Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1/**2 * @file js/controllers/grid/CategoryGridHandler.js3 *4 * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Simon Fraser University5 * Copyright (c) 2000-2018 John Willinsky6 * Distributed under the GNU GPL v2. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING.7 *8 * @class CategoryGridHandler9 * @ingroup js_controllers_grid10 *11 * @brief Category grid handler.12 */13(function($) {14 /**15 * @constructor16 *17 * @extends $.pkp.controllers.grid.GridHandler18 *19 * @param {jQueryObject} $grid The grid this handler is20 * attached to.21 * @param {Object} options Grid handler configuration.22 */23 $.pkp.controllers.grid.CategoryGridHandler = function($grid, options) {24 this.parent($grid, options);25 };26 $.pkp.classes.Helper.inherits($.pkp.controllers.grid.CategoryGridHandler,27 $.pkp.controllers.grid.GridHandler);28 //29 // Public methods.30 //31 /**32 * Get category id prefix.33 * @return {string} Category id prefix.34 */35 $.pkp.controllers.grid.CategoryGridHandler.prototype.getCategoryIdPrefix =36 function() {37 return this.getGridIdPrefix() + '-category-';38 };39 /**40 * Get categories tbody element.41 * @return {jQueryObject} Categories tbody elements.42 */43 $.pkp.controllers.grid.CategoryGridHandler.prototype.getCategories =44 function() {45 return $('.category_grid_body:not(.empty)',46 this.getHtmlElement());47 };48 /**49 * Get a category tbody element by category data id.50 * @param {string} categoryDataId The category data id.51 * @return {jQueryObject} Category tbody element.52 */53 $.pkp.controllers.grid.CategoryGridHandler.prototype.getCategoryByDataId =54 function(categoryDataId) {55 return $('#' + this.getCategoryIdPrefix() + categoryDataId);56 };57 /**58 * Get the category row inside a tbody category element. If none element59 * is passed, get all grid category rows.60 * @param {jQueryObject} $opt_category Category tbody element.61 * @return {jQueryObject} Category rows.62 */63 $.pkp.controllers.grid.CategoryGridHandler.prototype.getCategoryRow =64 function($opt_category) {65 var $context = this.getHtmlElement();66 if ($opt_category !== undefined) {67 $context = $opt_category;68 }69 return $('tr.category', $context);70 };71 /**72 * Get rows inside a tbody category element, excluding the category row.73 * @param {jQueryObject} $category Category tbody element.74 * @return {jQueryObject} Category rows.75 */76 $.pkp.controllers.grid.CategoryGridHandler.prototype.getRowsInCategory =77 function($category) {78 return $('tr.gridRow', $category).not('.category');79 };80 /**81 * Get the category empty placeholder.82 * @param {jQueryObject} $category A grid category element.83 * @return {jQueryObject} The category empty placeholder.84 */85 $.pkp.controllers.grid.CategoryGridHandler.prototype.86 getCategoryEmptyPlaceholder = function($category) {87 var selector = '#' + $category.attr('id') + '-emptyPlaceholder';88 return $(selector, this.getHtmlElement());89 };90 /**91 * Get the category data id by the passed category element.92 * @param {jQueryObject} $category Category element.93 * @return {string} Category data id.94 */95 $.pkp.controllers.grid.CategoryGridHandler.prototype.getCategoryDataId =96 function($category) {97 var categoryId = $category.attr('id'),98 startExtractPosition = this.getCategoryIdPrefix().length;99 return /** @type {string} */ (categoryId.slice(startExtractPosition));100 };101 /**102 * Get the category data id by the passed row element id.103 * @param {string} gridRowId Category row element id.104 * @return {string} Category data id.105 */106 $.pkp.controllers.grid.CategoryGridHandler.prototype.getCategoryDataIdByRowId =107 function(gridRowId) {108 // Remove the category id prefix to avoid getting wrong data.109 gridRowId = gridRowId.replace(this.getCategoryIdPrefix(), ' ');110 // Get the category data id.111 var categoryDataId = gridRowId.match('(.