How to use relativeToStart method in Playwright Internal

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1/*2Ext Gantt Pro 4.2.73Copyright(c) 2009-2016 Bryntum AB4*/7/**8@class class representing the time axis of the scheduler. The scheduler timescale is based on the ticks generated by this class.11This is a pure "data" (model) representation of the time axis and has no UI elements.12The time axis can be {@link #continuous} or not. In continuous mode, each timespan starts where the previous ended, and in non-continuous mode13 there can be gaps between the ticks.14A non-continuous time axis can be used when want to filter out certain periods of time (like weekends) from the time axis.15To create a non-continuos time axis you have 2 options. First, you can create a time axis containing only the time spans of interest.16To do that, subclass this class and override the {@link #generateTicks} method. See the `timeaxis` example in the Ext Scheduler SDK for guidance.17The other alternative is to call the {@link #filterBy} method, passing a function to it which should return `false` if the time tick should be filtered out.18Calling {@link #clearFilter} will return you to a full time axis.19*/20Ext.define("", {21 extend : "",22 requires : [23 'Sch.util.Date',24 // this "require" is needed for Sencha Touch25 'Sch.model.TimeAxisTick'26 ],27 model : 'Sch.model.TimeAxisTick',28 /**29 * @cfg {Boolean} continuous30 * Set to false if the timeline is not continuous, e.g. the next timespan does not start where the previous ended (for example skipping weekends etc).31 */32 continuous : true,33 originalContinuous : null,34 /**35 * @cfg {Boolean} autoAdjust36 * Automatically adjust the timespan when generating ticks with {@link #generateTicks} according to the `viewPreset` configuration. Setting this to false37 * may lead to shifting time/date of ticks.38 */39 autoAdjust : true,40 unit : null,41 increment : null,42 resolutionUnit : null,43 resolutionIncrement : null,44 weekStartDay : null,45 mainUnit : null,46 shiftUnit : null,47 shiftIncrement : 1,48 defaultSpan : 1,49 isConfigured : false,50 // in case of `autoAdjust : false`, the 1st and last ticks can be truncated, containing only part of the normal tick51 // these dates will contain adjusted start/end (like if the tick has not been truncated)52 adjustedStart : null,53 adjustedEnd : null,54 // the visible position in the first tick, can actually be > 1 because the adjustment is done by the `mainUnit`55 visibleTickStart : null,56 // the visible position in the first tick, is always ticks count - 1 < value <= ticks count, in case of autoAdjust, always = ticks count57 visibleTickEnd : null,58 // name of the current preset59 presetName : null,60 /**61 * @cfg {String} mode This option determines how timeaxis should be rounded.62 * When we round timeAxis for calendar we want to get minimum number of weeks that comprises desired month.63 * Options: ['plain', 'calendar']64 */65 mode : 'plain',66 /**67 * @cfg {Number} startTime Start time for calendar mode, used only with day/week presets.68 */69 startTime : 0,70 71 /**72 * @cfg {Number} endTime End time for calendar mode, used only with day/week presets.73 */74 endTime : 24,75 /**76 * @event beforereconfigure77 * Fires before the timeaxis is about to be reconfigured (e.g. new start/end date or unit/increment). Return false to abort the operation.78 * @param {} timeAxis The time axis instance79 * @param {Date} startDate The new time axis start date80 * @param {Date} endDate The new time axis end date81 */82 /**83 * @event endreconfigure84 * @private85 * Event that is triggered when we end reconfiguring and everything ui-related should be done86 */87 /**88 * @event reconfigure89 * Fires when the timeaxis has been reconfigured (e.g. new start/end date or unit/increment)90 * @param {} timeAxis The time axis instance91 */92 // private93 constructor : function(config) {94 var me = this;95 config = config || {};96 // For Sencha Touch, config system97 if (me.setModel) {98 me.setModel(me.model);99 }100 me.setMode(config.mode || me.mode);101 me.originalContinuous = me.continuous;102 me.callParent(arguments);103 me.on(Ext.versions.touch ? 'refresh' : 'datachanged', function() {104 me.fireEvent('reconfigure', me, false);105 });106 me.on('endreconfigure', function(me, suppressRefresh) {107 me.fireEvent('reconfigure', me, suppressRefresh);108 });109 if (config.viewPreset) {110 var preset = Sch.preset.Manager.getPreset(config.viewPreset);111 preset && me.consumeViewPreset(preset);112 }113 // not sure what me.start is but just in case I'm leaving previous condition114 if (config.start || me.start) {115 me.reconfigure(config);116 }117 },118 /**119 * Reconfigures the time axis based on the config object supplied and generates the new 'ticks'.120 * @param {Object} config121 * @param {Boolean} [suppressRefresh]122 * @private123 */124 reconfigure : function (config, suppressRefresh) {125 this.isConfigured = true;126 Ext.apply(this, config);127 var adjusted = this.getAdjustedDates(config.start, config.end, true);128 var normalized = this.getAdjustedDates(config.start, config.end);129 var start = normalized.start;130 var end = normalized.end;131 if (this.fireEvent('beforereconfigure', this, start, end) !== false) {132 this.fireEvent('beginreconfigure', this);133 var unit = this.unit;134 var increment = this.increment || 1;135 var ticks = this.generateTicks(start, end, unit, increment);136 // Suspending to be able to detect an invalid filter137 this.removeAll(true);138 this.suspendEvents();139 this.add(ticks);140 if (this.getCount() === 0) {141 Ext.Error.raise('Invalid time axis configuration or filter, please check your input data.');142 }143 this.resumeEvents();144 var DATE = Sch.util.Date;145 var count = ticks.length;146 if (this.isContinuous()) {147 this.adjustedStart = adjusted.start;148 this.adjustedEnd = this.getNext(count > 1 ? ticks[ count - 1 ].start : adjusted.start, unit, increment);149 } else {150 this.adjustedStart = this.getStart();151 this.adjustedEnd = this.getEnd();152 }153 // if visibleTickStart > 1 this means some tick is fully outside of the view - we are not interested in it and want to154 // drop it and adjust "adjustedStart" accordingly155 do {156 // TODO this has to use more sophisticated formula to take into account that months for example can be expressed in ms consistenly157 this.visibleTickStart = (this.getStart() - this.adjustedStart) / (DATE.getUnitDurationInMs(unit) * increment);158 if (this.visibleTickStart >= 1) this.adjustedStart = DATE.getNext(this.adjustedStart, unit, increment);159 } while (this.visibleTickStart >= 1);160 do {161 this.visibleTickEnd = count - (this.adjustedEnd - this.getEnd()) / (DATE.getUnitDurationInMs(unit) * increment);162 if (count - this.visibleTickEnd >= 1) this.adjustedEnd = DATE.getNext(this.adjustedEnd, unit, -1);163 } while (count - this.visibleTickEnd >= 1);164 this.fireEvent('endreconfigure', this, suppressRefresh);165 }166 },167 setMode : function (mode) {168 this.mode = mode;169 170 if (mode === 'calendar') {171 this.generateTicksValidatorFn = function (start) { 172 if (this.startTime > 0 || this.endTime < 24) {173 return (start.getHours() >= this.startTime && start.getHours() < this.endTime);174 } else {175 return true;176 }177 };178 } else {179 this.generateTicksValidatorFn = function () { return true; };180 }181 },182 /**183 * Changes the time axis timespan to the supplied start and end dates.184 * @param {Date} start The new start date185 * @param {Date} end The new end date186 */187 setTimeSpan : function (start, end) {188 var adjusted = this.getAdjustedDates(start, end);189 start = adjusted.start;190 end = adjusted.end;191 if (this.getStart() - start !== 0 || this.getEnd() - end !== 0) {192 this.reconfigure({193 start : start,194 end : end195 });196 }197 },198 /**199 * [Experimental] Filter the time axis by a function. The passed function will be called with each tick in time axis.200 * If the function returns true, the 'tick' is included otherwise it is filtered.201 * @param {Function} fn The function to be called, it will receive an object with start/end properties, and 'index' of the tick.202 * @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope (`this` reference) in which the function is executed.203 */204 filterBy : function(fn, scope) {205 this.continuous = false;206 scope = scope || this;207 this.clearFilter(true);208 // Suspending to be able to detect an invalid filter209 this.suspendEvents(true);210 this.filter([{211 filterFn : function(t, index) {212 return,, index);213 }214 }]);215 if (this.getCount() === 0) {216 this.clearFilter();217 this.resumeEvents();218 Ext.Error.raise('Invalid time axis filter - no ticks passed through the filter. Please check your filter method.');219 }220 this.resumeEvents();221 },222 /**223 * Returns `true` if the time axis is continuos (will return `false` when filtered)224 * @return {Boolean}225 */226 isContinuous : function() {227 var result = this.continuous && !this.isFiltered();228 if (this.mode === 'calendar') {229 result = result && this.startTime === 0 && this.endTime === 24;230 }231 return result;232 },233 /**234 * Clear the current filter of the time axis235 */236 clearFilter : function() {237 this.continuous = this.originalContinuous;238 this.callParent(arguments);239 },240 /**241 * Method generating the ticks for this time axis. Should return an array of ticks. Each tick is an object of the following structure:242 {243 start : ..., // start date244 end : ... // end date245 }246 *247 * Take notice, that this function either has to be called with `start`/`end` parameters, or create those variables.248 *249 * @param {Date} start The start date of the interval250 * @param {Date} end The end date of the interval251 * @param {String} unit The unit of the time axis252 * @param {Number} increment The increment for the unit specified.253 * @return {Array} ticks The ticks representing the time axis254 */255 generateTicks : function (start, end, unit, increment) {256 var ticks = [],257 intervalEnd,258 DATE = Sch.util.Date,259 dstDiff = 0;260 unit = unit || this.unit;261 increment = increment || this.increment;262 var adjusted = this.getAdjustedDates(start, end);263 start = adjusted.start;264 end = adjusted.end;265 while (start < end) {266 intervalEnd = this.getNext(start, unit, increment);267 if (!this.autoAdjust && intervalEnd > end) intervalEnd = end;268 // Handle hourly increments crossing DST boundaries to keep the timescale looking correct269 // Only do this for HOUR resolution currently, and only handle it once per tick generation.270 if (unit === DATE.HOUR && increment > 1 && ticks.length > 0 && dstDiff === 0) {271 var prev = ticks[ ticks.length - 1 ];272 dstDiff = ((prev.start.getHours() + increment) % 24) - prev.end.getHours();273 if (dstDiff !== 0) {274 // A DST boundary was crossed in previous tick, adjust this tick to keep timeaxis "symmetric".275 intervalEnd = DATE.add(intervalEnd, DATE.HOUR, dstDiff);276 }277 }278 this.generateTicksValidatorFn(start) && ticks.push({279 start : start,280 end : intervalEnd281 });282 283 start = intervalEnd;284 }285 return ticks;286 },287 getVisibleTickTimeSpan : function () {288 return this.isContinuous() ? this.visibleTickEnd - this.visibleTickStart : this.getCount();289 },290 getAdjustedDates : function (start, end, forceAdjust) {291 var DATE = Sch.util.Date;292 start = start || this.getStart();293 end = end || DATE.add(start, this.mainUnit, this.defaultSpan);294 if (this.mode === 'calendar') {295 // 'month' is tricky so we have to handle it separately296 if (this.shiftUnit === DATE.MONTH) {297 var startWeekEnd = DATE.add(start, DATE.WEEK, 1);298 var endWeekStart = DATE.add(end, DATE.WEEK, -1);299 // when this method is called from 'switchViewPreset' end date isn't provided, so we should just create one300 if (!end) {301 end = this.getNext(start, this.shiftUnit, 1);302 end = this.ceilDate(end, false, this.shiftUnit);303 end = this.ceilDate(end, false, this.mainUnit);304 }305 if (startWeekEnd.getMonth() !== start.getMonth() && endWeekStart.getMonth() !