How to use appLaunchArgs method in root

Best JavaScript code snippet using root


Source:22.launch-args.test.js Github


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1/* global by, device, element */2const _ = require('lodash');3// Note: Android-only as, according to Leo, on iOS there's no added value here compared to4// existing tests that check deep-link URLs. Combined with the fact that we do not yet5// support complex args on iOS -- no point in testing it out.6describe(':android: Launch arguments', () => {7 const defaultArgs = Object.freeze({8 app: 'le',9 goo: 'gle?',10 micro: 'soft'11 });12 beforeEach(async () => {13 await device.selectApp('exampleWithArgs');14 assertPreconfiguredValues(device.appLaunchArgs.get(), defaultArgs);15 });16 it('should have permanent arg in spite of .selectApp()', async () => {17 const override = { ama: 'zed' };18 try {19 assertPreconfiguredValues(device.appLaunchArgs.get(), defaultArgs);20 assertPreconfiguredValues(device.appLaunchArgs.shared.get(), {});21 device.appLaunchArgs.shared.modify(override);22 assertPreconfiguredValues(device.appLaunchArgs.get(), { ...defaultArgs, ...override });23 assertPreconfiguredValues(device.appLaunchArgs.shared.get(), override);24 await device.selectApp('example');25 assertPreconfiguredValues(device.appLaunchArgs.get(), override);26 assertPreconfiguredValues(device.appLaunchArgs.shared.get(), override);27 await device.launchApp({ newInstance: true });28 await assertLaunchArgs(override);29 } finally {30 device.appLaunchArgs.shared.reset();31 }32 });33 it('(deprecated API!) should have permanent arg in spite of .selectApp()', async () => {34 try {35 assertPreconfiguredValues(device.appLaunchArgs.get({ permanent: true }), {});36 device.appLaunchArgs.modify({ ama: 'zed' }, { permanent: true });37 assertPreconfiguredValues(device.appLaunchArgs.get({ permanent: true }), { ama: 'zed' });38 await device.selectApp('example');39 assertPreconfiguredValues(device.appLaunchArgs.get(), { ama: 'zed' });40 assertPreconfiguredValues(device.appLaunchArgs.get({ permanent: false }), {});41 await device.launchApp({ newInstance: true });42 await assertLaunchArgs({ ama: 'zed' });43 } finally {44 device.appLaunchArgs.reset({ permanent: true });45 }46 });47 it('should handle primitive args when used on-site', async () => {48 const launchArgs = {49 hello: 'world',50 seekthe: true,51 heisthe: 1,52 };53 await device.launchApp({ newInstance: true, launchArgs });54 await assertLaunchArgs(launchArgs);55 });56 it('should handle complex args when used on-site', async () => {57 const launchArgs = {58 complex: {59 bull: ['s', 'h', 1, 't'],60 and: {61 then: 'so, me',62 }63 },64 complexlist: ['arguments', 'https://haxorhost:1337'],65 };66 await device.launchApp({ newInstance: true, launchArgs });67 await assertLaunchArgs({68 complex: JSON.stringify(launchArgs.complex),69 complexlist: JSON.stringify(launchArgs.complexlist),70 });71 });72 it('should allow for arguments modification', async () => {73 device.appLaunchArgs.modify({74 app: undefined, // delete75 goo: 'gle!', // modify76 ama: 'zon', // add77 });78 await device.launchApp({ newInstance: true });79 await assertLaunchArgs({80 'goo': 'gle!',81 'ama': 'zon',82 'micro': 'soft',83 }, ['app']);84 });85 it('should allow for on-site arguments to take precedence', async () => {86 const launchArgs = {87 anArg: 'aValue!',88 };89 device.appLaunchArgs.reset();90 device.appLaunchArgs.modify({91 anArg: 'aValue?',92 });93 await device.launchApp({ newInstance: true, launchArgs });94 await assertLaunchArgs({ anArg: 'aValue!' });95 });96 // Ref: it('should not pass android instrumentation args through', async () => {98 const launchArgs = {99 hello: 'world',100 debug: false,101 log: false,102 size: 'large',103 };104 await device.launchApp({ newInstance: true, launchArgs });105 await assertLaunchArgs({ hello: 'world' }, ['debug', 'log', 'size']);106 });107 async function assertLaunchArgs(expected, notExpected) {108 await element(by.text('Launch Args')).tap();109 if (expected) {110 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(expected)) {111 await expect(element(`launchArg-${key}.name`))).toBeVisible();112 await expect(element(`launchArg-${key}.value`))).toHaveText(`${value}`);113 }114 }115 if (notExpected) {116 for (const key of notExpected) {117 await expect(element(`launchArg-${key}.name`))).not.toBeVisible();118 }119 }120 }121 function assertPreconfiguredValues(initArgs, expectedInitArgs) {122 if (!_.isEqual(initArgs, expectedInitArgs)) {123 throw new Error(124 `Precondition failure: Preconfigured launch arguments (in detox.config.js) do not match the expected value.\n` +125 `Expected: ${JSON.stringify(expectedInitArgs)}\n` +126 `Received: ${JSON.stringify(initArgs)}`127 );128 }129 }...

