How to use expectJSMutation method in stryker-parent

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Source:string-literal-mutator.spec.ts Github


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...6 expect('StringLiteral');7 });8 describe('string literals', () => {9 it('should mutate a string literal with double quotes', () => {10 expectJSMutation(sut, 'const b = "Hello world!";', 'const b = "";');11 });12 it('should mutate a string literal with single quotes', () => {13 expectJSMutation(sut, "const b = 'Hello world!';", 'const b = "";');14 });15 it('should mutate a template string', () => {16 expectJSMutation(sut, 'const b = `Hello world!`;', 'const b = ``;');17 });18 it('should mutate a template string referencing another variable', () => {19 expectJSMutation(sut, 'const a = 10; const b = `${a} mutations`;', 'const a = 10; const b = ``;');20 expectJSMutation(sut, 'const a = 10; const b = `mutations: ${a}`;', 'const a = 10; const b = ``;');21 expectJSMutation(sut, 'const a = 10; const b = `mutations: ${a} out of 10`;', 'const a = 10; const b = ``;');22 });23 it('should mutate empty strings', () => {24 expectJSMutation(sut, 'const b = "";', 'const b = "Stryker was here!";');25 });26 it('should mutate empty template strings', () => {27 expectJSMutation(sut, 'const b = ``;', 'const b = `Stryker was here!`;');28 });29 it('should not mutate directive prologues', () => {30 expectJSMutation(sut, '"use strict";"use asm";');31 expectJSMutation(sut, 'function a() {"use strict";"use asm";}');32 });33 });34 describe('imports/exports', () => {35 it('should not mutate import statements', () => {36 expectJSMutation(sut, 'import * as foo from "foo";');37 expectJSMutation(sut, 'import { foo } from "foo";');38 expectJSMutation(sut, 'import foo from "foo";');39 expectJSMutation(sut, 'import "foo";');40 });41 it('should not mutate require call statements', () => {42 expectJSMutation(sut, 'require("./lib/square");');43 });44 it('should mutate other call statements', () => {45 expectJSMutation(sut, 'require2("./lib/square");', 'require2("");');46 });47 it('should not mutate export statements', () => {48 expectJSMutation(sut, 'export * from "./foo";');49 expectJSMutation(sut, 'export { foo as boo } from "./foo";');50 });51 });52 describe('type declarations', () => {53 it('should not mutate type declarations', () => {54 expectJSMutation(sut, 'const a: "hello" = "hello";', 'const a: "hello" = "";');55 expectJSMutation(sut, 'const a: Record<"id", number> = { id: 10 }');56 });57 // interfaces itself are skipped entirely by the babel-transformer58 });59 describe('object properties', () => {60 it('should not mutate inside object property keys', () => {61 expectJSMutation(sut, 'const { className, "aria-label": label } = props;');62 });63 it('should not mutate inside object property keys', () => {64 expectJSMutation(sut, 'const foo = { className, ["aria-label"]: label };');65 });66 it('should still mutate inside object property values', () => {67 expectJSMutation(sut, 'const foo = { bar: "baz" };', 'const foo = { bar: "" };');68 });69 it('should not mutate class property keys', () => {70 expectJSMutation(sut, 'class Foo { "baz-bar" = 4; }');71 });72 it('should not mutate method names', () => {73 expectJSMutation(sut, 'const watchers = {"category.type"(categoryType) { }}');74 });75 it('should mutate class property values', () => {76 expectJSMutation(sut, 'class Foo { bar = "4"; }', 'class Foo { bar = ""; }');77 });78 });79 describe('jsx', () => {80 it('should not mutate string JSX attributes', () => {81 expectJSMutation(sut, '<Record class="row" />');82 });83 });...