== end.getMonth()) {306 return {307 start : start,308 end : end309 };310 }311 }312 var adjustedStart, adjustedEnd, clone;313 // This code sets time span to 1 viewPreset's shiftUnit from the time axis start date314 adjustedStart = this.floorDate(start, false, this.shiftUnit, 1);315 adjustedStart = this.floorDate(adjustedStart, false, this.mainUnit, 1);316 // // Disabled autoAdjust will allow to show any time span318 if (this.autoAdjust) {319 clone = this.getNext(start, this.shiftUnit, 1);320 adjustedEnd = this.ceilDate(clone, false, this.shiftUnit);321 adjustedEnd = this.ceilDate(adjustedEnd, false, this.mainUnit);322 } else {323 adjustedEnd = this.ceilDate(end, false, this.shiftUnit);324 adjustedEnd = this.ceilDate(adjustedEnd, false, this.mainUnit);325 }326 return {327 start : adjustedStart,328 end : adjustedEnd329 };330 } else {331 return this.autoAdjust || forceAdjust ? {332 start : this.floorDate(start, false, this.autoAdjust ? this.mainUnit : this.unit, 1),333 end : this.ceilDate(end, false, this.autoAdjust ? this.mainUnit : this.unit, 1)334 } : {335 start : start,336 end : end337 };338 }339 },340 /**341 * Gets a tick "coordinate" representing the date position on the time scale. Returns -1 if the date is not part of the time axis.342 * @param {Date} date the date343 * @return {Number} the tick position on the scale or -1 if the date is not part of the time axis344 */345 getTickFromDate : function (date) {346 var ticks =;347 var lastTickIndex = ticks.length - 1;348 // quick bailout349 if (date.valueOf() < ticks[ 0 ].data.start.valueOf() || date.valueOf() > ticks[ lastTickIndex ].data.end.valueOf()) {350 return -1;351 }352 var tick, tickStart, tickEnd;353 if (this.isContinuous()) {354 if (date - ticks[ 0 ].data.start === 0) return this.visibleTickStart;355 if (date - ticks[ lastTickIndex ].data.end === 0) return this.visibleTickEnd;356 var adjustedStart = this.adjustedStart;357 var adjustedEnd = this.adjustedEnd;358 var tickIndex = Math.floor(ticks.length * (date - adjustedStart) / (adjustedEnd - adjustedStart));359 // for the date == adjustedEnd case360 if (tickIndex > lastTickIndex) tickIndex = lastTickIndex;361 tickStart = tickIndex === 0 ? adjustedStart : ticks[ tickIndex ].data.start;362 tickEnd = tickIndex == lastTickIndex ? adjustedEnd : ticks[ tickIndex ].data.end;363 tick = tickIndex + (date - tickStart) / (tickEnd - tickStart);364 // in case of `autoAdjust : false` the actual visible timespan starts not from 0 tick coordinate, but365 // from `visibleTickStart` coordinate, this check generally repeats the "quick bailout" check in the begining of the method,366 // but still367 if (tick < this.visibleTickStart || tick > this.visibleTickEnd) return -1;368 return tick;369 } else {370 for (var i = 0; i <= lastTickIndex; i++) {371 tickEnd = ticks[ i ].data.end;372 if (date <= tickEnd) {373 tickStart = ticks[ i ].data.start;374 // date < tickStart can occur in filtered case375 tick = i + (date > tickStart ? (date - tickStart) / (tickEnd - tickStart) : 0);376 return tick;377 }378 }379 }380 return -1;381 },382 /**383 * Gets the time represented by a tick "coordinate".384 * @param {Number} tick the tick "coordinate"385 * @param {String} roundingMethod The rounding method to use386 * @return {Date} The date to represented by the tick "coordinate", or null if invalid.387 */388 getDateFromTick : function (tick, roundingMethod) {389 if (tick === this.visibleTickEnd) return this.getEnd();390 var wholeTick = Math.floor(tick),391 fraction = tick - wholeTick,392 t = this.getAt(wholeTick);393 if (!t) return null;394 var tickData =;395 var start = wholeTick === 0 ? this.adjustedStart : tickData.start;396 // if we've filtered timeaxis using filterBy, then we cannot trust to adjustedEnd property and should use tick end397 var end = (wholeTick == this.getCount() - 1) && this.isContinuous() ? this.adjustedEnd : tickData.end;398 var date = Sch.util.Date.add(start, Sch.util.Date.MILLI, fraction * (end - start));399 if (roundingMethod) {400 date = this[ roundingMethod + 'Date' ](date);401 }402 return date;403 },404 /**405 * Returns the ticks of the timeaxis in an array of objects with a "start" and "end" date.406 * @return {Object[]} the ticks on the scale407 */408 getTicks : function() {409 var ticks = [];410 this.each(function (r) { ticks.push(; });411 return ticks;412 },413 /**414 * Method to get the current start date of the time axis415 * @return {Date} The start date416 */417 getStart : function() {418 var first = this.first();419 if (first) {420 return new Date(;421 }422 return null;423 },424 /**425 * Method to get a the current end date of the time axis426 * @return {Date} The end date427 */428 getEnd : function() {429 var last = this.last();430 if (last) {431 return new Date(;432 }433 return null;434 },435 // Floors a date and optionally snaps it to one of the following resolutions:436 // 1. 'resolutionUnit'. If param 'resolutionUnit' is passed, the date will simply be floored to this unit.437 // 2. If resolutionUnit is not passed: If date should be snapped relative to the timeaxis start date,438 // the resolutionUnit of the timeAxis will be used, or the timeAxis 'mainUnit' will be used to snap the date439 //440 // returns a copy of the original date441 // private442 floorDate : function(date, relativeToStart, resolutionUnit, incr) {443 relativeToStart = relativeToStart !== false;444 var dt = Ext.Date.clone(date),445 relativeTo = relativeToStart ? this.getStart() : null,446 increment = incr || this.resolutionIncrement,447 unit;448 if (resolutionUnit) {449 unit = resolutionUnit;450 } else {451 unit = relativeToStart ? this.resolutionUnit : this.mainUnit;452 }453 var DATE = Sch.util.Date;454 var snap = function (value, increment) { return Math.floor(value / increment) * increment; };455 switch (unit) {456 case DATE.MILLI:457 if (relativeToStart) {458 dt = DATE.add(relativeTo, DATE.MILLI, snap(DATE.getDurationInMilliseconds(relativeTo, dt), increment));459 }460 break;461 case DATE.SECOND:462 if (relativeToStart) {463 dt = DATE.add(relativeTo, DATE.MILLI, snap(DATE.getDurationInSeconds(relativeTo, dt), increment) * 1000);464 } else {465 dt.setMilliseconds(0);466 dt.setSeconds(snap(dt.getSeconds(), increment));467 }468 break;469 case DATE.MINUTE:470 if (relativeToStart) {471 dt = DATE.add(relativeTo, DATE.SECOND, snap(DATE.getDurationInMinutes(relativeTo, dt), increment) * 60);472 } else {473 dt.setMinutes(snap(dt.getMinutes(), increment));474 dt.setSeconds(0);475 dt.setMilliseconds(0);476 }477 break;478 case DATE.HOUR:479 if (relativeToStart) {480 dt = DATE.add(relativeTo, DATE.MINUTE, snap(DATE.getDurationInHours(this.getStart(), dt), increment) * 60);481 } else {482 dt.setMinutes(0);483 dt.setSeconds(0);484 dt.setMilliseconds(0);485 dt.setHours(snap(dt.getHours(), increment));486 }487 break;488 case DATE.DAY:489 if (relativeToStart) {490 dt = DATE.add(relativeTo, DATE.DAY, snap(DATE.getDurationInDays(relativeTo, dt), increment));491 } else {492 Sch.util.Date.clearTime(dt);493 // days are 1-based so need to make additional adjustments494 dt.setDate(snap(dt.getDate() - 1, increment) + 1);495 }496 break;497 case DATE.WEEK:498 var day = dt.getDay() || 7;499 var startDay = this.weekStartDay || 7;500 Sch.util.Date.clearTime(dt);501 dt = DATE.add(dt, DATE.DAY, day >= startDay ? startDay - day : -(7 - startDay + day));502 // Watch out for Brazil DST craziness (see test 028_timeaxis_dst.t.js)503 if (dt.getDay() !