How to use ControlListScopeLocator class of Atata package

Best Atata code snippet using Atata.ControlListScopeLocator


Source:ControlList`2.cs Github


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...238 protected virtual TItem GetItem(string name, Expression<Func<TItem, bool>> predicateExpression)239 {240 var predicate = predicateExpression.Compile();241242 ControlListScopeLocator scopeLocator = new ControlListScopeLocator(243 searchOptions => GetItemElements(searchOptions)244 .Where((element, index) => predicate(GetOrCreateItemByElement(element, (index + 1).Ordinalize()))));245246 return CreateItem(scopeLocator, name);247 }248249 /// <summary>250 /// Searches for the item that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate expression251 /// and returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence.252 /// </summary>253 /// <param name="predicateExpression">The predicate expression to test each item.</param>254 /// <returns>255 /// The <see cref="ValueProvider{TValue, TOwner}"/> containing zero-based index256 /// of the first occurrence of item, if found; otherwise, <c>–1</c>.257 /// </returns>258 public ValueProvider<int, TOwner> IndexOf(Expression<Func<TItem, bool>> predicateExpression)259 {260 predicateExpression.CheckNotNull(nameof(predicateExpression));261262 string itemName = UIComponentResolver.ResolveControlName<TItem, TOwner>(predicateExpression);263264 return Component.CreateValueProvider(265 $"{ComponentPartName} index of \"{itemName}\" {ItemComponentTypeName}",266 () => IndexOf(itemName, predicateExpression));267 }268269 protected virtual int IndexOf(string name, Expression<Func<TItem, bool>> predicateExpression)270 {271 var predicate = predicateExpression.Compile();272273 return GetItemElements().274 Select((element, index) => new { Element = element, Index = index }).275 Where(x => predicate(GetOrCreateItemByElement(x.Element, name))).276 Select(x => (int?)x.Index).277 FirstOrDefault() ?? -1;278 }279280 protected TItem GetOrCreateItemByElement(IWebElement element, string name)281 {282 TItem DoGetOrCreateItemByElement() =>283 CreateItem(new DefinedScopeLocator(element), name);284285 TItem item = _cachedElementItemsMap.GetOrAdd(element, DoGetOrCreateItemByElement);286 item.Metadata.RemoveAll(x => x is NameAttribute);287 item.Metadata.Push(new NameAttribute(name));288 return item;289 }290291 protected virtual TItem CreateItem(string name, params Attribute[] attributes)292 {293 var itemAttributes = new Attribute[] { new NameAttribute(name) }.Concat(294 attributes?.Concat(GetItemDeclaredAttributes()) ?? GetItemDeclaredAttributes());295296 return CreateItem(itemAttributes);297 }298299 protected TItem CreateItem(IScopeLocator scopeLocator, string name)300 {301 TItem item = CreateItem(name);302303 if (scopeLocator is ControlListScopeLocator controlListScopeLocator)304 controlListScopeLocator.ElementName = item.ComponentFullName;305306 item.ScopeLocator = scopeLocator;307308 return item;309 }310311 private TItem CreateItem(IEnumerable<Attribute> itemAttributes) =>312 Component.Find<TItem>(Metadata.Name, itemAttributes.ToArray());313314 protected virtual IEnumerable<Attribute> GetItemDeclaredAttributes()315 {316 yield return ResolveItemFindAttribute();317 ...

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Source:ControlListScopeLocator.cs Github


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...4using OpenQA.Selenium;56namespace Atata7{8 public class ControlListScopeLocator : IScopeLocator9 {10 private readonly Func<SearchOptions, IEnumerable<IWebElement>> _predicate;11 public ControlListScopeLocator(Func<SearchOptions, IEnumerable<IWebElement>> predicate)12 {13 _predicate = predicate;14 }15 public string ElementName { get; set; }16 public IWebElement GetElement(SearchOptions searchOptions = null, string xPathCondition = null)17 {18 searchOptions = searchOptions ?? new SearchOptions();19 IWebElement element = AtataContext.Current.Driver20 .Try(searchOptions.Timeout, searchOptions.RetryInterval)21 .Until(_ => _predicate(searchOptions).FirstOrDefault());22 if (element == null && !searchOptions.IsSafely)23 {24 throw ExceptionFactory.CreateForNoSuchElement(25 new SearchFailureData ...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3{4 {5 public void _2()6 {7 Go.To<HomePage>()8 .Products.Rows[x => x.Name == "Apple"].Should.BeVisible()9 .Products.Rows[x => x.Name == "Apple"].Price.Should.Equal(1.99m)10 .Products.Rows[x => x.Name == "Apple"].Quantity.Set(2)11 .Products.Rows[x => x.Name == "Orange"].Should.BeVisible()12 .Products.Rows[x => x.Name == "Orange"].Price.Should.Equal(2.99m)13 .Products.Rows[x => x.Name == "Orange"].Quantity.Set(3)14 .Products.Rows[x => x.Name == "Pear"].Should.BeVisible()15 .Products.Rows[x => x.Name == "Pear"].Price.Should.Equal(3.99m)16 .Products.Rows[x => x.Name == "Pear"].Quantity.Set(4);17 Assert.AreEqual(3, Go.To<HomePage>().Products.Rows.Count);18 }19 }20}21using Atata;22using NUnit.Framework;23{24 {25 public void _3()26 {27 Go.To<HomePage>()28 .Products.Rows[x => x.Name == "Apple"].Should.BeVisible()29 .Products.Rows[x => x.Name == "Apple"].Price.Should.Equal(1.99m)30 .Products.Rows[x => x.Name == "Apple"].Quantity.Set(2)31 .Products.Rows[x => x.Name == "Orange"].Should.BeVisible()32 .Products.Rows[x => x.Name == "Orange"].Price.Should.Equal(2.99m)33 .Products.Rows[x => x.Name == "Orange"].Quantity.Set(3)34 .Products.Rows[x => x.Name == "Pear"].Should.BeVisible()35 .Products.Rows[x => x.Name == "Pear"].Price.Should.Equal(3.99m)36 .Products.Rows[x => x.Name == "Pear"].Quantity.Set(4);37 Assert.AreEqual(3, Go.To<HomePage>().Products.Rows.Count);38 }39 }40}

