67 const data = readPkg();68 const pkg = JSON.parse(data);69 const oldVer = `${pkg.version}`;70 let ver = oldVer.split(".").map(x => parseInt(x, 10));71 const bump = this.argv[1];72 switch (bump) {73 case "--major":74 ver[0]++;75 ver[1] = ver[2] = 0;76 break;77 case "--minor":78 ver[1]++;79 ver[2] = 0;80 break;81 case "--patch":...
1/**2 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or3 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License4 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; under version 25 * of the License (non-upgradable).6 *7 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,8 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of9 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the10 * GNU General Public License for more details.11 *12 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License13 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software14 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.15 *16 * Copyright (c) 2020 Open Assessment Technologies SA;17 */18/**19 * Unit test the method updateVersion of module src/npmPackage.js20 */21const proxyquire = require('proxyquire');22const sinon = require('sinon');23const test = require('tape');24const folderName = 'folderName';25const version = '1.1.1';26const sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();27const readPkg = sinon.stub().returns({});28const writePkg = sinon.stub();29const crossSpawn = () => ({30 on: (e, callback) => callback(0),31});32const npmPackage = proxyquire.noCallThru().load('../../../../src/npmPackage.js', {33 'cross-spawn': crossSpawn,34 'read-pkg': readPkg,35 'write-pkg': writePkg,36})();37test('should define updateVersion method on release instance', (t) => {38 t.plan(1);39 t.ok(typeof npmPackage.updateVersion === 'function', 'The release instance has updateVersion method');40 t.end();41});42test('should read package.sjon', async (t) => {43 t.plan(2);44 readPkg.reset();45 readPkg.returns({});46 await npmPackage.updateVersion(folderName);47 t.equal(readPkg.callCount, 1, 'read package.json');48 t.ok(readPkg.calledWith({ cwd: folderName }), 'read package.json');49 sandbox.restore();50 t.end();51});52test('should write package.sjon', async (t) => {53 t.plan(2);54 writePkg.reset();55 await npmPackage.updateVersion(folderName, version);56 t.equal(writePkg.callCount, 1, 'write package.json');57 t.ok(writePkg.calledWith(folderName, { version }), 'write package.json');58 sandbox.restore();59 t.end();...
1"use strict";2const logger = require("../lib/logger");3const chalk = require("chalk");4const readPkgUp = require("read-pkg-up");5const myPkg = require("../package.json");6const config = require("./config");7const env = require("./env");8module.exports = (xrun, options) => {9 const readPkg = readPkgUp.sync();10 if (!readPkg) {11 return;12 }13 const Pkg = readPkg.packageJson;14 const pkgName = chalk.magenta(readPkg.path.replace(process.cwd(), "."));15 if (Pkg.scripts && options.npm !== false) {16 const scripts = {};17 for (const k in Pkg.scripts) {18 if (!k.startsWith("pre") && !k.startsWith("post")) {19 const pre = `pre${k}`;20 const post = `post${k}`;21 scripts[k] = xrun.serial(22 Pkg.scripts.hasOwnProperty(pre) && pre,23 xrun.exec(Pkg.scripts[k], "npm"),24 Pkg.scripts.hasOwnProperty(post) && post25 );26 } else {27 scripts[k] = xrun.exec(Pkg.scripts[k], "npm");28 }29 }30 xrun.load("npm", scripts);31 if (env.get(env.xrunPackagePath) !== readPkg.path) {32 logger.log(`Loaded npm scripts from ${pkgName} into namespace ${chalk.magenta("npm")}`);33 }34 env.set(env.xrunPackagePath, readPkg.path);35 }36 const pkgOptField = config.getPkgOpt(Pkg);37 const pkgConfig = pkgOptField && Pkg[pkgOptField];38 if (pkgConfig) {39 const tasks = Object.assign({}, pkgConfig.tasks);40 if (Object.keys(tasks).length > 0) {41 xrun.load("pkg", tasks);42 logger.log(43 `Loaded ${} tasks from ${pkgName} into namespace ${chalk.magenta("pkg")}`44 );45 }46 }...
1declare module "read-pkg" {2 declare var npm$namespace$ReadPkg: {3 sync: typeof ReadPkg$sync4 };5 declare function ReadPkg$sync(6 path: string,7 options: ReadPkg$Options & {8 normalize: false9 }10 ): {11 [k: string]: any12 };13 declare function ReadPkg$sync(14 options: ReadPkg$Options & {15 normalize: false16 }17 ): {18 [k: string]: any19 };20 declare function ReadPkg$sync(options?: ReadPkg$Options): normalize.Package;21 declare function ReadPkg$sync(22 path?: string,23 options?: ReadPkg$Options24 ): normalize.Package;25 declare interface ReadPkg$Options {26 /**27 * [Normalize]( the package data.28 * @default true29 */30 normalize?: boolean;31 }32 declare type ReadPkg$Package = normalize.Package;33 declare function ReadPkg(34 path: string,35 options: ReadPkg$Options & {36 normalize: false37 }38 ): Promise<{39 [k: string]: any40 }>;41 declare function ReadPkg(42 options: ReadPkg$Options & {43 normalize: false44 }45 ): Promise<{46 [k: string]: any47 }>;48 declare function ReadPkg(49 options?: ReadPkg$Options50 ): Promise<normalize.Package>;51 declare function ReadPkg(52 path?: string,53 options?: ReadPkg$Options54 ): Promise<normalize.Package>;55 declare export default typeof ReadPkg;...
1var browserify = require('../');2var path = require('path');3var vm = require('vm');4var test = require('tap').test;5var expected = [6 readpkg('pkg_event'),7 readpkg('pkg_event/node_modules/aaa'),8 readpkg('pkg_event/node_modules/aaa/lib')9];10test('package event', function (t) {11 t.plan(2 + expected.length);12 13 var b = browserify(__dirname + '/pkg_event/main.js');14 b.on('package', function (pkg) {15 t.deepEqual(pkg, expected.shift());16 });17 18 b.bundle(function (err, src) {19 t.ifError(err);20 vm.runInNewContext(src, { console: { log: log } });21 function log (msg) { t.equal(msg, 555) }22 });23});24function readpkg (dir) {25 var pkg = require(path.join(__dirname, dir, 'package.json'));26 pkg.__dirname = path.join(__dirname, dir);27 return pkg;...
1const fs = require('fs')2function readPkg(path) {3 return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path + '/package.json'))4}5const root = readPkg('.')6// normally, npm prevents publishing private packages. but we are only private so7// we can use yarn workspaces. so remove this flag during packing.8delete root.private9// also delete workspaces, YAGNI10delete root.workspaces11// the server's dependencies are the only runtime dependencies12const server = readPkg('./server')13if (!root.dependencies) root.dependencies = {}14Object.assign(root.dependencies, server.dependencies)15fs.copyFileSync('./package.json', './package.json.bak')...
...5 return findUp('package.json', opts).then(fp => {6 if (!fp) {7 return {};8 }9 return readPkg(fp, opts).then(pkg => ({pkg, path: fp}));10 });11};12module.exports.sync = opts => {13 const fp = findUp.sync('package.json', opts);14 if (!fp) {15 return {};16 }17 return {18 pkg: readPkg.sync(fp, opts),19 path: fp20 };...
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