Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1/*2 * grunt-marsRev3 * *5 * Copyright (c) 2015 tangdeping6 * Licensed under the MIT license.7 */8'use strict';9var fs = require('fs');10var path = require('path');11var iconv = require('iconv-lite');12var crypto = require('crypto');13var win_sep = '\\';14var posix_sep = '/';15// The module to be exported.16var deal = function (options, grunt) {17 this.options = grunt.util._.extend({18 hash: {19 algorithm: 'md5',20 inputEncoding: 'utf8',21 length: 422 }23 }, options);24 // The default file encoding to use.25 var defaultEncoding = 'utf8';26 // Whether to preserve the BOM on rather than strip it.27 var preserveBOM = false;28 var pathSeparatorRe = /[\/\\]/g;29 var hashPrefixPatternSource = '([a-zA-Z0-9]{' + this.options.hash.length + '}\\.)?';30 var filePathPattern = new RegExp(hashPrefixPatternSource + '(([\\w\\d-_/.!]+)\\.(\.[0-9a-z]+)$)');31 var dependencyPathPattern = new RegExp('(\'|")[\\w\\d-_/.!\\,\\:\\[\\]]+(\'|")', 'g');32 // e.g. 'app', "controllers/main", "css!/styles/main"33 var definePattern = new RegExp('define\\s*\\(\\s*(' + dependencyPathPattern.source + '\\s*,?\\s*)*\\s*\\[\\s*(' + dependencyPathPattern.source + '\\s*,?\\s*)*\\s*\\]', 'ig');34 // e.g. define("moduleName",["app","controllers/main"]... define(["app","controllers/main"]...35 var requirePattern = new RegExp('(require\\s*\\(\\s*\\[\\s*(' + dependencyPathPattern.source + '\\s*,?\\s*)*\\]\\s*)|(require\\s*\\(\\s*(' + dependencyPathPattern.source + '\\s*,?\\s*)*)', 'ig');36 // e.g. require(['app']... require('app'...37 var dependenciesPattern = new RegExp('(dependencies\\s*(:|=)\\s*\\[\\s*(' + dependencyPathPattern.source + '\\s*,?\\s*)*\\]\\s*)|(dependencies\\s*\\.\\s*push\\(\\s*(' + dependencyPathPattern.source + '\\s*,?\\s*)*)', 'ig');38 // e.g. dependencies: ['css!../~','~']... dependencies = ['css!../~','~']... dependencies.push('~');39 var cssUrlPattern = new RegExp('url\\s*\\(\\s*(' + dependencyPathPattern.source + ')\\s*\\)', 'ig');40 // e.g. url("./fonts/flaticon.svg") or url('./fonts/flaticon.svg') or url(./fonts/flaticon.svg)41 var resourceUrlPattern = new RegExp('(href|src)\\s*=\\s*(' + dependencyPathPattern.source + ')\\s*', 'ig');42 //以ä¸æ¯å¯¹nezhaæ¡æ¶ä¸çlazy-load/lazyLoad.jså è½½æºå¶ä¸çæ件路å¾æ£å表达å¼ç书åï¼ç¨äºæåºåºç¸åºçä¾èµ43 var templateUrlPattern = new RegExp('(\'|")templateUrl(\'|")\\s*:\\s*(' + dependencyPathPattern.source + ')\\s*', 'ig');44 // e.g. templateUrl: "src/app/business/home/views/home.html",45 var directivesPattern = new RegExp('(\'|")directives(\'|")\\s*:\\s*\\[\\s*(' + dependencyPathPattern.source + '\\s*,?\\s*)*\\s*\\]', 'ig');46 // e.g. 'directives': ['app/business/home/controllers/homeCtrl'],47 var servicesPattern = new RegExp('(\'|")services(\'|")\\s*:\\s*\\[\\s*(' + dependencyPathPattern.source + '\\s*,?\\s*)*\\s*\\]', 'ig');48 // e.g. 'services': ['app/business/home/controllers/homeCtrl'],49 var controllersPattern = new RegExp('(\'|")controllers(\'|")\\s*:\\s*\\[\\s*(' + dependencyPathPattern.source + '\\s*,?\\s*)*\\s*\\]', 'ig');50 // e.g. 'controllers': ['app/business/home/controllers/homeCtrl'],51 var factoriesPattern = new RegExp('(\'|")factories(\'|")\\s*:\\s*\\[\\s*(' + dependencyPathPattern.source + '\\s*,?\\s*)*\\s*\\]', 'ig');52 // e.g. 'factories': ['app/business/home/controllers/homeCtrl'],53 var jsPattern = new RegExp('(\'|")js(\'|")\\s*:\\s*\\[\\s*(' + dependencyPathPattern.source + '\\s*,?\\s*)*\\s*\\]', 'ig');54 // e.g. "js": ["tiny-directives/Table"]55 //lazy-load ç»æ56 //å®ä¹è§åï¼ä¸å¡éè¦ï¼å¨jsä¸å®ä¹çæ件路å¾åé57 var fileUrlPattern = new RegExp('(\'|")(url|content)(\'|")\\s*:\\s*(' + dependencyPathPattern.source + ')', 'ig');58 /**59 * å°windowsæ ¼å¼çè·¯å¾è½¬å为linuxæ ¼å¼çè·¯å¾60 * @param pathName è·¯å¾61 * @returns {*}62 */63 var parseLinuxPath = function (pathName) {64 if (typeof pathName === 'string') {65 return pathName.split(win_sep).join(posix_sep);66 }67 return pathName;68 };69 /**70 * 读åæ件å
容71 * @param filepath æ件路å¾72 * @param options é项ï¼å¯è®¾ç½®encodingæ ¼å¼73 * @returns {*}74 */75 var read = function (filepath, options) {76 if (!options) {77 options = {};78 }79 var contents;80 try {81 contents = fs.readFileSync(String(filepath));82 // If encoding is not explicitly null, convert from encoded buffer to a83 // string. If no encoding was specified, use the default.84 if (options.encoding !== null) {85 contents = iconv.decode(contents, options.encoding || defaultEncoding);86 // Strip any BOM that might exist.87 if (!preserveBOM && contents.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFEFF) {88 contents = contents.substring(1);89 }90 }91 return contents;92 } catch (e) {93'Unable to read "' + filepath + '" file (Error code: ' + e.code + ').', e);94 }95 };96 /**97 * åæ件98 * @param filepath è·¯å¾99 * @param contents å
容100 * @param options é项101 * @returns {boolean}102 */103 var write = function (filepath, contents, options) {104 if (!options) {105 options = {};106 }107 // Create path, if necessary.108 mkdir(path.dirname(filepath));109 try {110 // If contents is already a Buffer, don't try to encode it. If no encoding111 // was specified, use the default.112 if (!Buffer.isBuffer(contents)) {113 contents = iconv.encode(contents, options.encoding || defaultEncoding);114 }115 fs.writeFileSync(filepath, contents);116 return true;117 } catch (e) {118'Unable to write "' + filepath + '" file (Error code: ' + e.code + ').', e);119 }120 };121 var exists = function () {122 var filePath = path.join.apply(path, arguments);123 return fs.existsSync(filePath);124 };125 var mkdir = function (dirpath, mode) {126 // Set directory mode in a strict-mode-friendly way.127 if (mode == null) {128 mode = parseInt('0777', 8) & (~process.umask());129 }130 dirpath.split(pathSeparatorRe).reduce(function (parts, part) {131 parts += part + '/';132 var subpath = path.resolve(parts);133 if (!exists(subpath)) {134 try {135 fs.mkdirSync(subpath, mode);136 } catch (e) {137'Unable to create directory "' + subpath + '" (Error code: ' + e.code + ').', e);138 }139 }140 return parts;141 }, '');142 };143 var getFiles = function (dir, files_) {144 files_ = files_ || [];145 if(fs.existsSync(dir) && fs.statSync(dir).isDirectory()) {146 var files = fs.readdirSync(dir);147 for (var i in files) {148 var name = '';149 if (dir[dir.length - 1] === '/') {150 name = dir + files[i];151 }152 else {153 name = dir + posix_sep + files[i];154 }155 getFiles(name, files_);156 }157 } else {158 files_.push(dir);159 }160 return files_;161 };162 /**163 * å¤çrequire.configï¼æ¾å°å
