How to use QueryXmlTest class of NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items package

Best NBi code snippet using NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items.QueryXmlTest


Source:QueryXmlTest.cs Github


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...910namespace NBi.Testing.Unit.Xml.Items11{12 [TestFixture]13 public class QueryXmlTest14 {1516 #region SetUp & TearDown17 //Called only at instance creation18 [TestFixtureSetUp]19 public void SetupMethods()20 {2122 }2324 //Called only at instance destruction25 [TestFixtureTearDown]26 public void TearDownMethods()27 {28 }2930 //Called before each test31 [SetUp]32 public void SetupTest()33 {34 }3536 //Called after each test37 [TearDown]38 public void TearDownTest()39 {40 }41 #endregion4243 protected TestSuiteXml DeserializeSample()44 {45 // Declare an object variable of the type to be deserialized.46 var manager = new XmlManager();4748 // A Stream is needed to read the XML document.49 using (Stream stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()50 .GetManifestResourceStream("NBi.Testing.Unit.Xml.Resources.QueryXmlTestSuite.xml"))51 using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))52 {53 manager.Read(reader);54 }55 return manager.TestSuite;56 }5758 [Test]59 public void Deserialize_QueryWithoutParams_QueryXml()60 {61 int testNr = 0;6263 // Create an instance of the XmlSerializer specifying type and namespace.64 TestSuiteXml ts = DeserializeSample(); ...

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1using NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items;2using NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items;3using NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items;4using NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items;5{6 {7 public void Deserialize_QueryWithAllAttributes_Succeed()8 {9 </query>";10 var deserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(QueryXml));11 var obj = deserializer.Deserialize(new StringReader(xml)) as QueryXml;12 Assert.That(obj, Is.Not.Null);13 Assert.That(obj.Name, Is.EqualTo("my-query"));14 Assert.That(obj.ConnectionString, Is.EqualTo("my-connection-string"));15 Assert.That(obj.Timeout, Is.EqualTo(60));16 Assert.That(obj.IsolationLevel, Is.EqualTo(IsolationLevel.Snapshot));17 Assert.That(obj.IgnoreOrdinal, Is.EqualTo(true));18 Assert.That(obj.IgnoreCase, Is.EqualTo(true));19 Assert.That(obj.IgnoreWhiteSpaces, Is.EqualTo(true));20 Assert.That(obj.IgnoreLineBreaks, Is.EqualTo(true));21 Assert.That(obj.IgnorePattern,

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1using NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items;2using NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items;3using NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items;4using NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items;5using NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items;6using NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items;7using NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items;

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1using NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items;2{3 public static void Main (string[] args)4 {5 var queryXmlTest = new QueryXmlTest();6 queryXmlTest.ConnectionString = "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks2012;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False";7 queryXmlTest.Query = "SELECT * FROM Person.Person";8 queryXmlTest.Result = new NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items.ResultXml();9 queryXmlTest.Result.Rows = new NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items.RowsXml();10 queryXmlTest.Result.Rows.Add(new NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items.RowXml(new object[] { 1, "John", "Smith", "M", "1980-01-01" }));11 queryXmlTest.Result.Rows.Add(new NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items.RowXml(new object[] { 2, "Mary", "Johnson", "F", "1981-02-02" }));12 queryXmlTest.Result.Rows.Add(new NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items.RowXml(new object[] { 3, "Bob", "Williams", "M", "1982-03-03" }));13 queryXmlTest.Result.Rows.Add(new NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items.RowXml(new object[] { 4, "Melanie", "Brown", "F", "1983-04-04" }));14 queryXmlTest.Result.Rows.Add(new NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items.RowXml(new object[] { 5, "Steve", "Jones", "M", "1984-05-05" }));15 queryXmlTest.Result.Rows.Add(new NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items.RowXml(new object[] { 6, "Jane", "Davis", "F", "1985-06-06" }));16 queryXmlTest.Result.Rows.Add(new NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items.RowXml(new object[] { 7, "Bill", "Miller", "M", "1986-07-07" }));17 queryXmlTest.Result.Rows.Add(new NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items.RowXml(new object[] { 8, "Catherine", "Wilson", "F", "1987-08-08" }));18 queryXmlTest.Result.Rows.Add(new NBi.Testing.Xml.Unit.Items.RowXml(new object[] { 9, "James", "Moore", "M", "1988-09-09" }));

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