Best Selenium code snippet using
...46 47 public static void selectComboboxValue(ComboBox combobox, DropDown droplist, String value) {48 WebDriverWait wait = clickCombobox(combobox, droplist);49 try {50 List<WebElement> items = droplist.getWrappedElement().findElements(By.tagName("li"));51 try {52 wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfAllElements(items));53 } catch (Exception ignored) {}54 -> w.getText().equals(value)).findFirst().ifPresent(WebElement::click);55 } catch (Exception e) {56 System.out.println("The value has not been found! " + e);57 }58 waitUntilDropListDisappears(droplist, wait);59 }60 public static void selectRandomComboboxValue(ComboBox combobox, DropDown droplist) {61 WebDriverWait wait = clickCombobox(combobox, droplist);62 try {63 List<WebElement> items = droplist.getWrappedElement().findElements(By.tagName("li"));64 wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfAllElements(items));65 Collections.shuffle(items);66;67 } catch (Exception e) {68 System.err.println("The value has not been found! " + e);69 }70 waitUntilDropListDisappears(droplist, wait);71 }72 public static void selectComboboxValueAndWait(ComboBox combobox, DropDown droplist, String value) {73 new WebDriverWait(DriverBuilder.getInstance().getDriver() , 50).until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(combobox.getWrappedElement()));74;75 new WebDriverWait(DriverBuilder.getInstance().getDriver() , 50).until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(droplist.getWrappedElement()));76 waitABit(300);77 //new WebDriverWait(WebDriverInstansiator.getDriver(), 5)78 // .until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(droplist.getWrappedElement().findElement(By.xpath(".//li[text()='" + value + "']")))).click();79 droplist.selectByVisibleText(value);80 waitUntilPageReloaded();81 }82 83 public static void selectComboboxValueWithTyping(TextField combobox, DropDown droplist, String value) {84 Utils.clickElement(combobox.getWrappedElement());85 WaitUtilsWebDriver.elementShouldBeVisible(droplist.getWrappedElement(), true);86 combobox.clearAndType(value);87 waitABit(1000);88 combobox.sendKeys(Keys.ENTER);89 WaitUtilsWebDriver.elementShouldBeVisible(droplist.getWrappedElement(), false);90 }91 92 public static void selectComboboxValueWithTyping(TextField combobox, DropDown droplist, String typevalue, String selectvalue) {93 new WebDriverWait(DriverBuilder.getInstance().getDriver() , 50).until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(combobox.getWrappedElement()));94;95 new WebDriverWait(DriverBuilder.getInstance().getDriver() , 50).until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(droplist.getWrappedElement()));96 combobox.clearAndType(typevalue);97 new WebDriverWait(DriverBuilder.getInstance().getDriver() , 50).until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(droplist.getWrappedElement()));98 waitABit(1000);99 droplist.selectByVisibleText(selectvalue);100 new WebDriverWait(DriverBuilder.getInstance().getDriver() , 50).until(ExpectedConditions.not(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(droplist.getWrappedElement())));101 }102 103 //TODO104 public static void doubleselectComboboxValueWithTyping(TextField combobox, DropDown droplist, String value) {105 new WebDriverWait(DriverBuilder.getInstance().getDriver() , 50).until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(combobox.getWrappedElement()));106;107 combobox.clearAndType(value);108 new WebDriverWait(DriverBuilder.getInstance().getDriver() , 20).until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(droplist.getWrappedElement()));109 new WebDriverWait(DriverBuilder.getInstance().getDriver() , 20).until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(By.xpath(".//li[text()='" + value + "']")));110 WebElement comboitem = new WebDriverWait(DriverBuilder.getInstance().getDriver() , 20).until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(droplist.getWrappedElement().findElement(By.xpath(".//li[text()='" + value + "']"))));111 //waitUntilSelectOptionsLoaded(value);112 waitABit(500);113 new WebDriverWait(DriverBuilder.getInstance().getDriver() , 50).until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(droplist.getWrappedElement().findElement(By.xpath(".