¶ä¸å®ä¹çç¸å¯¹è·¯å¾164 * @param requireJsPath165 * @param dataMainPath166 * @param configFile167 * @returns {*}168 */169 var dealRequireConfig = function (requireJsPath, dataMainPath, configFile) {170 if (dataMainPath === undefined) {171 return path.dirname(requireJsPath);172 }173 var dataMainDir = path.dirname(dataMainPath);174 var contents = read(configFile);175 var configJSON = JSON.parse(contents);176 //å¤çconfig.baseUrl177 var baseUrl = configJSON.baseUrl;178 //å并路å¾179 baseUrl = path.join(dataMainDir, baseUrl);180 //å¤çconfig.paths181 var paths = {};182 for (var key in configJSON.paths) {183 var standardPath = path.join(baseUrl, configJSON.paths[key]);184 paths[key] = parseLinuxPath(standardPath);185 }186 //å¤çconfig.shim187 var shim = {};188 for (var key in configJSON.shim) {189 var relatePath = path.dirname(key);190 shim[key] = parseLinuxPath(path.join(paths[relatePath], path.basename(key)) + '.js');191 var deps = configJSON.shim[key].deps;192 if (deps === undefined) {193 continue;194 }195 deps.forEach(function (dep) {196 var depRelatePath = path.dirname(dep);197 shim[dep] = parseLinuxPath(path.join(paths[depRelatePath], path.basename(dep)) + '.js');198 });199 }200 var result = {201 'baseUrl': parseLinuxPath(baseUrl), //ç¨äºå¨requireä¸ä½¿ç¨äºç¸å¯¹è·¯å¾ï¼ä½å´æ²¡æ使ç¨config.pathsä¸å®ä¹çç¸å¯¹è·¯å¾202 'paths': paths,203 'shim': shim204 };205 grunt.log.writeln(JSON.stringify(result));206 return result;207 };208 /**209 * 计ç®æ件çåå¸å¼210 * @param filepath æ件路å¾211 * @param fileEncoding æ件ç¼ç , é»è®¤utf8212 * @param hashAlgorithm åå¸ç®æ³ï¼é»è®¤md5213 * @returns {*}214 */215 var createHashforFile = function (filepath, fileEncoding, hashAlgorithm) {216 var hash = crypto.createHash(hashAlgorithm);217 hash.update(read(filepath), fileEncoding);218 return hash.digest('hex');219 };220 /**221 * ç»æ件éå½åhashå称222 * @param targetPath223 * @returns {*}224 */225 this.renameHashNameForFile = function (targetPath) {226 var originName = path.basename(targetPath);227 var hash = createHashforFile(targetPath, this.options.hash.inputEncoding, this.options.hash.algorithm);228 var prefix = hash.slice(0, this.options.hash.length);229 // clear hash prefix from file name230 var filePathMatch = originName.match(filePathPattern);231 if (filePathMatch && filePathMatch[1] && filePathMatch[1].match(/\d/)) {232 originName = filePathMatch[2];233 }234 var targetPathNew = parseLinuxPath(path.join(path.dirname(targetPath), prefix + '.' + originName));235 grunt.log.writeln('Rename ' + targetPath + ' to ' + targetPathNew + '...');236 // rename file (adding hash prefix)237 return this.syncRenameFile(targetPath, prefix);238 };239 /**240 * ä¿®æ¹æ件å称ï¼è¿éæä¸ä¸ªç¹æ®åºæ¯ï¼ç»i18næ件è¿è¡åå¸ï¼ç±äºi18nä¼å¨ææ ¹æ®è¯è¨ä¿¡æ¯å è½½ä¸åçi18næ件ï¼æ们è¿é约å®hash zhæ¶åæ¥ä¿®æ¹å
¶å®è¯è¨æ件åï¼ä¿è¯hashå¼æ¯ä¸æ ·çãè¿ä¸ä¼å½±åå级ï¼åå æ¯å级æ¶ä¸è¬é½ä¼åæ¥åå241 * @param targetPath242 * @param prefix243 * @returns {*}244 */245 this.syncRenameFile = function(targetPath, prefix) {246 var self = this;247 //å¤ææ¯å¦æ¯i18næ件248 var originName = path.basename(targetPath);249 var baseDirName = path.dirname(targetPath);250 var originPath = '';251 var targetPathNew = '';252 var result = [];253 if(/i18n\/.+\/.+/.test(targetPath)) {254 //è·åi18nä¸ææçè¯è¨åç®å½255 var files = fs.readdirSync(parseLinuxPath(path.join(baseDirName, '../')));256 console.log("files baseDirName = ", baseDirName);257 console.log(files);258 for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {259 if (fs.statSync(parseLinuxPath(path.join(baseDirName, '../' + files[i]))).isDirectory()) {260 originPath = parseLinuxPath(path.join(baseDirName, '../' + files[i] + '/' + originName));261 targetPathNew = parseLinuxPath(path.join(baseDirName, '../' + files[i] + '/' + prefix + '.' + originName));262 fs.renameSync(originPath, targetPathNew);263 self.dependenciesMap[originPath].hashFilePath = targetPathNew;264 result.push({265 originPath: originPath,266 hashPath: targetPathNew267 });268 }269 }270 }271 else {272 targetPathNew = parseLinuxPath(path.join(baseDirName, prefix + '.' + originName));273 fs.renameSync(targetPath, targetPathNew);274 self.dependenciesMap[targetPath].hashFilePath = targetPathNew;275 result.push({276 originPath: targetPath,277 hashPath: targetPathNew278 });279 }280 return result;281 }282 /**283 * ä»fileItemçä¾èµMapä¸æç´¢æ¯å¦ä¾èµäºtargetPathæ件284 * @param fileItem285 * @param targetPath286 * @returns {*}287 */288 this.matchPatternFromArray = function (fileItem, targetPath) {289 var dependencies = this.dependenciesMap[fileItem].dependencies;290 for (var i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) {291 var item = dependencies[i];292 //å¹é
è·¯å¾ä¸ç第ä¸é¡¹293 var itemArray = item.split('/');294 var dir = itemArray.shift();295 var standardConfigDir = this.config.paths[dir];296 /**297 * å
å¤ææ¯å¦ä½¿ç¨äºrequire.jsä¸çconfig.paths ç¸å¯¹è·¯å¾298 */299 if (standardConfigDir !== undefined) {300 var standardDir = parseLinuxPath(path.join(standardConfigDir, itemArray.join('/')));301 var standardPath = parseLinuxPath(path.join(path.dirname(standardDir), path.basename(item)) + '.js');302 if (standardPath === targetPath) {303 return item;304 }305 }306 /**307 * å¤ææ¯ä½¿ç¨äºç¸å¯¹targetPathçç¸å¯¹è·¯å¾308 */309 else {310 var extname = path.extname(item) !== '' ? '' : '.js';311 var needFromCwd = false;312 ////对äºå¨require.jsä¸ç´æ¥ä½¿ç¨äºæ ¹ç®å½ä¸çæ件路å¾ï¼å¦fixtures/frameworkFixture.jsï¼éè¦ä»cwdè·¯å¾ç®èµ·313 if (/^\s*\./g.test(item) === false) {314 needFromCwd = true;315 }316 //ç±äºangularjsä¸çhtmlæ件æ¯éç¨$httpå¨æååæ¥çï¼èä¸æ¯éè¿è·¯å¾ä¸è½½çãæ以å
¶ä¸çç¸å¯¹è·¯å¾ä¸è½ä»¥htmlæ件ä½ä¸ºåè317 if (path.extname(fileItem) === '.html' && fileItem !== this.options.require.accessHtml) {318 needFromCwd = true;319 }320 var standardPath = '';321 if (needFromCwd) {322 standardPath = parseLinuxPath(path.join(this.options.cwd, item) + extname);323 }324 else {325 standardPath = parseLinuxPath(path.join(path.dirname(fileItem), item) + extname);326 }327 if (standardPath === targetPath) {328 return item;329 }330 }331 }332 return null;333 };334 /**335 * æ¿æ¢targetPathå¨å
¶å®æ件ä¸è¢«ä¾èµçè·¯å¾, éè¦éåæ¯ä¸ªæ件ä¸çä¾èµMap336 * @param targetPath æ件å
¨è·¯å¾337 * @param targetHashPath æ件åå¸å
¨è·¯å¾338 */339 this.replaceDependencyPath = function (targetPath, targetHashPath) {340 //æ¾å°è¯¥æ件å¨å
容341 for (var fileItem in this.dependenciesMap) {342 if (fileItem === targetPath) {343 continue;344 }345 if (/(.js|.css|.html)/.test(path.extname(fileItem)) === false) {346 continue;347 }348 var fileItemObj = this.dependenciesMap[fileItem];349 var dependencyMatch = this.matchPatternFromArray(fileItem, targetPath);350 if (dependencyMatch) {351 grunt.log.writeln('Replace require path for %s with %s ...', fileItem, targetPath);352 var contents = read(fileItemObj.hashFilePath);353 //å¤çè·¯å¾ä»¥./å¼å
