How to use Impl class of TestClasses package

Best Vstest code snippet using TestClasses.Impl


Source:ManagedNameRoundTripTests.cs Github


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...354 managedTypeName: "TestClasses.Outer+Inner",355 managedMethodName: "Method3`2(System.Int32)");356 }357 [TestMethod]358 public void ExplicitInterfaceImplementation1()359 {360 var impl = _compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("TestClasses.Impl");361 VerifyRoundTrip(362 methodInfo: typeof(TestClasses.Impl).GetMethod("TestClasses.IImplementation.ImplMethod0", PrivateBindingFlags),363 containingTypeSymbol: impl,364 methodSymbol: impl.FindMethod("TestClasses.IImplementation.ImplMethod0"),365 managedTypeName: "TestClasses.Impl",366 managedMethodName: "TestClasses.IImplementation.ImplMethod0");367 }368 [TestMethod]369 public void ExplicitInterfaceImplementation2()370 {371 var impl = _compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("TestClasses.Impl");372 VerifyRoundTrip(373 methodInfo: typeof(TestClasses.Impl).GetMethod("TestClasses.IImplementation.ImplMethod1", PrivateBindingFlags),374 containingTypeSymbol: impl,375 methodSymbol: impl.FindMethod("TestClasses.IImplementation.ImplMethod1"),376 managedTypeName: "TestClasses.Impl",377 managedMethodName: "TestClasses.IImplementation.ImplMethod1(System.Int32)");378 }379 [TestMethod]380 public void GenericExplicitInterfaceImplementation1()381 {382 var implT = _compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("TestClasses.Impl`1");383 VerifyRoundTrip(384 methodInfo: typeof(TestClasses.Impl<>).GetMethod("TestClasses.IImplementation<T>.ImplMethod0", PrivateBindingFlags),385 containingTypeSymbol: implT,386 methodSymbol: implT.FindMethod("TestClasses.IImplementation<T>.ImplMethod0"),387 managedTypeName: "TestClasses.Impl`1",388 managedMethodName: "'TestClasses.IImplementation<T>.ImplMethod0'");389 }390 [TestMethod]391 public void GenericExplicitInterfaceImplementation2()392 {393 var implT = _compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("TestClasses.Impl`1");394 VerifyRoundTrip(395 methodInfo: typeof(TestClasses.Impl<>).GetMethod("TestClasses.IImplementation<T>.ImplMethod1", PrivateBindingFlags),396 containingTypeSymbol: implT,397 methodSymbol: implT.FindMethod("TestClasses.IImplementation<T>.ImplMethod1"),398 managedTypeName: "TestClasses.Impl`1",399 managedMethodName: "'TestClasses.IImplementation<T>.ImplMethod1'(!0)");400 }401 [TestMethod]402 public void GenericExplicitInterfaceImplementation3()403 {404 var implT = _compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("TestClasses.Impl`1");405 VerifyRoundTrip(406 methodInfo: typeof(TestClasses.Impl<>).GetMethod("TestClasses.IImplementation<T>.ImplMethod2", PrivateBindingFlags),407 containingTypeSymbol: implT,408 methodSymbol: implT.FindMethod("TestClasses.IImplementation<T>.ImplMethod2"),409 managedTypeName: "TestClasses.Impl`1",410 managedMethodName: "'TestClasses.IImplementation<T>.ImplMethod2'`1(!0,!!0,System.String)");411 }412 [TestMethod]413 public void Inheritance1()414 {415 var outerPrime = _compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("TestClasses.OuterPrime");416 VerifyRoundTrip(417 methodInfo: typeof(TestClasses.OuterPrime).GetMethod("Method3"),418 containingTypeSymbol: outerPrime,419 methodSymbol: outerPrime.FindMethod("Method3"),420 managedTypeName: "TestClasses.OuterPrime",421 managedMethodName: "Method3(System.String,System.Int32)");422 }423 [TestMethod]424 public void Inheritance2()...

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1using TestClasses;2{3 {4 static void Main(string[] args)5 {6 Impl obj = new Impl();7 obj.Method1();8 obj.Method2();9 }10 }11}12using TestClasses;13{14 {15 static void Main(string[] args)16 {17 Impl obj = new Impl();18 obj.Method1();19 obj.Method2();20 }21 }22}

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1using TestClasses;2{3 {4 static void Main(string[] args)5 {6 Impl obj = new Impl();7 obj.Method1();8 obj.Method2();9 }10 }11}12using TestClasses;13{14 {15 static void Main(string[] args)16 {17 Impl obj = new Impl();18 obj.Method1();19 obj.Method2();20 }21 }22}

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1using TestClasses;2{3 static void Main()4{5 static void Mai ()6 {7 Impl i = new Impl();8 i.Method1();9 i.Method2();10 }11}12usingClasses;13 static void Main()14 {15 Impl i = new Impl();16 i.Method1();17 i.Method2(); Impl obj = new Impl();18 }19}20using TestClasses;21{22 static void Main()23 }24 Impl i = new Impl();25 i.Method1();26 i.Method2();27 }28}29usingTeClasses;30{31 {32 Impl i = new Impl();33 i.Method1();34 i.Method2();35 }36}37using TestClasses;38{39 static void Main()40 {41 Impl i = new Impl();42 i.Method1();43 i.Method2();44 }45}46using TestClasses;47{48 static void Main()49 {50 Impl i = new Impl();51 i.Method1();52 i.Method2();53 }54}55using TestClasses;56{57 static void Main()58 {59 Impl i = new Impl();60 i.Method1();61 i.Method2();62 }63}64using TestClasses;65{66 static void Main()67 {68 Impl i = new Impl();69 i.Method1();70 i.Method2();71 }72}73using TestClasses;74{75 static void Main()76 {77 Impl i = new Impl();78 i.Method1();79 i.Method2();80 }81}82using TestClasses;83{84 static void Main()85 {

