How to use removeApp method in Appium Base Driver

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-base-driver


Source:Application.js Github


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1/*2* eyeos - The Open Source Cloud's Web Desktop3* Version 2.04* Copyright (C) 2007 - 2010 eyeos Team 5* 6* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under7* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the8* Free Software Foundation.9* 10* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT11* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS12* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more13* details.14* 15* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License16* version 3 along with this program in the file "LICENSE". If not, see 17* <>.18* 19* See for more details. All requests should be sent to licensing@eyeos.org20* 21* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions22* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under23* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.24* 25* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,26* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by27* eyeos" logo and retain the original copyright notice. If the display of the 28* logo is not reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices29* must display the words "Powered by eyeos" and retain the original copyright notice. 30*/31/**32 * This is the Item for Application when Application Tabs is selected33 */34qx.Class.define('eyeos.ui.tabs.Application', {35 extend: eyeos.ui.tabs.Item,36 properties: {37 realName: {38 check: 'String'39 },40 favorite: {41 check: 'Boolean',42 event: 'toggleFavorite'43 },44 installed: {45 check: 'Boolean'46 },47 originalName: {48 check: 'String'49 },50 imagePath: {51 check: 'String'52 }53 },54 construct: function (name, realName, description, imagePath, status, page) {55 this.base(arguments);56 //adding "BETA" to name of applications57// var warningApps = ['Calendar','Documents','Mail Client', 'Spreadsheets', 'Editor'];58// if (warningApps.indexOf(name) >= 0 ) {59// name = name + ' <span style="color: red">(beta)</span>';60// }61 this.setOriginalName(name)62 this.setName(name);63 this.setRealName(realName);64 this.setDescription(description);65 this.setDescriptionTooltip(description);66 imagePath = imagePath +'&nocache=' + eyeos.utils.getRandomValue();67 this.setImagePath(imagePath);68 this.setPage(page);69 this.setImage(imagePath);70 71 if (page.getContext() == 'All'){72 this.setFavorite(status);73 } else {74 this.setInstalled(status);75 }76 this._updateLayout();77 78 },79 members: {80 _imageStarFull: 'index.php?extern=images/rate_on.png',81 _imageStarEmpty: 'index.php?extern=images/rate_off.png',82 _imagePlus: 'index.php?extern=images/new.png',83 _imageAdded: 'index.php?extern=images/22x22/actions/dialog-ok-apply.png',84 85 _updateLayout: function () {86 if (this.getPage().getContext() == 'All'){87 this._updateLayoutAdded();88 } else {89 this._updateLayoutToAdd();90 }91 },92 /**93 * Update the Layout according to the status All94 */95 _updateLayoutAdded: function () {96 /*97 * Update Command Image and Function related to Click event98 */99 this.setImageCommand((this.isFavorite()) ? (this._imageStarFull) : (this._imageStarEmpty));100 this.setImageCommandFunction(this._changeFavorite);101 /*102 * Create the Menu in CommandBox103 */104 this.cleanMenu(); 105 var removeApp = new'Remove Application', 'index.php?extern=/images/16x16/actions/edit-delete.png').set({106 'backgroundColor': '#ffffff'107 });108 109 var toggleFavorite = new'Add/Remove Favorite', 'index.php?extern=/images/rate_on.png').set({110 'backgroundColor': '#ffffff'111 });112 var createDesktopIcon = new'Create Desktop Shortcut', 'index.php?extern=/images/new.png').set({113 'backgroundColor': '#ffffff'114 });115 116 // var getInfo = new'Info...').set({117 // 'backgroundColor': '#ffffff'118 // });119 //120 removeApp.addListener('execute', this._removeApplication, this);121 toggleFavorite.addListener('execute', this._changeFavorite, this);122 createDesktopIcon.addListener('execute', this._createDesktopIcon, this);123 // getInfo.addListener('execute', this._getInfo, this);124 this.addToMenu(removeApp);125 this.addToMenu(toggleFavorite);126 this.addToMenu(createDesktopIcon);127 // this.addToMenu(getInfo);128 129 this.getContent().addListener('click', function (e) {130 