How to use cookie_check method of pts_web_embed class

Best Phoronix-test-suite code snippet using pts_web_embed.cookie_check


Source:pts_web_embed.php Github


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...16 along with this program. If not, see <>.17*/18class pts_web_embed19{20 public static function cookie_checkbox_option_helper($cookie_name, $description_string)21 {22 $html = '<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 1px;">';23 if(isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) && $_COOKIE[$cookie_name])24 {25 $html .= '<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" onchange="javascript:document.cookie=\'' . $cookie_name . '=0\'; location.reload();" /> ' . $description_string;26 }27 else28 {29 $html .= '<input type="checkbox" onchange="javascript:document.cookie=\'' . $cookie_name . '=1\'; location.reload();" /> ' . $description_string;30 }31 32 return $html . '</p>';33 }34 public static function cookie_input_helper($cookie_name, $description_string)35 {36 $html = '<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 1px;"><input type="text" onchange="javascript:document.cookie=\'' . $cookie_name . '=\' + this.value + \'\'; location.reload();" value="' . (self::cookie_check($cookie_name) ? self::cookie_check($cookie_name) : '') . '" placeholder="' . $description_string . '" /> </p>';37 38 return $html;39 }40 public static function cookie_check($cookie_name)41 {42 return isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) && $_COOKIE[$cookie_name] ? $_COOKIE[$cookie_name] : false;43 }44 public static function tests_cmp_result_object_sort($a, $b)45 {46 $a_comp = $a->get_test_hardware_type() . $a->get_title();47 $b_comp = $b->get_test_hardware_type() . $b->get_title();48 return strcmp($a_comp, $b_comp);49 }50 public static function tests_list($tests_to_show = false)51 {52 $html = '';53 $html .= pts_web_embed::cookie_checkbox_option_helper('show_linux_tests', 'Limit to tests that support Linux.');54 $html .= pts_web_embed::cookie_checkbox_option_helper('show_windows_tests', 'Limit to tests that support Windows.');55 $html .= pts_web_embed::cookie_checkbox_option_helper('show_macos_tests', 'Limit to tests that support macOS.');56 $html .= pts_web_embed::cookie_checkbox_option_helper('show_bsd_tests', 'Limit to tests that support BSD.');57 $html .= pts_web_embed::cookie_checkbox_option_helper('include_outdated_tests', 'Include test profiles not actively maintained (potentially outdated).');58 $html .= pts_web_embed::cookie_checkbox_option_helper('include_deprecated_tests', 'Include test profiles marked deprecated or broken.');59 $html .= pts_web_embed::cookie_checkbox_option_helper('linear_list', 'Show test profiles in a linear list.');60 $html .= pts_web_embed::cookie_input_helper('search_tests', 'Search test profiles');61 $tests = pts_openbenchmarking::available_tests(false, false, true);62 if($tests_to_show == false)63 {64 $tests_to_show = array();65 foreach($tests as $identifier)66 {67 $test_profile = new pts_test_profile($identifier);68 if($test_profile->get_title() == null)69 {70 // Don't show unsupported tests71 continue;72 }73 $tests_to_show[] = $test_profile;74 }75 }76 77 if(empty($tests_to_show))78 {79 $html .= '<p>No cached test profiles found.</p>';80 }81 else82 {83 $html .= '<p><em>The test profiles below are cached on the local system and in a current state. For a complete listing of available tests visit <a href=""></a>.</em></p>';84 }85 $html .= '<div class="pts_test_boxes">';86 $tests_to_show = array_unique($tests_to_show);87 usort($tests_to_show, array('pts_web_embed', 'tests_cmp_result_object_sort'));88 $category = null;89 $tests_in_category = 0;90 foreach($tests_to_show as &$test_profile)91 {92 if($category != $test_profile->get_test_hardware_type())93 {94 $category = $test_profile->get_test_hardware_type();95 if($category == null)96 {97 continue;98 }99 if($tests_in_category > 0)100 {101 $html .