Black Friday Testing Tips for a Crash-Free Shopping Spree

Harish Rajora

Posted On: November 22, 2023

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Read time31 Min Read

Thanksgiving has arrived, and what that means is that the shopping season is about to get started with Black Friday and Cyber Monday. During this time, such banners on eCommerce websites are not uncommon:

 banners on eCommerce websites

Over time, Black Friday and Cyber Mondays have garnered a reputation as “shopping days”. While people save money and search for the best deals they can get, companies try to curate attractive deals to lure maximum customers to their websites. Actually, a company’s preparation for Black Friday starts way before a customer’s. Practically, even months before. These two days are an interesting case study for millions of people directly or indirectly influenced this Friday and Monday.

According to a report by FusionConnect, average downtime costs about $5,000 per minute; more prominent brands can lose up to a whopping $83,000 per minute. Imagine what just 5, 10, or 15 minutes of downtime during the busiest season could mean!

While downtime is just one example, slow loading times, buggy interfaces, or security gaps can turn eager buyers away in just a few seconds. As per a report by PWC, in the U.S., even when people love a company or product, 59% will walk away after several bad experiences and 17% after just one bad experience.

It goes without saying that online businesses need to pull up their socks when testing their respective web or mobile apps to ensure a smooth shopping experience through Black Friday or Cyber Monday.

In this post, we’ll dive deep into how the Black Friday sale can impact your business and sales outreach and how you can keep your websites ready for heavy traffic through Black Friday Testing.

Will Black Friday and Cyber Monday see Big Sales in 2023?

Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) provide the year’s best deals. The anticipation of the customer is evident by the amount of sales the countries witness in just one single day. As Black Friday is all set to approach in less than a week, how will BFCM shape in 2023 for online retailers?

friday sales

The data suggests that Black Friday shopping will be bigger this year. The COVID-19 pandemic influenced how people shopped during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. In 2020, while many stayed home and shopped online, in 2021, more people were comfortable going to physical stores. This caused online sales to drop from $9.03 billion in 2020 to $8.92 billion in 2021, according to Adobe Analytics.

However, in 2022, online sales went up again, reaching a new high of $9.12 billion in the US. As people’s shopping habits return to how they were before the pandemic, we expect another year of record-breaking online sales for retailers in 2023. Further, in 2023, as per the Adobe Shopping Forecast report,

  • 89% of the survey respondents said they would shop online this holiday season.
  • A record-breaking $221.8 billion will be spent online this holiday season (Nov-Dec).
  • 2023 will be the first-ever mobile-dominant holiday shopping season, with mobile devices contributing an average of 52% of revenue during Cyber Week.

Cyber Monday is even more exciting than Black Friday as trends show people shop on Monday more than Friday because the companies promote it as the “last day of shopping deals”.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are challenging for companies that sell their or third-party products. If such websites go down for even a few seconds on these days, they could lose millions depending on the time of the day. So when we see Black Friday and Cyber Monday (if not the complete Cyber Week) statistically, we know that the fuss it creates for so many departments is impactful revenue-wise, something every seller longs for.

This data indicates the importance of BFCM for your businesses and highlights the importance of having a perfect website and app to meet your customers’ expectations.

The Effects of Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the days when products are bought in astronomically large numbers. This is achieved when the seller and the customer are involved in the transaction.

However, most of the purchases happen online, especially after 2020. So another element also gets affected, which is the medium through which the transaction takes place, i.e., an eCommerce website (or any official seller website) and the people behind it. Combining all the elements in one transaction, we can list the following elements impacted the most by Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

  • A customer
  • An organization
  • A developer
  • A tester

Impact of Black Friday and Cyber Monday on End Customers

The primary element everyone is preparing on this day is the end customer. It is they who make these days exciting and eventful events all across the world. The deals a seller offers on these couple of days are attractive. Therefore, it is common to see an end customer saving money and restricting themselves to buying intuitively or when in need.

So, as an end-user, what do they expect on these couple of days? First, in most countries, customers prefer shopping online rather than offline.

