How to use cors method in storybook-root

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1/* eslint-env mocha */2require('./setup');3var createServer = require('../').createServer;4var request = require('supertest');5var path = require('path');6var http = require('http');7var https = require('https');8var fs = require('fs');9var assert = require('assert');10var helpTextPath = path.join(__dirname, '../lib/help.txt');11var helpText = fs.readFileSync(helpTextPath, {encoding: 'utf8'});12request.Test.prototype.expectJSON = function(json, done) {13 this.expect(function(res) {14 // Assume that the response can be parsed as JSON (otherwise it throws).15 var actual = JSON.parse(res.text);16 assert.deepEqual(actual, json);17 });18 return done ? this.end(done) : this;19};20request.Test.prototype.expectNoHeader = function(header, done) {21 this.expect(function(res) {22 if (header.toLowerCase() in res.headers) {23 return new Error('Unexpected header in response: ' + header);24 }25 });26 return done ? this.end(done) : this;27};28var cors_anywhere;29var cors_anywhere_port;30function stopServer(done) {31 cors_anywhere.close(function() {32 done();33 });34 cors_anywhere = null;35}36describe('Basic functionality', function() {37 before(function() {38 cors_anywhere = createServer();39 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;40 });41 after(stopServer);42 it('GET /', function(done) {43 request(cors_anywhere)44 .get('/')45 .type('text/plain')46 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')47 .expect(200, helpText, done);48 });49 it('GET /iscorsneeded', function(done) {50 request(cors_anywhere)51 .get('/iscorsneeded')52 .expectNoHeader('access-control-allow-origin', done);53 });54 it('GET /', function(done) {55 request(cors_anywhere)56 .get('/')57 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')58 .expect(400, 'Port number too large: 65536', done);59 });60 it('GET /favicon.ico', function(done) {61 request(cors_anywhere)62 .get('/favicon.ico')63 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')64 .expect(404, 'Invalid host: favicon.ico', done);65 });66 it('GET /robots.txt', function(done) {67 request(cors_anywhere)68 .get('/robots.txt')69 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')70 .expect(404, 'Invalid host: robots.txt', done);71 });72 it('GET /http://robots.txt should be proxied', function(done) {73 request(cors_anywhere)74 .get('/http://robots.txt')75 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')76 .expect(200, 'this is http://robots.txt', done);77 });78 it('GET /', function(done) {79 request(cors_anywhere)80 .get('/')81 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')82 .expect('x-request-url', '')83 .expect(200, 'Response from', done);84 });85 it('GET /', function(done) {86 request(cors_anywhere)87 .get('/')88 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')89 .expect('x-request-url', '')90 .expect(200, 'Response from', done);91 });92 it('GET /', function(done) {93 request(cors_anywhere)94 .get('/')95 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')96 .expect('x-request-url', '')97 .expect(200, 'Response from', done);98 });99 it('GET //', function(done) {100 // '/' is an invalid URL.101 request(cors_anywhere)102 .get('//')103 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')104 .expect(200, helpText, done);105 });106 it('GET /http://:1234', function(done) {107 // 'http://:1234' is an invalid URL.108 request(cors_anywhere)109 .get('/http://:1234')110 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')111 .expect(200, helpText, done);112 });113 it('GET /http:///', function(done) {114 // 'http://:1234' is an invalid URL.115 request(cors_anywhere)116 .get('/http:///')117 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')118 .expect(200, helpText, done);119 });120 it('GET /http:/notenoughslashes', function(done) {121 // 'http:/notenoughslashes' is an invalid URL.122 request(cors_anywhere)123 .get('/http:/notenoughslashes')124 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')125 .expect(400, 'The URL is invalid: two slashes are needed after the http(s):.', done);126 });127 it('GET ///', function(done) {128 // API base URL (with trailing slash) + '//'129 request(cors_anywhere)130 .get('///')131 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')132 .expect('x-request-url', '')133 .expect(200, 'Response from', done);134 });135 it('GET /', function(done) {136 request(cors_anywhere)137 .get('/')138 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')139 .expect('x-request-url', '')140 .expect(200, 'Response from', done);141 });142 it('POST plain text', function(done) {143 request(cors_anywhere)144 .post('/')145 .send('{"this is a request body & should not be mangled":1.00}')146 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')147 .expect('{"this is a request body & should not be mangled":1.00}', done);148 });149 it('POST file', function(done) {150 request(cors_anywhere)151 .post('/')152 .attach('file', path.join(__dirname, 'dummy.txt'))153 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')154 .expect(/\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="dummy.txt"\r\nContent-Type: text\/plain\r\n\r\ndummy content\n\r\n/, done); // eslint-disable-line max-len155 });156 it('HEAD with redirect should be followed', function(done) {157 // Redirects are automatically followed, because redirects are to be158 // followed automatically per specification regardless of the HTTP verb.159 request(cors_anywhere)160 .head('/')161 .redirects(0)162 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')163 .expect('some-header', 'value')164 .expect('x-request-url', '')165 .expect('x-cors-redirect-1', '302')166 .expect('x-final-url', '')167 .expect('access-control-expose-headers', /some-header,x-final-url/)168 .expectNoHeader('header at redirect')169 .expect(200, undefined, done);170 });171 it('GET with redirect should be followed', function(done) {172 request(cors_anywhere)173 .get('/')174 .redirects(0)175 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')176 .expect('some-header', 'value')177 .expect('x-request-url', '')178 .expect('x-cors-redirect-1', '302')179 .expect('x-final-url', '')180 .expect('access-control-expose-headers', /some-header,x-final-url/)181 .expectNoHeader('header at redirect')182 .expect(200, 'redirect target', done);183 });184 it('GET with redirect loop should interrupt', function(done) {185 request(cors_anywhere)186 .get('/')187 .redirects(0)188 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')189 .expect('x-request-url', '')190 .expect('x-cors-redirect-1', '302')191 .expect('x-cors-redirect-2', '302')192 .expect('x-cors-redirect-3', '302')193 .expect('x-cors-redirect-4', '302')194 .expect('x-cors-redirect-5', '302')195 .expect('Location', /^http:\/\/\d+\/http:\/\/\/redirectloop$/)196 .expect(302, 'redirecting ad infinitum...', done);197 });198 it('POST with 302 redirect should be followed', function(done) {199 request(cors_anywhere)200 .post('/')201 .redirects(0)202 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')203 .expect('x-request-url', '')204 .expect('x-cors-redirect-1', '302')205 .expect('x-final-url', '')206 .expect('access-control-expose-headers', /x-final-url/)207 .expect(200, 'post target', done);208 });209 it('GET with 302 redirect without Location header should not be followed', function(done) {210 // There is nothing to follow, so let the browser decide what to do with it.211 request(cors_anywhere)212 .get('/')213 .redirects(0)214 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')215 .expect('x-request-url', '')216 .expect('x-final-url', '')217 .expect('access-control-expose-headers', /x-final-url/)218 .expect(302, 'maybe found', done);219 });220 it('GET with 302 redirect to an invalid Location should not be followed', function(done) {221 // There is nothing to follow, so let the browser decide what to do with it.222 request(cors_anywhere)223 .get('/')224 .redirects(0)225 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')226 .expect('x-request-url', '')227 .expect('x-final-url', '')228 .expect('access-control-expose-headers', /x-final-url/)229 .expect('Location', 'http:///')230 .expect(302, 