How to use MarginOptions method of PuppeteerSharp.Media.MarginOptions class

Best Puppeteer-sharp code snippet using PuppeteerSharp.Media.MarginOptions.MarginOptions


Source:BrowserUtils.cs Github


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...120 string overrides = string.Empty;121 if (!options.PreferCSSPageSize && options.Width != null && options.Height != null) {122 overrides += $"size: {options.Width} {options.Height}; ";123 }124 if (options.MarginOptions.Top != null) {125 overrides += $"margin-top: {options.MarginOptions.Top}; ";126 }127 if (options.MarginOptions.Right != null) {128 overrides += $"margin-right: {options.MarginOptions.Right}; ";129 }130 if (options.MarginOptions.Bottom != null) {131 overrides += $"margin-bottom: {options.MarginOptions.Bottom}; ";132 }133 if (options.MarginOptions.Left != null) {134 overrides += $"margin-left: {options.MarginOptions.Left}; ";135 }136 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(overrides)) {137 /* Change the options so that Puppeteer respects our overrides */138 options.PreferCSSPageSize = true;139 options.Width = options.Height = null;140 options.MarginOptions = new MarginOptions();141 /* We must add the <style> tag at the end of <body> to make sure it is not overriden */142 string pageOverrides = "@page { " + overrides + "}";143 return page.EvaluateExpressionAsync($"const style = document.createElement('style'); style.innerHTML = '{pageOverrides}'; document.head.appendChild(style);");144 } else {145 return Task.CompletedTask;146 }147 }148 public async Task<byte[]> ScreenshotPNG(string url, IEnumerable<CookieParam> cookies, ViewPortOptions viewport, ScreenshotOptions options, RevisionInfo revision) {149 LaunchOptions launchOptions = new LaunchOptions() {150 ExecutablePath = revision.ExecutablePath,151 Args = BrowserArgs,152 Headless = true,153 DefaultViewport = viewport,154 Timeout = 0...

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Source:ReportService.cs Github


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...98 DisplayHeaderFooter = true,99 //class指定でのstyleが効かない。100 HeaderTemplate = needCommonHeaderFooter ? $@"<div class='print_header_container' style=""font-family: 'MS P明朝', 'HGP行書体';font-size:10px;text-align:right;width:100%;border:0;""><span style='vertical-align:top;margin-right:10px;' class=''>{headerTime}</span><span style='vertical-align:top;margin-right:33px;' class=''>&nbsp;</span></div>" : $@"<div class='' style='width:100%;border:0;'></div>",101 FooterTemplate = needCommonHeaderFooter ? $@"<div class='print_footer_container' style='font-size:10px;text-align:center;width:100%;border:0;'><span style='vertical-align:bottom;' class='pageNumber'></span>/<span style='vertical-align:bottom;' class='totalPages'></span></div>" : $@"<div class='' style='width:100%;border:0;'></div>",102 MarginOptions = needCommonHeaderFooter ? new MarginOptions() { Top = "50px", Bottom = "50px", Left = "50px", Right = "50px" } : new MarginOptions() { Top = "50px", Bottom = "30px", Left = "30px", Right = "30px" } //mmは効かない。103 };104105 return defaultOption;106 }107108 public void Dispose()109 {110 if (browser != null)111 {112 browser.Dispose();113 browser = null;114 }115 }116 } ...

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Source:Form1.cs Github


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...68 pdfOptions.FooterTemplate = ""; //页脚文本69 pdfOptions.Format = new PuppeteerSharp.Media.PaperFormat(8.27m,11.69m); //pdf纸张格式 英寸为单位 70 pdfOptions.HeaderTemplate = ""; //页眉文本71 pdfOptions.Landscape = false; //纸张方向 false-垂直 true-水平 72 pdfOptions.MarginOptions = new PuppeteerSharp.Media.MarginOptions() { Bottom = "0px", Left = "0px", Right = "0px", Top = "0px" }; //纸张边距,需要设置带单位的值,默认值是None73 pdfOptions.Scale = 1m; //PDF缩放,从0-174 await page.PdfAsync(path, pdfOptions);75 MessageBox.Show($"PDF已经保存至{path}");76 }77 private async void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)78 {79 //dispose browser80 if (browser != null)81 {82 await browser.CloseAsync();83 browser.Dispose();84 }85 }86 }...