³çåºæ¯ï¼path.dirnameä¼å»æåé¢ç./354 var basename = path.basename(targetHashPath);355 if (path.extname(dependencyMatch) !== '.js') {356 basename = basename.replace('.js', '');357 }358 var replacePath = path.join(path.dirname(dependencyMatch), basename);359 if (/^\s*\.\//g.test(dependencyMatch) === true) {360 replacePath = './' + replacePath;361 }362 var replacePath = parseLinuxPath(replacePath);363 grunt.log.writeln('in fileItemObj.hashFilePath =%s, replace dependencyMatch=%s to replacePath=%s', fileItemObj.hashFilePath, dependencyMatch, replacePath);364 write(fileItemObj.hashFilePath, contents.replace(365 new RegExp('("|\')' + '(' + dependencyMatch + ')' + '("|\')', 'ig'),366 '$1' + replacePath + '$3'367 ));368 }369 }370 };371 /**372 * è·åæ¯ä¸ªæ件ä¸çä¾èµMap373 * 1. æærequire ä¾èµ374 * 2. require.configä¾èµ375 * 3. lazy-load ä¾èµ376 * 4. html ä¸ææå¾çï¼css, jsä¾èµ377 * 5. js ä¸æå®è§åurl: "path" çä¾èµ378 * 6. cssä¸çå¾çï¼åä½æ件ä¾èµ379 */380 this.getDependenciesMap = function () {381 var self = this;382 var targetFiles = this.files;383 var dependenciesMap = {};384 targetFiles.forEach(function (targetPath) {385 grunt.log.writeln('Search Dependencies of targetPath: %s', targetPath);386 var contents = read(targetPath);387 var defineMatches = contents.match(definePattern);388 var requireMatches = contents.match(requirePattern);389 var dependenciesMatches = contents.match(dependenciesPattern);390 grunt.log.writeln('Define matches: %s', defineMatches);391 grunt.log.writeln('Require matches: %s', requireMatches);392 grunt.log.writeln('Dependencies matches: %s', dependenciesMatches);393 // dependency path array394 var dependencies = [];395 if (/(.js|.css|.html)/.test(path.extname(targetPath)) === true) {396 if (defineMatches) {397 defineMatches.forEach(function (defineMatch) {398 var pathMatches = defineMatch.match(dependencyPathPattern);399 if (pathMatches) {400 dependencies = dependencies.concat(pathMatches);401 }402 });403 }404 if (requireMatches) {405 requireMatches.forEach(function (requireMatch) {406 var pathMatches = requireMatch.match(dependencyPathPattern);407 if (pathMatches) {408 dependencies = dependencies.concat(pathMatches);409 }410 });411 }412 if (dependenciesMatches) {413 dependenciesMatches.forEach(function (dependenciesMatch) {414 var pathMatches = dependenciesMatch.match(dependencyPathPattern);415 if (pathMatches) {416 dependencies = dependencies.concat(pathMatches);417 }418 });419 }420 //å¦ææ¯main.jsä¸çrequire.configé
ç½®äºshim421 if (targetPath === self.options.require.dataMainPath) {422 for (var key in self.config.shim) {423 dependencies = dependencies.concat(key);424 }425 }426 //å¦ææ¯.jsæ件ï¼éè¦å¤ææ¯ä¸æ¯RouterConfig.jsä¸æ¯å¦ä½¿ç¨äºlazy-loadæºå¶å¹é
äºè¦å è½½çæ件427 if (path.extname(targetPath) === '.js' && /RouterConfig/.test(targetPath)) {428 var templateUrlMatches = contents.match(templateUrlPattern);429 grunt.log.writeln('templateUrl matches: %s', templateUrlMatches);430 if (templateUrlMatches) {431 templateUrlMatches.forEach(function (templateUrlMatch) {432 var pathMatches = templateUrlMatch.match(dependencyPathPattern);433 dependencies = dependencies.concat(pathMatches);434 });435 }436 var directivesMatches = contents.match(directivesPattern);437 grunt.log.writeln('directives matches: %s', directivesMatches);438 if (directivesMatches) {439 directivesMatches.forEach(function (directivesMatch) {440 var pathMatches = directivesMatch.match(dependencyPathPattern);441 if (pathMatches) {442 dependencies = dependencies.concat(pathMatches);443 }444 });445 }446 var servicesMatches = contents.match(servicesPattern);447 grunt.log.writeln('services matches: %s', servicesMatches);448 if (servicesMatches) {449 servicesMatches.forEach(function (servicesMatch) {450 var pathMatches = servicesMatch.match(dependencyPathPattern);451 if (pathMatches) {452 dependencies = dependencies.concat(pathMatches);453 }454 });455 }456 var controllersMatches = contents.match(controllersPattern);457 grunt.log.writeln('controllers matches: %s', controllersMatches);458 if (controllersMatches) {459 controllersMatches.forEach(function (controllersMatch) {460 var pathMatches = controllersMatch.match(dependencyPathPattern);461 if (pathMatches) {462 dependencies = dependencies.concat(pathMatches);463 }464 });465 }466 var factoriesMatches = contents.match(factoriesPattern);467 grunt.log.writeln('factories matches: %s', factoriesMatches);468 if (factoriesMatches) {469 factoriesMatches.forEach(function (factoriesMatch) {470 var pathMatches = factoriesMatch.match(dependencyPathPattern);471 if (pathMatches) {472 dependencies = dependencies.concat(pathMatches);473 }474 });475 }476 var jsMatches = contents.match(jsPattern);477 grunt.log.writeln('js matches: %s', jsMatches);478 if (jsMatches) {479 jsMatches.forEach(function (jsMatch) {480 var pathMatches = jsMatch.match(dependencyPathPattern);481 if (pathMatches) {482 dependencies = dependencies.concat(pathMatches);483 }484 });485 }486 }487 if (path.extname(targetPath) === '.js') {488 var fileUrlMatches = contents.match(fileUrlPattern);489 grunt.log.writeln('fileUrl matches: %s', fileUrlMatches);490 if (fileUrlMatches) {491 fileUrlMatches.forEach(function (fileUrlMatch) {492 var pathMatches = fileUrlMatch.match(dependencyPathPattern);493 if (pathMatches) {494 dependencies = dependencies.concat(pathMatches);495 }496 });497 }498 }499 //å¦ææ¯.js,.html,.cssæ件ï¼éè¦è®°å½è¯¥cssæ件ä¸å¨æå¼å
¥çå¾çåå符æ件500 //注æå¦ææ¯.jsä¸å¼å
¥çcssæ ·å¼ä¸æå¾çä¾èµï¼é£ä¹è·¯å¾å¿
é¡»æ¯ä»¥æ ¹ç®å½ä¸çåç®å½ä¸ºèµ·å§è·¯å¾501 //e.g: $('<div>').css({"background": "#aaaaaa url('theme/default/images/mask-cover.png') 50% 50% repeat-x"});502 //ä¸è½æ¯e.g: $('<div>').css({"background": "#aaaaaa url('./theme/default/images/mask-cover.png') 50% 50% repeat-x"});503 if (/(.js|.css|.html|)/.test(path.extname(targetPath)) === true) {504 var urlMatches = contents.match(cssUrlPattern);505 grunt.log.writeln('url matches: %s', urlMatches);506 if (urlMatches) {507 urlMatches.forEach(function (urlMatch) {508 var pathMatches = urlMatch.match(dependencyPathPattern);509 dependencies = dependencies.concat(pathMatches);510 });511 }512 }513 //å¦ææ¯htmlæ件ï¼éè¦è®°å½htmlæ件ä¸å¨æå¼å
¥çå¾çåå符æ件514 if (path.extname(targetPath) === '.html') {515 var resourcesMatches = contents.match(resourceUrlPattern);516 grunt.log.writeln('resources matches: %s', resourcesMatches);517 if (resourcesMatches) {518 resourcesMatches.forEach(function (resourceMatch) {519 var pathMatches = resourceMatch.match(dependencyPathPattern);520 if (pathMatches) {521 dependencies = dependencies.concat(pathMatches);522 }523 });524 }525 }526 // remove quotation mark527 for (var i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) {528 dependencies[i] = dependencies[i].replace(/'|"/g, '');529 }530 // remove duplicate dependency path531 for (var i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) {532 var target = dependencies[i];533 var indexOfNext = dependencies.indexOf(target, i + 1);534 if (indexOfNext > 0) {535 dependencies.splice(indexOfNext, 1);536 i--;537 }538 }539 }540 dependenciesMap[targetPath] = {};541 dependenciesMap[targetPath].hashFilePath = targetPath;542 dependenciesMap[targetPath].dependencies = dependencies;543 });544 this.dependenciesMap = dependenciesMap;545 console.dir(dependenciesMap);546 };547 /**548 * å¤çéè¦hashçææè·¯å¾549 */550 = function () {551 var self = this;552 this.config = dealRequireConfig(this.options.require.requireJsPath, this.options.require.dataMainPath, this.options.require.configJSON);553 this.files = getFiles(this.options.cwd);554 this.getDependenciesMap();555 var targetFiles = [];556 var excludeFiles = [];557 this.options.files.forEach(function (filePair) {558 filePair.src.forEach(function (src) {559 if( src && src.indexOf("!") === 0) {560 src = src.substring(1);561 getFiles(parseLinuxPath(path.join(self.options.cwd, src)), excludeFiles);562 }563 else {564 getFiles(parseLinuxPath(path.join(self.options.cwd, src)), targetFiles);565 }566 });567 });568 for(var i=0; i<excludeFiles.length; i++) {569 var target = excludeFiles[i];570 var indexOfNext = targetFiles.indexOf(target);571 if (indexOfNext >= 0) {572 targetFiles.splice(indexOfNext, 1);573 }574 }575 var result = [];576 self.sortTargetFiles(targetFiles, result);577 result.forEach(function (targetFile) {578 var result = self.renameHashNameForFile(targetFile);579 for(var i=0; i< result.length; i++) {580 if(result[i]) {581 self.replaceDependencyPath(result[i].originPath, result[i].hashPath);582 }583 }584 });585 }586 //æ ¹æ®ä¾èµé¡ºåºè¿è¡æåº587 this.sortTargetFiles = function(targetFiles, result) {588 var flag = false;589 for(var i=0; i<targetFiles.length; i++) {590 if(!this.dependenciesMap[targetFiles[i]] ||591 !this.dependenciesMap[targetFiles[i]].dependencies ||592 this.dependenciesMap[targetFiles[i]].dependencies.length === 0) {593 result.push(targetFiles[i]);594 targetFiles.splice(i, 1);595 i--;596 flag = true;597 } else if(!this.isDependenciesInTargetFiles(targetFiles[i], targetFiles)){598 result.push(targetFiles[i]);599 targetFiles.splice(i, 1);600 i--;601 flag = true;602 }603 }604 if(flag) {605 this.sortTargetFiles(targetFiles, result);606 } else {607 for(var i=0; i<targetFiles.length; i++) {608 result.push(targetFiles[i]);609 }610 }611 }612 this.isDependenciesInTargetFiles = function(fileItem, targetFiles) {613 console.dir(this.files);614 for(var i=0; i<targetFiles.length; i++) {615 var match = this.matchPatternFromArray(fileItem, targetFiles[i]);616 if(match) {617 return true;618 }619 }620 return false;621 }622};623module.exports = function (grunt) {624 // Please see the Grunt documentation for more information regarding task625 // creation: grunt.registerTask('marsRev', 'file hash rename', function () {627 // Merge task-specific and/or target-specific options with these defaults.628 var defaultConfig = {629 'hash': {630 algorithm: 'md5',631 inputEncoding: 'utf8',632 length: 4633 }634 };635 var options = this.options(defaultConfig);636 grunt.log.writeln(JSON.stringify(options));637 if (options.cwd === undefined) {638"cwd is undefined.");639 }640 var dealInstance = new deal(options, grunt);641;642 grunt.log.ok('success hashed file');643 });...
1/**2 * Coder for Raspberry Pi3 * A simple platform for experimenting with web stuff.4 * *6 * Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.7 *8 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");9 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.10 * You may obtain a copy of the License at11 *12 * *14 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software15 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,16 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.17 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and18 * limitations under the License.19 */20var mustache = require('mustache');21var util = require('util');22var fs = require('fs');23exports.settings={};24//These are dynamically updated by the runtime25//settings.appname - the app id (folder) where your app is installed26//settings.viewpath - prefix to where your view html files are located27//settings.staticurl - base url path to static assets /static/apps/appname28//settings.appurl - base url path to this app /app/appname29exports.get_routes = [30 { path:'/', handler:'index_handler'},31 { path: /^\/edit\/(\w+)$/, handler:'index_handler'},32 { path: /^\/api\/getcode\/(\w+)$/, handler:'api_getcode_handler'},33 { path: /^\/api\/media\/list\/(\w+)$/, handler:'api_media_list_handler'},34 { path: /^\/api\/metadata\/get\/(\w+)$/, handler:'api_metadata_get_handler'},35];36exports.post_routes = [37 { path: /^\/api\/savecode\/(\w+)$/, handler:'api_savecode_handler'},38 { path: /^\/api\/savesettings\/(\w+)$/, handler:'api_savesettings_handler'},39 { path: '/api/media/upload', handler:'api_media_upload_handler' },40 { path: '/api/media/remove', handler:'api_media_remove_handler' },41];42exports.index_handler = function( req, res, pathmatches ) {43 var tmplvars = {};44 tmplvars['static_url'] = exports.settings.staticurl;45 tmplvars['app_name'] = exports.settings.appname;46 tmplvars['app_url'] = exports.settings.appurl;47 48 var edit_appname;49 if ( pathmatches && pathmatches[1] != "" ) {50 tmplvars['edit_app_name'] = pathmatches[1];51 } else {52 //TODO: error53 res.end();54 return;55 }56 res.render( exports.settings.viewpath + '/index', tmplvars );57};58exports.api_metadata_get_handler = function( req, res, pathmatches ) {59 var apptoedit = "";60 if ( pathmatches && pathmatches[1] != "" ) {61 apptoedit = pathmatches[1];62 } else {63 //TODO: error64 return;65 }66 67 res.json({68 appname: apptoedit,69 metadata: getMetaInfo( apptoedit )70 });71};72exports.api_getcode_handler = function( req, res, pathmatches ) {73 var path = process.cwd(); //root application path. different from __dirname74 var apptoedit = "";75 if ( pathmatches && pathmatches[1] != "" ) {76 apptoedit = pathmatches[1];77 } else {78 //TODO: error79 return;80 }81 var outdata = {82 htmldata: getFile( path + '/views/apps/' + apptoedit + '/index.html' ),83 jsdata: getFile( path + '/static/apps/' + apptoedit + '/js/index.js' ),84 cssdata: getFile( path + '/static/apps/' + apptoedit + '/css/index.css' ),85 appdata: getFile( path + '/apps/' + apptoedit + '/app.js' )86 };87 res.json( outdata );88};89exports.api_media_list_handler = function( req, res, pathmatches ) {90 media = exports.listMedia( pathmatches[1] );91 res.json({ media: media });92};93exports.api_media_remove_handler = function( req, res ) {94 95 var appname = req.param('appname');96 if ( !appname || appname === "" || !appname.match(/^(\w+)$/) ) {97 res.json( {status: 'error', error: "bad app name" } );98 return;99 }100 var fname = req.param('filename');101 if ( !fname || fname === "" || fname === "." || fname === ".." || !fname.match(/^([\w_\-\.])*$/) ) {102 res.json( {status: 'error', error: "bad file name" } );103 return;104 }105 106 var fpath = process.cwd() + '/static/apps/' + appname + '/media/' + fname;107 util.log("MEDIA DELETE: " + fpath );108 err = fs.unlinkSync( fpath );109 if ( !err ) {110 res.json( {status: 'success'} );111 } else {112 res.json( {status: 'error', error: "couldn't delete file"} );113 }114};115exports.api_media_upload_handler = function( req, res ) {116 117 var appname = req.param('appname');118 if ( !appname || appname === "" || !appname.match(/^(\w+)$/) ) {119 res.json( {status: 'error', error: "bad app name" } );120 return;121 }122 if ( req.files && req.files['mediaUpload'] ) {123 var file = req.files.mediaUpload;124 var fname =;125 fname = fname.substr( fname.