How to use FindBy method in storybook-test-runner

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Source:browser.ts Github


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1import 'chromedriver';2import { Builder, By, ThenableWebDriver, until, WebElementPromise } from "selenium-webdriver";3import { Options } from "selenium-webdriver/chrome";4import { Condition, HTMLQuery, Identifier, IdentifierError } from "./utils";5export class Browser6{7 private readonly driver: ThenableWebDriver;8 public constructor(private isPrivate: boolean = false, private isHeadless: boolean = true) {9 this.driver = this.initDriver().build();10 }11 public getDriver(): ThenableWebDriver12 {13 return this.driver;14 }15 private initDriver(): Builder {16 let chromeCapabilities: Options = new Options();17 if(this.isPrivate) {18 chromeCapabilities.addArguments('--incognito');19 }20 if(this.isHeadless) {21 chromeCapabilities.headless();22 }23 chromeCapabilities.setAcceptInsecureCerts(true);24 return new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').setChromeOptions(chromeCapabilities);25 }26 public async navigate(url: string) {27 try{28 await this.driver.get(url);29 } catch(e) {30 console.log("Cannot navigate.");31 }32 }33 public Identify(selector: string): WebElementPromise {34 if(selector.charAt(0) === '#')35 {36 return this.driver.wait(until.elementLocated("#")[1])));37 } else if(selector.charAt(0) === ".")38 {39 return this.driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.className(selector.split('.')[1])));40 }else41 {42 return this.driver.wait(until.elementLocated(;43 }44 }45 public findBy(selector: Identifier): WebElementPromise {46 if(!selector.HTMLQuery)47 {48 throw new IdentifierError("HTMLQuery undefined")49 }50 if(selector.HTMLQuery instanceof Array || selector.elementIdentifier instanceof Array)51 {52 throw new IdentifierError("HTML Query or Element Identifier are of type string Array. Not Valid.")53 }54 return this.driver.findElement(new By(selector.HTMLQuery, selector.elementIdentifier));55 }56 public findElementById(idSelector: string): WebElementPromise {57 return this.driver.findElement(;58 }59 public findElementByCSS(cssSelector: string): WebElementPromise {60 return this.driver.findElement(By.css(cssSelector));61 }62 public async clearCookies(url?: string): Promise<void> {63 if(url) {64 const currentUrl = await this.driver.getCurrentUrl();65 await this.navigate(url);66 await this.driver.manage().deleteAllCookies();67 await this.navigate(currentUrl);68 } else {69 await this.driver.manage().deleteAllCookies();70 }71 }72 public async waitUntil(waitUntil: Identifier): Promise<boolean | void> {73 switch(waitUntil.condition) {74 case Condition.ElementIsVisible:75 return await this.waitUntilElementIsVisible(waitUntil);76 case Condition.ElementIsPresent:77 return await this.waitUntilElementIsPresent(waitUntil);78 case Condition.PageHasLoaded:79 return await this.waitUntilPageHasLoaded(waitUntil);80 }81 }82 /**83 * Waits until Page has loaded by matching URL.84 * @param findBy85 * findBy.condition has to be Conditions.PageHasLoaded86 * findBy.elementIdentifier has to be string "{URL}"87 * @private88 */89 private async waitUntilPageHasLoaded(findBy: Identifier): Promise<boolean>90 {91 if(findBy.elementIdentifier instanceof Array)92 {93 throw new IdentifierError("elementIdentifer needs to be of type string, not string[]")94 }95 try{96 this.driver.wait(until.urlContains(findBy.elementIdentifier), findBy.timeOut, "URL Not Loaded");97 return true;98 } catch(e) {99 return false;100 }101 }102 private async waitUntilElementIsPresent(findBy: Identifier): Promise<void> {103 let elementSelector: string;104 if(findBy.HTMLQuery instanceof Array && findBy.elementIdentifier instanceof Array) {105 if(findBy.elementIdentifier.length !