How to use JUnit4TestCaseFacade class of junit.framework package

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...11package com.windowtester.runtime.junit4.runners;12import junit.extensions.TestDecorator;13import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;14import junit.framework.JUnit4TestAdapter;15import junit.framework.JUnit4TestCaseFacade;16import junit.framework.Test;17import junit.framework.TestCase;18import junit.framework.TestListener;19import junit.framework.TestResult;20import junit.framework.TestSuite;21import org.junit.runner.Description;22import org.junit.runner.Runner;23import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Sortable;24import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Sorter;25import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;26import org.junit.runner.notification.RunNotifier;27/​**28 * <p>The <code>JUnit38ClassRunner</​code> provides a means to explicitly define29 * a JUnit3 runner for running JUnit3 tests. This comes in handy when you30 * are trying to run a suite of PDE tests that combines JUnit3 with JUnit4 style tests.31 * <p>32 * For example, suppose we have two tests:33 * <pre>34 * &#064;RunWith(TestRunnerSWT.class)35 * public class NewProjectJUnit4Test {36 * &#064;Test37 * public void verifyNewProjectCreation() throws Exception {38 * ...39 * }40 * }41 * 42 * &#064;(JUnit38ClassRunner.class)43 * public class NewProjectJUnit3Test extends UITestCaseSWT {44 * public void testNewProjectCreation() throws Exception {45 * ...46 * }47 * } 48 * </​pre>49 * The annotation on <code>NewProjectJUnit3Test<code> will allow you to run them both in a JUnit4 suite50 * like so:51 * <pre>52 * &#064;RunWith(Suite.class)53 * &#064;SuiteClasses( { NewProjectJUnit3Test.class, NewProjectJUnit4Test.class })54 * public class MixedSuite {}55 * </​pre>56 * <p>57 * <b>NOTE:</​b> this provision should not be required as the JUnit test suite runner58 * should handle the mixed case smartly. That said, there are issues with the PDE test59 * runner and until they are resolved, this workaround is required.60 * 61 * 62 *63 * @author Phil Quitslund64 *65 */​66public class JUnit38ClassRunner extends Runner implements /​*Filterable, */​ Sortable {67 private static final class OldTestClassAdaptingListener implements68 TestListener {69 private final RunNotifier fNotifier;70 private OldTestClassAdaptingListener(RunNotifier notifier) {71 fNotifier= notifier;72 }73 public void endTest(Test test) {74 fNotifier.fireTestFinished(asDescription(test));75 }76 public void startTest(Test test) {77 fNotifier.fireTestStarted(asDescription(test));78 }79 /​/​ Implement junit.framework.TestListener80 public void addError(Test test, Throwable t) {81 Failure failure= new Failure(asDescription(test), t);82 fNotifier.fireTestFailure(failure);83 }84 private Description asDescription(Test test) {85 if (test instanceof JUnit4TestCaseFacade) {86 JUnit4TestCaseFacade facade= (JUnit4TestCaseFacade) test;87 return facade.getDescription();88 }89 return Description.createTestDescription(test.getClass(), getName(test));90 }91 private String getName(Test test) {92 if (test instanceof TestCase)93 return ((TestCase) test).getName();94 else95 return test.toString();96 }97 public void addFailure(Test test, AssertionFailedError t) {98 addError(test, t);99 }100 }...