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1using Atata;2{3 using _ = Page2;4 [Url("page2")]5 {6 public ControlListScopeLocator<Row, _> Rows { get; private set; }7 {8 public Control<_> Name { get; private set; }9 public Control<_> Email { get; private set; }10 public Control<_> Phone { get; private set; }11 public Control<_> Company { get; private set; }12 }13 }14}15using Atata;16{17 using _ = Page3;18 [Url("page3")]19 {20 public ControlListScopeLocator<Row, _> Rows { get; private set; }21 {22 public Control<_> Name { get; private set; }23 public Control<_> Email { get; private set; }24 public Control<_> Phone { get; private set; }25 public Control<_> Company { get; private set; }26 }27 }28}29using Atata;30{31 using _ = Page4;32 [Url("page4")]33 {34 public ControlListScopeLocator<Row, _> Rows { get; private set; }35 {36 public Control<_> Name { get; private set; }37 public Control<_> Email { get; private set; }38 public Control<_> Phone { get; private set; }39 public Control<_> Company { get; private set; }40 }41 }42}43using Atata;44{45 using _ = Page5;46 [Url("page5")]47 {48 public ControlListScopeLocator<Row, _> Rows { get; private set; }

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1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3using OpenQA.Selenium;4using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;5{6 {7 public void _2()8 {9 using (var driver = new ChromeDriver())10 {11 Go.To<HomePage>(driver);12 var controlListScope = new ControlListScope(controlListScopeLocator, driver);13 foreach (var productName in productNames)14 {15 Log.Info(productName);16 }17 }18 }19 }20}21using Atata;22using NUnit.Framework;23using OpenQA.Selenium;24using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;25{26 {27 public void _3()28 {29 using (var driver = new ChromeDriver())30 {31 Go.To<HomePage>(driver);32 foreach (var productName in productNames)33 {34 Log.Info(productName);35 }36 }37 }38 }39}40using Atata;41using NUnit.Framework;42using OpenQA.Selenium;43using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;44{45 {46 public void _4()47 {48 using (var driver = new ChromeDriver())49 {50 Go.To<HomePage>(driver);51 foreach (var productName in productNames)52 {53 Log.Info(productName);54 }55 }56 }57 }58}

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1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3{4 {5 public void _2()6 {7 ProductName.Should.Equal("Apple Juice");8 }9 }10}11using Atata;12using NUnit.Framework;13{14 {15 public void _3()16 {17 ProductName.Should.Equal("Apple Juice");18 }19 }20}21using Atata;22using NUnit.Framework;23{24 {25 public void _4()26 {27 ProductName.Should.Equal("Apple Juice");28 }29 }30}31using Atata;32using NUnit.Framework;33{34 {35 public void _5()36 {37 ProductName.Should.Equal("Apple Juice");38 }39 }40}41using Atata;42using NUnit.Framework;43{44 {45 public void _6()46 {47 ProductName.Should.Equal("Apple Juice");48 }49 }50}