Impact of Black Friday and Cyber Monday on End Customers


This is because there are many more options, and the online stores are easy to access. If a user wants to buy a shoe, they can just open Nike on one tab, Adidas on one, and Puma on the other. In such a short time, they can see thousands of products and choose among them without wandering physically in the city. However, the stocks of any product are always limited, and therefore, customers are always in a rush to compete with each other.

Another thing that a customer should expect is the result of such a high spike in traffic at a given moment, which would not be a pretty scene. Black Fridays, especially, see a lot of website downtime as it is the first day of a shopping spree, and the backend team of the application might easily underestimate the number of customers by a ballpark. While the customers may have a lot of other options, those may also show slower behavior than usual.

Impact of Black Friday and Cyber Monday on Organizations

If users are all prepared, the next element required to make Black Friday as successful as predicted is the sellers who sell their products on third-party stores like Amazon or their official websites or mobile apps. These organizations may see the following impact on the day of Black Friday:

Get ready to move out overstocked/never-sold products

Black Friday and Cyber Mondays are great ways to remove the overstocked products that were not sold as they should have been. Provide a discount that no customer can refuse, and the goal can be established.

Get ready for more sign-ups

Customers are generally not inclined to buy the product from their favorite websites on Black Friday and Cyber Monday as they would on the other days. They are just looking for greater discounts and the best deals. If the seller is an organization (even a third party like Amazon), get ready for many more sign-ups than usual on these days. It will help in the future, and even if the discounts are causing losses, they will be recouped.

Get ready for losses

Heavy discounts do not mean companies are getting profitable transactions. Companies must travel that path even if it brings losses because of various scenarios. For instance, overstocked products need to go out even if it makes a loss. This is even more disastrous for small businesses because this is the time when they can accumulate more customers rather than thinking about money. So they try to compete with big brands who can take the brunt by giving more discounts than required to break even.

Get ready for logistical challenges

Even though Black Friday sees 148 million orders worldwide, and everyone knows about the rush, customers still expect to receive them in time. This number is astronomical as compared to the regular 3.7 million orders expected during normal days and just as much as 5 million during certain peak days like weekends, according to the United Nations.

This is a huge challenge, and logistical companies implement various strategies to deal with it. For instance, rerouting certain shipments, getting their website ready for the surge, hiring more delivery guys, and providing incentives to them as well. Also, let’s not forget the returns requested during the week, which is an additional burden on the logistics partners.

Get ready to order more SKUs

With so many purchases to be made in a single day, organizations cannot miss the chance to sell each product as much as possible. Hence, they should prepare to order more units of products they think will be sold more than the others. Such a sale is expected only once a year, and organizations should take full advantage of it.

When organizations are ready from their end to sell, and buyers are prepared to buy, the next element comes to the developers, who will be behind the application’s architecture that will connect them.

Impact of Black Friday and Cyber Monday on Developers

Developers are the people who need to build a robust system for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. It is a slightly different challenge than other types of events, for instance, sports streaming websites, since we know when the users will start joining the website and when they will leave. Therefore, developers will have a different impact on themselves and need to deal with it differently than what was discussed in the previous sections.

Get ready to hire more people

Such high-pressure situations have taught us in the development area that hiring more developers and distributing the work is more productive than making the existing developers work 18 to 20 hours for the same tasks. The latter is error-prone and can also have reverse effects on the application.

So, for developers, expanding their teams and working from all angles is always advisable before Black Friday arrives. However, the negative side to this approach is how to take care of those new developers after the event ends and everything is back to normalcy, which a normal-sized team can handle. The final say is something personal to the team.

Get ready for unusual patterns

Black Fridays and Cyber Mondays are day-long events. More so, today, these events are extended to a whole week. However, the problem is the sporadic pattern the team will see throughout this week. Some hours will have huge spikes in traffic, while some will be consistent.