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...46 * <p>since Ant 1.5.1 this method will invoke &quot;<code>public47 * String getName()</​code>&quot; on any implementation of Test if48 * it exists.</​p>49 *50 * <p>Since Ant 1.7 also checks for JUnit4TestCaseFacade explicitly.51 * This is used by junit.framework.JUnit4TestAdapter.</​p>52 * @param t the test.53 * @return the name of the test.54 */​55 public static String getTestCaseName(Test t) {56 if (t != null && t.getClass().getName().equals("junit.framework.JUnit4TestCaseFacade")) {57 /​/​ Self-describing as of JUnit 4 (#38811). But trim "(ClassName)".58 String name = t.toString();59 if (name.endsWith(")")) {60 int paren = name.lastIndexOf('(');61 return name.substring(0, paren);62 } else {63 return name;64 }65 }66 if (t instanceof TestCase && testCaseName != null) {67 try {68 return (String) testCaseName.invoke(t, new Object[0]);69 } catch (Throwable e) {70 /​/​ ignore71 }72 } else {73 try {74 Method getNameMethod = null;75 try {76 getNameMethod =77 t.getClass().getMethod("getName", new Class [0]);78 } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {79 getNameMethod = t.getClass().getMethod("name",80 new Class [0]);81 }82 if (getNameMethod != null83 && getNameMethod.getReturnType() == String.class) {84 return (String) getNameMethod.invoke(t, new Object[0]);85 }86 } catch (Throwable e) {87 /​/​ ignore88 }89 }90 return "unknown";91 }92 /​**93 * Tries to find the name of the class which a test represents94 * across JUnit 3 and 4.95 */​96 static String getTestCaseClassName(Test test) {97 String className = test.getClass().getName();98 if (test instanceof JUnitTaskMirrorImpl.VmExitErrorTest) {99 className = ((JUnitTaskMirrorImpl.VmExitErrorTest) test).getClassName();100 } else101 if (className.equals("junit.framework.JUnit4TestCaseFacade")) {102 /​/​ JUnit 4 wraps solo tests this way. We can extract103 /​/​ the original test name with a little hack.104 String name = test.toString();105 int paren = name.lastIndexOf('(');106 if (paren != -1 && name.endsWith(")")) {107 className = name.substring(paren + 1, name.length() - 1);108 }109 }110 return className;111 }112}...

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...21import;22import java.util.SortedMap;23import java.util.TreeMap;24import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;25import junit.framework.JUnit4TestCaseFacade;26import junit.framework.Test;27import junit.framework.TestCase;28import junit.framework.TestResult;29import junit.framework.TestSuite;30public class TextJunitResultFormatter implements ITestSuiteListener {31 private final OutputStream out;32 private long testStart = 0L;33 private Test currentTest = null;34 private IOException exception;35 private SortedMap<Long, Test> testTimes = new TreeMap<Long, Test>();36 public TextJunitResultFormatter() {37 this(System.out);38 }39 40 public TextJunitResultFormatter(OutputStream stream) {41 this.out = stream;42 }43 @Override44 public void startTestSuite(TestSuite suite) {45 println("\nstarting test suite: " + suite.getName());46 }47 @Override48 public void endTestSuite(TestResult result, long runTime) throws IOException {49 println("\ntests run: " + result.runCount());50 println("errors: " + result.errorCount());51 println("failures: " + result.failureCount());52 println("total run time: " + (runTime /​ 1000.0) + " seconds");53 println("test lengths in ascending order:");54 for (long duration : testTimes.keySet())55 println(testTimes.get(duration) + " - " + (duration /​ 1000.0) + " seconds");56 57 if (exception != null) {58 throw exception;59 }60 if ((out != System.out) && (out != System.err) && (out != null)) {61 out.close();62 }63 }64 @Override65 public void startTest(Test test) {66 testStart = System.currentTimeMillis();67 currentTest = test;68 println("\nstarting test case: " + getName(test));69 }70 @Override71 public void endTest(Test test) {72 if (test == currentTest) {73 long testEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();74 long duration = (testEnd - testStart);75 println("finished test case: " + getName(test) + " elapsed " + (duration /​ 1000.0) + " seconds.");76 testTimes.put(duration, test);77 }78 currentTest = null;79 }80 @Override81 public void addError(Test test, Throwable t) {82 println(getName(test) + " ERROR - " + t.getMessage());83 if (t instanceof TimeoutError) {84 timedOut(test, (TimeoutError) t);85 }86 }87 @Override88 public void addFailure(Test test, AssertionFailedError t) {89 println(getName(test) + " FAILURE - " + t.getMessage());90 }91 public void timedOut(Test test, TimeoutError error) {92 long testTime = System.currentTimeMillis();93 long duration = (testTime - testStart);94 println(getName(test) + " " + error.getMessage() + " after " + (duration /​ 1000.0) + " seconds.");95 for (StackTraceElement element : error.getStackTrace()) {96 println(" " + element.toString());97 }98 }99 100 /​*101 * Utility methods102 */​103 104 private void println(String string) {105 try {106 out.write(string.getBytes());107 out.write('\n');108 } catch (IOException e) {109 exception = e;110 System.err.println(e);111 }112 }113 private static String getName(Test test) {114 if (test == null) {115 return "<Null Test>";116 }117 String name = test.getClass().getName();118 if (test instanceof TestCase) {119 TestCase testCase = (TestCase) test;120 return name + "." + testCase.getName() + "()";121 }122 123 if (test instanceof JUnit4TestCaseFacade) {124 JUnit4TestCaseFacade junit4TestCase = (JUnit4TestCaseFacade) test;125 return junit4TestCase.getDescription().getDisplayName();126 }127 return name;128 }129}...