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1using TestClasses;2{3 {4 static void Main(st5using TestClasses;6{7 static void Main()8 {9 Impl obj = new Impl();10 obj.Method();11 }12}

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1using TestClasses;2{3 static void Main()4 {5 Impl i = new Impl();6 i.Method1();7 i.Method2();8 }9}10using TestClasses;11{12 static void Main()13 {14 Impl i = new Impl();15 i.Method1();16 i.Method2();17 }18}19using TestClasses;20{21 static void Main()22 {23 Impl i = new Impl();24 i.Method1();25 i.Method2();26 }27}28using TestClasses;29{30 static void Main()31 {32 Impl i = new Impl();33 i.Method1();34 i.Method2();35 }36}37using TestClasses;38{39 static void Main()40 {41 Impl i = new Impl();42 i.Method1();43 i.Method2();44 }45}46using TestClasses;47{48 static void Main()49 {50 Impl i = new Impl();51 i.Method1();52 i.Method2();53 }54}55using TestClasses;56{57 }58}

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1using TestClasses;2{3 static void Main()4 {5 Impl myImpl = new Impl();6 myImpl.Method1();7 myImpl.Method2();8 }9}10{11 {12 public void Method2()13 {14 System.Console.WriteLine("Method2");15 }16 }17}18{19 {20 public void Method1()21 {22 System.Console.WriteLine("Method1");23 }24 }25}

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1using TestClasses;2{3 static void Main(string[] args)4 {5 Impl obj = new Impl();6 obj.Test();7 tatic void Main()8Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version 1.0.3705.60189for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.0.3705.6018103.cs(4,7): error CS0229: Ambiguity between `TestClasses.Impl.Test()' and `TestClasses.Impl.Test()'113.cs(4,7): error CS0229: Ambiguity between `TestClasses.Impl.Test()' and `TestClasses.Impl.Test()'12using TestClasses;13{14 static void Main(string[] args)15 {16 TestClasses.Impl obj = new TestClasses.Impl();17 obj.Test();18 }19}20Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version 1.0.3705.601821for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.0.3705.601822using TestClasses;23{24 static void Main(string[] args)25 {26 Impl obj = new TestClasses.Impl();27 obj.Test();28 }29}30Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version 1.0.3705.601831for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.0.3705.6018

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1using TestClasses;2{3 static void Main(string[] args)4 {5 Impl obj = new Impl();6 obj.Test();7 }8}9Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version 1.0.3705.601810for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.0.3705.6018113.cs(4,7): error CS0229: Ambiguity between `TestClasses.Impl.Test()' and `TestClasses.Impl.Test()'123.cs(4,7): error CS0229: Ambiguity between `TestClasses.Impl.Test()' and `TestClasses.Impl.Test()'13If you want to use the Impl class in the TestClasses package, you have to use the fully qualified name of the class. {14 Impl i = new Impl();15using TestClasses;16{17 static void Main(string[] args)18 {19 TestClasses.Impl obj = new TestClasses.Impl();20 obj.Test();21 }22}23Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version e.0.3705.60t824for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.0h3705.601825The above code will compile and execute.1();26using TestClasses;27{28 static void Main(string[] args)29 {30 Impl obj = new TestClasses.Impl();31 obj.Test();32 }33}34Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version 1.0.3705.601835for Microsoft (R) .NET Fra(ework version 1.0.3705.601836 }37}38using TestClasses;39{40 static void Main()41 {42 Impl i = new Impl();43 i.Method1();44 i.Method2();45 }46}47using TestClasses;48{49 static void Main()50 {51 Impl i = new Impl();52 i.Method1();53 i.Method2();54 }55}56using TestClasses;57{58 static void Main()59 {

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1using TestClasses;2{3 {4 static void Main(string[] args)5 {6 Impl i = new Impl();7 i.Method();8 System.Console.ReadLine();9 }10 }11}12using TestClasses;13{14 {15 static void Main(string[] args)16 {17 Impl i = new Impl();18 i.Method();19 System.Console.ReadLine();20 }21 }22}23using TestClasses;24{25 {26 static void Main(string[] args)27 {28 Impl i = new Impl();29 i.Method();30 System.Console.ReadLine();31 }32 }33}34using TestClasses;35{36 {37 static void Main(string[] args)38 {39 Impl i = new Impl();40 i.Method();41 System.Console.ReadLine();42 }43 }44}45using TestClasses;46{47 {48 static void Main(string[] args)49 {50 Impl i = new Impl();51 i.Method();52 System.Console.ReadLine();53 }54 }55}56using TestClasses;57{58 {59 static void Main(string[] args)60 {61 Impl i = new Impl();62 i.Method();63 System.Console.ReadLine();64 }65 }66}67using TestClasses;68{69 {70 static void Main(string[] args)71 {72 Impl i = new Impl();73 i.Method();74 System.Console.ReadLine();75 }76 }77}78using TestClasses;79{80 {81 static void Main(string[] args)82 {83 Impl i = new Impl();84 i.Method();85 System.Console.ReadLine();86 }87 }88}

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1using TestClasses;2{3 static void Main()4 {5 Impl i = new Impl();6 i.Print();7 i.Print(10);8 i.Print("Hello");9 }10}11Print()12Print(int)13Print(string)14Print(int)15Print(string)16Print(string)

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