*)-row');112 return $.trim(categoryDataId[1]);113 };114 /**115 * Get the id prefix of the grid row inside a category.116 * @return {string}117 */118 $.pkp.controllers.grid.CategoryGridHandler.prototype.getRowIdPrefix =119 function() {120 return this.getGridIdPrefix() + '-category-';121 };122 /**123 * Get the grid row by the passed data element id.124 * @param {number} rowDataId125 * @param {number=} opt_parentElementId126 * @return {jQueryObject}127 */128 $.pkp.controllers.grid.CategoryGridHandler.prototype.getRowByDataId =129 function(rowDataId, opt_parentElementId) {130 this.parent('getRowByDataId', rowDataId, opt_parentElementId);131 return $('#' + this.getRowIdPrefix() + opt_parentElementId +132 '-row-' + rowDataId, this.getHtmlElement());133 };134 /**135 * Get the data element id of the passed grid row.136 * @param {jQueryObject} $gridRow The grid row JQuery object.137 * @return {string} The data element id of the passed grid row.138 */139 $.pkp.controllers.grid.CategoryGridHandler.prototype.getRowDataId =140 function($gridRow) {141 var rowDataId;142 rowDataId = $gridRow.attr('id').143 slice(this.getRowIdPrefix().length);144 rowDataId = rowDataId.match('-row-(.*)');145 return /** @type {string} */ $.trim(rowDataId[1]);146 };147 /**148 * Append a category to the end of the list.149 * @param {jQueryObject} $category Category to append.150 */151 $.pkp.controllers.grid.CategoryGridHandler.prototype.appendCategory =152 function($category) {153 var $gridBody = this.getHtmlElement().find(this.bodySelector);154 $gridBody.append($category);155 };156 /**157 * Re-sequence all category elements based on the passed sequence map.158 * @param {Array} sequenceMap A sequence array with the category159 * element id as value.160 */161 $.pkp.controllers.grid.CategoryGridHandler.prototype.resequenceCategories =162 function(sequenceMap) {163 var categoryId, index, $category;164 for (index in sequenceMap) {165 categoryId = sequenceMap[index];166 $category = $('#' + categoryId);167 this.appendCategory($category);168 }169 this.updateEmptyPlaceholderPosition();170 };171 /**172 * Move all empty category placeholders to their correct position,173 * below of each correspondent category element.174 */175 $.pkp.controllers.grid.CategoryGridHandler.prototype.176 updateEmptyPlaceholderPosition = function() {177 var $categories = this.getCategories(),178 index, limit,179 $category, $emptyPlaceholder;180 for (index = 0, limit = $categories.length; index < limit; index++) {181 $category = $($categories[index]);182 $emptyPlaceholder = this.getCategoryEmptyPlaceholder($category);183 if ($emptyPlaceholder.length > 0) {184 $emptyPlaceholder.insertAfter($category);185 }186 }187 };188 //189 // Extended methods from GridHandler190 //191 /**192 * @inheritDoc193 */194 $.pkp.controllers.grid.CategoryGridHandler.prototype.initialize =195 function(options) {196 // Save the URL to fetch a whole category.197 this.fetchCategoryUrl_ = options.fetchCategoryUrl;198 this.parent('initialize', options);199 };200 /**201 * @inheritDoc202 */203 $.pkp.controllers.grid.CategoryGridHandler.prototype.getElementsByType =204 function($element) {205 if ($element.hasClass('category_grid_body')) {206 return this.getCategories();207 } else {208 return /** @type {jQueryObject} */ (209 this.parent('getElementsByType', $element));210 }211 };212 /**213 * @inheritDoc214 */215 $.pkp.controllers.grid.CategoryGridHandler.prototype.getEmptyElement =216 function($element) {217 if ($element.hasClass('category_grid_body')) {218 // Return the grid empty element placeholder.219 return this.getHtmlElement().find('.empty').not('.category_placeholder');220 } else {221 return /** @type {jQueryObject} */ (222 this.parent('getEmptyElement', $element));223 }224 };225 /**226 * @inheritDoc227 */228 $.pkp.controllers.grid.CategoryGridHandler.prototype.refreshGridHandler =229 function(sourceElement, event, opt_elementId) {230 var fetchedAlready = false, elementIds,231 // Hack to avoid closure compiler warnings on type difference232 castElementId = /** @type {{parentElementId: number}} */ opt_elementId;233 if (opt_elementId !