'redirecting to junk...', done);231 });232 it('POST with 307 redirect should not be handled', function(done) {233 // Because of implementation difficulties (having to keep the request body234 // in memory), handling HTTP 307/308 redirects is deferred to the requestor.235 request(cors_anywhere)236 .post('/')237 .redirects(0)238 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')239 .expect('x-request-url', '')240 .expect('Location', /^http:\/\/\d+\/http:\/\/\/redirectposttarget$/)241 .expect('x-final-url', '')242 .expect('access-control-expose-headers', /x-final-url/)243 .expect(307, 'redirecting...', done);244 });245 it('OPTIONS /', function(done) {246 request(cors_anywhere)247 .options('/')248 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')249 .expect(200, '', done);250 });251 it('OPTIONS / with Access-Control-Request-Method / -Headers', function(done) {252 request(cors_anywhere)253 .options('/')254 .set('Access-Control-Request-Method', 'DELETE')255 .set('Access-Control-Request-Headers', 'X-Tralala')256 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')257 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'DELETE')258 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'X-Tralala')259 .expect(200, '', done);260 });261 it('OPTIONS //bogus', function(done) {262 // The preflight request always succeeds, regardless of whether the request263 // is valid.264 request(cors_anywhere)265 .options('//bogus')266 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')267 .expect(200, '', done);268 });269 it('X-Forwarded-* headers', function(done) {270 request(cors_anywhere)271 .get('/')272 .set('test-include-xfwd', '')273 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')274 .expectJSON({275 host: '',276 'x-forwarded-port': String(cors_anywhere_port),277 'x-forwarded-proto': 'http',278 }, done);279 });280 it('X-Forwarded-* headers (non-standard port)', function(done) {281 request(cors_anywhere)282 .get('/')283 .set('test-include-xfwd', '')284 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')285 .expectJSON({286 host: '',287 'x-forwarded-port': String(cors_anywhere_port),288 'x-forwarded-proto': 'http',289 }, done);290 });291 it('X-Forwarded-* headers (https)', function(done) {292 request(cors_anywhere)293 .get('/')294 .set('test-include-xfwd', '')295 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')296 .expectJSON({297 host: '',298 'x-forwarded-port': String(cors_anywhere_port),299 'x-forwarded-proto': 'http',300 }, done);301 });302 it('Ignore cookies', function(done) {303 request(cors_anywhere)304 .get('/')305 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')306 .expect('Set-Cookie3', 'z')307 .expectNoHeader('set-cookie')308 .expectNoHeader('set-cookie2', done);309 });310});311describe('Proxy errors', function() {312 before(function() {313 cors_anywhere = createServer();314 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;315 });316 after(stopServer);317 var bad_http_server;318 var bad_http_server_url;319 before(function() {320 bad_http_server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {321 res.writeHead(418, {322 'Content-Length': 'Not a digit',323 });324 res.end('This response has an invalid Content-Length header.');325 });326 bad_http_server_url = '' + bad_http_server.listen(0).address().port;327 });328 after(function(done) {329 bad_http_server.close(function() {330 done();331 });332 });333 var bad_status_http_server;334 var bad_status_http_server_url;335 before(function() {336 bad_status_http_server = require('net').createServer(function(socket) {337 socket.setEncoding('utf-8');338 socket.on('data', function(data) {339 if (data.indexOf('\r\n') >= 0) {340 // Assume end of headers.341 socket.write('HTTP/1.0 0\r\n');342 socket.write('Content-Length: 0\r\n');343 socket.end('\r\n');344 }345 });346 });347 bad_status_http_server_url = '' + bad_status_http_server.listen(0).address().port;348 });349 after(function(done) {350 bad_status_http_server.close(function() {351 done();352 });353 });354 var bad_tcp_server;355 var bad_tcp_server_url;356 before(function() {357 bad_tcp_server = require('net').createServer(function(socket) {358 socket.setEncoding('utf-8');359 socket.on('data', function(data) {360 if (data.indexOf('\r\n') >= 0) {361 // Assume end of headers.362 socket.write('HTTP/1.1 418 OK\r\n');363 socket.write('Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n');364 socket.write('\r\n');365 socket.end('JK I lied, this is NOT a chunked response!');366 }367 });368 });369 bad_tcp_server_url = '' + bad_tcp_server.listen(0).address().port;370 });371 after(function(done) {372 bad_tcp_server.close(function() {373 done();374 });375 });376 it('Proxy error', function(done) {377 request(cors_anywhere)378 .get('/')379 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')380 .expect(404, 'Not found because of proxy error: Error: throw node', done);381 });382 it('Content-Length mismatch', function(done) {383 var errorMessage = 'Error: Parse Error: Invalid character in Content-Length';384 // <13.0.0: // <12.7.0: var nodev = process.versions.node.split('.').map(function(v) { return parseInt(v); });387 if (nodev[0] < 12 ||388 nodev[0] === 12 && nodev[1] < 7) {389 errorMessage = 'Error: Parse Error';390 }391 request(cors_anywhere)392 .get('/' + bad_http_server_url)393 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')394 .expect(404, 'Not found because of proxy error: ' + errorMessage, done);395 });396 it('Invalid HTTP status code', function(done) {397 // Strict HTTP status validation was introduced in Node 4.5.5+, 5.11.0+.398 // var nodev = process.versions.node.split('.').map(function(v) { return parseInt(v); });400 if (nodev[0] < 4 ||401 nodev[0] === 4 && nodev[1] < 5 ||402 nodev[0] === 4 && nodev[1] === 5 && nodev[2] < 5 ||403 nodev[0] === 5 && nodev[1] < 11) {404 this.skip();405 }406 var errorMessage = 'RangeError [ERR_HTTP_INVALID_STATUS_CODE]: Invalid status code: 0';407 if (parseInt(process.versions.node, 10) < 9) {408 errorMessage = 'RangeError: Invalid status code: 0';409 }410 request(cors_anywhere)411 .get('/' + bad_status_http_server_url)412 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')413 .expect(404, 'Not found because of proxy error: ' + errorMessage, done);414 });415 it('Content-Encoding invalid body', function(done) {416 // The HTTP status can't be changed because the headers have already been417 // sent.418 request(cors_anywhere)419 .get('/' + bad_tcp_server_url)420 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')421 .expect(418, '', done);422 });423 it('Invalid header values', function(done) {424 if (parseInt(process.versions.node, 10) < 6) {425 // >=6.0.0: this.skip();427 }428 // >=9.0.0: var errorMessage = 'TypeError [ERR_INVALID_CHAR]: Invalid character in header content ["headername"]';430 if (parseInt(process.versions.node, 10) < 9) {431 // >=6.0.0, <9.0.0: errorMessage = 'TypeError: The header content contains invalid characters';433 }434 stopServer(function() {435 cors_anywhere = createServer({436 // Setting an invalid header below in request(...).set(...) would trigger437 // a header validation error in superagent. So we use setHeaders to test438 // the attempt to proxy a request with invalid request headers.439 setHeaders: {headername: 'invalid\x01value'},440 });441 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;442 request(cors_anywhere)443 .get('/' + bad_tcp_server_url) // Any URL that isn't intercepted by Nock would do.444 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')445 .expect(404, 'Not found because of proxy error: ' + errorMessage, done);446 });447 });448});449describe('server on https', function() {450 var NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED;451 before(function() {452 cors_anywhere = createServer({453 httpsOptions: {454 key: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'key.pem')),455 cert: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'cert.pem')),456 },457 });458 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;459 // Disable certificate validation in case the certificate expires.460 NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED;461 process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = '0';462 });463 after(function(done) {464 if (NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED === undefined) {465 delete process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED;466 } else {467 process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED;468 }469 stopServer(done);470 });471 it('X-Forwarded-* headers (http)', function(done) {472 request(cors_anywhere)473 .get('/')474 .set('test-include-xfwd', '')475 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')476 .expectJSON({477 host: '',478 'x-forwarded-port': String(cors_anywhere_port),479 'x-forwarded-proto': 'https',480 }, done);481 });482 it('X-Forwarded-* headers (https)', function(done) {483 request(cors_anywhere)484 .get('/')485 .set('test-include-xfwd', '')486 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')487 .expectJSON({488 host: '',489 'x-forwarded-port': String(cors_anywhere_port),490 'x-forwarded-proto': 'https',491 }, done);492 });493 it('X-Forwarded-* headers (https, non-standard port)', function(done) {494 request(cors_anywhere)495 .get('/')496 .set('test-include-xfwd', '')497 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')498 .expectJSON({499 host: '',500 'x-forwarded-port': String(cors_anywhere_port),501 'x-forwarded-proto': 'https',502 }, done);503 });504});505describe('NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED', function() {506 var NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED;507 var bad_https_server;508 var bad_https_server_port;509 var certErrorMessage = 'Error: certificate has expired';510 // <0.11.11: if (/^0\.(?!11\.1[1-4]|12\.)/.test(process.versions.node)) {512 certErrorMessage = 'Error: CERT_HAS_EXPIRED';513 }514 before(function() {515 cors_anywhere = createServer({});516 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;517 });518 after(function(done) {519 stopServer(done);520 });521 before(function() {522 bad_https_server = https.createServer({523 // rejectUnauthorized: false,524 key: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'key.pem')),525 cert: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'cert.pem')),526 }, function(req, res) {527 res.end('Response from server with expired cert');528 });529 bad_https_server_port = bad_https_server.listen(0).address().port;530 NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED;531 });532 after(function(done) {533 if (NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED === undefined) {534 delete process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED;535 } else {536 process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED;537 }538 bad_https_server.close(function() {539 done();540 });541 });542 it('respects certificate errors by default', function(done) {543 // Test is expected to run without NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0544 request(cors_anywhere)545 .get('/' + bad_https_server_port)546 .set('test-include-xfwd', '')547 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')548 .expect('Not found because of proxy error: ' + certErrorMessage, done);549 });550 it('ignore certificate errors via NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0', function(done) {551 stopServer(function() {552 process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = '0';553 cors_anywhere = createServer({});554 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;555 request(cors_anywhere)556 .get('/' + bad_https_server_port)557 .set('test-include-xfwd', '')558 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')559 .expect('Response from server with expired cert', done);560 });561 });562 it('respects certificate errors when', function(done) {563 stopServer(function() {564 cors_anywhere = createServer({565 httpProxyOptions: {566 secure: true,567 },568 });569 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;570 request(cors_anywhere)571 .get('/' + bad_https_server_port)572 .set('test-include-xfwd', '')573 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')574 .expect('Not found because of proxy error: ' + certErrorMessage, done);575 });576 });577});578describe('originBlacklist', function() {579 before(function() {580 cors_anywhere = createServer({581 originBlacklist: ['http://denied.origin.test'],582 });583 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;584 });585 after(stopServer);586 it('GET / with denied origin', function(done) {587 request(cors_anywhere)588 .get('/')589 .set('Origin', 'http://denied.origin.test')590 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')591 .expect(403, done);592 });593 it('GET / without denied origin', function(done) {594 request(cors_anywhere)595 .get('/')596 .set('Origin', 'https://denied.origin.test') // Note: different scheme!597 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')598 .expect(200, done);599 });600 it('GET / without origin', function(done) {601 request(cors_anywhere)602 .get('/')603 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')604 .expect(200, done);605 });606});607describe('originWhitelist', function() {608 before(function() {609 cors_anywhere = createServer({610 originWhitelist: ['https://permitted.origin.test'],611 });612 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;613 });614 after(stopServer);615 it('GET / with permitted origin', function(done) {616 request(cors_anywhere)617 .get('/')618 .set('Origin', 'https://permitted.origin.test')619 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')620 .expect(200, done);621 });622 it('GET / without permitted origin', function(done) {623 request(cors_anywhere)624 .get('/')625 .set('Origin', 'http://permitted.origin.test') // Note: different scheme!626 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')627 .expect(403, done);628 });629 it('GET / without origin', function(done) {630 request(cors_anywhere)631 .get('/')632 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')633 .expect(403, done);634 });635});636describe('handleInitialRequest', function() {637 afterEach(stopServer);638 it('GET / with handleInitialRequest', function(done) {639 cors_anywhere = createServer({640 handleInitialRequest: function(req, res, location) {641 res.writeHead(419);642 res.end('res:' + (location && location.href));643 return true;644 },645 });646 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;647 request(cors_anywhere)648 .get('/')649 .expect(419, 'res:null', done);650 });651 it('GET /dummy with handleInitialRequest', function(done) {652 cors_anywhere = createServer({653 handleInitialRequest: function(req, res, location) {654 res.writeHead(419);655 res.end('res:' + (location && location.href));656 return true;657 },658 });659 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;660 request(cors_anywhere)661 .get('/dummy')662 .expect(419, 'res:http://dummy/', done);663 });664 it('GET / with handleInitialRequest', function(done) {665 cors_anywhere = createServer({666 handleInitialRequest: function(req, res, location) {667 res.setHeader('X-Extra-Header', 'hello ' + location.href);668 },669 });670 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;671 request(cors_anywhere)672 .get('/')673 .set('Origin', 'null')674 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')675 .expect('X-Extra-Header', 'hello')676 .expect(200, 'Response from', done);677 });678});679describe('checkRateLimit', function() {680 afterEach(stopServer);681 it('GET / without rate-limit', function(done) {682 cors_anywhere = createServer({683 checkRateLimit: function() {},684 });685 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;686 request(cors_anywhere)687 .get('/')688 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')689 .expect(200, done);690 });691 it('GET / with rate-limit', function(done) {692 cors_anywhere = createServer({693 checkRateLimit: function(origin) {694 // Non-empty value. Let's return the origin parameter so that we also verify that the695 // the parameter is really the origin.696 return '[' + origin + ']';697 },698 });699 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;700 request(cors_anywhere)701 .get('/')702 .set('Origin', '')703 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')704 .expect(429, done,705 'The origin "" has sent too many requests.