How to use inserts method in argos

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Source:RBTree.test.ts Github


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1import * as _ from 'lodash';2import {load, buildTree, getInserts, newTree} from './​loaderUtil';3import {RBTree} from '../​src/​RBTree';4const SAMPLE_FILE = __dirname + '/​samples/​10k';5describe('Test RBTree API', () => {6 test('clear()', () => {7 const inserts = getInserts(load(SAMPLE_FILE));8 const tree = buildTree(RBTree, inserts);9 tree.clear();10 inserts.forEach(function(data) {11 expect(tree.find(data)).toBe(null);12 });13 });14 test('dup', () => {15 const tree = newTree(RBTree);16 expect(tree.insert(100)).toBe(true);17 expect(tree.insert(101)).toBe(true);18 expect(tree.insert(101)).toBe(false);19 expect(tree.insert(100)).toBe(false);20 tree.remove(100);21 expect(tree.insert(100)).toBe(true);22 expect(tree.insert(100)).toBe(false);23 });24 test('nonexist()', () => {25 const tree = newTree(RBTree);26 expect(tree.remove(100)).toBe(false);27 tree.insert(100);28 expect(tree.remove(101)).toBe(false);29 expect(tree.remove(100)).toBe(true);30 });31 test('min()', () => {32 let tree = newTree(RBTree);33 expect(tree.min()).toEqual(null);34 const inserts = getInserts(load(SAMPLE_FILE));35 tree = buildTree(RBTree, inserts);36 expect(tree.min()).toEqual(_.min(inserts));37 });38 test('max()', () => {39 let tree = newTree(RBTree);40 expect(tree.max()).toEqual(null);41 const inserts = getInserts(load(SAMPLE_FILE));42 tree = buildTree(RBTree, inserts);43 expect(tree.max()).toEqual(_.max(inserts));44 });45 test('forwardIt()', () => {46 const inserts = getInserts(load(SAMPLE_FILE));47 const tree = buildTree(RBTree, inserts);48 let items = [];49 const it = tree.iterator();50 let data;51 while ((data = !== null) {52 items.push(data);53 }54 inserts.sort(function(a, b) {55 return a - b;56 });57 expect(items).toEqual(inserts);58 items = [];59 tree.each(function(data) {60 items.push(data);61 });62 expect(items).toEqual(inserts);63 });64 test('forwardItBreak()', () => {65 const inserts = getInserts(load(SAMPLE_FILE));66 const tree = buildTree(RBTree, inserts);67 let items = [];68 const it = tree.iterator();69 let data;70 while ((data = !== null) {71 items.push(data);72 }73 inserts.sort(function(a, b) {74 return a - b;75 });76 expect(items).toEqual(inserts);77 items = [];78 let i = 0;79 tree.each(function(data) {80 items.push(data);81 if (i === 3) {82 return false;83 }84 i++;85 });86 expect(items.length).toBe(4);87 });88 test('reverseIt()', () => {89 const inserts = getInserts(load(SAMPLE_FILE));90 const tree = buildTree(RBTree, inserts);91 let items = [];92 const it = tree.iterator();93 let data;94 while ((data = it.prev()) !== null) {95 items.push(data);96 }97 inserts.sort(function(a, b) {98 return b - a;99 });100 expect(items).toEqual(inserts);101 items = [];102 tree.reach(function(data) {103 items.push(data);104 });105 expect(items).toEqual(inserts);106 });107 test('reverseItBreak()', () => {108 const inserts = getInserts(load(SAMPLE_FILE));109 const tree = buildTree(RBTree, inserts);110 let items = [];111 const it = tree.iterator();112 let data;113 while ((data = it.prev()) !== null) {114 items.push(data);115 }116 inserts.sort(function(a, b) {117 return b - a;118 });119 expect(items).toEqual(inserts);120 items = [];121 let i = 0;122 tree.reach(function(data) {123 items.push(data);124 if (i === 3) {125 return false;126 }127 i++;128 });129 expect(items.length).toBe(4);130 });131 test('switchIt()', () => {132 const inserts = getInserts(load(SAMPLE_FILE));133 const tree = buildTree(RBTree, inserts);134 inserts.sort(function(a, b) {135 return a - b;136 });137 function doSwitch(after) {138 const items = [];139 const it = tree.iterator();140 for (let i = 0; i < after; i++) {141 items.push(;142 }143 let data;144 while ((data = it.prev()) !