== undefined) {234 // Check if we want to refresh a row inside a category.235 if (castElementId.parentElementId !== undefined) {236 elementIds = {rowId: opt_elementId[0],237 rowCategoryId: castElementId.parentElementId};238 // Store the category id.239 this.currentCategoryId_ = castElementId.parentElementId;240 // Retrieve a single row from the server.241 $.get(this.fetchRowUrl, elementIds,242 this.callbackWrapper(243 this.replaceElementResponseHandler), 'json');244 } else {245 // Retrieve the entire category from the server.246 $.get(this.fetchCategoryUrl_, {rowId: opt_elementId},247 this.callbackWrapper(248 this.replaceElementResponseHandler), 'json');249 }250 fetchedAlready = true;251 }252 this.parent('refreshGridHandler', sourceElement,253 event, opt_elementId, fetchedAlready);254 };255 /**256 * @inheritDoc257 */258 $.pkp.controllers.grid.CategoryGridHandler.prototype.deleteElement =259 function($element) {260 var $gridBody, index, limit, $parent, $emptyPlaceholder;261 if ($element.length > 1) {262 // Category and category row have the same element data id,263 // handle this case.264 if ($element.length == 2 &&265 $element.hasClass('category_grid_body') &&266 $element.hasClass('category')) {267 // Always delete the entire category.268 $element = $element.filter('.category_grid_body');269 }270 // Sometimes grid rows inside different categories may have271 // the same id. Try to find the correct one to delete.272 if (this.currentCategoryId_) {273 $gridBody = this.getCategoryByDataId(this.currentCategoryId_);274 for (index = 0, limit = $element.length; index < limit; index++) {275 $parent = $($element[index]).276 parents('#' + $gridBody.attr('id'));277 if ($parent.length === 1) {278 $element = $($element[index]);279 break;280 }281 }282 }283 }284 if ($element.hasClass('category_grid_body')) {285 // Need to delete the category empty placeholder.286 $emptyPlaceholder = this.getCategoryEmptyPlaceholder($element);287 this.unbindPartial($emptyPlaceholder);288 $emptyPlaceholder.remove();289 }290 this.parent('deleteElement', $element);291 };292 /**293 * @inheritDoc294 */295 $.pkp.controllers.grid.CategoryGridHandler.prototype.addElement =296 function($element) {297 var $gridBody = null, categoryDataId, $emptyPlaceholder;298 if ($element.hasClass('gridRow')) {299 // New row must be inside a category.300 categoryDataId = /** @type {string} */ (301 this.getCategoryDataIdByRowId(302 /** @type {string} */ ($element.attr('id'))));303 $gridBody = /** @type {jQueryObject} */ (304 this.getCategoryByDataId(categoryDataId));305 }306 // Add the element.307 this.parent('addElement', $element, $gridBody);308 // Make sure the placeholder is the last grid element.309 if ($element.hasClass('category_grid_body')) {310 $emptyPlaceholder = this.getEmptyElement($element);311 this.getHtmlElement().find(this.bodySelector).append($emptyPlaceholder);312 }313 };314 /**315 * @inheritDoc316 */317 $.pkp.controllers.grid.CategoryGridHandler.prototype.replaceElement =318 function($existingElement, $newElement) {319 if ($newElement.hasClass('category_grid_body')) {320 // Need to delete the category empty placeholder.321 var $emptyPlaceholder = this.getCategoryEmptyPlaceholder($existingElement);322 this.unbindPartial($emptyPlaceholder);323 $emptyPlaceholder.remove();324 }325 this.parent('replaceElement', $existingElement, $newElement);326 };327 /**328 * @inheritDoc329 */330 $.pkp.controllers.grid.CategoryGridHandler.prototype.hasSameNumOfColumns =331 function($row) {332 var $element = $row,333 checkColSpan = false;334 if ($row.hasClass('category_grid_body')) {335 $element = $row.find('tr');336 checkColSpan = true;337 }338 return /** @type {boolean} */ (339 this.parent('hasSameNumOfColumns', $element, checkColSpan));340 };341/** @param {jQuery} $ jQuery closure. */...
