How to use proxyReqRes method in Appium Base Driver

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-base-driver


Source:proxy-specs.js Github


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...156 describe('req/​res proxy', () => {157 it('should successfully proxy via req and send to res', async () => {158 let j = mockProxy();159 let [req, res] = buildReqRes('/​status', 'GET');160 await j.proxyReqRes(req, res);161 res.headers['Content-type'].should.equal('application/​json');162 res.sentCode.should.equal(200);163 res.sentBody.should.eql({status: 0, value: {foo: 'bar'}});164 });165 it('should rewrite the inner session id so it doesnt change', async () => {166 let j = mockProxy({sessionId: '123'});167 let [req, res] = buildReqRes('/​element/​200/​value', 'GET');168 await j.proxyReqRes(req, res);169 res.sentBody.should.eql({status: 0, value: 'foobar', sessionId: '123'});170 });171 it('should rewrite the inner session id with sessionId in url', async () => {172 let j = mockProxy({sessionId: '123'});173 let [req, res] = buildReqRes('/​wd/​hub/​session/​456/​element/​200/​value', 'POST');174 await j.proxyReqRes(req, res);175 res.sentBody.should.eql({status: 0, value: 'foobar', sessionId: '456'});176 });177 it('should pass through urls that do not require session IDs', async () => {178 let j = mockProxy({sessionId: '123'});179 let [req, res] = buildReqRes('/​wd/​hub/​status', 'GET');180 await j.proxyReqRes(req, res);181 res.sentBody.should.eql({status: 0, value: {'foo':'bar'}});182 });183 it('should proxy strange responses', async () => {184 let j = mockProxy({sessionId: '123'});185 let [req, res] = buildReqRes('/​nochrome', 'GET');186 await j.proxyReqRes(req, res);187 res.sentCode.should.equal(100);188 res.sentBody.should.eql({status: 0, value: {message: 'chrome not reachable'}});189 });190 });...

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Source:winappdriver.js Github


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...136 async sendCommand (url, method, body) {137 return await this.jwproxy.command(url, method, body);138 }139 async proxyReq (req, res) {140 return await this.jwproxy.proxyReqRes(req, res);141 }142 async killAll () {143 let cmd;144 /​/​ js hint cannot handle backticks, even escaped, within template literals145 cmd = "FOR /​F \"usebackq tokens=5\" %a in (`netstat -nao ^| " +146 "findstr /​R /​C:\"" + this.proxyPort + " \"`) do (" +147 "FOR /​F \"usebackq\" %b in (`TASKLIST /​FI \"PID eq %a\" ^| " +148 "findstr /​I winappdriver.exe`) do (IF NOT %b==\"\" TASKKILL " +149 "/​F /​PID %a))";150`Killing any old WinAppDrivers, running: ${cmd}`);151 try {152 /​/​ use cp.exec instead of teen process because of crazy windows quoting153 await (B.promisify(cp.exec))(cmd);154"Successfully cleaned up old WinAppDrivers");...

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Source:appium-for-mac.js Github


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...102 }103 return res;104 }105 async proxyReq (req, res) {106 return await this.jwproxy.proxyReqRes(req, res);107 }108 async killAll () {109 const processName = 'AppiumForMac';110 /​/​ js hint cannot handle backticks, even escaped, within template literals111`Killing any old AppiumForMac`);112 await process.killProcess(processName);113'Successfully cleaned up old Appium4Mac servers');114 }115 async deleteSession () {116 log.debug('Deleting AppiumForMac server session');117 /​/​ rely on jwproxy's intelligence to know what we're talking about and118 /​/​ delete the current session119 try {120 await this.sendCommand('/​', 'DELETE');...

