How to use isQuantifierNext method in redwood

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...200 * @param {Number} pos Index in `pattern` to search at.201 * @param {String} flags Flags used by the pattern.202 * @returns {Boolean} Whether the next token is a quantifier.203 */204 function isQuantifierNext(pattern, pos, flags) {205 return flags.indexOf('x') > -1 ?207 // Ignore any leading whitespace, line comments, and inline comments208 /^(?:\s+|#.*|\(\?#[^)]*\))*(?:[?*+]|{\d+(?:,\d*)?})/ :209 // Ignore any leading inline comments210 /^(?:\(\?#[^)]*\))*(?:[?*+]|{\d+(?:,\d*)?})/,211 pattern.slice(pos)212 );213 }214/**215 * Checks for flag-related errors, and strips/applies flags in a leading mode modifier. Offloads216 * the flag preparation logic from the `XRegExp` constructor.217 *218 * @private219 * @param {String} pattern Regex pattern, possibly with a leading mode modifier.220 * @param {String} flags Any combination of flags.221 * @returns {Object} Object with properties `pattern` and `flags`.222 */223 function prepareFlags(pattern, flags) {224 var i;225 // Recent browsers throw on duplicate flags, so copy this behavior for nonnative flags226 if (clipDuplicates(flags) !== flags) {227 throw new SyntaxError('Invalid duplicate regex flag ' + flags);228 }229 // Strip and apply a leading mode modifier with any combination of flags except g or y230 pattern =, /^\(\?([\w$]+)\)/, function($0, $1) {231 if ([gy]/, $1)) {232 throw new SyntaxError('Cannot use flag g or y in mode modifier ' + $0);233 }234 // Allow duplicate flags within the mode modifier235 flags = clipDuplicates(flags + $1);236 return '';237 });238 // Throw on unknown native or nonnative flags239 for (i = 0; i < flags.length; ++i) {240 if (!registeredFlags[flags.charAt(i)]) {241 throw new SyntaxError('Unknown regex flag ' + flags.charAt(i));242 }243 }244 return {245 pattern: pattern,246 flags: flags247 };248 }249/**250 * Prepares an options object from the given value.251 *252 * @private253 * @param {String|Object} value Value to convert to an options object.254 * @returns {Object} Options object.255 */256 function prepareOptions(value) {257 value = value || {};258 if (isType(value, 'String')) {259 value = self.forEach(value, /[^\s,]+/, function(match) {260 this[match] = true;261 }, {});262 }263 return value;264 }265/**266 * Registers a flag so it doesn't throw an 'unknown flag' error.267 *268 * @private269 * @param {String} flag Single-character flag to register.270 */271 function registerFlag(flag) {272 if (!/^[\w$]$/.test(flag)) {273 throw new Error('Flag must be a single character A-Za-z0-9_$');274 }275 registeredFlags[flag] = true;276 }277/**278 * Runs built-in and custom regex syntax tokens in reverse insertion order at the specified279 * position, until a match is found.280 *281 * @private282 * @param {String} pattern Original pattern from which an XRegExp object is being built.283 * @param {String} flags Flags being used to construct the regex.284 * @param {Number} pos Position to search for tokens within `pattern`.285 * @param {Number} scope Regex scope to apply: 'default' or 'class'.286 * @param {Object} context Context object to use for token handler functions.287 * @returns {Object} Object with properties `matchLength`, `output`, and `reparse`; or `null`.288 */289 function runTokens(pattern, flags, pos, scope, context) {290 var i = tokens.length,291 result = null,292 match,293 t;294 // Run in reverse insertion order295 while (i--) {296 t = tokens[i];297 if (298 (t.scope === scope || t.scope === 'all') &&299 (!t.flag || flags.indexOf(t.flag) > -1)300 ) {301 match = self.exec(pattern, t.regex, pos, 'sticky');302 if (match) {303 result = {304 matchLength: match[0].length,305 output:, match, scope, flags),306 reparse: t.reparse307 };308 // Finished with token tests309 break;310 }311 }312 }313 return result;314 }315/**316 * Enables or disables implicit astral mode opt-in.317 *318 * @private319 * @param {Boolean} on `true` to enable; `false` to disable.320 */321 function setAstral(on) {322 // Reset the pattern cache used by the `XRegExp` constructor, since the same pattern and323 // flags might now produce different results324 self.cache.flush('patterns');325 features.astral = on;326 }327/**328 * Enables or disables native method overrides.329 *330 * @private331 * @param {Boolean} on `true` to enable; `false` to disable.332 */333 function setNatives(on) {334 RegExp.prototype.exec = (on ? fixed : nativ).exec;335 RegExp.prototype.test = (on ? fixed : nativ).test;336 String.prototype.match = (on ? fixed : nativ).match;337 String.prototype.replace = (on ? fixed : nativ).replace;338 String.prototype.split = (on ? fixed : nativ).split;339 features.natives = on;340 }341/**342 * Returns the object, or throws an error if it is `null` or `undefined`. This is used to follow343 * the ES5 abstract operation `ToObject`.344 *345 * @private346 * @param {*} value Object to check and return.347 * @returns {*} The provided object.348 */349 function toObject(value) {350 // This matches both `null` and `undefined`351 if (value == null) {352 throw new TypeError('Cannot convert null or undefined to object');353 }354 return value;355 }356/* ==============================357 * Constructor358 * ============================== */359/**360 * Creates an extended regular expression object for matching text with a pattern. Differs from a361 * native regular expression in that additional syntax and flags are supported. The returned object362 * is in fact a native `RegExp` and works with all native methods.363 *364 * @class XRegExp365 * @constructor366 * @param {String|RegExp} pattern Regex pattern string, or an existing regex object to copy.367 * @param {String} [flags] Any combination of flags.368 * Native flags:369 * <li>`g` - global370 * <li>`i` - ignore case371 * <li>`m` - multiline anchors372 * <li>`y` - sticky (Firefox 3+)373 * Additional XRegExp flags:374 * <li>`n` - explicit capture375 * <li>`s` - dot matches all (aka singleline)376 * <li>`x` - free-spacing and line comments (aka extended)377 * <li>`A` - astral (requires the Unicode Base addon)378 * Flags cannot be provided when constructing one `RegExp` from another.379 * @returns {RegExp} Extended regular expression object.380 * @example381 *382 * // With named capture and flag x383 * XRegExp('(?<year> [0-9]{4} ) -? # year \n\384 * (?<month> [0-9]{2} ) -? # month \n\385 * (?<day> [0-9]{2} ) # day ', 'x');386 *387 * // Providing a regex object copies it. Native regexes are recompiled using native (not XRegExp)388 * // syntax. Copies maintain special properties for named capture, are augmented with389 * // `XRegExp.prototype` methods, and have fresh `lastIndex` properties (set to zero).390 * XRegExp(/regex/);391 */392 self = function(pattern, flags) {393 var context = {394 hasNamedCapture: false,395 captureNames: []396 },397 scope = defaultScope,398 output = '',399 pos = 0,400 result,401 token,402 key;403 if (self.isRegExp(pattern)) {404 if (flags !== undefined) {405 throw new TypeError('Cannot supply flags when copying a RegExp');406 }407 return copy(pattern, {addProto: true});408 }409 // Copy the argument behavior of `RegExp`410 pattern = pattern === undefined ? '' : String(pattern);411 flags = flags === undefined ? '' : String(flags);412 // Cache-lookup key; intentionally using an invalid regex sequence as the separator413 key = pattern + '***' + flags;414 if (!patternCache[key]) {415 // Check for flag-related errors, and strip/apply flags in a leading mode modifier416 result = prepareFlags(pattern, flags);417 pattern = result.pattern;418 flags = result.flags;419 // Use XRegExp's syntax tokens to translate the pattern to a native regex pattern...420 // `pattern.length` may change on each iteration, if tokens use the `reparse` option421 while (pos < pattern.length) {422 do {423 // Check for custom tokens at the current position424 result = runTokens(pattern, flags, pos, scope, context);425 // If the matched token used the `reparse` option, splice its output into the426 // pattern before running tokens again at the same position427 if (result && result.reparse) {428 pattern = pattern.slice(0, pos) +429 result.output +430 pattern.slice(pos + result.matchLength);431 }432 } while (result && result.reparse);433 if (result) {434 output += result.output;435 pos += (result.matchLength || 1);436 } else {437 // Get the native token at the current position438 token = self.exec(pattern, nativeTokens[scope], pos, 'sticky')[0];439 output += token;440 pos += token.length;441 if (token === '[' && scope === defaultScope) {442 scope = classScope;443 } else if (token === ']' && scope === classScope) {444 scope = defaultScope;445 }446 }447 }448 patternCache[key] = {449 // Cleanup token cruft: repeated `(?:)(?:)` and leading/trailing `(?:)`450 pattern:, /\(\?:\)(?