\n[]');706 });707});708describe('redirectSameOrigin', function() {709 before(function() {710 cors_anywhere = createServer({711 redirectSameOrigin: true,712 });713 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;714 });715 after(stopServer);716 it('GET / with Origin:', function(done) {717 request(cors_anywhere)718 .get('/')719 .set('Origin', '')720 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')721 .expect('Cache-Control', 'private')722 .expect('Vary', 'origin')723 .expect('Location', '')724 .expect(301, done);725 });726 it('GET / with Origin:', function(done) {727 // Not same-origin because of different schemes.728 request(cors_anywhere)729 .get('/')730 .set('Origin', '')731 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')732 .expect(200, 'Response from', done);733 });734 it('GET / with Origin:', function(done) {735 // Not same-origin because of different ports.736 request(cors_anywhere)737 .get('/')738 .set('Origin', '')739 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')740 .expect(200, 'Response from', done);741 });742 it('GET / with Origin:', function(done) {743 // Not same-origin because of different ports.744 request(cors_anywhere)745 .get('/')746 .set('Origin', '')747 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')748 .expect(200, 'Response from', done);749 });750 it('GET / with Origin:', function(done) {751 // Not same-origin because of different host names.752 request(cors_anywhere)753 .get('/')754 .set('Origin', '')755 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')756 .expect(200, 'Response from', done);757 });758 it('GET / with Origin:', function(done) {759 // Not same-origin because of different host names.760 request(cors_anywhere)761 .get('/')762 .set('Origin', '')763 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')764 .expect(200, 'Response from', done);765 });766 it('GET / with Origin:', function(done) {767 // Not same-origin because of different host names.768 request(cors_anywhere)769 .get('/')770 .set('Origin', '')771 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')772 .expect(200, 'Response from', done);773 });774});775describe('requireHeader', function() {776 before(function() {777 cors_anywhere = createServer({778 requireHeader: ['origin', 'x-requested-with'],779 });780 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;781 });782 after(stopServer);783 it('GET / without header', function(done) {784 request(cors_anywhere)785 .get('/')786 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')787 .expect(400, 'Missing required request header. Must specify one of: origin,x-requested-with', done);788 });789 it('GET / with X-Requested-With header', function(done) {790 request(cors_anywhere)791 .get('/')792 .set('X-Requested-With', '')793 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')794 .expect(200, done);795 });796 it('GET / with Origin header', function(done) {797 request(cors_anywhere)798 .get('/')799 .set('Origin', 'null')800 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')801 .expect(200, done);802 });803 it('GET / without header (requireHeader as string)', function(done) {804 stopServer(function() {805 cors_anywhere = createServer({806 requireHeader: 'origin',807 });808 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;809 request(cors_anywhere)810 .get('/')811 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')812 .expect(400, 'Missing required request header. Must specify one of: origin', done);813 });814 });815 it('GET / with header (requireHeader as string)', function(done) {816 stopServer(function() {817 cors_anywhere = createServer({818 requireHeader: 'origin',819 });820 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;821 request(cors_anywhere)822 .get('/')823 .set('Origin', 'null')824 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')825 .expect(200, 'Response from', done);826 });827 });828 it('GET / without header (requireHeader as string, uppercase)', function(done) {829 stopServer(function() {830 cors_anywhere = createServer({831 requireHeader: 'ORIGIN',832 });833 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;834 request(cors_anywhere)835 .get('/')836 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')837 .expect(400, 'Missing required request header. Must specify one of: origin', done);838 });839 });840 it('GET / with header (requireHeader as string, uppercase)', function(done) {841 stopServer(function() {842 cors_anywhere = createServer({843 requireHeader: 'ORIGIN',844 });845 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;846 request(cors_anywhere)847 .get('/')848 .set('Origin', 'null')849 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')850 .expect(200, 'Response from', done);851 });852 });853 it('GET / (requireHeader is an empty array)', function(done) {854 stopServer(function() {855 cors_anywhere = createServer({856 requireHeader: [],857 });858 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;859 request(cors_anywhere)860 .get('/')861 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')862 .expect(200, 'Response from', done);863 });864 });865});866describe('removeHeaders', function() {867 before(function() {868 cors_anywhere = createServer({869 removeHeaders: ['cookie', 'cookie2'],870 });871 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;872 });873 after(stopServer);874 it('GET / with request cookie', function(done) {875 request(cors_anywhere)876 .get('/')877 .set('cookie', 'a')878 .set('cookie2', 'b')879 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')880 .expectJSON({881 host: '',882 }, done);883 });884 it('GET / with unknown header', function(done) {885 request(cors_anywhere)886 .get('/')887 .set('cookie', 'a')888 .set('cookie2', 'b')889 .set('cookie3', 'c')890 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')891 .expectJSON({892 host: '',893 cookie3: 'c',894 }, done);895 });896});897describe('setHeaders', function() {898 before(function() {899 cors_anywhere = createServer({900 setHeaders: {'x-powered-by': 'CORS Anywhere'},901 });902 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;903 });904 after(stopServer);905 it('GET /', function(done) {906 request(cors_anywhere)907 .get('/')908 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')909 .expectJSON({910 host: '',911 'x-powered-by': 'CORS Anywhere',912 }, done);913 });914 it('GET / should replace header', function(done) {915 request(cors_anywhere)916 .get('/')917 .set('x-powered-by', 'should be replaced')918 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')919 .expectJSON({920 host: '',921 'x-powered-by': 'CORS Anywhere',922 }, done);923 });924});925describe('setHeaders + removeHeaders', function() {926 before(function() {927 // setHeaders takes precedence over removeHeaders928 cors_anywhere = createServer({929 removeHeaders: ['x-powered-by'],930 setHeaders: {'x-powered-by': 'CORS Anywhere'},931 });932 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;933 });934 after(stopServer);935 it('GET /', function(done) {936 request(cors_anywhere)937 .get('/')938 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')939 .expectJSON({940 host: '',941 'x-powered-by': 'CORS Anywhere',942 }, done);943 });944 it('GET / should replace header', function(done) {945 request(cors_anywhere)946 .get('/')947 .set('x-powered-by', 'should be replaced')948 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')949 .expectJSON({950 host: '',951 'x-powered-by': 'CORS Anywhere',952 }, done);953 });954});955describe('Access-Control-Max-Age set', function() {956 before(function() {957 cors_anywhere = createServer({958 corsMaxAge: 600,959 });960 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;961 });962 after(stopServer);963 it('OPTIONS /', function(done) {964 request(cors_anywhere)965 .options('/')966 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')967 .expect('Access-Control-Max-Age', '600')968 .expect(200, '', done);969 });970 it('OPTIONS /', function(done) {971 request(cors_anywhere)972 .options('/')973 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')974 .expect('Access-Control-Max-Age', '600')975 .expect(200, '', done);976 });977 it('GET / no Access-Control-Max-Age on