eyeos.execute(this.getRealName(), this.getPage().getChecknum(), null, null);131 document.eyeDesktopTabs.hideContent();132 }, this);133 },134 /**135 * Update the Layout according to the status Add136 */137 _updateLayoutToAdd: function () {138 /*139 * Update Command Image and Function related to Click event140 */141 this.setImageCommand(this._imagePlus);142 if (this.isInstalled()) {143 this.showAsAdded(this._imageAdded);144 var removeApp = new'Add Application').set({145 'backgroundColor': '#ffffff'146 });147 removeApp.addListener('execute', this._removeApplication, this);148 this.addToMenu(removeApp);149 } else {150 this.cleanMenu(); 151 this.setImageCommandFunction(this._installApplication);152 var installApp = new'Add Application').set({153 'backgroundColor': '#ffffff'154 });155 installApp.addListener('execute', this._installApplication, this);156 this.addToMenu(installApp);157 }158 // var getInfo = new'Info...').set({159 // 'backgroundColor': '#ffffff'160 // });161 // getInfo.addListener('execute', this._getInfo, this);162 // this.addToMenu(getInfo);163 },164 165 /**166 * Update the Layout and the system information when the value of167 * favorite Change168 */169 _changeFavorite: function () {170 if (this.isFavorite()) {171 eyeos.callMessage(this.getPage().getChecknum(), 'removeFavorite', this.getRealName());172 }173 else {174 eyeos.callMessage(this.getPage().getChecknum(), 'addFavorite', this.getRealName());175 }176 this.toggleFavorite();177 this.setImageCommand((this.isFavorite()) ? (this._imageStarFull) : (this._imageStarEmpty));178 },179 /**180 * Update the Layout and the system information when a application is181 * removed182 */183 _removeApplication: function () {184 var op = new eyeos.dialogs.OptionPane(185 'Are you sure you want to remove the application "' + this.getName() + '"?<br />You will not be able to use it anymore until you reinstall it.',186 eyeos.dialogs.OptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE,187 eyeos.dialogs.OptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);188 op.createDialog(189 null,190 'Uninstall Application',191 192 function (answer) {193 if (answer == eyeos.dialogs.OptionPane.YES_OPTION) {194 eyeos.callMessage(this.getPage().getChecknum(), 'removeInstalled', this.getRealName(), function () {195 if (this.getPage().getContext() == 'All') {196 this.setFavorite(false);197 eyeos.callMessage(this.getPage().getChecknum(), 'removeFavorite', this.getRealName());198 this.destroy();199 } else {200 this.showAsAdded(this._imageAdded);201 }202 }, this);203 }204 },205 this, true206 ).open();207 },208 _createDesktopIcon: function() {209 var appName = this.getRealName();210 var imagePath = this.getImagePath();211 eyeos.callMessage(this.getPage().getChecknum(), "createLink", [appName, imagePath, appName, 'home:///Desktop/'], function(){212 eyeos.messageBus.getInstance().send('desktop', 'showDesktopNotification', [tr('New shortcut created in the desktop')]);213 });214 },215 216 /**217 * Update the Layout and the system information when a application is218 * installed219 */220 _installApplication: function () {221 var warningApps = ['Calendar','Documents','Mail Client', 'Spreadsheets', 'Editor'];222 var text = '';223 if (warningApps.indexOf(this.getOriginalName()) >= 0 ) {224 text = text + '<span style="color: red">WARNING<BR>Please, be aware of this application is not stable and it\'s not ready for production usage yet.</span><BR><BR>';225 }226 text = text + 'Are you sure you want to install the application "' + this.getOriginalName() + '"?';227 var op = new eyeos.dialogs.OptionPane(228 text,229 eyeos.dialogs.OptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE,230 eyeos.dialogs.OptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);231 op.createDialog(232 null,233 'Install Application',234 function (answer) {235 if (answer == eyeos.dialogs.OptionPane.YES_OPTION) {236 eyeos.callMessage(this.getPage().getChecknum(), 'addInstalled', this.getRealName(), function () {237 this.showAsAdded(this._imageAdded);238 this.cleanMenu();239 var removeApp = new'Remove Application').set({240 'backgroundColor': '#ffffff'241 });242 removeApp.addListener('execute', this._removeApplication, this);243 this.addToMenu(removeApp);244 // var getInfo = new'Info...').set({245 // 'backgroundColor': '#ffffff'246 // });247 // getInfo.addListener('execute', this._getInfo, this);248 // this.addToMenu(getInfo);249 }, this);250 }251 },252 this, true253 ).open();254 }255 }...