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23import junit.extensions.TestDecorator;4import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;5import junit.framework.JUnit4TestAdapter;6import junit.framework.JUnit4TestCaseFacade;7import junit.framework.Test;8import junit.framework.TestCase;9import junit.framework.TestListener;10import junit.framework.TestResult;11import junit.framework.TestSuite;12import org.junit.runner.Description;13import org.junit.runner.Runner;14import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;15import org.junit.runner.notification.RunNotifier;1617public class OldTestClassRunner extends Runner {18 private static final class OldTestClassAdaptingListener implements19 TestListener {20 private final RunNotifier fNotifier;2122 private OldTestClassAdaptingListener(RunNotifier notifier) {23 fNotifier= notifier;24 }2526 public void endTest(Test test) {27 fNotifier.fireTestFinished(asDescription(test));28 }2930 public void startTest(Test test) {31 fNotifier.fireTestStarted(asDescription(test));32 }3334 /​/​ Implement junit.framework.TestListener35 public void addError(Test test, Throwable t) {36 Failure failure= new Failure(asDescription(test), t);37 fNotifier.fireTestFailure(failure);38 }3940 private Description asDescription(Test test) {41 if (test instanceof JUnit4TestCaseFacade) {42 JUnit4TestCaseFacade facade= (JUnit4TestCaseFacade) test;43 return facade.getDescription();44 }45 return Description.createTestDescription(test.getClass(), getName(test));46 }4748 private String getName(Test test) {49 if (test instanceof TestCase)50 return ((TestCase) test).getName();51 else52 return test.toString();53 }5455 public void addFailure(Test test, AssertionFailedError t) {56 addError(test, t); ...

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...11 * Copyright 2012-2018 the original author or authors.12 */​13package org.assertj.swing.junit.ant;14import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;15import junit.framework.JUnit4TestCaseFacade;16import junit.framework.TestCase;17import junit.framework.TestResult;18import org.junit.Test;19/​**20 * Tests for <code>{@link Tests}</​code>.21 * 22 * @author Alex Ruiz23 */​24public class Tests_testMethodNameFrom_Test extends Tests_TestCase {25 @Test26 public void should_Return_Word_Unknown_If_Test_Is_Null() {27 assertThat(Tests.testMethodNameFrom(null)).isEqualTo("unknown");28 }29 @Test30 public void should_Return_ToString_If_Test_Is_JUnit4TestCaseFacade() {31 JUnit4TestCaseFacade test = createJUnit4TestCaseFacade("hello");32 assertThat(Tests.testMethodNameFrom(test)).isEqualTo("hello");33 }34 @Test35 public void should_Return_ToString_Without_Class_Name_If_Test_Is_JUnit4TestCaseFacade() {36 JUnit4TestCaseFacade test = createJUnit4TestCaseFacade("hello(world)");37 assertThat(Tests.testMethodNameFrom(test)).isEqualTo("hello");38 }39 @Test40 public void should_Return_Name_If_Test_Is_TestCase() {41 TestCase test = new TestCase("Leia") {42 };43 assertThat(Tests.testMethodNameFrom(test)).isEqualTo("Leia");44 }45 @Test46 public void should_Return_Name_By_Calling_Name_Method() {47 MyTestWithName test = new MyTestWithName();48 assertThat(Tests.testMethodNameFrom(test)).isEqualTo("name");49 }50 private static class MyTestWithName implements junit.framework.Test {...