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Source:uva-mutator.spec.ts Github


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...5 it('should have name "UvaMutator"', () => {6 expect('UvaMutator');7 });8 it('should mutate += and -=', () => {9 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a += b', 'a -= b');10 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a -= b', 'a += b');11 });12 it('should mutate *=, %= and /=', () => {13 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a *= b', 'a /= b');14 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a /= b', 'a *= b');15 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a %= b', 'a *= b');16 });17 it('should mutate *=, %= and /=', () => {18 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a *= b', 'a /= b');19 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a /= b', 'a *= b');20 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a %= b', 'a *= b');21 });22 it('should mutate <<=, >>=, &= and |=', () => {23 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a *= b', 'a /= b');24 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a /= b', 'a *= b');25 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a %= b', 'a *= b');26 });27 it('should mutate &&=, ||= and ??=', () => {28 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a &&= b', 'a ||= b');29 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a ||= b', 'a &&= b');30 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a ??= b', 'a &&= b');31 });32 it('should not mutate a string literal unless it is &&=, ||=, ??=', () => {33 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a += "b"');34 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a -= "b"');35 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a *= "b"');36 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a /= "b"');37 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a %= "b"');38 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a <<= "b"');39 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a >>= "b"');40 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a &= "b"');41 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a |= "b"');42 });43 it('should mutate a string literal using &&=, ||=, ??=', () => {44 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a &&= "b"', 'a ||= "b"');45 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a ||= "b"', 'a &&= "b"');46 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a ??= "b"', 'a &&= "b"');47 });48 it('should not mutate string template unless it is &&=, ||=, ??=', () => {49 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a += `b`');50 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a -= `b`');51 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a *= `b`');52 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a /= `b`');53 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a %= `b`');54 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a <<= `b`');55 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a >>= `b`');56 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a &= `b`');57 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a |= `b`');58 });59 it('should mutate string template using &&=, ||=, ??=', () => {60 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a &&= `b`', 'a ||= `b`');61 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a ||= `b`', 'a &&= `b`');62 expectJSMutation(sut, 'a ??= `b`', 'a &&= `b`');63 });...

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1const expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;2const expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;3expectJSMutation('test.js', 'myFunction', 1, function () {4 myFunction();5});6expectJSMutation('test.js', 'myFunction', 1, function () {7 myFunction();8});9const expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;10expectJSMutation('test.js', 'myFunction', 1, function () {11 myFunction();12});13const expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;14expectJSMutation('test.js', 'myFunction', 1, function () {15 myFunction();16});17const expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;18expectJSMutation('test.js', 'myFunction', 1, function () {19 myFunction();20});21const expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;22expectJSMutation('test.js', 'myFunction', 1, function () {23 myFunction();24});25const expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;26expectJSMutation('test.js', 'myFunction', 1, function () {27 myFunction();28});29const expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;30expectJSMutation('test.js', 'myFunction', 1, function () {31 myFunction();32});33const expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;34expectJSMutation('test.js', 'myFunction', 1, function () {35 myFunction();36});

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1var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;2var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;3var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;4var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;5var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;6var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;7var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;8var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;9var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;10var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;11var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;12var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;13var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;

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1const { expectJSMutation } = require('stryker-parent');2const { expectJSMutation } = require('stryker-parent');3const { expectJSMutation } = require('stryker-parent');4const { expectJSMutation } = require('stryker-parent');5const { expectJSMutation } = require('stryker-parent');6const { expectJSMutation } = require('stryker-parent');7const { expectJSMutation } = require('stryker-parent');8const { expectJSMutation } = require('stryker-parent');9const { expectJSMutation } = require('stryker-parent');10const { expectJSMutation } = require('stryker-parent');11const { expectJSMutation } = require('stryker-parent');12const { expectJSMutation } = require('stryker-parent');13const { expectJSMutation } = require('stryker-parent');14const { expectJSMutation } = require('stryker-parent');15const { expectJSMutation } = require('stryker-parent');16const { expectJSMutation } = require('stryker-parent');