Such patterns are never good signs for the resources that manage the traffic in the backend. For instance, servers and load balancers could get harmed if a large portion of the traffic spike is from a single region. It is even worse if such things start happening at regular intervals. The developers should always be prepared and keep all the health checks in place for such a scenario.

Get ready to allocate more resources

Organizations keep their resources allocated per normal usage and a bit more margin for special days like weekends. However, this might not be enough for Black Friday and Cyber Mondays. Therefore, developers are advised to allocate, manage, and configure new additional resources as per the areas they feel are weaker.

Get ready to optimize the architecture

One of the things that will have a huge role in the website’s performance is the application’s architecture. If the website takes more than five seconds to load, more than half of the visitors will drop out. This also stands true on Black Friday when customers need to order their products as soon as possible.

Get ready to optimize the architecture

Although it seems inevitable (considering newer resources are added), optimizing the architecture can help the developers reduce the slowed time and load the website faster! It is arguable what should be corrected and optimized in the architecture to achieve this feat.

Practically, there is no set of rules and standards because architectures are different, and how they were built, set up, configured, and maintained depends on the previous and current teams. They vary from organization to organization and team to team. The rules about following optimized code writing guidelines, poor database querying, slow hardware, etc., remain true here but cannot be restricted to just this list.

Get ready to expand testing areas and intensity

Developers are not responsible for the type of quality assessment a tester is accountable for. However, developers create and conduct unit tests (and acceptance tests sometimes) to remove defects at the earliest level. This testing type is essential and even more important when the stakes are high, such as Black Friday. These days, it is too risky to let go of defects as it becomes expensive to rectify them after production release. Hence, developers are requested to intensify the unit testing by creating more tests, increasing the coverage, and testing as much as possible.

Impact of Black Friday and Cyber Monday on Testers

Finally, the tester is the last element that connects all the dots in caring for the application’s health. Honestly, they are the ones that need to do most of the work when it comes to Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

The COVID pandemic of 2019 has forced everyone to keep their transactions through digital mediums. Whether it be the seller or the customer, they have realized that it is safer, faster, and the most convenient way to shop. As a result, 66% of people find online shopping a better way to get better deals than offline options. All this makes a tester’s job more important as business revenues depend on the quality of the application – a metric guaranteed and stamped by the testing team.

Get ready for huge loads

In technical terms, the website traffic is often termed as “load,” from which the term “load testing” is derived. While developers can twist and recreate their architecture, they would not be able to validate whether this architecture can withstand the expected load or not. In theory, they can! But for practical proof, a tester is required.

In this post, we have repeatedly addressed the issue of substantial traffic numbers because this is the most important and damaging. These numbers are probably the first thing that will impact a tester’s regular work, forcing them to change their strategies. For instance, load testing must be taken too seriously, with the load to be more than the team would expect.

For example, even though earlier load testing was done on 5 million concurrent users, we might need to scale that to 12 million. This will be a first-class quality check for the architecture developers have managed to configure and the strength of resources equipped in the system. Black Friday testing can also focus on specific resources to test each individually.

Get ready for multiple devices

Black Friday testing checks an application’s ability to withstand issues related to cross-browser and cross-platform. A variety of reasons will support this scenario. For instance, the marketing team may decide to put down a special code for their application users for an additional discount on Black Friday. In such a case, users who do not have the application installed and only shop through laptops on that website are forced to use the mobile application. Now, the tester’s work is impacted at this point because different users are operating on various kinds of mobile devices. Let’s just consider the screen variety (as part of the specification) that was almost always constant to 15-16 inches on a laptop. It is now combined with the mobile device’s screen, and the total combination is huge.

Another example can be how users communicate with their friends to share a product’s link to buy. If most of them share through mobile applications such as WhatsApp, users will open the mobile device. Otherwise, emails are generally more convenient on a system. However, no one can predict this behavior, and the testers must be prepared for any scenario.

Black Friday testing will also check the cross-platform issues the user expects to work perfectly. One such feature is account data consistency. For instance, a user is shopping on a website and has added a few items to a cart. Meanwhile, his friend sends one link through SMS, which he opens on the mobile device and adds to the cart from there. At this point, the cart should show similar data in mobile and the system. Black Friday testing will also check cross-browser issues and enhance the user experience.