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1package com.reeltwo.jumble.util;2import java.lang.reflect.Method;3import junit.framework.JUnit4TestAdapter;4import junit.framework.JUnit4TestCaseFacade;5import junit.framework.Test;6import junit.framework.TestCase;7/​**8 * Class containing several utility methods useful to Jumble.9 * 10 * @author Tin Pavlinic11 * @version $Revision$12 */​13public class JumbleUtils {14 private JumbleUtils() {15 }16 /​**17 * Determines whether a given class is a test class.18 * 19 * @param clazz the class to check.20 * @return true if the class is a test class, false otherwise.21 */​22 public static boolean isTestClass(Class<?> clazz) {23 final boolean junit3 = isJUnit3TestClass(clazz);24 final boolean junit4 = isJUnit4TestClass(clazz);25 return junit3 || junit4;26 }27 /​**28 * Checks if the given class is a JUnit 3 test class.29 * 30 * @param clazz the class to check.31 * @return if clazz is a test class, false otherwise.32 */​33 public static boolean isJUnit3TestClass(Class<?> clazz) {34 Class<?> tmp = clazz;35 /​/​ search through all its interfaces36 while (tmp != Object.class) {37 Class<?>[] intfc = tmp.getInterfaces();38 for (int i = 0; i < intfc.length; i++) {39 if (intfc[i].getName().equals("junit.framework.Test")) {40 return true;41 }42 }43 tmp = tmp.getSuperclass();44 }45 return false;46 }47 /​**48 * Determines if <code>clazz</​code> is a JUnit 4 test class.49 * 50 * @param clazz the class to check.51 * @return true if the given class contains JUnit 4 test cases.52 */​53 public static boolean isJUnit4TestClass(Class<?> clazz) {54 /​/​ TODO find a better way of knowing if clazz is a JUnit 4 test.55 /​/​ Was: org.junit.internal.runners.TestIntrospector(clazz).getTestMethods(org.junit.Test.class).size() > 0;56 for (Method m : clazz.getMethods()) {57 if (m.getAnnotation(org.junit.Test.class) != null) {58 return true;59 }60 }61 return false;62 }63 /​**64 * Gets whether assertions are currently enabled.65 * 66 * @return whether assertions are currently enabled67 * 68 */​69 @SuppressWarnings(value = "all")70 public static boolean isAssertionsEnabled() {71 boolean assertionsEnabled = false;72 assert assertionsEnabled = true;73 return assertionsEnabled;74 }75 /​**76 * Gets the name of a test, (different method depending on underlying type).77 * 78 * @param t79 * @return test name80 */​81 public static String getTestName(Test t) {82 if (t instanceof TestCase) {83 return ((TestCase) t).getName();84 }85 if (t instanceof JUnit4TestCaseFacade) {86 return ((JUnit4TestCaseFacade) t).getDescription().getDisplayName();87 }88 if (t instanceof JUnit4TestAdapter) {89 return ((JUnit4TestAdapter) t).getDescription().getDisplayName();90 }91 throw new ClassCastException(t.getClass().toString());92 }93}...

