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Playwright Java Tutorial 🎭 | How To Debug Using Playwright Inspector | Part X

Playwright Java Tutorial 🎭 | How To Debug Using Playwright Inspector | Part X

About the Video

With this Part 10 of the Playwright Java tutorial series, Koushik Chatterjee (@Koushik_chat), Content Creator at LetCode provides a comprehensive overview of debugging and uncovers the essential techniques for locating elements using Playwright Inspector. You will also learn how to use different Playwright locators to reliably identify elements and thus build a resilient and robust test suite.

Video Chapters

00:00 Introduction

00:14 What is Debugging?

03:42 Debug using Eclipse

06:40 Debug using Playwright Inspector

09:23 How to attach source code?

14:22 Run using mvn profile

17:08 Record using Inspector

19:15 Recap

Key Topics Covered

Introduction to Jenkins: Jenkins is introduced as an open-source automation server used by developers and DevOps teams to automate the building, testing, and deployment of software projects. It supports Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) practices.

Jenkins Installation: The video guides through the Jenkins installation process, emphasizing the Long-Term Support (LTS) version for stability. It details downloading the Jenkins WAR (Web Application Archive) file and running it on a server using Java commands.

Jenkins Setup: Post-installation, the video explains how to unlock Jenkins using an autogenerated password and select plugins for installation. It also covers creating an admin user and setting up Jenkins to run on the default port (8080) or changing it as needed.

Adding Maven Plugin: To work with Maven projects in Jenkins, the installation of the Maven Integration plugin is demonstrated, allowing Jenkins to recognize and build Maven-based projects.

Adding Surefire Dependency: The video includes how to add the Surefire plugin in the Maven pom.xml file, enabling the execution of tests as part of the Maven build process.

Creating a Job in Jenkins: The process to create a new job (project) in Jenkins for building and executing tests is shown, highlighting the configuration of project details and the specification of build triggers.

Adding Maven and JDK Path: It covers the configuration of Maven and JDK in Jenkins, ensuring Jenkins can execute Maven commands and Java applications as part of the build process.

How to Build Triggers?: The video explains how to schedule jobs in Jenkins using build triggers. It demonstrates setting up a job to run at specific times using cron syntax, facilitating automated, periodic builds.

Recap and Overview: The video concludes with a recap of the main points, reinforcing the steps to set up Jenkins for automated project builds, test execution, and scheduling.

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