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Source:composeDeviceConfig.js Github


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1const _ = require('lodash');2const parse = require('yargs/yargs').Parser;3function validateType({ errorBuilder, rawDeviceConfig }) {4 if (!rawDeviceConfig || !rawDeviceConfig.type) {5 throw errorBuilder.missingConfigurationType();6 }7}8function getValidatedDeviceName({ errorBuilder, rawDeviceConfig, cliConfig }) {9 const device = cliConfig.deviceName || rawDeviceConfig.device ||;10 if (_.isEmpty(device)) {11 throw errorBuilder.missingDeviceProperty();12 }13 return device;14}15function validateAppLaunchArgs({ errorBuilder, rawDeviceConfig }) {16 if (!rawDeviceConfig.launchArgs) {17 return;18 }19 if (!_.isObject(rawDeviceConfig.launchArgs)) {20 throw errorBuilder.malformedAppLaunchArgs();21 }22 const nonStringPropertyName = _.chain(rawDeviceConfig.launchArgs)23 .entries()24 .find(([key, value]) => value != null && !_.isString(value))25 .thru((entry) => entry ? entry[0] : null)26 .value()27 if (nonStringPropertyName) {28 throw errorBuilder.malformedAppLaunchArgsProperty(nonStringPropertyName);29 }30}31function validateUtilBinaryPaths({ errorBuilder, rawDeviceConfig }) {32 if (rawDeviceConfig.utilBinaryPaths && !_.isArray(rawDeviceConfig.utilBinaryPaths)) {33 throw errorBuilder.malformedUtilBinaryPaths();34 }35}36function mergeAppLaunchArgsFromCLI(deviceConfig, cliConfig) {37 if (!cliConfig.appLaunchArgs) {38 return;39 }40 deviceConfig.launchArgs = _.chain({})41 .thru(() => parse(cliConfig.appLaunchArgs, {42 configuration: {43 'short-option-groups': false,44 },45 }))46 .omit(['_', '--'])47 .defaults(deviceConfig.launchArgs)48 .omitBy(value => value === false)49 .value();50}51/**52 *53 * @param {DetoxConfigErrorBuilder} errorBuilder54 * @param {*} rawDeviceConfig55 * @param {*} cliConfig56 * @returns {*}57 */58function composeDeviceConfig({ errorBuilder, rawDeviceConfig, cliConfig }) {59 validateType({ errorBuilder, rawDeviceConfig });60 validateAppLaunchArgs({ errorBuilder, rawDeviceConfig });61 mergeAppLaunchArgsFromCLI(rawDeviceConfig, cliConfig);62 rawDeviceConfig.device = getValidatedDeviceName({ errorBuilder, rawDeviceConfig, cliConfig });63 delete;64 validateUtilBinaryPaths({ errorBuilder, rawDeviceConfig });65 return rawDeviceConfig;66}...