= '<br style="clear: both;" /><em>' . pts_strings::plural_handler($tests_in_category, 'Test') . '</em>';102 }103 $tests_in_category = 0;104 $html .= '</div><a name="' . $category . '"></a>' . PHP_EOL . '<h2>' . $category . '</h2>' . PHP_EOL . '<div class="pts_test_boxes">';105 $popularity_index = pts_openbenchmarking_client::popular_tests(-1, pts_openbenchmarking_client::read_repository_test_profile_attribute($test_profile, 'test_type'));106 }107 if($category == null)108 {109 continue;110 }111 if(self::cookie_check('include_deprecated_tests') == false && ($test_profile->get_status() == 'Deprecated' || $test_profile->get_status() == 'Broken'))112 {113 // Don't show deprecated/broken tests114 continue;115 }116 if(self::cookie_check('show_linux_tests') && !in_array('Linux', $test_profile->get_supported_platforms()))117 {118 continue;119 }120 if(self::cookie_check('show_windows_tests') && !in_array('Windows', $test_profile->get_supported_platforms()))121 {122 continue;123 }124 if(self::cookie_check('show_macos_tests') && !in_array('MacOSX', $test_profile->get_supported_platforms()))125 {126 continue;127 }128 if(self::cookie_check('show_bsd_tests') && !in_array('BSD', $test_profile->get_supported_platforms()))129 {130 continue;131 }132 $last_updated = pts_openbenchmarking_client::read_repository_test_profile_attribute($test_profile, 'last_updated');133 $versions = pts_openbenchmarking_client::read_repository_test_profile_attribute($test_profile, 'versions');134 $popularity = isset($popularity_index) && is_array($popularity_index) ? array_search($test_profile->get_identifier(false), $popularity_index) : false;135 136 if(self::cookie_check('include_outdated_tests') == false && $last_updated < (time() - (86400 * 365 * 4)))137 {138 // Don't show really old tests139 continue;140 }141 if(!empty($search_query = self::cookie_check('search_tests')) && !pts_search::check_test_profile_match($test_profile, $search_query))142 {143 continue;144 }145 $secondary_message = '';146 if($last_updated > (time() - (86400 * 30)))147 {148 $secondary_message = count($versions) == 1 ? '- <em>Newly Added</em>' : '- <em>Recently Updated</em>';149 }150 else if($popularity === 0)151 {152 $secondary_message = '- <em>Most Popular</em>';153 }154 else if($popularity < 4)155 {156 $secondary_message = '- <em>Very Popular</em>';157 }158 else if($popularity < 6)159 {160 $secondary_message = '- <em>Quite Popular</em>';161 }162 if(defined('PHOROMATIC_SERVER'))163 {164 $test_page_url = '/?tests/' . $test_profile->get_identifier();165 if(!PHOROMATIC_USER_IS_VIEWER)166 {167 $secondary_message .= (strpos($test_profile->get_identifier(), 'local/') !== false ? '<a href="/?create_test/' . $test_profile->get_identifier() . '">Edit Test</a> - <a href="/?create_test/' . $test_profile->get_identifier() . '&delete" onclick="return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to delete this test?\');">Delete Test</a>' : '');168 }169 }170 else171 {172 $test_page_url = WEB_URL_PATH . 'test/' . base64_encode($test_profile->get_identifier());173 }174 if(self::cookie_check('linear_list'))175 {176 $html .= '<h1 style="margin-bottom: 0;"><a href="' . $test_page_url . '">' . $test_profile->get_title() . '</a></h1>';177 $html .= '<p><strong>' . $test_profile->get_identifier() . '</strong> ' . $secondary_message . ' <em>-</em> ' . $test_profile->get_description() . '</p>';178 }179 else180 {181 $html .= '<a href="' . $test_page_url . '"><div class="table_test_box"><strong>' . $test_profile->get_title(). '</strong><br /><span>~' . pts_strings::plural_handler(max(1, round(pts_openbenchmarking_client::read_repository_test_profile_attribute($test_profile, 'average_run_time') / 60)),182'min') . ' run-time ' . $secondary_message . '</span></div></a>';183 }184 $tests_in_category++;185 }186 if($tests_in_category > 0)187 {188 $html .