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Source:driver.js Github


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1import { BaseDriver } from 'appium-base-driver';2import { fs } from 'appium-support';3import { installApp, launch } from 'node-simctl';4import { extractBundleId } from 'ios-app-utils';5import WebDriverAgent from './​webdriveragent';6import log from './​logger';7import { simBooted, createSim } from './​simulatorManagement.js';8import { killAllSimulators, getSimulator } from 'appium-ios-simulator';9import { retryInterval } from 'asyncbox';10class WebDriverAgentDriver extends BaseDriver {11 constructor (opts = {}, shouldValidateCaps = true) {12 super(opts, shouldValidateCaps);13 /​/​ TODO set up desired cap constraints14 /​/​this.desiredCapConstraints = desiredCapConstraints;15 this.wda = null;16 this.sim = null;17 this.jwpProxyActive = false;18 this.proxyReqRes = null;19 this.jwpProxyAvoid = [];20 }21 get driverData () {22 /​/​ TODO fill out resource info here23 return {};24 }25 async createSession (caps) {26 try {27 /​/​ TODO add validation on caps28 /​/​ TODO handle otherSessionData for multiple sessions29 let sessionId;30 [sessionId] = await super.createSession(caps);31 /​/​ fail very early if the app doesn't actually exist32 await this.checkAppPresent();33 if (!this.opts.bundleId) {34 this.opts.bundleId = await extractBundleId(;35 }36 /​/​ start sim, or use running sim37'starting simlator (if not booted)');38 this.sim = await this.startSim();39 this.wda = new WebDriverAgent({40 udid: this.sim.udid,41 platformVersion: this.opts.platformVersion,42 host:,43 agentPath: this.opts.agentPath44 });45 await this.wda.launch(sessionId);46"Installing the app");47 /​/​ TODO don't re-install (need to check if version numbers match)?48 await installApp(this.sim.udid,;49"Launching the app");50 await this.launchApp(this.sim.udid, this.opts.bundleId);51 this.proxyReqRes = this.wda.proxyReqRes.bind(this.wda);52 this.jwpProxyActive = true;53 return [sessionId, caps];54 } catch (e) {55 await this.deleteSession();56 throw e;57 }58 }59 async deleteSession () {60 this.jwpProxyActive = false;61 this.proxyReqRes = null;62 await this.wda.proc.stop();63 /​/​ TODO: this kills all simulators, so needs to be changed if running multiple sims64 /​/​ TODO: add handling of 'reset' desired caps (no-reset, full-reset, etc.)65 await this.sim.shutdown();66 if (!this.caps.udid) {67 await this.sim.delete();68 }69 await super.deleteSession();70 }71 async checkAppPresent () {72 log.debug("Checking whether app is actually present");73 if (!(await fs.exists( {74 log.errorAndThrow(`Could not find app at ${}`);75 }76 }77 async startSim () {78 let sim;79 /​/​ TODO for now just kill all sims unless specified udid is booted.80 /​/​ if booted, use it. if not booted, start it up81 /​/​ if no udid, well lets see if we can start one up based on desired caps82 /​/​ if we support multiple sims we need to change this83 if (this.opts.udid) {84 sim = await getSimulator(this.opts.udid);85 if (!await simBooted(this.opts.udid)) {86`simulator with udid ${this.opts.udid} not booted. Booting up now`);87 await killAllSimulators();88 await;89 } else {90`simulator ${this.opts.udid} already booted`);91 }92 return sim;93 }94`simulator udid not provided, using desired caps to create a new sim`);95 /​/​ create sim for caps96 await killAllSimulators();97 sim = await createSim(this.caps, this.sessionId);98`created simulator ${sim.udid}. Booting it up`);99 await;100`simulator booted`);101 return sim;102 }103 async launchApp () {104 const APP_LAUNCH_TIMEOUT = 20 * 1000;105 await launch(this.sim.udid, this.opts.bundleId);106 let checkStatus = async () => {107 let response = await this.wda.jwproxy.command('/​status', 'GET');108 let currentApp = response.currentApp.bundleID;109 if (currentApp !== this.opts.bundleId) {110 throw new Error(`${this.opts.bundleId} not in foreground. ${currentApp} is in foreground`);111 }112 };113`waiting for ${this.opts.bundleId} to be in foreground`);114 await retryInterval(APP_LAUNCH_TIMEOUT /​ 200, 200, checkStatus);115`${this.opts.bundleId} is in foreground`);116 }117}...