== null) {145 items.push(data);146 }147 const forward = inserts.slice(0, after);148 const reverse = inserts.slice(0, after - 1).reverse();149 const all = forward.concat(reverse);150 expect(items).toEqual(all);151 }152 doSwitch(1);153 doSwitch(10);154 /​/​ doSwitch(1000);155 /​/​ doSwitch(9000);156 });157 test('emptyIt()', () => {158 const tree = newTree(RBTree);159 let it = tree.iterator();160 expect(;161 it = tree.iterator();162 expect(it.prev()).toBe(null);163 });164 test('lowerBound()', () => {165 const inserts = getInserts(load(SAMPLE_FILE));166 const tree = buildTree(RBTree, inserts);167 inserts.sort(function(a, b) {168 return a - b;169 });170 for (let i = 1; i < inserts.length - 1; ++i) {171 const item = inserts[i];172 const iter = tree.lowerBound(item);173 expect(;174 expect(iter.prev()).toEqual(inserts[i - 1]);175;176 expect([i + 1]);177 const prev = tree.lowerBound(item - 0.1);178 expect([i]);179 const next = tree.lowerBound(item + 0.1);180 expect([i + 1]);181 }182 /​/​ test edges183 let iter = tree.lowerBound(-1);184 expect([0]);185 const last = inserts[inserts.length - 1];186 iter = tree.lowerBound(last);187 expect(;188 iter = tree.lowerBound(last + 1);189 expect(;190 });191 test('upperBound()', () => {192 const inserts = getInserts(load(SAMPLE_FILE));193 const tree = buildTree(RBTree, inserts);194 inserts.sort(function(a, b) {195 return a - b;196 });197 for (let i = 0; i < inserts.length - 2; ++i) {198 const item = inserts[i];199 const iter = tree.upperBound(item);200 expect([i + 1]);201 expect(iter.prev()).toEqual(inserts[i]);202;203 expect([i + 2]);204 const prev = tree.upperBound(item - 0.1);205 expect([i]);206 const next = tree.upperBound(item + 0.1);207 expect([i + 1]);208 }209 /​/​ test edges210 let iter = tree.upperBound(-1);211 expect([0]);212 const last = inserts[inserts.length - 1];213 iter = tree.upperBound(last);214 expect(;215 iter = tree.upperBound(last + 1);216 expect(;217 /​/​ test empty218 const empty = new RBTree(function(a, b) {219 return a.val - b.val;220 });221 iter = empty.upperBound({val: 0});222 expect(;223 });224 test('find', () => {225 const inserts = getInserts(load(SAMPLE_FILE));226 const tree = buildTree(RBTree, inserts);227 for (let i = 1; i < inserts.length - 1; ++i) {228 const item = inserts[i];229 expect(tree.find(item)).toEqual(item);230 expect(tree.find(item + 0.1)).toEqual(null);231 }232 });233 test('findIter()', () => {234 const inserts = getInserts(load(SAMPLE_FILE));235 const tree = buildTree(RBTree, inserts);236 inserts.sort(function(a, b) {237 return a - b;238 });239 for (let i = 1; i < inserts.length - 1; ++i) {240 const item = inserts[i];241 const iter = tree.findIter(item);242 expect(;243 expect(iter.prev()).toEqual(inserts[i - 1]);244;245 expect([i + 1]);246 expect(tree.findIter(item + 0.1)).toEqual(null);247 }248 });249});250describe('Test RBTree Correctness', () => {251 test('Correctness Validation', () => {252 const tree = newTree(RBTree);253 const tests = load(SAMPLE_FILE);254 let elems = 0;255 tests.forEach(function(n) {256 if (n > 0) {257 /​/​ insert258 expect(tree.insert(n)).toBe(true);259 expect(tree.find(n)).toBe(n);260 elems++;261 } else {262 /​/​ remove263 n = -n;264 expect(tree.remove(n)).toBe(true);265 expect(tree.find(n)).toBe(null);266 elems--;267 }268 expect(tree.size).toEqual(elems);269 expect(rbAssert(tree._root, tree._comparator));270 });271 });272});273function isRed(node) {274 return node !== null &&;275}276function rbAssert(root, comparator) {277 if (root === null) {278 return 1;279 } else {280 const ln = root.left;281 const rn = root.right;282 /​/​ red violation283 if (isRed(root)) {284 expect(isRed(ln) || isRed(rn)).toBe(false);285 }286 const lh = rbAssert(ln, comparator);287 const rh = rbAssert(rn, comparator);288 /​/​ invalid binary search tree289 expect((ln !== null && comparator(, >= 0) ||290 (rn !== null && comparator(, <= 0)).toBe(false);291 /​/​ black height mismatch292 expect(lh !== 0 && rh !== 0 && lh !== rh).toBe(false);293 /​/​ count black links294 if (lh !== 0 && rh !== 0) {295 return isRed(root) ? lh : lh + 1;296 } else {297 return 0;298 }299 }...