== startDay && dt.getHours() === 23) {504 dt = DATE.add(dt, DATE.HOUR, 1);505 }506 break;507 case DATE.MONTH:508 if (relativeToStart) {509 dt = DATE.add(relativeTo, DATE.MONTH, snap(DATE.getDurationInMonths(relativeTo, dt), increment));510 } else {511 Sch.util.Date.clearTime(dt);512 dt.setDate(1);513 dt.setMonth(snap(dt.getMonth(), increment));514 }515 break;516 case DATE.QUARTER:517 Sch.util.Date.clearTime(dt);518 dt.setDate(1);519 dt = DATE.add(dt, DATE.MONTH, - (dt.getMonth() % 3));520 break;521 case DATE.YEAR:522 if (relativeToStart) {523 dt = DATE.add(relativeTo, DATE.YEAR, snap(DATE.getDurationInYears(relativeTo, dt), increment));524 } else {525 // years are 1-based so need to make additional adjustments526 dt = new Date(snap(date.getFullYear() - 1, increment) + 1, 0, 1);527 }528 break;529 }530 return dt;531 },532 // Rounds the date to nearest unit increment533 // private534 roundDate : function(date, relativeTo) {535 var dt = Ext.Date.clone(date),536 increment = this.resolutionIncrement;537 relativeTo = relativeTo || this.getStart();538 switch(this.resolutionUnit) {539 case Sch.util.Date.MILLI:540 var milliseconds = Sch.util.Date.getDurationInMilliseconds(relativeTo, dt),541 snappedMilliseconds = Math.round(milliseconds / increment) * increment;542 dt = Sch.util.Date.add(relativeTo, Sch.util.Date.MILLI, snappedMilliseconds);543 break;544 case Sch.util.Date.SECOND:545 var seconds = Sch.util.Date.getDurationInSeconds(relativeTo, dt),546 snappedSeconds = Math.round(seconds / increment) * increment;547 dt = Sch.util.Date.add(relativeTo, Sch.util.Date.MILLI, snappedSeconds * 1000);548 break;549 case Sch.util.Date.MINUTE:550 var minutes = Sch.util.Date.getDurationInMinutes(relativeTo, dt),551 snappedMinutes = Math.round(minutes / increment) * increment;552 dt = Sch.util.Date.add(relativeTo, Sch.util.Date.SECOND, snappedMinutes * 60);553 break;554 case Sch.util.Date.HOUR:555 var nbrHours = Sch.util.Date.getDurationInHours(relativeTo, dt),556 snappedHours = Math.round(nbrHours / increment) * increment;557 dt = Sch.util.Date.add(relativeTo, Sch.util.Date.MINUTE, snappedHours * 60);558 break;559 case Sch.util.Date.DAY:560 var nbrDays = Sch.util.Date.getDurationInDays(relativeTo, dt),561 snappedDays = Math.round(nbrDays / increment) * increment;562 dt = Sch.util.Date.add(relativeTo, Sch.util.Date.DAY, snappedDays);563 break;564 case Sch.util.Date.WEEK:565 Sch.util.Date.clearTime(dt);566 var distanceToWeekStartDay = dt.getDay() - this.weekStartDay,567 toAdd;568 if (distanceToWeekStartDay < 0) {569 distanceToWeekStartDay = 7 + distanceToWeekStartDay;570 }571 if (Math.round(distanceToWeekStartDay/7) === 1) {572 toAdd = 7 - distanceToWeekStartDay;573 } else {574 toAdd = -distanceToWeekStartDay;575 }576 dt = Sch.util.Date.add(dt, Sch.util.Date.DAY, toAdd);577 break;578 case Sch.util.Date.MONTH:579 var nbrMonths = Sch.util.Date.getDurationInMonths(relativeTo, dt) + (dt.getDate() / Ext.Date.getDaysInMonth(dt)),580 snappedMonths = Math.round(nbrMonths / increment) * increment;581 dt = Sch.util.Date.add(relativeTo, Sch.util.Date.MONTH, snappedMonths);582 break;583 case Sch.util.Date.QUARTER:584 Sch.util.Date.clearTime(dt);585 dt.setDate(1);586 dt = Sch.util.Date.add(dt, Sch.util.Date.MONTH, 3 - (dt.getMonth() % 3));587 break;588 case Sch.util.Date.YEAR:589 var nbrYears = Sch.util.Date.getDurationInYears(relativeTo, dt),590 snappedYears = Math.round(nbrYears / increment) * increment;591 dt = Sch.util.Date.add(relativeTo, Sch.util.Date.YEAR, snappedYears);592 break;593 }594 return dt;595 },596 // private597 ceilDate : function(date, relativeToStart, resolutionUnit) {598 var dt = Ext.Date.clone(date);599 relativeToStart = relativeToStart !== false;600 var increment = relativeToStart ? this.resolutionIncrement : 1,601 doCall = false,602 unit;603 if (resolutionUnit){604 unit = resolutionUnit;605 } else {606 unit = relativeToStart ? this.resolutionUnit : this.mainUnit;607 }608 switch (unit) {609 case Sch.util.Date.HOUR:610 if (dt.getMinutes() > 0 || dt.getSeconds() > 0 || dt.getMilliseconds() > 0) {611 doCall = true;612 }613 break;614 case Sch.util.Date.DAY:615 if (dt.getHours() > 0 || dt.getMinutes() > 0 || dt.getSeconds() > 0 || dt.getMilliseconds() > 0) {616 doCall = true;617 }618 break;619 case Sch.util.Date.WEEK:620 Sch.util.Date.clearTime(dt);621 if (dt.getDay() !== this.weekStartDay || date.getTime() - dt.getTime() > 0) {622 doCall = true;623 }624 break;625 case Sch.util.Date.MONTH:626 Sch.util.Date.clearTime(dt);627 if (dt.getDate() !== 1 || date.getTime() - dt.getTime() > 0) {628 doCall = true;629 }630 break;631 case Sch.util.Date.QUARTER:632 Sch.util.Date.clearTime(dt);633 if (dt.getMonth() % 3 !== 0 || dt.getDate() !== 1 || date.getTime() - dt.getTime() > 0) {634 doCall = true;635 }636 break;637 case Sch.util.Date.YEAR:638 Sch.util.Date.clearTime(dt);639 if (dt.getMonth() !== 0 || dt.getDate() !== 1 || date.getTime() - dt.getTime() > 0) {640 doCall = true;641 }642 break;643 default:644 break;645 }646 if (doCall) {647 return this.getNext(dt, unit, increment);648 } else {649 return dt;650 }651 },652 // private653 getNext : function(date, unit, increment) {654 return Sch.util.Date.getNext(date, unit, increment, this.weekStartDay);655 },656 // private657 getResolution : function() {658 return {659 unit : this.resolutionUnit,660 increment : this.resolutionIncrement661 };662 },663 // private664 setResolution : function(unit, increment) {665 this.resolutionUnit = unit;666 this.resolutionIncrement = increment || 1;667 },668 /**669 * Moves the time axis by the passed amount and unit.670 * @param {Number} amount The number of units to jump671 * @param {String} unit The unit (Day, Week etc)672 */673 shift: function (amount, unit) {674 this.setTimeSpan(Sch.util.Date.add(this.getStart(), unit, amount), Sch.util.Date.add(this.getEnd(), unit, amount));675 },676 /**677 * Moves the time axis forward in time in units specified by the view preset `shiftUnit`, and by the amount specified by the `shiftIncrement`678 * config of the current view preset.679 * @param {Number} amount (optional) The number of units to jump forward680 */681 shiftNext: function (amount) {682 amount = amount || this.getShiftIncrement();683 var unit = this.getShiftUnit();684 this.setTimeSpan(Sch.util.Date.add(this.getStart(), unit, amount), Sch.util.Date.add(this.getEnd(), unit, amount));685 },686 /**687 * Moves the time axis backward in time in units specified by the view preset `shiftUnit`, and by the amount specified by the `shiftIncrement` config of the current view preset.688 * @param {Number} amount (optional) The number of units to jump backward689 */690 shiftPrevious: function (amount) {691 amount = -(amount || this.getShiftIncrement());692 var unit = this.getShiftUnit();693 this.setTimeSpan(Sch.util.Date.add(this.getStart(), unit, amount), Sch.util.Date.add(this.getEnd(), unit, amount));694 },695 getShiftUnit: function () {696 return this.shiftUnit || this.mainUnit;697 },698 // private699 getShiftIncrement: function () {700 return this.shiftIncrement || 1;701 },702 // private703 getUnit: function () {704 return this.unit;705 },706 // private707 getIncrement: function () {708 return this.increment;709 },710 711 // to keep rows and time axis in sync, we use this function to return ticks to generate rows.712 getRowTicks : function () {713 if (this.mode !