1import cookies from 'js-cookie'2import '../boot'3import {4 getMemberProfile,5 getOrderManagement,6 getOrderDetail,7 putCancelOrder8} from '../api'9$(document).ready(function () {10 new Yox({11 el: '.js-order-mange-main',12 template: `13 <div class="dashboard-main clearfix">14 <div class="dashboard-left pull-left">15 <DashboardSidebarUser16 name="{{ profileData.userName }}">17 </DashboardSidebarUser>18 <div class="dashboard-main-sidebar">19 <DashboardSidebarNav>20 </DashboardSidebarNav>21 </div>22 </div>23 <div class="dashboard-right pull-right">24 <Tabnav items="{{ tabItems }}" model="activeTab">25 </Tabnav>26 <TabContainer>27 <TabPane name="all-order" active="{{ true }}">28 {{#if allOrder.items.length}}29 {{#each allOrder.items:index}}30 <OrderItem31 order-id="{{ this.saleOrderId }}"32 status="{{ this.showStatus }}"33 create-time="{{ this.createTime }}"34 order-no="{{ this.saleOrderNo }}"35 total-price="{{ this.finalTotalAmount }}"36 base-freight="{{ this.baseFreight }}"37 items="{{ this.orderItemList }}"38 index="{{ index }}"39 type="ALL">40 </OrderItem>41 {{/each}}42 <Pagination total="{{ ? : 0}}">43 </Pagination>44 {{else}}45 <EmptyPlaceholder text="ææ æ°æ®">46 </EmptyPlaceholder>47 {{/if}}48 </TabPane>49 <TabPane name="wait-pay">50 {{#if waitPay.items.length}}51 {{#each waitPay.items:index}}52 <OrderItem53 order-id="{{ this.saleOrderId }}"54 status="{{ this.showStatus }}"55 create-time="{{ this.createTime }}"56 order-no="{{ this.saleOrderNo }}"57 total-price="{{ this.finalTotalAmount }}"58 base-freight="{{ this.baseFreight }}"59 items="{{ this.orderItemList }}"60 index="{{ index }}"61 type="WAIT">62 </OrderItem>63 {{/each}}64 <Pagination total="{{ ? : 0}}">65 </Pagination>66 {{else}}67 <EmptyPlaceholder text="ææ æ°æ®">68 </EmptyPlaceholder>69 {{/if}}70 </TabPane>71 <TabPane name="wait-send">72 {{#if waitSend.items.length}}73 {{#each waitSend.items:index}}74 <OrderItem75 order-id="{{ this.saleOrderId }}"76 status="{{ this.showStatus }}"77 create-time="{{ this.createTime }}"78 order-no="{{ this.saleOrderNo }}"79 total-price="{{ this.finalTotalAmount }}"80 base-freight="{{ this.baseFreight }}"81 items="{{ this.orderItemList }}"82 index="{{ index }}">83 </OrderItem>84 {{/each}}85 <Pagination total="{{ ? : 0}}">86 </Pagination>87 {{else}}88 <EmptyPlaceholder text="ææ æ°æ®">89 </EmptyPlaceholder>90 {{/if}}91 </TabPane>92 <TabPane name="wait-received">93 {{#if waitReceived.items.length}}94 {{#each waitReceived.items:index}}95 <OrderItem96 order-id="{{ this.saleOrderId }}"97 status="{{ this.showStatus }}"98 create-time="{{ this.createTime }}"99 order-no="{{ this.saleOrderNo }}"100 total-price="{{ this.finalTotalAmount }}"101 base-freight="{{ this.baseFreight }}"102 items="{{ this.orderItemList }}"103 index="{{ index }}">104 </OrderItem>105 {{/each}}106 <Pagination total="{{ ? : 0}}">107 </Pagination>108 {{else}}109 <EmptyPlaceholder text="ææ æ°æ®">110 </EmptyPlaceholder>111 {{/if}}112 </TabPane>113 <TabPane name="wait-commentted">114 {{#if waitCommentted.items.length}}115 {{#each waitCommentted.items:index}}116 <OrderItem117 order-id="{{ this.saleOrderId }}"118 status="{{ this.showStatus }}"119 create-time="{{ this.createTime }}"120 order-no="{{ this.saleOrderNo }}"121 total-price="{{ this.finalTotalAmount }}"122 base-freight="{{ this.baseFreight }}"123 items="{{ this.orderItemList }}"124 index="{{ index }}"125 type="wait-comment">126 </OrderItem>127 {{/each}}128 <Pagination total="{{ ? : 0}}">129 </Pagination>130 {{else}}131 <EmptyPlaceholder text="ææ æ°æ®">132 </EmptyPlaceholder>133 {{/if}}134 </TabPane>135 </TabContainer>136 </div>137 </div>138 `,139 data: {140 activeTab: 'all-order',141 profileData: {},142 allOrder: [],143 waitPay: [],144 waitSend: [],145 waitReceived: [],146 waitCommentted: []147 },148 computed: {149 tabItems() {150 return [151 { label: 'å
