How to use super.createSession method in Appium Xcuitest Driver

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-xcuitest-driver


Source:webdriver.js Github


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...102 let service = opt_service || getDefaultService();103 let client = service.start().then(url => new http.HttpClient(url));104 let executor = new http.Executor(client);105 options = options || new Options();106 return /​** @type {!JSDOMDriver} */​ (super.createSession(executor, options, () => service.kill()));107 }108 /​**109 * Creates a new browser session in JSDOM.110 *111 * @param {(Capabilities|Options)=} options The configuration options.112 * @param {string} url the address of an existing JSDOM server instance e.g. http:/​/​localhost:3000113 * @return {!JSDOMDriver} A new driver instance.114 */​115 static createSessionWithExistingService(options, url) {116 let client = new http.HttpClient(url);117 let executor = new http.Executor(client);118 options = options || new Options();119 return /​** @type {!JSDOMDriver} */​ (super.createSession(executor, options));120 }121 /​**122 * This function is a no-op as file detectors are not supported by this123 * implementation.124 * @override125 */​126 setFileDetector() {}127}128/​/​ PUBLIC API129exports.Driver = JSDOMDriver;130exports.Options = Options;131exports.ServiceBuilder = ServiceBuilder;132exports.getDefaultService = getDefaultService;133exports.setDefaultService = setDefaultService;...

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Source:vb.js Github


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...49 };50 sessionStorage.setItem(VCSessionKey, JSON.stringify(sessionData));51 }52 async createSession() {53 await super.createSession();54 return this.uri;55 }56 async sendVbTx(...args) {57 return new Promise((res, rej) => {58 this.on('disconnect', () => {59 rej({ code: 11020, message: '链接断开' });60 });61 this.sendCustomRequest({ method: 'vite_signAndSendTx', params: args }).then(r => {62 this.saveSession();63 res(r);64 }).catch(e => {65 rej(e);66 });67 });...

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Source:safari.js Github


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...43 } else {44 client = Promise.resolve(new HttpClient(serverUrl));45 }46 const executor = new Executor(client);47 return super.createSession(executor, options, () => {48 if (service) {49 service.kill();50 }51 });52 }53 /​**54 * This function is a no-op as file detectors are not supported by this55 * implementation.56 * @override57 */​58 setFileDetector() {}...

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Source:chromeos-webdriver-server.js Github


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...33 this.ssh_ = null;34 }35 /​** @override */​36 async createSession() {37 const sessionId = await super.createSession();38 await fetchPrivateKey(this.flags, this.log);39 this.ssh_ = await connectAndPrepDevice(this.flags, this.log);40 return sessionId;41 }42 /​** @override */​43 async navigateToSingleSession(url) {44 /​/​ This is everything on the command line after "--". These become extra45 /​/​ arguments to Chrome itself on the ChromeOS device.46 const extraArguments = this.flags._;47 await loadOnChromeOS(this.log, this.ssh_, url, extraArguments);48 }49 /​** @override */​50 async closeSingleSession() {51 /​/​ Send the device back to the login screen....

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Source:driver.js Github


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...20 }21 }22 async createSession (...args) {23 try {24 let [sessionId, caps] = await super.createSession(...args);25 this.mpProgram = await automator.launch({26 cliPath: this.opts.cliPath,27 projectPath: this.opts.projectPath28 });29 return [sessionId, caps];30 } catch (e) {31 try {32 await this.deleteSession();33 } catch (ign) {}34 throw e;35 }36 }37 async deleteSession () {38 await super.deleteSession();...

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Source:session.service.js Github


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1import { BaseService } from "./​base.service.js";2export class SessionService extends BaseService {3 constructor() {4 super();5 }6 createSession = async (userId, expiration) => {7 const formSession = { _id: this.mongooseId, expiration, user_session: userId }8 /​/​ console.log("Here the session-->", formSession)9 return new this.model.SessionModel(formSession).save();10 };11 get = async _id => this.model.SessionModel.findById(_id)12 delete = async (_id) => {13 try{14 return this.model.SessionModel.deleteOne({_id})15 }catch(err){16 throw new this.errors.CustomError("Error al borrar la session")17 }18 }19 ...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { XCUITestDriver } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');2const { createSession } = XCUITestDriver.prototype;3XCUITestDriver.prototype.createSession = async function (caps) {4 return await createSession.apply(this, arguments);5};6const { server } = require('appium');7const { XCUITestDriver } = require('./​test');8server({driverClass: XCUITestDriver});9appium --driver-args=“{“customCapability”:”value”}”