== 'plain') {714 var start = this.getStart();715 var end = Sch.util.Date.add(start, this.headerConfig.middle.splitUnit, 1);716 var endIndex = this.findBy(function (record) {717 return record.getStartDate().getTime() >= end.getTime();718 });719 // if no such record was found - we are dealing with day view720 if (endIndex === -1) {721 return this.getRange();722 }723 return this.getRange(0, endIndex - 1);724 }725 },726 /**727 * Returns true if the passed date is inside the span of the current time axis.728 * @param {Date} date The date to query for729 * @return {Boolean} true if the date is part of the timeaxis730 */731 dateInAxis: function(date) {732 var result = Sch.util.Date.betweenLesser(date, this.getStart(), this.getEnd());733 // Date is between axis start/end and axis is not continuous - need to perform better lookup734 if (result && !this.isContinuous()) {735 var tickIndex = this.getTickFromDate(date);736 var tick = this.getAt(Math.floor(tickIndex));737 result = tick.getStartDate() <= date && tick.getEndDate() >= date;738 }739 return result;740 },741 /**742 * Returns true if the passed timespan is part of the current time axis (in whole or partially).743 * @param {Date} start The start date744 * @param {Date} end The end date745 * @return {boolean} true if the timespan is part of the timeaxis746 */747 timeSpanInAxis: function(start, end) {748 if (this.isContinuous()) {749 return Sch.util.Date.intersectSpans(start, end, this.getStart(), this.getEnd());750 } else {751 return (start < this.getStart() && end > this.getEnd()) ||752 this.getTickFromDate(start) !== this.getTickFromDate(end);753 }754 },755 // Accepts a Sch.model.Range model756 isRangeInAxis: function(range) {757 var start = range.getStartDate(),758 end = range.getEndDate();759 // only consider fully scheduled ranges760 if (!start || !end) return false;761 return this.timeSpanInAxis(start, end);762 },763 /**764 * Calls the supplied iterator function once per interval. The function will be called with three parameters, start date and end date and an index.765 * @protected766 * @param {String} unit The unit to use when iterating over the timespan767 * @param {Number} increment The increment to use when iterating over the timespan768 * @param {Function} iteratorFn The function to call769 * @param {Object} scope (optional) The "this" object to use for the function call770 */771 forEachAuxInterval : function (unit, increment, iteratorFn, scope) {772 scope = scope || this;773 var end = this.getEnd(),774 dt = this.getStart(),775 i = 0,776 intervalEnd;777 if (dt > end) throw 'Invalid time axis configuration';778 while (dt < end) {779 intervalEnd = Sch.util.Date.min(this.getNext(dt, unit, increment || 1), end);780, dt, intervalEnd, i);781 dt = intervalEnd;782 i++;783 }784 },785 consumeViewPreset : function (preset) {786 Ext.apply(this, {787 unit : preset.getBottomHeader().unit,788 increment : preset.getBottomHeader().increment || 1,789 resolutionUnit : preset.timeResolution.unit,790 resolutionIncrement : preset.timeResolution.increment,791 mainUnit : preset.getMainHeader().unit,792 shiftUnit : preset.shiftUnit,793 shiftIncrement : preset.shiftIncrement || 1,794 defaultSpan : preset.defaultSpan || 1,795 presetName :,796 // Calendar columns are updated upon 'datachanged' event on this object.797 // We have to pass headerConfig in order to render them correctly (timeAxisViewModel is incorrect in required time)798 headerConfig : preset.headerConfig799 });800 }...

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Source:ffNetworkManager.js Github


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...64 if (response.evicted) throw new Error(`Response body for ${request.request.method()} ${request.request.url()} was evicted!`);65 return Buffer.from(response.base64body, 'base64');66 };67 const startTime = event.timing.startTime;68 function relativeToStart(time) {69 if (!time) return -1;70 return (time - startTime) / 1000;71 }72 const timing = {73 startTime: startTime / 1000,74 domainLookupStart: relativeToStart(event.timing.domainLookupStart),75 domainLookupEnd: relativeToStart(event.timing.domainLookupEnd),76 connectStart: relativeToStart(event.timing.connectStart),77 secureConnectionStart: relativeToStart(event.timing.secureConnectionStart),78 connectEnd: relativeToStart(event.timing.connectEnd),79 requestStart: relativeToStart(event.timing.requestStart),80 responseStart: relativeToStart(event.timing.responseStart)81 };82 const response = new network.Response(request.request, event.status, event.statusText, parseMultivalueHeaders(event.headers), timing, getResponseBody);83 if (event !== null && event !== void 0 && event.remoteIPAddress && typeof (event === null || event === void 0 ? void 0 : event.remotePort) === 'number') {84 response._serverAddrFinished({85 ipAddress: event.remoteIPAddress,86 port: event.remotePort87 });88 } else {89 response._serverAddrFinished();90 }91 response._securityDetailsFinished({92 protocol: event === null || event === void 0 ? void 0 : (_event$securityDetail = event.securityDetails) === null || _event$securityDetail === void 0 ? void 0 : _event$securityDetail.protocol,93 subjectName: event === null || event === void 0 ? void 0 : (_event$securityDetail2 = event.securityDetails) === null || _event$securityDetail2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _event$securityDetail2.subjectName,94 issuer: event === null || event === void 0 ? void 0 : (_event$securityDetail3 = event.securityDetails) === null || _event$securityDetail3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _event$securityDetail3.issuer,...