//li[text()='" + value + "']")))).click();114 //droplist.selectByVisibleText(value);115 new WebDriverWait(DriverBuilder.getInstance().getDriver() , 50).until(ExpectedConditions.not(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(droplist.getWrappedElement())));116 }117 118 private static void waitUntilSelectOptionsLoaded(final String value) {119 Wait<WebDriver> wait = new FluentWait<>(DriverBuilder.getInstance().getDriver())120 .withTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(20))121 .pollingEvery(Duration.ofMillis(80))122 .ignoring(NoSuchElementException.class);123 wait.until(driver -> wait.until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(By.xpath("//ul/li[@class='rcbHovered']"))).getText().trim().equals(value.trim()));124 }125 126 public static void clearAndType(TextField field, final String value) {127 field.clearAndType(value);128 }129 130 public static void waitUntilPageReloaded() {131 try {132 new WebDriverWait(DriverBuilder.getInstance().getDriver() , 50)133 .until(ExpectedConditions.invisibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath("//div[contains(text(), 'Loading...')]")));134 } catch (TimeoutException ignored) {135 waitABit(5000);136 }137 waitABit(1000);138 }139 /* Wait For */140 public static void waitABit(int milliseconds) {141 if (milliseconds > 0) {142 try {143 TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(milliseconds);144 } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {}145 }146 }147 private static void waitUntilDropListDisappears(DropDown droplist, WebDriverWait wait) {148 try {149 wait.until(ExpectedConditions.invisibilityOf(droplist.getWrappedElement()));150 } catch (Exception ignored) {}151 }152 private static void waitUntilDropListDisappears(ComboBox comboBox, DropDown droplist, WebDriverWait wait) {153 try {154 if (!DriverBuilder.getInstance().getBrowser().contains("Edge")) {155 waitUntilDropListDisappears(droplist, wait);156 } else {157 WebDriver driver = DriverBuilder.getInstance().getDriver();158 ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("arguments[0].setAttribute(arguments[1], arguments[2]);",159 comboBox.getWrappedElement(), "display", 0);160 wait.until(ExpectedConditions.attributeContains(comboBox.getWrappedElement(), "display", "0"));161 }162 } catch (Exception e) {163 e.printStackTrace();164 }165 }166 private static WebDriverWait clickCombobox(ComboBox combobox, DropDown droplist) {167 Actions act = new Actions(DriverBuilder.getInstance().getDriver());168;169 WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(DriverBuilder.getInstance().getDriver() , 5);170 try {171 WaitUtilsWebDriver.waitForVisibility(droplist.getWrappedElement(), 7);172 } catch (Exception e) {173"The droplist has not been displayed!", e);174 }175 return wait;176 }177}...
...50 public void selectByValue(String value) {51 StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(".//option[@value = ");52 builder.append(escapeQuotes(value));53 builder.append("]");54 List<WebElement> options = getWrappedElement().findElements(By.xpath(builder.toString()));55 State state = State.NOT_FOUND;56 for (WebElement option : options) {57 state = state.recognizeNewState(setSelected(option));58 if (!isMultiple() && state == State.SELECTED) {59 return;60 }61 }62 state.checkState("value: " + value);63 }64 /**65 * Wraps Selenium's method.66 *67 * @return WebElement of the first selected option.68 * @see */70 public WebElement getFirstSelectedOption() {71 return innerSelect.getFirstSelectedOption();72 }73 /**74 * Select all options that display text matching the argument. That is, when given "Bar" this75 * would select an option like:76 *77 * <p><option value="foo">Bar</option>78 *79 * @param text The visible text to match against80 * @throws NoSuchElementException If no matching option elements are found or the elements are not81 * visible or disabled.82 * @see */84 public void selectByVisibleText(String text) {85 final WebElement element = getWrappedElement();86 // try to find the option via XPATH ...87 List<WebElement> options =88 element.findElements(89 By.xpath(".//option[normalize-space(.) = " + escapeQuotes(text) + "]"));90 State state = State.NOT_FOUND;91 for (WebElement option : options) {92 state = state.recognizeNewState(setSelected(option));93 if (!isMultiple() && state == State.SELECTED) {94 return;95 }96 }97 if (options.isEmpty() && text.contains(" ")) {98 String subStringWithoutSpace = getLongestSubstringWithoutSpace(text);99 List<WebElement> candidates;...