=\(\?:\))|^\(\?:\)|\(\?:\)$/g, ''),451 // Strip all but native flags452 flags:, /[^gimy]+/g, ''),453 // `context.captureNames` has an item for each capturing group, even if unnamed454 captures: context.hasNamedCapture ? context.captureNames : null455 }456 }457 key = patternCache[key];458 return augment(new RegExp(key.pattern, key.flags), key.captures, /*addProto*/ true);459 };460// Add `RegExp.prototype` to the prototype chain461 self.prototype = new RegExp;462/* ==============================463 * Public properties464 * ============================== */465/**466 * The XRegExp version number.467 *468 * @static469 * @memberOf XRegExp470 * @type String471 */472 self.version = '3.0.0-pre';473/* ==============================474 * Public methods475 * ============================== */476/**477 * Extends XRegExp syntax and allows custom flags. This is used internally and can be used to478 * create XRegExp addons. If more than one token can match the same string, the last added wins.479 *480 * @memberOf XRegExp481 * @param {RegExp} regex Regex object that matches the new token.482 * @param {Function} handler Function that returns a new pattern string (using native regex syntax)483 * to replace the matched token within all future XRegExp regexes. Has access to persistent484 * properties of the regex being built, through `this`. Invoked with three arguments:485 * <li>The match array, with named backreference properties.486 * <li>The regex scope where the match was found: 'default' or 'class'.487 * <li>The flags used by the regex, including any flags in a leading mode modifier.488 * The handler function becomes part of the XRegExp construction process, so be careful not to489 * construct XRegExps within the function or you will trigger infinite recursion.490 * @param {Object} [options] Options object with optional properties:491 * <li>`scope` {String} Scope where the token applies: 'default', 'class', or 'all'.492 * <li>`flag` {String} Single-character flag that triggers the token. This also registers the493 * flag, which prevents XRegExp from throwing an 'unknown flag' error when the flag is used.494 * <li>`optionalFlags` {String} Any custom flags checked for within the token `handler` that are495 * not required to trigger the token. This registers the flags, to prevent XRegExp from496 * throwing an 'unknown flag' error when any of the flags are used.497 * <li>`reparse` {Boolean} Whether the `handler` function's output should not be treated as498 * final, and instead be reparseable by other tokens (including the current token). Allows499 * token chaining or deferring.500 * @example501 *502 * // Basic usage: Add \a for the ALERT control code503 * XRegExp.addToken(504 * /\\a/,505 * function() {return '\\x07';},506 * {scope: 'all'}507 * );508 * XRegExp('\\a[\\a-\\n]+').test('\x07\n\x07'); // -> true509 *510 * // Add the U (ungreedy) flag from PCRE and RE2, which reverses greedy and lazy quantifiers511 * XRegExp.addToken(512 * /([?*+]|{\d+(?:,\d*)?})(\??)/,513 * function(match) {return match[1] + (match[2] ? '' : '?');},514 * {flag: 'U'}515 * );516 * XRegExp('a+', 'U').exec('aaa')[0]; // -> 'a'517 * XRegExp('a+?', 'U').exec('aaa')[0]; // -> 'aaa'518 */519 self.addToken = function(regex, handler, options) {520 options = options || {};521 var optionalFlags = options.optionalFlags, i;522 if (options.flag) {523 registerFlag(options.flag);524 }525 if (optionalFlags) {526 optionalFlags =, '');527 for (i = 0; i < optionalFlags.length; ++i) {528 registerFlag(optionalFlags[i]);529 }530 }531 // Add to the private list of syntax tokens532 tokens.push({533 regex: copy(regex, {add: 'g' + (hasNativeY ? 'y' : '')}),534 handler: handler,535 scope: options.scope || defaultScope,536 flag: options.flag,537 reparse: options.reparse538 });539 // Reset the pattern cache used by the `XRegExp` constructor, since the same pattern and540 // flags might now produce different results541 self.cache.flush('patterns');542 };543/**544 * Caches and returns the result of calling `XRegExp(pattern, flags)`. On any subsequent call with545 * the same pattern and flag combination, the cached copy of the regex is returned.546 *547 * @memberOf XRegExp548 * @param {String} pattern Regex pattern string.549 * @param {String} [flags] Any combination of XRegExp flags.550 * @returns {RegExp} Cached XRegExp object.551 * @example552 *553 * while (match = XRegExp.cache('.', 'gs').exec(str)) {554 * // The regex is compiled once only555 * }556 */557 self.cache = function(pattern, flags) {558 var key = pattern + '***' + (flags || '');559 return cache[key] || (cache[key] = self(pattern, flags));560 };561// Intentionally undocumented562 self.cache.flush = function(cacheName) {563 if (cacheName === 'patterns') {564 // Flush the pattern cache used by the `XRegExp` constructor565 patternCache = {};566 } else {567 // Flush the regex object cache populated by `XRegExp.cache`568 cache = {};569 }570 };571/**572 * Escapes any regular expression metacharacters, for use when matching literal strings. The result573 * can safely be used at any point within a regex that uses any flags.574 *575 * @memberOf XRegExp576 * @param {String} str String to escape.577 * @returns {String} String with regex metacharacters escaped.578 * @example579 *580 * XRegExp.escape('Escaped? <.>');581 * // -> 'Escaped\?\ <\.>'582 */583 self.escape = function(str) {584 return, /[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&');585 };586/**587 * Executes a regex search in a specified string. Returns a match array or `null`. If the provided588 * regex uses named capture, named backreference properties are included on the match array.589 * Optional `pos` and `sticky` arguments specify the search start position, and whether the match590 * must start at the specified position only. The `lastIndex` property of the provided regex is not591 * used, but is updated for compatibility. Also fixes browser bugs compared to the native592 * `RegExp.prototype.exec` and can be used reliably cross-browser.593 *594 * @memberOf XRegExp595 * @param {String} str String to search.596 * @param {RegExp} regex Regex to search with.597 * @param {Number} [pos=0] Zero-based index at which to start the search.598 * @param {Boolean|String} [sticky=false] Whether the match must start at the specified position599 * only. The string `'sticky'` is accepted as an alternative to `true`.600 * @returns {Array} Match array with named backreference properties, or `null`.601 * @example602 *603 * // Basic use, with named backreference604 * var match = XRegExp.exec('U+2620', XRegExp('U\\+(?<hex>[0-9A-F]{4})'));605 * match.hex; // -> '2620'606 *607 * // With pos and sticky, in a loop608 * var pos = 2, result = [], match;609 * while (match = XRegExp.exec('<1><2><3><4>5<6>', /<(\d)>/, pos, 'sticky')) {610 * result.push(match[1]);611 * pos = match.index + match[0].length;612 * }613 * // result -> ['2', '3', '4']614 */615 self.exec = function(str, regex, pos, sticky) {616 var cacheFlags = 'g', match, r2;617 if (hasNativeY && (sticky || (regex.sticky && sticky !== false))) {618 cacheFlags += 'y';619 }620 regex[REGEX_DATA] = regex[REGEX_DATA] || getBaseProps();621 // Shares cached copies with `XRegExp.match`/`replace`622 r2 = regex[REGEX_DATA][cacheFlags] || (623 regex[REGEX_DATA][cacheFlags] = copy(regex, {624 add: cacheFlags,625 remove: sticky === false ? 'y' : ''626 })627 );628 r2.lastIndex = pos = pos || 0;629 // Fixed `exec` required for `lastIndex` fix, named backreferences, etc.630 match =, str);631 if (sticky && match && match.index !== pos) {632 match = null;633 }634 if ( {635 regex.lastIndex = match ? r2.lastIndex : 0;636 }637 return match;638 };639/**640 * Executes a provided function once per regex match.641 *642 * @memberOf XRegExp643 * @param {String} str String to search.644 * @param {RegExp} regex Regex to search with.645 * @param {Function} callback Function to execute for each match. Invoked with four arguments:646 * <li>The match array, with named backreference properties.647 * <li>The zero-based match index.648 * <li>The string being traversed.649 * <li>The regex object being used to traverse the string.650 * @param {*} [context] Object to use as `this` when executing `callback`.651 * @returns {*} Provided `context` object.652 * @example653 *654 * // Extracts every other digit from a string655 * XRegExp.forEach('1a2345', /\d/, function(match, i) {656 * if (i % 2) this.push(+match[0]);657 * }, []);658 * // -> [2, 4]659 */660 self.forEach = function(str, regex, callback, context) {661 var pos = 0,662 i = -1,663 match;664 while ((match = self.exec(str, regex, pos))) {665 // Because `regex` is provided to `callback`, the function can use the deprecated/666 // nonstandard `RegExp.prototype.compile` to mutate the regex. However, since667 // `XRegExp.exec` doesn't use `lastIndex` to set the search position, this can't lead668 // to an infinite loop, at least. Actually, because of the way `XRegExp.exec` caches669 // globalized versions of regexes, mutating the regex will not have any effect on the670 // iteration or matched strings, which is a nice side effect that brings extra safety671, match, ++i, str, regex);672 pos = match.index + (match[0].length || 1);673 }674 return context;675 };676/**677 * Copies a regex object and adds flag `g`. The copy maintains special properties for named678 * capture, is augmented with `XRegExp.prototype` methods, and has a fresh `lastIndex` property679 * (set to zero). Native regexes are not recompiled using XRegExp syntax.680 *681 * @memberOf XRegExp682 * @param {RegExp} regex Regex to globalize.683 * @returns {RegExp} Copy of the provided regex with flag `g` added.684 * @example685 *686 * var globalCopy = XRegExp.globalize(/regex/);687 *; // -> true688 */689 self.globalize = function(regex) {690 return copy(regex, {add: 'g', addProto: true});691 };692/**693 * Installs optional features according to the specified options. Can be undone using694 * {@link #XRegExp.uninstall}.695 *696 * @memberOf XRegExp697 * @param {Object|String} options Options object or string.698 * @example699 *700 * // With an options object701 * XRegExp.install({702 * // Enables support for astral code points in Unicode addons (implicitly sets flag A)703 * astral: true,704 *705 * // Overrides native regex methods with fixed/extended versions that support named706 * // backreferences and fix numerous cross-browser bugs707 * natives: true708 * });709 *710 * // With an options string711 * XRegExp.install('astral natives');712 */713 self.install = function(options) {714 options = prepareOptions(options);715 if (!features.astral && options.astral) {716 setAstral(true);717 }718 if (!features.natives && options.natives) {719 setNatives(true);720 }721 };722/**723 * Checks whether an individual optional feature is installed.724 *725 * @memberOf XRegExp726 * @param {String} feature Name of the feature to check. One of:727 * <li>`natives`728 * <li>`astral`729 * @returns {Boolean} Whether the feature is installed.730 * @example731 *732 * XRegExp.isInstalled('natives');733 */734 self.isInstalled = function(feature) {735 return !!