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Source:domElement.js Github


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1/* eslint-disable no-bitwise */2/* eslint-disable no-continue */3import Caret from './caret';4class DOMElement {5 /**6 * Creates a new DOMElement instance.7 * Parameters:8 * el: DOM Element9 */10 constructor(el) {11 this.el = el;12 this.isActive = false;13 }14 get active() {15 return this.isActive;16 }17 set active(active) {18 this.isActive = active;19 }20 /**21 * innerHTML gets the innerHTML of the DOM element.22 * Parameters:23 * content: string24 */25 get innerHTML() {26 return this.el.innerHTML;27 }28 /**29 * setInnerHTML sets the innerHTML of the DOM element.30 * Parameters:31 * content: string32 */33 setInnerHTML(content) {34 this.el.innerHTML = content;35 }36 /**37 * contains38 * Parameters:39 * content: string40 */41 contains(el) {42 return this.el.contains(el);43 }44 /**45 * getCaretPosition gets the caret position relative to the text in the DOM46 * element.47 * Returns: Caret48 */49 getCaretPosition() {50 let start = 0;51 let end = 0;52 const doc = this.el.ownerDocument || this.el.document;53 const win = doc.defaultView || doc.parentWindow;54 let sel;55 if (win.getSelection !== undefined) {56 sel = win.getSelection();57 if (sel.rangeCount > 0) {58 const range = win.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);59 const preCaretRange = range.cloneRange();60 preCaretRange.selectNodeContents(this.el);61 preCaretRange.setEnd(range.startContainer, range.startOffset);62 start = preCaretRange.toString().length;63 preCaretRange.selectNodeContents(this.el);64 preCaretRange.setEnd(range.endContainer, range.endOffset);65 end = preCaretRange.toString().length;66 // Account for newlines by counting the number of top-level divs67 // preceding and including the range's start container and end68 // container.69 const divs = this.getAllDivNodes();70 if (divs.length > 0) {71 divs.splice(0, 1); // The first div doesn't count as a new line72 }73 divs.forEach((child) => {74 const relativeToStart = range.startContainer.compareDocumentPosition(child);75 const relativeToEnd = range.endContainer.compareDocumentPosition(child);76 if (relativeToStart === 077 || relativeToStart & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING) {78 start += 1;79 }80 if (relativeToEnd === 081 || relativeToEnd & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING) {82 end += 1;83 }84 });85 }86 }87 return new Caret(start, end);88 }89 /**90 * getAllNodes gets all of the nodes within the DOM Element.91 * Returns: Node[]92 */93 getAllNodes() {94 const a = [];95 const walk = document.createTreeWalker(this.el, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false);96 let n = walk.nextNode();97 while (n) {98 a.push(n);99 n = walk.nextNode();100 }101 return a;102 }103 /**104 * getAllDivNodes gets all of the <div> nodes within the DOM Element.105 * Returns: Node[]106 */107 getAllDivNodes() {108 const allNodes = this.getAllNodes();109 return allNodes.filter((node) => node.nodeName.toUpperCase() === 'DIV');110 }111 /**112 * getTextSize gets the total size of only the text nodes in the DOM Element.113 * Returns: int, total size of text nodes114 */115 getTextSize() {116 const range = document.createRange();117 range.selectNodeContents(this.el);118 const divs = this.getAllDivNodes();119 return range.toString().length + (divs.length > 0 ? divs.length - 1 : 0);120 }121 /**122 * getCaretData determines the node and offset of the given position within the123 * DOM Element.124 * Parameters:125 * position: int126 * Returns: object{node, offset}, where node is the Node that the position is127 * in and offset is the position within the element128 */129 getCaretData(position) {130 let node;131 let offset = position;132 const nodes = this.getAllNodes();133 const divs = this.getAllDivNodes();134 let divCount = 0;135 if (divs.length > 0) {136 offset += 1; // Account for the div on the first line137 }138 for (let n = 0; n < nodes.length; n += 1) {139 if (nodes[n].isEqualNode(divs[divCount])) {140 offset -= 1;141 divCount += 1;142 continue;143 }144 const nodeValue = nodes[n].nodeValue ? nodes[n].nodeValue : '';145 if (offset > nodeValue.length && nodes[n + 1]) {146 // remove amount from the position, go to next node147 offset -= nodeValue.length;148 } else {149 node = nodes[n];150 break;151 }152 }153 return { node, offset };154 }155 /**156 * setCaret sets the client's caret at a specified position in the DOM element.157 * Parameters:158 * position: Caret159 */160 setCaret(position) {161 const doc = this.el.ownerDocument || this.el.document;162 const win = doc.defaultView || doc.parentWindow;163 const sel = win.getSelection();164 const range = doc.createRange();165 const { start, end } = position;166 const startData = this.getCaretData(start);167 const endData = this.getCaretData(end);168 if (!startData.node) {169 startData.node = this.el;170 }171 if (!endData.node) {172 endData.node = this.el;173 }174 range.setStart(startData.node, startData.offset);175 if (startData.node === endData.node && startData.offset === endData.offset) {176 range.collapse(true);177 } else {178 range.setEnd(endData.node, endData.offset);179 }180 sel.removeAllRanges();181 sel.addRange(range);182 }183 /**184 * removeHighlight removes a "highlight" span from around text nodes.185 * Parameters:186 * highlight, DOM Element: the "highlight" span with children187 */188 removeHighlight(highlight) {189 const doc = this.el.ownerDocument || this.el.document;190 const highlightRange = doc.createRange();191 highlightRange.selectNodeContents(highlight);192 highlight.parentNode.insertBefore(highlightRange.extractContents(), highlight);193 highlight.parentNode.removeChild(highlight);194 }195 /**196 * removeAllHighlights removes all "highlight" spans from around text nodes197 * inside the DOM element.198 */199 removeAllHighlights() {200 const highlights = this.el.querySelectorAll('span.highlight');201 highlights.forEach((highlight) => {202 this.removeHighlight(highlight);203 });204 }205 /**206 * setActiveUserCaret modifies the DOM to display a representation of the207 * active user's caret.208 * Parameters:209 * activeUser: ActiveUser210 */211 setActiveUserCaret(activeUser) {212 const { id, caret: { start, end }, colour } = activeUser;213 const { parentNode } = this.el;214 let cursor = parentNode.querySelector(`#cursor-${id}`);215 if (!cursor) {216 cursor = document.createElement('span');217 cursor.setAttribute('id', `cursor-${id}`);218 cursor.setAttribute('class', 'cursor');219 cursor.setAttribute('style', `background-color: var(--${colour});`);220 } else {221 cursor = cursor.parentNode.removeChild(cursor);222 }223 const startData = this.getCaretData(start);224 if (!startData.node) {225 startData.node = this.el;226 }227 const range = document.createRange();228 range.setStart(startData.node, startData.offset);229 let startY = range.getBoundingClientRect().top;230 let startX = range.getBoundingClientRect().left;231 let outOfView = false;232 if (startData.node === this.el) {233 = 'relative';234 = '1em';235 = '1em';236 } else {237 if (startY === 0 && startX === 0) {238 startY = startData.node.getBoundingClientRect().top;239 startX = startData.node.getBoundingClientRect().left;240 }241 = 'static';242 = `${startY}px`;243 = `${startX}px`;244 const minY = parentNode.getBoundingClientRect().top;245 const cursorHeight = 1.25 * parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(parentNode).getPropertyValue('font-size'));246 if (startY < minY) {247 if (startY + cursorHeight > minY) {248 = `${minY}px`;249 = `${cursorHeight - (minY - startY)}px`;250 } else {251 outOfView = true;252 }253 }254 }255 if (!outOfView) {256 parentNode.append(cursor);257 }258 let highlight = this.el.querySelector(`#highlight-${id}`);259 if (!highlight) {260 highlight = document.createElement('span');261 highlight.setAttribute('id', `highlight-${id}`);262 highlight.setAttribute('class', 'highlight');263 highlight.setAttribute('style', `background-color: var(--highlight-${colour});`);264 } else {265 this.removeHighlight(highlight);266 }267 if (start !== end) {268 const endData = this.getCaretData(end);269 if (!endData.node) {270 endData.node = this.el;271 }272 range.setEnd(endData.node, endData.offset);273 range.surroundContents(highlight);274 }275 }276 /**277 * removeActiveUserCaret removes the representation of the active user's caret278 * from the DOM.279 * Parameters:280 * id, int: the active user's id281 */282 removeActiveUserCaret(id) {283 const cursor = this.el.parentNode.querySelector(`#cursor-${id}`);284 if (cursor) {285 cursor.parentNode.removeChild(cursor);286 }287 const highlight = this.el.querySelector(`#highlight-${id}`);288 if (highlight) {289 this.removeHighlight(highlight);290 }291 }292}...