...67 wait.until(68 ExpectedConditions.numberOfElementsToBeMoreThan(69 new ByChained("provinsi"), By.tagName("option")), 1)70 );71 provinsi.getWrappedElement().click();72 delay(2);73 provinsi.getWrappedElement().click();74 assertThat(provinsi.getOptions().size()).isGreaterThan(1);75 }76 @Test77 @Order(2)78 public void testLoadKabupaten() {79 Select provinsi = new Select(driver.findElement("provinsi")));80 Select kabupaten = new Select(driver.findElement("kabupaten")));81 for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {82 provinsi.selectByIndex(i);83 wait.until(84 ExpectedConditions.numberOfElementsToBeMoreThan(85 new ByChained("kabupaten"), By.tagName("option")), 1)86 );87 kabupaten.getWrappedElement().click();88 delay(2);89 kabupaten.getWrappedElement().click();90 assertThat(kabupaten.getOptions().size()).isGreaterThan(1);91 }92 }93 @Test94 @Order(3)95 public void testLoadKecamatan() {96 Select provinsi = new Select(driver.findElement("provinsi")));97 provinsi.selectByIndex(1);98 Select kabupaten = new Select(driver.findElement("kabupaten")));99 Select kecamatan = new Select(driver.findElement("kecamatan")));100 for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {101 102 kabupaten.selectByIndex(i);103 wait.until(104 ExpectedConditions.numberOfElementsToBeMoreThan(105 new ByChained("kecamatan"), By.tagName("option")), 1)106 );107 kecamatan.getWrappedElement().click();108 delay(2);109 kecamatan.getWrappedElement().click();110 assertThat(kecamatan.getOptions().size()).isGreaterThan(1);111 }112 }113 @Test114 @Order(4)115 public void testLoadKelurahan() {116 Select provinsi = new Select(driver.findElement("provinsi")));117 provinsi.selectByIndex(1);118 Select kabupaten = new Select(driver.findElement("kabupaten")));119 kabupaten.selectByIndex(1);120 Select kecamatan = new Select(driver.findElement("kecamatan")));121 Select kelurahan = new Select(driver.findElement("kelurahan")));122 for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {123 124 kecamatan.selectByIndex(i);125 wait.until(126 ExpectedConditions.numberOfElementsToBeMoreThan(127 new ByChained("kelurahan"), By.tagName("option")), 1)128 );129 kelurahan.getWrappedElement().click();130 delay(2);131 kelurahan.getWrappedElement().click();132 assertThat(kecamatan.getOptions().size()).isGreaterThan(1);133 }134 }135 @Test136 @Order(5)137 public void testResetProvinsi() {138 Select provinsi = new Select(driver.findElement("provinsi")));139 Select kabupaten = new Select(driver.findElement("kabupaten")));140 Select kecamatan = new Select(driver.findElement("kecamatan")));141 Select kelurahan = new Select(driver.findElement("kelurahan")));142 kelurahan.selectByIndex(1);143 delay(2);144 145 provinsi.getWrappedElement().click();146 delay(2);147 provinsi.selectByIndex(0);148 provinsi.getWrappedElement().click();149 150 wait.until(151 ExpectedConditions.and(152 ExpectedConditions.numberOfElementsToBe(153 new ByChained("kabupaten"), By.tagName("option")), 1),154 ExpectedConditions.numberOfElementsToBe(155 new ByChained("kecamatan"), By.tagName("option")), 1),156 ExpectedConditions.numberOfElementsToBe(157 new ByChained("kelurahan"), By.tagName("option")), 1)158 )159 );160 161 assertThat(kabupaten.getOptions().size()).isOne();162 assertThat(kecamatan.getOptions().size()).isOne();...