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Source:launcher.js Github


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1Name::Novis Launcher2Version::1.03CreatedBy::James Turner4Company::Turner Software5Website::{7 OnLaunch:function(Arguments)8 {9 if (Arguments!="")10 {11 Core.Applications.Run(Arguments,"","");12 Core.Applications.CloseApplication(AppID,true);13 return;14 }15 this.MainWin = new Core.Applications.Window(80,80,250,117,AppID);16 Core.API.Windows.AllowResize(this.MainWin["Id"],false);17 this.MainWin["LinkWithApp"]=true;18 this.MainWin["AllowMaximise"]=false;19 this.MainWin["AllowMinimise"]=false;20 Core.Menu.ChangeItemImage(this.MainWin["Id"],"index.php?action=fs-get&type=themes&path="+escape("default/22/places/start-here.png"));21 Core.API.Windows.Title(this.MainWin["Id"],"Application Launcher");22 Core.API.Windows.Icon(this.MainWin["Id"],"index.php?action=fs-get&type=themes&path="+escape("default/22/places/start-here.png"));23 Core.API.Windows.InnerText(this.MainWin["Id"],'Application Path<br /><input id="AppLaunchPath" type="text" style="width:100%; background-color:#EEEEEE; border-width:0;" /><br />Arguments<br /><input id="AppLaunchArgs" type="text" style="width:100%; background-color:#EEEEEE; border-width:0;" /><br /><input type="button" value="Launch!" onclick="Core.Applications.Applications['+AppID+'].Launch();" />');24 },25 Launch:function()26 {27 Core.Applications.Run(document.getElementById("AppLaunchPath").value,"",document.getElementById("AppLaunchArgs").value);28 },...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var root = require('ui/common/root');2var args = root.appLaunchArgs();'args: ' + JSON.stringify(args));4var root = require('ui/common/root');5var args = root.appLaunchArgs();'args: ' + JSON.stringify(args));7var root = require('ui/common/root');'launchFlags: ' + root.launchFlags);9var root = require('ui/common/root');'launchFlags: ' + root.launchFlags);' ' + Ti.App.Properties.getBool('', false));' ' + Ti.App.Properties.getBool('', false));13var root = require('ui/common/root');'launchFlags: ' + root.launchFlags);'Ti.Android.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP: ' + Ti.Android.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var root = require('ui/common/root');2root.appLaunchArgs();3exports.appLaunchArgs = function() {4 var launchArgs = Ti.App.getArguments();5};6exports.appLaunchArgs = function() {7 var launchArgs = Ti.App.getArguments();8 if (launchArgs.url) {9 var webview = Ti.UI.createWebView({10 });11 }12};13exports.appLaunchArgs = function() {14 var launchArgs = Ti.App.getArguments();15 if (launchArgs.url) {16 var webview = Ti.UI.createWebView({17 });18 }19 if (launchArgs.url && launchArgs.url.indexOf('http') != -1) {20 var webview = Ti.UI.createWebView({21 });22 }23};24var root = require('ui/common/root');25root.appLaunchArgs();26if (launchArgs.url && launchArgs.url.indexOf('http') != -1

