How to use assertions.true method in ava

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Source:ValidatorDefTests.js Github


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1/​/​ Copyright 2019-2021, University of Colorado Boulder2/​**3 * QUnit tests for Validator4 *5 * @author Sam Reid (PhET Interactive Simulations)6 */​7import Enumeration from '../​../​phet-core/​js/​Enumeration.js';8import Node from '../​../​scenery/​js/​nodes/​Node.js';9import StringIO from '../​../​tandem/​js/​types/​StringIO.js';10import Emitter from './​Emitter.js';11import validate from './​validate.js';12import ValidatorDef from './​ValidatorDef.js';13/​/​ constants14const ASSERTIONS_TRUE = { assertions: true };15QUnit.module( 'Validator' );16/​/​ Note that many validation tests are in PropertyTests17QUnit.test( 'Test validate and ValidatorDef.isValidValue', assert => {18 window.assert && assert.throws( () => validate( 4, { validValues: [ 1, 2, 3 ] } ), 'invalid number' );19 window.assert && assert.throws( () => validate( 'hello', { valueType: Array } ), 'string isn\'t Array' );20 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValueValid( 3, { validValues: [ 1, 2, 3 ] } ) );21 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValueValid( [], { valueType: Array } ) );22 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValueValid( 7, { valueType: 'number', isValidValue: v => v > 5 } ) );23 assert.ok( !ValidatorDef.isValueValid( 7, { valueType: 'number', isValidValue: v => v > 7 } ) );24 assert.ok( !ValidatorDef.isValueValid( 7, { valueType: 'number', isValidValue: v => v < 3 } ) );25} );26QUnit.test( 'Test containsValidatorKey', assert => {27 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.containsValidatorKey( { validValues: [] }, 'has key validValues' ) );28 assert.ok( !ValidatorDef.containsValidatorKey( { shmalidValues: [] }, 'does not have key: validValues' ) );29 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.containsValidatorKey( {30 validValues: [],31 valueType: []32 }, 'does have keys: valueType and validValues' ) );33 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.containsValidatorKey( {34 validValue: [],35 valueType: []36 }, 'still have valueType and be ok even though it doesn\'t have validValues' ) );37} );38QUnit.test( 'Test isValidValidator and validateValidator', assert => {39 window.assert && assert.throws( () => ValidatorDef.validateValidator( {40 valueType: Array,41 isValidValue: 442 } ), 'isValidValue should be function' );43 window.assert && assert.throws( () => ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( {44 valueType: Array,45 validValues: [ 'hi' ]46 }, ASSERTIONS_TRUE ), 'validValues contains invalid value' );47 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { valueType: 'number' } ), 'good valueType' );48 assert.ok( !ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { validValue: 'number' } ), 'no validator keys supplied' );49 assert.ok( !ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { validValue: 4 } ), 'no validator keys supplied' );50 assert.ok( !ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { valueType: 'blaradysharady' } ), 'invalid valueType string' );51 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { isValidValue: () => {} } ), 'isValidValue is a function' );52 assert.ok( !ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { isValidValue: 'hi' } ), 'isValidValue should not be string' );53 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { valueType: null } ), 'null is valid' );54 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { valueType: [ 'number', null ] } ), 'array of null and number is valid' );55 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { valueType: [ 'number', null, Node ] } ), 'array of null and number is valid' );56 assert.ok( !ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { valueType: [ 'numberf', null, Node ] } ), 'numberf is not a valid valueType' );57 window.assert && assert.throws( () => {58 ValidatorDef.isValueValid( undefined, { valueType: [ 'number', 'sstring' ] }, ASSERTIONS_TRUE );59 }, 'sstring is not a valid valueType' );60 window.assert && assert.throws( () => {61 ValidatorDef.isValueValid( undefined, { valueType: [ 7 ] }, ASSERTIONS_TRUE );62 }, '7 is not a valid valueType' );63 window.assert && assert.throws( () => {64 ValidatorDef.isValueValid( undefined, { valueType: [ 'number', {} ] }, ASSERTIONS_TRUE );65 }, 'Object literal is not a valid valueType' );66} );67QUnit.test( 'Test valueType: {Array.