(features[feature]);736 };737/**738 * Returns `true` if an object is a regex; `false` if it isn't. This works correctly for regexes739 * created in another frame, when `instanceof` and `constructor` checks would fail.740 *741 * @memberOf XRegExp742 * @param {*} value Object to check.743 * @returns {Boolean} Whether the object is a `RegExp` object.744 * @example745 *746 * XRegExp.isRegExp('string'); // -> false747 * XRegExp.isRegExp(/regex/i); // -> true748 * XRegExp.isRegExp(RegExp('^', 'm')); // -> true749 * XRegExp.isRegExp(XRegExp('(?s).')); // -> true750 */751 self.isRegExp = function(value) {752 return === '[object RegExp]';753 //return isType(value, 'RegExp');754 };755/**756 * Returns the first matched string, or in global mode, an array containing all matched strings.757 * This is essentially a more convenient re-implementation of `String.prototype.match` that gives758 * the result types you actually want (string instead of `exec`-style array in match-first mode,759 * and an empty array instead of `null` when no matches are found in match-all mode). It also lets760 * you override flag g and ignore `lastIndex`, and fixes browser bugs.761 *762 * @memberOf XRegExp763 * @param {String} str String to search.764 * @param {RegExp} regex Regex to search with.765 * @param {String} [scope='one'] Use 'one' to return the first match as a string. Use 'all' to766 * return an array of all matched strings. If not explicitly specified and `regex` uses flag g,767 * `scope` is 'all'.768 * @returns {String|Array} In match-first mode: First match as a string, or `null`. In match-all769 * mode: Array of all matched strings, or an empty array.770 * @example771 *772 * // Match first773 * XRegExp.match('abc', /\w/); // -> 'a'774 * XRegExp.match('abc', /\w/g, 'one'); // -> 'a'775 * XRegExp.match('abc', /x/g, 'one'); // -> null776 *777 * // Match all778 * XRegExp.match('abc', /\w/g); // -> ['a', 'b', 'c']779 * XRegExp.match('abc', /\w/, 'all'); // -> ['a', 'b', 'c']780 * XRegExp.match('abc', /x/, 'all'); // -> []781 */782 self.match = function(str, regex, scope) {783 var global = ( && scope !== 'one') || scope === 'all',784 cacheFlags = (global ? 'g' : '') + (regex.sticky ? 'y' : ''),785 result,786 r2;787 regex[REGEX_DATA] = regex[REGEX_DATA] || getBaseProps();788 // Shares cached copies with `XRegExp.exec`/`replace`789 r2 = regex[REGEX_DATA][cacheFlags || 'noGY'] || (790 regex[REGEX_DATA][cacheFlags || 'noGY'] = copy(regex, {791 add: cacheFlags,792 remove: scope === 'one' ? 'g' : ''793 })794 );795 result =, r2);796 if ( {797 regex.lastIndex = (798 (scope === 'one' && result) ?799 // Can't use `r2.lastIndex` since `r2` is nonglobal in this case800 (result.index + result[0].length) : 0801 );802 }803 return global ? (result || []) : (result && result[0]);804 };805/**806 * Retrieves the matches from searching a string using a chain of regexes that successively search807 * within previous matches. The provided `chain` array can contain regexes and objects with `regex`808 * and `backref` properties. When a backreference is specified, the named or numbered backreference809 * is passed forward to the next regex or returned.810 *811 * @memberOf XRegExp812 * @param {String} str String to search.813 * @param {Array} chain Regexes that each search for matches within preceding results.814 * @returns {Array} Matches by the last regex in the chain, or an empty array.815 * @example816 *817 * // Basic usage; matches numbers within <b> tags818 * XRegExp.matchChain('1 <b>2</b> 3 <b>4 a 56</b>', [819 * XRegExp('(?is)<b>.*?</b>'),820 * /\d+/821 * ]);822 * // -> ['2', '4', '56']823 *824 * // Passing forward and returning specific backreferences825 * html = '<a href="">XRegExp</a>\826 * <a href="">Google</a>';827 * XRegExp.matchChain(html, [828 * {regex: /<a href="([^"]+)">/i, backref: 1},829 * {regex: XRegExp('(?i)^https?://(?<domain>[^/?#]+)'), backref: 'domain'}830 * ]);831 * // -> ['', '']832 */833 self.matchChain = function(str, chain) {834 return (function recurseChain(values, level) {835 var item = chain[level].regex ? chain[level] : {regex: chain[level]},836 matches = [],837 addMatch = function(match) {838 if (item.backref) {839 /* Safari 4.0.5 (but not 5.0.5+) inappropriately uses sparse arrays to hold840 * the `undefined`s for backreferences to nonparticipating capturing841 * groups. In such cases, a `hasOwnProperty` or `in` check on its own would842 * inappropriately throw the exception, so also check if the backreference843 * is a number that is within the bounds of the array.844 */845 if (!(match.hasOwnProperty(item.backref) || +item.backref < match.length)) {846 throw new ReferenceError('Backreference to undefined group: ' + item.backref);847 }848 matches.push(match[item.backref] || '');849 } else {850 matches.push(match[0]);851 }852 },853 i;854 for (i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {855 self.forEach(values[i], item.regex, addMatch);856 }857 return ((level === chain.length - 1) || !matches.length) ?858 matches :859 recurseChain(matches, level + 1);860 }([str], 0));861 };862/**863 * Returns a new string with one or all matches of a pattern replaced. The pattern can be a string864 * or regex, and the replacement can be a string or a function to be called for each match. To865 * perform a global search and replace, use the optional `scope` argument or include flag g if866 * using a regex. Replacement strings can use `${n}` for named and numbered backreferences.867 * Replacement functions can use named backreferences via `arguments[0].name`. Also fixes browser868 * bugs compared to the native `String.prototype.replace` and can be used reliably cross-browser.869 *870 * @memberOf XRegExp871 * @param {String} str String to search.872 * @param {RegExp|String} search Search pattern to be replaced.873 * @param {String|Function} replacement Replacement string or a function invoked to create it.874 * Replacement strings can include special replacement syntax:875 * <li>$$ - Inserts a literal $ character.876 * <li>$&, $0 - Inserts the matched substring.877 * <li>$` - Inserts the string that precedes the matched substring (left context).878 * <li>$' - Inserts the string that follows the matched substring (right context).879 * <li>$n, $nn - Where n/nn are digits referencing an existent capturing group, inserts880 * backreference n/nn.881 * <li>${n} - Where n is a name or any number of digits that reference an existent capturing882 * group, inserts backreference n.883 * Replacement functions are invoked with three or more arguments:884 * <li>The matched substring (corresponds to $& above). Named backreferences are accessible as885 * properties of this first argument.886 * <li>0..n arguments, one for each backreference (corresponding to $1, $2, etc. above).887 * <li>The zero-based index of the match within the total search string.888 * <li>The total string being searched.889 * @param {String} [scope='one'] Use 'one' to replace the first match only, or 'all'. If not890 * explicitly specified and using a regex with flag g, `scope` is 'all'.891 * @returns {String} New string with one or all matches replaced.892 * @example893 *894 * // Regex search, using named backreferences in replacement string895 * var name = XRegExp('(?<first>\\w+) (?<last>\\w+)');896 * XRegExp.replace('John Smith', name, '${last}, ${first}');897 * // -> 'Smith, John'898 *899 * // Regex search, using named backreferences in replacement function900 * XRegExp.replace('John Smith', name, function(match) {901 * return match.last + ', ' + match.first;902 * });903 * // -> 'Smith, John'904 *905 * // String search, with replace-all906 * XRegExp.replace('RegExp builds RegExps', 'RegExp', 'XRegExp', 'all');907 * // -> 'XRegExp builds XRegExps'908 */909 self.replace = function(str, search, replacement, scope) {910 var isRegex = self.isRegExp(search),911 global = ( && scope !== 'one') || scope === 'all',912 cacheFlags = (global ? 'g' : '') + (search.sticky ? 'y' : ''),913 s2 = search,914 result;915 if (isRegex) {916 search[REGEX_DATA] = search[REGEX_DATA] || getBaseProps();917 // Shares cached copies with `XRegExp.exec`/`match`. Since a copy is used,918 // `search`'s `lastIndex` isn't updated *during* replacement iterations919 s2 = search[REGEX_DATA][cacheFlags || 'noGY'] || (920 search[REGEX_DATA][cacheFlags || 'noGY'] = copy(search, {921 add: cacheFlags,922 remove: scope === 'one' ? 'g' : ''923 })924 );925 } else if (global) {926 s2 = new RegExp(self.escape(String(search)), 'g');927 }928 // Fixed `replace` required for named backreferences, etc.929 result =, s2, replacement);930 if (isRegex && {931 // Fixes IE, Safari bug (last tested IE 9, Safari 5.1)932 search.lastIndex = 0;933 }934 return result;935 };936/**937 * Performs batch processing of string replacements. Used like {@link #XRegExp.replace}, but938 * accepts an array of replacement details. Later replacements operate on the output of earlier939 * replacements. Replacement details are accepted as an array with a regex or string to search for,940 * the replacement string or function, and an optional scope of 'one' or 'all'. Uses the XRegExp941 * replacement text syntax, which supports named backreference properties via `${name}`.942 *943 * @memberOf XRegExp944 * @param {String} str String to search.945 * @param {Array} replacements Array of replacement detail arrays.946 * @returns {String} New string with all replacements.947 * @example948 *949 * str = XRegExp.replaceEach(str, [950 * [XRegExp('(?