== findBy.HTMLQuery.length) {106 throw new IdentifierError("Array length mismatch. Lengths do not match.");107 }108 for(let i = 0; i < findBy.elementIdentifier.length; i++) {109 elementSelector = findBy.elementIdentifier[i];110 switch(findBy.HTMLQuery[i]) {111 case HTMLQuery.ID:112 await this.driver.wait(113 until.elementIsEnabled(this.findElementById(elementSelector)),114 findBy.timeOut,115 'Could not find element. Timed Out.'116 );117 return;118 case HTMLQuery.CSS:119 await this.driver.wait(120 until.elementIsEnabled(this.findElementByCSS(elementSelector)),121 findBy.timeOut,122 'Could not find element. Timed Out.'123 );124 return;125 case HTMLQuery.JS:126 return;127 }128 }129 return;130 }131 if(typeof findBy.HTMLQuery === "string" && findBy.elementIdentifier instanceof Array)132 {133 for(let i = 0; i < findBy.elementIdentifier.length; i++)134 {135 switch(findBy.HTMLQuery) {136 case HTMLQuery.ID:137 await this.driver.wait(138 until.elementIsEnabled(this.findElementById(findBy.elementIdentifier[i])),139 findBy.timeOut,140 'Could not find element. Timed Out.'141 );142 return;143 case HTMLQuery.CSS:144 await this.driver.wait(145 until.elementIsEnabled(this.findElementByCSS(findBy.elementIdentifier[i])),146 findBy.timeOut,147 'Could not find element. Timed Out.'148 );149 return;150 case HTMLQuery.JS:151 return;152 }153 }154 }155 if(typeof findBy.HTMLQuery === "string" && typeof findBy.elementIdentifier === "string")156 {157 switch(findBy.HTMLQuery) {158 case HTMLQuery.ID:159 await this.driver.wait(160 until.elementIsEnabled(this.findElementById(findBy.elementIdentifier)),161 findBy.timeOut,162 'Could not find element. Timed Out.'163 );164 return;165 case HTMLQuery.CSS:166 await this.driver.wait(167 until.elementIsEnabled(this.findElementByCSS(findBy.elementIdentifier)),168 findBy.timeOut,169 'Could not find element. Timed Out.'170 );171 return;172 case HTMLQuery.JS:173 return;174 }175 }176 }177 /**178 *179 * @param findBy - Of type Identifier180 * <br> Consists of HTMLQuery: string | string[], elementIdentifier: string | string[] <br>181 * If HTMLQuery: string && elementIdentifier: string[], HTMLQuery will be default for all elementIdentifier182 * elements <br>183 * If HTMLQuery: string[] && elementIdentifer: string[], It will map each query type to its corresponding184 * elementIdentifier185 */186 private async waitUntilElementIsVisible(findBy: Identifier): Promise<void> {187 if(findBy.HTMLQuery instanceof Array && findBy.elementIdentifier instanceof Array) {188 if(findBy.elementIdentifier.length !== findBy.HTMLQuery.length) {189 throw new IdentifierError("Array length mismatch. Lengths do not match.");190 }191 for(let i = 0; i < findBy.elementIdentifier.length; i++) {192 if(findBy.HTMLQuery[i] === HTMLQuery.ID) {193 await this.driver.wait(until.elementIsVisible(this.findElementById(findBy.elementIdentifier[i])));194 } else if(findBy.HTMLQuery[i] === HTMLQuery.CSS) {195 await this.driver.wait(until.elementIsVisible(this.findElementByCSS(findBy.elementIdentifier[i])));196 }197 }198 }199 if(typeof findBy.HTMLQuery === "string" && findBy.elementIdentifier instanceof Array) {200 for(let i = 0; i < findBy.elementIdentifier.length; i++)201 {202 if(findBy.HTMLQuery === HTMLQuery.ID) {203 try {204 await this.driver.wait(until.elementIsVisible(this.findElementById(findBy.elementIdentifier[i])));205 } catch(e) {206 console.log("Could not find element: " + findBy.HTMLQuery)207 }208 } else if(findBy.HTMLQuery === HTMLQuery.CSS) {209 await this.driver.wait(until.elementIsVisible(this.findElementByCSS(findBy.elementIdentifier[i])));210 }211 }212 }213 if(typeof findBy.HTMLQuery === "string" && typeof findBy.elementIdentifier === "string") {214 if(findBy.HTMLQuery === HTMLQuery.ID) {215 try {216 await this.driver.wait(until.elementIsVisible(this.findElementById(findBy.elementIdentifier)));217 } catch(e) {218 console.log("Could not find element: " + findBy.HTMLQuery)219 }220 } else if(findBy.HTMLQuery === HTMLQuery.CSS) {221 await this.driver.wait(until.elementIsVisible(this.findElementByCSS(findBy.elementIdentifier)));222 }223 }224 }225 public async close(): Promise<void> {226 await this.driver.quit();227 }...