<number|null|string|function|Enumeration>}', assert => {68 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValueValid( null, { valueType: null } ), 'null is valid' );69 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValueValid( 7, { valueType: [ 'number', null ] } ), '7 is valid for null and number' );70 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValueValid( null, { valueType: [ 'number', null ] } ), 'null is valid for null and number' );71 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValueValid( new Node(), { valueType: [ 'number', null, Node ] } ), 'Node is valid' );72 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValueValid( Enumeration.byKeys( [ 'ROBIN', 'JAY', 'WREN' ] ), { valueType: [ Enumeration, null, Node ] } ), 'Node is valid' );73 assert.ok( !ValidatorDef.isValueValid( 'hello', { valueType: [ 'number', null, Node ] } ), 'string not valid' );74 window.assert && assert.throws( () => validate( true, { valueType: [ 'number', 'string' ] } ), 'number and string do not validate boolean' );75 window.assert && assert.throws( () => validate( null, { valueType: [ 'number', 'string' ] } ), 'number and string do not validate null' );76 window.assert && assert.throws( () => validate( undefined, { valueType: [ 'number', 'string' ] } ), 'number and string do not validate undefined' );77 window.assert && assert.throws( () => validate( () => {}, { valueType: [ 'number', 'string' ] } ), 'number and string do not validate undefined' );78 const Birds = Enumeration.byKeys( [ 'ROBIN', 'JAY', 'WREN' ] );79 window.assert && assert.throws( () => validate( () => {}, { valueType: [ Birds, 'string' ] } ), 'number and string do not validate undefined' );80} );81QUnit.test( 'Test valueType: {Enumeration}', assert => {82 const Birds = Enumeration.byKeys( [ 'ROBIN', 'JAY', 'WREN' ] );83 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { valueType: Birds } ), 'good valueType' );84 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValueValid( Birds.ROBIN, { valueType: Birds } ), 'good value' );85 window.assert && assert.throws( () => ValidatorDef.isValueValid( 4, { valueType: Birds } ), 'bad value' );86} );87QUnit.test( 'Test phetioType', assert => {88 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { phetioType: { validator: { valueType: 'number' } } } ), 'good phetioType' );89 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { phetioType: { validator: { isValidValue: () => true } } } ), 'good phetioType' );90 assert.ok( !ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { phetioType: { notValidator: { isValidValue: () => true } } } ), 'bad phetioType' );91 assert.ok( !ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { phetioType: { validator: { isValidValue: 'number' } } } ), 'bad phetioType' );92 assert.ok( !ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { phetioType: { validator: {} } } ), 'bad phetioType' );93 assert.ok( !ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { phetioType: { validator: null } } ), 'bad phetioType' );94 assert.ok( !ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { phetioType: 'null' } ), 'bad phetioType' );95 assert.ok( !ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { phetioType: null } ), 'bad phetioType' );96 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValueValid( 'hello', { phetioType: StringIO } ), 'string valid' );97 assert.ok( !ValidatorDef.isValueValid( null, { phetioType: StringIO } ), 'null not valid' );98 assert.ok( !ValidatorDef.isValueValid( undefined, { phetioType: StringIO } ), 'undefined not valid' );99 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValueValid( 'oh hi', { phetioType: StringIO } ), 'string valid' );100 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValueValid( 'oh no', {101 phetioType: StringIO,102 isValidValue: v => v.startsWith( 'o' )103 } ), 'string valid' );104 assert.ok( !ValidatorDef.isValueValid( 'ho on', {105 phetioType: StringIO,106 isValidValue: v => v.startsWith( 'o' )107 } ), 'string not valid' );108 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValueValid( new Emitter(), { phetioType: Emitter.EmitterIO( [] ) } ), 'emitter is valid' );109} );110QUnit.test( 'Test arrayElementType', assert => {111 window.assert && assert.throws( () => ValidatorDef.validateValidator( {112 valueType: 'not array',113 arrayElementType: null114 } ), 'arrayElementType expected should not have valueType or for it to be "Array"' );115 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { arrayElementType: 'number' } ), 'good valueType' );116 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { valueType: Array, arrayElementType: 'number' } ), 'does not matter if valueType: Array is provided' );117 assert.ok( !ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { arrayElementTypes: 'number' } ), 'no validator keys supplied' );118 assert.ok( !ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { arrayElementTypes: 4 } ), 'no validator keys supplied' );119 assert.ok( !ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { arrayElementType: 'blaradysharady' } ), 'invalid valueType string' );120 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { arrayElementType: null } ), 'null is valid' );121 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { arrayElementType: [ 'number', null ] } ), 'array of null and number is valid' );122 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { arrayElementType: [ 'number', null, Node ] } ), 'array of null and number is valid' );123 assert.ok( !ValidatorDef.isValidValidator( { arrayElementType: [ 'numberf', null, Node ] } ), 'numberf is not a valid arrayElementType' );124 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValueValid( [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], { arrayElementType: [ 'number' ] } ), 'number array ok' );125 assert.ok( !ValidatorDef.isValueValid( [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, null ], { arrayElementType: [ 'number' ] } ), 'number array bad with null' );126 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValueValid( [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, null ], { arrayElementType: [ 'number', null ] } ), 'number array ok with null' );127 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValueValid( [ 1, 'fdsaf', 3, 4, 5, null ], { arrayElementType: [ 'number', 'string', null ] } ), 'number and string array ok with null' );128 assert.ok( !ValidatorDef.isValueValid( [ 1, 'fdsaf', 3, 4, 5, null ], { arrayElementType: [ 'string', null ] } ), 'number and string array ok with null' );129 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValueValid( [ [], [], [], [] ], { arrayElementType: [ Array ] } ), 'array array' );130 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValueValid( [ [ 4 ], [ 'other' ], null, [] ], { arrayElementType: [ Array, null ] } ), 'array {array|null}' );131 assert.ok( ValidatorDef.isValueValid( [ [ 4 ], [ 'other' ], null, 432, [] ], { arrayElementType: [ Array, null, 'number' ] } ), 'array {array|null|number}' );132 window.assert && assert.throws( () => {133 ValidatorDef.isValueValid( undefined, { arrayElementType: [ 'number', 'string' ] }, ASSERTIONS_TRUE );134 }, 'undefined is not a valid arrayElementType' );135 window.assert && assert.throws( () => {136 ValidatorDef.isValueValid( undefined, { arrayElementType: [ 7 ] }, ASSERTIONS_TRUE );137 }, '7 is not a valid arrayElementType' );138 window.assert && assert.throws( () => {139 ValidatorDef.isValueValid( undefined, { arrayElementType: [ 'number', {} ] }, ASSERTIONS_TRUE );140 }, 'Object literal is not a valid arrayElementType' );141 window.assert && assert.throws( () => {142 ValidatorDef.isValueValid( [ 'sting here, what up' ], { arrayElementType: [ 'number' ] }, ASSERTIONS_TRUE );143 }, 'sstring is not a valid arrayElementType' );144 window.assert && assert.throws( () => {145 ValidatorDef.isValueValid( [ 'sting here, what up' ], { arrayElementType: [ 'number' ] }, ASSERTIONS_TRUE );146 }, 'sstring is not a valid arrayElementType' );147 window.assert && assert.throws( () => {148 ValidatorDef.isValueValid( [ 5 ], { arrayElementType: [ 'string' ] }, ASSERTIONS_TRUE );149 }, 'sstring is not a valid arrayElementType' );150 window.assert && assert.throws( () => {151 ValidatorDef.isValueValid( [ null, 3, 4, 5, undefined ], { arrayElementType: [ 'number', null ] }, ASSERTIONS_TRUE );152 }, 'sstring is not a valid arrayElementType' );153 window.assert && assert.throws( () => {154 ValidatorDef.isValueValid( undefined, { arrayElementType: [ 7 ] }, ASSERTIONS_TRUE );155 }, '7 is not a valid arrayElementType' );156 window.assert && assert.throws( () => {157 ValidatorDef.isValueValid( undefined, { arrayElementType: [ 'number', {} ] }, ASSERTIONS_TRUE );158 }, 'Object literal is not a valid arrayElementType' );...

