apickli automation testing framework index.

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REST API integration testing framework based on cucumber.js

Support and updates

  • apickli has 191 stars, 89 forks.
  • It has 0 major releases in the past 6 months.
  • It has 0 commits and there are 5 open pull requests.
  • It has 24 open issues and 87 have been closed.

Code statistics

  • apickli has 48 methods.

Automation Testing Tutorials

Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.

LambdaTest Learning Hubs:


You could also refer to video tutorials over LambdaTest YouTube channel to get step by step demonstration from industry experts.


apickli is lincensed under the MIT License

LambdaTest Community Discussions


apickli can be downloaded from it’s GitHub repository - https://github.com/apickli/apickli

Other similar frameworks


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Convert Storybook stories to executable tests

Appium Base Driver

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Tool for scraping and web automation using devtools driver


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Gherkin is a parser and compiler for the Gherkin language. Gherkin Ruby can be used either through its command line interface (CLI) or as a library.


NBi is a testing framework (add-on to NUnit) for Business Intelligence and Data Access. The main goal of this framework is to let users create tests with a declarative approach based on an Xml syntax. By the means of NBi, you don't need to develop C# or Java code to specify your tests!

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