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Source:model-loader.ts Github


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...103 ref: ObjectRef<unknown>,104 modelName: string,105 builder: PothosSchemaTypes.SchemaBuilder<Types>,106 ): (model: Record<string, unknown>) => {} {107 const findBy = this.getDefaultFindBy(ref, modelName, builder);108 return this.getFindUnique(findBy);109 }110 static getDefaultIDSelection<Types extends SchemaTypes>(111 ref: ObjectRef<unknown>,112 modelName: string,113 builder: PothosSchemaTypes.SchemaBuilder<Types>,114 ): Record<string, boolean> {115 const findBy = this.getDefaultFindBy(ref, modelName, builder);116 if (typeof findBy === 'string') {117 return { [findBy]: true };118 }119 const result: Record<string, boolean> = {};120 for (const field of findBy.fields) {121 result[field] = true;122 }123 return result;124 }125 static getCursorSelection<Types extends SchemaTypes>(126 ref: ObjectRef<unknown>,127 modelName: string,128 cursor: string,129 builder: PothosSchemaTypes.SchemaBuilder<Types>,...

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Source:find.js Github


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1import EmberObject from '../../../system/object';2import { SuiteModuleBuilder } from '../suite';3const suite = SuiteModuleBuilder.create();4// ..........................................................5// find()6//7suite.module('find');8suite.test('find should invoke callback on each item as long as you return false', function() {9 let obj = this.newObject();10 let ary = this.toArray(obj);11 let found = [];12 let result;13 result = obj.find(function(i) {14 found.push(i);15 return false;16 });17 equal(result, undefined, 'return value of obj.find');18 deepEqual(found, ary, 'items passed during find() should match');19});20suite.test('every should stop invoking when you return true', function() {21 let obj = this.newObject();22 let ary = this.toArray(obj);23 let cnt = ary.length - 2;24 let exp = cnt;25 let found = [];26 let result;27 result = obj.find(function(i) {28 found.push(i);29 return --cnt >= 0;30 });31 equal(result, ary[exp - 1], 'return value of obj.find');32 equal(found.length, exp, 'should invoke proper number of times');33 deepEqual(found, ary.slice(0, -2), 'items passed during find() should match');34});35// ..........................................................36// findBy()37//38suite.module('findBy');39suite.test('should return first object of property matches', function() {40 let ary, obj;41 ary = [42 { foo: 'foo', bar: 'BAZ' },43 EmberObject.create({ foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar' })44 ];45 obj = this.newObject(ary);46 equal(obj.findBy('foo', 'foo'), ary[0], 'findBy(foo)');47 equal(obj.findBy('bar', 'bar'), ary[1], 'findBy(bar)');48});49suite.test('should return first object with truthy prop', function() {50 let ary, obj;51 ary = [52 { foo: 'foo', bar: false },53 EmberObject.create({ foo: 'bar', bar: true })54 ];55 obj = this.newObject(ary);56 // different values - all eval to true57 equal(obj.findBy('foo'), ary[0], 'findBy(foo)');58 equal(obj.findBy('bar'), ary[1], 'findBy(bar)');59});60suite.test('should return first null property match', function() {61 let ary, obj;62 ary = [63 { foo: null, bar: 'BAZ' },64 EmberObject.create({ foo: null, bar: null })65 ];66 obj = this.newObject(ary);67 equal(obj.findBy('foo', null), ary[0], 'findBy(\'foo\', null)');68 equal(obj.findBy('bar', null), ary[1], 'findBy(\'bar\', null)');69});70suite.test('should return first undefined property match', function() {71 let ary, obj;72 ary = [73 { foo: undefined, bar: 'BAZ' },74 EmberObject.create({ })75 ];76 obj = this.newObject(ary);77 equal(obj.findBy('foo', undefined), ary[0], 'findBy(\'foo\', undefined)');78 equal(obj.findBy('bar', undefined), ary[1], 'findBy(\'bar\', undefined)');79});...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { findBy } = require('storybook-test-runner');2const { findBy } = require('storybook-test-runner');3const { findBy } = require('storybook-test-runner');4const { findBy } = require('storybook-test-runner');5const { findBy } = require('storybook-test-runner');6const { findBy } = require('storybook-test-runner');7const { findBy } = require('storybook-test-runner');8const { findBy } = require('storybook-test-runner');9const { findBy } = require('storybook-test-runner');10const { findBy } = require('storybook-test-runner');11const { findBy } = require('storybook-test-runner');12const { findBy } = require('storybook-test-runner');13const { findBy } = require('storybook-test-runner');14const { findBy } = require('storybook-test-runner');15const { findBy } = require('storybook-test-runner');16const { findBy } = require('storybook-test-runner');17const { findBy } = require('storybook-test-runner');18const { findBy } = require('storybook-test-runner');19const { findBy } = require('storybook-test-runner');20const { findBy } = require('storybook-test-runner');21const { findBy } = require('storybook-test-runner');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';2import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';3import { linkTo } from '@storybook/addon-links';4import { findBy } from 'storybook-test-runner';5import { Button, Welcome } from '@storybook/react/demo';6storiesOf('Button', module)7 .add('with text', () => <Button onClick={action('clicked')}>Hello Button</Button>)8 .add('with some emoji', () => (9 <Button onClick={action('clicked')}>10 .add('with some emoji and text', () => (11 <Button onClick={action('clicked')}>12 ));13storiesOf('Welcome', module).add('to Storybook', () => <Welcome showApp={linkTo('Button')} />);14import { findBy } from 'storybook-test-runner';15describe('Button', () => {16 it('should render with text', async () => {17 const wrapper = await findBy('with text');18 expect(wrapper.text()).toEqual('Hello Button');19 });20 it('should render with some emoji', async () => {21 const wrapper = await findBy('with some emoji');22 expect(wrapper.text()).toEqual('😀 😎 👍 💯');23 });24 it('should render with some emoji and text', async () => {25 const wrapper = await findBy('with some emoji and text');26 expect(wrapper.text()).toEqual('😀 😎 👍 💯Hello Button');27 });28});29import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';30import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';31import { linkTo } from '@storybook/addon-links';32import { findByText } from 'storybook-test-runner';33import {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { findBy } from 'storybook-test-runner';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';3import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';4import { withKnobs, text } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';5import { Button } from './Button';6const stories = storiesOf('Button', module);7stories.addDecorator(withKnobs);8stories.add('with text', () => {9 const textValue = text('Text', 'Hello Button');10 return findBy(11 <Button onClick={action('clicked')}>{textValue}</Button>,12 );13});14import { findBy } from 'storybook-test-runner';15import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';16import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';17import { withKnobs, text } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';18import { Button } from './Button';19const stories = storiesOf('Button', module);20stories.addDecorator(withKnobs);21stories.add('with text', () => {22 const textValue = text('Text', 'Hello Button');23 return findBy(24 <Button onClick={action('clicked')}>{textValue}</Button>,25 );26});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { findBy } from 'storybook-test-runner';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';3const story = storiesOf('Story Name', module);4story.add('Story Name', () => {5 return <div data-testid="test-id">Hello World</div>;6});7test('test', async () => {8 const element = await findBy('test-id');9 expect(element).toBeTruthy();10});11import { findBy } from 'storybook-test-runner';12import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';13const story = storiesOf('Story Name', module);14story.add('Story Name', () => {15 return <div data-testid="test-id">Hello World</div>;16});17test('test', async () => {18 const element = await findBy('test-id');19 expect(element).toBeTruthy();20});21import { findBy } from 'storybook-test-runner';22import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';23const story = storiesOf('Story Name', module);24story.add('Story Name', () => {25 return <div data-testid="test-id">Hello World</div>;26});27test('test', async () => {28 const element = await findBy('test-id');29 expect(element).toBeTruthy();30});31import { findBy } from 'storybook-test-runner';32import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';33const story = storiesOf('Story Name', module);34story.add('Story Name', () => {35 return <div data-testid="test-id">Hello World</div>;36});37test('test', async () => {38 const element = await findBy('test-id');39 expect(element).toBeTruthy();40});41import { findBy } from 'storybook-test-runner';42import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';43const story = storiesOf('Story Name', module);44story.add('Story Name', () => {45 return <div data-testid="test-id">Hello World</div>;46});47test('test', async () => {48 const element = await findBy('test-id');49 expect(element).toBeTruthy();50});

