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Playwright Java Tutorial 🎭 | How to Handle Alerts in Playwright | Part XI

Playwright Java Tutorial 🎭 | How to Handle Alerts in Playwright | Part XI

About the Video

In part 11 of the Playwright Java tutorial series, join Koushik Chatterjee (@Koushik_chat), Content Creator at LetCode, as he delves into handling JavaScript alerts and multiple elements effectively. He further introduces you to the first locator function and guides you through handling simple and prompt alerts and dismissing them. You will also discover the distinctions between "On" and "Once" and master the art of handling HTTP authentication, ensuring you've grasped all these essential Playwright Java skills for handling alerts.

Video Chapters

00:00 Introduction

01:33 What is a JavaScript alert?

04:01 How to handle multiple elements?

05:41 Locator - first function

06:36 Handling simple alert

08:54 How to dismiss an alert?

11:09 How to handle prompt alerts?

14:26 Difference between On & Once

17:10 How to handle HTTP authentication?

22:30 How to handle toast notifications?

23:28 Closing

Key Topics Covered

JavaScript Alerts Handling with Playwright: The video begins by explaining how to handle JavaScript alerts using Playwright, including the default behavior of Playwright to dismiss alerts and the need to handle alerts differently based on their type (e.g., confirm, prompt).

HTTP Authentication: The video discusses handling HTTP authentication, which, although not directly related to alert handling, often appears in interviews and can be confused with alert handling.

Toaster Notification Elements: Briefly touches on handling toaster notifications without a practical demo but provides hints on approaching these elements.

Difference Between onDialog and onceDialog Methods: It explains the difference between these two methods for handling dialogs in Playwright, including when and why to use each.

The video provides a comprehensive look at handling various types of dialogs and authentication prompts in web applications using Playwright, along with some coding strategies and practices for dealing with alerts, HTTP authentication prompts, and toaster notifications.

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