<name>a)'), 'z${name}'],951 * [/b/gi, 'y'],952 * [/c/g, 'x', 'one'], // scope 'one' overrides /g953 * [/d/, 'w', 'all'], // scope 'all' overrides lack of /g954 * ['e', 'v', 'all'], // scope 'all' allows replace-all for strings955 * [/f/g, function($0) {956 * return $0.toUpperCase();957 * }]958 * ]);959 */960 self.replaceEach = function(str, replacements) {961 var i, r;962 for (i = 0; i < replacements.length; ++i) {963 r = replacements[i];964 str = self.replace(str, r[0], r[1], r[2]);965 }966 return str;967 };968/**969 * Splits a string into an array of strings using a regex or string separator. Matches of the970 * separator are not included in the result array. However, if `separator` is a regex that contains971 * capturing groups, backreferences are spliced into the result each time `separator` is matched.972 * Fixes browser bugs compared to the native `String.prototype.split` and can be used reliably973 * cross-browser.974 *975 * @memberOf XRegExp976 * @param {String} str String to split.977 * @param {RegExp|String} separator Regex or string to use for separating the string.978 * @param {Number} [limit] Maximum number of items to include in the result array.979 * @returns {Array} Array of substrings.980 * @example981 *982 * // Basic use983 * XRegExp.split('a b c', ' ');984 * // -> ['a', 'b', 'c']985 *986 * // With limit987 * XRegExp.split('a b c', ' ', 2);988 * // -> ['a', 'b']989 *990 * // Backreferences in result array991 * XRegExp.split('..word1..', /([a-z]+)(\d+)/i);992 * // -> ['..', 'word', '1', '..']993 */994 self.split = function(str, separator, limit) {995 return, separator, limit);996 };997/**998 * Executes a regex search in a specified string. Returns `true` or `false`. Optional `pos` and999 * `sticky` arguments specify the search start position, and whether the match must start at the1000 * specified position only. The `lastIndex` property of the provided regex is not used, but is1001 * updated for compatibility. Also fixes browser bugs compared to the native1002 * `RegExp.prototype.test` and can be used reliably cross-browser.1003 *1004 * @memberOf XRegExp1005 * @param {String} str String to search.1006 * @param {RegExp} regex Regex to search with.1007 * @param {Number} [pos=0] Zero-based index at which to start the search.1008 * @param {Boolean|String} [sticky=false] Whether the match must start at the specified position1009 * only. The string `'sticky'` is accepted as an alternative to `true`.1010 * @returns {Boolean} Whether the regex matched the provided value.1011 * @example1012 *1013 * // Basic use1014 * XRegExp.test('abc', /c/); // -> true1015 *1016 * // With pos and sticky1017 * XRegExp.test('abc', /c/, 0, 'sticky'); // -> false1018 */1019 self.test = function(str, regex, pos, sticky) {1020 // Do this the easy way :-)1021 return !!self.exec(str, regex, pos, sticky);1022 };1023/**1024 * Uninstalls optional features according to the specified options. All optional features start out1025 * uninstalled, so this is used to undo the actions of {@link #XRegExp.install}.1026 *1027 * @memberOf XRegExp1028 * @param {Object|String} options Options object or string.1029 * @example1030 *1031 * // With an options object1032 * XRegExp.uninstall({1033 * // Disables support for astral code points in Unicode addons1034 * astral: true,1035 *1036 * // Restores native regex methods1037 * natives: true1038 * });1039 *1040 * // With an options string1041 * XRegExp.uninstall('astral natives');1042 */1043 self.uninstall = function(options) {1044 options = prepareOptions(options);1045 if (features.astral && options.astral) {1046 setAstral(false);1047 }1048 if (features.natives && options.natives) {1049 setNatives(false);1050 }1051 };1052/**1053 * Returns an XRegExp object that is the union of the given patterns. Patterns can be provided as1054 * regex objects or strings. Metacharacters are escaped in patterns provided as strings.1055 * Backreferences in provided regex objects are automatically renumbered to work correctly within1056 * the larger combined pattern. Native flags used by provided regexes are ignored in favor of the1057 * `flags` argument.1058 *1059 * @memberOf XRegExp1060 * @param {Array} patterns Regexes and strings to combine.1061 * @param {String} [flags] Any combination of XRegExp flags.1062 * @returns {RegExp} Union of the provided regexes and strings.1063 * @example1064 *1065 * XRegExp.union(['a+b*c', /(dogs)\1/, /(cats)\1/], 'i');1066 * // -> /a\+b\*c|(dogs)\1|(cats)\2/i1067 */1068 self.union = function(patterns, flags) {1069 var parts = /(\()(?!\?)|\\([1-9]\d*)|\\[\s\S]|\[(?:[^\\\]]|\\[\s\S])*]/g,1070 output = [],1071 numCaptures = 0,1072 numPriorCaptures,1073 captureNames,1074 pattern,1075 rewrite = function(match, paren, backref) {1076 var name = captureNames[numCaptures - numPriorCaptures];1077 // Capturing group1078 if (paren) {1079 ++numCaptures;1080 // If the current capture has a name, preserve the name1081 if (name) {1082 return '(?<' + name + '>';1083 }1084 // Backreference1085 } else if (backref) {1086 // Rewrite the backreference1087 return '\\' + (+backref + numPriorCaptures);1088 }1089 return match;1090 },1091 i;1092 if (!(isType(patterns, 'Array') && patterns.length)) {1093 throw new TypeError('Must provide a nonempty array of patterns to merge');1094 }1095 for (i = 0; i < patterns.length; ++i) {1096 pattern = patterns[i];1097 if (self.isRegExp(pattern)) {1098 numPriorCaptures = numCaptures;1099 captureNames = (pattern[REGEX_DATA] && pattern[REGEX_DATA].captureNames) || [];1100 // Rewrite backreferences. Passing to XRegExp dies on octals and ensures patterns1101 // are independently valid; helps keep this simple. Named captures are put back1102 output.push(, parts, rewrite));1103 } else {1104 output.push(self.escape(pattern));1105 }1106 }1107 return self(output.join('|'), flags);1108 };1109/* ==============================1110 * Fixed/extended native methods1111 * ============================== */1112/**1113 * Adds named capture support (with backreferences returned as ``), and fixes browser1114 * bugs in the native `RegExp.prototype.exec`. Calling `XRegExp.install('natives')` uses this to1115 * override the native method. Use via `XRegExp.exec` without overriding natives.1116 *1117 * @private1118 * @param {String} str String to search.1119 * @returns {Array} Match array with named backreference properties, or `null`.1120 */1121 fixed.exec = function(str) {1122 var origLastIndex = this.lastIndex,1123 match = nativ.exec.apply(this, arguments),1124 name,1125 r2,1126 i;1127 if (match) {1128 // Fix browsers whose `exec` methods don't return `undefined` for nonparticipating1129 // capturing groups. This fixes IE 5.5-8, but not IE 9's quirks mode or emulation of1130 // older IEs. IE 9 in standards mode follows the spec1131 if (!correctExecNpcg && match.length > 1 && indexOf(match, '') > -1) {1132 r2 = copy(this, {remove: 'g'});1133 // Using `str.slice(match.index)` rather than `match[0]` in case lookahead allowed1134 // matching due to characters outside the match1135, r2, function() {1136 var len = arguments.length, i;1137 // Skip index 0 and the last 21138 for (i = 1; i < len - 2; ++i) {1139 if (arguments[i] === undefined) {1140 match[i] = undefined;1141 }1142 }1143 });1144 }1145 // Attach named capture properties1146 if (this[REGEX_DATA] && this[REGEX_DATA].captureNames) {1147 // Skip index 01148 for (i = 1; i < match.length; ++i) {1149 name = this[REGEX_DATA].captureNames[i - 1];1150 if (name) {1151 match[name] = match[i];1152 }1153 }1154 }1155 // Fix browsers that increment `lastIndex` after zero-length matches1156 if ( && !match[0].length && (this.lastIndex > match.index)) {1157 this.lastIndex = match.index;1158 }1159 }1160 if (! {1161 // Fixes IE, Opera bug (last tested IE 9, Opera 11.6)1162 this.lastIndex = origLastIndex;1163 }1164 return match;1165 };1166/**1167 * Fixes browser bugs in the native `RegExp.prototype.test`. Calling `XRegExp.install('natives')`1168 * uses this to override the native method.1169 *1170 * @private1171 * @param {String} str String to search.1172 * @returns {Boolean} Whether the regex matched the provided value.1173 */1174 fixed.test = function(str) {1175 // Do this the easy way :-)1176 return !!, str);1177 };1178/**1179 * Adds named capture support (with backreferences returned as ``), and fixes browser1180 * bugs in the native `String.prototype.match`. Calling `XRegExp.install('natives')` uses this to1181 * override the native method.1182 *1183 * @private1184 * @param {RegExp|*} regex Regex to search with. If not a regex object, it is passed to `RegExp`.1185 * @returns {Array} If `regex` uses flag g, an array of match strings or `null`. Without flag g,1186 * the result of calling `regex.exec(this)`.1187 */1188 fixed.match = function(regex) {1189 var result;1190 if (!self.isRegExp(regex)) {1191 // Use the native `RegExp` rather than `XRegExp`1192 regex = new RegExp(regex);1193 } else if ( {1194 result = nativ.match.apply(this, arguments);1195 // Fixes IE bug1196 regex.lastIndex = 0;1197 return result;1198 }1199 return, toObject(this));1200 };1201/**1202 * Adds support for `${n}` tokens for named and numbered backreferences in replacement text, and1203 * provides named backreferences to replacement functions as `arguments[0].name`. Also fixes1204 * browser bugs in replacement text syntax when performing