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1const { findBy } = require('storybook-test-runner');2const { button } = require('./stories/button.stories');3describe('Button', () => {4 test('renders button', async () => {5 const { container } = await findBy(button, {6 props: {7 },8 });9 expect(container).toHaveTextContent('Click me');10 });11});12const { h } = require('preact');13const { action } = require('@storybook/addon-actions');14const Button = ({ label, onClick }) => (15 <button onClick={onClick}>{label}</button>16);17module.exports = {18 button: () => (19 <Button label="Click me" onClick={action('clicked')} />20};21const { configure } = require('@storybook/preact');22configure(require.context('../stories', true, /\.stories\.js$/), module);23{24 "scripts": {25 },26 "devDependencies": {27 }28}29module.exports = {30 transform: {31 },32};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { findBy } from 'storybook-test-runner';2const button = findBy('button');3export default { title: 'button' };4export const buttonWithText = () => button('Hello Button');5export const buttonWithEmoji = () => button('😀 😎 👍 💯');6export const buttonWithSomeEmojiAndText = () =>7 button('This is a button with emojis 😀 😎 👍 💯');8export const buttonWithSomeEmojiAndTextAndAction = () =>9 button('This is a button with emojis 😀 😎 👍 💯', () => alert('button clicked'));10export const buttonWithSomeEmojiAndTextAndActionAndSomeMoreText = () =>11 button(12 () => alert('button clicked')13 );

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { findBy } from 'storybook-test-runner';2const element = await findBy({ id: 'myId' });3console.log(element);4import { findBy } from 'storybook-test-runner';5const element = await findBy({ id: 'myId' });6console.log(element);7import { findBy } from 'storybook-test-runner';8const element = await findBy({ id: 'myId' });9console.log(element);10import { findBy } from 'storybook-test-runner';11const element = await findBy({ id: 'myId' });12console.log(element);13import { findBy } from 'storybook-test-runner';14const element = await findBy({ id: 'myId' });15console.log(element);16import { findBy } from 'storybook-test-runner';17const element = await findBy({ id: 'myId' });18console.log(element);19import { findBy } from 'storybook-test-runner';20const element = await findBy({ id: 'myId' });21console.log(element);22import { findBy } from 'storybook-test-runner';23const element = await findBy({ id: '

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