...31 super(by, pageName, elementName);32 }33 34 public boolean isMultiple() {35 return new;36 }37 38 public void deselectByIndex(int index) {39 Logger.logInfo(40 "De-select [" + getElementName() + "] option at position [" + index + "] on [" + getPageName() + "]");41 new;42 }43 44 public void selectByValue(String value) {45 Logger.logInfo(46 "Select [" + getElementName() + "] option with value [" + value + "] on [" + getPageName() + "]");47 new;48 }49 50 public WebElement getFirstSelectedOption() {51 return new;52 }53 54 public void selectByVisibleText(String text) {55 Logger.logInfo("Select [" + getElementName() + "] option with text [" + text + "] on [" + getPageName() + "]");56 new;57 }58 59 public void deselectByValue(String value) {60 Logger.logInfo(61 "De-Select [" + getElementName() + "] option with value [" + value + "] on [" + getPageName() + "]");62 new;63 }64 65 public void deselectAll() {66 Logger.logInfo("De-select [" + getElementName() + "] all options on [" + getPageName() + "]");67 new;68 }69 70 public List<WebElement> getAllSelectedOptions() {71 return new;72 }73 74 public List<WebElement> getOptions() {75 return new;76 }77 78 public void deselectByVisibleText(String text) {79 Logger.logInfo(80 "De-select [" + getElementName() + "] option with text [" + text + "] on [" + getPageName() + "]");81 new;82 }83 84 public void selectByIndex(int index) {85 Logger.logInfo(86 "Select [" + getElementName() + "] option at position [" + index + "] on [" + getPageName() + "]");87 new;88 }89 90 public void waitUntilSelected() {91 Logger.logInfo("Wait until [" + getElementName() + "] option is selected on [" + getPageName() + "]");92 try {93 DriverManager.getWebDriverElementWait().until(ExpectedConditions.elementSelectionStateToBe(getBy(), true));94 } catch (TimeoutException e) {95 // swallowing the exception as this function is meant to be used as pre-step to96 // a main-step, so no need to fail it if we get TimeOutException97 }98 }99 100 public void waitUntilDeSelected() {101 Logger.logInfo("Wait until [" + getElementName() + "] option is de-selected on [" + getPageName() + "]");102 try {103 DriverManager.getWebDriverElementWait().until(ExpectedConditions.elementSelectionStateToBe(getBy(), false));104 } catch (TimeoutException e) {105 // swallowing the exception as this function is meant to be used as pre-step to106 // a main-step, so no need to fail it if we get TimeOutException107 }108 }109 110 public void waitUntilOptionToBeSelectedByVisibeText(String optionText) {111 Logger.logInfo("Wait until [" + getElementName() + "] option with text [" + optionText112 + "] is selected on [" + getPageName() + "]");113 try {114 DriverManager.getWebDriverElementWait().until(MoreExpectedConditions.optionToBeSelectedInElement(115 new, optionText, true));116 } catch (TimeoutException e) {117 // swallowing the exception as this function is meant to be used as pre-step to118 // a main-step, so no need to fail it if we get TimeOutException119 }120 }121 122 public void waitUntilOptionToBeSelectedByValue(String optionValue) {123 Logger.logInfo("Wait until [" + getElementName() + "] option with value [" + optionValue124 + "] is selected on [" + getPageName() + "]");125 try {126 DriverManager.getWebDriverElementWait().until(MoreExpectedConditions.optionToBeSelectedInElement(127 new, optionValue, false));128 } catch (TimeoutException e) {129 // swallowing the exception as this function is meant to be used as pre-step to130 // a main-step, so no need to fail it if we get TimeOutException131 }132 }133}...