GET', function(done) {978 request(cors_anywhere)979 .get('/')980 .type('text/plain')981 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')982 .expectNoHeader('Access-Control-Max-Age')983 .expect(200, helpText, done);984 });985 it('GET / no Access-Control-Max-Age on GET', function(done) {986 request(cors_anywhere)987 .get('/')988 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')989 .expectNoHeader('Access-Control-Max-Age')990 .expect(200, 'Response from', done);991 });992});993describe('Access-Control-Max-Age not set', function() {994 before(function() {995 cors_anywhere = createServer();996 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;997 });998 after(stopServer);999 it('OPTIONS / corsMaxAge disabled', function(done) {1000 request(cors_anywhere)1001 .options('/')1002 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')1003 .expectNoHeader('Access-Control-Max-Age')1004 .expect(200, '', done);1005 });1006 it('OPTIONS / corsMaxAge disabled', function(done) {1007 request(cors_anywhere)1008 .options('/')1009 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')1010 .expectNoHeader('Access-Control-Max-Age')1011 .expect(200, '', done);1012 });1013 it('GET /', function(done) {1014 request(cors_anywhere)1015 .get('/')1016 .type('text/plain')1017 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')1018 .expectNoHeader('Access-Control-Max-Age')1019 .expect(200, helpText, done);1020 });1021 it('GET /', function(done) {1022 request(cors_anywhere)1023 .get('/')1024 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')1025 .expectNoHeader('Access-Control-Max-Age')1026 .expect(200, 'Response from', done);1027 });1028});1029describe('httpProxyOptions.xfwd=false', function() {1030 before(function() {1031 cors_anywhere = createServer({1032 httpProxyOptions: {1033 xfwd: false,1034 },1035 });1036 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;1037 });1038 after(stopServer);1039 it('X-Forwarded-* headers should not be set', function(done) {1040 request(cors_anywhere)1041 .get('/')1042 .set('test-include-xfwd', '')1043 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')1044 .expectJSON({1045 host: '',1046 }, done);1047 });1048});1049describe('httpProxyOptions.getProxyForUrl', function() {1050 var proxy_server;1051 var proxy_url;1052 before(function() {1053 // Using a real server instead of a mock because Nock doesn't can't mock proxies.1054 proxy_server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {1055 res.end(req.method + ' ' + req.url + ' Host=' +;1056 });1057 proxy_url = '' + proxy_server.listen(0).address().port;1058 cors_anywhere = createServer({1059 httpProxyOptions: {1060 xfwd: false,1061 },1062 });1063 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;1064 });1065 afterEach(function() {1066 // Assuming that they were not set before.1067 delete process.env.https_proxy;1068 delete process.env.http_proxy;1069 delete process.env.no_proxy;1070 });1071 after(function(done) {1072 proxy_server.close(function() {1073 done();1074 });1075 });1076 after(stopServer);1077 it('http_proxy should be respected for matching domains', function(done) {1078 process.env.http_proxy = proxy_url;1079 request(cors_anywhere)1080 .get('/')1081 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')1082 .expect(200, 'GET', done);1083 });1084 it('http_proxy should be ignored for http URLs', function(done) {1085 process.env.http_proxy = proxy_url;1086 request(cors_anywhere)1087 .get('/')1088 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')1089 .expect(200, 'Response from', done);1090 });1091 it('https_proxy should be respected for matching domains', function(done) {1092 process.env.https_proxy = proxy_url;1093 request(cors_anywhere)1094 .get('/')1095 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')1096 .expect(200, 'GET', done);1097 });1098 it('https_proxy should be ignored for http URLs', function(done) {1099 process.env.https_proxy = proxy_url;1100 request(cors_anywhere)1101 .get('/')1102 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')1103 .expect(200, 'Response from', done);1104 });1105 it('https_proxy + no_proxy should not intercept requests in no_proxy', function(done) {1106 process.env.https_proxy = proxy_url;1107 process.env.no_proxy = '';1108 request(cors_anywhere)1109 .get('/')1110 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')1111 .expect(200, 'Response from', done);1112 });1113});1114describe('helpFile', function() {1115 afterEach(stopServer);1116 it('GET / with custom text helpFile', function(done) {1117 var customHelpTextPath = path.join(__dirname, './customHelp.txt');1118 var customHelpText = fs.readFileSync(customHelpTextPath, {encoding: 'utf8'});1119 cors_anywhere = createServer({1120 helpFile: customHelpTextPath,1121 });1122 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;1123 request(cors_anywhere)1124 .get('/')1125 .type('text/plain')1126 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')1127 .expect(200, customHelpText, done);1128 });1129 it('GET / with custom HTML helpFile', function(done) {1130 var customHelpTextPath = path.join(__dirname, './customHelp.html');1131 var customHelpText = fs.readFileSync(customHelpTextPath, {encoding: 'utf8'});1132 cors_anywhere = createServer({1133 helpFile: customHelpTextPath,1134 });1135 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;1136 request(cors_anywhere)1137 .get('/')1138 .type('text/html')1139 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')1140 .expect(200, customHelpText, done);1141 });1142 it('GET / with non-existent help file', function(done) {1143 var customHelpTextPath = path.join(__dirname, 'Some non-existing file.');1144 cors_anywhere = createServer({1145 helpFile: customHelpTextPath,1146 });1147 cors_anywhere_port = cors_anywhere.listen(0).address().port;1148 request(cors_anywhere)1149 .get('/')1150 .type('text/plain')1151 .expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')1152 .expect(500, '', done);1153 });...

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Source:cors-anywhere.js Github


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1// © 2013 - 2016 Rob Wu <>2// Released under the MIT license3'use strict';4var httpProxy = require('http-proxy');5var net = require('net');6var url = require('url');7var regexp_tld = require('./regexp-top-level-domain');8var getProxyForUrl = require('proxy-from-env').getProxyForUrl;9var help_text = {};10function showUsage(help_file, headers, response) {11 var isHtml = /\.html$/.test(help_file);12 headers['content-type'] = isHtml ? 'text/html' : 'text/plain';13 if (help_text[help_file] != null) {14 response.writeHead(200, headers);15 response.end(help_text[help_file]);16 } else {17 require('fs').readFile(help_file, 'utf8', function(err, data) {18 if (err) {19 console.error(err);20 response.writeHead(500, headers);21 response.end();22 } else {23 help_text[help_file] = data;24 showUsage(help_file, headers, response); // Recursive call, but since data is a string, the recursion will end25 }26 });27 }28}29/**30 * Check whether the specified hostname is valid.31 *32 * @param hostname {string} Host name (excluding port) of requested resource.33 * @return {boolean} Whether the requested resource can be accessed.34 */35function isValidHostName(hostname) {36 return !!(37 regexp_tld.test(hostname) ||38 net.isIPv4(hostname) ||39 net.isIPv6(hostname)40 );41}42/**43 * Adds CORS headers to the response headers.44 *45 * @param headers {object} Response headers46 * @param request {ServerRequest}47 */48function withCORS(headers, request) {49 headers['access-control-allow-origin'] = '*';50 var corsMaxAge = request.corsAnywhereRequestState.corsMaxAge;51 if (request.method === 'OPTIONS' && corsMaxAge) {52 headers['access-control-max-age'] = corsMaxAge;53 }54 if (request.headers['access-control-request-method']) {55 headers['access-control-allow-methods'] = request.headers['access-control-request-method'];56 delete request.headers['access-control-request-method'];57 }58 if (request.headers['access-control-request-headers']) {59 headers['access-control-allow-headers'] = request.headers['access-control-request-headers'];60 delete request.headers['access-control-request-headers'];61 }62 headers['access-control-expose-headers'] = Object.keys(headers).join(',');63 return headers;64}65/**66 * Performs the actual proxy request.67 *68 * @param req {ServerRequest} Incoming http request69 * @param res {ServerResponse} Outgoing (proxied) http request70 * @param proxy {HttpProxy}71 */72function proxyRequest(req, res, proxy) {73 var location = req.corsAnywhereRequestState.location;74 req.url = location.path;75 var proxyOptions = {76 changeOrigin: false,77 prependPath: false,78 target: location,79 headers: {80 host:,81 },82 // HACK: Get hold of the proxyReq object, because we need it later.83 // buffer: {85 pipe: function(proxyReq) {86 var proxyReqOn = proxyReq.on;87 // Intercepts the handler that connects proxyRes to res.88 // proxyReq.on = function(eventName, listener) {90 if (eventName !