Get ready for multiple location requests

While the Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping trends might have started in the United States, they are followed globally today. The problem is that other festivals or events are confined to a particular country (or a region within a country). Therefore, the team knows it will happen from a certain location even if the traffic spikes today. This is easy to prepare for. However, Black Friday will see a whole different pattern. The requests on this day will arrive from various parts of the world and at all times with similar intensity because if it is nighttime in one country, there will be daytime in another.

This type of pattern needs preparation from developers and testers. The most important thing at this point is geo-location testing. This will help verify whether the application follows the rules of the land from where it is being operated. Once compliance testing is completed, the next step is to test the CDN services in various world regions using geolocation. If not implemented, they should be reverted to the developers because an event like Black Friday and Cyber Monday could slow the request time as the server distance increases. This would harm the reputation and revenue of giving all those shares to the competitor.

Get ready for multiple API calls

The software application will contain hundreds of API calls that perform a fixed set of actions. While load testing can explore the application’s overall behavior under a load, the testers may miss a chance to focus on each API call and check its strength. This is because a few APIs will be called more than the others—for instance, cart-based APIs, search-based APIs, payment-based APIs, etc.

Testers should be prepared to focus on each API and individually put them under the load. This load number will be significantly lower than the traffic count but at least three times scaled up to their original documentation. This way, testers can ensure that the APIs will not break during peak hours on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Get ready for each payment interface to be used.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday will invite shoppers from different geographical areas with varying payment preferences. In addition, these days will also invite users who are rare online shoppers as well. They might not have set up popular payment methods like credit cards as they would rarely use them online.

Another factor that needs to be considered is the past trends over the years. If a certain payment method has declined over the past year, the same trend may be followed on Black Friday. The numerical value of the number of transactions will be higher, but the trend should ideally be followed percentage-wise. For instance, card payments fell up to 10% in one year. In such cases, keeping card payments on priority because it was a popular trend once will distract the testers from testing the more important methods.

payment trends in spain

A summary of trends followed on 2022 Black Friday in Spain

Obviously, this will vary according to the region, and testers should keep that in mind.

Finally, testers should also consider the offers released by the payment merchants on specific payment methods. For instance, a few third-party digital wallet companies may release their Black Friday and Cyber Monday offers. In such a case, the past year’s trend may mislead us in prioritizing the most important payment methods. In reality, the methods with the offers will see an upsurge, which, if left untested, will be a disaster.

These few scenarios for Black Friday testing will test a tester’s ability to judge, analyze, and verify the payment methods associated with the application. The impact of an untested payment method is extremely large on days such as Black Friday. If payment is not completed, it is not only a loss of revenue for the organization but also a loss of revenue for the user, who might not try twice and just switch to other platforms if they need to grab the product quickly.

Get ready for chaos

With all the precautions and optimizations done to keep the software running as it should, there are chances that our system will still go into downtime due to unwanted scenarios. For instance, a server crashes in a region unexpectedly, leading to partial or complete application shutdown. This could create chaos in the team; testers use chaos engineering or chaos testing to deal with it.

Chaos testing ensures that even if our system fails, it does not just disappear out of the system. The testers deliberately inject faults and create failures in hardware and other resources to verify the application’s functionality in case of a failure. With chaos testing, the testers can identify the weak areas and ask the developers to make them resilient to such shocks and improve them for the future. As a result, the software released contains stronger individual components than a complete integrated system.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are challenging days for a tester. The team needs to focus on all the angles of the application (technical and non-technical) to make these days (and Cyber Week) a successful event for their organization.

How Website Crashes are Costing Retailers?

Numerous retailers, including giants like J.Crew, Walmart, Nike, and Costco, have struggled with website crashes. These brands appeared to have lacked the proper website infrastructure for the surge in online traffic.

How Website Crashes are Costing Retailers?