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...13package org.assertj.swing.junit.ant;14import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;15import static org.fest.reflect.core.Reflection.constructor;16import static org.fest.reflect.core.Reflection.staticInnerClass;17import junit.framework.JUnit4TestCaseFacade;18import junit.framework.TestCase;19import;20import;21import org.junit.Test;22/​**23 * Tests for <code>{@link Tests}</​code>.24 * 25 * @author Alex Ruiz26 */​27public abstract class Tests_testClassNameFrom_Test extends Tests_TestCase {28 @Test29 public void shouldReturnTestClassNameFromVmExitErrorTest() {30 Class<?> vmExitErrorTestClass = staticInnerClass("VmExitErrorTest").in(JUnitTaskMirrorImpl.class).get();31 Object test = constructor().withParameterTypes(String.class, JUnitTest.class, String.class)32 .in(vmExitErrorTestClass).newInstance("someMessage", new JUnitTest("testClassName"), "testName");33 assertThat(test).isInstanceOf(junit.framework.Test.class);34 assertThat(Tests.testClassNameFrom((junit.framework.Test) test)).isEqualTo("testClassName");35 }36 @Test37 public void shouldReturnToStringAsClassNameIfTestIsJUnit4TestCaseFacade() {38 JUnit4TestCaseFacade test = createJUnit4TestCaseFacade("hello");39 assertThat(Tests.testClassNameFrom(test)).isEqualTo(JUnit4TestCaseFacade.class.getName());40 }41 @Test42 public void shouldReturnToStringWithoutClassNameAsClasNameIfTestIsJUnit4TestCaseFacade() {43 JUnit4TestCaseFacade test = createJUnit4TestCaseFacade("hello(world)");44 assertThat(Tests.testClassNameFrom(test)).isEqualTo("world");45 }46 @Test47 public void shouldReturnToStringAsClassNameIfTestIsInstanceOfTestCase() {48 TestCase test = new TestCase("Leia") {49 };50 assertThat(Tests.testClassNameFrom(test)).isEqualTo(test.getClass().getName());51 }52}...

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2/​* */​ 3/​* */​ import org.junit.runner.Describable;4/​* */​ import org.junit.runner.Description;5/​* */​ 6/​* */​ public class JUnit4TestCaseFacade implements Test, Describable {7/​* */​ private final Description fDescription;8/​* */​ 9/​* */​ JUnit4TestCaseFacade(Description description) {10/​* 10 */​ this.fDescription = description;11/​* */​ }12/​* */​ 13/​* */​ 14/​* */​ public String toString() {15/​* 15 */​ return getDescription().toString();16/​* */​ }17/​* */​ 18/​* */​ public int countTestCases() {19/​* 19 */​ return 1;20/​* */​ }21/​* */​ 22/​* */​ public void run(TestResult result) {23/​* 23 */​ throw new RuntimeException("This test stub created only for informational purposes.");24/​* */​ }25/​* */​ 26/​* */​ 27/​* */​ public Description getDescription() {28/​* 28 */​ return this.fDescription;29/​* */​ }30/​* */​ }31/​* Location: /​home/​arpit/​Downloads/​Picking-Tool-6.5.2.jar!/​junit/​framework/​JUnit4TestCaseFacade.class32 * Java compiler version: 5 (49.0)33 * JD-Core Version: 1.1.334 */​...