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Source:all.js Github


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1export function runCommonTests(getUtil) {2 test("list tables should work", async() => {3 await getUtil().listTableTests()4 })5 test("column tests", async() => {6 await getUtil().tableColumnsTests()7 })8 test("table view tests", async () => {9 await getUtil().tableViewTests()10 })11 test("stream tests", async () => {12 if (getUtil().dbType === 'cockroachdb') {13 return14 }15 await getUtil().streamTests()16 })17 test("query tests", async () => {18 await getUtil().queryTests()19 })20 test("table filter tests", async () => {21 await getUtil().filterTests()22 })23 test("table triggers", async () => {24 await getUtil().triggerTests()25 })26 test("primary key tests", async () => {27 await getUtil().primaryKeyTests()28 })29 describe("Alter Table Tests", () => {30 beforeEach(async() => {31 await prepareTestTable(getUtil())32 })33 test("should past alter table tests", async () => {34 await getUtil().alterTableTests()35 })36 test("should alter indexes", async () => {37 await getUtil().indexTests()38 })39 })40 describe("Table Structure", () => {41 test("should fetch table properties", async() => {42 await getUtil().tablePropertiesTests()43 })44 })45 describe("Data modification", () => {46 beforeEach(async () => {47 await prepareTestTable(getUtil())48 })49 50 test("should insert good data", async () => {51 await itShouldInsertGoodData(getUtil())52 })53 test("should not insert bad data", async () => {54 await itShouldNotInsertBadData(getUtil())55 })56 test("should apply all types of changes", async () => {57 await itShouldApplyAllTypesOfChanges(getUtil())58 })59 test("should not commit on change error", async () => {60 await itShouldNotCommitOnChangeError(getUtil())61 })62 })63}64/​/​ test functions below65const prepareTestTable = async function(util) {66 await util.knex.schema.dropTableIfExists("test_inserts")67 await util.knex.schema.createTable("test_inserts", (table) => {68 table.integer("id").primary().notNullable()69 table.specificType("firstName", "varchar(255)")70 table.specificType("lastName", "varchar(255)")71 })72}73export const itShouldInsertGoodData = async function(util) {74 const inserts = [75 {76 table: 'test_inserts',77 schema: util.options.defaultSchema,78 data: [{79 id: 1,80 firstName: 'Terry',81 lastName: 'Tester'82 }]83 },84 {85 table: 'test_inserts',86 schema: util.options.defaultSchema,87 data: [{88 id: 2,89 firstName: 'John',90 lastName: 'Doe'91 }]92 }93 ]94 await util.connection.applyChanges({ inserts: inserts })95 const results = await'test_inserts')96 expect(results.length).toBe(2)97}98export const itShouldNotInsertBadData = async function(util) {99 const inserts = [100 {101 table: 'test_inserts',102 schema: util.options.defaultSchema,103 data: [{104 id: 1,105 firstName: 'Terry',106 lastName: 'Tester'107 }]108 },109 {110 table: 'test_inserts',111 schema: util.options.defaultSchema,112 data: [{113 id: 1,114 firstName: 'John',115 lastName: 'Doe'116 }]117 }118 ]119 await expect(util.connection.applyChanges({ inserts: inserts })).rejects.toThrow()120 const results = await'test_inserts')121 expect(results.length).toBe(0)122}123export const itShouldApplyAllTypesOfChanges = async function(util) {124 const changes = {125 inserts: [126 {127 table: 'test_inserts',128 schema: util.options.defaultSchema,129 data: [{130 id: 1,131 firstName: 'Tom',132 lastName: 'Tester'133 }]134 },135 {136 table: 'test_inserts',137 schema: util.options.defaultSchema,138 data: [{139 id: 2,140 firstName: 'Jane',141 lastName: 'Doe'142 }]143 }144 ],145 updates: [146 {147 table: 'test_inserts',148 schema: util.options.defaultSchema,149 pkColumn: 'id',150 primaryKey: 1,151 column: 'firstName',152 value: 'Testy'153 }154 ],155 deletes: [156 {157 table: 'test_inserts',158 schema: util.options.defaultSchema,159 pkColumn: 'id',160 primaryKey: 2,161 }162 ]163 }164 await util.connection.applyChanges(changes)165 const results = await'test_inserts')166 expect(results.length).toBe(1)167 const firstResult = { ...results[0] }168 /​/​ hack for cockroachdb169 = Number( expect(firstResult).toStrictEqual({171 id: 1,172 firstName: 'Testy',173 lastName: 'Tester'174 })175}176export const itShouldNotCommitOnChangeError = async function(util) {177 const inserts = [178 {179 table: 'test_inserts',180 schema: util.options.defaultSchema,181 data: [{182 id: 1,183 firstName: 'Terry',184 lastName: 'Tester'185 }]186 }187 ]188 await util.connection.applyChanges({ inserts: inserts })189 const changes = {190 inserts: [191 {192 table: 'test_inserts',193 schema: util.options.defaultSchema,194 data: [{195 id: 2,196 firstName: 'Tom',197 lastName: 'Tester'198 }]199 },200 {201 table: 'test_inserts',202 schema: util.options.defaultSchema,203 data: [{204 id: 3,205 firstName: 'Jane',206 lastName: 'Doe'207 }]208 }209 ],210 updates: [211 {212 table: 'test_inserts',213 schema: util.options.defaultSchema,214 pkColumn: 'id',215 primaryKey: 1,216 column: 'id',217 value: 2218 }219 ],220 deletes: [221 {222 table: 'test_inserts',223 schema: util.options.defaultSchema,224 pkColumn: 'id',225 primaryKey: 1,226 }227 ]228 }229 await expect(util.connection.applyChanges(changes)).rejects.toThrow()230 const results = await'test_inserts')231 expect(results.length).toBe(1)232 const firstResult = { ...results[0]}233 /​/​ hack for cockroachdb234 = Number( expect(firstResult).toStrictEqual({236 id: 1,237 firstName: 'Terry',238 lastName: 'Tester'239 })...