For instance, J.Crew witnessed a loss of 323,000 potential shoppers, representing a potential $775,000 in sales in just five hours.

  • On the other hand, Walmart, in as little as 150 minutes, may have suffered losses of up to $9 million.
  • Costco faced an even more significant setback, losing $11 million due to a website outage for over 16 hours.
  • In 2023, Nike faced a disastrous Black Friday with users stuck at the payment page or having their carts emptied at the final hurdle.

One thing is for sure: no matter the scale of your organization, BFCM sales will leave you with a red-faced moment if your website or app is not ready to meet the increased traffic demands.
How can you prevent that? Well, the answer is simple. You have to do extensive Black Friday Testing!

Subscribe to the LambdaTest YouTube Channel for more videos on automation testing, Selenium testing, eCommerce testing, and more to elevate your testing game!

This video is a customer success story of how LambdaTest helps Dunelm, a $1B retail giant, do digital transformation and testing.

How to Test Apps for Black Friday and Cyber Monday?

All the analysis done in this post till this point can summarize one small fact – most of the impact of Black Friday and Cyber Monday is handled by the testers and the developers. With such a short time to do such large tasks, manually testing on several systems and executing automation tests using tens of software may not work efficiently. It could create chaos, and data gathering and report generation could become a nightmare. Testers and developers need a tool or platform that complements their work efficiently. One such platform is LambdaTest.

It is an AI-based test orchestration and execution platform equipped with testing features to accommodate any requirement, simple or complex. It has over 3000+ real desktop and mobile environments that can be accessed with a free sign-up! They also provide a real device cloud to test web, native, and hybrid applications on any device. All the features are supported in manual and automation testing to save time on any team task. The platform is easy to learn and get started with.

A small demonstration of conducting a manual test case can follow these steps:

  1. Login to your LambdaTest Account (or sign up for free) and land on your dashboard.
  2. LambdaTest Account

  3. Click on Real Time from the left tool panel.
  4. Real Time

  5. This will take you to the browser testing screen, where you can select the specifications for the system to run the web address on. The web address is entered on the top address bar as shown.
  6. browser testing screen

  7. Click START to run the web application on the selected test configurations.
  8. Click Start

Once this is launched, the tester can navigate through the application and observe the anomalies in the process. To help facilitate the process, the platform also provides a list of tools on the side toolbar. They are crafted by keeping the testers and developers in mind for their specific professional testing needs.

Similarly, while performing Black Friday testing, testers and developers can check the application for its behavior using automation, manual, geo-location, etc., so their web application always serves customers in the most idealistic way without hiccups.

9-Step Checklist for Black Friday Testing

As eCommerce thrives, ensuring a smooth and secure shopping experience has never been more crucial. So, here is a Black Friday testing checklist to ensure that your app/website stands up to the Cyber Five frenzy and delivers an excellent CX.

  • Simulate Heavy Website Traffic with a Load Testing Solution
  • Brands witness a surge in visitors during BFCM, causing traffic spikes several times higher than their daily averages. This sudden increase in traffic often results in crashes, slow-loading pages, and downtime for websites and apps.

    With load testing, we can intentionally increase the traffic in the testing environment and determine the threshold of our overall system. This may include your server threshold, hardware threshold, network, etc. However, in Black Friday’s case, your threshold should be the minimum traffic anticipated. So you can calculate this with reference to last year’s traffic and set it as a minimum threshold.

    The traffic on Cyber Monday in 2022 surpassed the average daily traffic in October by 2.5X.

    cyber monday

  • Having an Effective Server Configuration for Black Friday Testing
  • Today, as online shopping gains popularity, 65% of customers said their experience on a website or app is very important in their decision to recommend a brand. This means if you have the right hardware, it is still necessary to have an effective server configuration to handle the overwhelming surge of traffic. Inadequate preparation for Black Friday could easily lead to server overload, disrupting even sites that usually handle steady traffic.