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);126 fname = fname.replace(/[^\w_\-\.]/g, "_");127 128 if ( fname && fname != "" && fname != "." && fname != ".." ) {129 fs.readFile(file.path, function (err, data) {130 if ( err ) {131 res.json( {status: 'error', error: "couldn't read file"} );132 return;133 }134 var path = process.cwd() + '/static/apps/' + appname + '/media/' + fname;135 fs.writeFile(path, data, function (err) {136 if ( !err ) {137 res.json({ 138 status: 'success',139 filename: fname140 });141 } else {142 res.json( {status: 'error', error: "couldn't save file"} );143 return;144 }145 });146 });147 } else {148 res.json( {status: 'error', error: "bad filename"} );149 return;150 }151 } else {152 res.json( {status: 'error', error: "missing attachment" } );153 return;154 }155};156exports.api_savecode_handler = function( req, res, pathmatches ) {157 var path = process.cwd();158 var apptoedit = "";159 if ( pathmatches && pathmatches[1] != "" ) {160 apptoedit = pathmatches[1];161 } else {162 //TODO: error163 return;164 }165 try {166 var datatype = req.param('type');167 var data = req.param('data');168 var err = "";169 170 var metainfo = getMetaInfo(apptoedit);171 try {172 metainfo.modified = getDateString( new Date() );173 //??anything to update from this??174 //var metadata = JSON.parse(req.param('metadata'));175 176 } catch( e ) {177 }178 179 if ( datatype === 'css' ) {180 err = fs.writeFileSync( path + '/static/apps/' + apptoedit + '/css/index.css', data, 'utf8' );181 } else if ( datatype === 'html' ) {182 err = fs.writeFileSync( path + '/views/apps/' + apptoedit + '/index.html', data, 'utf8' );183 } else if ( datatype === 'js' ) {184 err = fs.writeFileSync( path + '/static/apps/' + apptoedit + '/js/index.js', data, 'utf8' );185 } else if ( datatype === 'app' ) {186 err = fs.writeFileSync( path + '/apps/' + apptoedit + '/app.js', data, 'utf8' );187 }188 if ( err && err !== "" ) {189 res.json({190 result: "error",191 type: datatype,192 data: data,193 metadata: metainfo,194 error: err195 });196 }197 198 199 err = fs.writeFileSync( path + '/apps/' + apptoedit + '/meta.json', JSON.stringify(metainfo, null, 4), 'utf8' );200 201 202 if ( err && err !== "" ) {203 res.json({204 result: "metadata error",205 type: datatype,206 data: data,207 metadata: metainfo,208 error: err209 });210 } else {211 res.json({212 result: "saved",213 type: datatype,214 data: data,215 metadata: metainfo,216 });217 218 util.log('app: ' + apptoedit + ' saved. flushing cache.');219 //flush app from cache220 var cached = require.cache[path + '/apps/' + apptoedit + '/app.js'];221 if ( cached ) {222 var theapp = require(path + '/apps/' + apptoedit + '/app');223 if ( theapp.on_destroy ) {224 theapp.on_destroy();225 }226 delete require.cache[path + '/apps/' + apptoedit + '/app.js'];227 }228 }229 230 } catch ( e ) {231 res.json({232 result: "error saving"233 });234 } 235 236};237exports.api_savesettings_handler = function( req, res, pathmatches ) {238 var path = process.cwd();239 var apptoedit = "";240 if ( pathmatches && pathmatches[1] != "" ) {241 apptoedit = pathmatches[1];242 } else {243 //TODO: error244 return;245 }246 247 var metadata = getMetaInfo( apptoedit );248 var newmetadata = JSON.parse(req.param('metadata'));249 var idchanged = ( !==;250 var newappid = apptoedit;251 if ( idchanged ) {252 util.log( "Name Change: " + );253 newappid =;254 newappid = newappid.replace(/\./g, "_");255 newappid = newappid.replace(/[^\w]/g, "_");256 newappid = newappid.replace(/_+/g, "_");257 258 if ( newappid === apptoedit ) {259 idchanged = false;260 } else {261 //this is a real id change262 var idavailable = false;263 var iteration = 0;264 var appdir = process.cwd() + "/apps/";265 var allfiles = fs.readdirSync(appdir);266 while ( !idavailable ) {267 var potential = newappid;268 if ( iteration > 0 ) {269 potential = potential + '_' + iteration;270 }271 if ( allfiles.indexOf( potential ) >= 0 ) {272 iteration++;273 } else {274 newappid = potential;275 idavailable = true;276 }277 }278 }279 }280 metadata.modified = getDateString( new Date() );281 metadata.color = newmetadata.color;282 =;283 =;284 err = fs.writeFileSync( path + '/apps/' + apptoedit + '/meta.json', JSON.stringify(metadata, null, 4), 'utf8' );285 if ( idchanged && newappid !== "" ) {286 util.log( "APP RENAME: " + apptoedit + " > " + newappid);287 moveProject( apptoedit, newappid );288 }289 res.json({290 metadata: metadata,291 appname: newappid292 });293};294exports.listMedia = function( appname ) {295 var path = process.cwd(); //root application path. different from __dirname296 var mediadir = path + "/static/apps/" + appname + "/media/";297 var media = {};298 var files = fs.readdirSync(mediadir);299 for ( var x in files ) {300 var filename = files[x];301 var info = fs.statSync( mediadir + filename );302 if ( typeof info !== 'undefined' && info && info.isFile() && filename !== '.gitignore' ) {303 var metainfo = {304 created: getDateString( info.mtime ),305 size: info.size,306 };307 308 media[filename] = { filename: filename, metadata: metainfo };309 }310 }311 return media;312};313var moveProject = function( fromid, toid ) {314 var path = process.cwd();315 fs.renameSync( path + "/apps/" + fromid, path + "/apps/" + toid );316 fs.renameSync( path + "/static/apps/" + fromid, path + "/static/apps/" + toid );317 fs.renameSync( path + "/views/apps/" + fromid, path + "/views/apps/" + toid );318};319var getMetaInfo = function( appname ) {320 var appdir = process.cwd() + "/apps/" + appname;321 var metainfo = {322 created: getDateString( new Date() ),323 modified: getDateString( new Date() ),324 color: "#66ddaa",325 author: "",326 name: "",327 hidden: false,328 };329 try {330 metafile = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync( appdir + "/meta.json", 'utf-8' ));331 metainfo.created = metafile.created;332 metainfo.modified = metafile.modified;333 metainfo.color = metafile.color ? metafile.color : metainfo.color;334 = ? :;335 = ? :;336 metainfo.hidden = (typeof metafile.hidden !== 'undefined') ? metafile.hidden : metainfo.hidden;337 } catch( e ) {338 }339 return metainfo;340};341var getFile = function( fpath ) {342 try {343 return fs.readFileSync( fpath, 'utf8' );344 } catch (e) {345 return "";346 }347};348var getDateString = function( d ) {349 var now = new Date();350 var twodigits = function( x ) {351 return x<10 ? '0' + x: x;352 };353 return d.getFullYear() + "-" + twodigits(d.getMonth()+1) + '-' + twodigits(d.getDate());...