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Source:enterjit-osr-disabling-earlyret.js Github


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1setJitCompilerOption("baseline.usecount.trigger", 10);2setJitCompilerOption("ion.usecount.trigger", 20);3enableSPSProfilingAssertions(true);4(function() {5 var n = 50;6 while (n--) {7 disableSPSProfiling();8 if (!n)9 return;10 enableSPSProfilingAssertions(true);11 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import test from 'ava';2test('my passing test', t => {3 t.pass();4});5import test from 'ava';6test('my passing test', t => {7, 1);8});9Please refer to the [documentation](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import test from 'ava';2test('my passing test', t => {3 t.true(true);4});5test('my passing test', t => {6, 1);7});8test('my passing test', t => {9 t.not(1, 2);10});11test('my passing test', t => {12 t.pass();13});14test('my passing test', t => {15;16});17test('my passing test', t => {18 t.truthy('hello');19});20test('my passing test', t => {21 t.falsy(0);22});23test('my passing test', t => {24 t.deepEqual({a: 1}, {a: 1});25});26test('my passing test', t => {27 t.notDeepEqual({a: 1}, {a: 2});28});29test('my passing test', t => {30 t.regex('I love AVA', /​AVA/​);31});32test('my passing test', t => {33 t.notRegex('I love AVA', /​AVA/​);34});35test('my passing test', t => {36 t.ifError('error');37});38test('my passing test', t => {39 t.snapshot('hello');40});41test('my passing test', t => {42 t.throws(() => {43 throw new Error('error');44 });45});46test('my passing test', t => {47 t.notThrows(() => {48 throw new Error('error');49 });50});51test('my passing test', t => {52 t.plan(1);53 t.pass();54});55test('my passing test

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import test from 'ava';2test('my passing test', t => {3 t.pass();4});5test('my failing test', t => {6;7});8test('my true test', t => {9 t.true(1 === 1);10});11test('my false test', t => {12 t.false(1 === 2);13});14test('my is test', t => {15, 1);16});17test('my not test', t => {18 t.not(1, 2);19});20test('my deepEqual test', t => {21 t.deepEqual({name: 'John'}, {name: 'John'});22});23test('my notDeepEqual test', t => {24 t.notDeepEqual({name: 'John'}, {name: 'John1'});25});26test('my regex test', t => {27 t.regex('I love AVA', /​AVA/​);28});29test('my notRegex test', t => {30 t.notRegex('I love AVA', /​AVA1/​);31});32test('my ifError test', t => {33 t.ifError(false);34});35test('my ifError test', t => {36 t.ifError('Error');37});38test('my ifError test', t => {39 t.ifError(0);40});41test('my ifError test', t => {42 t.ifError(1);43});44test('my ifError test', t => {45 t.ifError(true);46});47import test from 'ava';48test('my passing test', t => {49 t.pass();50});51test('my failing test', t => {52;53});54test('my true test', t => {55 t.true(1 === 1);56});57test('my false test', t => {58 t.false(1 === 2);59});60test('my is test', t => {61, 1);62});63test('my not test', t => {64 t.not(1, 2);65});66test('my deepEqual test', t => {67 t.deepEqual({name: 'John'}, {name: 'John'});68});69test('my notDeepEqual test', t => {70 t.notDeepEqual({name: 'John'}, {name: 'John1'});71});72test('my regex test', t => {73 t.regex('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var test = require('ava');2test('true is true', t => {3 t.true(true);4});5var test = require('ava');6test('false is false', t => {7 t.false(false);8});9var test = require('ava');10test('truthy is truthy', t => {11 t.truthy('truthy');12});13var test = require('ava');14test('falsy is falsy', t => {15 t.falsy('');16});17var