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Source:UrlToPDFController.cs Github


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...36 path += "\\";37 await page.PdfAsync(path + fileName, new PdfOptions()38 {39 PrintBackground = true,40 MarginOptions = new PuppeteerSharp.Media.MarginOptions()41 {42 Left = "10mm",43 Right = "10mm",44 Bottom = "10mm",45 Top = "10mm",46 },47 Format = PuppeteerSharp.Media.PaperFormat.A4,48 Landscape = false//纵向49 });50 NewLife.Log.XTrace.WriteLine("生成附件成功:" + fileName);51 }52 catch (Exception ex)53 {54 NewLife.Log.XTrace.WriteLine("生成附件失败:" + ex.Message);...

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Source:GenerateStatisticQueryHandler.cs Github


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...50 PrintBackground = true,51 Landscape = true,52 Format = PaperFormat.A4,53 };54 options.MarginOptions.Bottom = "2cm";55 options.MarginOptions.Top = "2cm";56 options.MarginOptions.Left = "1cm";57 options.MarginOptions.Right = "1cm";58 await page.PdfAsync(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/test2.pdf",options); //debug code59 var data = await page.PdfDataAsync(options);60 61 _logger.Debug($"Created Statistic-Pdf successfull"); 62 return CustomResponse.Success(data);63 }64 catch (Exception e)65 {66 _logger.Error(e.Message);67 return CustomResponse.Error<byte[]>(400, e.Message);68 }69 }70 }71}...

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Source:PdfOptionsConverter.cs Github


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...18 PageRanges = pdfOptions.PageRanges,19 Format = ConvertFormat(pdfOptions.Format),20 Width = pdfOptions.Width,21 Height = pdfOptions.Height,22 MarginOptions = new PuppeteerSharp.Media.MarginOptions {23 Top = pdfOptions.MarginOptions.Top,24 Bottom = pdfOptions.MarginOptions.Bottom,25 Left = pdfOptions.MarginOptions.Left,26 Right = pdfOptions.MarginOptions.Right27 },28 PreferCSSPageSize = pdfOptions.PreferCSSPageSize29 };30 }31 private PaperFormat ConvertFormat(Format format)32 {33 switch (format.Type)34 {35 case FormatType.A0:36 return PaperFormat.A0;37 case FormatType.A1:38 return PaperFormat.A1;39 case FormatType.A2:40 return PaperFormat.A2;...

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Source:MarginOptions.cs Github


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...4{5 /// <summary>6 /// margin options used in <see cref="PdfOptions"/>7 /// </summary>8 public class MarginOptions : IEquatable<MarginOptions>9 {10 /// <summary>11 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PuppeteerSharp.Media.MarginOptions"/> class.12 /// </summary>13 public MarginOptions() { }14 /// <summary>15 /// Top margin, accepts values labeled with units16 /// </summary>17 public string Top { get; set; }18 /// <summary>19 /// Left margin, accepts values labeled with units20 /// </summary>21 public string Left { get; set; }22 /// <summary>23 /// Bottom margin, accepts values labeled with units24 /// </summary>25 public string Bottom { get; set; }26 /// <summary>27 /// Right margin, accepts values labeled with units28 /// </summary>29 public string Right { get; set; }30 /// <inheritdoc/>31 public override bool Equals(object obj)32 {33 if (obj == null || GetType() != obj.GetType())34 {35 return false;36 }37 return Equals((MarginOptions)obj);38 }39 /// <inheritdoc/>40 public bool Equals(MarginOptions options)41 => options != null &&42 Top == options.Top &&43 Left == options.Left &&44 Bottom == options.Bottom &&45 Right == options.Right;46 /// <inheritdoc/>47 public override int GetHashCode()48 => -48139112549 ^ EqualityComparer<string>.Default.GetHashCode(Top)50 ^ EqualityComparer<string>.Default.GetHashCode(Left)51 ^ EqualityComparer<string>.Default.GetHashCode(Bottom)52 ^ EqualityComparer<string>.Default.GetHashCode(Right);53 /// <inheritdoc/>54 public static bool operator ==(MarginOptions left, MarginOptions right)55 => EqualityComparer<MarginOptions>.Default.Equals(left, right);56 /// <inheritdoc/>57 public static bool operator !=(MarginOptions left, MarginOptions right) => !(left == right);58 }59}...