¨é¨è®¢å', name: 'all-order' },152 { label: 'å¾
ä»æ¬¾', name: 'wait-pay' },153 { label: 'å¾
åè´§', name: 'wait-send' },154 { label: 'å¾
æ¶è´§', name: 'wait-received' },155 { label: 'å¾
è¯ä»·', name: 'wait-commentted' }156 ]157 }158 },159 afterMount() {160 Promise.all([161 getMemberProfile(),162 getOrderManagement(0, 10, 0)163 ]).then(res => {164 const [profileData, allOrder] = res165 this.set('profileData', profileData ? profileData : {})166 this.set('allOrder', allOrder ? allOrder : {})167 })168 },169 watchers: {170 activeTab(val) {171 if (val === 'all-order') {172 getOrderManagement(0, 10, 0).then(res => {173 this.set('allOrder', res ? res : {})174 })175 } else if (val === 'wait-pay') {176 getOrderManagement(0, 10, 2).then(res => {177 this.set('waitPay', res ? res : {})178 })179 } else if (val === 'wait-send') {180 getOrderManagement(0, 10, 3).then(res => {181 this.set('waitSend', res ? res : {})182 })183 } else if (val === 'wait-received') {184 getOrderManagement(0, 10, 4).then(res => {185 this.set('waitReceived', res ? res : {})186 })187 } else if (val === 'wait-commentted') {188 getOrderManagement(0, 10, 5).then(res => {189 this.set('waitCommentted', res ? res : {})190 })191 }192 }193 },194 events: {195 cancelOrder(e, data) {196 putCancelOrder( => {197 this.$alert('订åå·²åæ¶!')198 if (data.type === 'ALL') {199 this.set(`allOrder.items.${data.index}.showStatus`, 'CANCEL')200 } else if (data.type === 'waitPay') {201 this.set(`waitPay.items.${data.index}.showStatus`, 'CANCEL')202 }203 })204 }205 },206 methods: {207 actionLink(id) {208 window.location.href = `/member/order/${id}`209 },210 // cancelOrder(id,index,type) {211 // putCancelOrder(id).then(res => {212 // this.$alert('订åå·²åæ¶!')213 // if (type === 'ALL') {214 // this.set(`allOrder.items.${index}.showStatus`,'CANCEL');215 // } else if(type === 'waitPay') {216 // this.set(`allOrder.items.${index}.showStatus`,'CANCEL');217 // }218 // })219 // },220 immediatepay(id) {221 window.location.href = `/order/${id}/pay`222 }223 }224 })...
1import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';2import Link from 'components/common/Link';3import WebsiteChart from 'components/metrics/WebsiteChart';4import Page from 'components/layout/Page';5import EmptyPlaceholder from 'components/common/EmptyPlaceholder';6import Arrow from 'assets/arrow-right.svg';7import styles from './WebsiteList.module.css';8export default function WebsiteList({ websites, showCharts, limit }) {9 if (websites.length === 0) {10 return (11 <Page>12 <EmptyPlaceholder13 msg={14 <FormattedMessage15 id=""16 defaultMessage="You don't have any websites configured."17 />18 }19 >20 <Link href="/settings" icon={<Arrow />} iconRight>21 <FormattedMessage id="message.go-to-settings" defaultMessage="Go to settings" />22 </Link>23 </EmptyPlaceholder>24 </Page>25 );26 }27 return (28 <div>29 {{ website_id, name, domain }, index) =>30 index < limit ? (31 <div key={website_id} className={}>32 <WebsiteChart33 websiteId={website_id}34 title={name}35 domain={domain}36 showChart={showCharts}37 showLink38 />39 </div>40 ) : null,41 )}42 </div>43 );...
