Mobile Automation Test on Cloud

Perform automated and real device cross-browser and app testing on more than 3000+ mobile devices.

Trusted by 2M+ users globally

Mobile Test Automation on Cloud

Mobile App Automation Test

Use Appium, XCUITest, and Espresso to automate mobile app testing. These tools support native and hybrid app testing for iOS and Android.
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Mobile App Automation Test

Powerful Features of Mobile Automation Test


Test Staging And Locally Hosted Pages

Local hosted web and app testing to help you test in dev environments and save your website or app from after deployment bugs.


Support all Automation Frameworks and Languages

LambdaTest supports all programming languages and all major test automation frameworks. Check out the documentation to know more.


Enhance Test Reliability with Auto-Healing

Overcome flaky tests and unexpected failures with Auto Healing. Your test suite auto-recovers, becoming more robust without manual intervention.


End-to-End Test Execution Logs for Easy Debugging

Debug tests with end-to-end execution logs. Get complete Automation testing logs, video, network logs, viewport screenshots, and more.


Quick App Uploads: Simplify Testing with Direct File Uploads

Easily upload .aab, .apk, .ipa files. Can also install apps directly from Play Store and App Store for easy and hassle-free testing.


120+ Integrations: Seamlessly Connect Your Tools

Connect to your testing stack with ease through our extensive selection of over 120+ integrations. Cover a diverse range of platforms and tools.

Selenium Desired Capabilities

AI-Powered Test Intelligence

Anticipate and mitigate future issues with AI-powered test intelligence insights, flaky test detection, error trends forecast and more.
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Wide Range of Mobile Devices To Test On

  • Ltbrowser moblie testing Android
  • Ltbrowser Tablet testingiOS
  • Samsung
  • Google
  • One Plus
  • Xiaomi
  • Realme
  • Huawei
  • Sony
  • Motorola
  • LG
  • HTC
  • Oppo
  • Gionee
  • Amazon
  • Vivo
  • Zebra

Customer Success Is Our Success

Wall of fame

LambdaTest is #1 choice for SMBs and Enterprises across the globe.

Wall Of Fame

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I automate Mobile Testing
Yes, with the help of LambdaTest cloud testing you can write your mobile test automation scripts using appium. You get to choose between virtual mobile OS environments eg. Android or iOS and real mobile devices eg. iPhone X, Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra, as per your testing needs.
What is Mobile Test Automation?
Creating automated test cases for smartphone apps eg. Mobile app user onboarding flow, and testing them across multiple mobile OS environments is called mobile test automation. You can save your time and money with the help of Mobile Test Automation. LambdaTest is the best tool for automating app tests. Reach--out to LambdaTest Sales Team and start testing.
What is mobile testing automation?
Mobile testing automation refers to the process of using automated tools and frameworks to perform testing activities on mobile applications. This includes running tests, validating functionality, and identifying bugs automatically, without the need for manual intervention.
What is the best tool for mobile automation testing?
LambdaTest is widely recognized as one of the best tools for mobile automation testing. It offers a comprehensive platform for testing across various mobile devices, operating systems, and browsers, providing features like parallel testing, real-time testing, and integration with popular automation frameworks like Selenium and Appium.
Can Selenium be used for mobile automation?
Yes, Selenium can be used for mobile automation through frameworks like Appium, which extends Selenium's capabilities to automate mobile applications. LambdaTest provides a cloud-based Selenium Grid infrastructure, allowing you to run Selenium tests on various browsers and devices, including mobile devices. This enables efficient cross-browser and cross-device testing, ensuring compatibility and quality across different platforms.
What is a phone automation?
Phone automation involves using automated tools or frameworks to perform tasks on mobile devices, such as testing applications, running scripts, or simulating user interactions. LambdaTest is a platform that offers phone automation capabilities, allowing users to automate tests on various mobile devices to ensure the functionality and compatibility of their applications across different platforms and screen sizes.
Does Android have automations?
Yes, Android offers automation capabilities through frameworks like Espresso and Appium. LambdaTest also provides support for Android automation testing, allowing developers to run tests across various Android devices and browsers in parallel on their cloud-based platform.
What is automated mobile testing?
Automated mobile testing involves using software tools and scripts to automatically test the functionality, usability, and performance of mobile applications. Tools like LambdaTest to automate the testing of mobile applications. It allows for the execution of test scripts, validation of app functionality, and identification of issues across various mobile devices and platforms, all without manual intervention.
What is Appium used for?
Appium is a popular open-source automation tool used for testing mobile applications across different platforms (iOS, Android, and Windows) using the WebDriver protocol. It allows testers to write automated tests using various programming languages and run them on real devices, emulators, or simulators. With LambdaTest, Appium users can leverage cloud-based infrastructure to execute tests in parallel across a wide range of real devices and browsers, ensuring comprehensive testing coverage and faster release cycles.