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Source:Menu.js Github


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...219 <MenuButton220 icon={'icon-ic_fluent_pin_off_24_regular'}221 title={currentTranslate.menuItems[4]}222 callback={() => {223 removeApp(identifier);224 showReplaceAppsMenu({225 identifier: '',226 icon: '',227 name: '',228 replaceApp: false,229 removeApp: false230 });231 hideMenu();232 setStyle({ pointerEvents: 'none' });233 setTimeout(() => {234 showMenu(false);235 }, 250);236 }}237 /> ...

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Source:electron.js Github


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...24ipcMain.handle('downloadApp', async (event, appId) => {25 return await downloadApp({ appId, userDataPath, storeApps, storeInstalledApps })26})27ipcMain.handle('removeApp', async (event, appId) => {28 return await removeApp({ appId, userDataPath, storeInstalledApps })29})30const createMainWindow = () => {31 const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(menuTemplate)32 Menu.setApplicationMenu(menu)33 mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({34 width: 800,35 height: 500,36 show: false,37 webPreferences: {38 nodeIntegration: false,39 preload: path.join(__dirname, 'preload.js')40 }41 })42 if (isDev) {...

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Source:menuReducer.js Github


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1/*2 * Copyright (c) 2021 Paras Khanchandani3 * All rights reserved.4 */56import {7 ADD_APPS_MENU,8 REMOVE_APP_FROM_FOLDER_MENU,9 REMOVE_APP_FROM_PAGE_MENU,10 REMOVE_FOLDER_MENU,11 REPLACE_APPS_MENU12} from '../actions/types';1314const initialState = {15 identifier: '',16 name: '',17 icon: '',18 removeApp: false,19 replaceApp: false,20 removeFolder: false,21 addApp: false,22 addAppToFolder: false,23 fromPage: false24};2526function menuReducer(state = initialState, action) {27 const { type, payload } = action;2829 switch (type) {30 case ADD_APPS_MENU:31 return {32 ...state,33 identifier: payload.identifier,34 name:,35 icon: payload.icon,36 addApp: payload.addApp37 };3839 case REPLACE_APPS_MENU:40 return {41 ...state,42 identifier: payload.identifier,43 name:,44 icon: payload.icon,45 replaceApp: payload.replaceApp,46 removeApp: payload.removeApp47 };4849 case REMOVE_APP_FROM_FOLDER_MENU:50 return {51 ...state,52 identifier: payload.identifier,53 name:,54 icon: payload.icon,55 removeApp: payload.removeApp56 };5758 case REMOVE_APP_FROM_PAGE_MENU:59 return {60 ...state,61 identifier: payload.identifier,62 name:,63 icon: payload.icon,64 removeApp: payload.removeApp,65 fromPage: payload.fromPage66 };6768 case REMOVE_FOLDER_MENU:69 return {70 ...state,71 identifier: payload.folderID,72 name: payload.folderName,73 icon: payload.icon ? 'assets/explorerIcons/Folder.png' : '',74 removeFolder: payload.removeFolder,75 fromPage: payload.fromPage ? payload.fromPage : null76 };7778 default:79 return state;80 }81}82 ...