a replacement using a nonregex search1205 * value, and the value of a replacement regex's `lastIndex` property during replacement iterations1206 * and upon completion. Note that this doesn't support SpiderMonkey's proprietary third (`flags`)1207 * argument. Calling `XRegExp.install('natives')` uses this to override the native method. Use via1208 * `XRegExp.replace` without overriding natives.1209 *1210 * @private1211 * @param {RegExp|String} search Search pattern to be replaced.1212 * @param {String|Function} replacement Replacement string or a function invoked to create it.1213 * @returns {String} New string with one or all matches replaced.1214 */1215 fixed.replace = function(search, replacement) {1216 var isRegex = self.isRegExp(search),1217 origLastIndex,1218 captureNames,1219 result;1220 if (isRegex) {1221 if (search[REGEX_DATA]) {1222 captureNames = search[REGEX_DATA].captureNames;1223 }1224 // Only needed if `search` is nonglobal1225 origLastIndex = search.lastIndex;1226 } else {1227 search += ''; // Type-convert1228 }1229 // Don't use `typeof`; some older browsers return 'function' for regex objects1230 if (isType(replacement, 'Function')) {1231 // Stringifying `this` fixes a bug in IE < 9 where the last argument in replacement1232 // functions isn't type-converted to a string1233 result =, search, function() {1234 var args = arguments, i;1235 if (captureNames) {1236 // Change the `arguments[0]` string primitive to a `String` object that can1237 // store properties. This really does need to use `String` as a constructor1238 args[0] = new String(args[0]);1239 // Store named backreferences on the first argument1240 for (i = 0; i < captureNames.length; ++i) {1241 if (captureNames[i]) {1242 args[0][captureNames[i]] = args[i + 1];1243 }1244 }1245 }1246 // Update `lastIndex` before calling `replacement`. Fixes IE, Chrome, Firefox,1247 // Safari bug (last tested IE 9, Chrome 17, Firefox 11, Safari 5.1)1248 if (isRegex && {1249 search.lastIndex = args[args.length - 2] + args[0].length;1250 }1251 // Should pass `undefined` as context; see1252 // <>1253 return replacement.apply(undefined, args);1254 });1255 } else {1256 // Ensure that the last value of `args` will be a string when given nonstring `this`,1257 // while still throwing on `null` or `undefined` context1258 result = == null ? this : String(this), search, function() {1259 // Keep this function's `arguments` available through closure1260 var args = arguments;1261 return, replacementToken, function($0, $1, $2) {1262 var n;1263 // Named or numbered backreference with curly braces1264 if ($1) {1265 // XRegExp behavior for `${n}`:1266 // 1. Backreference to numbered capture, if `n` is an integer. Use `0` for1267 // for the entire match. Any number of leading zeros may be used.1268 // 2. Backreference to named capture `n`, if it exists and is not an1269 // integer overridden by numbered capture. In practice, this does not1270 // overlap with numbered capture since XRegExp does not allow named1271 // capture to use a bare integer as the name.1272 // 3. If the name or number does not refer to an existing capturing group,1273 // it's an error.1274 n = +$1; // Type-convert; drop leading zeros1275 if (n <= args.length - 3) {1276 return args[n] || '';1277 }1278 // Groups with the same name is an error, else would need `lastIndexOf`1279 n = captureNames ? indexOf(captureNames, $1) : -1;1280 if (n < 0) {1281 throw new SyntaxError('Backreference to undefined group ' + $0);1282 }1283 return args[n + 1] || '';1284 }1285 // Else, special variable or numbered backreference without curly braces1286 if ($2 === '$') { // $$1287 return '$';1288 }1289 if ($2 === '&' || +$2 === 0) { // $&, $0 (not followed by 1-9), $001290 return args[0];1291 }1292 if ($2 === '`') { // $` (left context)1293 return args[args.length - 1].slice(0, args[args.length - 2]);1294 }1295 if ($2 === "'") { // $' (right context)1296 return args[args.length - 1].slice(args[args.length - 2] + args[0].length);1297 }1298 // Else, numbered backreference without curly braces1299 $2 = +$2; // Type-convert; drop leading zero1300 // XRegExp behavior for `$n` and `$nn`:1301 // - Backrefs end after 1 or 2 digits. Use `${..}` for more digits.1302 // - `$1` is an error if no capturing groups.1303 // - `$10` is an error if less than 10 capturing groups. Use `${1}0` instead.1304 // - `$01` is `$1` if at least one capturing group, else it's an error.1305 // - `$0` (not followed by 1-9) and `$00` are the entire match.1306 // Native behavior, for comparison:1307 // - Backrefs end after 1 or 2 digits. Cannot reference capturing group 100+.1308 // - `$1` is a literal `$1` if no capturing groups.1309 // - `$10` is `$1` followed by a literal `0` if less than 10 capturing groups.1310 // - `$01` is `$1` if at least one capturing group, else it's a literal `$01`.1311 // - `$0` is a literal `$0`.1312 if (!isNaN($2)) {1313 if ($2 > args.length - 3) {1314 throw new SyntaxError('Backreference to undefined group ' + $0);1315 }1316 return args[$2] || '';1317 }1318 throw new SyntaxError('Invalid token ' + $0);1319 });1320 });1321 }1322 if (isRegex) {1323 if ( {1324 // Fixes IE, Safari bug (last tested IE 9, Safari 5.1)1325 search.lastIndex = 0;1326 } else {1327 // Fixes IE, Opera bug (last tested IE 9, Opera 11.6)1328 search.lastIndex = origLastIndex;1329 }1330 }1331 return result;1332 };1333/**1334 * Fixes browser bugs in the native `String.prototype.split`. Calling `XRegExp.install('natives')`1335 * uses this to override the native method. Use via `XRegExp.split` without overriding natives.1336 *1337 * @private1338 * @param {RegExp|String} separator Regex or string to use for separating the string.1339 * @param {Number} [limit] Maximum number of items to include in the result array.1340 * @returns {Array} Array of substrings.1341 */1342 fixed.split = function(separator, limit) {1343 if (!self.isRegExp(separator)) {1344 // Browsers handle nonregex split correctly, so use the faster native method1345 return nativ.split.apply(this, arguments);1346 }1347 var str = String(this),1348 output = [],1349 origLastIndex = separator.lastIndex,1350 lastLastIndex = 0,1351 lastLength;1352 // Values for `limit`, per the spec:1353 // If undefined: pow(2,32) - 11354 // If 0, Infinity, or NaN: 01355 // If positive number: limit = floor(limit); if (limit >= pow(2,32)) limit -= pow(2,32);1356 // If negative number: pow(2,32) - floor(abs(limit))1357 // If other: Type-convert, then use the above rules1358 // This line fails in very strange ways for some values of `limit` in Opera 10.5-10.63,1359 // unless Opera Dragonfly is open (go figure). It works in at least Opera 9.5-10.1 and 11+1360 limit = (limit === undefined ? -1 : limit) >>> 0;1361 self.forEach(str, separator, function(match) {1362 // This condition is not the same as `if (match[0].length)`1363 if ((match.index + match[0].length) > lastLastIndex) {1364 output.push(str.slice(lastLastIndex, match.index));1365 if (match.length > 1 && match.index < str.length) {1366 Array.prototype.push.apply(output, match.slice(1));1367 }1368 lastLength = match[0].length;1369 lastLastIndex = match.index + lastLength;1370 }1371 });1372 if (lastLastIndex === str.length) {1373 if (!, '') || lastLength) {1374 output.push('');1375 }1376 } else {1377 output.push(str.slice(lastLastIndex));1378 }1379 separator.lastIndex = origLastIndex;1380 return output.length > limit ? output.slice(0, limit) : output;1381 };1382/* ==============================1383 * Built-in syntax/flag tokens1384 * ============================== */1385 add = self.addToken;1386/*1387 * Letter identity escapes that natively match literal characters: `\a`, `\A`, etc. These should be1388 * SyntaxErrors but are allowed in web reality. XRegExp makes them errors for cross-browser1389 * consistency and to reserve their syntax, but lets them be superseded by addons.1390 */1391 add(1392 /\\([ABCE-RTUVXYZaeg-mopqyz]|c(?![A-Za-z])|u(?![\dA-Fa-f]{4})|x(?![\dA-Fa-f]{2}))/,1393 function(match, scope) {1394 // \B is allowed in default scope only1395 if (match[1] === 'B' && scope === defaultScope) {1396 return match[0];1397 }1398 throw new SyntaxError('Invalid escape ' + match[0]);1399 },1400 {scope: 'all'}1401 );1402/*1403 * Empty character class: `[]` or `[^]`. This fixes a critical cross-browser syntax inconsistency.1404 * Unless this is standardized (per the ES spec), regex syntax can't be accurately parsed because1405 * character class endings can't be determined.1406 */1407 add(1408 /\[(\^?)]/,1409 function(match) {1410 // For cross-browser compatibility with ES3, convert [] to \b\B and [^] to [\s\S].1411 // (?!) should work like \b\B, but is unreliable in some versions of Firefox1412 return match[1] ? '[\\s\\S]' : '\\b\\B';1413 }1414 );1415/*1416 * Comment pattern: `(?# )`. Inline comments are an alternative to the line comments allowed in1417 * free-spacing mode (flag x).1418 */1419 add(1420 /\(\?#[^)]*\)/,1421 function(match, scope, flags) {1422 // Keep tokens separated unless the following token is a quantifier1423 return isQuantifierNext(match.input, match.index + match[0].length, flags) ?1424 '' : '(?:)';1425 }1426 );1427/*1428 * Whitespace and line comments, in free-spacing mode (aka extended mode, flag x) only.1429 */1430 add(1431 /\s+|#.*/,1432 function(match, scope, flags) {1433 // Keep tokens separated unless the following token is a quantifier1434 return isQuantifierNext(match.input, match.index + match[0].length, flags) ?1435 '' : '(?:)';1436 },1437 {flag: 'x'}1438 );1439/*1440 * Dot, in dotall mode (aka singleline mode, flag s) only.1441 */1442 add(1443 /\./,1444 function() {1445 return '[\\s\\S]';1446 },1447 {flag: 's'}1448 );...

