Webinar: Continuous Testing Pipelines with CircleCI and LambdaTest

Rahul Rana

Posted On: July 1, 2020

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Read time5 Min Read

Nowadays, every organization wants an extra edge over its competitors. Be it launching a product faster or delivering a higher quality product, they always want to outperform others. To ensure faster got-to-market with a high-quality web application, organizations utilize Selenium test automation in order to automate their test efforts. Enabling them to execute tests faster, with fewer mistakes in a scalable manner. Test automation has certainly made the testing process much faster, but what if I told you that your release can get even faster!

In recent times, organizations are implementing Continuous Testing in order to evaluate code at every stage of the continuous delivery process. A part of the CI/CD cycle, Continous Testing is a combination of CI/CD and test automation where you continuously test your code at every release with your automation scripts. The aim here is to make sure you test early and test often! As a part of the Continuous DevOps process, code is being continuously developed, delivered, tested, and deployed. It is

In Continous testing, whenever a developer delivers a code, automated tests are executed. In case of a failed test, the build gets rejected and the developer gets notified. In case it passes, it is pushed in the respective environments. These tests run in parallel and when a build completely evaluated, it is then deployed into production.

A successful continuous testing process involves the best of both Continuous Delivery and Selenium test automation. This is why we’ve collaborated with CircleCI, to make sure you get the best of both worlds. Here is what you’ll learn in this Webinar:

  • Introduction to CircleCI
  • What is it, where does it sit in your toolchain
  • CircleCI product demo
  • Orbs & Integrations
  • LambdaTest & Circle CI Integration
  • Q&A session

What Is LambdaTest?

LambdaTest is a cross browser testing platform, we offer both manual and automated browser testing on our platform. You can utilize our Selenium Grid to perform tests on 3000+ real browsers and OS online. With our platform, you can perform live tests in any browser-OS combinations of your choice. Ensure that your website is responsive on different mobile browsers with both responsive testing feature or LT Browser

You can accelerate your Selenium test automation efforts with cloud-based Selenium Grid, to scale your automated browser testing efforts on 3000+ desktop and mobile browsers while performing your tests in parallel. You also get a detailed report of test execution on our platform along with video recording of the session, screenshots, analytics of your test efforts, and more!

What Is CircleCI?

CircleCI is a Continuous Integration and Continous Delivery(CI/CD) platform, which helps in automating the development, testing and deployment of software. It has become a popular choice for anyone who wants to shorten the duration between idea and delivery.

With CircleCI you can easily integrate with Github, and every time you commit code there, a pipeline gets created. Whenever a pipeline fails the team is notified and the pipelines which pass are deployed to various environments automatically, helping you to get a faster go-to-market.

This CircleCI Tutorial for beginners and professionals will help you learn how to use CircleCI, one of the most popular CI/CD tools used in DevOps.

Leverage Circle CI With LambdaTest To Perform Continuous Testing For Faster Go-To-Market Launch

By utilizing both CircleCI and LambdaTest in tandem, you can get a faster go-to-market launch. You can perform Continous testing every time a new build is pushed, only pushing it to further environments when the builds pass the tests, otherwise, it sends the build back to the developer. All the different build are tested in parallel to ensure faster delivery. When the build passes all the exhaustive tests in the respective environments, it is then finally pushed to the production environment.

In this process, LambdaTest takes care of your Selenium test automation needs by ensuring that you get good test coverage on 3000+ real browsers and devices. With our Cloud Selenium grid, you don’t have to worry about maintaining lofty device labs, as we take care of it for you! You can run all your tests in parallel, and get a report of all your automation tests on LambdaTest platform. Here CircleCI takes care of the pipeline and ensures that you are able to test all of your commits and they are automatically deployed to the next environment.

I Hope You Enjoyed The Webinar!

I hope you liked the webinar, in case you missed it, please find the recording of the Webinar. Make sure to share this article with anyone who wants to learn more about Continuous Testing pipeline. We conduct a webinar every month, make sure to check out our webinar page for any update. That’s all for now, see you on the other side! ?

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Author’s Profile

Rahul Rana

Rahul works as a Product Marketer at LambdaTest. With his rich experience in the startup world, he wants to help startups reach new heights. An avid tech blogger, he also loves to dabble in music.

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