...12 super(by, pageName, elementName);13 setElementType("Drop-down");14 }15 public boolean isMultiple() {16 return new;17 }18 public void deselectByIndex(int index) {19 Reporter.log("<b>De-select from " + getElementType() + " by index</b> <br> Page | Element | Index => " + getPageName() + " | " + getElementName() + " | " + index + "<br>");20 new;21 }22 public void selectByValue(String value) {23 Reporter.log("<b>HTMSelect from " + getElementType() + " by value</b> <br> Page | Element | Value => " + getPageName() + " | " + getElementName() + " | " + value + "<br>");24 new;25 }26 public WebElement getFirstSelectedOption() {27 return new;28 }29 public void selectByVisibleText(String text) {30 Reporter.log("<b>HTMSelect from " + getElementType() + " by visible text</b> <br> Page | Element | Text => " + getPageName() + " | " + getElementName() + " | " + text + "<br>");31 new;32 }33 public void deselectByValue(String value) {34 Reporter.log("<b>De-select from " + getElementType() + " by value</b> <br> Page | Element | Value => " + getPageName() + " | " + getElementName() + " | " + value + "<br>");35 new;36 }37 public void deselectAll() {38 Reporter.log("<b>De-select all from " + getElementType() + "</b><br> Page | Element => " + getPageName() + " | " + getElementName() + "<br>");39 new;40 }41 public List<WebElement> getAllSelectedOptions() {42 return new;43 }44 public List<WebElement> getOptions() {45 return new;46 }47 public void deselectByVisibleText(String text) {48 Reporter.log("<b>De-select from " + getElementType() + " by visible text</b> <br> Page | Element | Text => " + getPageName() + " | " + getElementName() + " | " + text + "<br>");49 new;50 }51 public void selectByIndex(int index) {52 Reporter.log("<b>HTMSelect from " + getElementType() + " by index</b> <br> Page | Element | Index => " + getPageName() + " | " + getElementName() + " | " + index + "<br>");53 new;54 }55 public void waitUntilSelected(){56 Reporter.log("<b>Wait until " + getElementType() + " is selected</b> <br> Page | Element => " + getPageName() + " | " + getElementName() + "<br>");57 DriverFactory.getWait().until(ExpectedConditions.elementSelectionStateToBe(getBy(), true));58 }59 public void waitUntilDeSelected(){60 Reporter.log("<b>Wait until " + getElementType() + " is de-selected</b> <br> Page | Element => " + getPageName() + " | " + getElementName() + "<br>");61 DriverFactory.getWait().until(ExpectedConditions.elementSelectionStateToBe(getBy(), false));62 }63 public void waitUntilOptionToBeSelectedByVisibeText(String optionText){64 Reporter.log("<b>Wait until " + getElementType() + " has option selected by visible text</b> <br> Page | Element | Option => " + getPageName() + " | " + getElementName() + " | " + optionText + "<br>");65 DriverFactory.getWait().until(CustomExpectedConditions.optionToBeSelectedInElement(new, optionText, true));66 }67 public void waitUntilOptionToBeSelectedByValue(String optionValue){68 Reporter.log("<b>Wait until " + getElementType() + " has option selected by value</b> <br> Page | Element | Option => " + getPageName() + " | " + getElementName() + " | " + optionValue + "<br>");69 DriverFactory.getWait().until(CustomExpectedConditions.optionToBeSelectedInElement(new, optionValue, false));70 }71}...
...20 @Override21 public void click() {22 WebElement element = null;23 try {24 element = getWrappedElement();25 boolean elementClickable = false;26 try{27 waitForElem.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(element));28 elementClickable = true;29 }30 catch (Exception e) {31 elementClickable = false;32 e.toString();33 } 34 if(element.isDisplayed() && element.isEnabled() && elementClickable){35;36 ExtentTestManager.getTest().log(LogStatus.PASS, "Clicked Element with value "+element.toString());37 } 38 } catch (Exception e ){39 // add logger here Button is not clickable.40 ExtentTestManager.getTest().log(LogStatus.FAIL, "Failed to click on Element with value "+element.toString());41 }42 }43 @Override44 public void submit() {45 WebElement element = null;46 try {47 element = getWrappedElement();48 boolean elementClickable = false;49 try{50 waitForElem.