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const XCUITestDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');2const _ = require('lodash');3class MyXCUITestDriver extends XCUITestDriver {4 async createSession (caps) {5 let desiredCaps = _.cloneDeep(caps);6 desiredCaps.appiumVersion = '1.6.5';7 let session = await super.createSession(desiredCaps);8 return session;9 }10}11module.exports = MyXCUITestDriver;12const XCUITestDriver = require('./​driver');13const BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');14class MyXCUITestDriver extends XCUITestDriver {15 async createSession (caps) {16 let desiredCaps = _.cloneDeep(caps);17 desiredCaps.appiumVersion = '1.6.5';18 let session = await super.createSession(desiredCaps);19 return session;20 }21}22module.exports = MyXCUITestDriver;23const BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');24const _ = require('lodash');25class MyXCUITestDriver extends BaseDriver {26 async createSession (caps) {27 let desiredCaps = _.cloneDeep(caps);28 desiredCaps.appiumVersion = '1.6.5';29 let session = await super.createSession(desiredCaps);30 return session;31 }32}33module.exports = MyXCUITestDriver;34const BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');35const _ = require('lodash');36class MyXCUITestDriver extends BaseDriver {37 async createSession (caps) {38 let desiredCaps = _.cloneDeep(caps);39 desiredCaps.appiumVersion = '1.6.5';40 let session = await super.createSession(desiredCaps);41 return session;42 }43}44module.exports = MyXCUITestDriver;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1async createSession (caps, reqCaps, capabilities) {2 const session = await super.createSession(caps, reqCaps, capabilities);3 return session;4}5async deleteSession () {6 await super.deleteSession();7}8async proxyActive (sessionId) {9 return await super.proxyActve(sessinId);10}11}12export.default = MyDriver;13const MyDriver = require("./​test.js");14const appium = require("appium");15const myDriver = new MyDriver();16const server = new appium.main();17server.createSession(myDriver, {18});19server.deleteSession(myDriver.sessionId);20server.proxyActive(myDriver.sessionId);21{22 "scripts": {23 },24 "dependencies": {25 }26}27var driver = new XCUITestDriver();28driver.createSession({desiredCapabilities: {platformName: 'iOS', deviceName: 'iPhone Simulator', app: '/​Users/​username/​Library/​Developer/​Xcode/​DerivedData/​appname-bzqzgkqyqkqzgqfjxqjwqkqjzvqz/​Build/​Products/​Debug-iphonesimulator/​', browserName: 'Safari'}});29driver.quit();30var XCUITestDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');31var driver = new XCUITestDriver();32driver.createSession({desiredCapabilities: {platformName: 'iOS', deviceName: 'iPhone Simulator', app: '/​Users/​username/​Library/​Developer/​Xcode/​DerivedData/​appname-bzqzgkqyqkqzgqfjxqjwqkqjzvqz/​Build/​Products/​Debug-iphonesimulator/​', browserName: 'Safari'}});33driver.quit();34var XCUITestDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');35var driver = new XCUITestDriver();36driver.createSession({desiredCapabilities: {platformName: 'iOS', deviceName: 'iPhone Simulator', app: '/​Users/​username/​Library/​Developer/​Xcode/​DerivedData/​appname-bzqzgkqyqk

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const XCUITestDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');2const { AppiumDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');3const { createSession } = require('appium-base-driver/​build/​lib/​basedriver/​driver');4const { SubProcess } = require('teen_process');5const { util } = require('appium-support');6const { exec } = require('teen_process');7const { fs } = require('appium-support');8const { logger } = require('appium-support');9const { system } = require('appium-support');10const { net } = require('appium-support');11const { waitForCondition } = require('asyncbox');12const { retryInterval } = require('asyncbox');13const { retry } = require('asyncbox');14const { tempDir } = require('appium-support');15const { mkdirp } = require('appium-support');16const { execSync } = require('child_process');17const { spawn } = require('child_process');18const { getSimulator } = require('appium-ios-simulator');19const { getDevices } = require('node-simctl');20const { getDeviceString } = require('appium-ios-simulator');21const { getExistingSim } = require('appium-ios-simulator');22const { getExistingDevice } = require('appium-ios-simulator');23const { getSimulatorForCaps } = require('appium-ios-simulator');24const { getSimulatorWithRetry } = require('appium-ios-simulator');25const { getExistingSimulator } = require('appium-ios-simulator');26const { getExistingSimulatorForCaps } = require('appium-ios-simulator');27const { getExistingDeviceForCaps } = require('appium-ios-simulator');28const { getExistingDeviceWithRetry } = require('appium-ios-simulator');29const { getExistingSimWithRetry } = require('appium-ios-simulator');30const { getSimulatorForCapsWithRetry } = require('appium-ios-simulator');31const { getDeviceForCaps } = require('appium-ios-simulator');32const { getDeviceForCapsWithRetry } = require('appium-ios-simulator');33const { getDevicesWithRetry } = require('appium-ios-simulator');34const { getDevicesForUdid } = require('appium-ios-simulator');35const { getDevicesForUdidWithRetry } = require('appium-ios

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Using AI Code Generation


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1async createSession (caps, reqCaps, capabilities) {2 const session = await super.createSession(caps, reqCaps, capabilities);3 return session;4}5async deleteSession () {6 await super.deleteSession();7}8async proxyActive (sessionId) {9 return await super.proxyActive(sessionId);10}11}12exports.default = MyDriver;13const MyDriver = require("./​test.js");14const appium = require("appium");15const myDriver = new MyDriver();16const server = new appium.main();17server.createSession(myDriver, {18});19server.deleteSession(myDriver.sessionId);20server.proxyActive(myDriver.sessionId);21{22 "scripts": {23 },24 "dependencies": {25 }26}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const XCUITestDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');2const XCUITestDriver = new XCUITestDriver();3async function createSession() {4 const desiredCaps = {5 };6 const driver = await XCUITestDriver.createSession(desiredCaps);7 console.log(driver);8}9createSession();10const XCUITestDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');11const XCUITestDriver = new XCUITestDriver();12async function createSession() {13 const desiredCaps = {14 };15 const driver = await XCUITestDriver.createSession(desiredCaps);16 console.log(driver);17}18createSession();19const XCUITestDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');20const XCUITestDriver = new XCUITestDriver();21async function createSession() {22 const desiredCaps = {23 };24 const driver = await XCUITestDriver.createSession(desiredCaps);25 console.log(driver);26}27createSession();28const XCUITestDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');29const XCUITestDriver = new XCUITestDriver();30async function createSession() {31 const desiredCaps = {

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