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Source:App.js Github


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...30 // 'ADD_APP',31 // appName32 // );33 }34 removeApp() {35 const index = this.state.apps.length;36 this.setState((prevState) => ({37 apps: [...prevState.apps.slice(0, index-1)]38 }))39 }40 render() {41 const renderApps =42, index) =>43 <div id={item} className="mkt-app" key={index}>A marked up div for {item}</div>44 )45 return (46 <div className="App">47 <button onClick={this.addApp}>Add App</button>48 <button onClick={this.removeApp}>Remove App</button>...

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Source:features.js Github


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1import { SetReminder, CancelReminder } from './reminders/UseCases'2import { NotifyTeam } from './notifications/UseCases'3import {4 ListApps,5 AddApp,6 RemoveApp,7 ShowStatus,8 TakeApp,9 ReturnApp,10} from './apps/UseCases'11const takeApp = (12 appsService,13 remindersService,14 notifier,15 messages16) => ({app, user, lease}) =>17 Promise.resolve({app, user, lease})18 .then(TakeApp(appsService))19 .then(SetReminder(remindersService, messages))20 .then(NotifyTeam(notifier, messages.userHasTakenApp))21const returnApp = (22 appsService,23 remindersService,24 notifier,25 messages26) => ({app, user}) =>27 Promise.resolve({app, user})28 .then(ReturnApp(appsService))29 .then(CancelReminder(remindersService))30 .then(NotifyTeam(notifier, messages.userHasReturnedApp))31const removeApp = (32 appsService,33 remindersService,34 notifier,35 messages36) => ({app}) =>37 Promise.resolve({app})38 .then(RemoveApp(appsService))39 .then(CancelReminder(remindersService))40 .then(NotifyTeam(notifier, messages.appHasBeenRemoved))41export default {42 ListApps,43 AddApp,44 ShowStatus,45 RemoveApp: removeApp,46 TakeApp: takeApp,47 ReturnApp: returnApp...

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Source:removeApp.js Github


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...3 value: true4});5exports.default = removeApp;6var _ErrorHandler = require('../utils/ErrorHandler');7function removeApp(bundleId) {8 if (typeof bundleId !== 'string') {9 throw new _ErrorHandler.ProtocolError('removeApp command requires bundleId parameter from type string');10 }11 return this.requestHandler.create({12 path: '/session/:sessionId/appium/device/remove_app',13 method: 'POST'14 }, { bundleId: bundleId });15} /**16 *17 * Remove an app from the device.18 *19 * <example>20 :removeApp.js21 browser.removeApp('');22 * </example>23 *24 * @param {String} bundleId bundle ID of application25 *26 * @see * @type mobile28 * @for android29 *30 */...