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Source:PuppeteerPdfModelService.cs Github


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...23 PrintBackground = true,24 HeaderTemplate = headerHtml,25 FooterTemplate = footerHtml,26 Format = PaperFormat.A4,27 MarginOptions = new MarginOptions28 {29 Top = "20mm",30 Right = "0mm",31 Bottom = "20mm",32 Left = "0mm"33 }34 };35 }36 }37}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using PuppeteerSharp;4{5 {6 static async Task Main(string[] args)7 {8 var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions9 {10 });11 var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();12 await page.PdfAsync("google.pdf", new PdfOptions13 {14 {15 }16 });17 await browser.CloseAsync();18 }19 }20}21using System;22using System.Threading.Tasks;23using PuppeteerSharp;24{25 {26 static async Task Main(string[] args)27 {28 var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions29 {30 });31 var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();32 await page.PdfAsync("google.pdf", new PdfOptions33 {34 });35 await browser.CloseAsync();36 }37 }38}39using System;40using System.Threading.Tasks;41using PuppeteerSharp;42{43 {44 static async Task Main(string[] args)45 {46 var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions47 {48 });49 var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();50 await page.PdfAsync("google.pdf", new PdfOptions51 {52 });53 await browser.CloseAsync();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using PuppeteerSharp;2using System;3using System.Threading.Tasks;4{5 {6 static async Task Main(string[] args)7 {8 await new BrowserFetcher().DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultRevision);9 var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions10 {11 });12 var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();13 await page.PdfAsync("C:\\Users\\Downloads\\google.pdf", new PdfOptions14 {15 {16 }17 });18 await browser.CloseAsync();19 }20 }21}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var marginOptions = new PuppeteerSharp.Media.MarginOptions();2marginOptions.Top = 10;3marginOptions.Left = 10;4marginOptions.Right = 10;5marginOptions.Bottom = 10;6await page.PdfAsync("2.pdf", new PuppeteerSharp.PdfOptions { Format = "A4", MarginOptions = marginOptions });7await page.PdfAsync("3.pdf", new PuppeteerSharp.PdfOptions { Format = "A4", PaperFormat = PuppeteerSharp.Media.PaperFormat.A4 });8await page.PdfAsync("4.pdf", new PuppeteerSharp.PdfOptions { PaperWidth = 8.5, PaperHeight = 11 });9await page.PdfAsync("5.pdf", new PuppeteerSharp.PdfOptions { Format = "A4", Landscape = true });10await page.PdfAsync("6.pdf", new PuppeteerSharp.PdfOptions { Format = "A4", Landscape = false });11await page.PdfAsync("7.pdf", new PuppeteerSharp.PdfOptions { Format = "A4", DisplayHeaderFooter = true });12await page.PdfAsync("8.pdf", new PuppeteerSharp.PdfOptions { Format = "A4", Scale = 1 });13await page.PdfAsync("9.pdf", new PuppeteerSharp.PdfOptions { Format = "A4", PrintBackground = true });14await page.PdfAsync("10.pdf", new PuppeteerSharp.PdfOptions { Format = "A4", PreferCSSPageSize = true });

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using System.Threading.Tasks;2using PuppeteerSharp;3{4 {5 public static async Task MarginOptionsSample()6 {7 using (var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions { Headless = false }))8 using (var page = await browser.NewPageAsync())9 {10 await page.PdfAsync("C:\\Users\\Catalin\\Desktop\\MarginOptions.pdf", new PuppeteerSharp.Media.PdfOptions { MarginOptions = new PuppeteerSharp.Media.MarginOptions { Top = "20px", Bottom = "20px", Left = "20px", Right = "20px" } });11 }12 }13 }14}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1{2};3await page.PdfAsync("2.pdf", new PdfOptions { MarginOptions = marginOptions });4{5};6await page.PdfAsync("3.pdf", new PdfOptions { MarginOptions = marginOptions });7{8};9await page.PdfAsync("4.pdf", new PdfOptions { MarginOptions = marginOptions });10{11};12await page.PdfAsync("5.pdf", new PdfOptions { MarginOptions = marginOptions });13{14};15await page.PdfAsync("6.pdf", new PdfOptions { MarginOptions = marginOptions });16{17};18await page.PdfAsync("7.pdf", new PdfOptions { MarginOptions = marginOptions });19{

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Most used method in MarginOptions

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