== 'response') {91 return, eventName, listener);92 }93 return, 'response', function(proxyRes) {94 if (onProxyResponse(proxy, proxyReq, proxyRes, req, res)) {95 try {96 listener(proxyRes);97 } catch (err) {98 // Wrap in try-catch because an error could occur:99 // "RangeError: Invalid status code: 0"100 // // // Forward error (will ultimately emit the 'error' event on our proxy object):103 // proxyReq.emit('error', err);105 }106 }107 });108 };109 return req.pipe(proxyReq);110 },111 },112 };113 var proxyThroughUrl = req.corsAnywhereRequestState.getProxyForUrl(location.href);114 if (proxyThroughUrl) {115 = proxyThroughUrl;116 proxyOptions.toProxy = true;117 // If a proxy URL was set, req.url must be an absolute URL. Then the request will not be sent118 // directly to the proxied URL, but through another proxy.119 req.url = location.href;120 }121 // Start proxying the request122 try {123 proxy.web(req, res, proxyOptions);124 } catch (err) {125 proxy.emit('error', err, req, res);126 }127}128/**129 * This method modifies the response headers of the proxied response.130 * If a redirect is detected, the response is not sent to the client,131 * and a new request is initiated.132 *133 * client (req) -> CORS Anywhere -> (proxyReq) -> other server134 * client (res) <- CORS Anywhere <- (proxyRes) <- other server135 *136 * @param proxy {HttpProxy}137 * @param proxyReq {ClientRequest} The outgoing request to the other server.138 * @param proxyRes {ServerResponse} The response from the other server.139 * @param req {IncomingMessage} Incoming HTTP request, augmented with property corsAnywhereRequestState140 * @param req.corsAnywhereRequestState {object}141 * @param req.corsAnywhereRequestState.location {object} See parseURL142 * @param req.corsAnywhereRequestState.getProxyForUrl {function} See proxyRequest143 * @param req.corsAnywhereRequestState.proxyBaseUrl {string} Base URL of the CORS API endpoint144 * @param req.corsAnywhereRequestState.maxRedirects {number} Maximum number of redirects145 * @param req.corsAnywhereRequestState.redirectCount_ {number} Internally used to count redirects146 * @param res {ServerResponse} Outgoing response to the client that wanted to proxy the HTTP request.147 *148 * @returns {boolean} true if http-proxy should continue to pipe proxyRes to res.149 */150function onProxyResponse(proxy, proxyReq, proxyRes, req, res) {151 var requestState = req.corsAnywhereRequestState;152 var statusCode = proxyRes.statusCode;153 if (!requestState.redirectCount_) {154 res.setHeader('x-request-url', requestState.location.href);155 }156 // Handle redirects157 if (statusCode === 301 || statusCode === 302 || statusCode === 303 || statusCode === 307 || statusCode === 308) {158 var locationHeader = proxyRes.headers.location;159 var parsedLocation;160 if (locationHeader) {161 locationHeader = url.resolve(requestState.location.href, locationHeader);162 parsedLocation = parseURL(locationHeader);163 }164 if (parsedLocation) {165 if (statusCode === 301 || statusCode === 302 || statusCode === 303) {166 // Exclude 307 & 308, because they are rare, and require preserving the method + request body167 requestState.redirectCount_ = requestState.redirectCount_ + 1 || 1;168 if (requestState.redirectCount_ <= requestState.maxRedirects) {169 // Handle redirects within the server, because some clients (e.g. Android Stock Browser)170 // cancel redirects.171 // Set header for debugging purposes. Do not try to parse it!172 res.setHeader('X-CORS-Redirect-' + requestState.redirectCount_, statusCode + ' ' + locationHeader);173 req.method = 'GET';174 req.headers['content-length'] = '0';175 delete req.headers['content-type'];176 requestState.location = parsedLocation;177 // Remove all listeners (=reset events to initial state)178 req.removeAllListeners();179 // Remove the error listener so that the ECONNRESET "error" that180 // may occur after aborting a request does not propagate to res.181 // proxyReq.removeAllListeners('error');183 proxyReq.once('error', function catchAndIgnoreError() {});184 proxyReq.abort();185 // Initiate a new proxy request.186 proxyRequest(req, res, proxy);187 return false;188 }189 }190 proxyRes.headers.location = requestState.proxyBaseUrl + '/' + locationHeader;191 }192 }193 // Strip cookies194 delete proxyRes.headers['set-cookie'];195 delete proxyRes.headers['set-cookie2'];196 proxyRes.headers['x-final-url'] = requestState.location.href;197 withCORS(proxyRes.headers, req);198 return true;199}200/**201 * @param req_url {string} The requested URL (scheme is optional).202 * @return {object} URL parsed using url.parse203 */204function parseURL(req_url) {205 var match = req_url.match(/^(?:(https?:)?\/\/)?(([^\/?]+?)(?::(\d{0,5})(?=[\/?]|$))?)([\/?][\S\s]*|$)/i);206 // ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^207 // 1:protocol 3:hostname 4:port 5:path + query string208 // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^209 // 2:host210 if (!match) {211 return null;212 }213 if (!match[1]) {214 if (/^https?:/i.test(req_url)) {215 // The pattern at top could mistakenly parse "http:///" as host="http:" and path=///.216 return null;217 }218 // Scheme is omitted.219 if (req_url.lastIndexOf('//', 0) === -1) {220 // "//" is omitted.221 req_url = '//' + req_url;222 }223 req_url = (match[4] === '443' ? 'https:' : 'http:') + req_url;224 }225 var parsed = url.parse(req_url);226 if (!parsed.hostname) {227 // "http://:1/" and "http:/notenoughslashes" could end up here.228 return null;229 }230 return parsed;231}232// Request handler factory233function getHandler(options, proxy) {234 var corsAnywhere = {235 handleInitialRequest: null, // Function that may handle the request instead, by returning a truthy value.236 getProxyForUrl: getProxyForUrl, // Function that specifies the proxy to use237 maxRedirects: 5, // Maximum number of redirects to be followed.238 originBlacklist: [], // Requests from these origins will be blocked.239 originWhitelist: [], // If non-empty, requests not from an origin in this list will be blocked.240 checkRateLimit: null, // Function that may enforce a rate-limit by returning a non-empty string.241 redirectSameOrigin: false, // Redirect the client to the requested URL for same-origin requests.242 requireHeader: null, // Require a header to be set?243 removeHeaders: [], // Strip these request headers.244 setHeaders: {}, // Set these request headers.245 corsMaxAge: 0, // If set, an Access-Control-Max-Age header with this value (in seconds) will be added.246 helpFile: __dirname + '/help.txt',247 };248 Object.keys(corsAnywhere).forEach(function(option) {249 if (, option)) {250 corsAnywhere[option] = options[option];251 }252 });253 // Convert corsAnywhere.requireHeader to an array of lowercase header names, or null.254 if (corsAnywhere.requireHeader) {255 if (typeof corsAnywhere.requireHeader === 'string') {256 corsAnywhere.requireHeader = [corsAnywhere.requireHeader.toLowerCase()];257 } else if (!Array.isArray(corsAnywhere.requireHeader) || corsAnywhere.requireHeader.length === 0) {258 corsAnywhere.requireHeader = null;259 } else {260 corsAnywhere.requireHeader = {261 return headerName.toLowerCase();262 });263 }264 }265 var hasRequiredHeaders = function(headers) {266 return !corsAnywhere.requireHeader || corsAnywhere.requireHeader.some(function(headerName) {267 return, headerName);268 });269 };270 return function(req, res) {271 