1// All of our identity services and matchers are defined here.2// identityMatchers is used to generate our declarative page match rules, but3// also used to check for matches at runtime for each `service` that we4// support. They have the following schema:5// {6// "service": Service name, if you add one here update `profileInject` in7// `identities.js` and `User.prototype.href to fully register it.8//9// "getUsername": Function to parse the username from the browser10// `location` object.11//12// "pathMatches": A regular expression used to match the pathname within the13// service (i.e. matches but not14// "originAndPathMatches": A re2 style regex used to match a page within17// the service for declarativeContent matching18// ( "subdomains": Subdomains that the host is considered valid on.21//22// "host": Used to match that the host is the host we want to run on23// (preventing any regex trickery for `pathMatches` or24// `originAndPathMatches`).25//26// "css": (optional) CSS selector which must be present for declarativeContent27// or the chat button to be injected.28//29// }30//31const identityMatchers = [32 {33 service: "keybase",34 getUsername: function(loc) { return loc.pathname.split('/')[1]; },35 pathMatches: new RegExp('^/([\\w]+)[/]?$'),36 originAndPathMatches: '^https://keybase\\.io/[\\w]+[/]?$',37 subdomains: [],38 host: '',39 css: ['.profile-heading']40 },41 {42 service: "reddit",43 getUsername: function(loc) { return loc.pathname.split('/')[2]; },44 pathMatches: new RegExp('^/user/([\\w-]+)[/]?$'),45 originAndPathMatches: '^https://[\\w.-]*?\\.reddit\\.com/user/[\\w-]+[/]?$',46 subdomains: ['np', 'ssl', 'blog', 'fr', 'pay', 'es', 'en-us', 'en', 'ru',47 'us', 'de', 'dd', 'no', 'pt', 'ww', 'ss', '4x', 'sv', 'nl', 'hw', 'hr',48 'www'],49 host: ''50 },51 {52 service: "twitter",53 getUsername: function(loc) { return loc.pathname.split('/')[1]; },54 pathMatches: new RegExp('^/([\\w]+)[/]?$'),55 originAndPathMatches: '^https://twitter\\.com/[\\w]+[/]?$',56 subdomains: [],57 host: '',58 css: ['body.ProfilePage']59 },60 {61 service: "github",62 getUsername: function(loc) { return loc.pathname.split('/')[1]; },63 pathMatches: new RegExp('^/([\\w\-]+)[/]?$'),64 originAndPathMatches: '^https://github\\.com/[\\w\-]+[/]?$',65 subdomains: [],66 host: '',67 css: ['']68 },69 {70 service: "facebook",71 getUsername: function(loc) { return loc.pathname.split('/')[1]; },72 pathMatches: new RegExp('^/([\\w\\.]+)[/]?$'),73 originAndPathMatches: '^https://(www)?\\.facebook\\.com/[\\w\\.]+[/]?$',74 subdomains: ['www'],75 host: '',76 css: ['body.timelineLayout']77 },78 {79 service: "hackernews",80 getUsername: function(loc) { return document.querySelector('.hnuser').text; },81 pathMatches: new RegExp('^/user'),82 originAndPathMatches: '^https://news\\.ycombinator\\.com/user',83 subdomains: [],84 host: '',85 css: ['html[op="user"]']86 }87];88function getServiceHosts(service) {89 hosts = []90 for (const subdomain of service.subdomains) {91 hosts.push(subdomain + '.' + }93 return hosts94}95// Match a window.location and document against a service profile and return96// a User instance. Will skip matching CSS if no document is provided.97function matchService(loc, doc, forceService) {98 for (const m of identityMatchers) {99 if (forceService !== undefined && forceService !== m.service) continue;100 const matched = getServiceHosts(m).some(function(hostName) {101 return hostName === loc.hostname102 }) && loc.pathname.match(m.pathMatches);103 if (!matched) continue;104 const username = safeHTML(m.getUsername(loc));105 if (!username) continue;106 if (doc === undefined || m.css === undefined) return new User(username, m.service);107 for (const css of m.css) {108 if (doc.querySelector(css) !== null) {109 return new User(username, m.service);110 }111 }112 }113}114// User keeps track of the original query and which services we resolved for115// this user. It also handles formatting strings for each service.116function User(username, service) {117 if (service === undefined) service = "keybase";118 this.origin = service;119 = {};120[service] = username;121 this.extraReplyCls = "";122}123// Return a fresh copy equivalent to how it was initialized.124User.prototype.clone = function() {125 user = new User([this.origin], this.origin);126 user.extraReplyCls = this.extraReplyCls127 return user128}129User.prototype.query = function() {130 const name =[this.origin];131 if (this.origin === "keybase") {132 return name;133 }134 return `${name}@${this.origin}`;135}136User.prototype.display = function(service) {137 if (service === undefined) service = this.origin;138 const name =[this.origin];139 switch (this.origin) {140 case "reddit":141 return `/u/${name}`;142 case "twitter":143 return `@${name}`;144 default:145 return name;146 }147}148User.prototype.href = function(service) {149 if (service === undefined) service = this.origin;150 const name =[this.origin];151 switch (service) {152 case "keybase":153 return `${name}`;154 case "reddit":155 return `${name}`;156 case "twitter":157 return `${name}`;158 case "facebook":159 return `${name}`;160 case "github":161 return `${name}`;162 case "hackernews":163 return `${name}`;164 default:165 throw `unknown service: ${this.origin}`;166 }167}168// Convert a user input into a string that is safe for inlining into HTML.169function safeHTML(s) {170 if (!s) return "";171 return s.replace(/[&'"<>\/]/g, function (c) {172 // Per return {174 '&': "&",175 '"': """,176 "'": "'",177 '/': "/",178 '<': "<",179 '>': ">"180 }[c];181 });...
1(function() {2 var fs, path;3 path = require('path');4 fs = require('fs');5 module.exports = function(directory, pattern, matchCallback, finalCallback) {6 var buildResult, filePart, fileRegex, listFiles, makePattern, matchFile, matchPath, parts, pathMatches, pathRegex, waitingFiles, withoutBasedir;7 pathMatches = {};8 waitingFiles = 0;9 listFiles = function(root, segments, callback) {10 waitingFiles += 1;11 return fs.readdir(root, function(error, files) {12 waitingFiles -= 1;13 return files.forEach(function(filename) {14 if (filename[0] === '.') {15 return null;16 }17 waitingFiles += 1;18 filename = path.join(root, filename);19 return fs.stat(filename, function(error, stats) {20 waitingFiles -= 1;21 return stats.isDirectory() ? listFiles(filename, segments + 1, callback) : callback(filename, segments);22 });23 });24 });25 };26 withoutBasedir = function(path) {27 return path.replace(directory + '/', '');28 };29 buildResult = function(match, segments) {30 var _a, _b, capture, charRatio, index, inside, insideChars, insideRuns, lastRun, runRatio, runs, totalChars;31 runs = [];32 insideRuns = [];33 lastRun = false;34 insideChars = 0;35 totalChars = 0;36 index = 0;37 match.shift;38 _a = match;39 for (index = 0, _b = _a.length; index < _b; index++) {40 capture = _a[index];41 if (capture.length) {42 inside = index % 2 !== 0;43 capture = capture.replace('/', '');44 totalChars += capture.length;45 if (inside) {46 insideChars += capture.length;47 }48 if (lastRun && lastRun.inside === inside) {49 lastRun.string += capture;50 } else {51 lastRun = {52 string: capture,53 inside: inside54 };55 runs.push(lastRun);56 if (inside) {57 insideRuns.push(lastRun);58 }59 }60 }61 }62 charRatio = totalChars > 0 ? insideChars / totalChars : 1;63 runRatio = insideRuns.length > 0 ? segments / insideRuns.length : 1;64 return {65 score: runRatio * charRatio,66 result: runs,67 missed: false68 };69 };70 matchPath = function(filename, segments) {71 var _a, dirname, match;72 dirname = path.dirname(filename);73 if (typeof (_a = pathMatches[dirname]) !== "undefined" && _a !== null) {74 return pathMatches[dirname];75 }76 if (typeof pathRegex !== "undefined" && pathRegex !== null) {77 match = pathRegex.exec(withoutBasedir(filename));78 return match ? (pathMatches[dirname] = buildResult(match, segments)) : (pathMatches[dirname] = {79 score: 1,80 result: withoutBasedir(dirname),81 missed: true82 });83 } else {84 return (pathMatches[dirname] = {85 score: 1,86 result: withoutBasedir(dirname),87 missed: false88 });89 }90 };91 matchFile = function(filename, pathMatch) {92 var basename, dirname, match, matchResult;93 basename = path.basename(filename);94 dirname = path.dirname(filename);95 match = fileRegex.exec(basename);96 if (match) {97 matchResult = buildResult(match, 1);98 return {99 path: withoutBasedir(filename),100 dirname: withoutBasedir(dirname),101 name: basename,102 pathRuns: pathMatch.result,103 fileRuns: matchResult.result,104 score: pathMatch.score * matchResult.score105 };106 } else {107 return false;108 }109 };110 makePattern = function(part) {111 var charToPattern;112 charToPattern = function(pattern, character) {113 if (pattern.length) {114 pattern += '([^/]*?)';115 }116 return pattern += '(' + character + ')';117 };118 return part.split('').reduce(charToPattern, '');119 };120 pattern = pattern.replace(/ /g, '');121 parts = pattern.split('/');122 if (pattern.match(/\/$/)) {123 parts.push('');124 }125 filePart = parts.pop();126 if (parts.length) {127 pathRegex = new RegExp('^(.*?)' +'(.*?/.*?)') + '(.*?)$', 'i');128 }129 fileRegex = (new RegExp("^(.*?)" + (makePattern(filePart)) + "(.*)$", "i"));130 return listFiles(directory, 1, function(filename, segments) {131 var fileMatch, pathMatch;132 pathMatch = matchPath(filename, segments);133 if (!pathMatch.missed) {134 console.log('trying to match ' + filename);135 fileMatch = matchFile(filename, pathMatch);136 if (fileMatch) {137 matchCallback(fileMatch);138 }139 if (waitingFiles === 0 && (typeof finalCallback !== "undefined" && finalCallback !== null)) {140 return finalCallback();141 }142 }143 });144 };...