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Source:fullscreenSlider.js Github


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1window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {2 const sections = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('section')); // All the sections of the homepage's slider3 const container = document.getElementById('container'); // The sections' container4 // Object with properties related to the fullscreen touch slider controler.5 const touchParams = {6 sections: sections, // Sections of the fullscreen touch slider.7 startPosition: 0, // Y-Axis position where the dragging began.8 previousPosition: 0, // Y-Axis position prior to the start of dragging.9 currentPosition: 0, // Current Y-Axis position, updated while dragging.10 relativeToStart: 0, // Difference in position from where dragging started.11 index: 0, // The current section showed on the viewport.12 canSlideUp: true, // True if I can slide into a next section.13 canSlideDown: true, // True if I can slide into a previous section.14 };15 adjustHeight(sections);16 anim();17 touchEvents(container, touchParams);18 window.addEventListener('resize', () => {19 adjustHeight(sections);20 adjustByIndex(container, touchParams);21 });22 // Handle scrolleable sections --------------------------------------23 const scrolleables = container.querySelectorAll('[scrolleable]');24 scrolleables.forEach((scrolleable) => {25 scrolleable.addEventListener('scroll', function () {26 checkScrollInScrolleable(this, container, touchParams);27 });28 });29 // Go to second section with the button30 const nextSectionBtn = document.querySelector('#nextSectionBtn');31 nextSectionBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {32 touchParams.index = 1;33 adjustByIndex(container, touchParams);34 touchParams.index = 1;35 });36});37/**38 * This function makes sure that the scroll of a scrolleable section is at some bound to be able to slide to other section.39 * @param {*} scrolleable the scrolleable section DOM element.40 * @param {*} container the sectoins' container.41 * @param {*} touchParams the Oject with properties related to the fullscreen touch slider controler.42 */43function checkScrollInScrolleable(scrolleable, container, touchParams) {44 touchParams.canSlideUp = false;45 touchParams.canSlideDown = false;46 if (47 scrolleable.scrollTop + scrolleable.getBoundingClientRect().bottom >=48 scrolleable.scrollHeight - 1049 ) {50 touchParams.canSlideDown = true;51 }52 if (scrolleable.scrollTop <= 10) {53 touchParams.canSlideUp = true;54 }55}56/**57 * Adjusts the height of the sections, html and body DOM elements to fill the full viewport58 * @param {*} sections59 */60function adjustHeight(sections) {61 let vh = window.innerHeight;62 document.querySelector('html').style.height = `${vh}px`;63 document.querySelector('body').style.height = `${vh}px`;64 sections.forEach((section) => {65 = `${vh}px`;66 });67}68/**69 * Make the header's animation when the page has been loaded70 */71function anim() {72 const headerTitle = document.getElementById('headerTitle');73 const headerSubtitle = document.getElementById('headerSubtitle');74 const socialIcons = document.querySelectorAll('.socialIcon');75 const footprint = document.querySelector('#footprint');76 // Title fade in77 headerTitle.animate([{ opacity: '1' }], {78 easing: 'ease',79 duration: 2000,80 fill: 'forwards',81 });82 // Subtitle fade in83 headerSubtitle.animate([{ opacity: '1' }], {84 delay: 1500,85 duration: 2000,86 fill: 'forwards',87 });88 // Footprint loop rotation89 footprint.animate(90 [91 { transform: 'rotate(380deg)' },92 { transform: 'rotate(300deg)' },93 { transform: 'rotate(400deg)' },94 { transform: 'rotate(380deg)' },95 ],96 {97 duration: 1000,98 fill: 'none',99 iterations: Infinity,100 }101 );102 // Social media icons fade in103 for (let i = 0; i < socialIcons.length; ++i) {104 socialIcons[i].animate([{ transform: 'scale(1)' }], {105 easing: 'ease',106 delay: 350 * i,107 duration: 500,108 fill: 'forwards',109 });110 }111}112/**113 * Adds event handlers to all touch events114 */115function touchEvents(container, touchParams) {116 container.addEventListener(117 'touchstart',118 touchStartHanlder(container, touchParams)119 );120 container.addEventListener(121 'touchmove',122 touchMoveHandler(container, touchParams)123 );124 container.addEventListener(125 'touchend',126 touchEndHanlder(container, touchParams)127 );128 container.addEventListener(129 'touchcancel',130 touchEndHanlder(container, touchParams)131 );132}133function touchStartHanlder(container, touchParams) {134 return (e) => {135 touchParams.startPosition = e.touches[0].clientY;136 };137}138function touchMoveHandler(container, touchParams) {139 return (e) => {140 touchParams.relativeToStart =141 e.touches[0].clientY - touchParams.startPosition;142 if (Math.abs(touchParams.relativeToStart) < 150) {143 touchParams.currentPosition =144 touchParams.relativeToStart + touchParams.previousPosition;145 }146 if (touchParams.canSlideUp && touchParams.relativeToStart > 10) {147 = `translateY(${touchParams.currentPosition}px)`;148 } else if (149 touchParams.canSlideDown &&150 touchParams.relativeToStart < -10151 ) {152 = `translateY(${touchParams.currentPosition}px)`;153 }154 };155}156function touchEndHanlder(container, touchParams) {157 return (e) => {158 if (159 touchParams.relativeToStart > 100 &&160 touchParams.index > 0 &&161 touchParams.canSlideUp162 ) {163 touchParams.index--;164 touchParams.canSlideDown = true;165 touchParams.canSlideUp = true;166 } else if (167 touchParams.relativeToStart < -100 &&168 touchParams.index < touchParams.sections.length - 1 &&169 touchParams.canSlideDown170 ) {171 touchParams.index++;172 touchParams.canSlideDown = true;173 touchParams.canSlideUp = true;174 }175 adjustByIndex(container, touchParams);176 };177}178/**179 * Adjusts the position of the container depending on the index of the current section.180 * @param {*} container The section's container181 * @param {*} touchParams An object whose properties are variables related to the touch handler182 */183function adjustByIndex(container, touchParams) {184 = `translateY(${185 window.innerHeight * -touchParams.index186 }px)`;187 touchParams.relativeToStart = 0;188 touchParams.previousPosition = -touchParams.index * window.innerHeight;...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const path = require('path');2const {chromium} = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({ path: path.relativeToStart('test.png') });7 await browser.close();8})();9const path = require('path');10const {chromium} = require('playwright');11(async () => {12 const browser = await chromium.launch();13 const page = await browser.newPage();14 await page.screenshot({ path: path.relativeToStart('test.png') });15 await browser.close();16})();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { relativeToStart } = require('@playwright/test');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 await page.goto(relativeToStart('index.html'));5});6const { relativeToStart } = require('@playwright/test');7console.log(relativeToStart('test.js'));