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...91 }92 function isType(value, type) {93 return === "[object " + type + "]";94 }95 function isQuantifierNext(pattern, pos, flags) {96 return"x") > -1 ? /^(?:\s+|#.*|\(\?#[^)]*\))*(?:[?*+]|{\d+(?:,\d*)?})/ : /^(?:\(\?#[^)]*\))*(?:[?*+]|{\d+(?:,\d*)?})/, pattern.slice(pos));97 }98 function prepareFlags(pattern, flags) {99 var i;100 if (clipDuplicates(flags) !== flags) {101 throw new SyntaxError("Invalid duplicate regex flag " + flags);102 }103 pattern =, / ^ \ (\ ? ([\w$] + )\) / , function ($0, $1) {104 if ([gy]/, $1)) {105 throw new SyntaxError("Cannot use flag g or y in mode modifier " + $0);106 }107 flags = clipDuplicates(flags + $1);108 return "";109 });110 for (i = 0; i < flags.length; ++i) {111 if (!registeredFlags[flags.charAt(i)]) {112 throw new SyntaxError("Unknown regex flag " + flags.charAt(i));113 }114 }115 return {116 pattern: pattern,117 flags: flags118 };119 }120 function prepareOptions(value) {121 value = value || {};122 if (isType(value, "String")) {123 value = self.forEach(value, / [ ^ \s, ] + /, function(match) {124 this[match] = true;125 }, {});126 }127 return value;128 }129 function registerFlag(flag) {130 if (!/ ^ [\w$] $ / .test(flag)) {131 throw new Error("Flag must be a single character A-Za-z0-9_$");132 }133 registeredFlags[flag] = true;134 }135 function runTokens(pattern, flags, pos, scope, context) {136 var i = tokens.length, result = null,, match, t137 //===================================================138 while (i--) {139 t = tokens[i];140 if ((t.scope === scope || t.scope === "all") && (!t.flag || flags.indexOf(t.flag) > -1)) {141 match = self.exec(pattern, t.regex, pos, "sticky");142 if (match) {143 result = {144 matchLength: match[0].length,145 output:, match, scope, flags),146 reparse: t.reparse147 };148 break;149 }150 }151 }152 return result;153 }154 function setAstral(on) {155 self.cache.flush("patterns");156 features.astral = on;157 }158 function setNatives(on) {159 RegExp.prototype.exec = (on ? fixed : nativ).exec;160 RegExp.prototype.test = (on ? fixed : nativ).test;161 String.prototype.match = (on ? fixed : nativ).match;162 String.prototype.replace = (on ? fixed : nativ).replace;163 String.prototype.split = (on ? fixed : nativ).split;164 features.natives = on;165 }166 function toObject(value) {167 if (value == null) {168 throw new TypeError("Cannot convert null or undefined to object");169 }170 return value;171 }172 self = function (pattern, flags) {173 var context = {174 hasNamedCapture: false,175 captureNames: []176 },177 scope = defaultScope,178 output = "",179 pos = 0,180 result, token, key;181 if (self.isRegExp(pattern)) {182 if (flags !== undefined) {183 throw new TypeError("Cannot supply flags when copying a RegExp");184 }185 return copy(pattern, {186 addProto: true187 });188 }189 pattern = pattern === undefined ? "" : String(pattern);190 flags = flags === undefined ? "" : String(flags);191 key = pattern + "***" + flags;192 if (!patternCache[key]) {193 result = prepareFlags(pattern, flags);194 pattern = result.pattern;195 flags = result.flags;196 while (pos < pattern.length) {197 do {198 result = runTokens(pattern, flags, pos, scope, context);199 if (result && result.reparse) {200 pattern = pattern.slice(0, pos) + result.output + pattern.slice(pos + result.matchLength);201 }202 } while (result && result.reparse);203 if (result) {204 output += result.output;205 pos += result.matchLength || 1;206 } else {207 token = self.exec(pattern, nativeTokens[scope], pos, "sticky")[0];208 output += token;209 pos += token.length;210 if (token === "[" && scope === defaultScope) {211 scope = classScope;212 } else if (token === "]" && scope === classScope) {213 scope = defaultScope;214 }215 }216 }217 patternCache[key] = {218 pattern:, / \ (\ ? : \)( ? = \ (\ ? : \)) | ^ \ (\ ? : \) | \ (\ ? : \) $ / g, ""),219 flags:, / [ ^ gimy] + /g, ""),220 captures: context.hasNamedCapture ? context.captureNames : null221 };222 }223 key = patternCache[key];224 return augment(new RegExp(key.pattern, key.flags), key.captures, true);225 };226 self.prototype = new RegExp();227 self.version = "3.0.0-pre";228 self.addToken = function(regex, handler, options) {229 options = options || {};230 var optionalFlags = options.optionalFlags, i;231 if (options.flag) {232 registerFlag(options.flag);233 }234 if (optionalFlags) {235 optionalFlags =, "");236 for (i = 0; i < optionalFlags.length; ++i) {237 registerFlag(optionalFlags[i]);238 }239 }240 tokens.push({241 regex: copy(regex, {242 add: "g" + (hasNativeY ? "y" : "")243 }),244 handler: handler,245 scope: options.scope || defaultScope,246 flag: options.flag,247 reparse: options.reparse248 });249 self.cache.flush("patterns");250 };251 self.cache = function(pattern, flags) {252 var key = pattern + "***" + (flags || "");253 return cache[key] || (cache[key] = self(pattern, flags));254 };255 self.cache.flush = function(cacheName) {256 if (cacheName === "patterns") {257 patternCache = {};258 } else {259 cache = {};260 }261 };262 self.escape = function(str) {263 return, / [-[\] {}() * + ? ., \\ ^ $ | #\s] / g, "\\$&");264 };265 self.exec = function (str, regex, pos, sticky) {266 var cacheFlags = "g",267 match, r2;268 if (hasNativeY && (sticky || regex.sticky && sticky !== false)) {269 cacheFlags += "y";270 }271 regex[REGEX_DATA] = regex[REGEX_DATA] || getBaseProps();272 r2 = regex[REGEX_DATA][cacheFlags] || (regex[REGEX_DATA][cacheFlags] = copy(regex, {273 add: cacheFlags,274 remove: sticky === false ? "y" : ""275 }));276 r2.lastIndex = pos = pos || 0;277 match =, str);278 if (sticky && match && match.index !== pos) {279 match = null;280 }281 if ( {282 regex.lastIndex = match ? r2.lastIndex : 0;283 }284 return match;285 };286 self.forEach = function (str, regex, callback, context) {287 var pos = 0, i = -1, match288 ;//=================================================289 while (match = self.exec(str, regex, pos)) {290, match, ++i, str, regex);291 pos = match.index + (match[0].length || 1);292 }293 return context;294 };295 self.globalize = function (regex) {296 return copy(regex, {297 add: "g",298 addProto: true299 });300 };301 self.install = function (options) {302 options = prepareOptions(options);303 if (!features.astral && options.astral) {304 setAstral(true);305 }306 if (!features.natives && options.natives) {307 setNatives(true);308 }309 };310 self.isInstalled = function (feature) {311 return !!features[feature];312 };313 self.isRegExp = function (value) {314 return === "[object RegExp]";315 };316 self.match = function (str, regex, scope) {317 var global = && scope !== "one" || scope === "all"318 , cacheFlags = (global ? "g" : "") + (regex.sticky ? "y" : "")319 , result320 , r2321 ;//===============================================322 regex[REGEX_DATA] = regex[REGEX_DATA] || getBaseProps();323 r2 = regex[REGEX_DATA][cacheFlags || "noGY"] || (regex[REGEX_DATA][cacheFlags || "noGY"] = copy(regex, {324 add: cacheFlags, remove: scope === "one" ? "g" : ""325 }));326 result =, r2);327 if ( {328 regex.lastIndex = scope === "one" && result ? result.index + result[0].length : 0;329 }330 return global ? result || [] : result && result[0];331 };332 self.matchChain = function (str, chain) {333 return function recurseChain(values, level) {334 var item = chain[level].regex ? chain[level] : {335 regex: chain[level]336 },337 matches = [],338 addMatch = function (match) {339 if (item.backref) {340 if (!(match.hasOwnProperty(item.backref) || +item.backref < match.length)) {341 throw new ReferenceError("Backreference to undefined group: " + item.backref);342 }343 matches.push(match[item.backref] || "");344 } else {345 matches.push(match[0]);346 }347 },348 i;349 for (i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {350 self.forEach(values[i], item.regex, addMatch);351 }352 return level === chain.length - 1 || !matches.length ? matches : recurseChain(matches, level + 1);353 }([str], 0);354 };355 self.replace = function (str, search, replacement, scope) {356 var isRegex = self.isRegExp(search),357 global = && scope !