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Source:selendroid.js Github


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1import { JWProxy } from 'appium-base-driver';2import { retryInterval } from 'asyncbox';3import logger from './​logger';4import path from 'path';5import { fs } from 'appium-support';6import { SE_APK_PATH, SE_MANIFEST_PATH } from './​installer';7const REQD_PARAMS = [8 'adb', 'appPackage', 'appActivity', 'tmpDir', 'apk', 'host', 'systemPort',9 'devicePort',10];11class SelendroidServer {12 constructor (opts = {}) {13 for (let req of REQD_PARAMS) {14 if (!opts || !opts[req]) {15 throw new Error(`Option '${req}' is required!`);16 }17 this[req] = opts[req];18 }19 /​/​ new package name for repackaged selendroid server20 this.modServerPkg = `selendroid.${this.appPackage}`;21 /​/​ path to the repackaged selendroid server specific to this app22 this.modServerPath = path.resolve(this.tmpDir, `${this.modServerPkg}.apk`);23 this.jwproxy = new JWProxy({server:, port: this.systemPort});24 this.proxyReqRes = this.jwproxy.proxyReqRes.bind(this.jwproxy);25 }26 async prepareModifiedServer () {27 /​/​ TODO might have a race condition if we try building this with multiple28 /​/​ sessions at the same time. OTOH we probably want to share the mod29 /​/​ server...30 let needsUninstall = false;31 if (!(await fs.exists(this.modServerPath))) {32 await this.buildNewModServer();33 needsUninstall = true;34 }35 needsUninstall = await this.checkAndSignCert(this.modServerPath) || needsUninstall;36 if (needsUninstall) {37'New server was built, uninstalling any instances of it');38 await this.adb.uninstallApk(this.modServerPkg);39 }40 }41 async installModifiedServer () {42 let installed = await this.adb.isAppInstalled(this.modServerPkg);43 if (!installed) {44 await this.adb.install(this.modServerPath);45 }46 }47 async buildNewModServer () {48`Repackaging selendroid for: '${this.appPackage}'`);49 let packageTmpDir = path.resolve(this.tmpDir, this.appPackage);50 let newManifestPath = path.resolve(this.tmpDir, 'AndroidManifest.xml');51`Creating new manifest: '${newManifestPath}'`);52 await fs.mkdir(packageTmpDir);53 await fs.copyFile(SE_MANIFEST_PATH, newManifestPath);54 await this.adb.initAapt(); /​/​ TODO this should be internal to adb55 await this.adb.compileManifest(newManifestPath, this.modServerPkg,56 this.appPackage);57 await this.adb.insertManifest(newManifestPath, SE_APK_PATH,58 this.modServerPath);59`Repackaged selendroid ready: '${this.modServerPath}'`);60 }61 async checkAndSignCert (apk) {62 let signed = await this.adb.checkApkCert(apk, this.appPackage);63 if (!signed) {64 await this.adb.sign(apk);65 }66 /​/​ return whether the apk was signed67 return !signed;68 }69 async startSession (caps) {70 let instrumentWith = `${this.modServerPkg}/​` +71 `io.selendroid.server.ServerInstrumentation`;72`Starting selendroid server with instrumentation: ` +73 `${instrumentWith}`);74 await this.adb.instrument(this.appPackage, this.appActivity, instrumentWith);75'Waiting for Selendroid to be online...');76 /​/​ wait 20s for Selendroid to be online77 await retryInterval(20, 1000, async () => {78 await this.jwproxy.command('/​status', 'GET');79 });80 await this.jwproxy.command('/​session', 'POST', {desiredCapabilities: caps});81 }82 async deleteSession () {83 logger.debug('Deleting Selendroid server session');84 /​/​ rely on jwproxy's intelligence to know what we're talking about and85 /​/​ delete the current session86 try {87 await this.jwproxy.command('/​', 'DELETE');88 } catch (err) {89 logger.warn(`Did not get confirmation Selendroid deleteSession worked; ` +90 `Error was: ${err}`);91 }92 }93}...