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(element));51 elementClickable = true;52 }53 catch (Exception e) {54 elementClickable = false;55 e.toString();56 } 57 if(element.isDisplayed() && element.isEnabled() && elementClickable){58 super.submit();59 ExtentTestManager.getTest().log(LogStatus.PASS, "Clicked Element with value "+element.toString());60 } 61 } catch (Exception e ){62 // add logger here Button is not clickable.63 ExtentTestManager.getTest().log(LogStatus.FAIL, "Button with value " +element.toString()+" is not clickable");64 }65 }66 @Override67 public boolean isSelected() {68 WebElement element = null;69 try {70 element = getWrappedElement();71 if (element.isDisplayed()) {72 return element.isSelected();73 } else {74 return false;75 }76 } catch (Exception e) {77 // check if we have to throw exception from here to main test case78 e.toString();79 return false;80 }81 }82 @Override83 public void selectByValue(String selection) {84 // TODO Auto-generated method stub85 WebElement element = getWrappedElement();86;87 /*Select oSelect = new Select(element);88 List <WebElement> elementCount = oSelect.getOptions();89 int iSize = elementCount.size();90 for(int i =0; i<iSize ; i++){91 String sValue = elementCount.get(i).getText();92 if(sValue.equals(selection)){93 oSelect.selectByValue(sValue);94 break;95 }96 }*/97 }98 @Override99 public void select(ArrayList<String> multipleSelection) {100 // TODO Auto-generated method stub101 WebElement element = getWrappedElement();102 ArrayList<String> defaultInterestList = null;103 Select oSelect = new Select(element);104 List <WebElement> elementCount = oSelect.getOptions();105 int iSize = elementCount.size();106 for(int i =0; i<iSize ; i++){107 defaultInterestList.add(elementCount.get(i).getText());108 }109 for(int i=0; i<multipleSelection.size(); i++){110 if(defaultInterestList.contains(multipleSelection.get(i))){111 oSelect.selectByVisibleText(multipleSelection.get(i));112 }113 }114 }115 @Override116 public void selectByVisibleText(String text) {117 // TODO Auto-generated method stub118 WebElement element = getWrappedElement();119 Select oSelect = new Select(element);120 List <WebElement> elementCount = oSelect.getOptions();121 int iSize = elementCount.size();122 for(int i =0; i<iSize ; i++){123 if(elementCount.get(i).getText().equals(text)){124 oSelect.selectByVisibleText(text); 125 }126 }127 }128} ...
...28 private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SelectBox.class.getName());29 Select select;30 private Select getSelect() {31 if (select == null)32 select = new Select(this.getWrappedElement());33 return select;34 }35 @Override36 public void validate() {37"validate for SelectBox");38 //logger.debug("Wrapper object: " + getWrappedElement());39 PageHelper.waitForElementToBePresent(getWrappedElement(), getParent());40 }41 public boolean isMultiple() {42 return getSelect().isMultiple();43 }44 public List<WebElement> getOptions() {45 return getSelect().getOptions();46 }47 public List<WebElement> getAllSelectedOptions() {48 return getSelect().getAllSelectedOptions();49 }50 public WebElement getFirstSelectedOption() {51 return getSelect().getFirstSelectedOption();52 }53 public void selectByVisibleText(String text) {...
...10public interface SelectWait extends ElementWait {11 getWrappedSelect();12 Select getSelect();13 default void waitUntilSelected() {14 browser().getWait().until(elementToBeSelected(getWrappedElement()));15 }16 default void waitUntilSelected(long timeout) {17 browser().getWait(timeout).until(elementToBeSelected(getWrappedElement()));18 }19 default void waitUntilUnselected() {20 browser().getWait().until(elementSelectionStateToBe(getWrappedElement(), false));21 }22 default void waitUntilUnselected(long timeout) {23 browser().getWait(timeout).until(elementSelectionStateToBe(getWrappedElement(), false));24 }25 default void waitUntilSelectedVisibleText(String text) {26 browser().getWait().until(optionSelectedByVisibleText(getSelect(), text));27 }28 default void waitUntilSelectedVisibleText(String text, long timeout) {29 browser().getWait(timeout).until(optionSelectedByVisibleText(getSelect(), text));30 }31 default void waitUntilSelectedValue(String value) {32 browser().getWait().until(optionSelectedByValue(getSelect(), value));33 }34 default void waitUntilSelectedValue(String value, long timeout) {35 browser().getWait(timeout).until(optionSelectedByValue(getSelect(), value));36 }37 default void waitUntilSelectedIndex(int index) {...