    The solution? During high-traffic events like Black Friday involves implementing standby solutions and load balancers. These act as backup servers to ensure uninterrupted service when the primary server is under heavy load. Load balancers distribute traffic evenly across multiple servers, preventing overload and maintaining stable performance by intelligently routing requests based on server health and capacity. These measures collectively enhance the website’s reliability and performance during traffic surges.

  • Testing Website Updates for Seamless UX
  • As the Cyber Five approaches, websites and apps often receive fresh upgrades. This typically involves spicing new banners, pages, links, colors, and other cool stuff to lure in online shoppers and help them find what they want. Testing these updates to ensure they work smoothly is super important. After all, you’ve put in a lot of effort to provide a top-notch user experience, and it’ll be tough to keep that going if you skip this step.

    In such a situation, regression testing becomes your best friend. It will verify that updates to your site or app do not result in unintended bugs in other parts of your site or app. This type of testing can be executed manually or via an automated testing script. In either case, it is important to make sure that new updates or iterations to a site or app do not result in new bugs or anomalies that will annoy your shoppers.

  • Implementing Cross-Platform Testing for a Hassle-Free BFCM
  • In 2022, mobile shopping alone contributed to 55% of online sales. So, if online purchases in 2023 were to follow the same trajectory, smartphone sales would generate more than half of the revenue. This highlights the importance of better responsiveness and user-friendliness for mobile shopping success on smaller displays. According to a report, 89% of customers use mobile devices to review products before talking to a representative or purchasing.

    The ideal approach to deliver seamlessly on every device involves cross-browser and cross-platform testing, which allows you to test your web application on various devices. Selenium automation testing can expedite the process. Further, optimal platforms offer both cross-browser and cross-platform testing for mobile apps on different operating systems. To learn more, explore the guide on testing websites across different browsers for essential insights and methods.

  • Server-Side Synchronization Testing for Managing Product Catalog Updates
  • Testing server-side synchronization is essential. Sellers have limited products, so updating the catalog during heavy Black Friday and Cyber Monday traffic is crucial to prevent users from thinking products are still available when they’ve sold out. This caution is essential on regular days as well.

    Testing this is not an easy job; frankly, there are so many scenarios that it is hard to predict them all. For example, a user can abandon the product at the payment page without deleting it from the cart. One of the strategies is analyzing the quantity at regular intervals. Multiple testers can initiate this by considering the same product for parameters other than quantity, such as price, location availability, etc.

  • Performing UI/UX Testing on your Coupon Codes
  • Now, our application is prepared for high traffic with accurate item quantities and prices. The next step is the “Apply Coupon” stage. Some companies pre-apply discounts for quicker order processing, while others offer coupon codes for users, like certain credit card offers. This flexibility differs between companies, with Walmart being an example of pre-applied discounts. It might happen that a user would want to avail of a deal that would cost him even less through the other method. So, a few companies provide Black Friday coupon codes separately as well.

    In such cases, you need to perform UI/UX testing to make the user experience smooth as the time is less and traffic is high. Testing for your coupon code is one of the priorities on the Black Day offer. For example, would you want your user to enter the code in capital letters? Your user also should not be able to club multiple offers on the same product. You can also perform Black Friday testing for credits and coupon combinations if they exist on your web application, etc.

  • Black Friday Testing for Smoother Transactions
  • The trickiest stage in completing the order is the payment options. It’s tricky because you have no control over it. You are not managing the gateway servers, not managing their APIs, and not managing a user’s preference. Payment is an independent entity in the whole application atmosphere. So, what can we do at our end so that our Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales wrap up without any hiccups?

    While performing Black Friday testing, check for all these payment methods regularly and repeatedly. Verify if they can take the load and make multiple simultaneous payments. Check for these methods by throttling the network to bandwidths such as 2G, 3G, and 5G. You should also check all these options for both the website and the mobile application (if you have any).

    The best method is to choose an online tool that can provide app testing and web testing features to test on different network conditions on multiple devices.