1let path = null2let pathMatches = null3let query = null4let route = null5export default function routeData (state) {6 if (route !== state.route) {7 route = state.route8 path = query = null9 }10 return {11 get path () {12 if (path && state.route === route) return path13 if (!pathMatches) this._buildMatches()14 const found = Object.keys(pathMatches).find(match => {15 return new RegExp(match, 'g').test(state.route)16 })17 const matched = pathMatches[found]18 if (!matched) return {}19 const values = state.route.match(matched.regex).slice(1)20 path = matched.vars.reduce((v, p, i) => {21 return Object.defineProperty(v, p, {22 get () { return values[i] },23 set: this._pathSetter(matched, p)24 })25 }, {})26 return path27 },28 get query () {29 if (query && state.route === route) return query30 const search = document.location.search31 if (!search) return {}32 const pairs = search.slice(1).split('&')33 query = pairs.reduce((q, p) => {34 const [key, value] = p.split('=')35 return Object.defineProperty(q, key, {36 get () { return value },37 set: this._querySetter(key, value)38 })39 }, {})40 return query41 },42 _buildMatches: function () {43 const FIND_ROUTE_VAR = new RegExp('(:\\w+)', 'g')44 const REPL_ROUTE_VAR = '(\\w+)'45 if (state.routes) {46 pathMatches = state.routes.reduce((matches, path) => {47 const vars = (path.match(FIND_ROUTE_VAR) || []).map(v => v.slice(1))48 const regex = path.replace(FIND_ROUTE_VAR, REPL_ROUTE_VAR)49 matches[regex] = { path, regex, vars }50 return matches51 }, {})52 } else {53 pathMatches = {}54 }55 },56 _pathSetter: function (match, prop) {57 return value => {58 const path = match.path.replace(new RegExp(`:${prop}`, 'g'), value)59 state.route = path + + document.location.hash60 }61 },62 _querySetter: function (prop, prevValue) {63 return value => {64 const search = document.location.search65 .replace(new RegExp(`${prop}=${prevValue}`, 'g'), `${prop}=${value}`)66 state.route =67 document.location.pathname + search + document.location.hash68 }69 }70 }...
1// -- Package Imports --2const express = require('express');3const { readdirSync } = require('@jsdevtools/readdir-enhanced');4const { join } = require('path');5// -- Set up Vars --6const router = express.Router();7const pathToDist = join(__dirname, 'frontend', 'dist');8// -- Init file list --9try {10 fileArray = readdirSync(pathToDist, {deep: true, sep: "/"});11 console.log(fileArray)12 if (Array.isArray(fileArray) === false || fileArray.length < 1) {13 throw new Error('COULDN\'T FIND ANY FILES IN DIST (Did you compile the frontend for production yet?');14 }15} catch (err) {16 throw err;17}18// -- File Server --19console.log(fileArray);20router.get('/*', (req, res) => {21 const pathMatches = req.originalUrl.match(/((?<=\/)([^?#]{0,})|(\/))/g);22 console.log('Current req path is:', pathMatches)23 if (pathMatches[0] === '/' && pathMatches[1] === '') {24 const completePath = join(pathToDist, 'index.html');25 res.status(200).sendFile(completePath);26 } else if (fileArray.includes(pathMatches[1])) {27 const completePath = join(pathToDist, pathMatches[1]);28 res.status(200).sendFile(completePath); 29 } else {30 const completePath = join(pathToDist, 'index.html');31 res.status(404).sendFile(completePath)32 }33})34// -- Exports --...
...15 active.classList.remove("active");16}17function highlightNew() {18 path = location.pathname.substring(1);19 newActiveItemId = pathMatches(/index|^[ \t\n]*$/) ? "nav-home" :20 pathMatches(/login|register/ ) ? "nav-login" :21 pathMatches(/profile|editaddress|changepassword|editinfo/) ? "nav-profile" :22 pathMatches(/admin/) ? "nav-admin" :23 pathMatches(/listAvailableCar|listReservationCurrentUser|searchCar|reservation|delete/) ? "nav-rsv" :24 pathMatches(/pricing/) ? "nav-pricing" :25 pathMatches(/contact/) ? "nav-contact" :26 pathMatches(/api/) ? "nav-api" : "";27 var element = document.getElementById(newActiveItemId);28 if (element != null) {29 element.classList.add("active");30 element.classList.remove("text-dark");31 }32}33function pathMatches(regex) {34 if (path.match(regex)) {35 return true;36 }37 return false;...