1import React from 'react';2import PropTypes from 'prop-types';3import Icon from 'components/common/Icon';4import Logo from 'assets/logo.svg';5import styles from './EmptyPlaceholder.module.css';6function EmptyPlaceholder({ msg, children }) {7 return (8 <div className={styles.placeholder}>9 <Icon className={styles.icon} icon={<Logo />} size="xlarge" />10 <h2 className={styles.msg}>{msg}</h2>11 {children}12 </div>13 );14}15EmptyPlaceholder.propTypes = {16 msg: PropTypes.node,17 children: PropTypes.node,18};...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.fill('input[title="Search"]', 'Hello World');7 await'Enter');8 await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');9 await page.hover('text=Hello World');10 await'text=Hello World');11 await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');12 await page.waitForSelector('text=Hello World');13 await page.hover('text=Hello World');14 await'text=Hello World');15 await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');16 await page.waitForSelector('text=Hello World');17 await page.hover('text=Hello World');18 await'text=Hello World');19 await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');20 await page.waitForSelector('text=Hello World');21 await page.hover('text=Hello World');22 await'text=Hello World');23 await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');24 await page.waitForSelector('text=Hello World');25 await page.hover('text=Hello World');26 await'text=Hello World');27 await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');28 await page.waitForSelector('text=Hello World');29 await page.hover('text=Hello World');30 await'text=Hello World');31 await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');32 await page.waitForSelector('text=Hello World');33 await page.hover('text=Hello World');34 await'text=Hello World');35 await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');36 await page.waitForSelector('text=Hello World');37 await page.hover('text=Hello World');38 await'text=Hello World');39 await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');40 await page.waitForSelector('text=Hello World');41 await page.hover('text=Hello World');42 await'text=Hello World');43 await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');44 await page.waitForSelector('text=Hello World');45 await page.hover('text=Hello World');46 await'text=Hello World');47 await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');48 await page.waitForSelector('text=
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.fill('#search', '');7 await page.waitForTimeout(10000);8 await browser.close();9})();10I have also tried to use the eval() method of Play
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.fill('input[title="Search"]', '');7 await'input[title="Search"]', 'Enter');8 await browser.close();9})();10Error: Protocol error (Runtime.callFunctionOn): Object reference chain is too long11Error: Protocol error (Runtime.callFunctionOn): Object reference chain is too long12Error: Protocol error (Runtime.callFunctionOn): Object reference chain is too long13Error: Protocol error (Runtime.callFunctionOn): Object reference chain is too long14Error: Protocol error (Runtime.callFunctionOn): Object reference chain is too long15Error: Protocol error (Runtime.callFunctionOn): Object reference chain is too long16Error: Protocol error (Runtime.callFunctionOn): Object reference chain is too long
Using AI Code Generation
1const { emptyPlaceholder } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await page.fill('[name="q"]', 'Playwright');8 await'[name="btnK"]');9 await page.waitForNavigation();10 const title = await page.title();11 console.log('Title: ' + title);12 await page.fill('[name="q"]', 'Playwright');13 await emptyPlaceholder(page);14 await'[name="btnK"]');15 await page.waitForNavigation();16 const title1 = await page.title();17 console.log('Title: ' + title1);18 await browser.close();19})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const {chromium} = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const input = await page.$('input:placeholder("Search")');7 const value = await input.evaluate(input => input.placeholder);8 console.log(value);9 await browser.close();10})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');2test('should fill input with empty placeholder', async ({ page }) => {3 const input = await page.$('input[name="q"]');4});5test('should fill input with empty placeholder', async ({ page }) => {6 const input = await page.$('input[name="q"]');7});8test('should fill input with empty placeholder', async ({ page }) => {9 const input = await page.$('input[name="q"]');10});11test('should fill input with empty placeholder', async ({ page }) => {12 const input = await page.$('input[name="q"]');13 await page.evaluate(() => {14 document.querySelector('input[name="q"]').value = '';15});16test('should fill input with empty placeholder', async ({ page }) => {17 const input = await page.$('input[name="q"]');18 await page.evaluate(() => {19 document.querySelector('input[name="q"]').value = ' ';20});21test('should fill input with empty placeholder', async ({ page }) => {22 const input = await page.$('input[name="q"]');23 await page.evaluate(() => {24 document.querySelector('input[name="q"]').value = ' ';25});26test('should fill input with empty placeholder', async ({ page }) => {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');2test('Test emptyPlaceholder', async ({ page }) => {3 await"text=Get started");4 const input = await page.$("input[name='q']");5 await input.fill("Hello");6 await input.clear();7 expect(await input.innerHTML()).toBe("");8 const emptyPlaceholder = await input.emptyPlaceholder();9 expect(emptyPlaceholder).toBe("Search");10});
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