req.corsAnywhereRequestState = {272 getProxyForUrl: corsAnywhere.getProxyForUrl,273 maxRedirects: corsAnywhere.maxRedirects,274 corsMaxAge: corsAnywhere.corsMaxAge,275 };276 var cors_headers = withCORS({}, req);277 if (req.method === 'OPTIONS') {278 // Pre-flight request. Reply successfully:279 res.writeHead(200, cors_headers);280 res.end();281 return;282 }283 var location = parseURL(req.url.slice(1));284 if (corsAnywhere.handleInitialRequest && corsAnywhere.handleInitialRequest(req, res, location)) {285 return;286 }287 if (!location) {288 // Special case http:/notenoughslashes, because new users of the library frequently make the289 // mistake of putting this application behind a server/router that normalizes the URL.290 // See if (/^\/https?:\/[^/]/i.test(req.url)) {292 res.writeHead(400, 'Missing slash', cors_headers);293 res.end('The URL is invalid: two slashes are needed after the http(s):.');294 return;295 }296 // Invalid API call. Show how to correctly use the API297 showUsage(corsAnywhere.helpFile, cors_headers, res);298 return;299 }300 if ( === 'iscorsneeded') {301 // Is CORS needed? This path is provided so that API consumers can test whether it's necessary302 // to use CORS. The server's reply is always No, because if they can read it, then CORS headers303 // are not necessary.304 res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});305 res.end('no');306 return;307 }308 if (location.port > 65535) {309 // Port is higher than 65535310 res.writeHead(400, 'Invalid port', cors_headers);311 res.end('Port number too large: ' + location.port);312 return;313 }314 if (!/^\/https?:/.test(req.url) && !isValidHostName(location.hostname)) {315 // Don't even try to proxy invalid hosts (such as /favicon.ico, /robots.txt)316 res.writeHead(404, 'Invalid host', cors_headers);317 res.end('Invalid host: ' + location.hostname);318 return;319 }320 if (!hasRequiredHeaders(req.headers)) {321 res.writeHead(400, 'Header required', cors_headers);322 res.end('Missing required request header. Must specify one of: ' + corsAnywhere.requireHeader);323 return;324 }325 var origin = req.headers.origin || '';326 if (corsAnywhere.originBlacklist.indexOf(origin) >= 0) {327 res.writeHead(403, 'Forbidden', cors_headers);328 res.end('The origin "' + origin + '" was blacklisted by the operator of this proxy.');329 return;330 }331 if (corsAnywhere.originWhitelist.length && corsAnywhere.originWhitelist.indexOf(origin) === -1) {332 res.writeHead(403, 'Forbidden', cors_headers);333 res.end('The origin "' + origin + '" was not whitelisted by the operator of this proxy.');334 return;335 }336 var rateLimitMessage = corsAnywhere.checkRateLimit && corsAnywhere.checkRateLimit(origin);337 if (rateLimitMessage) {338 res.writeHead(429, 'Too Many Requests', cors_headers);339 res.end('The origin "' + origin + '" has sent too many requests.\n' + rateLimitMessage);340 return;341 }342 if (corsAnywhere.redirectSameOrigin && origin && location.href[origin.length] === '/' &&343 location.href.lastIndexOf(origin, 0) === 0) {344 // Send a permanent redirect to offload the server. Badly coded clients should not waste our resources.345 cors_headers.vary = 'origin';346 cors_headers['cache-control'] = 'private';347 cors_headers.location = location.href;348 res.writeHead(301, 'Please use a direct request', cors_headers);349 res.end();350 return;351 }352 var isRequestedOverHttps = req.connection.encrypted || /^\s*https/.test(req.headers['x-forwarded-proto']);353 var proxyBaseUrl = (isRequestedOverHttps ? 'https://' : 'http://') +;354 corsAnywhere.removeHeaders.forEach(function(header) {355 delete req.headers[header];356 });357 Object.keys(corsAnywhere.setHeaders).forEach(function(header) {358 req.headers[header] = corsAnywhere.setHeaders[header];359 });360 req.corsAnywhereRequestState.location = location;361 req.corsAnywhereRequestState.proxyBaseUrl = proxyBaseUrl;362 proxyRequest(req, res, proxy);363 };364}365// Create server with default and given values366// Creator still needs to call .listen()367exports.createServer = function createServer(options) {368 options = options || {};369 // Default options:370 var httpProxyOptions = {371 xfwd: true, // Append X-Forwarded-* headers372 secure: process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED !== '0',373 };374 // Allow user to override defaults and add own options375 if (options.httpProxyOptions) {376 Object.keys(options.httpProxyOptions).forEach(function(option) {377 httpProxyOptions[option] = options.httpProxyOptions[option];378 });379 }380 var proxy = httpProxy.createServer(httpProxyOptions);381 var requestHandler = getHandler(options, proxy);382 var server;383 if (options.httpsOptions) {384 server = require('https').createServer(options.httpsOptions, requestHandler);385 } else {386 server = require('http').createServer(requestHandler);387 }388 // When the server fails, just show a 404 instead of Internal server error389 proxy.on('error', function(err, req, res) {390 if (res.headersSent) {391 // This could happen when a protocol error occurs when an error occurs392 // after the headers have been received (and forwarded). Do not write393 // the headers because it would generate an error.394 // Prior to Node 13.x, the stream would have ended.395 // As of Node 13.x, we must explicitly close it.396 if (res.writableEnded === false) {397 res.end();398 }399 return;400 }401 // When the error occurs after setting headers but before writing the response,402 // then any previously set headers must be removed.403 var headerNames = res.getHeaderNames ? res.getHeaderNames() : Object.keys(res._headers || {});404 headerNames.forEach(function(name) {405 res.removeHeader(name);406 });407 res.writeHead(404, {'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'});408 res.end('Not found because of proxy error: ' + err);409 });410 return server;...

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Source:cors_vx.x.x.js Github


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1// flow-typed signature: da7d0f3b3f5db2df0a234563f903d1772// flow-typed version: <<STUB>>/cors_v^2.8.4/flow_v0.71.03/**4 * This is an autogenerated libdef stub for:5 *6 * 'cors'7 *8 * Fill this stub out by replacing all the `any` types.9 *10 * Once filled out, we encourage you to share your work with the11 * community by sending a pull request to:12 * */14declare module 'cors' {15 declare module.exports: any;16}17/**18 * We include stubs for each file inside this npm package in case you need to19 * require those files directly. Feel free to delete any files that aren't20 * needed.21 */22declare module 'cors/lib/index' {23 declare module.exports: any;24}25declare module 'cors/test/basic-auth' {26 declare module.exports: any;27}28declare module 'cors/test/body-events' {29 declare module.exports: any;30}31declare module 'cors/test/cors' {32 declare module.exports: any;33}34declare module 'cors/test/error-response' {35 declare module.exports: any;36}37declare module 'cors/test/example-app' {38 declare module.exports: any;39}40declare module 'cors/test/issue-2' {41 declare module.exports: any;42}43declare module 'cors/test/issue-31' {44 declare module.exports: any;45}46declare module 'cors/test/support/env' {47 declare module.exports: any;48}49// Filename aliases50declare module 'cors/lib/index.js' {51 declare module.exports: $Exports<'cors/lib/index'>;52}53declare module 'cors/test/basic-auth.js' {54 declare module.exports: $Exports<'cors/test/basic-auth'>;55}56declare module 'cors/test/body-events.js' {57 declare module.exports: $Exports<'cors/test/body-events'>;58}59declare module 'cors/test/cors.js' {60 declare module.exports: $Exports<'cors/test/cors'>;61}62declare module 'cors/test/error-response.js' {63 declare module.exports: $Exports<'cors/test/error-response'>;64}65declare module 'cors/test/example-app.js' {66 declare module.exports: $Exports<'cors/test/example-app'>;67}68declare module 'cors/test/issue-2.js' {69 declare module.exports: $Exports<'cors/test/issue-2'>;70}71declare module 'cors/test/issue-31.js' {72 declare module.exports: $Exports<'cors/test/issue-31'>;73}74declare module 'cors/test/support/env.js' {75 declare module.exports: $Exports<'cors/test/support/env'>;...