  • Security Testing to Avoid Unwanted Cyber Attacks during Black Friday
  • Amidst the surge in online retail, especially on peak shopping days like Black Friday and Cyber Monday, eCommerce platforms have become prime targets for cybercriminals. Consequently, safeguarding sensitive customer information and combating fraudulent activities, data breaches, and card leaks has become more crucial than ever. In 2018, Amazon suffered a major data breach that caused customer names and email addresses to be disclosed on its website just two days ahead of Black Friday.

    When it comes to security concerns, security testing plays a crucial role in helping to protect against cyber attacks. It will assess your system, application, or network for vulnerabilities and gaps that hackers could exploit. Identifying and addressing these gaps can save you and your buyers from an unpredictable cyberattack. Additionally, installing an SSL certificate to transition from HTTP to HTTPS allows secure data transfer and protects sensitive customer information ( credit card details or contact info) during server-website interactions.

  • Geolocation Testing for Black Friday to Ensure Global Reach
  • Every year, platforms like Amazon, Alibaba, or eBay welcome thousands of global exporters and small businesses to showcase their products and services on their platforms. This year, Indian exporters have already listed 50k products on the platform. However, no platform would want to violate legal rules and regulations and sell something not allowed in a country or a region.

    This demands careful and exhaustive testing from the testers. The best way is to use a newly designed automation system to detect suspicious items from the list. Internationalization and localization testing seem to be a perfect fit for such cases. Later, they can be manually verified and submitted into the system.

    Geolocation testing for Black Friday will enable you to create and launch tests of your web and mobile apps and analyze and compare the audience reactions and behavior based on their location, language, device, operating system, etc.

Make your website or app stand out this holiday season and maximize your returns with exclusive Black Friday deals on top tech tools.


Black Friday and Cyber Monday are once-in-a-year events that bring a shopping atmosphere worldwide. Customers save their money and prepare a long list to purchase these days. As a result, we see 200 million customers and 9 billion dollars of sales just these days. In such an event, while a customer may have many options for a single product, each customer is essential to the seller. Hence, they try to ensure that the application through which the user will connect always remains healthy regardless of customer behavior.

Achieving this feat is challenging but possible. With proper planning and implementing correct actions before the event, Black Friday and Cyber Monday could bring a lot of revenue to the organization and help gain more audience.

This post highlights the impact of Black Friday and Cyber Monday on four key elements associated with this billion-dollar transaction. While customers and sellers are essentials, such a huge feat can only be made possible by a robust website that can be made only after exploring all the weak areas and strengthening them as the days arrive. The post discovers all those areas and the methods that will help make them resilient and foolproof from the organization’s point of view.

We hope this post on Black Friday testing will help you prepare for these significant events that test a customer’s patience, a seller’s planning, a developer’s architectural skills, and a tester’s vision.

Time for Some FAQs

When is Black Friday 2023?

Black Friday Sale 2023 is on Friday- November 24, 2023.

What is Black Friday 2023?

Black Friday happens right after Thanksgiving, offers significant discounts, and kicks off the holiday shopping season. It’s falling s on Friday- November 24, 2023.

How long will Black Friday last?

Black Friday is the weekend following the US Thanksgiving holiday in late November. Last year, it was observed on November 25th. In 2023, Black Friday will span from November 24th to November 27th, including Cyber Monday.

How can I prevent my website from crashing on Black Friday?

To keep your website from crashing on Black Friday, continuously monitor and test your site, implement a content delivery network (CDN), optimize your site for mobile devices, initiate site improvements well in advance, and opt for a dependable hosting provider.

How can I recover from a website crash on Black Friday?

In a Black Friday website crash, swift and effective actions are crucial to restore your site and minimize the fallout. Key steps include identifying and resolving the root cause, communicating with customers and stakeholders, extending apologies and incentives, analyzing data and feedback, and gleaning valuable insights from the incident.

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Author’s Profile

Harish Rajora

I am a computer science engineer. I love to keep growing as the technological world grows. I feel there is no powerful tool than a computer to change the world in any way. Apart from my field of study, I like reading books a lot and write sometimes on .

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