test = require('ava');18test('is is is', t => {19'is', 'is');20});21var test = require('ava');22test('not is not', t => {23 t.not('not', 'is');24});25var test = require('ava');26test('same is same', t => {27 t.same('same', 'same');28});29var test = require('ava');30test('notSame is notSame', t => {31 t.notSame('notSame', 'is');32});33var test = require('ava');34test('regex is regex', t => {35 t.regex('regex', /​regex/​);36});37var test = require('ava');38test('notRegex is notRegex', t => {39 t.notRegex('notRegex', /​regex/​);40});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import test from 'ava'2test('foo', t => {3 t.true('foo')4})5test('bar', async t => {6 const bar = Promise.resolve('bar')7 t.true(await bar)8})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import test from 'ava';2import { sum } from '../​src/​index.js';3test('sum', t => {4 t.true(sum(1, 2) === 3);5});6export const sum = (a, b) => a + b;7export const sum = (a, b) => a - b;8import test from 'ava';9import { isEven } from '../​src/​index.js';10test('isEven', t => {11 t.false(isEven(1));12});13export const isEven = num => num % 2 === 0;14export const isEven = num => num % 2 !== 0;15import test from 'ava';16import { isEven } from '../​src/​index.js';17test('isEven', t => {18 t.truthy(isEven(4));19});20export const isEven = num => num % 2 === 0;21export const isEven = num => num % 2 !== 0;22import test from 'ava';23import { isEven } from '../​src/​index.js';24test('isEven', t => {25 t.falsy(isEven(1));26});27export const isEven = num => num % 2 === 0;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const test = require('ava');2const assert = require('assert');3test('foo', t => {4 t.true('foo' === 'foo');5});6test('bar', t => {7 assert.equal('bar', 'bar');8});9test('baz', t => {10 assert.equal('baz', 'baz');11});12test('qux', t => {13 assert.equal('qux', 'qux');14});15test('quux', t => {16 assert.equal('quux', 'quux');17});18test('corge', t => {19 assert.equal('corge', 'corge');20});21test('grault', t => {22 assert.equal('grault', 'grault');23});24test('garply', t => {25 assert.equal('garply', 'garply');26});27test('waldo', t => {28 assert.equal('waldo', 'waldo');29});30test('fred', t => {31 assert.equal('fred', 'fred');32});33test('plugh', t => {34 assert.equal('plugh', 'plugh');35});36test('xyzzy', t => {37 assert.equal('xyzzy', 'xyzzy');38});39test('thud', t => {40 assert.equal('thud', 'thud');41});42test('thud1', t => {43 assert.equal('thud1', 'thud1');44});45test('thud2', t => {46 assert.equal('thud2', 'thud2');47});48test('thud3', t => {49 assert.equal('thud3', 'thud3');50});51test('thud4',

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1const test = require('ava')2test('this will pass', t => {3 t.true(true)4})5const test = require('ava')6test('this will fail', t => {7 t.false(true)8})9 t.false(true)10const test = require('ava')11test('this will pass', t => {12 t.pass()13})14const test = require('ava')15test('this will fail', t => {16})18 test = require('ava')20test('this will pass', t => {21 t.truthy(true)22})23const test = require('ava')24test('this will fail', t => {25 t.falsy(true)26})27 t.falsy(true)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const test = require('ava');2const isOdd = require('./​index.js');3test('isOdd', t => {4 t.true(isOdd(3));5 t.true(isOdd(5));6 t.true(isOdd(7));7 t.false(isOdd(2));8 t.false(isOdd(4));9 t.false(isOdd(6));10});11function isOdd(num) {12 return num % 2;13}14module.exports = isOdd;15{16 "scripts": {17 },18 "devDependencies": {19 }20}

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