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Source:routes.js Github


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2const express = require("express");3const controller = require("./controllers.js");4const router = express.Router();5// --------------- API REST CRUD6router.get ("/clientes", cors(), controller.readClientes); // Read All7router.get ("/clientes/:id", cors(), controller.readCliente); // Read8router.delete ("/clientes/:id", cors(), controller.deleteCliente); // Delete9router.put ("/clientes/:id", cors(), controller.updateCliente); // ("/clientes", cors(), controller.createCliente); // Create11router.get ("/articulos", cors(), controller.readArticulos); // Read All12router.get ("/articulos/:id", cors(), controller.readArticulo); // Read13router.delete ("/articulos/:id", cors(), controller.deleteArticulo); // Delete14router.put ("/articulos/:id", cors(), controller.updateArticulo); // ("/articulos", cors(), controller.createArticulo); // Create16router.get ("/distribuidores", cors(), controller.readDistribuidores); // Read All17router.get ("/distribuidores/:id", cors(), controller.readDistribuidor); // Read18router.delete ("/distribuidores/:id", cors(), controller.deleteDistribuidor); // Delete19router.put ("/distribuidores/:id", cors(), controller.updateDistribuidor); // ("/distribuidores", cors(), controller.createDistribuidor); // Create21router.get ("/plantas", cors(), controller.readPlantas); // Read All22router.get ("/plantas/:id", cors(), controller.readPlanta); // Read23router.delete ("/plantas/:id", cors(), controller.deletePlanta); // Delete24router.put ("/plantas/:id", cors(), controller.updatePlanta); // ("/plantas", cors(), controller.createPlanta); // Create...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import cors from 'cors';2const express = require('express');3const app = express();4app.use(cors());5app.get('/test', (req, res) => res.send('Hello World!'));6app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Example app listening on port 3000!'));7import { configure } from '@storybook/react';8import { setOptions } from '@storybook/addon-options';9import { withOptions } from '@storybook/addon-options';10import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';11import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';12import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';13import { withNotes } from '@storybook/addon-notes';14import { withViewport } from '@storybook/addon-viewport';15import { setAddon } from '@storybook/react';16import { withA11y } from '@storybook/addon-a11y';17import { withBackgrounds } from '@storybook/addon-backgrounds';18import { withConsole } from '@storybook/addon-console';19import { withTests } from '@storybook/addon-jest';20import { withLinks } from '@storybook/addon-links';21import { withCORS } from 'storybook-addon-cors';22import { withCSSResources } from '@storybook/addon-cssresources';23import { withRedux } from 'addon-redux';24import { withI18n } from 'storybook-addon-i18n';25import { withIntl } from 'storybook-addon-intl';26import { addReadme } from 'storybook-readme';27import { withDocs } from 'storybook-readme';28import { withPropsTable } from 'storybook-addon-react-docgen';29import { withOptions } from 'storybook-addon-options';30import { withThemesProvider } from 'storybook-addon-styled-component-theme';31import { withTheme } from '@storybook/addon-theme';32import { withFigma } from 'storybook-addon-figma';33import { withPaddings } from 'storybook-addon-paddings';34import { withSmartKnobs } from 'storybook-addon-smart-knobs';35import { withContexts } from 'storybook-addon-contexts/react';36import { withGraphQL } from 'storybook-addon-graphql';37import { withPerformance } from 'storybook-addon-performance';38import { withA11y } from 'storybook-addon-a11y';39import { withCypress } from 'storybook-addon-cypress';40import { withReactRouter } from 'storybook-addon

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1import { withCors } from 'storybook-addon-cors';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';3import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';4storiesOf('My Component', module)5 .addDecorator(withCors)6 .addDecorator(withKnobs)7 .add('My Component', () => <MyComponent />)8const MyComponent = () => {9 const [data, setData] = useState(null);10 useEffect(() => {11 .then(response => response.json())12 .then(json => setData(json));13 }, []);14 return (15 {data ? <div>{JSON.stringify(data)}</div> : <div>Loading...</div>}16 );17};18export default MyComponent;19module.exports = {20 webpackFinal: async config => {21 config.module.rules.push({22 loaders: [require.resolve('@storybook/source-loader')],23 });24 return config;25 },26};27import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';28import { withCors } from 'storybook-addon-cors';29addDecorator(withCors);30import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';31import { withCors } from 'storybook-addon-cors';32addDecorator(withCors);

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1const cors = require('cors');2const express = require('express');3const app = express();4app.use(cors());5app.get('/data', (req, res) => res.json({name: 'John Doe'}));6app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server running on port 3000'));7const cors = require('cors');8const express = require('express');9const app = express();10app.use(cors());11app.get('/data', (req, res) => res.json({name: 'John Doe'}));12app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server running on port 3000'));13const cors = require('cors');14const express = require('express');15const app = express();16app.use(cors());17app.get('/data', (req, res) => res.json({name: 'John Doe'}));18app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server running on port 3000'));19const cors = require('cors');20const express = require('express');21const app = express();22app.use(cors());23app.get('/data', (req, res) => res.json({name: 'John Doe'}));24app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server running on port 3000'));25const cors = require('cors');26const express = require('express');27const app = express();28app.use(cors());29app.get('/data', (req, res) => res.json({name: 'John Doe'}));30app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server running on port 3000'));31const cors = require('cors');32const express = require('express');33const app = express();34app.use(cors());35app.get('/data', (req, res) => res.json({name: 'John Doe'}));36app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server running on port 3000'));

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1const cors = require('cors');2const express = require('express');3const app = express();4const port = 3000;5app.use(cors());6app.get('/api', (req, res) => {7 res.send({8 });9});10app.listen(port, () => {11});12module.exports = {13 stories: ['../src/**/*.stories.mdx', '../src/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx)'],14 async webpackFinal(config) {15 config.devServer = {16 headers: {17 },18 };19 return config;20 },21};22import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';23import { withNextRouter } from 'storybook-addon-next-router';24addDecorator(withNextRouter());25export const parameters = {26 nextRouter: {27 Provider: require('next/router').Router,28 query: {},29 },30};31import { addons } from '@storybook/addons';32import { themes } from '@storybook/theming';33addons.setConfig({34 async managerWebpack(config) {35 config.devServer = {36 headers: {37 },38 };39 return config;40 },41});42export const parameters = {43 async storybookPreview() {44 window.fetch = global.fetch;45 window.Headers = global.Headers;46 window.Request = global.Request;47 window.Response = global.Response;48 },49};50export const parameters = {51 async storybookPreview() {52 window.fetch = global.fetch;53 window.Headers = global.Headers;54 window.Request = global.Request;55 window.Response = global.Response;56 },57};

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1import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';2export default {3};4export const Example = () => <Example />;5export const Example2 = () => <Example2 />;6import React from 'react';7import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';8import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';9import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';10import { withA11y } from '@storybook/addon-a11y';11import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';12addDecorator(withInfo);13addDecorator(withKnobs);14addDecorator(withA11y);15addDecorator(withRootDecorator);16import { configure, addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';17import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';18import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';19import { withA11y } from '@storybook/addon-a11y';20addDecorator(withInfo);21addDecorator(withKnobs);22addDecorator(withA11y);23configure(require.context('../src', true, /\.stories\.js$/), module);24import { configure, addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';25import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';26import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';27import { withA11y } from '@storybook/addon-a11y';28addDecorator(withInfo);29addDecorator(withKnobs);30addDecorator(withA11y);31configure(require.context('../src', true, /\.stories\.js$/), module);

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1import { start } from '@storybook/core/server';2const options = {3};4start(options);5module.exports = {6 webpackFinal: async (config, { configType }) => {7 config.module.rules.push({8 include: path.resolve(__dirname, '../'),9 });10 return config;11 },12};13import React from 'react';14import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';15import { withA11y } from '@storybook/addon-a11y';16import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';17import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';18import { withConsole } from '@storybook/addon-console';19addDecorator(withKnobs);20addDecorator(withA11y);21addDecorator(withInfo);22addDecorator((storyFn, context) => withConsole()(storyFn)(context));23module.exports = {24};

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1import { withCors } from 'storybook-addon-cors';2export default {3};4export const Cors = () => {5};6import { withCors } from 'storybook-addon-cors';7import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/html';8addDecorator(withCors);9import { configure } from '@storybook/html';10import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/html';11import { withCors } from 'storybook-addon-cors';12addDecorator(withCors);13const req = require.context('../stories', true, /\.stories\.js$/);14function loadStories() {15 req.keys().forEach(filename => req(filename));16}17configure(loadStories, module);18import { withCors } from 'storybook-addon-cors';19export const decorators = [withCors];20import { addons } from '@storybook/addons';21import { withCors } from 'storybook-addon-cors';22addons.setConfig({23 storySort: (a, b) => {24 if (a[1].kind === b[1].kind) {25 return 0;26 }27 return a[1].id.localeCompare(b[1].id, { numeric: true });28 },29 sidebar: {30 },31 toolbar: {32 title: {33 },34 zoom: {

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