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Source:proxy.js Github


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...39 /​/​ both40 var handler = function (err) {41 logger.error(err.message);42 };43 var p = req.device.proxyReqRes(req, res, handler);44 if (p.catch) {45 p.catch(handler);46 }47 return;48 }49 logger.debug("Proxying command to " + req.device.proxyHost + ":" +50 req.device.proxyPort);51 var sessRe = new RegExp('^/​wd/​hub/​session/​([^/​]+)');52 var sessionRegxMatch = sessRe.exec(req.originalUrl);53 var newPath, origSessId = null;54 /​/​ there might be no session id in the orig. req.55 if (sessionRegxMatch) {56 origSessId = sessionRegxMatch[1];57 var sessId = req.device.proxySessionId ? req.device.proxySessionId :...

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Source:appium-for-awtk.js Github


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...60 }61 return res;62 }63 async proxyReq (req, res) {64 return await this.jwproxy.proxyReqRes(req, res);65 }66 async killAll () {67 const processName = 'AppiumForAwtk';68 /​/​ js hint cannot handle backticks, even escaped, within template literals69`Killing any old AppiumForAwtk`);70 await process.killProcess(processName);71'Successfully cleaned up old Appium4Awtk servers');72 }73 async deleteSession () {74 log.debug('Deleting AppiumForAwtk server session');75 /​/​ rely on jwproxy's intelligence to know what we're talking about and76 /​/​ delete the current session77 try {78 await this.sendCommand('/​', 'DELETE');...

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Source:webdriveragent.js Github