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var args = rootview.appLaunchArgs();2var page = new tabris.Page({3});4var textView = new tabris.TextView({5 layoutData: {left: 20, top: 20, right: 20},6 text: JSON.stringify(args, null, 2)7}).appendTo(page);;9var args = rootview.appLaunchArgs();10var page = new tabris.Page({11});12var textView = new tabris.TextView({13 layoutData: {left: 20, top: 20, right: 20},14 text: JSON.stringify(args, null, 2)15}).appendTo(page);;17var args = rootview.appLaunchArgs();18var page = new tabris.Page({19});20var textView = new tabris.TextView({21 layoutData: {left: 20, top: 20, right: 20},22 text: JSON.stringify(args, null, 2)23}).appendTo(page);;25var args = rootview.appLaunchArgs();26var page = new tabris.Page({27});28var textView = new tabris.TextView({29 layoutData: {left: 20, top: 20, right: 20},30 text: JSON.stringify(args, null, 2)31}).appendTo(page);;33var args = rootview.appLaunchArgs();34var page = new tabris.Page({35});36var textView = new tabris.TextView({37 layoutData: {left: 20, top: 20, right: 20},38 text: JSON.stringify(args, null, 2)39}).appendTo(page);;41var args = rootview.appLaunchArgs();42var page = new tabris.Page({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var application = require("application");2var frameModule = require("ui/frame");3var appSettings = require("application-settings");4function pageLoaded(args) {5 var page = args.object;6 var frame = frameModule.topmost();7 var appLaunchArgs =;8 if (appLaunchArgs != null) {9 var url = appLaunchArgs.getString("url");10 if (url != null) {11 }12 appSettings.setString("url", url);13 frame.navigate("views/webview/webview");14 }15 }16}17application.on(application.launchEvent, function (args) {18 if ( {19 console.log("Launched Android application with the following intent: " + + ".");20 } else if (args.ios !== undefined) {21 console.log("Launched iOS application with options: " + args.ios);22 }23});24dependencies {25}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var args = {2 "appLaunchArgs" : {3 }4};5controller.appLaunchArgs(args);6var args = {7 "appLaunchArgs" : {8 }9};10formController.appLaunchArgs(args);11var args = {12};13controller.appLaunchURL(args);14var args = {15};16formController.appLaunchURL(args);17controller.appPause();18formController.appPause();19controller.appResume();20formController.appResume();21controller.appTerminate();22formController.appTerminate();23controller.appUpdate();24formController.appUpdate();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var rootview = application.ios.rootController;2var launchargs = rootview.appLaunchArgs;3console.log(launchargs);4- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions5{6 UIViewController *rootViewController = (UIViewController *)self.window.rootViewController;7 NSString *launchargs = [rootViewController appLaunchArgs];8 NSLog(@"%@", launchargs);9 return YES;10}11var launchargs = application.ios.rootController.appLaunchArgs;12if (launchargs.indexOf("Xcode") > -1) {13 console.log("Launched from Xcode");14} else {15 console.log("Launched from the device");16}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var args = arguments[0] || {};2var launchArgs = args.appLaunchArgs;3var launchArgs = JSON.parse(launchArgs);"launchArgs : " + launchArgs);5var args = {};6args.appLaunchArgs = JSON.stringify({ "key": "value" });7Alloy.createController("test", args).getView().open();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var root = require('ui/common/root');2var args = root.appLaunchArgs();3if(args!=null && args.length>0){4 alert("args length is "+args.length);5 for(var i=0;i<args.length;i++){6 alert("args["+i+"] is "+args[i]);7 }8}else{9 alert("args is null or empty");10}11var args = Ti.App.appLaunchArgs;12if(args!=null && args.length>0){13 alert("args length is "+args.length);14 for(var i=0;i<args.length;i++){15 alert("args["+i+"] is "+args[i]);16 }17}else{18 alert("args is null or empty");19}20var args = Ti.Platform.appLaunchArgs;21if(args!=null && args.length>0){22 alert("args length is "+args.length);23 for(var i=0;i<args.length;i++){24 alert("args["+i+"] is "+args[i]);25 }26}else{27 alert("args is null or empty");28}29var args = Ti.App.Properties.getString("appLaunchArgs");30if(args!=null && args.length>0){31 alert("args length is "+args.length);32 for(var i=0;i<args.length;i++){33 alert("args["+i+"] is "+args[i]);34 }35}else{36 alert("args is null or empty");37}38var args = Ti.App.Properties.getString("appLaunchArgs");39if(args!=null && args.length>0){40 alert("args length is "+args.length);41 for(var i=0;i<args.length;i++){42 alert("args["+i+"] is "+args[i]);43 }44}else{45 alert("args is null or empty");46}47var args = Ti.App.Properties.getString("appLaunchArgs");48if(args!=null && args.length>0){49 alert("args length is "+args.length);50 for(var i=0;i<args.length;i++){51 alert("args["+i+"] is "+args[i]);52 }53}else{54 alert("args is null or empty");55}

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