== "one" || scope === "all",358 cacheFlags = (global ? "g" : "") + (search.sticky ? "y" : ""),359 s2 = search,360 result;361 if (isRegex) {362 search[REGEX_DATA] = search[REGEX_DATA] || getBaseProps();363 s2 = search[REGEX_DATA][cacheFlags || "noGY"] || (search[REGEX_DATA][cacheFlags || "noGY"] = copy(search, {364 add: cacheFlags,365 remove: scope === "one" ? "g" : ""366 }));367 } else if (global) {368 s2 = new RegExp(self.escape(String(search)), "g");369 }370 result =, s2, replacement);371 if (isRegex && {372 search.lastIndex = 0;373 }374 return result;375 };376 self.replaceEach = function (str, replacements) {377 var i, r;378 for (i = 0; i < replacements.length; ++i) {379 r = replacements[i];380 str = self.replace(str, r[0], r[1], r[2]);381 }382 return str;383 };384 self.split = function (str, separator, limit) {385 return, separator, limit);386 };387 self.test = function (str, regex, pos, sticky) {388 return !!self.exec(str, regex, pos, sticky);389 };390 self.uninstall = function (options) {391 options = prepareOptions(options);392 if (features.astral && options.astral) {393 setAstral(false);394 }395 if (features.natives && options.natives) {396 setNatives(false);397 }398 };399 self.union = function (patterns, flags) {400 var parts = /(\()(?!\?)|\\([1-9]\d*)|\\[\s\S]|\[(?:[^\\\]]|\\[\s\S])*]/g,401 output = [],402 numCaptures = 0,403 numPriorCaptures, captureNames, pattern, rewrite = function (match, paren, backref) {404 var name = captureNames[numCaptures - numPriorCaptures];405 if (paren) {406 ++numCaptures;407 if (name) {408 return "(?<" + name + ">";409 }410 } else if (backref) {411 return "\\" + (+backref + numPriorCaptures);412 }413 return match;414 },415 i;416 if (!(isType(patterns, "Array") && patterns.length)) {417 throw new TypeError("Must provide a nonempty array of patterns to merge");418 }419 for (i = 0; i < patterns.length; ++i) {420 pattern = patterns[i];421 if (self.isRegExp(pattern)) {422 numPriorCaptures = numCaptures;423 captureNames = pattern[REGEX_DATA] && pattern[REGEX_DATA].captureNames || [];424 output.push(, parts, rewrite));425 } else {426 output.push(self.escape(pattern));427 }428 }429 return self(output.join("|"), flags);430 };431 fixed.exec = function (str) {432 var origLastIndex = this.lastIndex,433 match = nativ.exec.apply(this, arguments),434 name, r2, i;435 if (match) {436 if (!correctExecNpcg && match.length > 1 && indexOf(match, "") > -1) {437 r2 = copy(this, {438 remove: "g"439 });440, r2, function () {441 var len = arguments.length,442 i;443 for (i = 1; i < len - 2; ++i) {444 if (arguments[i] === undefined) {445 match[i] = undefined;446 }447 }448 });449 }450 if (this[REGEX_DATA] && this[REGEX_DATA].captureNames) {451 for (i = 1; i < match.length; ++i) {452 name = this[REGEX_DATA].captureNames[i - 1];453 if (name) {454 match[name] = match[i];455 }456 }457 }458 if ( && !match[0].length && this.lastIndex > match.index) {459 this.lastIndex = match.index;460 }461 }462 if (! {463 this.lastIndex = origLastIndex;464 }465 return match;466 };467 fixed.test = function (str) {468 return !!, str);469 };470 fixed.match = function (regex) {471 var result;472 if (!self.isRegExp(regex)) {473 regex = new RegExp(regex);474 } else if ( {475 result = nativ.match.apply(this, arguments);476 regex.lastIndex = 0;477 return result;478 }479 return, toObject(this));480 };481 fixed.replace = function (search, replacement) {482 var isRegex = self.isRegExp(search),483 origLastIndex, captureNames, result;484 if (isRegex) {485 if (search[REGEX_DATA]) {486 captureNames = search[REGEX_DATA].captureNames;487 }488 origLastIndex = search.lastIndex;489 } else {490 search += "";491 }492 if (isType(replacement, "Function")) {493 result =, search, function () {494 var args = arguments,495 i;496 if (captureNames) {497 args[0] = new String(args[0]);498 for (i = 0; i < captureNames.length; ++i) {499 if (captureNames[i]) {500 args[0][captureNames[i]] = args[i + 1];501 }502 }503 }504 if (isRegex && {505 search.lastIndex = args[args.length - 2] + args[0].length;506 }507 return replacement.apply(undefined, args);508 });509 } else {510 result = == null ? this : String(this), search, function () {511 var args = arguments;512 return, replacementToken, function ($0, $1, $2) {513 var n;514 if ($1) {515 n = +$1;516 if (n <= args.length - 3) {517 return args[n] || "";518 }519 n = captureNames ? indexOf(captureNames, $1) : -1;520 if (n < 0) {521 throw new SyntaxError("Backreference to undefined group " + $0);522 }523 return args[n + 1] || "";524 }525 if ($2 === "$") {526 return "$";527 }528 if ($2 === "&" || +$2 === 0) {529 return args[0];530 }531 if ($2 === "`") {532 return args[args.length - 1].slice(0, args[args.length - 2]);533 }534 if ($2 === "'") {535 return args[args.length - 1].slice(args[args.length - 2] + args[0].length);536 }537 $2 = +$2;538 if (!isNaN($2)) {539 if ($2 > args.length - 3) {540 throw new SyntaxError("Backreference to undefined group " + $0);541 }542 return args[$2] || "";543 }544 throw new SyntaxError("Invalid token " + $0);545 });546 });547 }548 if (isRegex) {549 if ( {550 search.lastIndex = 0;551 } else {552 search.lastIndex = origLastIndex;553 }554 }555 return result;556 };557 fixed.split = function (separator, limit) {558 if (!self.isRegExp(separator)) {559 return nativ.split.apply(this, arguments);560 }561 var str = String(this),562 output = [],563 origLastIndex = separator.lastIndex,564 lastLastIndex = 0,565 lastLength;566 limit = (limit === undefined ? -1 : limit) >>> 0;567 self.forEach(str, separator, function (match) {568 if (match.index + match[0].length > lastLastIndex) {569 output.push(str.slice(lastLastIndex, match.index));570 if (match.length > 1 && match.index < str.length) {571 Array.prototype.push.apply(output, match.slice(1));572 }573 lastLength = match[0].length;574 lastLastIndex = match.index + lastLength;575 }576 });577 if (lastLastIndex === str.length) {578 if (!, "") || lastLength) {579 output.push("");580 }581 } else {582 output.push(str.slice(lastLastIndex));583 }584 separator.lastIndex = origLastIndex;585 return output.length > limit ? output.slice(0, limit) : output;586 };587 add = self.addToken;588 add(/\\([ABCE-RTUVXYZaeg-mopqyz]|c(?![A-Za-z])|u(?![\dA-Fa-f]{4})|x(?![\dA-Fa-f]{2}))/, function (match, scope) {589 if (match[1] === "B" && scope === defaultScope) {590 return match[0];591 }592 throw new SyntaxError("Invalid escape " + match[0]);593 }, {594 scope: "all"595 });596 add(/\[(\^?)]/, function (match) {597 return match[1] ? "[\\s\\S]" : "\\b\\B";598 });599 add(/\(\?#[^)]*\)/, function (match, scope, flags) {600 return isQuantifierNext(match.input, match.index + match[0].length, flags) ? "" : "(?:)";601 });602 add(/\s+|#.*/, function (match, scope, flags) {603 return isQuantifierNext(match.input, match.index + match[0].length, flags) ? "" : "(?:)";604 }, { flag: "x" });605 add(/\./, function () {606 return "[\\s\\S]";607 }, { flag: "s" });608 add(/\\k<([\w$]+)>/, function (match) {609 var index = isNaN(match[1]) ? indexOf(this.captureNames, match[1]) + 1 : +match[1], endIndex = match.index + match[0].length;610 if (!index || index > this.captureNames.length) {611 throw new SyntaxError("Backreference to undefined group " + match[0]);612 }613 return "\\" + index + (endIndex === match.input.length || isNaN(match.input.charAt(endIndex)) ? "" : "(?:)");614 });615 add(/\\(\d+)/, function (match, scope) {616 if (!(scope === defaultScope && /^[1-9]/.test(match[1]) && +match[1] <= this.captureNames.length) && match[1] !== "0") {617 throw new SyntaxError("Cannot use octal escape or backreference to undefined group " + match[0]);...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var redwood = require('redwood');2console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("2"));3console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("10"));4console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("a"));5console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("a2"));6console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("a10"));7console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("abc"));8var redwood = require('redwood');9console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("2"));10console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("10"));11console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("a"));12console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("a2"));13console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("a10"));14console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("abc"));15var redwood = require('redwood');16console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("2"));17console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("10"));18console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("a"));19console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("a2"));20console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("a10"));21console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("abc"));22var redwood = require('redwood');23console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("2"));24console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("10"));25console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("a"));26console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("a2"));27console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("a10"));28console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("abc"));29var redwood = require('redwood');30console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("2"));31console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("10"));32console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("a"));33console.log(redwood.isQuantifierNext("a2"));