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1import _ from 'lodash';2import path from 'path';3import { spawnSubProcess } from 'node-simctl';4import { JWProxy } from 'appium-jsonwp-proxy';5import { fs } from 'appium-support';6import log from './​logger';7import { getLogger } from 'appium-logger';8import { simBooted } from './​simulatorManagement.js';9const agentLog = getLogger('WebDriverAgent');10const BIN_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'bin');11const REQ_ARGS = ['udid', 'platformVersion', 'host'];12class WebDriverAgent {13 /​/​ agentPath (optional): Path to WebdriverAgent Executable (inside constructor (args = {}) {15 for (let reqArg of REQ_ARGS) {16 if (_.isUndefined(args[reqArg])) {17 throw new Error(`You must send in the '${reqArg}' argument`);18 }19 }20 if (args.agentPath) {21`Custom agent path specified: ${args.agentPath}`);22 } else {23`Using default agent`);24 }25 this.udid = args.udid;26 this.platformVersion = args.platformVersion;27 =;28 this.agentPath = args.agentPath || path.resolve(BIN_PATH, `WebDriverAgent-${this.platformVersion}`);29 }30 async launch (sessionId) {31"Launching WebDriverAgent on the device");32 if (!await fs.exists(this.agentPath)) {33 throw new Error(`Trying to use WebDriverAgent binary at ${this.agentPath} but it ` +34 `does not exist. Check your platformVersion?`);35 }36 if (!await simBooted(this.udid)) {37 log.errorAndThrow(new Error(`simulator ${this.udid} is not in 'booted' state`));38 }39 this.proc = await spawnSubProcess(this.udid, this.agentPath);40 this.proc.on('output', (d, e) => {41 /​/​ NSLog logs to stderr, so nothing hits stdout. *shrug*42 if (d.length) {43;44 }45 if (e.length) {46;47 }48 });49 let port;50 let startupDetector = (stdout, stderr) => {51 if (stderr.indexOf('WebDriverAgent started on port') > -1) {52 let r = /​WebDriverAgent started on port (\d+)/​;53 let match = r.exec(stderr);54 if (match) {55 port = match[1];56`detected that WebDriverAgent is running on port ${port}`);57 } else {58 log.errorAndThrow(new Error('No port detected from WebDriverAgent'));59 }60 return true;61 }62 };63 await this.proc.start(startupDetector);64 this.port = port;65 this.jwproxy = new JWProxy({host:, port: this.port, base: ''});66 this.jwproxy.sessionId = sessionId;67 this.proxyReqRes = this.jwproxy.proxyReqRes.bind(this.jwproxy);68 }69}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const appiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');2const AppiumBaseDriver = appiumBaseDriver.AppiumBaseDriver;3const proxyReqRes = AppiumBaseDriver.proxyReqRes;4const proxy = require('appium-base-driver').proxy;5const appiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');6const AppiumBaseDriver = appiumBaseDriver.AppiumBaseDriver;7const proxyReqRes = AppiumBaseDriver.proxyReqRes;8const proxy = require('appium-base-driver').proxy;9const appiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');10const AppiumBaseDriver = appiumBaseDriver.AppiumBaseDriver;11const proxyReqRes = AppiumBaseDriver.proxyReqRes;12const proxy = require('appium-base-driver').proxy;13const appiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');14const AppiumBaseDriver = appiumBaseDriver.AppiumBaseDriver;15const proxyReqRes = AppiumBaseDriver.proxyReqRes;16const proxy = require('appium-base-driver').proxy;17const appiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');18const AppiumBaseDriver = appiumBaseDriver.AppiumBaseDriver;19const proxyReqRes = AppiumBaseDriver.proxyReqRes;20const proxy = require('appium-base-driver').proxy;21const appiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');22const AppiumBaseDriver = appiumBaseDriver.AppiumBaseDriver;23const proxyReqRes = AppiumBaseDriver.proxyReqRes;24const proxy = require('appium-base-driver').proxy;25const appiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');26const AppiumBaseDriver = appiumBaseDriver.AppiumBaseDriver;27const proxyReqRes = AppiumBaseDriver.proxyReqRes;28const proxy = require('appium-base-driver').proxy;29const appiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');30const AppiumBaseDriver = appiumBaseDriver.AppiumBaseDriver;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { AppiumServer, AppiumDriver, AppiumBaseDriver } = require('appium');2const { startServer } = require('appium/​build/​lib/​main');3const { AndroidDriver } = require('appium-android-driver');4const { AndroidUiautomator2Driver } = require('appium-uiautomator2-driver');5const server = new AppiumServer();6const driver = new AndroidUiautomator2Driver();7const baseDriver = new AppiumBaseDriver();8const proxyReqRes = async function (driver, proxyReq, proxyRes, req, res) {9 if (req.url.includes('/​session/​')) {10 if (proxyRes.statusCode === 200) {11 const body = JSON.parse(proxyRes.body.toString('utf8'));12 body.value = => {13 el.udid = '123456789';14 return el;15 });16 proxyRes.body = JSON.stringify(body);17 }18 }19};20driver.proxyReqRes = proxyReqRes;21startServer(server, driver, baseDriver).then(() => {22 console.log('Appium Server started');23});24const { AppiumServer, AppiumDriver, AppiumBaseDriver } = require('appium');25const { startServer } = require('appium/​build/​lib/​main');26const { AndroidDriver } = require('appium-android-driver');27const { AndroidUiautomator2Driver } = require('appium-uiautomator2-driver');28const server = new AppiumServer();29const driver = new AndroidUiautomator2Driver();30const baseDriver = new AppiumBaseDriver();31const proxyReqRes = async function (driver, proxyReq, proxyRes, req, res) {32 if (req.url.includes('/​session/​')) {33 if (proxyRes.statusCode === 200) {34 const body = JSON.parse(proxyRes.body.toString('utf8'));35 body.value = => {36 el.udid = '123456789';37 return el;38 });39 proxyRes.body = JSON.stringify(body);40 }41 }42};43baseDriver.proxyReqRes = proxyReqRes;44startServer(server, driver

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