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1const { expectJSMutation } = require('stryker-parent');2describe('test', () => {3 it('should fail', () => {4 expect(1).toBe(2);5 });6});7module.exports = function(config) {8 config.set({9 jest: {10 config: require('./package.json').jest11 }12 });13};14 2 | describe('test', () => {15 3 | it('should fail', () => {16 > 4 | expect(1).toBe(2);17 5 | });18 6 | });19 at Object.toBe (test.js:4:14)201 test failed, 0 tests passed (1 total in 1 test suite, run time 0.5s)21 at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Nico\Documents\stryker-test\node_modules\stryker\src\initializer\StrykerInquirer.js:59:15)22 at step (C:\Users\Nico\Documents\stryker-test\node_modules\stryker\src\initializer\StrykerInquirer.js:32:23)23 at (C:\Users\Nico\Documents\stryker-test\node_modules\stryker\src\initializer\StrykerInquirer.js:13:53)24 at fulfilled (C:\Users\Nico\Documents\stryker-test\node_modules\stryker\src\initializer\StrykerInquirer.js:4:58)25 at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

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1var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;2describe('test', function() {3 it('should be mutated', function() {4 expectJSMutation('test.js');5 });6});7module.exports = function(config) {8 config.set({9 });10};

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1var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;2expectJSMutation('test.js', 'test', 'test2');3var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;4expectJSMutation('test.js', 'test', 'test2');5var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;6expectJSMutation('test.js', 'test', 'test2');7var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;8expectJSMutation('test.js', 'test', 'test2');9var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;10expectJSMutation('test.js', 'test', 'test2');11var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;12expectJSMutation('test.js', 'test', 'test2');13var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;14expectJSMutation('test.js', 'test', 'test2');15var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;16expectJSMutation('test.js', 'test', 'test2');17var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;18expectJSMutation('test.js', 'test', 'test2');19var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;20expectJSMutation('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { expectJSMutation } from 'stryker-parent';2describe('test', () => {3 it('should pass', () => {4 expectJSMutation([5 'const x = 1;',6 'const y = 2;',7 'const z = 3;'8 ], 'const x = 2;', 'const x = 1;');9 });10});11module.exports = function (config) {12 config.set({13 jest: {14 config: require('./package.json').jest,15 },16 });17};18describe('test', () => {19 it('should pass', () => {20 expectJSMutation([21 'const x = 1;',22 'const y = 2;',23 'const z = 3;'24 ], 'const x = 2;', 'const x = 1;');25 });26});27describe('test', () => {28 it('should pass', () => {29 expectJSMutation([30 'const x = 1;',31 'const y = 2;',

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var expectJSMutation = require('stryker-parent').expectJSMutation;2var expect = require('chai').expect;3var assert = require('assert');4var path = require('path');5var fs = require('fs');6var _ = require('lodash');7var Stryker = require('stryker');8var TestFramework = require('stryker/src/TestFramework');9describe('Stryker', function () {10 it('should report a mutation score', function (done) {11 var stryker = new Stryker({12 files: [path.resolve(__dirname, 'test.js')],13 mutate: [path.resolve(__dirname, 'test.js')]14 });15 stryker.runMutationTest(function (result) {16 expect(result.mutationScore);17 done();18 });19 });20 it('should report a mutation score of 100% when all mutants are killed', function (done) {21 var stryker = new Stryker({22 files: [path.resolve(__dirname, 'test.js')],23 mutate: [path.resolve(__dirname, 'test.js')],24 });25 stryker.runMutationTest(function (result) {26 expect(result.mutationScore);27 done();28 });29 });30 it('should report a mutation score of 0% when no mutants are killed', function (done) {31 var stryker = new Stryker({32 files: [path.resolve(__dirname, 'test.js')],33 mutate: [path.resolve(__dirname, 'test.js')],34 });35 stryker.runMutationTest(function (result) {36 expect(result.mutationScore);37 done();38 });39 });40 it('should report 2 mutants when 2 mutants are added', function (done) {41 var stryker = new Stryker({42 files: [path.resolve(__dirname, 'test.js')],43 mutate: [path.resolve(__dirname, 'test.js')]44 });45 stryker.runMutationTest(function (result) {46 expect(result.mutants.length);47 done();48 });

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