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Source:index.js Github


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1/**2 * @param {array} apps3 * @param {string} app4 */5function removeApp(apps, appToRemove) {6 return apps.filter((app) => app != appToRemove);7}8// Sample usage9const apps1 = ['Calculator', 'Phone'];10// Remove Calculator11const newApps1 = removeApp(apps1, 'Calculator');12console.log(newApps1);13// check if the operation was immutable14console.log(newApps1 === apps1); // immutable when it returns false15const apps2 = ['Whatsapp', 'Maps', 'Calculator'];16// Remove Maps17const newApps2 = removeApp(apps2, 'Maps');18console.log(newApps2);19// check if the operation was immutable...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),2 until = webdriver.until;3var driver = new webdriver.Builder()4 .forBrowser('chrome')5 .build();6driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');7driver.findElement('btnG')).click();8driver.wait(until.titleIs('webdriver - Google Search'), 1000);9driver.quit();10var removeApp = function(appId, callback) {11 var cmd, args;12 if (this.isSafari()) {13 logger.debug("Safari is not supported");14 return;15 }16 if (this.isChrome() || this.isChromedriver()) {17 logger.debug("Chrome is not supported");18 return;19 }20 if (this.isFirefox() || this.isGeckodriver()) {21 logger.debug("Firefox is not supported");22 return;23 }24 if (this.isSelendroid()) {25 logger.debug("Selendroid is not supported");26 return;27 }28 if (this.isUiAutomator2()) {29 logger.debug("UiAutomator2 is not supported");30 return;31 }32 if (this.isUiAutomator()) {33 cmd = 'am';34 args = ['force-stop', appId];35 } else if (this.isAndroid()) {36 cmd = 'am';37 args = ['force-stop', appId];38 } else if (this.isIos()) {39 cmd = 'killall';40 args = ['-9', appId];41 } else if (this.isWindows()) {42 cmd = 'taskkill';43 args = ['/IM', appId, '/F'];44 } else {45 throw new Error("Don't know how to remove app on platform '" + this.platformName + "'");46 }47 logger.debug("Removing app " + appId);48, args, callback);49 };50 return removeApp;51}52var removeApp = this.removeApp.bind(this);53return removeApp(appId, function(err) {54 if (err) {55 logger.errorAndThrow("Error removing app: " + err);56 }57 logger.debug("App was successfully removed");58 cb();59});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wd = require('wd');2driver.init({3}).then(function () {4 return driver.removeApp('');5}).catch(function (err) {6 console.log(err);7});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var chai = require('chai');3var expect = chai.expect;4var assert = chai.assert;5var should = chai.should;6var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');7chai.use(chaiAsPromised);8var desiredCaps = {9};10var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', 4723);11driver.init(desiredCaps).then(function () {12 driver.removeApp('').then(function () {13 console.log('App removed successfully');14 }, function (err) {15 console.log('Error in removing app');16 console.log(err);17 });18}, function (err) {19 console.log('Error in initializing driver');20 console.log(err);21});22driver.quit();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1await driver.removeApp(appId);2await driver.installApp(appPath);3await driver.runAppInBackground(5);4await driver.isAppInstalled(appId);5await driver.activateApp(appId);6await driver.terminateApp(appId);7await driver.hideKeyboard('pressKey', 'Done');8await driver.isKeyboardShown();9await driver.getDeviceTime();10await driver.getDisplayDensity();11await driver.getDisplaySize();12await driver.lock(5);13await driver.unlock();14await driver.isLocked();15await driver.toggleTouchIdEnrollment();16await driver.toggleEnrollTouchId();17await driver.sendSMS('1234567890', 'Hello World');18await driver.gsmCall('1234567890', 'call');19await driver.gsmSignal(0

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { AppiumDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');2const { iosDriver } = require('appium-ios-driver');3const { androidDriver } = require('appium-android-driver');4const { removeApp } = AppiumDriver.prototype;5const { removeApp: iosRemoveApp } = iosDriver.prototype;6const { removeApp: androidRemoveApp } = androidDriver.prototype;7AppiumDriver.prototype.removeApp = function (bundleId) {8 return, bundleId);9};10iosDriver.prototype.removeApp = function (bundleId) {11 return, bundleId);12};13androidDriver.prototype.removeApp = function (bundleId) {14 return, bundleId);15};16const { AppiumDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');17const { iosDriver } = require('appium-ios-driver');18const { androidDriver } = require('appium-android-driver');19const { removeApp } = AppiumDriver.prototype;20const { removeApp: iosRemoveApp } = iosDriver.prototype;21const { removeApp: androidRemoveApp } = androidDriver.prototype;22AppiumDriver.prototype.removeApp = function (bundleId) {23 return, bundleId);24};25iosDriver.prototype.removeApp = function (bundleId) {26 return, bundleId);27};28androidDriver.prototype.removeApp = function (bundleId) {29 return, bundleId);30};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var appium = require('appium');3var assert = require('assert');4var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', 4723);5var desiredCaps = {6};7driver.init(desiredCaps).then(function() {8 console.log('Appium session created');9 return driver.sleep(5000);10}).then(function() {11}).then(function() {12}).then(function() {13}).then(function() {14}).then(function() {15 return driver.hideKeyboard();16}).then(function() {17}).then(function() {18 return driver.sleep(5000);19}).then(function() {20 return driver.quit();21}).done();22var wd = require('wd');23var appium = require('appium');24var assert = require('assert');25var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', 4723);26var desiredCaps = {27};

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