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1import junit.framework.JUnit4TestCaseFacade;2import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;3import org.junit.runner.Result;4import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;5public class TestRunner {6 public static void main(String[] args) {7 Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(JUnit4TestCaseFacade.class);8 for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) {9 System.out.println(failure.toString());10 }11 System.out.println(result.wasSuccessful());12 }13}

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1import junit.framework.JUnit4TestCaseFacade;2import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;3import org.junit.runner.Result;4import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;5public class TestRunner {6 public static void main(String[] args) {7 Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(JUnit4TestCaseFacade.class);8 for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) {9 System.out.println(failure.toString());10 }11 System.out.println(result.wasSuccessful());12 }13}14import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;15import org.junit.runner.Result;16import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;17 Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(JUnit4TestCaseFacade.class);18 System.out.println(result.wasSuccessful());

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1import junit.framework.JUnit4TestCaseFacade;2import junit.framework.TestResult;3import junit.framework.TestSuite;4import junit.framework.Test;5import junit.framework.TestCase;6import junit.framework.Assert;7{8 public void testAdd()9 {10 int num=5;11 String temp=null;12 String str= "Junit is working fine";13 Assert.assertEquals("Junit is working fine",str);14 Assert.assertFalse(num>6);15 Assert.assertNotNull(str);16 }17 public void testAdd1()18 {19 int num=5;20 String temp=null;21 String str= "Junit is working fine";22 Assert.assertEquals("Junit is working fine",str);23 Assert.assertFalse(num>6);24 Assert.assertNotNull(str);25 }26 public static Test suite()27 {28 TestSuite suite= new TestSuite();29 suite.addTest(new TestSuiteExample("testAdd"));30 suite.addTest(new TestSuiteExample("testAdd1"));31 return suite;32 }33 public static void main(String args[])34 {35 TestSuiteExample("testAdd"));36 TestSuiteExample("testAdd1"));37 }38}39OK (1 test)40OK (1 test)

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1import junit.framework.JUnit4TestCaseFacade;2import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;3import org.junit.runner.Result;4import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;5public class TestRunner {6 public static void main(String[] args) {7 Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(JUnit4TestCaseFacade.class);8 for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) {9 System.out.println(failure.toString());10 }11 System.out.println(result.wasSuccessful());12 }13}14org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runClasses(JUnit4TestCaseFacade.class)15import junit.framework.TestSuite;16import junit.framework.Test;17import junit.framework.TestResult;18import junit.framework.TestFailure;19public class TestRunner {20 public static void main(String[] args) {21 TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(TestJunit1.class, TestJunit2.class);22 TestResult result = new TestResult();23;24 System.out.println("Number of test cases = " + result.runCount());25 for (TestFailure failure : result.failures()) {26 System.out.println(failure.toString());27 }28 System.out.println(result.wasSuccessful());29 }30}31import junit.framework.TestSuite;32import junit.framework.Test;33import junit.framework.TestResult;34import junit.framework.TestFailure;35import junit.framework.TestListener;36import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;37import junit.framework.Protectable;38import junit.framework.TestDecorator;39import junit.framework.TestFilter;40import junit.framework.TestListener;41import junit.framework.TestResult;42import junit.framework.TestSuite;43public class TestRunner {44 public static void main(String[] args) {45 TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(TestJunit1.class, TestJunit2.class);46 TestResult result = new TestResult();47 TestFilter filter = new TestFilter() {48 public boolean shouldRun(Test test) {49 return test.toString().indexOf("testAdd") != -1;50 }

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1import junit.framework.JUnit4TestCaseFacade;2import org.junit.Test;3import org.junit.runner.RunWith;4import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;5@RunWith(JUnit4.class)6public class TestJunit4TestCaseFacade {7 public void testJunit4TestCaseFacade() {8 JUnit4TestCaseFacade facade = new JUnit4TestCaseFacade(TestJunit4TestCaseFacade.class);9 facade.runTest();10 }11}12OK (1 test)