...15 active.classList.remove("active");16}17function highlightNew() {18 path = location.pathname.substring(1);19 newActiveItemId = pathMatches(/start/) ? "nav-home" :20 pathMatches(/user-edit|user-change-password|user-delete/ ) ? "nav-account" :21 pathMatches(/cars-input/ ) ? "nav-cars-input" :22 pathMatches(/fuel-input|cost-input/) ? "nav-register-data" :23 pathMatches(/charts/) ? "nav-stats" :24 pathMatches(/contact/) ? "nav-contact" : "";25 var element = document.getElementById(newActiveItemId);26 if (element != null) {27 element.classList.add("active");28 }29}30function pathMatches(regex) {31 if (path.match(regex)) {32 return true;33 }34 return false;...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await browser.close();7})();8const { chromium } = require('playwright');9(async () => {10 const browser = await chromium.launch();11 const context = await browser.newContext();12 const page = await context.newPage();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.waitForSelector('text=Get started');7 await'text=Get started');8 await page.waitForSelector('text=API');9 await'text=API');10 await page.waitForSelector('text=Page');11 await'text=Page');12 await page.waitForSelector('text=pathMatches');13 await'text=pathMatches');14 await page.waitForSelector('text=Page.pathMatches');15 await'text=Page.pathMatches');16 await page.waitForSelector('text=Parameters');17 await'text=Parameters');18 await page.waitForSelector('text=page.pathMatches');19 await'text=page.pathMatches');20 await page.waitForSelector('text=Usage');21 await'text=Usage');22 await page.waitForSelector('text=page.pathMatches');23 await'text=page.pathMatches');24 await page.waitForSelector('text=const');25 await'text=const');26 await page.waitForSelector('text=page.pathMatches');27 await'text=page.pathMatches');28 await page.waitForSelector('text=const');29 await'text=const');30 await page.waitForSelector('text=page.pathMatches');31 await'text=page.pathMatches');32 await page.waitForSelector('text=const');33 await'text=const');34 await page.waitForSelector('text=page.pathMatches');35 await'text=page.pathMatches');36 await page.waitForSelector('text=const');37 await'text=const');38 await page.waitForSelector('text=page.pathMatches');39 await'text=page.pathMatches');40 await page.waitForSelector('text=const');41 await'text=const');42 await page.waitForSelector('text=page.pathMatches');43 await'text=page.pathMatches');44 await page.waitForSelector('text=const');45 await'text=const');46 await page.waitForSelector('text=page.pathMatches');47 await'text=page.pathMatches');48 await page.waitForSelector('text=
Using AI Code Generation
1const { pathMatches } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');2console.log(pathMatches('/foo', '/foo'));3console.log(pathMatches('/foo', '/foo/bar'));4console.log(pathMatches('/foo/*', '/foo/bar'));5console.log(pathMatches('/foo/*/bar', '/foo/baz/bar'));6console.log(pathMatches('/foo/*/bar', '/foo/baz/baz'));7console.log(pathMatches('/foo/*/bar', '/foo/baz/baz/bar'));8console.log(pathMatches('/foo/*/bar', '/foo/baz/baz/bar/baz'));9console.log(pathMatches('/foo/*/bar', '/foo/baz/baz/bar/baz/baz'));10console.log(pathMatches('/foo/*/bar', '/foo/baz/baz/bar/baz/baz/baz'));11console.log(pathMatches('/foo/*/*', '/foo/baz/baz'));12console.log(pathMatches('/foo/*/*', '/foo/baz/baz/bar'));13console.log(pathMatches('/foo/*/*', '/foo/baz/baz/bar/baz'));14console.log(pathMatches('/foo/*/*', '/foo/baz/baz/bar/baz/baz'));15const { chromium } = require('playwright');16(async () => {17 const browser = await chromium.launch();18 const context = await browser.newContext();19 const page = await context.newPage();20 await page.route('**/foo', route => route.fulfill({21 }));22 await page.goto('
Using AI Code Generation
1const { pathMatches } = require('playwright-core/lib/server/network');2console.log(pathMatches('/test', '/test'));3console.log(pathMatches('/test', '/test/'));4console.log(pathMatches('/test', '/test/*'));5console.log(pathMatches('/test', '/test/*/*'));6console.log(pathMatches('/test', '/test/'));7console.log(pathMatches('/test', '/test/*'));8console.log(pathMatches('/test', '/test/*/*'));9console.log(pathMatches('/test', '/test/*/*/*'));10console.log(pathMatches('/test', '/test/*/*/*/*'));11console.log(pathMatches('/test', '/test/*/*/*/*/*'));12console.log(pathMatches('/test', '/test/*/*/*/*/*/*'));13console.log(pathMatches('/test', '/test/*/*/*/*/*/*/*'));14console.log(pathMatches('/test', '/test/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*'));15console.log(pathMatches('/test', '/test/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*'));16console.log(pathMatch
Using AI Code Generation
1const { test, expect } = require("@playwright/test");2const { pathMatches } = require("@playwright/test/lib/server/routes");3test("should match path", async ({ page }) => {4 expect(pathMatches("/foo", "/foo")).toBe(true);5 expect(pathMatches("/foo", "/foo/bar")).toBe(false);6 expect(pathMatches("/foo", "/foo?bar")).toBe(true);7 expect(pathMatches("/foo?bar", "/foo")).toBe(true);8 expect(pathMatches("/foo?bar", "/foo?bar")).toBe(true);9 expect(pathMatches("/foo?bar", "/foo?bar=1")).toBe(true);10 expect(pathMatches("/foo?bar", "/foo?bar=1&baz=2")).toBe(true);11 expect(pathMatches("/foo?bar=1&baz=2", "/foo?bar=1&baz=2")).toBe(true);12 expect(pathMatches("/foo?bar=1&baz=2", "/foo?baz=2&bar=1")).toBe(true);13 expect(pathMatches("/foo?bar=1&baz=2", "/foo?baz=2")).toBe(true);14 expect(pathMatches("/foo?bar=1&baz=2", "/foo?bar=1")).toBe(true);15 expect(pathMatches("/foo?bar=1&baz=2", "/foo")).toBe(true);16 expect(pathMatches("/foo?bar=1&baz=2", "/foo?bar=1&baz=2&qux=3")).toBe(false);17 expect(pathMatches("/foo?bar=1&baz=2", "/foo?bar=1&baz=2&qux=3")).toBe(false);18 expect(pathMatches("/foo?bar=1&baz=2", "/foo?bar=1&baz=2&qux=3")).toBe(false);19 expect(pathMatches("/foo?bar=1&baz=2", "/foo?bar=1&baz=2&qux=3")).toBe(false);20 expect(pathMatches("/foo?bar=1&baz=2", "/foo?bar=1&baz=2&qux=3")).toBe(false);21 expect(pathMatches("/foo?bar=1&baz=2", "/foo?bar=1&baz=2&qux=3")).toBe(false);22 expect(pathMatches("/foo?bar
Using AI Code Generation
1const { pathMatches } = require("playwright/lib/utils/utils");2const path = require("path");3const filePath = path.resolve("test.js");4console.log(pathMatches(filePath, "test.js"));5console.log(pathMatches(filePath, "test.*"));6console.log(pathMatches(filePath, "test.*.js"));
Using AI Code Generation
1const { pathMatches } = require('playwright/lib/server/network');2const result = pathMatches(url, pattern);3console.log(result);4const { pathToRegex } = require('playwright/lib/server/network');5const regex = pathToRegex(pattern);6const result = regex.test(url);7console.log(result);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { pathMatches } = require('@playwright/test');2console.log(pathMatches('/path/to/file.js', '/path/to/**'));3console.log(pathMatches('/path/to/file.js', '/path/to/*.js'));4console.log(pathMatches('/path/to/file.js', '/path/to/*.txt'));5console.log(pathMatches('/path/to/file.js', '/path/to/*.js', true));6console.log(pathMatches('/path/to/file.js', '/path/to/*.js', true, true));7console.log(pathMatches('/path/to/file.js', '/path/to/*.js', true, false));8console.log(pathMatches('/path/to/file.js', '/path/to/*.js', false, true));9console.log(pathMatches('/path/to/file.js', '/path/to/*.js', false, false));10console.log(pathMatches('/path/to/file.js', '/path/to/*.js', false, false, true));11console.log(pathMatches('/path/to/file.js', '/path/to/*.js', false, false, false));12console.log(pathMatches('/path/to/file.js', '/path/to/*.js', false, false, true, true));13console.log(pathMatches('/path/to/file.js', '/path/to/*.js', false, false, true, false));14console.log(pathMatches('/path/to/file.js', '/path/to/*.js', false, false, false, true));15console.log(pathMatches('/path/to/file.js', '/path/to/*.js', false, false, false, false));16console.log(pathMatches('/path/to/file.js', '/path/to/*.js', false, false, true, true, true));17console.log(pathMatches('/path/to/file.js', '/path/to/*.js', false, false, true, true, false));18console.log(pathMatches('/path/to/file.js', '/path/to/*.js', false, false, true, false, true));19console.log(pathMatches('/path/to/file.js', '/path/to/*.js', false, false, true, false, false));20console.log(pathMatches('/path
Using AI Code Generation
1const { InternalAPI } = require('playwright/lib/server/instrumentation');2const path = require('path');3const filePath = path.join(__dirname, 'test.js');4const result = InternalAPI.pathMatches(url, filePath);5const { InternalAPI } = require('playwright/lib/server/instrumentation');6const result = InternalAPI.pathMatches(url);7Why do we need to use pathMatches()?8What are the parameters of pathMatches()?9The pathMatches() method accepts two parameters:10What is the return type of pathMatches()?11How to use pathMatches()?
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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