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.openqa.selenium.By;2import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;3import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;4import;5import;6public class GetWrappedElement {7 public static void main(String[] args) {8 System.setProperty("", "C:\\Users\\Acer\\Downloads\\chromedriver_win32\\chromedriver.exe");9 WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();10 String expectedValue = "Dear John,";11 String actualValue = "";12 driver.get(baseUrl);13 WebElement element = driver.findElement("country"));14 Select sel = new Select(element);15 actualValue = sel.getWrappedElement().getText();16 if (actualValue.contentEquals(expectedValue)){17 System.out.println("Test Passed!");18 } else {19 System.out.println("Test Failed");20 }21 driver.close();22 System.exit(0);23 }24}
Using AI Code Generation
11. selectByIndex()22. selectByValue()33. selectByVisibleText()44. deselectByIndex()55. deselectByValue()66. deselectByVisibleText()77. deselectAll()88. getAllSelectedOptions()99. getFirstSelectedOption()1010. getOptions()1111. isMultiple()
Using AI Code Generation
1package com.automation;2import java.util.List;3import org.openqa.selenium.By;4import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;5import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;6import;7import;8public class GetWrappedElement {9public static void main(String[] args) {10System.setProperty("", "C:\\chromedriver.exe");11WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();12driver.manage().window().maximize();13Select oSelect = new Select(driver.findElement("selenium_commands")));14List<WebElement> oSize = oSelect.getOptions();15int iListSize = oSize.size();16for(int i =0; i < iListSize ; i++){17String sValue = oSelect.getOptions().get(i).getText();18System.out.println(sValue);19if(sValue.equals("Browser Commands")){20oSelect.selectByIndex(i);21break;22}23}24List<WebElement> oAllSelectedOptions = oSelect.getAllSelectedOptions();25for(WebElement element : oAllSelectedOptions){26System.out.println("Selected Values are : " + element.getText());27}28oSelect.deselectAll();29oSelect.selectByVisibleText("Navigation Commands");30List<WebElement> oAllSelectedOptions1 = oSelect.getAllSelectedOptions();31for(WebElement element : oAllSelectedOptions1){32System.out.println("Selected Values are : " + element.getText());33}34oSelect.deselectAll();35oSelect.selectByValue("Switch Commands");36List<WebElement> oAllSelectedOptions2 = oSelect.getAllSelectedOptions();37for(WebElement element : oAllSelectedOptions2){38System.out.println("Selected Values are : " + element.getText());39}40oSelect.deselectAll();41oSelect.selectByIndex(4);
LambdaTest’s Selenium 4 tutorial is covering every aspects of Selenium 4 testing with examples and best practices. Here you will learn basics, such as how to upgrade from Selenium 3 to Selenium 4, to some advanced concepts, such as Relative locators and Selenium Grid 4 for Distributed testing. Also will learn new features of Selenium 4, such as capturing screenshots of specific elements, opening a new tab or window on the browser, and new protocol adoptions.
Upgrading From Selenium 3 To Selenium 4?: In this chapter, learn in detail how to update Selenium 3 to Selenium 4 for Java binding. Also, learn how to upgrade while using different build tools such as Maven or Gradle and get comprehensive guidance for upgrading Selenium.
What’s New In Selenium 4 & What’s Being Deprecated? : Get all information about new implementations in Selenium 4, such as W3S protocol adaption, Optimized Selenium Grid, and Enhanced Selenium IDE. Also, learn what is deprecated for Selenium 4, such as DesiredCapabilites and FindsBy methods, etc.
Selenium 4 With Python: Selenium supports all major languages, such as Python, C#, Ruby, and JavaScript. In this chapter, learn how to install Selenium 4 for Python and the features of Python in Selenium 4, such as Relative locators, Browser manipulation, and Chrom DevTool protocol.
Selenium 4 Is Now W3C Compliant: JSON Wireframe protocol is retiring from Selenium 4, and they are adopting W3C protocol to learn in detail about the advantages and impact of these changes.
How To Use Selenium 4 Relative Locator? : Selenium 4 came with new features such as Relative Locators that allow constructing locators with reference and easily located constructors nearby. Get to know its different use cases with examples.
Selenium Grid 4 Tutorial For Distributed Testing: Selenium Grid 4 allows you to perform tests over different browsers, OS, and device combinations. It also enables parallel execution browser testing, reads up on various features of Selenium Grid 4 and how to download it, and runs a test on Selenium Grid 4 with best practices.
Selenium Video Tutorials: Binge on video tutorials on Selenium by industry experts to get step-by-step direction from automating basic to complex test scenarios with Selenium.
LambdaTest also provides certification for Selenium testing to accelerate your career in Selenium automation testing.
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