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1import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;2import java.lang.reflect.Method;3import java.util.ArrayList;4import java.util.List;5public class TestRunner {6 public static void main(String[] args) {7 List<Method> testMethods = new ArrayList<Method>();8 for (Method method : TestJUnit.class.getMethods()) {9 if (method.getName().startsWith("test")) {10 testMethods.add(method);11 }12 }13 int failed = 0;14 for (Method method : testMethods) {15 try {16 method.invoke(null);17 System.out.println(method.getName() + " passed");18 } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {19 e.printStackTrace();20 } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {21 e.printStackTrace();22 } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {23 failed++;24 System.out.println(method.getName() + " failed");25 e.printStackTrace();26 }27 }28 System.out.println("Failed: " + failed + " Passed: " + (testMethods.size() - failed));29 }30}31public class TestJUnit {32 public static void test1() {33 System.out.println("test1");34 }35 public static void test2() {36 System.out.println("test2");37 throw new RuntimeException("Test failed");38 }39 public static void test3() {40 System.out.println("test3");41 }42}43import org.junit.Test;44public class TestJUnit {45 public void test1() {46 System.out.println("test1");47 }48 public void test2() {49 System.out.println("test2");50 throw new RuntimeException("Test failed");51 }

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1import junit.framework.JUnit4TestCaseFacade;2import junit.framework.Test;3import junit.framework.TestSuite;4import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;5public class JUnit3TestRunner {6 public static void main(String[] args) {7 JUnitCore.runClasses(JUnit3TestRunner.class);8 }9 public static Test suite() {10 TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();11 suite.addTest(new JUnit4TestCaseFacade(JUnit3Test.class));12 return suite;13 }14}15import junit.framework.TestCase;16public class JUnit3Test extends TestCase {17 public void test() {18 assertTrue(true);19 }20}21OK (1 test)

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JUnit Tutorial:

LambdaTest also has a detailed JUnit tutorial explaining its features, importance, advanced use cases, best practices, and more to help you get started with running your automation testing scripts.

JUnit Tutorial Chapters:

Here are the detailed JUnit testing chapters to help you get started:

  • Importance of Unit testing - Learn why Unit testing is essential during the development phase to identify bugs and errors.
  • Top Java Unit testing frameworks - Here are the upcoming JUnit automation testing frameworks that you can use in 2023 to boost your unit testing.
  • What is the JUnit framework
  • Why is JUnit testing important - Learn the importance and numerous benefits of using the JUnit testing framework.
  • Features of JUnit - Learn about the numerous features of JUnit and why developers prefer it.
  • JUnit 5 vs. JUnit 4: Differences - Here is a complete comparison between JUnit 5 and JUnit 4 testing frameworks.
  • Setting up the JUnit environment - Learn how to set up your JUnit testing environment.
  • Getting started with JUnit testing - After successfully setting up your JUnit environment, this chapter will help you get started with JUnit testing in no time.
  • Parallel testing with JUnit - Parallel Testing can be used to reduce test execution time and improve test efficiency. Learn how to perform parallel testing with JUnit.
  • Annotations in JUnit - When writing automation scripts with JUnit, we can use JUnit annotations to specify the type of methods in our test code. This helps us identify those methods when we run JUnit tests using Selenium WebDriver. Learn in detail what annotations are in JUnit.
  • Assertions in JUnit - Assertions are used to validate or test that the result of an action/functionality is the same as expected. Learn in detail what assertions are and how to use them while performing JUnit testing.
  • Parameterization in JUnit - Parameterized Test enables you to run the same automated test scripts with different variables. By collecting data on each method's test parameters, you can minimize time spent on writing tests. Learn how to use parameterization in JUnit.
  • Nested Tests In JUnit 5 - A nested class is a non-static class contained within another class in a hierarchical structure. It can share the state and setup of the outer class. Learn about nested annotations in JUnit 5 with examples.
  • Best practices for JUnit testing - Learn about the best practices, such as always testing key methods and classes, integrating JUnit tests with your build, and more to get the best possible results.
  • Advanced Use Cases for JUnit testing - Take a deep dive into the advanced use cases, such as how to run JUnit tests in Jupiter, how to use JUnit 5 Mockito for Unit testing, and more for JUnit testing.

JUnit Certification:

You can also check out our JUnit certification if you wish to take your career in Selenium automation testing with JUnit to the next level.

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