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Execute Protractor tests for AngularJS applications on cloud across multiple Browser/OS combinations with LambdaTest.
Trusted by 2M+ users globally
Get instant access to real Desktop and Mobile devices. Say No to Emulators and Simulators! Find bugs earlier by testing your websites and web apps on a wide range of real Android and iOS devices. Ensure a seamless user experience and timely delivery on every release.
Get Started For FreeDistribute your Protractor tests on LambdaTest Online Selenium grid and scale up your testing process. Parallel testing enables you to reduce time constraints and execute Protractor tests on myriad of browser combinations.
Get Started For FreeLeverage LambdaTest Geolocation capabilities to automate geolocation testing using Protractor over online grid. Geolocation testing enables support with global IP addresses to perform cross browser testing across 3000+ browsers using Protractor scripts.
Geolocation TestingThinking about migrating the Selenium grid running through your local machine to cloud based Selenium grid? LambdaTest GitHub repo will help you to perform migration with ease and in no time.
Check Github RepoDive deeper with detailed Statistics of Complete Test Run, Minutes Consumed, Tests Passed, Tests Failed and many more metrics along with Timeline charts and Automation logs.
Get Started For FreeEnsure web accessibility and achieve compliance with automated tests using LambdaTest Accessibility Automation.