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { relativeToStart } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');2const { Frame } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');3const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');4const getFrame = (page, frameName) => {5 const target = page._browserContext._targets.find(target => target._page === page);6 const frame = target._page._frameManager._frames.find(frame => frame._name === frameName);7 return frame;8};9const getFrameElement = async (page, frameName, selector) => {10 const frame = getFrame(page, frameName);11 const element = await frame.$(selector);12 const [x, y] = await element.evaluate(element => [element.offsetLeft, element.offsetTop]);13 const [width, height] = await element.evaluate(element => [element.offsetWidth, element.offsetHeight]);14 const position = { x, y, width, height };15 const relativePosition = relativeToStart(frame, position);16 return { element, position: relativePosition };17};18const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');19test('Test', async ({ page }) => {20 const { position } = await getFrameElement(page, 'iframeResult', 'h1');21 await page.mouse.move(position.x + 10, position.y + 10);22 await + 10, position.y + 10);23 await page.waitForTimeout(5000);24});25const getFrameElement = async (page, frameName, selector) => {26 const frame = getFrame(page, frameName);27 const element = await frame.$(selector);28 const [x, y] = await element.evaluate(element => [element.offsetLeft, element.offsetTop]);29 const [width, height] = await element.evaluate(element => [element.offsetWidth, element.offsetHeight]);30 const position = { x, y, width, height };

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { relativeToStart } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');2const { Frame } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');3const { ElementHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crElementHandle');4const frame = new Frame(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);5const elementHandle = new ElementHandle(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);6const result = relativeToStart(elementHandle, frame, 0, 0);7console.log(result);8const { relativeToStart } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');9const { Frame } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');10const { ElementHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crElementHandle');11const frame = new Frame(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);12const elementHandle = new ElementHandle(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);13const result = relativeToStart(elementHandle, frame, 100, 100);14console.log(result);15const { relativeToStart } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');16const { Frame } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');17const { ElementHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crElementHandle');18const frame = new Frame(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { test } = require('@playwright/test');2const path = require('path');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 const imagePath = path.relativeToStart('image.png');5 await page.screenshot({ path: imagePath });6});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { test as base, expect } from '@playwright/test';2import { relativeToStart } from '@playwright/test/lib/test/workerRunner';3const test = base.extend<{ relativePath: string }>({4 relativePath: async ({}, use) => {5 await use(relativeToStart(__filename));6 },7});8test('test', async ({ relativePath }) => {9 expect(relativePath).toBe('test.js');10});11test.describe('test', () => {12 test('test', async ({ relativePath }) => {13 expect(relativePath).toBe('test.js');14 });15});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const elementToStart = await page.$('text="Element to start"');7 const elementToClick = await page.$('text="Element to click"');8 await{ relativeToStart: elementToStart });9 await browser.close();10})();

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Playwright tutorial

LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.


  1. What is Playwright : Playwright is comparatively new but has gained good popularity. Get to know some history of the Playwright with some interesting facts connected with it.
  2. How To Install Playwright : Learn in detail about what basic configuration and dependencies are required for installing Playwright and run a test. Get a step-by-step direction for installing the Playwright automation framework.
  3. Playwright Futuristic Features: Launched in 2020, Playwright gained huge popularity quickly because of some obliging features such as Playwright Test Generator and Inspector, Playwright Reporter, Playwright auto-waiting mechanism and etc. Read up on those features to master Playwright testing.
  4. What is Component Testing: Component testing in Playwright is a unique feature that allows a tester to test a single component of a web application without integrating them with other elements. Learn how to perform Component testing on the Playwright automation framework.
  5. Inputs And Buttons In Playwright: Every website has Input boxes and buttons; learn about testing inputs and buttons with different scenarios and examples.
  6. Functions and Selectors in Playwright: Learn how to launch the Chromium browser with Playwright. Also, gain a better understanding of some important functions like “BrowserContext,” which allows you to run multiple browser sessions, and “newPage” which interacts with a page.
  7. Handling Alerts and Dropdowns in Playwright : Playwright interact with different types of alerts and pop-ups, such as simple, confirmation, and prompt, and different types of dropdowns, such as single selector and multi-selector get your hands-on with handling alerts and dropdown in Playright testing.
  8. Playwright vs Puppeteer: Get to know about the difference between two testing frameworks and how they are different than one another, which browsers they support, and what features they provide.
  9. Run Playwright Tests on LambdaTest: Playwright testing with LambdaTest leverages test performance to the utmost. You can run multiple Playwright tests in Parallel with the LammbdaTest test cloud. Get a step-by-step guide to run your Playwright test on the LambdaTest platform.
  10. Playwright Python Tutorial: Playwright automation framework support all major languages such as Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, .NET and etc. However, there are various advantages to Python end-to-end testing with Playwright because of its versatile utility. Get the hang of Playwright python testing with this chapter.
  11. Playwright End To End Testing Tutorial: Get your hands on with Playwright end-to-end testing and learn to use some exciting features such as TraceViewer, Debugging, Networking, Component testing, Visual testing, and many more.
  12. Playwright Video Tutorial: Watch the video tutorials on Playwright testing from experts and get a consecutive in-depth explanation of Playwright automation testing.

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