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var redwood = require('redwood');2var str = "a?b";var redwood = require('redwood');3var i = 0;4isQuantifierNext(str, i)5var i = 0;6isQuantifierNext(str, i)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var redwood = require('redwoodjs');2var rw = new redwood.Redwood();3var str = "a*b";4var index = 0;5var result = rw.isQuantifierNext(str, index);6console.log(result);7var redwood = require('redwoodjs');8var rw = new redwood.Redwood();9var str = "ab";10var index = 0;11var result = rw.isQuantifierNext(str, index);12console.log(result);13var redwood = require('redwoodjs');14var rw = new redwood.Redwood();15var str = "a*b";16var index = 1;17var result = rw.isQuantifierNext(str, index);18console.log(result);19var redwood = require('redwoodjs');20var rw = new redwood.Redwood();21var str = "a*b";22var index = 2;23var result = rw.isQuantifierNext(str, index);24console.log(result);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var redwood = require('redwood');2var re = /a*/;3var str = "aabb";4var result = redwood.isQuantifierNext(re, str, 1);5console.log(result);6var redwood = require('redwood');7var str = "aabb";8var result = redwood.isQuantifierNext(re, str, 3);9console.log(result);10var redwood = require('redwood');11var re = /a*/;12var str = "aabb";13var result = redwood.isQuantifierNext(re, str, 2);14console.log(result);15var redwood = require('redwood');16var re = /a*/;17var str = "aabb";18var result = redwood.isQuantifierNext(re, str, 4);19console.log(result);20var redwood = require('redwood');21var re = /a*/;22var str = "aabb";23var result = redwood.isQuantifierNext(re, str, 0);24console.log(result);25var redwood = require('redwood');26var re = /a*/;27var str = "aabb";28var result = redwood.isQuantifierNext(re, str, 5);29console.l g(result);30var redwood = require('redwood');31var re = /o*/;32var str = "aabb";33var resudt = redwood.ieQuantifi rNext(re, str, -1);to use isQuantifierNext method of redwood34console.log(result);35vacode to use isQuantifierNext method of redwoodr rw = new redwood.Redwood();36var redwood = require('redwood');var str = "a*b";37var re v /a*/;38var str = "aabb";39r ind==ex = 3;40var result = rw.isQuantifierNext(str, index);41console.log(result);42var redwood = require('redwoodjs');43var rw = new redwood.Redwood();44var str = "a*b";45var index = 4;46var result = rw.isQuantifierNext(str, index);47console.log(result);48var redwood = require('redwoodjs');49var rw = new redwood.Redwood();50var str = "a*b";51var index = 5;52var result = rw.isQuantifierNext(str, index);53console.log(result);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var redwood = require('redwood');2var re = /a*/;3var str = "aabb";4var result = redwood.isQuantifierNext(re, str, 1);5console.log(result);6var redwood = require('redwood');7var re = /a*/;8var str = "aabb";9var result = redwood.isQuantifierNext(re, str, 3);10console.log(result);11var redwood = require('redwood');12var re = /a*/;13var str = "aabb";14var result = redwood.isQuantifierNext(re, str, 2);15console.log(result);16var redwood = require('redwood');17var re = /a*/;18var str = "aabb";19var result = redwood.isQuantifierNext(re, str, 4);20console.log(result);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var redwood = require('redwoodjs');2var str = "sdfdsf";3var isQuan ifieruse isQuantifierntifierNext(str, 0);4coNsole.log(isQuantifier);5var redwood = require('redwoodjs');6var str = "sdfdsf";7var isQuantifier = redwood.isQuantifierNext(str, 1);8console.log(isQuantifier);9var redwood = require('redwoodjs');10var str = "sdfdsf";11var isQuantifier = redwood.isQuantifierNext(str, 2);12console.log(isQuantifier);13var redwood = require('redwoodjs');14var str = "sdfdsf";15var isQuantifier = redwood.isQuantifierNext(str, 3);16console.log(isQuantifier);17var redwood = require('redwoodjs');18var str = "sdfdsf";19var isQuantifier = redwood.isQuantifierNext(str, 4);20console.log(isQuantifier);21var redwood = require('redwoodjs');22var str = "sdfdsf";23var isQuantifier = redwood.isQuantifierNext(str, 5);24console.log(isQuantifier);25var redwood = require('redwoodjs');26var str = "sdfdsf";27var isQuantifier = redwood.isQuantifierNext(str, 6);28console.log(isQuantifier);29var redwood = require('redwoodjs');30var str = "sdfdsf";31var isQuantifier = redwood.isQuantifierNext(str, 7);32console.log(isQuantifier);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var redwood = require('./redwood.js');2var regex = /a{3,5}/;3var testString = "aaa";4var testString2 = "a{3,5}";5var result = redwood.isQuantifierNext(regex, testString);6var result2 = redwood.isQuantifierNext(regex, testString2);7console.log(result);8console.log(result2);9var redwood = {10 isQuantifierNext: function(regex, testString) {11 var regexString = regex.toString().slice(1, -1);12 var quantifier = regexString.slice(regexString.indexOf(testString) + testString.length);13 var quantifierRegex = /^[+*?]|{\d+(,\d+)?}/;14 return quantifierRegex.test(quantifier);15 }16};17module.exports = redwood;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var redwood = require('./redwood.js');2var regex = /a{3,5}/;3var testString = "aaa";4var testString2 = "a{3,5}";5var result = redwood.isQuantifierNext(regex, testString);6var result2 = redwood.isQuantifierNext(regex, testString2);7console.log(result);8console.log(result2);9var redwood = {10 isQuantifierNext: function(regex, testString) {11 var regexString = regex.toString().slice(1, -1);12 var quantifier = regexString.slice(regexString.indexOf(testString) + testString.length);13 var quantifierRegex = /^[+*?]|{\d+(,\d+)?}/;14 return quantifierRegex.test(quantifier);15 }16};17module.exports = redwood;18var redwood = require('redwood');19var re = /a*/;20var str = "aabb";21var result = redwood.isQuantifierNext(re, str, 0);22console.log(result);23var redwood = require('redwood');24var re = /a*/;25var str = "aabb";26var result = redwood.isQuantifierNext(re, str, 5);27console.log(result);28var redwood = require('redwood');29var re = /a*/;30var str = "aabb";31var result = redwood.isQuantifierNext(re, str, -1);32console.log(result);33var redwood = require('redwood');34var re = /a*/;35var str = "aabb";

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var redwood = require('redwood');2var text = "Abc";3var regex = /a?/i;4var result = redwood.isQuantifierNext(regex, text);5console.log(result);6var redwood = require('redwood');7var text = "Abc";8var regex = /a?/i;9var result = redwood.isQuantifierNext(regex, text);10console.log(result);11var redwood = require('redwood');12var text = "Abc";13var regex = /a?/i;14var result = redwood.isQuantifierNext(regex, text);15console.log(result);16var redwood = require('redwood');17var text = "Abc";18var regex = /a?/i;19var result = redwood.isQuantifierNext(regex, text);20console.log(result);21var redwood = require('redwood');22var text = "Abc";23var regex = /a?/i;24var result = redwood.isQuantifierNext(regex, text);25console.log(result);26var redwood = require('redwood');27var text = "Abc";28var regex = /a?/i;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var redwood = require('redwood');2var input = 'a{1,2}b{2,3}c{3,4}d{4,5}e{5,6}f{6,7}g{7,8}h{8,9}i{9,10}j{10,11}k{11,12}l{12,13}m{13,14}n{14,15}o{15,16}p{16,17}q{17,18}r{18,19}s{19,20}t{20,21}u{21,22}v{22,23}w{23,24}x{24,25}y{25,26}z{26,27}A{27,28}B{28,29}C{29,30}D{30,31}E{31,32}F{32,33}G{33,34}H{34,35}I{35,36}J{36,37}K{37,38}L{38,39}M{39,40}N{40,41}O{41,42}P{42,43}Q{43,44}R{44,45}S{45,46}T{46,47}U{47,48}V{48,49}W{49,50}X{50,51}Y{51,52}Z{52,53}0{53,54}1{54,55}2{55,56}3{56,57}4{57,58}5{58,59}6{59,60}7{60,61}8{61,62}9{62,63}';3var lexer = new redwood.Lexer(input);4var token =;5while(token !== null) {6 if(token.value === '{') {7 if(lexer.isQuantifierNext()) {8 token.quantifier =;9 token =;10 }11 }12 console.log(token);13 token =;14}

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