= '<br style="clear: both;" /><em>' . $tests_in_category . ' Tests</em>';189 }190 $html .= '</div>';191 192 return $html;193 }194 public static function suites_cmp_result_object_sort($a, $b)195 {196 $a_comp = $a->get_suite_type() . $a->get_title();197 $b_comp = $b->get_suite_type() . $b->get_title();198 return strcmp($a_comp, $b_comp);199 }200 public static function test_suites_list()201 {202 $html = '';203 $suites = pts_test_suites::all_suites_cached();204 $suites_to_show = array();205 foreach($suites as $identifier)206 {207 $test_suite = new pts_test_suite($identifier);208 if($test_suite->get_title() == null)209 {210 // Don't show unsupported suites211 continue;212 }213 $suites_to_show[] = $test_suite;214 }215 if(empty($suites_to_show))216 {217 $html .= '<p>No cached test suites found.</p>';218 }219 else220 {221 $html .= pts_web_embed::cookie_input_helper('search_suites', 'Search test suites');222 $html .= '<p><em>The test suites below are cached and available on the local system. For a complete listing of available test suites visit <a href=""></a>.</em></p>';223 }224 $html .= '<div class="pts_test_boxes">';225 $suites_to_show = array_unique($suites_to_show);226 usort($suites_to_show, array('pts_web_embed', 'suites_cmp_result_object_sort'));227 $category = null;228 $suites_in_category = 0;229 foreach($suites_to_show as &$test_suite)230 {231 if(!empty($search_query = self::cookie_check('search_suites')) && !pts_search::check_test_suite_match($test_suite, $search_query))232 {233 continue;234 }235 if($category != $test_suite->get_suite_type())236 {237 $category = $test_suite->get_suite_type();238 if($category == null) continue;239 if($suites_in_category > 0)240 {241 $html .= '<br style="clear: both;" /><em>' . pts_strings::plural_handler($suites_in_category, 'Suite') . '</em>';242 }243 $suites_in_category = 0;244 $html .= '</div><a name="' . $category . '"></a>' . PHP_EOL . '<h2>' . $category . '</h2>' . PHP_EOL . '<div class="pts_test_boxes">';245 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once('pts-web-embed.php');2$pts = new pts_web_embed();3$pts->cookie_check();4require_once('pts-web-embed.php');5$pts = new pts_web_embed();6$pts->cookie_check();7require_once('pts-web-embed.php');8$pts = new pts_web_embed();9$pts->cookie_check();10require_once('pts-web-embed.php');11$pts = new pts_web_embed();12$pts->cookie_check();13require_once('pts-web-embed.php');14$pts = new pts_web_embed();15$pts->cookie_check();16require_once('pts-web-embed.php');17$pts = new pts_web_embed();18$pts->cookie_check();19require_once('pts-web-embed.php');20$pts = new pts_web_embed();21$pts->cookie_check();22require_once('pts-web-embed.php');23$pts = new pts_web_embed();24$pts->cookie_check();25require_once('pts-web-embed.php');26$pts = new pts_web_embed();27$pts->cookie_check();28require_once('pts-web-embed.php');29$pts = new pts_web_embed();30$pts->cookie_check();31require_once('pts-web-embed.php');32$pts = new pts_web_embed();33$pts->cookie_check();34require_once('pts-web-embed.php');35$pts = new pts_web_embed();36$pts->cookie_check();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once('pts_web_embed.php');2$pts_web_embed = new pts_web_embed();3$pts_web_embed->cookie_check('login.php');4$user_details = $pts_web_embed->get_user_details();5$user_name = $user_details['name'];6Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\pos\2.php:1) in C:\xampp\htdocs\pos\pts_web_embed.php on line 137Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\pos\2.php:1) in C:\xampp\htdocs\pos\pts_web_embed.php on line 13

