Why Your Startup Needs Test Management

Deeksha Agarwal

Posted On: April 17, 2018

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Read time5 Min Read

In a startup, the major strength of the people is that they are multitaskers. Be it anything, the founders and the core team wears multiple hats and takes complete responsibilities to get the ball rolling. From designing to deploying, from development to testing, everything takes place under the hawk eyes of founders and the core members.

In initial stage of startups, many important activities like testing are also done by founders or the startup team themselves. When asked a founder of a tech product company recently how is your testing organized, he mentioned , ‘I myself do testing of all the features because I know all the use cases of what should be tested and how it should be tested’. So, when we give some thought on the same a successive question stuck our head.

‘How Startups manage the test cases?’

Though, it is good that the founders and core team themselves take care of the use cases but how do they manage them? How do they make sure that the test cases are properly documented?

However, the question to be asked is that is this approach scalable as your startup and product features grow?

Unfortunately, NO 🙁

So What Should Your Startup Do?

Your customer are the ones who define your product roadmap and its crucial features! Customer feedback and satisfaction becomes core of your startup. And it is these feedbacks that translates to product features down the line. The challenge is, to manage these additions in your agile development cycle.

These new additions in features also lead to modifications and introduction of new test cases and as I mentioned, frequent testing cycles. So, how long will you take care of every test case without documentation. At some point of time, you’ll start missing out on things and you’ll think ‘Wish we had documented test cases at early stages ’.

cross browser testing

They can not pick up test cases from your head. At that time you’ll need a test management system where all your test cases with the steps, inputs, expected results will be documented.

What Are Test Case Management systems?

According to Wikipedia “Test case management tools are used to store information on how testing is to be done, plan testing activities and report the status of quality assurance activities.”

If I say in simple language, Test case management systems(TCMS) are everything about tests in under a single umbrella. You’ll find out what is the test procedure, when was the test performed, who performed it, what was the result, everything in a single management system.

That’s the beauty of a TCMS.

You don’t need to put pressure on your mind reminding when did you perform the test, what test did you perform, what was the result. All you need to do is to just open the tool and find out logs and results.

What Test Management Tools Can Your Startup Use?

If you have decided to use test case management system in your startup, now the next question that might be what test case management tool can I use and how to use these tools?

Well, don’t worry. We have already figured out some tools which your startup can use.

1. TestLink

TestLink is an open source test management tool which will help you synchronise requirement and test specification together. With this, you can create test project and also document test cases. If you have multiple people working on different user roles this can prove to be of help.

2. Squash TM (Test Management)

Squash TM is open source test repository manager which is found in Squash toolkit. With this, you can manage requirements, campaigns, and test cases execution.


With Squash TM you can manage

  • Test repository
  • Requirements
  • Test case
  • Campaigns, test execution

3. Kiwi TCMS

It is the leading open source test case management system (TCMS) which can help you manage your test cases, plans and runs efficiently and also helps you improve testing productivity & easy reporting. It also provides integration with popular issue tracker easing your process.


4. TestRail

Though this is not an open source tool but it is one of the best alternatives to look for when you talk about test case management tools. You can try it on cloud as well as download it in your local machine. It helps you create a project, you can add test cases with their steps, start them, add results that you get, integrate with other tools like JIRA, Redmine and invite your team members.


These are some of the many tools which you can use to manage your test cases as a Startup.

Now there would be some legitimate Excel and Google sheets fans who would be disappointed with why their fav tool is not on the list.

I respectfully, disagree. It is not the best tool. And someday I will write a post on why 😛

So, no more keeping things in your brain cloud now. Go ahead and pour the test scenarios in a TCMS, preferably one hosted on an actual digital cloud, and make things more organized and handy.

We love startups, how can we ignore them being one 😉 So, we have exclusive pricings for them. Feel free to contact us.

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Deeksha Agarwal

Deeksha Agarwal is in Product Growth at LambdaTest and is also a passionate tech blogger and product evangelist.

Blogs: 40