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1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3using System.Collections.Generic;4using System.Linq;5{6 {7 private ControlListScopeLocator _locator;8 protected override void OnSetUp()9 {10 _locator = new ControlListScopeLocator();11 }12 public void GetScope()13 {14 Go.To<ControlListPage>();15 var scope = _locator.GetScope(new ControlListPage().Items);16 scope.Should.Equal("div[@id='items']");17 }18 public void GetScope_WithIndex()19 {20 Go.To<ControlListPage>();21 var scope = _locator.GetScope(new ControlListPage().Items, 1);22 scope.Should.Equal("div[@id='items']/div[2]");23 }24 public void GetScope_WithIndexAndCondition()25 {26 Go.To<ControlListPage>();27 var scope = _locator.GetScope(new ControlListPage().Items, 1, x => x.Title == "Item 2");28 }29 public void GetScope_WithIndexAndCondition_WithXPathComponentBuilder()30 {31 Go.To<ControlListPage>();32 var scope = _locator.GetScope(new ControlListPage().Items, 1, x => x.Title == "Item 2", new XPathComponentBuilder());33 }34 public void GetScope_WithCondition()35 {36 Go.To<ControlListPage>();37 var scope = _locator.GetScope(new ControlListPage().Items, x => x.Title == "Item 2");38 }39 public void GetScope_WithCondition_WithXPathComponentBuilder()40 {41 Go.To<ControlListPage>();42 var scope = _locator.GetScope(new ControlListPage().Items, x => x.Title == "Item 2", new XPathComponentBuilder());

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1using Atata;2{3 {4 protected override string BuildXPath()5 {6 }7 }8}9public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)10{11 services.AddAtataContextBuilder().UseChrome().UseNUnitTestName().UseCulture("en-US");12 services.AddNUnitTestContext();13 services.UseControlListScopeLocator<CustomControlListScopeLocator>();14}15using Atata;16{17 {18 public void CustomControlListScopeLocatorSample()19 {20 Go.To<PageObjectWithCustomControlListScopeLocator>();21 }22 }23}

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1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3{4 {5 public void Test()6 {7 Go.To<HomePage>()8 .Header.Should.Equal("Atata Sample App")9 .Footer.Should.Equal("© 2018 Atata Sample App")10 .Body.Should.Equal("This is a sample web application for Atata testing framework.")11 .Menu.Should.Contain("Home")12 .Menu.Should.Contain("About")13 .Menu.Should.Contain("Contact")14 .Menu.Should.Contain("Log in")15 .Menu.Should.Contain("Register")16 .Menu.Should.Contain("Manage")17 .Menu.Should.Contain("Log off")18 .Menu.Should.Contain("Hello,

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1[ControlListDefinition(ContainingClass = "list-group", ComponentTypeName = "list item")]2[FindByClass("list-group-item")]3[ControlDefinition(ContainingClass = "list-group-item-heading")]4[FindByClass("list-group-item-text")]5{6 public Text<ListItem, string> Heading { get; private set; }7 public Text<ListItem, string> Text { get; private set; }8}9{10}11[ControlListDefinition(ContainingClass = "list-group", ComponentTypeName = "list item")]12[FindByClass("list-group-item")]13[ControlDefinition(ContainingClass = "list-group-item-heading")]14[FindByClass("list-group-item-text")]15{16 public Text<ListItem, string> Heading { get; private set; }17 public Text<ListItem, string> Text { get; private set; }18}19{20}21[ControlListDefinition(ContainingClass = "list-group", ComponentTypeName = "list item")]22[FindByClass("list-group-item")]23[ControlDefinition(ContainingClass = "list-group-item-heading")]24[FindByClass("list-group-item-text")]25{26 public Text<ListItem, string> Heading { get; private set; }27 public Text<ListItem, string> Text { get; private set; }28}29{30}31[ControlListDefinition(ContainingClass = "list-group", ComponentTypeName = "list item")]32[FindByClass("list-group-item")]33[ControlDefinition(ContainingClass = "list-group-item-heading")]34[FindByClass("list-group-item-text")]35{36 public Text<ListItem, string> Heading { get; private set; }37 public Text<ListItem, string> Text { get; private set; }38}39{40}

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1[ControlListDefinition("ul", ComponentTypeName = "list")]2[ControlDefinition("li", ComponentTypeName = "item")]3{4}5[ControlListDefinition("ul", ComponentTypeName = "list")]6[ControlDefinition("li", ComponentTypeName = "item")]7{8}9[ControlListDefinition("ul", ComponentTypeName = "list")]10[ControlDefinition("li", ComponentTypeName = "item")]11{12}13[ControlListDefinition("ul", ComponentTypeName = "list")]14[ControlDefinition("li", ComponentTypeName = "item")]15{16}17[ControlListDefinition("ul", ComponentTypeName = "list")]18[ControlDefinition("li", ComponentTypeName = "item")]19{20}21[ControlListDefinition("ul", ComponentTypeName = "list")]22[ControlDefinition("li", ComponentTypeName = "item")]23{24}25[ControlListDefinition("ul", ComponentTypeName = "list")]26[ControlDefinition("li", ComponentTypeName = "item")]27{28}29[ControlListDefinition("ul", ComponentTypeName = "list")]30[ControlDefinition("li", ComponentTypeName = "item")]31{32}33[ControlListDefinition("ul", ComponentTypeName = "list")]34[ControlDefinition("li", ComponentTypeName = "item")]

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