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$pts_web = kew pts_web_embed();2if (!$pts_web->cookie_ hickf)) {3 header( Location: index.php');4 exit();5}6require_once 'pts_web_embed.php';7$pts_web = new pts_web_embed();8if (!$pts_web >cookie_check()) {9 header('Location: index.php');10 exit();11}12require_once 'pts_web_embed.php';13$pts_web = new pts_web_embed();14if (!$pts_web->cookie_check()) {15 header('Location: index.php');16 exit();17}18require_once 'pts_web_embed.php';

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once('ptskwib-ee is set and if not to redirect to index.php2require_once 'pts_web_embed.php';3$pts_web = new pts_web_embed();4if (!$pts_web->cookie_check()) {5 header('Location: index.php');6 exit();7}8require_once 'pts_web_embed.php';9$pts_web = new pts_web_embed();10if (!$pts_web->cookie_check()) {11 header('Location: index.php');12 exit();13}14require_once 'pts_web_embed.php';15$pts_web = new pts_web_embed();16if (!$pts_web->cookie_check()) {17 header('Location: index.php');18 exit();19}20require_once 'pts_web_embed.php';

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$pts_web_embed = new pts_web_embed();2$pts_web_embed->cookie_check();3include("pts_web_embed.clss.php");4$pts_web_embed= pts_web_embed();5$pts_web_embed->cookie_check();6inclde("pt_wb_embed.class.php");7$pts_web_embed= new ps_web_embed();8$pts_web_embed->cookie_cck();9include("pts_web_embed.cass.php");10$pts_web_embed = new pts_web_embed();11$pts_web_embed->cookie_check();12include("pts_web_embed.class.php");13$pts_web_embed = new pts_web_embed();14$pts_web_embed->cookie_check();15include("pts_web_embed.class.php");16$pts_web_embed = new pts_web_embed();17$pts_web_embed->cookie_check();18include("pts_web_embed.class.php");19$pts_web_embed = new pts_web_embed();20$pts_web_embed->cookie_check();21include("pts_web_embed.class.php");22$pts_web_embed = new pts_web_embed();23$pts_web_embed->cookie_check();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1if($pts_web_embed->cookie_check() == false)2{3header("Location: 1.php");4}5{6header("Location: 3.php");7}8if($pts_web_embed->cookie_check() == false)9{10header("Location 1.php");11}12{13echo "Welcome";14}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once('pts_web_embed.php');2$pts = new pts_web_embed();3$pts->cookie_check();4You can use the cookie_check() method to check if a user has already logged in or not. If the user is logged in, the method will redirect to the page you want. For example, if the user is already logged in, and you want to redirect him to 1.php, you can use the following code:5$pts->cookie_check('1.php');6You can also use the cookie_check() method to check if a user has a specific privilege. For example, if you want to check if a user has the privilege of adding a new user, you can use the following code:7$pts->cookie_check('1.php', 'add_user');8You can also use the cookie_check() method to check if a user has a specific privilege. For example, if you want to check if a user has the privilege of adding a new user, you can use the following code:9$pts->cookie_check('1.php', 'add_user');10You can also use the cookie_check() method to check if a user has a specific privilege. For example, if you want to check if a user has the privilege of adding a new user, you can use the following code:11$pts->cookie_check('1.php', 'add_user');12You can also use the cookie_check() method to check if a user has a specific privilege. For example, if you want to check if a user has the privilege of adding a new user, you can use the following code:13$pts->cookie_check('1.php', 'add_user');14You can also use the cookie_check() method to check if a user has a specific privilege. For example, if you want to check if a user has the privilege of adding a new user, you can use the following code:15$pts->cookie_check('1.php', 'add_user');16You can also use the cookie_check() method to check if a user has a specific privilege. For example, if you want to check if a user has the privilege of adding a new user, you can use the following code:17$pts->cookie_check('1.php', 'add_user');18You can also use the cookie_check() method to check if a user has a specific privilege. For example, if you want to check if a user has the privilege of adding a new user, you can use the following code:

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Using AI Code Generation


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1if($pts_web_embed->cookie_check() == false)2{3header("Location: 1.php");4}5{6header("Location: 3.php");7}8if($pts_web_embed->cookie_check() == false)9{10header("Location: 1.php");11}12{13echo "Welcome";14}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1if (!$pts_embed->cookie_check()) {2 $pts_embed->redirect('login.php');3}4if (!$pts_embed->cookie_check()) {5 $pts_embed->redirect('login.php');6}7if (!$pts_embed->cookie_check()) {8 $pts_embed->redirect('login.php');9}10if (!$pts_embed->cookie_check()) {11 $pts_embed->redirect('login.php');12}13if (!$pts_embed->cookie_check()) {14 $pts_embed->redirect('login.php');15}16if (!$pts_embed->cookie_check()) {17 $pts_embed->redirect('login.php');18}19if (!$pts_embed->cookie_check()) {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1if(isset($_COOKIE['pts_web_embed']))2{3 $pts_web_embed = new pts_web_embed();4 $pts_web_embed->cookie_check();5}6{7 header("Location: index.php");8}9$pts_web_embed = new pts_web_embed();10$pts_web_embed->cookie_delete();11header("Location: index.php");12$pts_web_embed = new pts_web_embed();13$pts_web_embed->cookie_set();14header("Location: 2.php");

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