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Source:start.js Github


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1import {2 listBroadcast,3 listStream,4 insertStream,5 bindBroadcast,6 insertBroadcast,7} from '../​youtube';8const fetch = require('node-fetch');9const findBroadcast = async () => {10 const broadcasts = await listBroadcast();11 let broadcast = false;12 console.log(broadcasts);13 broadcasts.forEach((item) => {14 if (item.snippet.title === process.env.BROADCAST_TITLE) {15 broadcast = item;16 }17 });18 return broadcast;19}20const getStreamKey = async (streamId) => {21 const stream = await listStream(streamId);22 return stream.cdn.ingestionInfo.streamName;23}24const getInserts = async (session) => {25 /​/​ first, let's see if the inserts are stored in the session26 let inserts = session.inserts;27 if (inserts) {28 console.log('Found broadcast in session...');29 return session.inserts;30 }31 /​/​ if not in session, try user created broadcasts32 inserts = {};33 const existingBroadcast = await findBroadcast();34 if (existingBroadcast) {35 console.log('Found existing broadcast by name...');36 inserts.broadcast =;37 const boundStream = existingBroadcast.contentDetails.boundStreamId;38 /​/​ broadcast already has bound stream, use it39 if (boundStream) {40 console.log('Found existing bound stream...');41 = boundStream;42 session.inserts = inserts;43 return inserts;44 }45 /​/​ broadcast doesn't have a bound stream yet, create one and bind it46 else {47 console.log('Creating and binding new stream...');48 const newStreamId = await insertStream();49 = newStreamId;50 await bindBroadcast(inserts);51 session.inserts = inserts;52 return inserts;53 }54 }55 /​/​ no broadcast exists with our name56 else {57 console.log('Creating new broadcast and stream...');58 const newBroadcastId = await insertBroadcast();59 const newStreamId = await insertStream();60 inserts = {61 broadcast: newBroadcastId,62 stream: newStreamId,63 };64 await bindBroadcast(inserts);65 session.inserts = inserts;66 return inserts;67 }68}69const stream = async (session) => {70 console.log(`Attempting to stream...`);71 const inserts = await getInserts(session);72 const streamKey = await getStreamKey(;73 fetch(`http:/​/​localhost:${process.env.OBS_HTTP_PORT}/​start`, {74 method: 'POST',75 headers: {76 Accept: 'application/​json',77 'Content-Type': 'application/​json',78 },79 body: JSON.stringify({80 streamKey,81 }),82 });83 return inserts;84};...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var pipeline = require('argosy-pipeline')3var inserts = require('argosy-pipeline').inserts4var service = argosy()5service.pipe(inserts(function (msg) {6})).pipe(process.stdout)7service.accept({test: 'hello world'})8var argosy = require('argosy')9var pipeline = require('argosy-pipeline')10var service = argosy()11service.pipe(filter(function (msg) {12})).pipe(process.stdout)13service.accept({test: 'hello world'})14var argosy = require('argosy')15var pipeline = require('argosy-pipeline')16var service = argosy()17service.pipe(map(function (msg) {18})).pipe(process.stdout)19service.accept({test: 'hello world'})20var argosy = require('argosy')21var pipeline = require('argosy-pipeline')22var service = argosy()23service.pipe(merge()).pipe(process.stdout)24service.accept({test: 'hello world'})25var argosy = require('argosy')26var pipeline = require('argosy-pipeline')27var service = argosy()28service.pipe(reduce(function (acc, msg) {29}, '')).pipe(process.stdout)30service.accept({test: 'hello'})31service.accept({test: ' world'})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var pattern = argosyPattern()4var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')5var pattern = argosyPattern()6var argosy = require('argosy')7var service = argosy()8 .use('role:math,cmd:sum', function (msg, cb) {9 cb(null, { answer: msg.left + msg.right })10 })11 .use('role:math,cmd:sum', function (msg, cb) {12 cb(null, { answer: msg.left + msg.right })13 })14 .listen({ port: 8000 })15var client = argosy()16 .use(function (msg, cb) {17 cb(null, { left: 1, right: 2 })18 })19 .use(pattern({20 answer: insert('sum')21 }))22 .use(function (msg, cb) {23 cb()24 })25 .connect(8000)26### pattern(pattern, [options])27var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')28var msg = {29}30var matcher = pattern({31})32var matcher = pattern({33})34var matcher = pattern({35 quux: insert('quux')36})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var service = argosy()4service.pipe(argosy.acceptor({port: 8000}))5service.accept({hello: insert('name')}, function (msg, respond) {6 respond(null, {hello:})7})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')2var insertsPattern = inserts({ name: String })3### `matches(pattern, data)`4var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')5var matchesPattern = matches({ name: String })6### `matchesAny(pattern, data)`7var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')8var matchesAnyPattern = matchesAny([{ name: String }])9### `matchesAll(pattern, data)`10var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')11var matchesAllPattern = matchesAll([{ name: String }])12### `matchesSome(pattern, data)`13var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var service = argosy()4service.accept({5 insert: insert({6 })7})8service.pipe(argosy.pattern({9 insert: insert({10 })11})).pipe(service)12service.on('insert', function (request, cb) {13 console.log('insert request', request)14 cb(null, { inserted: true })15})16service.insert({17}, function (err, response) {18 console.log('inserted', response)19})

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